Tuesday, July 30, 2019

trees flowers - spices

,別名青蔥大蔥葉蔥胡蔥冬蔥漢蔥木蔥蔥仔菜伯水蔥和事草Allium fistulosum, the Welsh onion, also commonly called bunching onionlong green onionJapanese bunching onion, and spring onionis very similar in taste and odor to the related common onion, Allium cepa, and hybrids between the two (tree onions) exist. A. fistulosum, however, does not develop bulbs, and possesses hollow leaves (fistulosum means "hollow") and scapes. Larger varieties of the A. fistulosum resemble the leek, such as the Japanese negi, whilst smaller varieties resemble chivesThe common name "Welsh onion" does not refer to Wales but derives from a near obsolete use of "Welsh" in the sense "foreign, non-native", as the species is native to China, though cultivated in many places and naturalized in scattered locations in Eurasia and North America.[1]

Historically, the A. fistulosum was known as the cibol.[4] In Cornwall, they are known as chibbles.A. fistulosum is not indigenous to Wales or particularly common in Welsh cuisine (the green Allium common to Wales is the leekA. ampeloprasum, the national vegetable of Wales).


Garlic (Allium sativum) is a species in the onion genusAllium. Its close relatives include the onionshallotleekchive, and Chinese onion.Garlic is native to Central Asia and northeastern Iran, and has long been a common seasoning worldwide, with a history of several thousand years of human consumption and use.It was known to ancient Egyptians, and has been used both as a food flavoring and as a traditional medicine. In Ancient Rome, it was "much used for food among the poor".[8] China produces some 80% of the world supply of garlic.  The word garlic derives from Old Englishgarlēac, meaning gar (spear) and leek, as a 'spear-shaped leek'.   蒜(Allium sativum),亦名大蒜。地下鳞茎味道辣,有刺激性气味,称为蒜头,可作调味料,亦可入药。蒜叶称为青蒜或蒜苗,花薹称为蒜薹,均可作蔬菜食用。蒜为五辛之一。蒜头内的蒜素是改变细菌丛生态的帮手,可以调整体质,调节生理机能,促进新陈代谢。不过蒜素因为耐热度不佳,必需用浸泡的方式,才可以完全释放出蒜头的营养,因此衍生出 酿制蒜头醋的养生方式。
-  Czosnek pospolity in polish
- usa

- uk
- china

  • 古今注 - 蒜,卵蒜也,俗人謂之小蒜。胡國有蒜,十許子共為一株,籜幕裹之,名為胡蒜,尤辛於小蒜,俗人亦呼之為大蒜。
  • 就大蒜來說,有香的與「葷」的兩種。香大蒜是紅根的,紫紅色,蒜香濃郁而無異味;「葷」大蒜是白根的,不僅不香,還「葷」味十足。這個「葷」,佛家定義為葷辛之意,並非葷腥的「葷」係指濃重、辛辣的氣味。大凡人們吃了「葷」的大蒜,旁人多遠的就能聞到一股衝人的氣味,更不要說張口講話了。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2021/02/27/b08-0227.pdf







このほか、子供のおもちゃとしての利用もある。果実が付いた花茎を折り取り、果実の柄を持って下に引くと、柄がちぎれて皮でぶら下がった状態になる。このように多数の果実をぶら下げた状態にして、花茎を持ってくるくる回す(でんでん太鼓を鳴らすように)と、果実が触れ合ってちゃらちゃらと小さな音がするのを楽しむ、というものである。八薺(やつなずな) - ロゼット状に広がったナズナの8枚の葉を図案化した家紋

Capsella bursa-pastoris, known as shepherd's purse because of its triangular flat fruits, which are purse-like, is a small annual and ruderal flowering plant in the mustard family (Brassicaceae).[2] It is native to eastern Europe and Asia minor,[3] but is naturalized and considered a common weed in many parts of the world, especially in colder climates,[4]including British Isles,[5] where it is regarded as an archaeophyte, North America and China, but also in the Mediterranean and North Africa.[3] C. bursa-pastoris is the second-most prolific wild plant in the world,[10] and is common on cultivated ground and waysides and meadows.

