Monday, November 15, 2021

Southeast Asia (S E Asia) chinese china taiwan hk


- history
  • 中國貴州省文物考古研究所,近日發布惠水縣清水苑大洞遺址古基因組研究最新成果,指首次利用古DNA,分析遺址出土的人類下頜骨後,發現在距今一萬一千年甚至更早時期,中國南方的古人類或已南下,與東南亞人群產生基因交流。
-峇峇娘惹馬來語Baba Nyonya),或稱娘惹,是指17、18世紀初期定居在馬六甲印尼新加坡一帶的中國清代移民和當地原住民通婚產生的混血後裔。這些人的文化在一定程度上受到當地馬來人或其他非華人族群的影響。男性稱為峇峇,女性稱為娘惹。1960年代以前峇峇娘惹在馬來西亞是土著身份(Bumiputra),但由於某些政黨政治因素而被馬來西亞政府歸類為華人(也就是馬來西亞華人),從此失去了土著身份。峇峇娘惹今天在馬來西亞憲法上的身份和十九世紀後期來的「新客」無分別。這些峇峇人,主要是在清代移民東南亞,大部分的原籍是中國福建廣東潮州地區,小部分是廣府和客家籍,很多都與馬來人混血。某些峇峇文化具有中國傳統文化色彩,例如他們的傳統婚禮是以中國傳統儀式為主,服飾(尤其是女裝)或許是從漢服演變而來的可巴雅。峇峇人講的語言稱為峇峇話,並非單純的福建話,在使用漢語語法的同時,依地區不同,參雜使用馬來語泰語詞彙的比例也隨之不同。有些受華文教育的華人也稱那些從小受英式教育的華人為「峇峇」,這個用法有藐視的意思,表示此華人已經數典忘祖或者不太像華人了。此外,當地的閩南人亦有句成語叫作「三代成峇」,根據這句話的定義,所有在馬來西亞出生的第三代華人也都成了峇峇,但這句話沒有藐視的成份,只是意味到了第三代華人,由於適應當地的社會環境的緣故,其文化難免帶有當地色彩。此外,「峇峇」亦特指一個自稱並被稱為「峇峇」的早期華人移民族群,也就是今日在馬六甲以及馬來西亞獨立前在檳城新加坡的峇峇,峇峇華人馬來語,他們也自稱為「Peranakan」——馬來語中「土生的人」,故「Cina Peranakan」即土生華人,這一詞本用來識別「峇峇人」與「新客」——也就是清末以來從中國來的移民在19世紀的馬來半島,這樣的分別很明顯也很重要,「峇峇」是土生的,而「新客」是移民,兩者的生活習慣和政治意識不太一樣。雖然現在的馬來西亞華人大都是本地出生的,可是「Peranakan」一詞已成為「峇峇人」的專用自稱。在今天的馬來西亞,由於政策的因素,一位馬來西亞華人男子如娶一位馬來女子為妻,他自己也要皈依伊斯蘭教,取穆斯林名字(其實可以保留原名,但多數人都被官員誤導而放棄原名),他們的子女也不是峇峇娘惹,而是馬來人。峇峇娘惹可謂當世產生的特殊族群。Peranakan Chinese or Straits-born Chinese are the descendants of Chinese immigrants who came to the Malay archipelago including British Malaya (now Malaysia and Singapore, where they are also referred to as Baba-Nyonya) and Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia; where they are also referred as Kiau-Seng)[4] between the 15th and 17th centuries. Members of this community in Malaysia address themselves as "Baba Nyonya". Nyonya is the term for the women and Baba for the men. It applies especially to the Han populations of the British Straits Settlements of Malaya and the Dutch-controlled island of Java and other locations, who have adopted Nusantara customs — partially or in full — to be somewhat assimilated into the local communities. Many were the elites of Singapore, more loyal to the British than to China. Most have lived for generations along the straits of Malacca. They were usually traders, the middleman of the British and the Chinese, or the Chinese and Malays, or vice versa because they were mostly English educated. Because of this, they almost always had the ability to speak two or more languages. While the term Peranakan is most commonly used to refer to those of Chinese descent also known as Straits Chinese (named after the Straits Settlements土生華人 in Chinese; Tionghoa-Selat or Tionghoa Peranakan in Indonesian; Phuket BabaPhuket Yaya or Baba Yaya among Thais in PhuketThailand[3]), there are also other, comparatively smaller Peranakan communities, such as Indian Hindu