Thursday, February 25, 2021

communism asia

En 1909 un grupo de judíos originarios de Rusia llegaron a Palestina con la segunda gran ola inmigratoria (Aliá o Aliyá). Después del fracaso de la Revolución rusa de 1905, fundaron un asentamiento llamado Degania, el primer kibutz.
De 1933 à 1935, le village de Jugeals-Nazareth (Corrèze) accueille, Makhar (« Demain »), le seul kibboutz de France. Un bâtiment agricole est loué par un émissaire du baron Robert de Rothschild pour ouvrir une ferme-école avec de jeunes Français juifs, avant leur départ pour la Palestine. Des réfugiés juifs les rejoignent, allemands pour la plupart, mais également polonais, lituaniens, russes, hongrois, néerlandais ou tchèques et même américains. Environ 500 à 800 kibboutznikim cultivent ainsi 75 hectares[29]. La production agricole est vendue au marché de Brive. Mais la montée de l'antisémitisme en France et l'action xénophobe du sous-préfet Roger Dutruch obligent la fermeture du kibboutz Makhar. La plupart des résidents partent alors pour le kibboutz Ayelet-Hashahar en Galilée[30].
- [situationist int]after ww2, the labour union assumed its normal function of integrating workers into a capitalist economy, an economy of which it itself has become the main owner. It constitutes the bridgehead of imperialist expansion of new israeli capitalism ("solel boneh", an important construction branch of the histadrut, invested 180 million dollars in africa and asia from 1960 to 1966 and currently employes 12,000 african workers.

-  The Communist Party of India (Marxist) (abbreviated CPI(M)) is the largest communist party in India. The party emerged from a split from the Communist Party of India in 1964. The CPI(M) was formed at the Seventh Congress of the Communist Party of India held in Calcutta from 31 October to 7 November 1964. As of 2018, CPI(M) is leading the state government in Kerala and having elected members in 8 state legislative assemblies including KeralaWest BengalTripuraHimachal PradeshMaharashtraOdishaJammu & Kashmir, and Rajasthan. It also leads the West Bengal Left Front.
A Naxal or Naxalite(/ˈnʌksəlt/) is a member of any political organisation that claims the legacy of the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist), founded in Calcutta in 1969. The Communist Party of India (Maoist) is the largest existing political group in that lineage today in India.The term Naxal derives from the name of the village Naxalbari in West Bengal, where the Naxalite peasant revolt took place in 1967. Naxalites are considered far-left radicalcommunists, supportive of Mao Zedong's political ideology. Their origin can be traced to the split in 1967 of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) following the Naxalbari peasant uprising, leading to the formation of the Communist Party of India (Marxist–Leninist) two years later. Initially, the movement had its epicentre in West Bengal. In later years, it spread to less developed areas of rural southern and eastern India, such as Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana through the activities of underground groups like the Communist Party of India (Maoist).[3] Some Naxalite groups have become legal organisations participating in parliamentary elections, such as the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Liberation and the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Janashakti.
  • The term Naxalites comes from Naxalbari, a small village in West Bengal, where a section of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) (CPI-M) led by Charu Majumdar, Kanu Sanyal, and Jangal Santhal initiated an uprising in 1967. On 18 May 1967, the Siliguri Kishan Sabha, of which Jangal was the president, declared their support for the movement initiated by Kanu Sanyal, and their readiness to adopt armed struggle to redistribute land to the landless.[5] The following week, a sharecropper near Naxalbari village was attacked by the landlord's men over a land dispute. On 24 May, when a police team arrived to arrest the peasant leaders, it was ambushed by a group of tribals led by Jangal Santhal, and a police inspector was killed in a hail of arrows. This event encouraged many Santhal tribals and other poor people to join the movement and to start attacking local landlords.These conflicts go back to the failure to implement the 5th and 6th Schedules of the Constitution of India.[7][neutrality is disputed] In theory these Schedules provide for a limited form of tribal autonomy with regard to exploiting natural resources on their lands, e.g. pharmaceutical and mining, and 'land ceiling laws', limiting the land to be possessed by landlords and distribution of excess land to landless farmers and labourers.Mao Zedong provided ideological leadership for the Naxalbari movement, advocating that Indian peasants and lower class tribals overthrow the government of the upper classes by force. A large number of urban elites were also attracted to the ideology, which spread through Charu Majumdar's writings, particularly the 'Historic Eight Documents' which formed the basis of Naxalite ideology.[8] Using People's courts, similar to those established by Mao, Naxalites try opponents and execute with axes or knives, beat, or permanently exile them.
  • *** see jamaica farewell for reference to naxalite


The Communist Party of Australia (CPA) was founded in 1920 and dissolved in 1991. The CPA achieved its greatest political strength in the 1940s and faced an attempted ban in 1951. Though it never presented a major challenge to the established order in Australia, it did have a (relatively) large membership and a significant influence on the trade unions, social movements, and the national culture.The Communist Party of Australia was founded in Sydney on 30 October 1920 by a group of socialists inspired by reports of the Russian Revolution. Groups included the Australian Socialist Party, some members from the Victorian Socialist Party (although the party itself did not join), as well as a variety of militant trade unionists.[3] Among the party's founders were a prominent Sydney trade unionist, Jock Garden, Tom Walsh, William Paisley Earsman.[4] Women suffragettes and anti-conscriptionists included Adela Pankhurst (daughter of the British suffragist Emmeline Pankhurst), Christian Jollie Smith and Katharine Susannah Prichard.Most of the then illegal Australian section of the Industrial Workers of the World(IWW) joined, but the IWW soon left the Communist Party, with its original members, over disagreements with the direction of the Soviet Union and Bolshevism. In its early years, mainly through Garden's efforts, the party achieved some influence in the trade union movement in New South Wales, but by the mid-1920s it had dwindled to an insignificant sect.A visits to the 1924 New Zealand conference by CPA executive members Hetty and Hector Ross got the (also small) Communist Party of New Zealand agreeing to temporary affiliation with the CPA, and were followed by visits in 1925 by Harry Quaife, and by Norman Jeffery a bow-tie wearing former "Wobbly" (IWW member).
  • The SEARCH Foundation is a left-wing Australian not-for-profit company that was established in 1990 as a successor organisation of the Communist Party of Australia to preserve and draw on its resources and archives. It inherited over 3 million dollars from the CPA.SEARCH is an acronym for "Social Education, Action and Research Concerning Humanity".
  • 原來的澳大利亞共產黨解散後,1971年成立的澳大利亞社會黨於1996年更名為「澳大利亞共產黨」。

