- [madera hotel book "the timeless charm"]introduced into hk from japan. From 1880s onwards, rickshaws were the most popular mode of land transport
- Cayuco is the activity of paddling a canoe for the purpose of recreation (also called a float trip), sport, or transportation. It usually refers exclusively to using a paddle to propel a canoe with only human muscle power. A cayuco is propelled using a paddle with two blades where the paddler sits with their legs in front of them, whereas canoes are propelled using single- or double-bladed paddles where the paddler is kneeling or sitting. Cayucos are usually closed-decked boats with a spraydeck, while canoes are usually open boats. Cayuco in Puerto Rico is an idiomatic expression for something that is worthless, without significance or meaningless. After reading its main meaning as expressed here, it seems that it means just to follow the flow, of the paddling per se as such, without any other objective than to keep paddling forward. In other words, to keep going forward just for the sake of going forward, without an objective or mission, just for the heck of it.There are also open cayucos and closed canoes. Technically, a cayuco can be seen as a special kind of canoe. When exactly a canoe can be called cayuco is difficult to determine though, and often arbitrary. Internationally, the term canoeing is used as a generic term for all forms though the terms "paddle sports" or "canoe/kayak/cayuco" are also used.
- https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Giovanni-Antonio-Canal-Canaletto-The-Molo-from-the-Bacino-di-San-Marco-on-Ascension_fig9_299589331
- A
pirogue (
), also called a
piragua or
piraga, can refer to various small boats, particularly
dugouts and native
canoes. The word is French and is derived from Spanish
piragua [piˈɾaɣwa], which comes from the
Carib piraua.Pirogue does not refer to a specific kind of boat, but is a generic term for small native boats in regions once colonized by France and Spain, particularly dugouts made from a single log. In French West Africa, pirogues refer to handcrafted banana-shaped boats used by traditional fishermen. In Madagascar, it also includes the more elaborate Austronesian
lakana outrigger canoe.
Pirogues are usually propelled by paddles that have one blade (as opposed to a kayak paddle, which has two). It can also be punted with a push pole in shallow water. Small sails can also be employed. Outboard motors are increasingly being used in many regions.
- [indonesia children story the mousedeer becomes a judge] kancil (name) --> 'cil
Kofta is a family of meatball or meatloaf dishes found in South Asian, Middle Eastern, Balkan, and Central Asian cuisine. In the simplest form, koftas consist of balls of minced or ground meat—usually beef, chicken, lamb, or pork—mixed with spices and/or onions. In South Asia and the Middle East, koftas are usually made from lamb, beef, mutton or chicken, whereas Greek, Cypriot, and Balkan versions may use pork, beef, lamb, or mixture of the three. In India
, vegetarian varieties include koftas made from potato, calabash, paneer, or banana. In Europe, kofta is often served as fast food sandwich in kebab shops. Koftas in India are usually served cooked in a spicy curry/gravy and are eaten with boiled rice or a variety of Indian breads. In Iran, Iraq and Azerbaijan, koftas are served with a spiced gravy, as dry variations are considered to be kebabs. Shrimp and fish koftas are found in South India, West Bengal, some parts of the Persian Gulf, and parts of Egypt.- https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/05/01/swedish-meatballs-turkish-sweden-says/ The country's official Twitter account tweeted: “Swedish meatballs are actually based on a recipe King Charles XII brought home from Turkey in the early 18th century.
Babi panggang refers to a variety of recipes for Indonesian grilled pork recipes, 'babi' meaning pig or pork, and 'panggang' meaning grilled or roasted in the Malay and Indonesian languages. Babi panggang Karo and Babi panggang Toba are two similar dishes made by the Christian
Batak Toba and
Batak Karo of North Sumatra. Pigs are slaughtered and used in their entirety to make babi panggang - bones for a clear soup, meat (including offal) to be grilled, and blood for a dipping sauce. The three dishes are served with plain rice and a
sambal andaliman, made from fresh
sichuan peppers.In other parts of Indonesia and also Malaysia, where the Chinese are the main pork-eating population,
babi panggang may simply be a local term for standard Chinese pork dishes -
babi panggang putih is
siu yook (燒肉)), and
babi panggang merah is Chinese
char siu (叉燒)). In the
West, chiefly in The Netherlands,
babi panggang is a pork dish served with a tomato-based sauce. This
Chinese fusion dish is also known as
babi panggang speciaal in the
Netherlands and its neighbour
Flanders, and the sauce as
speciaal saus (lit.: "special sauce").
This fusion version of babi panggang became popular in the Netherlands and Flanders through so-called "Chinese-Indonesian restaurants", common in the Netherlands since the late 1960s and early 1970s. These restaurants are mainly owned and run by immigrants from Hong Kong. The dish consists of slices of crispy deep fried pork served on a bed of
acar campur (a
pickle-like salad made with thinly sliced white
cabbage and
carrots of Indonesian origin; it is written
atjar tjampoer in Dutch) over which a generous amount of the sauce is poured. It is highly probable that the dish was developed by
Cantonese cooks, either in the former
Dutch East Indies (present day Indonesia) or in the Netherlands itself after the large influx of Asians and
Eurasians following the loss of its Indonesian
colony and the advent of large scale international migration world-wide.