Peranakans (Chitty), Arab/Indian Muslim Peranakans (Jawi PekanJawi being the Javanised Arabic script, Pekan a colloquial contraction of Peranakan) and Eurasian Peranakans (Kristang[6], Christians of Portuguese and Asian ancestry). The group has parallels to the Cambodian Hokkien, who are descendants of Hoklo Chinese, and the Pashu of Myanmar, a Burmese word for the Peranakan or Straits Chinese who have settled in Myanmar. They maintained their culture partially despite their native language gradually disappearing a few generations after settlement.
  • In both Malay and Indonesian, the word Peranakan is derived from anak "child" and means "descendant", with no connotation of the ethnicity of descent unless followed by a subsequent qualifying noun, such as for example Peranakan Tionghoa/Cina (Chinese descendants), Jawi Peranakan (Arab descendents), or Peranakan Belanda (Dutch descendants). Peranakan has the implied connotation of referring to the ancestry of great-grandparents or of more-distant ancestors. Peranakan Chinese commonly refer to themselves as Baba-Nonya. The term Baba is an honorific for Straits Chinese men. It originated as a Hindustani (originally Persian) loan-word borrowed by Malay speakers as a term of affection for one's grandparents, and became part of the common vernacular. Female Straits-Chinese descendants were either called or styled themselves NyonyasNyonya (also spelled nyonyah or nonya) is a Malay and Indonesian honorific used to refer to a foreign married lady. It is a loan word, borrowed from the old Portuguese word for lady donha (compare, for instance, Macanese creole nhonha spoken on Macau, which was a Portuguese colony for 464 years). Because Malays at that time had a tendency to address all foreign women (and perhaps those who appeared foreign) as nyonya, they used that term for Straits-Chinese women as well. It gradually became more exclusively associated with them.
  • [r g knapp] in southeast asia, there are perankan indians who are hindu and called chitty melaka as well as peranakan indian muslims called jawi pekan, in addition to eurasian peranakans and peranakan chinese, just some of the more notable, named blended families who emerged over the centuries.  Beyond the malay-speaking world, other terms are used for similar mixing.  