Sunday, March 28, 2021

china five year plan


- company
  • 北京正东电子动力集团有限公司(原 751) 简称“正东集团”是我国“一·五”期间重点建设的157个大型骨干企业之一,由原民主德国援建。位于北京中关村电子城高新技术产业区北京正东创意产业园内(北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路4号)。自上世纪五十年代建厂起,751为国营华北无线电器材联合厂的电子元器件生产和科研院所提供热、电、煤气、特种气体,满足生产、生活需要,长期肩负着北京酒仙桥、电子城区域国家电子工业基地电力和热力的供应。随着首都的经济发展,煤气生产经七十年代、八十年代两次改建扩建后,与首钢、焦化厂并列为北京人工煤气三大气源生产企业,满足着北京市1/3企业生产和民用的需求,为保障首都北京经济发展建设做出了卓越的贡献。上世纪九十年代,尤其进入21世纪以来,随着北京电子城老工业基地改造与品质提升的需求,751厂供热与电力供应始终处于蓬勃发展的势态。创意产业方面正东集团打造的北京市文化创意产业集聚区之一-751D·PARK北京时尚设计广场,为实现将园区打造成具有国内最高水平、国际上具有一定影响力的文化创意产业聚集区,园区率先与中国服装设计师协会把关合作,在引入中国“十佳”设计师称号的服装设计师的同时也吸引在国内外具有一定影响力和发展潜力的其他设计类工作室的入驻。

- Draft
  • Livelihood issues steal the spotlight in the draft outline of the 13th Five-Year Plan on National Economic and Social Development of China, released during the on-going 4thSession of the 12th National People’s Congress. The draft outline throws out more comprehensive contents, more concrete targets and more specific directions on people's livelihood matters.
- 中共十八屆五中全會
  • 據中通社報道,今年10月12日召開的中共中央政治局會議決定,中共十八屆五中全會於10月26日至29日在北京召開。全會將審議《中共中央關於制定國民經濟和社會發展第十三個五年規劃的建議》。此間權威人士指出,這份文件集中了中共全黨和各方面智慧,將為「十三五」時期中國經濟社會發展指明方向、勾畫藍圖。新華社昨日報道稱,中共十八大確立了在中國共產黨成立一百年時全面建成小康社會,在中華人民共和國成立一百年時建成富強民主文明和諧的社會主義現代化國家的「兩個一百年」奮鬥目標。中共中央政治局認為,「十二五」規劃目標即將實現,中國經濟實力、科技實力、國防實力、國際影響力又上了一個大台階。「十三五」時期是全面建成小康社會的決定性階段,「十三五」規劃必須緊緊圍繞實現這個奮鬥目標來制定。
- 「兩個一百年」
  • 內地有不少政治術語,很多港人因沒甚留意當中的來龍去脈而不明所指。例如在不久前的五中全會,強調「十三五」規劃要圍繞實現「兩個一百年」目標來制訂;習近平訪英也提及,中國正為實現「兩個一百年」而努力。何為「兩個一百年」?如果作街頭訪問,相信大部分港人都答不出來。原來,所謂「兩個一百年」,是指建黨一百周年,以及建國一百周年。中國共產黨成立於一九二一年七月一日,一百周年即是二○二一年,距今僅六年光景;中華人民共和國成立於一九四九年十月一日,建國百周年即是二○四九年,距今還有三十四年。習近平提出的「中國夢」,就是要爭取在建黨百年的時候,國家可以全面建成小康社會;到建國百年,中國可以成為富強、民主、文明、和諧的社會主義現代化國家。「十三五」規劃正是第一個百年目標的衝刺階段,而這一階段又是內地經濟結構調整的關鍵時期,其重要性不言而喻。中央政府為建成全面小康社會設下一個指標,就是到二○二○年,國內生產總值和城鄉居民人均收入,要比二○一○年翻一番。據國家統計,二○一○年國內生產總值為四十點八萬億元人民幣,若要翻倍,即要超過八十一萬億元。去年國內生產總值雖已增至六十四萬億元,距指標僅差十餘萬億,但在經濟逆境下,五年後要達標,殊不容易。須知道,第一個百年目標能否實現,必將直接影響到第二個百年目標的進程,故「十三五」規劃馬虎不得。

- reform
  • 'Institutional barriers' cited as main factor impeding nation's progress One of China's leading economists has made a strong call for the country's leaders to speed up reforms that have been delayed. The appeal by Wu Jinglian comes as a top leadership meeting is scheduled to be held on Monday to map out the nation's development program for the next five years. The Communist Party of China is holding its Central Committee plenum from Monday to Thursday to come up with a proposal for the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-20). The meeting will also fill high-level vacancies left by officials now facing graft charges, including 11 former Central Committee members and alternate members. Wu, 85, is a researcher at the State Council Development Research Center and a veteran economic adviser to the central government from the early days of the nation's economic reform. Speaking on Sunday at a Center for Industrial Development and Environmental Governance forum at Tsinghua University, Wu blamed what he called "institutional barriers" as the main factor for the slowdown in China's overall rise in productivity and the failure to meet the demands of its newly rich middle-class citizens. The only solution is to forge ahead with reform, rather than to introduce continual financial stimulus measures, he said.
  • 中共十八屆五中全會通過的「十三五」規劃建議,昨日正式公布,除全面實施二孩政策外,延遲退休年齡保障、戶籍改革、人權保障及軍隊改革等,均寫入下一個五年規劃內