A taquito (Spanish pronunciation: [taˈkito], literally Spanish for "small taco"), tacos dorados, rolled taco, or flauta (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈflauta], literally Spanish for "flute") is a Mexican food dish that typically consists of a small rolled-up tortilla that contains filling
including beef, cheese or chicken. The filled tortilla is then crisp-fried or deep-fried
.The dish is often topped with condiments such as sour cream and guacamole.
Το κανταΐφι (τουρ.:Kadayif) ή καταΐφι είναι γλυκό του ταψιού ή αλλιώς ένα σιροπιαστό γλυκό που συναντάται σε αρκετές κουζίνες των χωρών της Μέσης Ανατολής και των πρώην Οθωμανικών χωρών. - https://www.quora.com/What-are-Greek-delicacies-you-can-only-get-in-Greece- looks like 罗白丝酥饼
Beshbarmak (Kyrgyz: бешбармак, Bashkir: бишбармаҡ, Tatar: бишбармак — five finger), is the national dish among nomadic Turkic peoples in Central Asia and Russia. It also known as Naryn (in Xinjiang, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan), as Turama/Dograma (in Karakalpakstan, North Caucasus and Turkmenistan) and as Kullama (in Bashkiria and Tataria). The term Beshbarmak means "five fingers", because nomads used to eat this dish with their hands. The boiled meat
is finely chopped with knives, mixed with boiled noodles, and spiced with onion sauce. It is usually served in a big round dish. Beshbarmak is usually served with shorpo – mutton broth in bowls called kese. Typically, shorpo is served as a first course that is followed by courses of beshbarmak and a drink called ak-serke (shorpo spiced with kymyz or ayran).eggs decoration
- the oldest eggshells, decorated with engraved hatched patterns, are dated for 60 000 years ago and were found at Diepkloof Rock Shelter in South Africa. Eastern European cultures, and particularly Slavic ones, also have a strong tradition of decorating eggs. Chicken, duck and goose eggs are deocrated variously with batik dyeing, applique, scratch-work, wax encaustic and carving. The renowned Russian court artist and jeweller Peter Carl Fabergé made exquisitely decorated precious metal and gemstone eggs for the Romanovs. These Fabergé eggs resembled standard decorated eggs, but they were made from gold and precious stones. The Persian culture also has a tradition of egg decorating, which takes place during the spring equinox. This time marks the Persian New Year, and is referred to as Nowruz. Family members decorate eggs together and place them in a bowl. It is said that it is from this cultural tradition that the Christian practice originates. In Egypt, it is a tradition to decorate boiled eggs during Sham el-Nessim, a spring-ushering national holiday celebrated by Egyptians regardless of religion, which falls every year after the Eastern Christian Easter. Although some Orthodox Christian societies sometimes richly decorate their eggs at Easter, like the Ukrainian ones as shown, it is more normal to dye eggs red all over, using onion skins.
Pace-Egging is an ancient
Lancashire custom once widespread, and is still to be found in parts of the county today. Pace-Eggs are eggs specially decorated for a festival at Easter-time, and is a centuries old tradition. The eggs are first wrapped in onionskins and boiled, giving the shells a golden, mottled effect. This is the traditional way of decorating the eggs, though today they are often painted. kiv link with yvette cooper re mail from twitter 18apr17
- 蛋雕 is one of the exhibits of jiangsu huai'an heritage exhibition in hk in apr19
- 德國東部的斯拉夫民族索布人每年復活節都會用高超的技巧,製作出極為精美的復活蛋https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190421/00180_035.html
- 波斯尼亞中部小鎮克雷舍沃(Kresovo)一名老鐵匠,按照當地復活節習俗施展巧手工藝,在空心雞蛋殼上鑲嵌一個微型馬蹄,寓意為人們帶來生機和幸福。波斯尼亞政府已計劃向聯合國教科文組織(UNESCO)申請,將這種工藝列入非物質文化遺產。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190422/00180_033.html
- [life in estonia 2/2019 issue]setos paint eggs with onion peels and roll them in a similar way to game petanque
A piñata (, Spanish pronunciation: [piˈɲata] ) is a container often made of papier-mâché, pottery, or cloth; it is decorated, and filled with small toys or candy, or both, and then broken as part of a ceremony or celebration. Piñatas are commonly associated with Mexico
. The idea of breaking a container filled with treats came to Europe in the 14th century, where the name, from the Italian pignatta, was introduced. The Spanish brought the European tradition to Mexico, although there were similar traditions in Mesoamerica, such as the Aztecs' honoring the birthday of the god Huitzilopochtli in mid December. According to local records, the Mexican piñata tradition began in the town of Acolman, just north of Mexico City, where piñatas were introduced for catechism purposes as well as to co-opt the Huitzilopochtli ceremony. Today, the piñata is still part of Mexican culture, the cultures of other countries in Latin America
, as well as the United States, but it has mostly lost its religious character.lantern
Fanous (Arabic: فانوس IPA: [fæˈnuːs], pl. فوانيس [fæwæˈniːs]), meaning lamp or light, is widely associated with Fanous Ramadan or Fanoos Ramdan.(Arabic: فانوس رمضان) and is now commonly known as the Ramadan lantern. The word "Fanous" (Fanos, Phanos and Fanoos in Egyptian dialects) is a term of Greek origin transliterated to "candle". It means 'light' or 'lantern'. It was historically used in its meaning of "the light of the world," and is a symbol of hope, as in "light in the darkness".The traditional use of fanous as decorations associated with Ramadan is believed to have originated during the Fatimid Caliphate, primarily centered in Egypt, where tradition holds that the Caliph Al-Muizz Lideenillah was greeted by the Egyptian
people holding lanterns to celebrate his arrival at Cairo during the holy month of Ramadan. Its use has now spread to almost all Muslim
countries.- https://www.newlyswissed.com/definite-signs-of-growing-up-in-switzerland/- note lantern in swiss national day and christmas
- scmp 1mar2021 wangmantian village in huangshan, anhui, has a tradition of making fish-shaped lanterns during the lantern festival