In thailand, luk-jin (sino-thai) is employed, while in philippines, mestizo de sangley (chinese mestizo) expresses those of mixed ancestry involving chinese and the indigenous population, but neither of these can be called peranakan. The term bab is sometimes employed alone to describe peranakan chinese in general, and in this sense is gender free. Baba is also an honorific term for grandfather and elderly men generally, although its use in indonesia, malaysia and singapore differs. Its origin is unclear - some say the word is derived from hindi, others that it is a persian loan word, or even has a turkic origin. Nyonya, likewise, is a loan word, from javanese, meaning grandmother or adult woman, a word that may have originated with portuguese or dutch colonialists. Not all peranakan chinese are baba-nyonya.In malaysia, singapore, southern thailand, and southern myanmar, most peranakan chinese claim hokkien ancestry, ie, the progenitor father migrated from one of the counties in central or southern fujian province.  Other fathers hailed from meixian (hakka), chaozhou (teochow), or guangzhou (cantonese) regions of guangdong province as well as hainan island.
  • singapore
  • Tan, who is of Peranakan descent, said she often hung out at Onan Road, which was an enclave for early Peranakan settlers.
  • cuisine
  • hkej 28sep2020 c6 why there is pork in nyonya cuisine
The Hoklo people are Han Chinese people whose traditional ancestral homes are in Fujian, South China. They are also known by various endonyms (Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Hok-ló-lâng/Hō-ló-lâng/Ho̍h-ló-lâng/Hô-ló-lâng), or other related terms such as Banlam (Minnan) people (閩南儂; Bân-lâm-lâng) or Hokkien people (福建儂; Hok-kiàn-lâng). In the narrowest scope, "Hoklo people" refers mainly to people whose native dialect is the Quanzhang (Hokkien-Taiwanese) dialect of Min Nan Chinese spoken in Fujian, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, the Philippines and by many overseas Chinese throughout Southeast Asia. In a wider scope, "Hoklo people" includes native speakers of other Min Nan variants, such as Zhongshan Min, Zhenan Min, Teochew dialect, and Hainanese. There have been many famous Hoklo people throughout history, notably Koxinga, Shi Lang, Corazon Aquino and Su SongIn Taiwan, there are three common ways to write Hoklo in Chinese characters (Hokkien pronunciations are given in Pe̍h-ōe-jī), although none have been established as etymologically correct:
  • 福佬Hok-ló; "Fujian folk" – emphasizes their connection to Fujian province. It is not an accurate transliteration in terms from Hokkien itself although it may correspond to an actual usage in Hakka.
  • 河洛Hô-lo̍k; "Yellow River and Luo River" – emphasizes their purported long history originating from the area south of the Yellow River. This term does not exist in Hokkien. The transliteration is a phonologically inaccurate folk etymology, though the Mandarin pronunciation Héluò has gained currency through the propagation of the inaccurate transliteration.