  • 中國工業和信息化部部長 苗圩5日在北京談貫徹落實 「十三五」規劃 時表示,圍繞 「中國製造2025」一共有34項 專項規劃,現在正加緊進行各方面工作,明 年這些規劃將陸續出台並實施。 據中新社報道,今年5月份,中國官方 發布了《中國製造2025》,提出了建設製造 強國的發展目標和路徑。 在本周發布的 「十三五」規劃建議中, 也提出 「加快建設製造強國,實施《中國製 造2025》」。 苗圩在當日的國新辦發布會上說,貫徹 落實 「中國製造2025」,一是瞄準新一輪科 技革命和產業變革的重要發展趨勢,搶佔未 來產業競爭的制高點。尤其要加強引導和培 育、扶植新興產業,加快傳統產業改造升級 的速度。 二是聚焦重點行業和領域,做好 「十三 五」規劃的具體工作。重點行業包括高端裝 備製造業、戰略性新興產業和傳統產業。 三是圍繞着 「三個重大」來提高規劃的 權威性和指導性。 「三個重大」是指重大項 目、重大工程、重大政策。
  • 國務院常務會議決定再取消一批 中央指定地方實施的行政許可並清理規範一 批行政審批中介服務事項。 會議決定,一是在本屆政府已取消230 項中央指定地方實施的行政審批事項的基礎 上,再取消民辦學校招生簡章和廣告備案核 准、棉花加工資質認定等53項許可。二是再 取消與法律職業資格認定、鐵路運輸基礎設 備生產企業審批等有關的20項中介服務事 項。 會議還部署創新政府管理優化政府服務 ,加快新舊動能接續轉換,要積極運用新動 能改造提升傳統動能。在繼續淘汰落後產能 的同時,立足創新驅動,依託 「中國製造 2025」等推動傳統產業邁向中高端,促進實 體經濟升級。
- Ftz
  • The Communist Party of China Central Committee is meeting thisweek in Beijing to set the course for the world's second-largest economy over thenext five years. China Daily takes a look at the major economic progress achievedduring the previous years and key focus areas in 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-20). A new round of reform and opening-up of China marked by the opening of theChina (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone two years ago is sure to be carried on in thecountry's 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-20).More importance will be attached to opening-up in the new Five-Year Plan which isto be released soon. Prominent on the agenda is the expansion of free trade zonegroups in China. Zhang Jianping, director of the international economic cooperation institute forinternational research under the National Development and Reform Commission,said that many provinces have submitted their applications of free trade zones topromote a new round of reform and opening-up locally. A large number of theseapplicants are quite qualified, he said. Qualified candidates include internationally influential cities along the YangtzeRiver Economic Belt such as Wuhan and Chongqing, as well as bigger-size cities inborder provinces, such as Urumqi, which can serve as inland ports for free trade,said Zhang. Besides, progress has been made concerning a deepened financial reform in theShanghai FTZ. Premier Li Keqiang said during an executive meeting of the StateCouncil on Oct 21 that the renminbi convertibility would be increased step by step.In addition, steps to expand the functions of existing free trade accounts, fostermore overseas investment by qualified domestic individual investors, expand theback-flow channels of overseas renminbi investment and support the legalestablishment of overseas equity investment funds would also be considered. All these improvements are based on the steady steps that the Shanghai FTZ hasmade. This April, its original size of 28.78 square kilometers was expanded to include awider area of the city's flagship economic and commercial hub, Pudong New Area.And another three FTZs have been created based on its model in Guangdong andFujian provinces and in Tianjin municipality.

- chinese enterprises going out
  • 左小蕾表示,十八屆五中全會正在討 論未來的 「十三五」規劃,決定未來5年 經濟發展的整體路線圖,這是近年來最重 要的會議。在過去的30年,中國改革開放 走出了1.0版,對外貿易主要是貿易的走 出去,現在中國已經成為第一貿易大國, 1.0版取得了明顯效果。但是當前中國經 濟已發生很大變化,從淨的直接投資流入 國,變成了對外投資流出國投資國。 左小蕾指出,直接投資加速走出去, 將是 「十三五」期間中國開放最重要的特 徵之一,這也是對外改革開放2.0版本的 重要內涵。預計在 「十三五」期間,每年 對外投資將達到2500億美元到3000億美元 ,在 「十三五」期間,其間累計對外投資 將會超過萬億美元。 「一帶一路」拓開放空間 專家指出,在這樣國際國內大背景下 ,中國必須要做出戰略選擇。當前全世界 有效需求不足,所以經濟復甦緩慢,誰能 夠創造有效需求,誰就抓住了未來經濟發 展的新的機遇。中國需要更積極的參與國 際新規則的制定,建立更高層的多邊、雙 邊協調機制與合作機制,應對新遊戲規則 制定帶來的約束。 左小蕾說, 「一帶一路」是新時期對 外開放的大戰略,輻射範圍非常廣泛,將 從產能、戰略、創業以及第三方市場的互 聯互通來實現一體化經濟發展。譬如在 「 一帶一路」沿線國家建立創業園,也是中 國的成功經驗,在有關做 「十三五」規劃 對外發展的報告中已經開始操作。同時, 還要加強基礎設施建設,發展沿線電子商 務,改善營業環境,創新貿易方式,加強 人民幣離岸建設以及旅遊、文化的合作等 。習近平主席最近訪問英國,實際上是從 「一帶一路」戰略角度上合作,共同開發 第三方市場,這都將為中國對外開放開拓 很大空間。

- Inward di

- Soe
  • The restructuring of unprofitable State-owned enterprises will be boosted tounleash their potential from the constraints of nonbusiness operations, such asschools and hospitals, to enhance industrial profits.An executive meeting of the State Council presided over by Premier Li Keqiang onWednesday decided to speed up the restructuring of "zombie enterprises" toencourage the market-oriented allocation of resources, a statement released afterthe meeting said. The meeting pledged support for the SOEs to shake off their "historic burden", aterm often used to describe the nonbusiness operations of SOEs, such as schoolsand hospitals-common establishments for super-powerful industrial giants bornduring the era of a planned economy.