new zealand
- The Communist Party of New Zealand(CPNZ) was a Communist political party in New Zealand which existed from March 1921 until the early 1990s. Although spurred to life by events in Soviet Russia in the aftermath of World War I, the party had roots in pre-existing revolutionary socialistand syndicalist organisations, including in particular the independent Wellington Socialist Party, supporters of the Industrial Workers of the World in the Auckland region, and a network of impossiblist study groups of miners on the west coast of the South Island. Never high on the list of priorities of theCommunist International, the CPNZ was considered an appendage of the Communist Party of Australia until 1928, when it began to function as a fully independent national party. Party membership remained small, only briefly topping the 1,000 mark, with its members subjected to government repression and isolated by expulsions from the mainstream labour movement concentrated in the New Zealand Labour Party. During the period of the Sino-Soviet split of the 1960s, the CPNZ sided with the Chinese government headed by Mao Tse-tung. The party splintered into a multiplicity of tiny political parties after 1966 and no longer exists as an independent group.

- 日本共産党
The Japanese Red Army (日本赤軍Nihon Sekigun, abbreviated JRA) was a communist militant group founded by Fusako Shigenobu early in 1971 in Lebanon. After the Lod airport massacre, it sometimes called itself Arab-JRA. The JRA's stated goals were to overthrow the Japanese government and the monarchy, as well as to start a world revolution.The group was also known as the Anti-Imperialist International Brigade (AIIB), the Holy War Brigade, and the Anti-War Democratic Front.
[situationist int]zengakuren,an organisation of revolutionary students and the league of young marxist workers are two major organisations formed on the common orientationof revolutionary communist league. The former had a political platform distinctly to the left of trotskyism, participated militantly in political struggles on many fronts. In 1963 it sent some delegates to europe who met the situationists, and later translated a few situationist texts into japanese. 
- people
  •  Sen Katayama (片山 潜 Katayama Sen, December 26, 1859 - November 5, 1933), born Yabuki Sugataro (藪木 菅太郎 Yabuki Sugatarō), was an early member of the American Communist Party and co-founder, in 1922, of the Japan Communist Party. After 1884, he spent most of his life abroad, especially in the United States and the Soviet Union, where he was very active in the international socialist community, and after 1920 the communist community. Katayama had a weak base inside Japan, and was little known there. However, in the rest of the world, he was widely hailed as a leading spokesman for the Japanese socialist and communist movements.
north korea
- 朝鮮官方媒體朝中社昨日報道,朝鮮近年大力推進的現代 化城市建設樣板工程——兩江道三池淵郡邑地區建設工程, 前日舉行竣工典禮,朝鮮領導人金正恩出席剪綵儀式。 報道說,朝鮮勞動黨中央政治局常委崔龍海致辭時表示, 三池淵郡邑地區建設成為現代化山區文化都市的典型,彰顯 朝鮮的自主發展潛力,證明朝鮮勞動黨自力更生路線的正確 性。出席儀式的還有勞動黨中央政治局常委朴鳳柱及內閣總 理金才龍等高級官員。 三池淵郡是朝鮮已故領導人金正日的故鄉,位於被視為聖 山的白頭山附近,近年金正恩多次視察三池淵郡,並指導當 地建設工作,要求將該郡打造成現代化山區城市的典範。據 朝中社報道,三池淵郡邑地區的建設工程浩大,佔地數百公 頃,住宅大樓能容納 4,000多個家庭,另有 380多幢公共及 工業大樓,被形容為「社會主義烏托邦」。當局在前日竣工 典禮舉行盛大慶祝活動,並舉行煙花匯演。 三池淵被視為金正恩推動國家經濟自給自足的重要項目, 但在朝鮮受到國際制裁下,導致建築材料短缺,令工程延 誤。

south korea
- jeju
  • scmp 2sep18 "the dark side of the island" 
- people
  •  Han Myeong-sook (born March 24, 1944; Korean한명숙 [han mjʌŋsʰuk]) was the Prime Minister of South Korea from April 2006 to March 2007. She is South Korea's first female prime minister (second female prime minister overall if the acting premiership of Chang Sangis included). She resigned as Prime Minister on March 7, 2007 and declared her presidential candidacy. But she did not succeed in the nominations. In 2008 she ran for parliament, but was not elected.She was imprisoned from 1979 to 1981 after she confessed to teaching pro-Communist ideas to workers, farmers and low-income women, but it is now accepted she was imprisoned for pro-Democratic activities. A government committee exonerated her of any wrongdoing in 2001, ruling her confession was elicited through torture.
- france
  • [situationist int] towards the end of ww2, with help of americans, the vietminh was in control of greater part of the country and was recognised by france as the sole rep of indochina. Vietnam was recognised as both a free state and as belonging to the indochinese federation of the french union
- ho chi minh
  • Anyone who visits the Ho Chi Minh Monument in Moscow, Russia is impressed by a bronze disc portraying the Vietnamese great leader and his famous quote “Nothing is more precious than independence and freedom”, which was translated in Russian. The monument was sculpted by the Academician of the Soviet Union Academy of Arts, Vladimir Efimovich Tsigal (1917 – 2013). He was also the creator of many monuments in Russia’s major cities, including Moscow, Novorossiysk, and Saint-Petersburg as well as in foreign countries such as Germany, Austria, Japan and Azerbaijan. The portrait of a smiling President Ho Chi Minh was engraved on a giant copper disc. Below the disc is a sculpture of a Vietnamese man standing up from his knees. Behind the disc is an image of two bamboo trees, a familiar image to all Vietnamese people and one widely known in Russia and many people in the capital Moscow.The round disc illustrates an image of Vietnam's sun, which represents the aspiration for a brighter future for Vietnam. The two curved bamboos behind the disc illustrate the Vietnamese people’s efforts to overcome difficulties. Bamboo is a typical Vietnamese tree, it can be bent but is difficult to break, similar to Vietnamese will and strength.–-russia-friendship.html
  • scmp 6apr2021  ho chi minh was incarerated in victoria prison in 1931 owing to his communist leanings

The Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV)[a] is the founding and ruling communist party of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Since 1988, it has been the only legal party in the country. Although it nominally exists alongside the Vietnamese Fatherland Front, it maintains a unitary government and has centralised control over the state, military and media. The supremacy of the Communist Party is guaranteed by Article 4 of the national constitution.  The Communist Party traces its lineage back to 1925, when Hồ Chí Minh established the Vietnamese Revolutionary Youth League, commonly referred to as Thanh Niên. Thanh Niên sought to make use of patriotism in an effort to end the colonial occupation of the country by France. The group sought political and social objectives—national independence and the redistribution of land to working peasants. Thanh Niên was designed to prepare the ground for a revolutionary armed struggle against the French occupation. In 1928 the headquarters of the Thanh Niên organization in Canton was forced underground by Chinese nationalists led by Kuomintang (KMT).[5] This led to a national breakdown within the organization,[6] which led indirectly to a split within Thanh Niên.[7] On 17 June 1929, more than 20 delegates from cells throughout the Tonkin region held a conference in Hanoi, where they declared the dissolution of Thanh Nien and the establishment of a new organization called the Communist Party of Indochina(ICP).[8] The other faction of Thanh Niên, based in the central and southern administrative districts of the country, renamed themselves the Communist Party of Annam in late 1929.[8] The two organizations spent the rest of 1929 engaged in polemics against one another in an attempt to gain a position of hegemony over the radical Vietnamese liberation movement.[9] A third Vietnamese Communist Party emerged around this time, called the League of Indochinese Communists (Vietnamese: Đông Dương Cộng sản Liên Đoàn), which was not connected with Thanh Niên.[9] The League of Indochinese Communists had its roots in another national liberation group which had existed in parallel with Thanh Niên, and saw itself as a rival to the latter.The two warring splinters of Thanh Niên joined with individual members of a third Marxist group called the Communist Party of Vietnam, founded by Hồ Chí Minh at a "Unification Conference" held in Hong Kong from 3–7 February 1930. At a later conference, the party was renamed the Indochinese Communist Party (Vietnamese: Đông Dương Cộng sản Đảng, often abbreviated to ICP). 

  • !!!The Indochinese Communist Party (ICPVietnameseĐảng Cộng sản Đông DươngFrenchParti Communiste Indochinois印度支那共產黨, Lao: ອິນດູຈີນພັກກອມມູນິດ, Khmer: គណបក្សកុម្មុយនីស្តឥណ្ឌូចិន) was a political party which was transformed from the old Vietnamese Communist Party (Vietnamese: Việt Nam Cộng sản Đảng) in October 1930. This party dissolved itself on 11 November 1945.The League for National Salvation of Vietnamese Residents of Kampuchea was a pro-Viet Minh movement of Vietnamese inhabitants in Cambodia.The organization emerged from a network of revolutionary committees formed among Vietnamese residents in the border areas of Cambodia towards the end of 1946. Such groups had emerged in places like Takéo Province, Prey Veng Province and southern Kandal Province. The League for National Salvation of Vietnamese Residents of Kampuchea was set up as a front organization of the Indochina Communist Party in March 1947, merging the various local revolutionary committees. One of the first Viet Minh documents captured by the French in Cambodia was dated 30 April 1949 and revealed the existence of the League, as well as detailing a proposed Vietnamese-Khmer alliance against the French.In 1950, Vietnamese sources claimed the organization had a membership of 50,000.1951年2月,党的“二大”决定越南、老挝柬埔寨分别建立无产阶级政党。印度支那共产党更名为越南劳动党,并派人协助老挝、柬埔寨的地方党组织独立建党。后来,在柬埔寨的党组织成立高棉人民革命党,在老挝的党组织成立老挝人民党
  • Hoàng Văn Hoan (1905 – 18 May 1991)[1] was a personal friend of Ho Chi Minh, a founding member of the Indochinese Communist Party, and a Politburo member of the Lao Dong Party (Vietnam Workers' Party-VWP) from 1960 to 1976. Hoan was a crucial link between the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and China, ambassador to Beijing 1950–1957, and leader of many delegations to China as Vice Chairman of the DRV National Assembly Standing Committee in the 1960s. Known for his pro-Chinese sympathies, Hoan reached the peak of his career in the early 1960s when North Vietnam temporarily adopted a pro-Chinese attitude in the Sino-Soviet dispute. 1905年,黃文歡生于越南乂安省瓊瑠縣瓊堆社的一個贫农家庭,在家乡完成了初等教育,19岁起开始参加反法革命活动。1926年参加由胡志明在广州主办的“越南青年政治训练班”。1928年起在泰国开展革命活动,于1930年加入暹罗共产党,1934年被任命为暹罗共产党临时中央委员。1941年,黄文欢、范文同武元甲等人参与创办了越南独立同盟会(越盟)。1945年越南民主共和国建立后,黄文欢于1950年至1957担任越南民主共和国驻中华人民共和国大使。1958年,当选越南民主共和国及越南社会主义共和国国会主席团副主席;1960年,当选越南劳动党中央政治局委员。黄文欢是一个亲中派人士,与胡志明个人关系亲密,因而在1960年代的中苏交恶期间,北越采纳了他的亲中政策。然而在1965年到1966年期间,北越与苏联的关系改善,与此同时,北越与中国的关系越来越紧张。他在党内的地位逐渐被亲苏派的黎笋取代,其亲信外交部长春水也被换掉。不过,他仍在处理中越关系上发挥着重要作用。1973年5月,他曾秘密访问中国,讨论关于柬埔寨内战的相关事宜。1974年8月至11月,他曾以“治疗疾病”的名义去中国,不过他此行的真实目的可能是对中越边境进行谈判,但没有成功。1976年,毛泽东逝世。在同年召开的越南共产党第四次全国大会上,黄文欢未能当选越共中央委员,仅保留了没有实权的国会主席团副主席这一职务。黄文欢自此失势并逐渐淡出公众视野,并遭到监听和监视。1979年夏,黄文欢乘飞机去东德治疗疾病。途经巴基斯坦卡拉奇下机休息时,黄文欢秘密来到中国领事馆寻求政治避难,并于7月抵达北京。[2]在北京,他批评越共对待华人“比希特勒对待犹太人还坏”。[3]8月,中国《人民日报》登载了署名黄文欢的公开信[4],信中指责以越南共产党总书记黎笋为首的越南当局奉行亲苏反华政策使得越南丧失了独立性,并批评越南当局侵占柬埔寨,以及控制老挝。同年8月,他被越南共产党剥夺一切职务并开除党籍。1980年6月,越南政府以叛国罪缺席判处黄文欢死刑,[2]官媒将其与卖国求荣的皇帝黎昭统相提并论。[5]后来,黄文欢不断指责越共对中国的敌对政策。1981年9月1日,黄文欢在《人民日报》发表声明,声称“黎笋篡改胡志明主席遗嘱”。
武元甲  Võ Nguyên Giáp (Vietnamese: [vɔ̌ˀ ŋʷīən zǎːp]; 25 August 1911 – 4 October 2013) was a general in the Vietnam People's Army and a politician. Võ Nguyên Giáp is considered one of the greatest military strategists of the 20th century.[1] He first grew to prominence during World War II, where he served as the military leader of the Viet Minh resistance against the Japanese occupation of Vietnam. Giáp was a crucial military commander in two wars: the First Indochina War of 1946–1954, and the Vietnam War of 1955–1975, participating in several historically significant battles: Lạng Sơn in 1950, Hòa Bình in 1951–1952, Điện Biên Phủ in 1954, the Tết Offensive in 1968, the Easter Offensive in 1972, and the final Ho Chi Minh Campaign of 1975. Giáp had no direct military training and was a history teacher at a French-speaking academy, influenced by historical military leaders and personally citing T. E. Lawrence and Napoleon as his two greatest influences. He would later earn the moniker "Red Napoleon" by some Western sources.
- de facto communism?