- It is cultivated as a commercial food crop in Asia. In China,  it is commonly used in food in Shanghai and the surrounding Jiangnan region. It is stir-fried with rice cakes and other ingredients or as part of the filling in wontons. It is one of the ingredients of the symbolic dish consumed in the Japanese spring-time festival, Nanakusa-no-sekku. In Korea, it is known as naengi (냉이) and used as a root vegetable in the characteristic Korean dish, namul (fresh greens and wild vegetables).

- Shepherd's purse was used as a pepper substitute in colonial New England.

Fumaric acid is one chemical substance that has been isolated from C. bursa-pastoris.

葛縷子   Caraway, also known as meridian fennel[1] and Persian cumin[1] (Carum carvi), is a biennial plant in the family Apiaceae,[2] native to western Asia, Europe, and North Africa.The etymology of caraway is complex and poorly understood. Caraway has been called by many names in different regions, with names deriving from the Latin cuminum(cumin), the Greek karon (again, cumin), which was adapted into Latin as carum (now meaning caraway), and the Sanskrit karavi, sometimes translated as "caraway", but other times understood to mean "fennel". English use of the term caraway dates back to at least 1440, and is considered by Walter William Skeat to be of Arabic origin, though Gernot Katzer believes the Arabic al-karawya كراوية (cf. Spanish alcaravea) to be derived from the Latin carum.The fruits, usually used whole, have a pungent, anise-like flavor and aroma that comes from essential oils, mostly carvone, limonene,[9] and anethole. Caraway is used as a spice in breads, especially rye breadCaraway is also used in desserts, liquors, casseroles, and other foods. It is also found in European cuisine.
- hkej 2oct19 looks like chinese medicine 防风

黑孜然  Nigella sativa (black caraway, also known as black cumin, nigella, and kalonji)is an annual flowering plant in the family Ranunculaceae, native to south and southwest AsiaThe genus name Nigella is a diminutive of the Latin niger (black), referring to the seeds.In English, N. sativa and its seed are variously called black caraway, black cumin, fennel flower, nigella, nutmeg flower, Roman coriander, and kalonji (from Hindi-Urdu). Blackseed and black caraway may also refer to Bunium persicum.The seeds of N. sativa are used as a spice in Indian and Middle Eastern cuisines. The black seeds taste like a combination of onions, black pepper, and oregano. They have a pungent, bitter taste and smell. The dry-roasted seeds flavor curries, vegetables, and pulses. They can be used as a "pepper" in recipes with pod fruit, vegetables, salads, and poultry. In some cultures, the black seeds are used to flavor bread products, and are used as part of the spice mixture panch phoron(meaning a mixture of five spices) and alone in many recipes in Bengali cuisine and most recognizably in naan.[8] Nigella is also used in Armenian string cheese, a braided string cheese called majdouleh or majdouli in the Middle East.Archaeological evidence about the earliest cultivation of N. sativa "is still scanty", but N. sativa seeds were found in several sites from ancient Egypt, including Tutankhamun's tomb.[9] Seeds were found in a Hittite flask in Turkey from the second millennium BCE. N. sativa may have been used as a condiment of the Old World to flavor food.[9] The Persianphysician, Avicenna, in his Canon of Medicine, described N. sativa as a treatment for dyspnea.