- Winning sectors
  • winning sectors: 
・ Information technology
・ High-end manufacturing
・ New-energy vehicles
・ Railway transport equipment
・ Biotechnology
・ Environmental protection
・ Modern agricultural machinery

- new industries
  • 據新華社報道, 經李克強總理 簽批,國務院日前印發《「十三五」國家戰略性 新興產業發展規劃》(以下簡稱《規劃》),對 「十三五」期間中國戰略性新興產業發展目標、 重點任務、政策措施等作出全面部署安排。

- employment
  • China will provide preferential policies and job training programs to targeted groups in order to hit a goal of producing 50 million new jobs by the end of 2020. As part of efforts to keep the unemployment rate below 5 percent each year, the government will help targeted groups land jobs, especially college graduates and workers laid off due to overcapacity, according to guidelines released by the State Council on Monday. Preferential policies for graduates include tax cuts and tuition fee reductions, if they are willing to work in distant rural areas. The central government will launch special programs to help resource-intensive areas to relocate laid-off workers, according to the guidelines.

- finance
  • 中國人民銀行、中國銀監會、中國證 監會和中國保監會 「一行三會」 重組的消 息甚囂塵上。外媒昨日引述消息指,A股在 6月12日至8月底期間挫43%,各機構在此 間的政策回應缺乏協調,中國正在考慮將 銀監會、保監會和證監會合併,成為一個 統一的 「超級」 監督管理委員會。路透昨日引述消息人士表示,在此前公布的 「十 三五」規劃中, 「改革並完善適應現代金融市場發展 的金融監管框架,實現金融風險監管全覆蓋」已經成 為建議內容。今年第二季度中國股市疲弱,推出多個 措施也難阻股市連番下跌,有關消息人士指出,正是 因為各機構在政策回應方面缺乏協調,促使高層領導 就合併三家主要金融監管機構一事展開內部討論,這 也是改革中國市場的大目標中的一部分。 一行三會監管效果弱化 現行 「一行三會」的監管模式始於1997年金融危 機過後。但是隨着金融業的快速發展,金融機構混業 經營普遍的情形下,分業監管的模式已難發揮效果, 金融監管的變革引起多方討論。而中央財經領導小組 辦公室在本月上旬舉行的吹風會上,中財辦副主任楊 偉民坦言,為適應當前金融混業經營趨勢,現行金融 監管體制需要改革。在有關表態後,合併「一行三會」 的消息再在市場上廣泛討論。

- Legal
  • 談及「十三五」規劃,王俊峰告訴記者,全國律協目前正在制定行業未來發展計劃,在「十三五」期間將積極拓寬律師行業的法律服務領域,加快國際化步伐,培養更多的涉外領軍服務人才,以及現代法律服務人才。「中國目前有將近30萬的律師,但隨着經濟社會的發展,數量還遠遠不夠,」王俊峰指,中國律師行業當前還存在着行業發展不均衡、律師專業素質和職業道德素質有待進一步提升、律師權益保障還不充分、執業環境需要進一步優化等問題。從地域發展來看,大部分律師分佈在東部沿海城市,西部偏遠地區律師稀少;從專業領域來看,80%的律師集中在傳統的刑事、民事訴訟領域,競爭異常激烈,而新興的法律服務領域卻人才匱乏。

- Energy
  • 據《新京報》報道,國家發改委副主任連維良昨日在第十三屆中國改革論壇上表示,今年各部門已出台經濟體制改革文件100多個,石油天然氣、鹽業等重要行業改革方案也即將出台, 明年電力、石油等競爭性環節將真正放開。

- agriculture
  • 隨着農村人口老齡化和城市化轉移, 「誰來種地」 的問題日益突出,中共中央 「十三五」 規劃建議提出 「培養新型職業 農民」 。4日,中共中央農村工作領導小組官員表示,中國將通過規 模經營、社會化服務以及農業職業教育,逐步發展職業化農民。官方發布的《深化農村改革綜合性實施 方案》提出,中國將構建新型農業經營體系 ,吸引年輕人務農,培育新型職業農民,造 就高素質的新型農業生產經營者隊伍。加快 培育家庭農場、專業大戶、農民合作社、農 業產業化龍頭企業等新型農業經營主體。 韓俊表示,首先,要把新型農業主體的 培育和新型職業農民的培養結合起來,創造 條件讓一些進城務工的農民,甚至讓一些農 業職業學校畢業的學生,願意回到農村去務 農。另外,要把新型職業農民的培養和發展 農業的適度規模經營結合起來,發展多種形 式的農業適度規模經營。 中共十八屆五中全會提出要構建培育新 型農業經營主體的政策體系,深化農村金融 改革,完善農業保險制度,韓俊表示,培育 新型職業農民要做好配套制度的建設。同時 ,農業職業教育一定要跟上,要採取定向的 方式培養越來越多的符合現代農業發展需要 的新型農民,這是一個很艱巨的任務。
  • china is about to enter its second major period of agricultural reform since the 1980s, with the goal of shifting to large farms and "professionalized" farmers who are more productive than those working on a small scale, a high-level central government official said on Wednesday. The coming 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-20) will start the change, said Chen Xiwen, deputy director of the Central Rural Work Leading Group. In 30 years, about 85 percent of China's supply of farm products will be provided by 7 percent of its labor force, said Zou Lixing, a research official with China Development Bank. By comparison, in the United States, virtually the whole country's market of farm products is sustained by only 1.5 percent of its labor force, Zou said. For the past 2,000 years, small-plot farmers in China have provided the nation with most foods. As of 2014, there are 22 million farm workers in the country, according to government data, although some of them might have actually worked in cities. To facilitate the change, the coming Five-Year Plan calls for land management rights to be registered and duly protected by law-apart from land ownership rights-so that land can be used more efficiently. Before the agricultural reforms of the 1980s, farmland and farming operations were concentrated in people's communes. Chen said the priority in the coming agricultural reform is to improve the system of property rights in rural China, with the necessary step of allowing highly skilled farmers to operate large farms and raise the country's agricultural productivity. Chen's remark followed proposals for the new Five-Year Plan that emerged from a top-level decision-making meeting last week. The coming reform will encourage farmers to contract out their land to more productive farm managers in various ways, either individually or in groups. It will encourage farmers to use their plots to set up joint-stock companies.