- lampion
- a small oil lamp, usually with a colored glass chimney, formerly used as for a carriage light https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/lampion
A sky lantern (天燈; pinyin: tiāndēng), also known as Kongming lantern or Chinese lantern, is a small hot air balloon
made of paper, with an opening at the bottom where a small fire is suspended. In Asia and elsewhere around the world, sky lanterns have been traditionally made for centuries, to be launched for play or as part of long-established festivities. The name sky lantern is a translation of the Chinese
name but they have also been referred to as sky candles or fire balloons. -
According to the sinologist
and historian of science Joseph Needham, the Chinese experimented with small hot air balloons for signaling from as early as the 3rd century BCE, during the Warring States period. Traditionally, however, their invention is attributed to the sage and military strategist Zhuge Liang (181–234 CE), whose reverent term of address was Kongming. He is said to have used a message written on a sky lantern to summon help on an occasion when he was surrounded by enemy troops. For this reason, they are still known in China as Kongming lanterns (孔明燈, 孔明灯, kǒngmíng dēng). Another suggested origin is that the name actually comes from the lantern's resemblance to the hat Kongming is traditionally shown to be wearing. - In ancient China, sky lanterns were strategically used in wars. However, later on, non-military applications were employed as they became popular with children
at festivals. These lanterns were subsequently incorporated into festivals like the Chinese Mid-Autumn
and Lantern Festivals
.To represent the Star of Bethlehem during Christmas
season, as part of celebrations sky lanterns are released into the night sky with hopes towards a new year. In Bengal and Northeast India
, Buddhist people celebrate their Probarona Purnima which signifies end of their three-month lent by releasing lighted sky lanterns (fanush), it is the second largest festival of the Buddhist community. During Diwali festival (The festival of Light) eco-friendly sky lanterns are used for celebrations along with fireworks. In Brazil, sky lanterns (balão in Portuguese) were a traditional feature of the winter holidays (Festas Juninas) at the end of June. It is claimed that custom was brought to Brazil from Portugal
by colonists in the 16th century, and is still strong in Portugal, especially in Porto. The June holidays tradition also includes firecrackers
and fireworks
, another Chinese invention; so it is conjectured that these elements may have been brought from China by Portuguese explorers around 1500. The design and customs of Brazilian sky lanterns are modified to suit their festivals.Pingxi District in New Taipei City
of Taiwan
holds an annual Lantern Festival in which sky lanterns are released into the night sky with people's wishes written, to send the wishes and messages to God. Lantern Festival is also as known as the 15th days of Lunar New Year, the last day of celebration for Lunar New Year. The Lanna people of northern Thailand
use "floating lanterns" (โคมลอย, khom loi) year round, for celebrations and other special occasions. One very important festival in which sky lanterns are used is the Yi Peng festival, which is held on a full moon of the 2nd month (ยี่เป็ง, Yi Peng) of the Lanna calendar (which coincides with Loi Krathong, the traditional festival on the 12th month of the Thai lunar calendar). During the Yi Peng festival, a multitude of lanterns are launched into the air where they resemble large flocks of giant fluorescent jellyfish gracefully floating by through the sky. The most elaborate Yi Peng celebrations can be seen in Chiang Mai, the ancient capital of the former Lanna kingdom. The festival is meant as a time to obtain Buddhist merit (ทำบุญ, tham bun). In recent times, floating lanterns have become so popular with all Thai people that they have become integrated into the festival in the rest of the country. - peru
- scmp 11jul2021 supporters of peruvian presidential candidate keiko fujinori of fuerza popular party light lanterns before her arrival in lima
- uk- 英國航空一班客機早前飛往倫敦途中,在二萬呎高空、以時速六百四十四公里飛行時,差點撞上迎面而來的天燈,雙方距離少於三十米。空中碰撞調查委員會近日發表報告,是次意外可能觸發嚴重碰撞,將之評為最高危險級別。事發於今年七月三十日,載有五十名乘客的紳寶2000渦槳飛機,由英國屬地馬恩島飛往倫敦城市機場,期間機組人員在劍橋郡上空近距離看到一排天燈,使他們大嚇一跳。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20181220/00180_025.html
- germany
- 德國西部一個動物園周三、剛踏入元旦日的一刻就發生火災,逾三十隻動物死亡,包括猩猩、猴子、蝙蝠和雀鳥,大部分更是瀕危物種。警方指,火災疑由用來慶祝新年的天燈引起,三母女投案。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200103/00180_004.html
- japan
- Semboku (仙北市 Semboku-shi) 上桧木内放飞纸气球
- similar lantern used in bonbori festival 雪洞 - seems to be fixed and not to be released to sky
- 日本秋田內陸線鐵路公司與當地農家合作,在連接秋田縣的北秋田市和仙北市的鐵路沿線,以不同顏色的水稻拼出各式圖樣。這個稻田藝術今年踏入第九年,今年六月上旬種下的六種水稻已長成五幅巨畫,其中一幅描繪了上檜木內傳統放天燈活動,民眾可欣賞至下月上旬。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200820/00180_042.html
- siam
- Loi Krathong (Thai: ลอยกระทง, pronounced [lɔ̄ːj krā.tʰōŋ]) is a Siamese festival celebrated annually throughout the Kingdom of Thailandand in nearby countries with significant southwestern Tai cultures (Laos, Shan, Mon, Tanintharyi, Kelantan, Kedah and Xishuangbanna). The name could be translated as "to float a basket," and comes from the tradition of making krathong or buoyant, decorated baskets, which are then floated on a river. Loi Krathong takes place on the evening of the full moon of the 12th month in the traditional Thai lunar calendar, thus the exact date of the festival changes every year. In the Western calendar this usually falls in the month of November. In Chang Mai, the festival lasts three days, and in 2018, the dates will be 21–23 November. In Thailand, the festival is known as "Loi Krathong" (ลอยกระทง). Outside Thailand, this festival is celebrated under different names, including India as the "Kartik Poornima" or "Tripurari Poornima", Myanmar as the "Tazaungdaing festival", Sri Lanka as "Il Full Moon Poya" and Cambodia as "Bon Om Touk".