Macespice consisting of the dried aril, or lacy covering, of the nutmeg fruit of Myristica fragrans, a tropical evergreen tree. Mace has a slightly warm taste and a fragrance similar to that of nutmeg. It is used to flavour bakery, meat, and fish dishes; to flavour sauces and vegetables; and in preserving and pickling. In the processing of mace, the crimson-coloured aril is removed from the nutmeg that it envelops and is flattened out and dried for 10 to 14 days; its colour changes to pale yellow, orange, or tan. Whole dry mace consists of flat pieces—branched or segmented, smooth, horny, and brittle—about 40 mm (1.6 inches) long.
- nutmeg
  • Tygerberg Hospital was warned parents to be vigilant as more Cape Town youths are participating in the 'nutmeg challenge'.The Tygerberg Hospital Poisons Information Centre said that it has come to their attention that a new dangerous trend has been making the rounds on social media, which has been identified as the nutmeg challenge. Youths are challenged to mix ground nutmeg and water and then drinking it to get high. https://www.iol.co.za/capeargus/news/hospital-cautions-parents-as-youngsters-try-nutmeg-challenge-to-get-high-46774545

Toona sinensis, with common names Chinese mahogany,[2] Chinese cedar, Chinese toon, or red toon (香椿pinyinxiāngchūnHindiडारलूromanizedd̩āralūMalaysurenVietnamesetông dù) is a species of Toona native to eastern and southeastern Asia, from North Korea south through most of eastern, central and southwestern China to Nepal, northeastern IndiaMyanmarThailandMalaysia, and western Indonesia.

  • The young leaves of T. sinensis(xiāngchūn) are extensively used as a vegetable in China; they have a floral, yet onion-like flavor, attributed to volatile organosulfur compounds.[9] Plants with red young leaves are considered of better flavour than those where the young leaves are green.
  • The timber is hard and reddish; it is valuable, used for furniture making [3][8]and for bodies of electric guitars. Being a "true mahogany" (mahogany other than Swietenia), it is one of the common replacements for Swietenia mahogany ("genuine mahogany") which is now commercially restricted from being sourced natively.
  • In Chinese literatureToona sinensis is often used for a rather extreme metaphor, with a mature tree representing a father. This manifests itself occasionally when expressing best wishes to a friend's father and mother in a letter, where one can write "wishing your Toona sinensisand daylily are strong and happy" (椿萱並茂), with Toona sinensis metaphorically referring to the father and daylily to the mother.
  • 香椿的種植基地不在北方,而在四川達州市大竹縣,目前新鮮香椿第一茬正是摘收的時節,往年通過專車收件、航空運輸,確保採摘下來的香椿48小時內送到全國各大城市。今年香椿收成好,產量能達到1.5萬噸,總產值會突破6億元。受疫情影響,餐飲行業不景氣,百姓不能上街買菜,香椿鮮芽市場需求大幅縮減,於是把新鮮香椿運來了香港。   http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/03/13/a22-0313.pdf
  • 香椿還有個「樹王」的稱號,其來源有不同的傳說。傳得最廣的是說西漢末年王莽篡漢,劉秀等皇裔避難,飢餓中躲進一片桑林,靠吃桑葉果腹。為謝桑樹之恩,後來當了皇帝的劉秀把桑樹封為「樹王」,但糊塗大臣把牌匾錯掛到了香椿樹上,讓香椿白撿了個「樹王」美名。中國文化裏的這種民間傳說太多了,當故事聽聽就好,不必求證。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200424/PDF/b3_screen.pdf
  • 椿樹溝,地處蒙山景區望海樓腹地,因當地椿樹居多而得名,這裏飛瀑流泉,疊巒藏峰,古樹參天。原先千年百年的椿樹都有,由於各種自然災害毀壞,至今百年樹齡的還有一棵,被尊為「椿樹王」。站在嶺上朝西南方向望去,空山寂靜,雲海澄明,望海樓巍然屹立,氣勢恢弘。據說,站在上面能看到200里外的大海,當地人常以登臨其上為榮。相傳燕王朱棣稱帝後天下大治,創造了「永樂盛世」的奇跡,實現了帝王的雄心大略。聽說望海樓宛若仙境,便攜一位公主妹妹前來登山。不知望海樓的風光是怎樣讓人流連忘返的,只知道數日之後,公主雖然盡興而歸,但卻仍然念念不忘。不久,早已厭倦宮廷權爭的她偷偷出宮,在望海樓下建起一座庵出家為尼,不念歸期。這座庵被當地人稱作皇姑庵,村被稱為皇姑庵村,後來演變為黃姑庵村,而椿樹溝則是黃姑庵村的一個自然村。故事只是傳說,不需要考證。然而令椿樹溝人驕傲的是,全28集的電視連續劇《遍地書香》就是在椿樹溝一帶拍攝的http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/08/20/b06-0820.pdf