  • NTUC FairPrice Co-Operative (新加坡职工总会平价合作社, TamilNTUC FairPriceகூட்டுறவு, MalaySyarikat-koperasi NTUC FairPrice) is a supermarket chain based in Singapore and the largest in the country. The company is a co-operative of the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC). The group has 100 supermarkets across the island, with over 50 outlets of Cheers convenience stores island-wide. NTUC FairPrice was first established on 22 July 1973 as NTUC Welcome Supermarket in Toa Payoh, to solve the rising oil and daily prices then due to inflation. Then prime minister Lee Kuan Yew opened the first supermarket at Block 192, Toa Payoh Lorong 4, and it was the first of its kind.[2]Around the same time, other unions such as the Singapore Industrial Labour Organisation and Pioneer Industries Employees Union also set up co-operatives to run supermarkets. The two organisations later merged in the early 1980s to form the Singapore Employees Co-operative (SEC). In May 1983, due to competition, NTUC Welcome and SEC merged to form a larger co-operative which was known as NTUC FairPrice Co-Operative Limited.

The Communist Party of the Philippines (FilipinoPartido Komunista ng Pilipinas) is a terrorist group, and the leading communist party in the Philippines formed by Jose Maria Sison on December 26, 1968. It has been fighting a guerrilla war against the state since the late 1960s. It has remained an underground political organization and has been operating in a clandestine manner since its founding. It aims to overthrow the Philippine government through armed revolution. It has direct leadership over the New People's Army, which serves as its armed wing, and the National Democratic Front.The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) was reestablished on December 26, 1968, coinciding with the 75th birthday of Mao Zedong, the Chinese communist leader of the People's Republic of China (PRC). Amado Guerrero, then a central committee member of Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas or PKP-1930, lead the reestablishment of the party. Jose Maria Sison, allegedly the man behind the nom de guerre Amado Guerrero, confirmed its birth at Barangay Dulacac in the tri-boundary of Alaminos, Bani and Mabini in the province of Pangasinan. This is where the CPP's "Congress of Reestablishment" was held on December 26, 1968, at a hut near the house of the Navarettes, the parents-in-law of Arthur Garcia, one of the CPP founders.

  • Yesterday, Duterte told newly promoted military officials to rearrest the communist rebels who were allowed to post bail so they could participate as consultants in the aborted peace talks. He said the communist peace consultants could now be considered fugitives. The government, through a Supreme Court resolution, allowed the release of the rebel leaders to participate as consultants of the National Democratic Front (NDF) in the peace talks in Norway.Duterte cancelled the peace talks and publicly branded the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) and its armed wing, the New People’s Army (NPA), as a terrorist group.
- ?????? 一九六○年十月 正是在聯合國大會議 廳中心,作為蘇聯代 表團團長的赫魯曉夫 正襟危坐在台下,正 戴着耳機,極其嚴肅地聽主席台上的 發言。當菲律賓外長走上台發言時, 赫魯曉夫的臉漸漸凝重起來,臉色陰 沉,不時氣憤地晃動着他碩大的光頭 。原來菲外長在發言中激烈地攻擊以 蘇聯為首的社會主義國家,而且調門 越來越高,語氣越來越 「毒」 。赫魯 曉夫終於忍不住了,他要反擊、要批 駁、要制止這種敵對勢力的叫囂。他 先揮手幾次表示憤怒和不滿,主席台 上的輪值主席和菲外長置若罔聞,被 激怒的赫魯曉夫終於攥起拳頭向主席 台上揮舞,終於拳落台桌,咚咚的拳 頭敲擊桌面的聲音不但沒有讓菲外長 停止、悄聲、啞然而退,反而勢如火 上澆油,尖厲的聲討社會主義之聲粗 暴地刺激着赫魯曉夫的神經,他終於 忍無可忍!這時候,坐在他身後的一 個非洲國家的外交官,不知出於何種 心理,給赫魯曉夫遞過來一隻皮鞋, 赫魯曉夫接過這隻皮鞋,掄圓了猛擊 桌子,其聲如雷,終於把聯大會議給 攪了,這在聯大會議歷史上前所未有 ,至今仍未見有,也在聯合國大會上 留下了赫魯曉夫的鬧。

    - In 1965, the Indonesian military killed as many as one million of their own country­men, destroying the third-largest communist party in the world and taking with it pretty much anyone seen as having left-wing tendencies (as well as hundreds of thousands who had nothing to do with anything). Not many people were killed in the streets or officially executed, but rather disappeared into the night.On the island of Bali, at least 5 per cent of the population, about 80,000 people, were killed, but even today, the events of 1965 are little known outside Indonesia, or even within it.“For more than 50 years, the Indonesian government has resisted any attempt to go out and record what happened, and no one around the world has much cared to ask, either,” writes journalist Vincent Bevins in The Jakarta Method: Washington’s Anticommunist Crusade and the Mass Murder Program that Shaped Our World. The book attempts to lift the veil while also putting the bloody events in a global context and pointing an accusatory finger at the United States.

    The Mongolian Revolution of 1921 (Outer Mongolian Revolution of 1921, or People's Revolution of 1921) was a military and political event by which Mongolian revolutionaries, with the assistance of the Soviet Red Army, expelled Russian White Guards from the country, and founded the Mongolian People's Republic in 1924. Although nominally independent, the Mongolian People's Republic was a satellite state of the Soviet Union until a third Mongolian revolution in January 1990. The revolution also ended Chinese occupation of Mongolia, which had existed since 1919. The official Mongolian name of the revolution is "People's Revolution of 1921" or simply "People's Revolution" (MongolianАрдын хувьсгал).