- Food
  • But the nation will remain self-sufficient in rice and wheat until 2020, says minister. China expects to increase its grain imports during the 13th Five-Year Plan period (2016-20) rather than continue to increase its farming capacity, according to Minister of Agriculture Han Changfu. After increasing domestic grain production for the past 11 years, the country will, in what scientists see as a major shift, aim for stable output and quality products rather than ever-increasing domestic supplies, Han said in his report earlier this month. As a result of population growth and urbanization, China's demand for grain is expected to rise from 600 million metric tons in 2014 to 700 million tons in 2020. By then, Han said, there will be a gap of perhaps 100 million tons between the domestic demand and supply, to be filled by imports. However, the top agricultural official said, China will maintain 100 percent self-sufficiency in staple foods, especially wheat and rice, through the 13th Five-Year Plan. The imports will mostly be animal feeds.
  • China will tighten regulation and revise standards on an extensive range of food and drugs, according to the national food and drug watchdog on Feb 13. The State Council has recently issued national safety plans on food and drug safety for the 13th Five-year Plan period (2016-2020), calling for improved supervision and safety net, said the China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA). The plans require whole-process control and whole chain regulation on food and drugs, especially on source control and risk prevention. Food tests meeting quality standards should be up to 97 percent. An inter-departmental mechanism for food and drug safety will be improved as a better deterrent against offenses.

- ict
  • likely to be benefited
  • 國家發改委副主任胡祖才6日在國新辦發佈會上表示,今年年底中國的高速公路里程將達12.3萬公里,居世界之首,所有高速公路有望年內實現ETC(電子不停車收費系統)聯網。他還表示,高速公路建設要為支撐「一帶一路」、京津冀、長江經濟帶等三大發展戰略服務,打通國際合作重要境內通道。胡祖才表示,到去年年底,中國高速公路實現通車里程11.2萬公里,世界第一,今年年底估計達到12.3萬公里,增速非常快。儘管已經取得了巨大成績,但高速公路建設任務仍然繁重,今後一個時期正是高速公路加快成網的關鍵時期。
  • 據中新社報道,國務 院總理李克強昨日在北京主持召開國務 院常務會議。會議根據國民經濟和社會 發展第十三個五年規劃綱要,審議通過 國家信息化和科技重大專項「十三五」 重點規劃,推進經濟結構升級。
  • The central government will promote the sharing of data and information to build an integrated, connected and secure data system for the nation, a move that experts believe will boost efficiency and expand market opportunities. This was part of the Guideline on State Informatization for the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-20), which was approved at a State Council executive meeting presided over by Premier Li Keqiang on Wednesday.
  • 中國科學研究“國家隊”未來五年的發展目標正式出台,《中國科學院“十三五”發展規劃綱要》8月31日在北京公佈,規劃圍繞基礎前沿交叉、先進材料、能源、生命與健康、海洋、資源生態環境、資訊、光電空間等八大創新領域,提出60項有望實現跨越發展的重大突破。中科院院長白春禮特別談及,“十三五”期間中科院將繼續加強與港澳科學界的合作,助力港澳科技人才的培養。 白春禮表示,“十二五”時期,中科院在鐵基高温超導、量子通信、納米科技、幹細胞研究等領域取得重大科學突破。同時,在載人航天、探月工程、北斗導航、載人深潛、高速列車等重大工程中做出一系列重大創新貢獻。
  • china is close to complete a five-year development plan for home-made robots industry, multiple sources said on Nov 20. The ambitious plan aims to more than double the market share of made-in-China robots to 50 percent by 2020.  An expert who participated in drawing up the plan said a committee advising on the robotics element of the country’s “Made in China 2025” strategy is “almost ready” to submit its draft to the central government for final approval. “It will be announced in early 2016, if not next month,” said the expert, who asked to remain anonymous. The government committee’s members come from across a range of key industrial sectors covered by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.
  • the National Development and Reform Commission vowed to make significant progress by 2020 in the production capacity, creativity and competitiveness of the industry. Breakthroughs were expected in core components of robots including sensors and servomotors, it said. It also called for building competitive advantage in 10 types of industrial robots capable, for example, of precision welding, surgical applications, vacuum cleaning, performing an array of services and even programming themselves.
  • 據中新社報道,為中國機械人產業未來五年定調的《機械人產業發展規劃(2016-2020年)》昨日對外發佈。根據規劃,到2020年,工業機械人年產量達到10萬台,實現工業機械人密度(每萬名工人使用工業機械人數量)達到150以上。據了解,2013年起,中國機械人密度由5年前的11增加到36。該規劃由中國工業和信息化部、國家發展和改革委員會、財政部共同制定。該規劃稱,「十三五」時期是中國機械人產業發展的關鍵時期,中國將打造機械人全產業鏈競爭力,形成具有中國特色的機械人產業體系,為製造強國打下堅實基礎。「十三五」期間聚焦「兩突破」、「三提升」,即實現機械人關鍵零部件和高端產品的重大突破,實現機械人質量可靠性、市場佔有率和龍頭企業競爭力的大幅提升。
  • "The medical insurance for chronic diseases has really taken a weight off my shoulders," said Ding, who earns a living by farming and undertaking odd jobs. "It gives me hope to fight the disease." The new program, adopted as a pilot in Chongqing in 2013, provides cover for 27 million rural residents and unemployed urban residents who have joined the local basic medical insurance program, according to the Chongqing Civil Affairs Department. Last year, about 102,000 people in the city benefited from the new program, which reimbursed about 11 percent of each person's medical bills, the department said. By the end of the year, the program, aimed at alleviating the financial burden of people with chronic or terminal illnesses, will cover all urban and rural residents who have joined China's basic medical insurance system. The only exceptions will be people working in urban areas who have joined a different insurance program, according to the National Health and Family Planning Commission, China's top health authority. Under the program, subscribers are reimbursed for about 50 percent of medical costs not covered by the national basic medical insurance system. The program, which is being piloted in all 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities on the Chinese mainland, now covers 700 million people. By the end of last year, the basic medical insurance system — which includes programs to cover the rural population, employees in urban areas and the urban unemployed — covered more than 1.3 billion people, more than 95 percent of the population, according to the commission. The chronic diseases program will be adopted nationwide by the end of the year and will cover nearly 1.1 billion people, according to Yao Jianhong, an official at the State Council's Medical Reform Office. Zhang Peilin, president of the Ninth People's Hospital of Chongqing, said the program aims to provide better services for people on low incomes. "The medical insurance program for chronic diseases is a project to alleviate health poverty," he said. According to Zhang, the hospital treated about 40,000 people last year, and nearly 2,000 patients with chronic diseases, such as cancer, benefited from the program by being reimbursed for an average 40 percent of their medical bills. Zhang, of the Ninth People's Hospital, suggested amending a number of policies so the new program will focus more on those in need instead of attempting to provide widespread cover, even for well-off people. "Some patients still face heavy burdens, even if the greater part of their medical bills is covered by the insurance," he said. "The program should be improved so it suits different groups." The Ministry of Finance said the government will increase investment in medical insurance and encourage donations from wealthy individuals so the medical fund will keep pace with rising medical expenditure.
  • The State Council, China's Cabinet, approved two important five-year plans on Friday to enhance supervision of food and medicine safety amid the government's efforts to better protect public health. The two plans, passed at an executive conference presided over by Premier Li Keqiang, outlined the government's blueprint for ensuring food and drug safety during the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-20). According to the plans, the government will keep a close eye on key areas such as schools and roadside vendors to ensure that the food they sell is safe. The authorities will enhance supervision guarding against excessive pesticide use and misuse of food additives. The government will speed up the establishment procedures to make sure that all phases of medicine production and sales are retraceable, and the production and sale of counterfeit medicine will be severely punished. Sample testing will cover all kinds of food, blood products, vaccines and essential medicines to improve risk surveillance and assessment, according to the plans. The government will also speed up the amendment to the national standard on food safety and raise the safety standard of food, medicine and cosmetics.