merkh plant <to get more info>
- arabic 
- appear in this recipe https://www.kiriarabia.com/uploads/recipes/pdf/1550563389_Eman%20Q1_Kiri%20Pressured%20Ribs%20recipe.pdf

「安契」,看註 解才得知,那是「以青芒果切片曬乾製成的印度香 料,可整片使用或磨成粉加入料理中,有時會以鬱 金(薑黃)調味,常見於印度料理,是款風味濃烈 的香料。」http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/09/24/a30-0924.pdf

茴芹,又稱作西洋茴香、洋茴香、大茴香、歐洲大茴香,是原產於埃及地中海東部的一种伞形科植物,有着带甜味的果实和類似甘草茴香的香味,故常用于用于提炼精油、制造糖果酿酒Anise (/ˈænɪs/;[3] Pimpinella anisum), also called aniseed or rarely anix  is a flowering plant in the family Apiaceae native to the eastern Mediterranean region and Southwest Asia.The flavor and aroma of its seeds have similarities with some other spices, such as star anise, fennel, and liquorice. It is widely cultivated and used to flavor food and alcoholic drinks, especially around the Mediterranean.The name "anise" is derived via Old French from the Latin word, anisum, or Greek, anison, referring to dill.
- 八角並不是中國原產, 因為八角有個別名叫「舶上茴香」,就表示它是從 船舶上運進來的。而且這個名字首先出現在宋朝, 直到五十多年後的一二六四年,才在書中看到八角 茴香的名字。八角有個特別的地方,就是當年新產 的,香氣還未完全透出,要存放兩三年,香氣才最 飽滿,其後就減退了。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/09/24/a30-0924.pdf
- scmp 21oct2020 "star of the show" chinese star anise is a completely different plant although it has the same flavouring, anethole, as anise; marche (in italy) have been cultivating anise for centuries

至於現在吃羊肉時必然吃到的香料,是孜然,最 早是從伊朗傳入新疆,伊朗的古稱是安息國,所以 孜然又稱為安息茴香。

小豆蔻CardamomElettaria cardamomum Maton),又名豆蔻綠豆蔻蔻米,是一种薑科多年生的草本植物。喜欢生长在山坡边阴凉潮湿的地方,中国的福建广东广西云南都能找到它的身影。小豆蔻是一种烹调香料、种子可以做中药   Cardamom (/ˈkɑːrdəməm/), sometimes cardamon or cardamum,[1] is a spice made from the seeds of several plants in the genera Elettaria and Amomum in the family Zingiberaceae. Both genera are native to the Indian subcontinent and Indonesia. They are recognized by their small seed pods: triangular in cross-section and spindle-shaped, with a thin, papery outer shell and small, black seeds; Elettaria pods are light green and smaller, while Amomum pods are larger and dark brown. Species used for cardamom are native throughout tropical and subtropical Asia. The first references to cardamom are found in Sumer, and in the Ayurvedic literatures of India.[2]Nowadays, it is also cultivated in some other countries, such as Guatemala, Malaysia and Tanzania.[3] The German coffee planter Oscar Majus Kloeffer introduced Indian cardamom (kerala) to cultivation in Guatemala before World War I; by 2000, that country had become the biggest producer and exporter of cardamom in the world, followed by India. Cardamom is the world's third-most expensive spice, surpassed in price per weight only by vanilla and saffronThe two main types of cardamom are:
  • True or green cardamom (or when bleached, white cardamom[14]) comes from the species Elettaria cardamomum and is distributed from India to Malaysia. What is often referred to as white cardamon is actually Siam cardamom, Amomum krervanh.[15]
  • Black cardamom, also known as brown, greater, large, longer, or Nepal cardamom, comes from species Amomum subulatum and is native to the eastern Himalayas and mostly cultivated in Eastern Nepal, Sikkim, and parts of Darjeeling district in West Bengal of India, and southern Bhutan.
The two types of cardamom, κάρδαμομον and ἄμωμον, were distinguished in the fourth century BCE by the Greek father of botany, Theophrastus.Both forms of cardamom are used as flavourings and cooking spices in both food and drink, and as a medicine. E. cardamomum (green cardamom) is used as a spice, a masticatory, and in medicine; it is also smoked.
- china daily 30sep19 chinese black cardamom in hainan