- laos/thailand
- nong khai naga fireball festival
- taiwan- pingxi china daily 9oct18
- 台灣新北市平溪區的十分老街,是香港人熱愛的放天燈景點。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200912/00178_013.html
- hk- hkcd 30sep18 n2 沙頭角老村放孔明燈
「漢努卡節」(Hanukkah,「光明節」)和「寬紮節」(Kwanzaa)。前者為紀念公元前一六八年猶太人從希臘壓迫者手中收復耶路撒冷的聖殿,每年十二月中旬慶祝,前後八天。即便在慘遭種族滅絕的時刻,猶太人依舊冒着生命危險在納粹集中營點亮漢努卡燈。 後者一九六六年由非裔學者羅恩.卡倫加(Ron Karenga)提倡,與當時民權運動興起有關。「寬紮」起源於斯瓦西里語,意為「第一個成果」,所以又名「初獲節」。每年十二月二十六日到來年一月一日慶祝,以燭光儀式揭開序幕,每天點燃一支蠟燭,象徵七個原則:團結、自決、共同生活、合作經濟、目的、創造和信念,還有七件象徵物。 兩節起源各異,卻有諸多重合。二者慶典中都有點燈儀式,也都涉及親友聚餐、交換禮物,而且都是對主流社會白人基督徒慶祝感恩節、耶誕節的回應。二○二○年印裔的美國副總統候選人哈里斯在大選中獲勝,今後印度傳統的排燈節(Diwali)慶祝在美國會更隆重吧。這個節日在印度舊曆最後一天,西曆為十或十一月,家家戶戶點燈、聚會的習俗與前兩個節日如出一轍。我國十二月的冬至節只有聚餐,沒有點燈習俗,但農曆正月十五的元宵節也是燈火輝煌,火樹銀花。
fire dragon parade
苗栗𪹚龍( 𪹚注音ㄅㄤˋ,拼音:bàng,為客語發音,有「炸」之意思,因部分系統無法顯示𪹚,又常寫作「火旁」)為臺灣苗栗縣於元宵節的主要核心活動,指臺灣客家人
活動之一,為「北天燈、中𪹚龍、南蜂炮、東玄壇、西乞龜」之一,其中「𪹚龍」即苗栗𪹚龍。- similar parade
- zhouzi, nanchong, sichuan - water dragon (made of bamboo) dance china daily 20nov2020
- 1999年金秋季节,由国际沙雕协会WSSA授权,首届中国舟山国际沙雕节在朱家尖南沙举行。
- 美國東岸新罕布什爾州漢普頓沙灘沙雕比賽https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20210625/00180_081.html
- 丹麥北部城市布洛克胡斯(Blokhus)一個沙雕公園近日擺放了由16名來自俄羅斯、葡萄牙、意大利、比利時、荷蘭等國家的沙雕大師,合作製成的一座巨型沙堡。它打破了德國團隊在2019年創下的世界最大沙堡紀錄。這座新沙堡將由現時開始放到本年12月,供遊客免費參觀。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20210708/00180_062.html
- Sand City in Hurghada, Red Sea province, Egypt https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202107/1227814.shtml, hket 8july2021
- note that there is a sand city in california, usa
- Vitreous enamel, also called porcelain enamel, is a material made by fusing powdered glass to a substrate by firing, usually between 750 and 850 °C (1,380 and 1,560 °F). The powder melts, flows, and then hardens to a smooth, durable vitreous coating on metal, or on glass or ceramics. So in technical terms fired enamelware is an integrated layered composite of glass and metal. Enamelling is an old and widely adopted technology, for most of its history mainly used in jewelry and decorative art. "Enamelled" and "enamelling" are the preferred spellings in British English, while "enameled" and "enameling" are preferred in American English. The term "enamel" is most often restricted to work on metal, which is the subject of this article. Enamelled glass is also called "painted", and overglaze decoration to pottery is often called enamelling. The word enamel comes from the Old High German word smelzan (to smelt) via the Old French esmail, or from a Latin word smaltum, first found in a 9th-century life of Leo IV. Used as a noun, "an enamel" is usually a small decorative object coated with enamel.
