露兜樹科 Pandanaceae is a family of flowering plants native to the tropics and subtropics of the Old World, from West Africa through the Pacific. It contains 982 known species[2] in five genera,of which the type genus, Pandanus, is the most important, with species like Pandanus amaryllifolius and karuka (Pandanus julianettii) being important sources of food. It is an ancient family dating from the early to mid-Cretaceous.Pandanaceae includes trees, shrubs, lianas, vines, epiphytes, and perennial herbs.[5] Stems may be simple or bifurcately branched, and may have aerial prop roots. The stems bear prominent leaf scars. The leaves are very long and narrow, sheathing, simple, undivided, with parallel veins; the leaf margins and abaxial midribs are often prickly.The plants are dioecious. The inflorescences are terminally borne racemes, spikes or umbels, with subtended spathes, which may be brightly colored. The flowers are minute and lack perianths. Male flowers contain numerous stamens with free or fused filaments. Female flowers have a superior ovary, usually of many carpels in a ring, but may be reduced to a row of carpels or a single carpel. Fruits are berries or drupes,[5]usually multiple.
- 蘆兜樹一向分布在中國廣東、廣西、海南及各南太平洋島嶼。但分布最多的是在玻里尼西亞及密克羅尼亞的荒蕪島嶼。蘆兜樹是蘆兜樹科下的屬,有約600個品種,可分為約1米高的灌木及20多米高的喬木,具耐風耐鹽的特性可作防風固沙的植物。它是雌雄異株的,雄株花長約兩三厘米味芳香,可提取作香油之用,入藥則治咳嗽熱瀉。果實垂低向下生長的,形似菠蘿故有野菠蘿及假菠蘿之稱,果肉可吃果汁可飲味香甜。根可作草鞋治感冒肝炎。葉的嫩芽可療皮膚損傷,而葉則治中暑祛熱消滯,如作食用可配合來蒸雞、煲湯及包蘆兜等。中山蘆兜雖有數百年歷史了,但在香港是較陌生少見的,因為只有在香港的中山人才願意花時間用耐性以手藝來包,就算可賣也不常見的。中山蘆兜歷史悠久蘆兜葉因帶香味柔軟耐用長度十足,是蘆兜的靈魂。但長滿刺就算先以利刀削之,採摘時手部一樣有中刺受傷機會,增加了生產難度。葉子採摘後先以大鐵鍋用水煮去草腥,再以竹竿壓至扁平,隨後晾曬吹乾為止。每五條葉可紮成一卷來備用,放上一年也沒問題。中山人以三四呎長的蘆兜葉先捲作圓筒形的兜來備用。的主要材料糯米須先浸水十多分鐘的,又因特別口感味道只混入紅豆而非綠豆。配料是肥多瘦小醃味適中的五花腩肉及鹹蛋黃。包先要多入些糯米紅豆到兜底部分,之後一層層的糯米,腩肉及蛋黃加入兜內,以筷子混和用手拍實減少虛位,那身才夠結實!最後用鹹水草紮實封口,如拿捏得不準會散開漏米要包多一次。剛烚熟的不要立刻吃,因為糯米太過軟爛了,要等熱力散發後,糯米回復彈性那才最好食。http://hk.hkcd.com/pdf/202008/0830/HA04830CX01_HKCD.pdf- hk- 在香港,新界東北面的地方如沙頭角、鹿頸及谷埔等地,無論在山頭野嶺,林中溪旁及海邊崖岸都很容易發現蘆兜樹的蹤影(當然其他地方也有)。上世紀六七十年代的香港學生,特別是新界村校的學童,他們大多養有一至多隻的昆蟲小寵物叫金絲貓,那是要用籠來安置的,蘆兜葉正是最好材料,金絲貓籠可以自製或買回來的。香港的蘆兜樹高約五六呎許,葉深綠色長三四呎如劍,左右兩邊及底部長滿那鋒利的倒生刺,有點像鯊魚毒蛇的前齒,絕對是不好惹的!筆者拍攝採摘時一不小心碰到刺立即有像被泥魚刺到一樣的劇痛,真是痛徹心扉!流點血是難免了,幸好蘆兜葉是不會走動的,否則難以脫身!http://hk.hkcd.com/pdf/202008/0830/HA04830CX01_HKCD.pdf
Pandanus amaryllifolius is a tropical plant in the Pandanus (screwpine) genus, which is commonly known as pandan (). It has fragrant leaves which are used widely for flavouring in the cuisines of Southeast Asia and South Asia.七葉蘭,為露兜樹科露兜樹屬的熱帶植物,又名香露兜、香露兜樹、斑蘭葉(pandan)、香蘭葉、香林投、碧血樹、芳蘭葉。野生七葉蘭較為稀少,其多半為栽培作物。
葇荑花序(catkin),又写成柔荑花序[1],是无限花序的一种,花轴上着生许多无柄或短柄的单性花( 雌花或雄花) ,有花被或花被缺[2]。有的花轴柔软下垂,但也有是直立的,开花后一般整个花序一起脱落,大部分无花瓣,多数为单性花、风媒花,见于桦木科、山毛榉科、杨柳科、桑科等植物,如杨、柳、栎、枫杨、榛等。A catkin or ament is a slim, cylindrical flower cluster (a spike), with inconspicuous or no petals, usually wind-pollinated (anemophilous) but sometimes insect-pollinated (as in Salix).Catkin-bearing plants include many trees or shrubs such as birch, willow, hickory, sweet chestnut, and sweetfern (Comptonia).In many of these plants, only the male flowers form catkins, and the female flowers are single (hazel, oak), a cone (alder), or other types (mulberry). In other plants (such as poplar), both male and female flowers are borne in catkins.The word catkin is a loanword from the Middle Dutch katteken, meaning "kitten" (compare also German Kätzchen). - note that there is a hk film in 1936 called from catkin to orchid 絮果蘭因