    • [gc pang and h toth]mad baron felt that the divine plan also called for him to save russia from the communists. In 1919, a group of mongolian nationalists had fled across the border to siberia, and in 1920 they formed the mongolian people's party, later renamed the mongolian people's revolutionary party. Among them were revolutionary leaders damdiny sukhbaatar and khorloogiin choibalsan.
    - [barnett] the soviet union, since the early days of comintern, has been extremely sympathetic toward asian nationalist movements. Furtherties with the soviet union have been created since many uighurs and other representatives of sinkiang's minorities have been educated in soviet institutions - principally because of lack of educational facilities for them elsewhere. While the conservative and wealthy begs and mullahs generally line up behind the chinese, leaders of nationalist movement are for the most part representatives from the middle class, and from iconoclastic youth, many of whom have been educated in soviet union or strongly influenced by soviet propaganda. They are vocal (also divided among themselves on how to achieve their goals) and the mass of uighur farmers go along with the movement more passively. 

    - The Malayan Communist Party (MCP), officially known as the Communist Party of Malaya(CPM), was a political party in the Federation of Malaya and Malaysia. It was founded in 1930 and laid down its arms in 1989. It is most known for its role in the Malayan Emergency. It also contributed to the independence of Malaya, in which this subject is still a taboo and is systematically erased and hidden from the public due to political interests of the dominating parties within Malaysia.In April 1930 the South Seas Communist Party was dissolved and was replaced by the Communist Party of Malaya.While its primary responsibility was Malaya and Singapore, the party was also active in Thailand and the Dutch East Indies, which did not then have their own Communist parties.
    • The Malayan Emergency (MalayDarurat Malaya) was a guerrilla war fought in the Federation of Malaya from 1948 until 1960. The conflict was between Commonwealth armed forces and pro independence fighters of the Malayan National Liberation Army (MNLA), the military wing of the Malayan Communist Party (MCP). The war was fought over attempts by communist forces to gain independence for Malaya from the British Empire and to establish a socialist economy. The fighting spanned both the colonial period and the creation of an independent Malaya (1957). Although it was referred to as "The Emergency" by colonial authorities, the MNLA referred to it as the "Anti-British National Liberation War".[8] The conflict was called an "Emergency" by the British for insurance purposes, as London-based insurers would not have paid out in instances of civil wars.[

    - Chin Peng (陳平; pinyin: Chén Píng; Jyutping: Can4 Ping4), former OBE,[dubious – discuss] (21 October 1924 – 16 September 2013) born Ong Boon Hua (王文華; pinyin: Wáng Wénhuá; Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Ông Bûn-hôa) was a Malayan communist politician who was a long-time leader of the Malayan Communist Party (MCP). A determined anti-colonialist, he led the party's guerrilla insurgency in the Malayan Emergency, fighting against British and Commonwealth forces in an attempt to establish an independent communist state. After the MCP's defeat and subsequent Malayan independence, Chin waged a second campaignagainst Malaya and, after 1963, the new state of Malaysia in an attempt to replace its government with a communist one from exile, until signing the Peace Agreement of Hat Yai 1989 with the Malaysian government in 1989.Chin Peng died at the age of 88, in Bangkok, Thailand. Prior to his death, he was living in exile in Thailand; contrary to one of the conditions of the 1989 peace agreement, he was not permitted to return to Malaysia even for burial of his ash but on 26 November 2019, ash of Chin Peng was finally brought from Thailand after pictures of group of peoples bring ash to Lumut was viral on Facebook and have negative critic from netizens including former Prime Minister, Najib Razak.陳平在1924年10月21日生於馬來聯邦霹靂州實兆遠,祖籍中國福建省福州福清。父親王聲標,是霹靂州的商人。他聲稱生於一個小康家庭,根據政府在倫敦的情報記錄,他生於中產階級家庭。