The ancient Egyptians applied enamels to stone objects, pottery, and sometimes jewellery, although to the last less often than in contemporaneous cultures in the Near East. The ancient Greeks, Celts, Georgians, and Chinese also used enamel on metal objects. Enamel was also used to decorate glass vessels during the Roman period, and there is evidence of this as early as the late Republican and early Imperial periods in the Levant, Egypt, Britain and around the Black Sea. Enamel powder could be produced in two ways, either by powdering coloured glass, or by mixing colourless glass powder with pigments such as a metallic oxide. Designs were either painted freehand or over the top of outline incisions, and the technique probably originated in metalworking. Once painted, enamelled glass vessels needed to be fired at a temperature high enough to melt the applied powder, but low enough that the vessel itself was not melted. Production is thought to have come to a peak in the Claudian period and persisted for some three hundred years, though archaeological evidence for this technique is limited to some forty vessels or vessel fragments. Ancient Persians used this method for colouring and ornamenting the surface of metals by fusing over it brilliant colours that are decorated in an intricate design and called it Meenakari. French tourist, Jean Chardin, who toured Iran during the Safavid rule, made a reference to an enamel work of Isfahan, which comprised a pattern of birds and animals on a floral background in light blue, green, yellow and red. Gold has been used traditionally for Meenakari Jewellery as it holds the enamel better, lasts longer and its lustre brings out the colours of the enamels. Silver, a later introduction, is used for artifacts like boxes, bowls, spoons, and art pieces while copper which is used for handicraft products was introduced only after the Gold Control Act, which compelled the Meenakars to look for a material other than gold, was enforced in India. Initially, the work of Meenakari often went unnoticed as this art was traditionally used as a backing for the famous kundan or stone-studded jewellery. This also allowed the wearer to reverse the jewellery as also promised a special joy in the secret of the hidden design. In European art history, enamel was at its most important in the Middle Ages, beginning with the Late Romans and then the Byzantine, who began to use cloisonné enamel in imitation of cloisonné inlays of precious stones. The Byzantine enamel style was widely adopted by the "barbarian" peoples of Migration Periodnorthern Europe. The Byzantines then began to use cloisonné more freely to create images; this was also copied in Western Europe. The champlevé technique was considerably easier and very widely practiced in the Romanesque period. In Gothic art the finest work is in basse-taille and ronde-bosse techniques, but cheaper champlevé works continued to be produced in large numbers for a wider market. From either Byzantium or the Islamic world, the cloisonné technique reached China in the 13-14th centuries. The first written reference to cloisonné is in a book from 1388, where it is called "Dashi ('Muslim') ware". No Chinese pieces that are clearly from the 14th century are known; the earliest datable pieces are from the reign of the Xuande Emperor (1425–35), which, since they show a full use of Chinese styles, suggest considerable experience in the technique.
In American English, a pitcher is a container with a spout used for storing and pouring contents which are liquid in form. In English speaking countries outside North America, a jug is any container with a handle and a mouth and spout for liquid—American "pitchers" are more likely to be called jugs elsewhere.[
citation needed] Generally a pitcher also has a handle, which makes pouring easier. -
An ewer is a vase-shaped pitcher, often decorated, with a base and a flaring spout, though the word is now unusual in informal English describing ordinary domestic vessels.- [royale auction catalogue] ewer shape existed at least 3 millennium bc; first appeared in ceramic production in china during tang dynasty-
Une aiguière est un récipient à pied ovoïde doté d'une anse et d'un bec destiné à contenir de l'eau et à la servir. Ce mot ancien est surtout utilisé de nos jours pour désigner des objets d'art. On utilise plutôt les termes de cruche, de pichet ou encore de carafe pour désigner nos vases à eau contemporains. L'étymologie du mot s'explique par l'occitan aiga « eau » suivi du suffixe -iera, francisé en -ière. Un aquamanile est une aiguière médiévale, souvent zoomorphe, qui servait aux ablutions.- no english version, only french and deutsch
- related to tribe of levi
A flagon () is a large leather, metal, glass, plastic or ceramic vessel, used for drink, whether this be water, ale, or another liquid. A flagon is typically of about 2 imperial pints (1.1 l) in volume, and it has either a handle (when strictly it is a jug), or (more usually) one or two rings at the neck. Sometimes the neck has a large flange at the top rather than rings. The neck itself may or may not be formed into one, two or three spouts. The name comes from the same origin as the word "flask".As a Roman Catholic
term of use, the flagon is the large vessel, usually glass and metal, that holds the wine. Before March 2002, a flagon may have also been used to hold the wine during the consecration of the Eucharist and then be poured into many chalices. This pouring of sacramental wine from flagon to chalice was eliminated. A smaller container called a cruet is used for the priest's chalice, usually identical to the cruet of water, which is mingled with the wine before consecration. The cruets do not remain on the altar after the preparation of the gifts.[citation needed]In the Anglican Church, the flagon is the vessel that contains the wine to be consecrated. If more than one chalice is used during the administration of Communion, the flagon (or an additional cruet filled with wine and water) is placed on the altar at the Offertory, and other chalices are brought to the altar after the Breaking of the Bread. There should be only one chalice on the altar during the Great Thanksgiving. - mentioned in kent folklore "princess and the fool"
- strings of beads were important ritual objects for both buddhist monks and lay people. A full string has 108 beads, representing the number of sinful conditions which the worshipper should avoid. Lay peoples' strings may have only 30-40 beads. As in christianity, they are used to help people count the number of times they have repeated a prayer.