- 上游山區的毛竹,都是結排從水路運 往各地。水運是最便捷、成本最低的運輸 方式。伐竹工人在每根竹子上砍削出一個 孔,用粗大的繩索穿連在一起,就可放 排。竹排有時會有幾十米長,一排拖着一 排,順水漂至,遠遠看去,也自有一番 「山隨平野盡,江入大荒流」的開闊氣 象。 竹器在過去的生活中隨處可見,從嬰兒 的搖籃推車,老人的枴杖、水煙筒,到家 用的篩子、畚箕、竹床、竹椅,甚至量米 做飯的米筒,皆為竹製。國營商店裏,賣 醬醋、散裝米酒的量具,也是用竹筒製 成,從一両、半斤、一斤,每種分量都 有。這些具有濃重時代痕跡的竹製量器, 不知載量過多少人的平凡歲月。 距我家不遠有家竹器廠,工人用利刃把 竹青刨成細若毛髮的竹絲。過去,木船、 木桶、木盆有了裂縫,需要補漏,就是取 一團竹絲填塞入縫隙,舂緊實,再抿上一 層桐油灰,是很有效的防水處理方式。刨 完竹青的竹子,會被剖成香籤或雪條棍。 小孩子也常用竹子做武器打仗——取一截 竹管,用竹筷削成活塞,另用紙張浸濕揉 成紙筋。玩的時候,把一小團紙筋塞入竹 管,用活塞推到竹管頂端,後面再塞入一 團紙筋,活塞用力一推,氣壓就會把頂端 的紙筋猛地逼出,是很有趣的玩具,對人 體也沒有傷害。 燒包起來,我也用竹筒做儲錢筒。找一 節碗口粗的竹筒,用鋸片在中間鋸個口 子,寬僅能容納一枚五分硬幣通過,就成 了簡易的儲錢筒。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/10/03/a18-1003.pdf
無患子與荔枝跟龍眼同屬無患子科[5],學名Sapindus是saponis indicus的縮寫,意思是「印度的肥皂」,因為它那厚肉質狀的果皮含有皂素,只要用水搓揉便會產生泡沫,可用於清洗,是古代的主要清潔劑之一,一直在亞洲各地區用到20世紀初,但工廠清潔劑誕生後,卻因為價格和生產問題乏人問津,加上無患子不是很適合公園植栽的樹種,因口感比不上龍眼(較酸),可耕地上個體幾乎被砍伐殆盡,現代年輕人已經幾乎完全不知道其除污功能[6]。
- https://www.herbarium.gov.hk/subpages.aspx?id=2877
- hkej 22oct2020
莧,雁來紅(救荒本草)、老少年(盛京通志)、老來少、三色莧(華北經濟植物志要) Yahopemokan(泰雅) Amaranthus tricolor, known as edible amaranth,[3] is a species in the genus Amaranthus (family Amaranthaceae).The ornamental plant is known as bireum in Korea;[3] tampala, tandaljo, or tandalja bhaji in India;[4] callaloo in the Caribbean; and Joseph's coat after the Biblical figure Joseph, who is said to have worn a coat of many colors. Although it is native to South America[citation needed], this is one of several species of amaranth cultivated in warm regions across the world. Cultivars have striking yellow, red, and green foliage.The leaves and stems may be eaten as a salad vegetable. In Africa, it is usually cooked as a leafy vegetable.[7] It is usually stir fried or steamed as a side dish in both China and Japan.In China, it is referred to as xian cai (苋菜) and is often stir-fried.In Korea, the plant is referred to as bireum (비름). Small-leaved, reddish-stalked chambireum (참비름, "true bireum") is used as a namul vegetable in Korean cuisine. Considered a san-namul (wild green) that grows abundantly in the countryside, it tends to be foraged rather than planted and harvested.[8] It has an earthy and nutty flavor, and goes well with both gochujang- and soup soy sauce-based seasonings, and bori-bap (barley rice).ハゲイトウ(葉鶏頭、中国語:雁来紅[4]、英語名:"Chinese amaranth", "Chinese spinach", "Joseph's coat", "Summer-poinsettia", "Tampala"など[5]、学名: Amaranthus tricolor)英名は『旧約聖書』に登場するヨセフにヤコブが与えた多色の上着のことで、鮮やかな葉色をこの上着にたとえている。Aufgrund der weiten Verbreitung gibt es viele regionale Bezeichnungen. Die deutsche umgangssprachliche Bezeichnung bezieht sich auf die dichten Blütenstände, die im Laufe der Zeit zu langen Schnüren auswachsen. Der wissenschaftliche Gattungsname Amaranthus bedeutet "Blume die nie verblüht" und das Artepitheton tricolor bedeutet dreifarbig.Regionale Trivialnamen: Amarante, brède de Malabar (französisch). Amaranto, bredo (portugiesisch), Mchicha (Swahili), Tampala, Tandaljo, Tandalja bhaji (Indien)[2], in der Karibik Callaloo (Als Zutat des gleichnamigen Gerichts). Im englischen Sprachraum auch: Joseph's coat nach der biblischen Person Josef, der ein vielfarbiges Gewand getragen haben soll. In Griechenland wird Amaranth oft als Chorta (χορτα) zu einem Spinat-ähnlichen Gemüse gekocht und in China heißt diese Pflanzenart Xian (chinesisch 苋, Pinyin xiàn oder 雁来红 yàn laí hóng, 救荒本草 jìu huāng běn cǎo, 老少年 lao shao nian, 盛京通志 lan jing tu zhi, 老来少 lao lai shao, 三色苋 san se xian). In Korea, heißt diese Pflanzenart bireum – koreanisch 비름, chambireum – koreanisch 참비름, und wird als namul zubereitet. Es gedeiht in Korea fast wie eine Wildpflanze.[3] Diese Pflanzenart erscheint auch im Wappen des Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge wo es als „flowers gentle“ bezeichnet wird.