  • 鶴佬Ho̍h-ló; "crane folk" – emphasizes the modern pronunciation of the characters (without regard to the meaning of the Chinese characters); phonologically accurate.
Meanwhile, Hoklo people self-identify as 河老Hô-ló; "river aged".
In HakkaTeochew, and Cantonese, Hoklo may be written as Hoglo (學老; "learned aged") and 學佬 ("learned folk"). Despite the many ways to write Hoklo in Chinese, the term Holo (Hō-ló/Hô-ló)[11] is used in Taiwan to refer to the ethnicity and language (Taiwanese Hokkien). 閩南民系,簡稱閩南人客家河老Hô-ló[1][2]),又稱福佬Hok-ló)、學佬Ha̍k-láu),是漢族民系閩民系的分支之一。閩南裔族群主要分佈於臺灣福建廣東廣西海南浙江江苏江西以及東南亞等華裔聚居地,若加上世界華僑總和則人口超過1億。一般的閩南人指的是中國福建閩南地區以及台湾使用闽台泉漳片者,約為今日的福建南部沿海廣東香港澳門臺灣東南亞歐美以及世界各地的閩南移民;廣義的閩南族群則包括了潮汕話海陸豐話浙南閩語龙岩话大田话雷州话海南話中山閩語浙江闽语、江苏闽语、江西闽语的使用者。在中國大陆福建省(除了閩北、閩東、閩中、閩西)、海南省、臺灣各縣市(除了南桃園地區新竹縣苗栗縣[3])、东南亚国家例如馬來西亞新加坡印尼菲律宾等地,閩南裔人口大多是當地優勢族群今日在臺灣後裔若以國語自稱,慣用詞多為「臺灣人」、「本省人」、「閩南人」,若以母語臺灣話自稱則有臺灣人、河洛人本省人等稱法[4][5]臺灣史教科書使用閩南人一詞。桃園市政府使用河洛人一詞,並舉辦桃園河洛文化節[6]。而東南亞各國閩南裔則常以「福建人」做自稱。因臺灣人並非由單一族群及使用單一語言所組成,在需國語情境細分所屬族群時,亦會依來臺祖使用臺灣河洛人一詞。閩南民系(びんなんみんけい)とは中華民国台湾)や中華人民共和国福建省などに居住する漢民族の一派。東南アジアの華僑の多くもこれに属する。会話言語に共通性があり閩南語台湾語と呼ぶ。文書には中国語を使う。近年は閩南を河洛あるいは福佬と記す。閩という漢字が虫を含むため。河洛は河南と洛陽を意味し、そこにいた人々が長い時間を掛けて福建省を中心とした地域に移民したという伝承がある。この一方で抗体やDNAに基づき、元来この地域に住んでいた人々(百越)が混血や同化政策を通じて漢民族中の閩南に分類されたとの研究がある[1]
  • hkcd 18nov18 n3 taipo 鶴佬 fishermen shek clan
  • 翻查歷史,南漢時採集珍珠多集中於元洲仔一帶水 域,至明朝中葉才漸轉式微。很久之後那裏的船艇棚 屋居住了很多鶴佬漁民,他們請來原奉於深圳赤屋村 的大王爺,最初只是石碑一塊,立於島的北岸,清末 時得到鶴佬漁民五大姓氏蘇、李、徐、鍾、石合力建 廟於現址。大王爺實是由三兄弟組成,長兄手握銅鎚 居中,二弟手提鐵於左,三弟手持鐵尺在右。無論 族中發生任何大事疑難,他們定到廟內上香求教點化 迷津,大王爺遂成為其最信任的神靈了,故每年大王 爺誕定大事慶祝! 上世紀初元洲仔因興建政府高官的住所官邸,要把 島上山丘剷去,所得土石用作填築堤道連接岸上。 1906年建成了有英國庭園風味及殖民地色彩的Island Home,後來改為新界政務司官邸,最後的一位住客 是鍾逸傑爵士,他入住長達12年之久,可見元洲仔 有迷人的一面。
  • 「鶴佬」,又稱 「學佬」、 「福佬」、 「河洛」, 原來是粵省廣府、客家族群對福建人的稱呼,後來專 指原居於廣東省惠州市惠東縣部分地區和汕尾市城 區、海豐縣、陸豐市,操 「惠州福佬話」(惠博小 片)、 「海陸豐話」(陸海小片)的人士(下簡稱這 語言為 「福佬話」)。因為閩南語的 「福」字發音與 粵語的 「鶴」字發音相近,故本地人稱他們為 「學 佬」、 「鶴佬」。根據海豐縣地方志,直至明萬曆年間,海豐縣還是 十分荒蕪。其後,大量移民從閩南、閩西和贛南等地 輾轉遷入。因為遷入的時間較短,所以在受到本土語 言影響之餘,還大量保留原籍的方言。這正是為什麼 「福佬話」與閩南語漳州腔語音接近的原因。事實 上,作為福建南安人(由泉州市代管)的作者,是可 以聽懂大部分 「福佬話」的,當然腔調、用語有所不 同,但基本上是能溝通的。1895年,曾在香港政府任職的歐德禮( E. J. Eitel)出 版了《歐西與中土》(Europe in China)一書。他把在 香港島和九龍居住的中國人分成3個種族(races),即本 地(Puntis)、客家(Hakkas)和鶴佬(Hoklos)。這說明了最 遲在19世紀末,已有福佬人遷入香港,並且在人數應 該是僅次於本地人和客家人。1949年至1970年,大批 福佬人以水路及步行方式到港。他們來港後,最初居 於上環一帶,後來定居於筲箕灣、老虎岩、藍田、觀 塘雞寮、慈雲山、鑽石山、牛頭角及柴灣等地;而操 福佬話的水上人則移至長洲、三門仔、香港仔等地, 以捕魚為生。 有別於日常簡便食用的 「擂茶」(又稱 「鹹茶」, 一般以茶葉、芝麻擂成的茶湯,再配炒米食用),菜 茶的材料就豐富多了。菜茶的配料品類繁多,有豬 肉、海鮮、眉豆、麥米、粉絲,和蔬菜。菜、肉、海 鮮要先切成 「適合入口」的尺寸,混入眉豆、麥米炒 熟,最後加入粉絲,以把多餘的湯汁(閩南話的茶,不 單指茶,還包括湯水)吸乾,以免吃起來太過 「水流 流」。 有一個說法,說菜茶又叫做男丁茶。因為在每年春 節的時候,在上一年添了丁的人家,都會邀請街坊鄰 里到自己家中享用菜茶。 而當時的人,更會以奉客 菜茶材料的豐富度,判斷 該人家是否好客。
  • *******陳笑英解 釋,潮汕話又被稱為 「學佬話」 ,陳元欽就索 性將麵店取名 「學記」 。