- *******In English the name parsley starts in the 14th century, where the Old English form petersilie, or sometimes also petrosili, and the Old French form peresil join together to become persely. This word makes its appearance in 1376, when William Langland writes it in his work Piers Plowman.Both the Old English and the Old French forms were derived from the same Medieval Latin source petrosilium, which itself came from earlier Latin petroselinum. This latter is simply the Latinised form of the Greek word πετροσέλινον (petroselinon), which literally means “rock-celery”, combined as it is from the two words πέτρα (petra), which means “rock”, and σέλινον (selinon), which means “celery”. The ultimate source of σέλινον is not known, but it is thought that it might be a loan-word from a pre-Hellenic era language now lost to us. Interestingly, the word “cumin” is thought to have come from the same unknown source.Contrary to what has been suggested by a few people, there is nothing to link it to the word σελήνη (selini), which means “moon”. In Modern Greek, the two words do indeed sound very similar, but it is not thought that this was the case in ancient Greek, as evidenced by the use of different letters to represent the vowel sounds, ι (iota) in selinon, and η (eta) in selini.Interestingly, however, while other languages continue to use the Greek word, in modern Greek, the word used is μαϊντανός (maidanos), which is a reverse-loan word, from Turkish maydanoz, which developed from the earlier form mağdanos, itself from earlier Greek μακεδονήσι (makedonisi), and ultimately from Μακεδών (Makedon), or “Macedonian”.https://www.quora.com/Why-do-Greeks-use-the-foreign-word-maidanos-for-parsley-and-not-the-original-Greek-word-petroselinon-when-almost-all-other-European-languages-use-a-word-which-derives-from-petroselinon-e-g-parsley-Petersilie-etc

Leaf celery (Apium graveolens var. secalinum Alef.),[1][2][3] also called Chinese celery or Nan Ling celery, is a variety of celery cultivated in East Asian countries for its edible, flavorful stalks and leaves.The stems are thinner than those of Western celery, and curved into round, hollow stalks. Also, unlike with Western celery, the leaves are used as well as the stalks.