- 雁來紅,雞冠花屬,為一年生草本莧科 植物。莖部直立,枝常分枝,也有不分枝的 品類,幼時有毛或無毛,葉片呈卵形、稜 形或披針形。每當大雁南飛之際,雁來紅 的頂部葉色變為鮮紅,像插上了一朵朵紅 花,故取名「雁來紅」。她原產於美洲熱 帶地區,早在唐代就傳入我國,民間種植 很多。宋代方岳有《雁來紅》:「是葉青青 花片紅,剪裁無巧似春風。誰將葉作花顏 色,更與春風迥不同。」 在中國歷代繪畫作品中,雁來紅題材並 不算多見,而現代國畫大師齊白石卻是一 個特例。雁來紅有紅莧、綠莧、花莧、白莧等,又 稱莧菜、老少年、老來少、三色莧。入秋寒 意叢生之時,葉色純紅,顯示出鮮艷的紅 色,因而具有神奇的補血作用,是齊白石 最佳的補血菜品。其菜身軟滑,而菜味入 口甘香,根、果實及全草入藥,有明目、利 大小便和去寒熱的功效。齊白石畫雁來紅 時,常常嘴裏唸唸有詞:「六月莧,當雞 蛋;七月莧,金不換;八月莧,紅絲線。」http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/10/26/a18-1026.pdf
委陵菜属Potentilla [1] is a genus containing over 300[2] species of annual, biennial and perennial herbaceous flowering plants in the rose family, Rosaceae. They are usually called cinquefoils in English, but they have also been called five fingers and silverweeds. Potentilla are generally only found throughout the northern continents of the world (holarctic), though some may even be found in montane biomes of the New Guinea Highlands."Cinquefoil" in the Middle English Dictionary is described as "Pentafilon – from Greek Pentaphyllon – influenced by foil, a leaf. The European cinquefoil (Potentilla reptans), often used medicinally."[10] The word is derived from Old French cinc, Middle English cink and ultimately Latin quinque – all meaning "five" –, and feuille and foil/foille which mean "leaf". Formerly this term referred to five-leaved plants in general. In medieval times, the word "cinquefoil" was used almost exclusively in England. In France, the genus was called quintefeuille, first attested in Normandy and Brittany in the 11th century.The scientific name seems to have been influenced by a fusion of ancient names for these plants. Common tormentil, P. erecta, was known as tormentilla in medieval Latin, derived from early Spanish – literally "a little torment", meaning pain that, while not debilitating, is unpleasant and persistent (such as a stomach ache, against which P. erecta was used). The change from initial "t" to "p" seems to have been influenced by terms such as poterium – Latin for the related burnets (genus Sanguisorba) – or propedila and similar words used for the European cinquefoil (P. reptans) in the now-extinct Dacian language, as attested in Latin herbals.[citation needed]In another medieval dictionary the French word potentille is defined as a "wild Tansie, a silver weed",[11] a reference to the tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) and similar taxa of the genus Tanacetum. The related adjective potentiel/potentiells means "strong", "forcible", or "powerful in operation". Its origin is the French potence ("strong", "powerful", "mighty", or "potent"). The origin of these words is the Latin potens, with the same meaning. - In heraldry, the cinquefoil emblem or potentilla signified strength, power, honor, and loyalty. Depiction of the five-petalled flower appears as early as 1033, in the architecture of the church built in the village of Reulle-Vergy in Burgundy, France, two years before the reign of William the Conqueror. The cinquefoil emblem was used generously in the architecture of numerous churches built in Normandy and Brittany through the 15th century. - eg earl manvers ([talking maps] owner of laxton estate)