- people

  • Eu Tong Sen OBE RM (Chinese余東旋; 23 July 1877 – 11 May 1941) was a leading businessman in MalayaSingapore and Hong Kong during the late 19th and early 20th century. He was vice-president of the Anti-Opium Society and a member of the Kinta Sanitary Board. Eu was born in George Town, Penang, British Malaya. His grandfather, He Song, a feng shui master, was originally from Jiangxi but moved to Foshan in Guangdong, China. His father, Eu Kong Pui (a.k.a. Eu Kong) became a Chinese immigrant from Foshan and went to Penang to work as a grocery shop assistant and later laid the foundation for his son's fortune by starting tin mining and other businesses.[4] Tong Sen's mother Leong Lay Yong stayed in Foshan until brought to Penang, where Eu Kong had married a second wife Mun Woon Chang who was well-connected in Malaya, and where he died prematurely in 1890[5] at the age of 38. Eu built his fortune by acquiring from the British, monopolies for tax or revenue farming (opium, alcohol or spirits, gambling and pawn broking) in Perak in the 1880s and when tin started to boom, he acquired land for mining tin. He expanded this to retailing and taxing goods from China that he sold to the miners he employed[1][3] and set up a grocery shop in Gopeng that was later expanded to include a Chinese dispensary for Chinese immigrants. He operated his businesses under the mark Chop Yan Sang. He had two younger brothers, Eu Kong Chun and Eu Kong Tak. His business partner was Chiu Tong Hin and his attorney was Grant Mackie of the Straits Trading Company. While he was still a child, Eu Tong Sen had been sent back to his mother in Foshan, China, to study. However, with the sudden death of his father, he found himself, at only 13, heir to the family estates and tin mining businesses. He returned to Malaya in 1892[6][7] but his stay with his two uncles and his stepmother was short. He moved to the home of R. Butler and lived there for two and a half years, taking private tuition in English from F. W. Harley. From there he moved to Ipoh and enrolled in a government school. Later he would move to Singapore where he lived for some time before moving to Hong Kong when business conditions changed. In 1898, at the age of 21, he took over his father's estate from Grant Mackie and discovered the business to be in decline. Over the next ten years he was to expand the family business and multiply his fortune many times over. He expanded his business empire in Singapore, Malaya and Hong Kong and, at 30, was one of the richest men in the region. In Malaya and the Straits, when tax farming was abolished and tin prices started to fall, Eu ventured into rubber plantations in British Malaya and remittances between Malaya and Hong Kong.Aside from his involvement in the tin mining and rubber industries, Eu was also responsible for extending his family business of the traditional Chinese medicine manufacturing company, Eu Yan Sang, into Hong Kong; he felt it was necessary to diversify out of the tin industry, which was coming under increasing government regulation.[6][8] He transformed the business his father left him, originating from that single dispensary in Gopeng, into a chain of traditional medicine shops. In 1908 his medicine shops in Kampar and Gopeng were flourishing.
  • Eu and Chung Thye Phin, the Kapitan China of Perak, were "blood" brothers. They went through Chinese ceremony to become oath brothers. When Chung travelled to Hong Kong, he stayed in Eu's villa there and they kept an account of his expenses in the company's account books. Eu's villa in Hong Kong was called "Eucliff". It has been torn down. It was built at Repulse Bay, overlooking the sea. The property was huge. It was built with stone like a castle. It included within its walled area a tennis court and also a swimming pool. Eucliff villa contained a statuary collection of Eu Tong Sen. When Eucliff was demolished, a statue of an anonymous World War I soldier[18] was donated to Osborn Barracks in Kowloon where it stayed for 20 years before being relocated to Hong Kong Park.
  •  Eu Tong Sen Street (Chinese余东旋街pinyinYú dōng xuán jiē is named after the tycoon, Eu Tong Sen who was a miner, rubber estate and a property owner. He was one of the richest men in Malaya and Singapore, and was born in Penang, Malaya in 1877. He set up a bank known as Lee Wah Bank which catered to the Cantonese, but was merged with the United Overseas Bank due to financial issues. The road was formerly part of the expunged Wayang Street, and it received its present name in 1919 as he rebuilt the street and acquired two Chinese opera theatres, known as Heng Seng Peng and Heng Wai Sun. These theatres now stand on the site of People's Park Complex. Eu also built another opera theatre in 1927 known as Tian Yien Moi Toi on this street. This opera theatre was later converted into a cinema and known as Queens' Theatre, and later became the Majestic Theatre, which was converted into a shopping mall in 2003 known as The Majestic. Other places named after Eu, is a now demolished villa at Mount Sophia as well as Eu Court at the corner of Stamford Road and Hill Street, which is now on the Stamford Court site.
- scmp 2jun19 "the chinese are coming" a new breed of worker from an ascendant china