  • [aranas] called kinchay in philippines

Myrtus, with the common name myrtle, is a genus of flowering plants in the family Myrtaceae, described by Swedish botanist Linnaeus in 1753.Over 600 names have been proposed in the genus, but nearly all have either been moved to other genera or been regarded as synonyms. The genus Myrtus has three species recognised today:[5]
Myrtus communis, the "common myrtle", is native across the Mediterranean region, Macaronesia, western Asia, and the Indian subcontinent. It is also cultivated.The plant is an evergreen shrub or small tree, growing to 5 metres (16 ft) tall. The leaf is entire, 3–5 cm long, with a fragrant essential oil.The star-like flower has five petals and sepals, and numerous stamens. Petals usually are white. The flower is pollinated by insects.The fruit is a round berry containing several seeds, most commonly blue-black in colour. A variety with yellow-amber berries is also present. The seeds are dispersed by birds that eat the berries.Myrtus nivellei, the Saharan myrtle, (Tuareg languagetefeltest), is endemic to the mountains of the central Sahara Desert.[6] It is found in a restricted range in the Tassili n'Ajjer Mountains in southern Algeria, and the Tibesti Mountains in northern Chad.It occurs in small areas of sparse relict woodland at montane elevations above the central Saharan desert plains.It is a traditional medicinal plant for the Tuareg people.
- Myrtus communis is used in the islands of Sardinia and Corsica to produce an aromatic liqueur called Mirto by macerating it in alcohol. Mirto is one of the most typical drinks of Sardinia and comes in two varieties: mirto rosso (red) produced by macerating the berries, and mirto bianco (white) produced from the less common yellow berries and sometimes the leaves.Many Mediterranean pork dishes include myrtle berries, and roasted piglet is often stuffed with myrtle sprigs in the belly cavity, to impart an aromatic flavour to the meat.The berries, whole or ground, have been used as a pepper substitute.[11] They contribute to the distinctive flavor of Mortadella sausage and the related American Bologna sausage.In Calabria, a myrtle branch is threaded through dried figs and then baked. The figs acquire a pleasant taste from the essential oils of the herb. They are then enjoyed through the winter months.
In Jewish liturgy, the myrtle is one of the four sacred plants (Four Species) of Sukkot, the Feast of Tabernacles representing the different types of personality making up the community. The myrtle having fragrance but not pleasant taste, represents those who have good deeds to their credit despite not having knowledge from Torah study. The three branches are lashed or braided together by the worshipers a palm leaf, a willow bough, and a myrtle branch. The etrog or citron is the fruit held in the other hand as part of the lulav wave ritual. In Jewish mysticism, the myrtle represents the phallic, masculine force at work in the universe. For this reason myrtle branches were sometimes given the bridegroom as he entered the nuptial chamber after a wedding (Tos. Sotah 15:8; Ketubot 17a). Myrtles are both the symbol and scent of Eden (BhM II: 52; Sefer ha-Hezyonot 17). The Hechalot text Merkavah Rabbah requires one to suck on a myrtle leaves as an element of a theurgic ritual. Kabbalists link myrtle to the sefirah of Tiferet and use sprigs in their Shabbat (especially Havdalah) rites to draw down its harmonizing power as the week is initiated (Shab. 33a; Zohar Chadash, SoS, 64d; Sha’ar ha-Kavvanot, 2, pp. 73–76).[20] Myrtle leaves were added to the water in the last (7th) rinsing of the head in the traditional Sephardic tahara manual (teaching the ritual for washing the dead).[21] Myrtles are often used to recite a blessing over a fragrant plant during the Havdalah ceremony, as well as before Kiddush is some Sefardic and Hasidic traditions.
-  In neo-pagan and wicca rituals, myrtle, though not indigenous beyond the Mediterranean Basin, is now commonly associated with and sacred to Beltane (May Day). Myrtle in a wedding bouquet is a general European custom.A sprig of myrtle from Queen Victoria's wedding bouquet was planted as a slip,[23] and sprigs from it have continually been included in royal wedding bouquets.

 薑黃Curcuma longa)又稱寶鼎香   Turmeric (pronounced /ˈtɜːrmərɪk/, also /ˈtmərɪk/ or /ˈtjmərɪk/[2]) is a flowering plantCurcuma longa of the ginger family, Zingiberaceae, the roots of which are used in cooking.[3] The plant is a perennialrhizomatousherbaceous plant native to the Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia, that requires temperatures between 20 and 30 °C (68 and 86 °F) and a considerable amount of annual rainfall to thrive. Plants are gathered each year for their rhizomes, some for propagation in the following season and some for consumption.The rhizomes are used fresh or boiled in water and dried, after which they are ground into a deep orange-yellow powder commonly used as a coloring and flavoring agent in many Asian cuisines, especially for curries, as well as for dyeing.[4] Turmeric powder has a warm, bitter, black pepper-like flavor and earthy, mustard-like aroma.
The name possibly derives from Middle English or Early Modern English as turmeryte or tarmaret. It may be of Latin origin, terra merita ("meritorious earth").[16] The name of the genus, curcuma, is derived from the Sanskrit kuṅkuma, referring to both turmeric and saffron, used in India since ancient times.Las propiedades de la cúrcuma fueron utilizadas por primera vez en la India entre 610 a. C. y 320 a. C. En aquella época se utilizaba como colorante para la lana. A lo largo de la historia se ha empleado para colorear partes del cuerpo, pero su uso más extendido ha sido el de colorante textil. Se emplea para teñir algodónlanasedacueropapellacasbarnizcerastintes, etc.
- hk