- 蕁麻科亞灌木「狹葉樓梯草」,在日本環境省紅色名錄中名列為滅絕物種。惟鹿兒島大學綜合研究博物館上周三表示,鹿兒島縣奄美大島上月下旬發現狹葉樓梯草,是時隔100年來首見蹤影。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20201122/00180_045.html
Tulips (Tulipa) form a genus of spring-blooming perennial herbaceous bulbiferous geophytes(having bulbs as storage organs). The flowers are usually large, showy and brightly colored, generally red, pink, yellow, or white (usually in warm colors). Originally growing wild in the valleys of the Tien Shan Mountains, tulips were cultivated in Constantinople as early as 1055. By the 15th century, tulips were among the most prized flowers; becoming the symbol of the Ottomans.[2] While tulips had probably been cultivated in Persia from the tenth century, they did not come to the attention of the West until the sixteenth century, when Western diplomats to the Ottoman court observed and reported on them. They were rapidly introduced into Europe and became a frenzied commodity during Tulip mania. Tulips were frequently depicted in Dutch Golden Age paintings, and have become associated with the Netherlands, the major producer for world markets, ever since. The word tulip, first mentioned in western Europe in or around 1554 and seemingly derived from the "Turkish Letters" of diplomat Ogier Ghiselin de Busbecq, first appeared in English as tulipa or tulipant, entering the language by way of French: tulipe and its obsolete form tulipanor by way of Modern Latin tulipa, from Ottoman Turkish tülbend ("muslin" or "gauze"), and may be ultimately derived from the Persian: دلبند delband ("Turban"), this name being applied because of a perceived resemblance of the shape of a tulip flower to that of a turban.[13] This may have been due to a translation error in early times when it was fashionable in the Ottoman Empire to wear tulips on turbans. The translator possibly confused the flower for the turban. - Cultivation of the tulip began in Persia, probably in the 10th century. Early cultivars must have emerged from hybridisation in gardens from wild collected plants, which were then favoured, possibly due to flower size or growth vigour. The tulip is not mentioned by any writer from antiquity,[24] therefore it seems probable that tulips were introduced into Anatolia only with the advance of the Seljuks.[24] In the Ottoman Empire, numerous types of tulips were cultivated and bred,[25] and today, 14 species can still be found in Turkey. - Tulip petals are edible flowers. The taste varies by variety and season, and is roughly similar to lettuce or other salad greens. Some people are allergic to tulips.[56][57]Tulip bulbs look similar to onions, but should not generally be considered food. The toxicity of bulbs is not well-understood, nor is there an agreed-upon method of safely preparing them for human consumption. There have been reports of illness when eaten, depending on quantity.[58] During the Dutch famine of 1944–45, tulip bulbs were eaten out of desperation, and Dutch doctors provided recipes. - 1977年,荷蘭公主貝婭特麗克絲委託荷蘭駐華使館贈送中國39個品種4箱鬱金香球根,外交部轉交給北京中山公園栽培。從1978年始,中國室外種植鬱金香拉開序幕。中國新疆、西藏也是鬱金香原產地之一;唐杜牧、沈佺期和宋王安石等,都寫過讚美鬱金香的詩。唐李白在《客中行》有詩曰:「蘭陵美酒鬱金香,玉碗盛來琥珀光。」http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/12/07/b07-1207.pdf