    • scmp 28nov19
    - rules, guidance document

    • 中共中央日前印發修訂後的《中國共產黨問責條例》(下稱《條例》),並下發通知,要求各地區各部門認真遵行。《條例》一共達二十七條,當中新增了十四條內容,並修改原有十二條,其中明確在教育醫療、生態環保、食品藥品安全、扶貧脫貧、社會保障等民生問題上不作為、亂作為、慢作為、假作為,將予以嚴厲問責。
    • 按照《黨組工作條例》,黨組書記一般由主要負責人擔任,因此絕大多數部委都是部長、書記一肩挑。但也有二職分設的雙頭制,通常是機構改革、換屆調整的過渡與平衡,例如應急管理部、司法部;或出現在隊伍龐大、任務繁重的部門,例如國資委、外交部;或黨外人士擔任行政首腦的部門,例如環境部。黨組書記角色就各有不同,是權力格局博弈的直觀指標。根據組織原則,部委實行「黨組領導下的部長負責制」,這看似簡單,卻大有拿捏空間。若部長身兼書記,當然是一順百順;若兩人分領,究竟是「黨組領導」為主還是「部長負責」為主,需綜合考慮官員資歷、工作需要、專業背景等因素來權衡,由高層來確定。比如此番履新的兩人,唐一軍排名司法部黨組書記袁曙宏之前,黃潤秋卻排名環境部黨組書記孫金龍之後。黨組書記的角色,大致可劃分為四種。其一,如司法部這種,則部長負責為主,是一把手;黨組書記偏重黨務,各有分工。中國人民銀行行長易綱、黨委書記郭樹清也是類似關係。外交部長期實行黨政雙首長制,亦是如此,外長操辦外事業務,黨委書記專司黨建。其二,如環境部之類,由於部長是黨外人士,黨組書記擁有全面拍板權,部長側重專業,實際是二把手。國務院其他兩個由黨外人士擔任行政首長的單位,即國家中醫藥管理局、國家藥品監督管理局,也都是黨組書記排名局長之前,充當話事人。黨組議決大事時,部長、局長可以列席。其三,部長、黨組書記都是中共幹部而黨組書記排名首位,如交通運輸部、應急管理部,黨組書記同樣是擁有更重話語權的首席負責人。黨組書記不再是偏重黨務,而是對各項事務都有廣泛介入,當然也會根據需要與部長進行分權。尤其是現任交通部黨組書記楊傳堂,身兼全國政協副主席,位列國家領導人,更是有名有實。因此,書記與部長的位次排序並無固定規則,誰先誰後,由中央確定。即使同一部門,也時有變化。以國資委為例,初期是主任李榮融排名黨委書記李毅中之前,後來又是黨委書記郝鵬排名主任肖亞慶之前。第四種情況是國務院領導兼任部委首長,進行宏觀領導,而以黨組書記兼任常務副部長,作為實際操盤手。例如朱鎔基兼任人民銀行行長、吳儀兼任衞生部部長時,日常實際工作由黨組書記周正慶、高強負責。現時外交部雖然也是國務院領導兼任部長,但是並不屬於此種情況,國務委員兼外長王毅並非僅是掛名,而是一線負責。
    • 中共中央政治局前日召開會議,除了決定十九屆五中全會召開日期外,更審議及制訂出台《中國共產黨中央委員會工作條例》,就黨中央的領導地位、體制、職權,以及決策部署等作出全面規定,為加強中央委員會工作提供基本遵循。分析認為,《條例》加強了中央領導。
    • 內地官媒昨日報道,中共中央近日印發修訂後的《中國共產黨黨員權利保障條例》,明確說明黨員權利保障的原則和總體要求。《條例》又要求黨員必須以履行義務、擔當責任、遵守紀律為前提。
    - Honours
    • 近日,中共中央辦公廳印發了《關於做好「七一勳章」提名和全國「兩優一先」推薦工作的通知》(以下簡稱《通知》)。《通知》指出,黨中央決定,在中國共產黨成立100周年之際,以中共中央名義首次頒授「七一勳章」,表彰全國優秀共產黨員、全國優秀黨務工作者和全國先進基層黨組織。
    - 蘇維埃政權
    • 全國第一個蘇維埃政權 的誕生地─海豐紅宮紅場
    中共中央编译局全称中共中央马克思恩格斯列宁斯大林著作编译局,是中共中央直属机构,副部级单位,成立于1953年,主要职责为马克思主义经典著作编译,中央文献对外翻译,马克思主义理论与重大现实问题研究,马克思主义文献信息资源建设,以及马克思主义理论的宣传普及。2010年12月9日时,中央外宣办举行新闻发布会,介绍马克思主义经典著作编译研究及中央编译局相关工作职能情况。1938年,党在延安成立了马列学院,学院下设编译部,专门组织翻译马克思主义著作,这是我党较早设立的专门编译、研究马克思主义著作的机构。1949年新中国成立前夕,党中央就决定并组建成立了中央俄文编译局,大量翻译马克思主义著作。1953年,经中央批准,将中央俄文翻译局与中宣部有关部门合并,成立了中共中央马恩列斯著作编译局,开始系统、有计划地翻译马克思主义全部著作。近60年来,编译局马克思主义著作编译、研究和信息出版等事业有了长足发展,各项业务工作取得丰硕成果。主要有:编译出版了三套全集、两套选集和两套专题文集,这就是大家比较熟悉的《马克思恩格斯全集》、《列宁全集》、《斯大林全集》,《马克思恩格斯选集》、《列宁选集》以及《马克思恩格斯文集》、《列宁专题文集》等;多语种对外翻译了《毛泽东选集》、《周恩来选集》、《刘少奇选集》、《朱德选集》和《邓小平文选》、《陈云文选》、《江泽民文选》第1卷等;同时圆满完成了历次党代会,人大、政协“两会”以及其他重要会议文件的翻译任务;围绕马克思主义、世界社会主义和政党政治以及中国特色社会主义理论与实践等,先后完成中央委托重大课题、国家社科基金重大项目、中央有关部门委托课题等研究200多项,出版专著、编著、译著400多部,同时发表了大量有较高价值的学术论文等;收藏有关马克思主义、社会主义、政党政治、学术理论等文献50余万册(件);主办4本中文哲学社会科学类核心期刊和一家出版社,出版各种图书2384种;拥有英、俄、法、西班牙、日、德等多个翻译语种;同国内外特别是国际上多个学术机构、政党等建立合作关系,开展学术交流、研讨和人员往来等。2010年12月9日时,中央外宣办举行新闻发布会,介绍马克思主义经典著作编译研究及中央编译局相关工作职能情况。2011年9月15日,中央编译局“当好党中央思想智囊团座谈会暨马克思主义研究部和世界发展战略研究部成立大会”在北京举行,马克思主义研究部和世界发展战略研究部是中共中央编译局内设机构。为了“当好党中央思想库智囊团”,中央编译局进一步明确了新时期发展目标和路径,制定了实施“大科研”战略和人才强局战略,集中力量打造“马克思主义文献与典藏研究”、“马克思主义基本理论研究”、“国外马克思主义研究”、“中国改革发展战略研究”六个重点研究领域[6]。2015年,中央编译局被列为首批国家高端智库建设试点单位2018年3月中共中央印发的《深化党和国家机构改革方案》称,不再保留中共中央编译局,相关职责并入中共中央党史和文献研究院 (
    • 我1994年夏末秋初進入中央編譯局世界社 會主義研究所工作,算是趕上了編譯局的好 時候。當時的學術氛圍很濃,經常舉辦學術 交流活動,大師雲集。每每憶及當年,除了 殷先生,腦子裏還浮現出一組「先生」群 像:李宗禹,顧錦屏,李興耕,胡文建,鄭 異凡……正是由於這個群體的存在,中央編 譯局為日漸浮躁的社會保留了一份學術的尊 嚴。我是2000年秋天調離中央編譯局的,到中 央組織部從事黨建理論研究和宣傳工作。離 開時,殷先生明顯有些不捨,但表示尊重年 輕人的選擇。他動情地說:陳林都走了,我 們這塊研究還怎麼後繼有人呢。20年後,當 我再次面臨職業選擇時,才深深感受到這句 話的分量! 當然,人離開了編譯局,與編譯局的學術 聯繫並沒有斷,時而還跟編譯局的老先生一 起做些課題。差不多10年以後,我已派駐香 港中聯辦工作,還收到殷先生託人帶來的兩 冊書和一封親筆信。那書是新出版的,名為 《民主社會主義手冊》,是殷先生多年前主 持的一個翻譯項目的最終成果。該項目選取 德國社會民主黨理論家托馬斯邁爾主編的 《社會主義大辭典》中有關民主社會主義的 條目,加以分章整理,編輯成書。
    - 中华全国供销合作总社(All China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives,ACFSMC)是全国供销合作社的联合组织,由中华人民共和国国务院领导。中华全国供销合作总社的主要负责研究制订全国供销合作社的发展战略和发展规划,指导全国供销合作社的发展和改革;按照政府授权对重要农业生产资料、农副产品经营进行组织、协调、管理;维护各级供销合作社的合法权益;协调同有关部门的关系,指导全国供销合作社的业务活动,促进城乡物资交流;宣传贯彻党中央、国务院有关农村经济工作的方针政策;代表中国合作社参与国际合作社联盟的各项活动;承办党中央、国务院交办的其他事项。根据2018年11月该合作社官网信息显示,中华全国供销合作总社设立理事会、监事会,理事会内设机构14个,监事会内设机构1个,下辖15个直属事业单位、15家主管社团和中国供销集团,中国供销集团管理有全资和控股子公司16家。