- visits by chinese leaders

  • 中共中央政治局常委、全國政協主席俞正聲近日應邀對泰國、印尼進行訪問,並與兩國政要會晤,開啟今年首次出訪。俞正聲表示,中泰高層交往一直引領兩國關係發展方向,務實合作加深了雙方互利共贏基礎,民間往來夯實了雙邊友好社會根基。俞正聲並指出中國與印尼關係正處於歷史最好時期。

 China timber demand stokes Southeast Asia tensions
-  瀾滄江─湄公河對話
  • 據中新社北京六日消息:首次瀾滄江─湄公河對話合作外交高官會6日在北京釣魚台(國賓館)舉行。中國外交部長王毅會見出席高官會的泰國、柬埔寨、老撾、緬甸和越南高官。王毅表示,六國要抓住歷史機遇,攜手推進合作,實現互利共贏,打造瀾滄江─湄公河流域國家命運共同體。
  •  中國國務院總理李克強當地時間1月10日下午在柬埔寨金邊出席瀾滄江-湄公河合作第二次領導人會議時指出,瀾湄合作已成為本地區最具活力、最富成果的合作 機制之一。中方願與湄公河國家一道,打造瀾湄流域經濟發展帶,建設瀾湄國家命運共同體。他強調,瀾湄合作是平等互利的合作,並且這一機制不封閉不排他,同 本地區其他機制互為補充。
  • 15日, 2019瀾滄江-湄公河區域 旅遊合作工作會議在昆明舉行。中國、老撾、泰國、 柬埔寨、越南、緬甸六國旅遊行業代表以 「多元包容 ‧合作共贏——促進瀾湄區域旅遊深入交流與務實合 作」為主題進行深入交流和探討,並發表《昆明共 識》。
  • 國務院總理李克強8月24日上午在人民大會堂出席瀾滄江─湄公河合作第三次領導人視頻會議。李克強就加強瀾湄合作提出六點倡議,將瀾湄合作同「國際陸海貿易新通道」對接,進一步暢通貿易通道,優化資源配置,維護產業鏈供應鏈穩定,推動協同發展。共同推動年內簽署區域全面經濟夥伴關係協定,實現更高水平的區域經濟一體化。 李克強和老撾總理通倫共同主持會議。柬埔寨首相洪森、緬甸總統溫敏、泰國總理巴育、越南總理阮春福出席。
- railway

  • 中國外交部副部長劉振民昨日在北京表示,中國企業高度重視馬新高鐵項目,希望參與相關建設。馬新鐵路是連接馬來西亞和新加坡的高鐵,將來也是泛亞鐵路中線的一部分,中方一直致力於推動本地區的互聯互通,而中國企業高鐵技術水平也很高,在世界上名列前茅,乘坐時幾乎感受不到噪音,其他國家的一些十幾年前建設的高鐵與中國現在建設的高鐵差距也很大,希望中國的高鐵能走出去,為更多國家提供高水平、高質量的交通運輸服務。
- dam


- 由中國國家海洋局承建的聯合國教科文組織政府間海洋學委員會(IOC)南中國海區域海嘯預警中心,近日展開試運,為南海周邊國家及地區提供地震海嘯監測預警服務。該中心是國家海洋局首個廿四小時運作的國際預警中心,也是中國展開南海領域務實合作、參與海洋治理的重要成果。
- online gambling

  • scmp 20aug19 southeast asia to freeze growth of online gambling

- 台灣自一九九二年開放外籍勞工赴台工作,至今超過五十萬人,當中以東南亞居多,以外勞為對象的食品雜貨店隨處可見。隨着外勞轉投服務業、看護工等行業,具東南亞特色的商店也進入市區,轉型為多元化超市、便利店。有「小菲律賓」之稱的台北市中山北路,升級的東南亞商店除了便宜的貨物外,亦包括即食麵、水果乾、調味料等,超市是外勞懷念家鄉的地點,更成為東南亞文化匯集交流處,也成為台灣多元文化的另一特色。在高雄左營區新開的東南亞商店,店內分別有印尼、菲律賓、越南等國的商品。店主指,印尼、菲律賓的外勞喜歡到商店買來自家鄉的商品等,反而越南移工則喜歡逛本地傳統市場,甚少到店舖裏購物。