- cultural industry
  • China is planning to develop its cultural industry into a pillar of the national economy by 2020 by upgrading its industrial structure, fostering major brands and boosting consumption, according to a government blueprint made public Sunday. Issued by the general offices of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and the State Council, the outline for the 13th five-year program (2016-2020) period on cultural development and reform specifies the guiding principles, major goals, key projects, as well as policy supports for future cultural reforms. This period is decisive for China's goal of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way by 2020, and also key for promoting the country's cultural development, the outline said. "Building a discourse system" was listed as one of the major innovative projects in the philosophy of the social sciences under the plan. The outline said that research should focus on the CPC Central Committee's new governance concepts, ideas and strategies. The outline also called for support for specialized high-level think tanks, saying their role should be given full play.

- Sports
  • 5日,國家體育總局在北京公佈《體育發展“十三五”規劃》指出,將擴大對外體育交流與合作,鞏固深化對港澳台體育交流與合作。 在對外體育交流與合作方面,規劃提出,在“優勢互補,互利共贏”的基礎上與世界體育大國、強國發展雙邊合作關係,與亞洲及周邊國家開展體育交流與合作,並開展與非洲和拉美國家的務實合作,為體育發展營造良好的外部環境。 《規劃》提出,積极參與政府間人文交流活動,以體育交流活動豐富人文交流的內涵。以籌辦2022年北京冬奧會、2022年杭州亞運會和參加重大體育賽事為契機,拓展與國際體育組織的合作領域,積极參與國際體育事務,增強國際體育事務話語權,加快體育外事人才培養。  “進一步深化兩岸體育各領域的交流與合作,鞏固和發展兩岸體育交流的良好局面。”《規劃》指出,繼續辦好兩岸體育交流座談會,完善兩岸體育組織間的對口交流機制,打造更多品牌性交流活動。

- logistics
  • The Ministry of Commerce, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Transport, the General Administration of Customs, the State Post Bureau and the Standardisation Administration of China have jointly issued the Special Plan for the Development of Electronic Commerce Logistics (2016-2020) in order to accelerate the development of e-commerce logistics, raise the level of e-commerce, reduce logistics costs and improve the circulation efficiency. According to the plan, by 2020, an e-commerce logistics system with perfect layout, optimised structure, powerful capability, efficient operation and quality service would be basically formed, with informatisation, standardisation and intensive development making significant progress.

- automobile
  • Auto industry experts expect sales of new-energy vehicles, which have been rising as of late, willsurge after China prioritized promoting the industry in its next five-year plan. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China approved a document that emphasizesboosting technological innovations in the manufacturing of new-energy vehicles and promotingthe use of electric cars, plug-in hybrids and fuel cell vehicles and which will be drafted intoChina's 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-2020). Consulting firm PwC estimates the sales of new-energy vehicles in China will rocket to 1.4 millionunits by 2020, about 20 times the total number of sales in 2014, and about 3.75 million units by2025. Statistics from the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers show that less than 140,000units were sold in the first nine months of this year.