Ancient Sanskrit word Aksamala (Sanskrit अक्षमाला) literally means string or rosary of beads (rudraksa seeds).- Aksamala finds reference in Manu Smrti (मनु स्मृति) in which Aksamala is the name of Arundhati (अरुन्धती), wife of Vasishtha (वसिष्ठ). Aksamala finds mention in Shiva Purana (शिव पुराण) where Aksamala is the name of the mother of Vatsa (वत्स).
brazier, kotatsu, korsi
- A kotatsu (炬燵?) is a low, wooden table frame covered by a futon, or heavy blanket, upon which a table top sits. Underneath is a heat source, formerly a charcoal brazier but now electric, often built into the table itself. Kotatsu are used almost exclusively in Japan, although similar devices are used elsewhere: for example the Spanish brasero.The history of the kotatsu begins in the Muromachi era during the fourteenth century.
- In China and Korea, underfloor heating traditionally is used. The devices used in a similar fashion are, respectively, a Kang bed-stove and an ondol.
- The kang ( 炕; Manchu:
nahan, Kazakh: кән) is a traditional long (2 metres or more) platform for general living, working, entertaining and sleeping used in northern part of China, where there is cold climate in winter. It is made of bricks or other forms of fired clay and more recently of concrete in some locations.The kang is said to be derived from the concept of a heated bed floor called a huoqiang found in China in the Neolithic period, according to analysis of archeological excavations of building remains in Banpo Xi'an. However, archeological sites in Shenyang, Liaoning, show humans using the heated bed floor as early as 7,200 years ago. - Ondol (Hangul: 온돌; Hanja: 溫突), also called gudeul (Hangul: 구들), in Korean traditional architecture, is underfloor heating that uses direct heat transfer from wood smoke to heat the underside of a thick masonry floor. In modern usage it refers to any type of underfloor heating, or to a hotel or a sleeping room in Korean (as opposed to Western) style. Use of the ondol has been found at archaeological sites in present-day North Korea. A Bronze Age archaeological site, circa 1000 BC, discovered in Unggi, Hamgyeongbuk-do, in present-day North Korea, shows a clear vestige of gudeul in the excavated dwelling (Hangul: 움집) unearthed at the archaeological site.
- A korsi or korsí (Persian spelling: کرسی) is a type of low table found in Iran, with a heater underneath it, and blankets thrown over it. It is a traditional item of furniture in Iranian culture. A family or other gathering sits on the floor around the "korsi" during meals and special events, like Nowruz (Persian/Zoroastrian New Year's Eve). "Korsi" used to be quite popular for entire families to gather together during yearly Yaldā celebrations.
A cassone (plural cassoni) or marriage chest is a rich and showy Italian type of chest
, which may be inlaid or carved, prepared with gesso ground then painted and gilded. Pastiglia was decoration in low relief carved or moulded in gesso, and was very widely used. The cassone ("large chest") was one of the trophy furnishings of rich merchants and aristocrats in Italian culture, from the Late Middle Ages
onward. The cassone was the most important piece of furniture of that time. It was given to a bride and placed in the bridal suite. It would be given to the bride during the wedding, and it was the bride's parents' contribution to the wedding.artisanal wooden chests, each one carved with a secret compartment into the main drawer, for a key with an attached piece of paper showing a symbol. - amazing race season 29 - Dar es Salaam, tanzania
tonsu - japanese chest of drawers- [3rd serving of chicken soup for the soul - the horai box story] most japanese were illiterate in early 1800s. These boxes were used by itinerant scribes who carried their writing equipment in them as they went from village to village. corral bulls
- yi ethnic group torch festival corral bulls china daily 19jul17
bull fighting
- annual festival in cheongdo county, s korea
beauty and the beast
- abrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve (28 November 1685 – 29 December 1755) was a French author influenced by Madame d'Aulnoy, Charles Perrault, and various précieuse writers. Barbot is particularly noted for her original story of La Belle et la Bête, which is the oldest known variant of the fairy tale Beauty and the Beast.Barbot was born and died in Paris, but belonged to a powerful Protestant family from La Rochelle. She was the descendant of the notable Amos Barbot who was a Peer of France and a Deputy of the Estates General in 1614. His brother, Jean Amos, became mayor of La Rochelle in 1610. Another relation, Jean Barbot (1655-1712) was an early explorer of West Africa and the Caribbean, who worked as an agent on slave ships. He published his travel journals in French and English when he migrated to England to escape the prosecution of Protestants after Louis XIV revoked the Edict of Nantes in 1685.
