- The United States invasion of Grenada was a 1983 invasion led by the United States of the Caribbean island nation of Grenada, which has a population of about 91,000 and is located 160 kilometres (99 mi) north of Venezuela, that resulted in a U.S. victory within a matter of weeks. Codenamed Operation Urgent Fury, it was triggered by the internal strife within the People's Revolutionary Government that resulted in the house arrest and the execution of the previous leader and second Prime Minister of Grenada Maurice Bishop, and the establishment of a preliminary government, the Revolutionary Military Council with Hudson Austinas Chairman. The invasion resulted in the appointment of an interim government, followed by democratic elections in 1984. The country has remained a democratic nation since then. Grenada gained independence from the United Kingdom in 1974. The leftist New Jewel Movement seized power in a coup in 1979 under Maurice Bishop, suspending the constitution and detaining a number of political prisoners. In 1983, an internal power struggle began over Bishop's relatively moderate foreign policy approach, and on 19 October, hard-line military junta elements captured and executed Bishop, his partner Jacqueline Creft, along with three cabinet ministers and two union leaders. Subsequently, following appeals by the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States and the Governor-General of Grenada, Paul Scoon, the Reagan Administration in the U.S. quickly decided to launch a military intervention. From the U.S. perspective, a justification for the intervention was in part explained as "concerns over the 600 U.S. medical students on the island" and fears of a repeat of the Iran hostage crisis. The U.S. invasion began six days after Bishop's death, on the morning of 25 October 1983.china
- 美洲小國格林納達全局性地接受採納中國為其度身訂造的國家發展戰略規劃,這是世界上第一個接受中國幫助擬定發展藍圖規劃的國家。今次事件之所以引發震動,主要有兩個原因:一是格林納達雖然是小國,卻是美國後院,自一九八三年美國入侵該國之後,格林納達就成為美國的禁臠,該國政府無一例外是親美路線,但今次該國卻尋找中國幫助而沒有選擇美國,折射出中國影響力在拉美崛起。二是格林納達長期實施的是新自由主義為特點的華盛頓模式,但幾十年下來,國家並沒有得到充足發展,民眾生活也沒有更上一層樓,反而陷入拉美化陷阱,不僅產業空心化,而且淪為西方跨國公司的原材料供應基地,被國際資本所控制。
- 格林納達 (Grenada )位於東加勒比海向風群島的最 南端 ,人口略過十萬 ,並不為人熟知 。2005 年 ,在韓世灝的斡旋下,《中華人民共和國與格林納 達恢復外交關係的聯合公報 》得以簽署 ,其後中格又 在文化合作 、簽證互免上屢屢突破 , 至2018 年 , 雙 方又簽署了關於海上絲綢之路的諒解備忘錄 。韓世灝正努力推動這些想法落地 。在黑龍江省政協 十二屆四次會議上 ,他遞交提案 ,指要 「推動區塊鏈 技術和產業創新發展 ,加快將科教優勢轉換為經濟優 勢」。作為黑龍江省政協常委 ,他看到了黑龍江所具 備的優勢 :能儲豐富 ,支持大規模供電 ,氣候寒冷 , 有利於服務器散熱 。此外 ,省內的多所高校 ,如哈爾 濱工業大學和哈爾濱工程大學等 ,也都具有極其雄厚 的科研實力 。是以他認為 ,黑龍江具備充分的客觀條 件 ,將科研實力轉化為經濟效益 。