- Aerospace
  • has made up its mind to boost the domestic aero-engine industry as a state-level major project, targeting to relieve the nation from its lasting pain in the "heart of plane" and economic pressures. The country listed aero-engine and gas turbine manufacturing as a major state-level project in the draft 13th Five-year plan (2016-2020) submitted to the national legislature. "The aero-engine is the power plant of the aircraft and a powerful propeller for the country's domestic aviation industry," said Liu Daxiang, China's leading aero-engine expert and academician at the Chinese Academy of Engineering. "This move shows China's resolve to conquer the domestic aircraft industry." China is seeking new growth drivers to offset downward pressure as the country continues its development under the "new normal." The aircraft engine industry offers a chance for China to boost the economy while strengthening its defense manufacturing and pioneering technological innovation. "It is highly anticipated aero-engines will help pioneer China's mid-and-long term development," Liu said. China will continue supply-side structural reforms and foster new growth engines through innovation and entrepreneurship, according to a government work report delivered by Chinese Premier Li Keqiang at the Fourth Session of the ongoing 12th National People's Congress. The government will set up state-level innovation platforms this year, Li said. The draft plan was presented to the ongoing annual parliamentary meetings for review. A few days before this, the state-owned Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) posted a news on its website, releasing about the personnel appointment of a new state-owned aero-engine corporation, which is in preparation.
  • Chinese space scientists are planning to develop several satellites in the 13th Five-Year Plan period (2016-20), according to senior researchers at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. "We have started preliminary research on four space-based scientific projects - the Solar Wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer, Water Cycle Observation Satellite, Einstein Probe and as the Magnetosphere, Ionosphere and Thermosphere Program," said Gong Jiancun, deputy director of the academy's National Space Science Center. "Our center is submitting these projects to the government for review and approval," he added, noting that the Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope developed by the academy will be sent into space before the end of this year to explore black holes and the rules of physics in extreme environments.
  • 中國「十三 五」空間科學(即太空科 學)任務日前全面啟動。記 者昨日從中國科學院了解 到,「十三五」期間(2016 年—2020年),中國空間科 學研究將繼續發力,預計在 2020年前後發射愛因斯坦探 針(EP)、先進天基太陽天 文台(ASO-S)等五顆科學 衛星。

- Railway
  • is developing a next-generation bullet train that can run at 400 kilometers an hour and is suitable for cross-border services, a senior researcher with the nation's high-speed rail program said on Sunday. "The train, to be developed in the 13th Five-Year Plan period (2016-20), will have wheels that can be adjusted to fit various gauges on other countries' tracks, compared with trains now that need to have their wheels changed before entering foreign systems," said Jia Limin, a professor at Beijing Jiaotong University and head of China's high-speed rail innovation program. "Once the new bullet train is put into service, it will operate on China's rail network as well as on the Moscow-Kazan high-speed line in Russia, which is designed for 400 km/h trains," he added, referring to the 770-km link that connects Moscow and Kazan, a metropolis on the Volga River. The rail line is a joint venture between China and Russia. According to an agreement by Chinese and Russian authorities, the Moscow-Kazan line is likely to be extended to Beijing, which will significantly reduce rail travel times between the two nation's capitals.

- public social services
  • A joint statement released by three departments supports the establishment of a senior caring system, social welfare and services for the disabled. It is aimed at further improving the social service infrastructures, improving facilities and providing convenient services and strong support by 2020.

- population
  • 國家衞生計生委日前公布《「十三五」全國計劃生育事業發展規劃》,提出要提高中國總和生育率,降低出生人口性別比例,同時優化生育服務水平,預計至二○二○年全國總人口將達十四億二千萬左右。據《規劃》提出的預期目標,至二○二○年,全國總人口將達到十四億二千萬人左右,年均自然增長率約百分之六;另總和生育率亦預期由二○一五年的約一點六,提升至一點八左右。另《規劃》又提出,要綜合治理出生人口性別比偏高問題,打擊非法性別鑑定和非法人工流產行為,推進社會性別平等,完善計劃生育女孩的家庭扶助和保障,提高女孩及女孩家庭發展能力,讓中國的出生人口性別比將進一步下降到一百比一百一十二以下。

- education
  • China's State Council has passed a plan on educational development for the 13th Five-Year Plan period (2016-2020). China will modernize education to provide support for nation-building goals, said a statement released after a State Council executive meeting presided over by Premier Li Keqiang on Wednesday. The meeting detailed key tasks, including improved fairness and educational reform. More resources should go to poor and remote areas, and equal access for the children of migrant workers and impoverished families should be guaranteed.

  • Private universities, vocational schools, and online education platforms are being tipped by analysts to be among the biggest winners from China’s recently rolled out 13th Five-Year Plan on education, which bids to narrow the huge gap in standards between urban and rural areas of the country. Currently China’s largest professional IT education services provider, for instance, is Tarena, with an 8.3 per cent share, according to the latest data from global market research firm IDC. Among the other vocational education service providers being tipped by analysts include Shenzhen-listed Changsha Kaiyuan Instrument – which acquired two vocational business schools in 2016 for 1.5 billion yuan – and Shanghai-listed Eastern Pioneer Driving School, China’s first listed driving schools. But Sinolink’s Li Wei says he is most focused on the internet-based education sector, and highlights two firms: Shenzhen-traded Beijing Lanxum Technology, a computer programming service provider, and education software developer Shenzhen Kingsun Science & Technology. Wei also likes the look of a company called China Online Education Group (51Talk), an English language teaching platform listed on the New York Stock Exchange in the form of ADRs.

  • guangdong province, mentioned especially to attract international schools

- central mainland china cities

- Northeast
  • To attract investment, the Liaoning provincial government has set up a 10-billion-yuan ($1.53 billion) "guiding fund" to facilitate cooperation between State andprivate capital. In neighboring Jilin, officials have expedited infrastructureconstruction. And Heilongjiang had started at least five programs by September2015, each with an investment of over 10 billion yuanAnother major move is to develop new industries and extend the industrial chain. InInner Mongolia, one coal mine after another has been trying to extract gas and oilfrom coal, in order to produce cleaner energyAnd Shanxi is putting more emphasis on sectors such as cultural tourism,agriculture and gas exploitation.
New policies (Mar 20-26)
Establishment of China Aerospace Day
The State CouncilChina's cabinethas approved the establishment of a ChinaAerospace Daywhich will fall on April 24, starting this year.
Natural disaster relief plan issued
The State Council has released a revised national natural disaster emergency reliefplanwhich also covers natural disasters in border areas that have a major impacton China.
Business tax to VAT reform formally announced
The Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation issued a circularthat said the business tax will be replaced by a value-added tax starting on May 1.
Adjustment of hygiene and food business licenses
The China Food and Drug Administration and the National Health and FamilyPlanning Commission recently issued a circular revoking licenses for restaurants,cafesbars and tea houses issued by local hygiene departments as management offood safety and hygiene licenses will be handed to the food and drug authorities.
Urban taxi management rule abolished
The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the Ministry of PublicSecurity abolished the urban taxi management regulation on March 16.
Quality supervision method issued
The State Administration for Industry and Commerce passed a new regulation onthe supervision of product qualitywhich will become effective on May 1. It forbidssales of products with the so-called three-nosThat is they do not have anyinformation on the manufacturerdate of production or correspondence.
Financial support for poverty reduction urged
The People's Bank of China and six other departments issued implementinginstructions requiring relevant departments to support poverty reduction programsafter thoroughly assessing the financing needs of poor people.
- fujian
  •福州市十五屆人大一次會議10日開幕,福 建福州代市長尤猛軍透露, 「十三五」期 間, 「海上福州」建設工作方案全面實施 ,啟動實施10項任務、195個重點項目,發 展海洋經濟產業,力爭到2019年,海洋生 物和海洋裝備產業產值分別增長13%。