在中國的梓木多指梓樹(Catalpa ovata),東北地區也稱之為臭梧桐,主產黃河至長江流域,分佈廣、材質佳,是歷代用材最廣的木材品種之一,也是製作器具之良材。其硬度和密度中等,木理優美並帶光澤;不開裂,不伸縮,刨面光滑,抗腐性較強,非常適合雕刻、做模、刨、截等;中國古代帝王、王后下葬時則常用梓木做棺。在中醫學中,梓木具有藥用價值。《握靈本草》:治手足痛風,梓木煎湯,桶上蒸之,勿令湯氣人目。治霍亂不吐不瀉,以梓木屑煎濃汁吐之。此外,梓木還是木胎漆器、樂器和雕版刻字的優質材料,因此中文將書籍的刊印出版稱為「付梓」,其中的「梓」是雕板的意思。梓木還被用於製作古琴底板,偶爾也被用作於結他的背側板(tonewood)。 漢字本来の中国での意味と、日本での国訓「あずさ」の2つの意味があり、さらにそれぞれの名をどの樹種に同定するかについて諸説がある。梓は、別名を「木王」といい[1]、百木の長として尊ばれた。 « C’est un des rares arbres qui a conservé son nom d’origine, donné par les Indiens Cherokeequi occupaient ce territoire et en consommaient les graines. »El nombre deriva de los Catawba americanos nativos de EE.UU. que nombraban catawba a estos árboles (el uso de Catalpa es un error de transcripción del botánicoScopoli, que hizo la primera descripción formal del género).
-The "Passion" in "passion flower" refers to the passion of Jesus in Christian theology.[29] In the 15th and 16th centuries, Spanish Christian missionaries adopted the unique physical structures of this plant, particularly the numbers of its various flower parts, as symbols of the last days of Jesus and especially his crucifixion - The flower has been given names related to this symbolism throughout Europe since that time. In Spain, it is known as espina de Cristo ("thorn of Christ'"). Older Germanic names[32]include Christus-Krone ("Christ's crown"), Christus-Strauss ("Christ's bouquet"[33]), Dorn-Krone("crown of thorns"), Jesus-Lijden ("Jesus' passion"), Marter ("passion"[34]) or Muttergottes-Stern ("Mother of God's star"[35]). -Outside the Roman Catholic heartland, the regularly shaped flowers have reminded people of the face of a clock. In Israel they are known as "clock-flower" (שעונית) and in Greece as "clock plant" (ρολογιά); in Japan too, they are known as tokeisō (時計草, "clock plant"). In Hawaiian, they are called lilikoʻi;[36] lī is a string used for tying fabric together, such as a shoelace, and liko means "to spring forth leaves".In India, blue passionflowers are called Krishna kamala (कृष्णकमळ) in Karnataka and Maharashtra, while in Uttar Pradesh and generally north it is colloquially called "Panch Pandav" (referring to the five Pandavas in the Hindu epic, the Mahabharata). The five anthers are interpreted as the five Pandavas, the divine Krishna is at the centre, and the radial filaments are opposing hundred. The colour blue is moreover associated with Krishna as the colour of his aura.In northern Peru and Bolivia, the banana passionfruits are known as tumbos. This is one possible source of the name of the Tumbes region of Peru.In Turkey, the shape of the flowers have reminded people of Rota Fortunae, thus it called ÇarkıfelekIn South Africathe passionfruit is known as a Granadilla
-Męczennica in polish
首冠藤(Bauhinia corymbosa)深裂叶羊蹄甲(中国主要植物图说) 是豆科羊蹄甲属的植物。分布于亚热带、世界热带以及中国大陆的广东、海南等地,一般生长在山谷密林中或山坡阳处,目前尚未由人工引种栽培。 - 荃灣區議會與關注樹木學者合作研究,在荃灣區找出共617個空置但具潛力的地點,如平台、屋頂等,建議種植開花植物,增添觀賞性和綠化環境,將荃灣變成「花園城市」,將來推廣至全港18區。團隊根據可供綠化地點的位置、尺寸、光暗、物料等,構思可種植的植物,如沙咀道的馬路欄杆設有多個離地花盆,建議可種植會開紫色花的蒜香藤;青山公路附近的一個行人天橋蓋頂,可種植會開淡粉紅色花的首冠藤https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20210226/00176_054.html