alphorn or
alpenhorn or
alpine horn is a
labrophone, consisting of a wooden
natural horn of
conical bore, having a wooden cup-shaped mouthpiece, used by mountain dwellers in the
Swiss Alps,
Austrian Alps,
Bavarian Alps in
French Alps, and elsewhere. Similar wooden horns were used for
communication in most mountainous regions of Europe, from the
Alps to the
For a long time, scholars believed that the alphorn had been derived from the Roman-Etruscan
lituus, because of their resemblance in shape, and because of the word
liti, meaning Alphorn in the dialect of
[citation needed] There is no documented evidence for this theory, however, and, the word
liti was probably borrowed from 16th–18th century writings in Latin, where the word
lituus could describe various wind instruments, such as the
horn, the
crumhorn, or the
[clarification needed] Swiss naturalist
Conrad Gesner used the words
lituum alpinum for the first known detailed description of the alphorn in his
De raris et admirandis herbis in 1555. The oldest known document using the German word
Alphorn is a page from a 1527 account book from the former
Cistercian abbey St. Urban near
Pfaffnau mentioning the payment of two
Batzen for an itinerant alphorn player from the
- similar instruments
- china daily 27jul2021 alphorn festival (20th edition) in nendaz, switzerland
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20170929/00180_042.html大群小丑周三聚首中美洲國家薩爾瓦多首都聖薩爾瓦多,為「大笑節」熱烈慶祝。
- 來自多個國家的小丑周三盛裝雲集危地馬拉首都危地馬拉市,參與一年一度的「地區小丑會議」大遊行。該盛事今年已是第五屆,受歡迎程度有增無減。大街上一批又一批穿上鮮艷服裝的小丑,踏着調皮的步伐向途人揮手,為居民帶來歡樂氣氛。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180922/00180_039.html
lion dance
今治の春のお祭りでは各地で獅子舞の奉納が行われます。今治の継獅子(つぎじし)発祥といわれる鳥生三嶋神社に奉納される獅子舞(春の大祭)が今年は5月8日(日曜日)に行われます。今年の春の大祭の前に、昨年見に行った際の様子を紹介します。奉納の獅子舞では、「天狗による悪魔払い」、「ひょっとこが眠る獅子を起こす」、「継獅子(四継)」「獅子の蚤取り」、「三番叟(さんばそう)」、「狐」、「継獅子(三継)」の7種の演舞が行われました。http://www.jb-honshi.co.jp/shimanami/blog/?p=2990Rice paddy art (田んぼアート tambo āto) is an art form originating in Japan
where people plant rice of various types and colors to create images in a paddy field
. 田んぼアート(たんぼアート)は、田んぼをキャンバスに見立て色の異なる稲を使って、巨大な絵や文字を作り出すプロジェクト、またその作品。Tanbo art (田んぼアート Tanbo āto?) es el uso artístico de un campo de arroz que es convertido en un lienzo y en el que se cultivan de manera selectiva plantones de arroz de varios colores y que da resultado a una composición que se asemeja a una pintura de gran escala que puede ser vista desde el aire.spirit of x
The Spirit of St. Louis (formally the Ryan NYP, registration: N-X-211) is the custom-built, single-engine, single-seat, high-wing monoplane that was flown by Charles Lindbergh on May 20–21, 1927, on the first solo nonstop transatlantic flight from Long Island, New York
, to Paris
, France
, for which Lindbergh won the $25,000 Orteig Prize.Officially known as the "Ryan NYP" (for New York to Paris), the single-engine monoplane was designed by Donald A. Hall of Ryan Airlines and named the "Spirit of St. Louis" in honor of Lindbergh's supporters from the St. Louis Raquette Club in his then hometown of St. Louis, Missouri. To save design time, the NYP was loosely based on the company's 1926 Ryan M-2 mailplane, the main difference being the NYP's 4,000-mile range.- 沙田精神號是在赤鱲角機場啟用前,由一班本地歷史飛機愛好者在九七年統籌製成,目的是為紀念香港飛行史的起源。
red dot on forehead
- china daily and scmp 4aug2021 painting a red dot on forehead during kaibi ceremony in xiaopu town小浦镇 , huzhou, zhejiang
袄ㄠˇ裙ㄑㄩㄣˊ是指上衣在裙子之外的的襦裙,在中國最遲見於魏晉南北朝,並傳播至高句麗和日本飛鳥時代。中國隋代、日本奈良時代、朝鮮統一新羅以後甚少出現,至宋朝時,不少女性以短褙子直接穿於抹胸外,南方天氣較濕熱,衣服下襬並沒有束進裙內,這種穿法實際上是衣掩裙。北方天氣較冷,漢人女性就把交領襦下襬放於裙外,這樣穿法一直經過元代,並影響高麗女性服飾。至明朝時成為女子着装的基本款式,藩属国朝鲜也依照明朝的袄裙发展出了自己的民族特色,並演變成現代韓服常見的韓式襖裙(치마 저고리)樣式。襖裙也傳播至另一藩屬國琉球國,是當地女性的一種服裝。note vietnam costume called ao qun
Ikat, or
ikkat, is a dyeing technique used to pattern textiles that employs resist dyeing on the yarns prior to dyeing and weaving the fabric. In ikat the resist is formed by binding individual yarns or bundles of yarns with a tight wrapping applied in the desired pattern. The yarns are then dyed. The bindings may then be altered to create a new pattern and the yarns dyed again with another colour. This process may be repeated multiple times to produce elaborate, multicolored patterns. When the dyeing is finished all the bindings are removed and the yarns are woven into cloth. In other resist-dyeing techniques such as
tie-dye and
batik the resist is applied to the woven cloth, whereas in ikat the resist is applied to the yarns before they are woven into cloth. Because the surface design is created in the yarns rather than on the finished cloth, in ikat both fabric faces are patterned. A characteristic of ikat textiles is an apparent "blurriness" to the design. The blurriness is a result of the extreme difficulty the weaver has lining up the dyed yarns so that the pattern comes out perfectly in the finished cloth. The blurriness can be reduced by using finer yarns or by the skill of the craftsperson. Ikats with little blurriness, multiple colours and complicated patterns are more difficult to create and therefore often more expensive. However, the blurriness that is so characteristic of ikat is often prized by textile collectors. Ikat is produced in many traditional textile centres around the world, from India to Central Asia, Southeast Asia, Japan (where it is called "kasuri"), Africa and Latin America. Double ikats—in which both the warp and weft yarns are tied and dyed before being woven into a single textile—are relatively rare because of the intensive skilled labour required to produce them. They are produced in
Okinawa islands of Japan, the village of
Tenganan in
Indonesia, and the villages of
Puttapaka and
Bhoodan Pochampally in Telangana in India. In fact, many other parts of India have their indigenous Ikat weaving techniques. Orissa’s Sambalpuri Ikat is quite different from the sharp Ikat patterns, woven in Patan of Gujarat. The latter, known as Patan Patola, is one of the rarest forms of double Ikat, which takes a lot of time and effort in dyeing and weaving. A different form of Patola ikat is made in Rajkot, Gujarat. Telia Rumal made in Andhra, Pasapalli from Odisha and Puttapaka from Telangana are other Indian Ikats.