- Gansu
  • ppp mode in building 200 airports

- Shanghai
  • 被稱作上海「十三五規劃智庫版」的《上海「十三五」發展規劃思路研究》一書日前由上海社科院發佈。該書客觀分析了上海當前的城市發展水平,以「開放改革引領創新轉型」為主旨,從經濟升級、社會升級、文化升級、環境升級、治理升級、空間升級等多個方面對上海未來五年作出規劃。此外,書中還提出,應考慮發展磁懸浮佔領全球高鐵市場。

- Guangdong
  • 記者從近日剛剛公佈的《中共廣東 省委關於制定國民經濟和社會發展第十三個五年規劃的建 議》(下簡稱《建議》)看到,廣東要進一步深化粵港澳合 作,加快建立與國際接軌的開放型經濟新體制,強化內外聯 動,提高開放水平,構建全方位開放發展新格局。首先是要高標準建設廣東自貿 區,營造法治化、國際化、便利化 營商環境,構建與國際高標準投 資、貿易、管理規則接軌的自由貿 易園區。其中,廣州南沙新區片區 重點建設以生產性服務業為主導的 現代產業新高地和具有世界先進水 平的綜合服務樞紐;深圳前海蛇口 片區重點建設中國金融業對外開放 試驗示範窗口、世界服務貿易重要 基地和國際性樞紐港;珠海橫琴新 區片區重點建設文化教育開放先導 區和國際商務服務休閒旅遊基地, 促進澳門經濟適度多元化,打造與 葡語系、西語系國家經貿合作新平 台。 其次是要建設「一帶一路」戰略 樞紐和經貿合作中心。以經貿合作 為重點,加強與「一帶一路」沿線 國家合作,在陸海內外聯動、東西 雙向開放的全面開放新格局中發揮 重要引擎作用。比如,支持企業積 極走出去建設營銷網絡、生產基地 和區域總部,參與大型基礎設施工 程承包,加強資源能源聯合開發利 用;支持廣州、深圳、珠海、汕 頭、湛江等重要支點城市與沿線友 好城市共建空港聯盟或港口聯盟, 推動海上物流大通道、海上絲綢之 路空中走廊和數字海上絲綢之路建 設。 引進歐美先進技術高端人才 第三是提升與歐美等發達國家及 新興市場經濟體合作水平。加強與 歐美發達國家的多層次經貿合作, 以引進先進技術、高端人才和優質 管理為重點,集聚高端生產力,培 育有全球影響力的先進製造基地和 經濟區。 第四是深化粵港澳緊密合作。創 新粵港澳合作機制,打造粵港澳大 灣區,形成最具發展空間和增長潛 力的世界級經濟區域。全面落實粵 港、粵澳合作框架協議,深入實施 CEPA有關協議,推進粵港澳服務貿 易自由化,重點在金融服務、交通 航運服務、商貿服務、專業服務、 科技服務等領域取得突破。 擴大自主品牌高效益產品出口 第五是要推進外經貿發展轉型升 級。堅持優進優出並重、貨物貿易 和服務貿易並重,推進內外貿一體 化發展,實現從外貿大省向貿易強 省轉變。穩定傳統優勢產品出口, 擴大自主知識產權、自主品牌、自 主營銷網絡和高技術含量、高附加 值、高效益產品出口。 第六是要深化泛珠三角等區域合 作。貫徹《泛珠三角區域深化合作 共同宣言(2015-2025年)》,務實 推進基礎設施、產業投資、商務貿 易、旅遊、農業、人力資源、科教 文化、醫療社保、環境生態、信息 化建設、金融等重點領域合作。,
  • 為響應國家「一帶一路」倡議,最新出爐的《廣東省綜合交通運輸體系發展「十三五」規劃》(《規劃》)指出,廣東擬打造「一帶一路」陸海交匯的戰略交通樞紐,重點推進國際航運服務體系、國際航空網絡拓展、陸路國際大通道等三大工程,以推進與「一帶一路」沿線國家、地區物流標準體系和基礎設施互聯互通。《規劃》指出,到2020年,廣東交通基礎設施將總體達到國內領先水平、世界先進水平。廣東將加速對接國家「一帶一路」戰略,加快建設外聯東盟、南亞,並融合港澳和周邊省區的綜合運輸大通道。
  • 內地知名港澳專家昨天出席中山大學舉辦“港澳與內地合作發展高端論壇”。暨南大學教授封小云今年承擔國家發改委宏觀經濟研究院關於香港及其在國家發展中的地位和作用的課題研究,她透露其負責的港澳部分內容稱,“十三五”是中國實質性進入經濟新常態的首個五年規劃,在內部經濟增長動力的轉換加上外部“一帶一路”國家戰略下,粵港合作將迎來重大跨越期。 然而封小云也直言,粵港合作在“十三五”仍面臨重大挑戰。“粵港之間的經濟互補關係產生逆轉。2000年後,粵港經濟實力對比急速變化,引發固有的互補關係破局,利益分化導致雙方關係由互補轉為替代”。她認為,雙方可合作制定大珠三角城市羣規劃,逐步形成粵港要素雙向流動的機制,以體制改革為動力促進CEPA實施落地。“規劃不僅要確保城市羣發展及成型的綱領,更要協調城市羣利益”。封小云還提出,要以規則為核心推進粵港市場一體化。她又指,未來還可建立粵港澳城市羣的組織實施機構,達至粵港澳城市間利益最大化。香港中聯辦深圳培訓調研中心副主任郭正林表示,香港與內地經濟已從過去“前店後廠”,轉為“多中心合作共贏”關係,而在“一國兩制”下,國家的發展及CEPA的實施,為香港與內地經濟互補合作提供條件。 快遞hk macau gz 一日通
  • 深圳「十三五」期間將投入1,400億元用於衛生領域,以打造國際化醫療中心。深圳市日前召開的市政府二十五次常務會議審議並原則通過了《關於深化醫藥衛生體制改革建設衛生強市的實施意見》,「十三五」期間,深圳將踐行「創新、協調、綠色、開放、共享」發展理念,加大民生領域「補短板」力度,着力構建更高質量的醫療衛生服務體系。據悉,深圳將持續深化醫療衛生體制改革,努力在更深層次改革上取得突破,加快建立更具活力的多層次醫療衛生體系,並加大開放辦醫力度,引進更多的國內外一流醫療衛生機構和人才,把醫療技術進步和生物科技發展更好地結合起來,加快佈局精準醫療研究院等創新型醫療機構。同時,深圳還將大力發展中醫藥事業,全面提高醫療衛生服務能力和技術水平。會議還通報了市政府常務會議2015年議定事項以及承接國家部委和省改革任務落實情況,審議並原則通過了《深圳市培育新興消費熱點工作方案》,指出要瞄準細分市場需求,培育和發展新型消費領域,打造更加完善、成熟的消費服務鏈。
  • 廣東省自貿區成立一周年之際,《深圳市國民經濟和社會發展第十三個五年規劃綱要》(下稱《深圳“十三五”規劃》或《規劃》)正式發佈。《規劃》提出高標準建設中國(廣東)自由貿易試驗區深圳前海蛇口片區,完善深港金融同業合作機制,深化兩地在金融市場、機構、人才等領域合作,並加快前海深港現代服務業合作區開發開放。 《規劃》中,前海蛇口自貿片區被多次提及。深圳將按照“依託香港、服務內地、面向世界”的要求,高標準建設中國(廣東)自由貿易試驗區深圳前海蛇口片區。 值得一提的是,《規劃》用一個章節詳細闡述了加快自貿片區建設和前海開發開放。在談及創新自貿片區和前海運行管理體制機制時,《規劃》提出,優化前海蛇口自貿片區法治化、國際化、便利化營商環境,率先對接國際高標準投資和貿易規則體系。進一步放寬外資准入限制,全面實行准入前國民待遇加負面清單管理制度,推進國際貿易單一窗口和通關一體化,深化口岸通關監管模式創新。