    • 早在民主革命时期,毛泽东、刘少奇等党和国家领导人就多次论述过合作社的问题。1949年11月,中央成立了中央合作事业管理局,主管全国合作事业。1950年7月,中央合作事业管理局召开了中华全国合作社工作者第一届代表会议,通过了《中华人民共和国合作社法(草案)》、《中华全国合作社联合总社章程(草案)》等重要文件,成立了中华全国合作社联合总社,统一领导和管理全国的供销、消费、信用、生产、渔业和手工业合作社。1954年7月,中华全国合作社召开了第一次代表大会,修改了社章,将中华全国合作社联合总社更名为中华全国供销合作总社,建立了全国统一的供销合作社系统。1958年以后,中华全国供销合作总社的发展经历了一个曲折的发展时期,与国营商业两次合并,后又两次分开。1982年,在机构改革中,全国供销合作总社第三次与商业部合并,但保留了全国供销合作总社的牌子,设立了中华全国供销合作总社理事会,保留了省以下供销合作社的独立组织系统。1995年2月,党中央、国务院根据建立社会主义市场经济体制和深化农村改革的要求,从农业、农村经济发展需要出发,在总结供销合作社过去改革和发展经验的基础上,作出了《关于深化供销合作社改革的决定》,明确了供销合作社的性质、宗旨、地位和作用,并决定恢复成立中华全国供销合作总社,提出了支持供销合作社改革发展的若干政策措施。1999年,《国务院关于解决供销合作社当前几个突出问题的通知》正式出台,供销合作社的工作重点转向了扭亏增盈。2006年,国务院印发了《听取供销总社关于建设农村现代流通服务网络等有关工作汇报的会议纪要》,对“新网工程”思路给予充分肯定。在“新网工程”的强力推进下,供销合作社业务得到恢复和加强。2009年11月,《国务院关于加快供销合作改革发展的若干意见》正式发布,提出新形势下供销合作社改革发展的目标和任务,标志着供销合作社改革发展迈入了新的改革发展阶段。2011年,中华全国供销合作总社全系统初步建成了覆盖县、乡、村三级的经营服务网络。2013年,中央一号文件提出支持供销合作社开展农产品流通,充分发挥供销合作社在农业社会化服务中的重要作用,为供销合作社的改革发展和转型升级带来契机。2014年,供销合作社综合改革试点列入中央改革办2014年工作要点,写入中央一号文件和《政府工作报告》。4月初,国务院批复同意在河北等4个省开展试点,成为十八届三中全会之后中央层面批复的第一家全国性改革试点。经中央同意,总社会同中央农办等20多个部委,启动供销合作社综合改革文件的调研起草工作,国务院常务会议已经审议通过文件稿。2014年7月,中华全国供销合作总社在人民大会堂召开供销合作总社成立60周年纪念大会。2016年,中央一号文件提出,深入推进供销合作社综合改革,提升为农服务能力。支持供销合作社创办领办农民合作社,引领农民参与农村产业融合发展、分享产业链收益。《全国供销合作社“ 十三五”发展规划》印发实施,以“创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享”的发展理念为引领,提出了后五年的发展目标、具体任务和改革发展的总体要求。2017年6月,供销合作社综合改革专项试点启动,28个省(区、市)32家单位承担试点任务。
    • 四川省供销合作社联合社是全省供销合作社的经济联合组织。内设11个处室,直属企业7个。供销合作社办社宗旨是为农业、农村、农民提供服务。按照社会主义市场经济的要求,省供销社由过去直接管理直属企业,转为以出资人身份行使对省直社有资产的监督管理;除国家委托的政策性经营任务外,省供销社不再对下级联社下达经营性指标。
    • 四川扶貧農產品香港推介會 on 28may19 em 14may19
    - members

    • 中共中央組織部周日發布最新統計數據,顯示截至去年底,中國共產黨黨員人數為九千零五十九萬四千人,較去年同期增加一百零三萬人。數據又顯示,現有黨員中「八十後」和「九十後」黨員超過總數三分之一,其中擁有大專及以上學歷的黨員接近一半。自十八大以來,每年平均收到約三百九十萬人申請入黨。

    - person
    • Chen Wangdao (陳望道; Wade–Giles: Ch'en Wang-tao) (1891–1977) was a Chinese scholar and educator. He is recognized as the first person who known that translated the Communist Manifesto into Chinese completely so far. He also served as president of Fudan University from 1949 to 1977. Chen was born Mingrong (明融) in 1891, while Wangdao is his courtesy name. Beginning in 1915, he studied at Waseda University, Toyo University and Chuo University successively. He eventually obtained his Bachelor of Laws at Chuo University. The experience in Japan brought him into contact with communistideas. Chen returned to China as the May Fourth Movement began. He found a job teaching Chinese literature at then Chekiang Provincial No.1 Normal School. 
    • 盧作孚 
    • 著名愛國實業家、教育家、鄉村建 設先驅和社會改革家。一八九三年出生 於四川,一九二五年創辦民生公司,陸 續統一川江航運,迫使外國航運勢力退 出長江上游。一九二七年開始主持四川 嘉陵江三峽地區的現代鄉村建設。一九 三八年秋,組織指揮了最緊張的宜昌大 撤退,用四十天時間搶運三萬餘人、物 資六萬餘噸,兩個月內共搶運物資九萬 餘噸,挽救了抗戰時期的民族工業和科 教文化事業。一九五○年毅然將滯留香 港的十九艘民生公司輪船駛回內地,參 與新中國建設。一九五二年在重慶去 世。