- indonesia
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170919/PDF/b15_screen.pdf
- petate (used in mexico)
writing styles
- Cursive (also known as script or longhand, among other names), is any style of penmanship in which some characters are written joined together in a flowing manner, generally for the purpose of making writing faster. Formal cursive is generally joined, but casual cursive is a combination of joins and pen lifts. The writing style can be further divided as "looped", "italic", or "connected". The origins of the cursive method is associated with practical advantages of writing speed and infrequent pen lifting to accommodate the limitations of the quill. Quills are fragile, easily broken, and will spatter unless used properly. Steel dip pens followed quills; they were sturdier, but still had some limitations. The individuality of the provenance of a document (see Signature) was a factor also, as opposed to machine font. The term cursive derives from the 18th century Italian corsivo from Medieval Latin cursivus, which literally means running. This term in turn derives from Latincurrere ("to run, hasten").
- Modi (Marathi: मोडी, Mōḍī, IPA: [moːɖiː]) is a script used to write the Marathi language, which is the primary language spoken in the state of Maharashtra, India.
- Cursive writing was used in English before the Norman conquest. Anglo-Saxon Charters typically include a boundary clause written in Old English in a cursive script. A cursive handwriting style—secretary hand—was widely used for both personal correspondence and official documents in England from early in the 16th century. Cursive handwriting developed into something approximating its current form from the 17th century, but its use was neither uniform, nor standardized either in England itself or elsewhere in the British Empire. In the English colonies of the early 17th century, most of the letters are clearly separated in the handwriting of William Bradford, though a few were joined as in a cursive hand. In England itself, Edward Cocker had begun to introduce a version of the French ronde style, which was then further developed and popularized throughout the British Empire in the 17th and 18th centuries as round hand by John Ayers and William Banson. In the American colonies, on the eve of their independence from the Kingdom of Great Britain, it is notable that Thomas Jefferson joined most, but not all of the letters when drafting the United States Declaration of Independence. However, a few days later, Timothy Matlack professionally re-wrote the presentation copy of the Declaration in a fully joined, cursive hand. Eighty-seven years later, in the middle of the 19th century, Abraham Lincoln drafted the Gettysburg Address in a cursive hand that would not look out of place today.
- https://www.quora.com/Why-do-the-Polish-write-their-1-like-an-upside-down-V
- Places
- Landgraviate of Brabant (1085–1183), a medieval county west of Brussels, a small part of the Frankish pagus of Brabant including the rivers Zender, Senne and Dijle, became part of the larger Duchy of Brabant in 1183
- Duchy of Brabant (1183–1795), a region of the Holy Roman Empire; a duchy (1183–1556), part of Burgundian Netherlands (1430–1482); under Habsburg rule as Spanish Netherlands (1482–1581) and Austrian Netherlands (1581–1795), French Republic (1795-1814)
- South Brabant (1815–1830), part of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands, became part of Belgium in 1830 along with Central Brabant (Antwerp province)
- Province of Brabant (1830–1995), southern province of Belgium centred on Brussels
Brabant (or Brabançon), other names for the Belgian (horse)Brabantian, a dialect that formed the basis of the Dutch languageBrabant killers, a 1980s terroristic groupHNLMS Noord-Brabant ('North Brabant'), several ships of the Dutch navy
Prostration is the placement of the body in a reverentially or submissively prone position as a gesture. Typically prostration is distinguished from the lesser acts of bowing or kneeling by involving a part of the body above the knee touching the ground, especially the hands. Major world religions employ prostration as an act of submissiveness or worship to a supreme being or other worshiped entity (i.e. God), as in the metanoia in Christian prayer used in the Oriental Orthodox Churches and the sajdah of the Islamic prayer, salat. In various cultures and traditions, prostrations are similarly used to show respect to rulers, civil authorities and social elders or superiors, as in the Chinese kowtow or Ancient Persian proskynesis. The act has often traditionally been an important part of religious, civil and traditional rituals and ceremonies, and remains in use in many cultures.
跪拜是禮儀的一種或一些禮儀中的一部份,用作表示尊敬或順從。在正坐的場合,僅需提起臀部向前彎腰俯身,即為跪拜。如站立時跪拜,則要先跪下再拜。東亞傳統的跪拜禮儀稱為拜禮,有些拜禮包括叩頭動作。good morning xx