- Hong kong
  • 政協十二屆全國委員會常務委員會第十一次會議近日在京舉行,這是全 國政協今年召開的第三次常委會。此 次議政性常委會會議的主要議題,是 圍繞「制定國民經濟和社會發展『十 三五』規劃」建言獻策。常委們圍繞 行政體制改革、「一帶一路」、環 保、經濟等「十三五」規劃中涉及的 多個領域展開討論,參政議政。多位 港區委員在小組討論時積極發言,希 望「十三五」規劃更多關注港澳台僑 發展。全國政協副主席董建華參加小組討論時說: 「關於加快實施創新驅動發展戰略,我最近一 直在思考兩個問題。一是如何利用創新創業帶 動香港經濟發展,二是如何給年輕人創造更多 機會。」 他建議給予大學更多自由度,吸引社會資本 加入到大學創新中。充分發揮城市對產業發展 的引導和規劃作用,積聚人才和資金,形成具 有競爭力的主導產業和特色產業。發揮中央和 香港的協同作用,發揮好香港作為金融中心和 在知識產權保護方面的優勢。 蔡冠深:應支持港企投資「一帶一路」 全國政協委員、香港新華集團主席蔡冠深表 示:「『十三五』規劃應將香港作為跨境電子 商務中心之一。」他指出,香港有技術和實 力,有良好的物流支撐,可以在跨境電子商務 中心發揮巨大作用。 他表示,推進「一帶一路」建設,應把香港 的優勢和內地的優勢結合起來,如在農業走出 去、發展海洋經濟等方面,可考慮香港和內地 企業共同走出去。他建議,國家支持香港企業 投資「一帶一路」產業,應與內地企業享受同 等優惠政策。 此外,全國政協常委、港澳台僑委員會主任 楊崇匯提出,在「十三五」規劃中,應就打造 粵港澳具有綜合競爭力的世界級城市群進行專 門規劃,消除有關法制和體制機制障礙,加強 基礎設施互聯互通,打造內地港澳台青年就 業、創業基地,並建議充分發揮僑胞的橋樑和 紐帶作用。
  • implementation
  • event
    • shenzhen hk macau advantage talk hkej 30sep15 a27
    • 香港資深傳媒人員聯誼會日前舉行午餐講座,邀請港區全國人大代表劉佩瓊主講兩會見聞。劉佩瓊主要介紹「十三五」規劃內容與中國經濟前景與香港發展機遇。該會理事長楊祖坤向劉佩瓊致送感謝狀。
    • 由香港專業、學術和傳媒界及其他界別資深專業人士組成的民間團體「香江智滙」假香港醫學會會所,舉行成立3周年紀念慶典暨座談會。特區行政長官梁振英出席慶典並進行香港與國家「十三五」規劃的演講。梁振英首先說,今年是國家「十三五」規劃開局之年,剛剛結束的全國兩會通過該規劃,港澳地區再次單獨成章,顯示國家對維護「一國兩制」和香港繁榮穩定的高度重視,香港各界應該認真研究這一規劃,完全可以從諸如新型城鎮化建設、區域協調發展等領域找出可供香港大有可為的機會」。

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