Hong Kong
- 女性內 衣物料生產商超盈國際(02111)主席盧煜 光稱,2014年公司業績表現不俗,對今年及 未來的發展感樂觀,目標每年收入均有雙位 數增長。他透露,眼見珠三角的紡織廠逐漸 向東南亞轉移,正考慮在東南亞尋地建廠, 惟他強調,東莞是公司最大的生產基地。
- 港商投資東南亞已有長久的歷史,香港亦有不少來自東南亞的華僑。近一、二十年因珠三角生產成本上升,不少港商和借用香港為基地的台商、日商及其他外商,已轉往東南亞投資生產,尤以越南、泰國、印尼為主。中國與東盟國家在一帶一路戰略下沒有多大特殊的安排,雙方已有自由貿易協議,香港也正在談判。至於湄公河次區域的合作組織,中國參與有限,最重要的可能便是近年推動的跨國鐵路建設。中國與老撾鐵路正在建設,中國與泰國的鐵路幾經轉折,可能在年底動工,這都屬泛亞鐵路系統,另外還有印尼的鐵路項目。可是在中國的項目以外,印支半島還有UNESCAP交通運輸大規劃,聯合國與日本主導,日本控制的亞洲開發銀行及日本政府援助資金資助,這些規劃項目甚至在近兩、三年因日本政府積極與中國抗衡而形成惡性競爭。日本在東南亞的投資和政府勢力擴展很快,勝於中國;而泰國、越南、印尼與中國的政治關係時好時壞,並不穩定。若中美在南海對峙衝突增加,周邊國家以至東盟整體與中國的合作會有障礙。中國政府在黃岩島填海建島建軍事基地等,都是準備軍事抗禦美國正在加強的壓力,也反映出美國和日本的咄咄逼人,中國不得反守為攻。在此形勢下,香港與東南亞不易合作。
- ip event in hk

  • 「馬來西亞與印尼的投資環境 」研討會議於日前假荃灣悅來酒店 舉行。來自香港與內地的企業家和 各界代表共聚一堂,對馬來西亞與 印尼的投資環境進行了深入探討。 是次研討會由馬來西亞東南亞研究 所、香港印尼研究學社和北洋大學 —天津大學香港校友會聯合主辦, 馬來西亞《大馬華人周刊》、印度 尼西亞《商報》和香港《亞洲新聞 周刊》協辦,邀得前香港中文大學 政治與行政學系教授鄭赤琰和《印 度尼西亞商報》主編鄺耀章擔任主 講嘉賓,吸引香港及內地的企業家 及各界代表近五十人出席。
- hk people in se asia

  • singtao 19mar19 a10 article on people emigrating to malaysia and thailand
- influence in entertainment industry

  • 鄭君绵(background unknown)'s song 賭仔自嘆seems to be related to 適耕莊of amalysia (note the lyrics -sang by mak cheung ching at 街市遊樂團) 
  • 鄭錦昌Cheng Kam Cheong,1941年12月22日)是粵語流行曲歌手、演員、填詞人、作曲家及唱片製作人,綽號「粵曲王子」,以演唱粵曲小調而聞名。馬來西亞出身,學粵曲,聲線美及咬字清,1966年出版第一張個人華語唱片。1969年,《鴛鴦江》在東南亞香港成名。1971年,《新禪院鐘聲》榮獲香港明報「十大歌星獎」。1973年,與李小龍在《歡樂今宵》同台演出,鄭錦昌演唱《唐山大兄》,全港流傳至今。
  • to kiv - 武俠金庸-60年代東南亞周刊第32期-連載素心劍

- garbage re-export

  • 有環保團體分析香港統計處去年的數據,發現香港轉運了廿八萬公噸的廢塑料,近八成轉口至泰國、馬來西亞、越南、菲律賓、印尼等東南亞國家。而近月就相繼有三宗被輸出地退回貨櫃的個案。環團指,香港若不及早加強及收緊廢塑料貿易的管制,恐面臨垃圾「退回」的衝擊,堆填區將淪為發達國家的垃圾場。

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