胡芦巴,又称云香草、香草、苦草、苦豆、苦朵菜、香苜蓿或香豆子等原产地中海地区,中国在四川河南甘肃安徽等省也有栽培。Fenugreek is believed to have been brought into cultivation in the Near East. It is uncertain which wild strain of the genus Trigonella gave rise to domesticated fenugreek. Charred fenugreek seeds have been recovered from Tell Halal, Iraq (carbon dated to 4000 BC), and Bronze Age levels of Lachish and desiccated seeds from the tomb of Tutankhamen.[5] Cato the Elder lists fenugreek with clover and vetch as crops grown to feed cattle.In one first-century A.D. recipe, the Romans flavoured wine with fenugreek.[7] In the 1st century AD, in Galilee, it was grown as a staple food, as Josephus mentions it in his book, the Wars of the Jews.[8] The plant is mentioned in the 2nd-century compendium of Jewish Oral Law (Mishnah) under its Hebrew name tiltan.The English name derives via Middle French fenugrec from Latin faenugraecumfaenum Graecum meaning "Greek hay".India is a major producer, with fenugreek production in India derived from numerous states. Rajasthan accounts for over 80% of India's output.

- used in cuisine of eurasia, middle east and africa

- hkej 28spe2020 c4 mention of herbs in chinese literature

Mustard seeds are the small round seeds of various mustard plants. The seeds are usually about 1 to 2 millimetres (0.039 to 0.079 in) in diameter and may be colored from yellowish white to black. They are an important spice in many regional foods and may come from one of three different plants: black mustard (Brassica nigra), brown Indian mustard (B. juncea), or white/yellow mustard (B. hirta/Sinapis alba).
Grinding and mixing the seeds with watervinegar or other liquids creates the yellow condiment known as prepared mustard.Mustard seeds are used as a spice in Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Bangladesh. The seeds are usually fried until they pop. The leaves are also stir-fried and eaten as a vegetable. 

地榆属Sanguisorba is a genus of flowering plants in the family Rosaceae native to the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. The common name is burnet.
Sanguisorba officinalis, commonly known as great burnet, is a plant in the family Rosaceae, subfamily Rosoideae. It is native throughout the cooler regions of the Northern Hemisphere in Europe, northern Asia, and northern North America.别名“菗”(拼音chóu南京官话chou2,直由,音同「綢」)、“黄爪香”、“玉札”等。源氏物語にも見える古い名称である。漢字表記においては吾木香、我毛紅、我毛香、我妹紅など様々に書かれてきたが、「〜もまた」を意味する「亦」を「も」と読み、「吾亦紅」と書くのが現代では一般的である。「吾木香」については、キク科の植物で線香の原料にもなるモッコウ(木香)と似た香りを連想することから、「わが国の木香」という意味だといわれるが、実際にはワレモコウからあまり香りはしない[1]名の由来には諸説あり、はっきりしていない[1]。植物学者の前川文夫によれば、木瓜文(もっこうもん)を割ったように見えることからの命名という[2]。一説には、「吾もまた紅なり」とワレモコウ自身が唱えたことが名の由来であるといわれている[3]。このほか、中国の皇帝がこの花の匂いを気に入り、「吾も請う」と言ったことに由来するのではなど[4]、様々な俗説もある。別名に酸赭、山棗参、黄瓜香、豬人參、血箭草、馬軟棗、山紅棗根などがある[要出典]
- hkej 17mar2021 

- japan

  • yawataya isogoro 八幡屋礒五郎 since 1736