      •  Ti-hsin Hsü   许涤新(1906年10月25日一1988年2月8日),用名许声闻,方治平、渤若[1]。揭阳人,中国社会科学院副院长、汕头大学首任校长。1933年,毕业于国立上海商学院(现上海财经大学),并加入中国共产党。曾任社联研究部副部长、宣传部长、党团书记等职。1934年,任中共中央文化工作委员会委员,中国左翼文化总同盟组织部长。1935年2月,因叛徒告密在上海被捕。狱中克服困难,坚持学习马克思主义经济理论,抗战爆发后,国民党被迫释放政治犯,恢复自由。许涤新出生于揭阳县棉湖镇(今属揭西县)的一个小学教师家庭。1920年在故乡兴道小学毕业。1921~1924年就读于揭阳榕江中学,在校时参加新学生社,开始受革命思想影响。毕业后在汕头市普宁旅汕小学任教。1925年秋加入共产主义青年团
        • 1944年秋,許滌新開始著手寫作《中國經濟的道路》。在書中,許滌新系統地回顧了近百年中國經濟的演變歷史,論証“在半殖民地半封建社會中,通過新民主主義經濟道路,使中國經濟走向現代化是歷史的必然”的結論。為彌補《中國經濟的道路》中所缺少的抗戰以前中國經濟史和日本投降以后國內斗爭形勢兩方面的內容,許滌新又撰寫了《現代中國經濟教程》一書。在這部書中,他著重分析了抗日戰爭時期中國的戰時經濟和戰后殖民地化的危機,並通過國民黨統治區與解放區社會經濟的鮮明對比,論証了新民主主義經濟走向中國經濟現代化的光輝道路。“這兩本書,是許滌新研究社會主義經濟理論的開始。”厲華說,1946年,《中國經濟的道路》《現代中國經濟教程》兩本書在全國出版發行。僅兩個月,首印書籍便銷售一空。在國民黨於1947年秋查禁《中國經濟的道路》之前,該書曾印刷7次,成為當時炙手可熱的暢銷書。

        • 方卓芬,、倩华、怀庶,生于一个封建知识分子家庭。父亲是前清秀才,母亲是家庭妇女。她6岁丧父,依靠大哥(同父异母)生活,8岁进入惠来县立女子小学。1946年夏,国民党政府机关复员上海、南京,中共代表团在南京梅园新村、上海马思南路设办事处。卓芬调上海中共代表团,任上海工委财经委秘书。秋天国共谈判破裂,中共代表团撤退干部,涤新夫妇被派去香港开展宣传和统战工作。在中共香港工委领导下办了一个经济资料室,卓芬在这里工作,搜集国民党的经济情报,为准备接管大城市,编写一批资料(国民党四大家族资料,中纺公司,资料委员会有关资料,以及国民党区的动态资料);同时为宣传党的新民主主义经济政策,和揭露国民党的经济崩溃,经常为《经济导报》、《华侨日报》撰稿。1949年8月她离开香港,先任上海工商局调研室副主任,后调华东局统战部任工商科长。参加上海五反运动的调研工作。1952年秋,卓芬调北京任中央工商局调研处副处长,主编《工商行政通报》。1956年全行业合营以后,负责编写私营工商业改造资料。1960年进入中央党校理论班学习,1965年毕业。

      - chinese characteristics
      • [九评共产党]中共的起家历史,是一个逐步完成其集中外邪恶之大全的过程,中共完善着它“中国特色”的九大基因:“邪、骗(邪恶要装正神,就要行骗)、煽、斗、抢、痞(共产革命是痞子流氓起义,经典的“巴黎公社”纯粹是社会流氓的杀人放火打砸抢。)、间、灭、控”。
      • struggle
      • according to 九评共产党,instigating class struggle (one group against another) follows the ratio of 95% to 5%

        - 新組建的中共中央黨校(國家行政學院)昨日上午舉行掛牌儀式。 根據此前公佈的機構改革方案,中央黨校(國家行政學院)實行一個機構兩塊牌子,主要職責是,承擔全國高中級領導幹部和中青年後備幹部培訓,開展重大理論問題和現實問題研究,研究宣傳習近平新時代中國特色社會主義思想,承擔中央決策諮詢服務,培養馬克思主義理論骨幹,對全國各級黨校(行政學院)進行業務指導等。

        • 讀過中國現代史者,自然會想起1953年,毛澤東下令上海、武漢、西安等五十多個城市的民國工業家交出股份,強行「全國社會主義改造運動」,又稱「公私合營」:一時上海許多「民族資本家」老字號如大中華火柴廠、新亞藥廠、大隆機器廠,還有永安、大新等老牌百貨公司,還有廣州的何濟公藥廠、潘高壽藥廠,全部變為國營商店。原來的老闆向國家交出股權,接受思想改造,每年收取佔原有私人股權5%的「定息」,為時二十年。1956年1月,永安公司老闆郭琳爽握着黨代表的手,熱情洋溢地說:「我向黨奉上我走社會主義道路的赤膽忠心。」街頭大媽敲鑼打鼓,為郭老闆佩戴上革命大紅花。國家收購控制糧和棉布等民生企業,廣派黨委書記進駐,即對本來的大老闆展開「五反運動」:反行賄、反偷稅漏稅、反偷工減料、反盜竊國家經濟情報、反侵佔國家財產等五大罪行。上海一地「五反運動」,四個月內,跳樓等各種方式自殺的企業家及其家屬,共876人。到1966年「文化大革命」,連定息也提早停止派發。然而國城市私人企業「國營化」之後,農村出身的黨委書記不擅經營,如上海永安公司,1954年的營業額比上一年減少一半,貨架空蕩,1955年,永安公司連員工薪水也無法發放。
        - music
        • 一九五二年六月出版的歌集《人民歌聲》,驚覺這已是六十八年前了。從少年始一直收藏,搬過幾次家,每次清理的書二百多本,合起來也有七八百本,始終把它留着,幾年前用膠套小心裹起來,放在書櫃「重要書籍」的一欄,不由想起黃永玉將一九四九年國慶當日《大公報》隨報附送的一面國旗,收藏至今。這代人就是這樣的執著。《人民歌聲》收錄歌曲二百七十首,許多歌現在被遺忘了,或許失傳了,在共和國的歷史上是一本有價值的書。這些歌曲,當時由北京人民廣播電台二、三台每天播放,影響遍及全國各地,深入民心。為此,北京人民廣播電台決定出版,由人民歌聲社編輯。用兩女一男歌手作彩色封面,邀得着名作家茅盾書寫「人民歌聲」,當時他是新中國第一任文化部長,可見對這本歌集重視。一九五二年一月初版,到我手上已是六月版,一再重印,全國搶手。 我工作的報社歌詠班從歌集選曲,每周唱一次,由姓譚的同事教歌。其他愛國報社、通訊社、出版社、電影界、工會、婦女界文化社團以及一些商會都有歌詠班,左翼報社在西環廣州酒家舉辦「十.一聯歡」,各自拿出好歌上台表演,比對一番。《人民歌聲》把二百七十首歌分類為民歌歌曲、歌劇選曲、一般歌曲、青年及婦女歌曲、部隊歌曲、工人農民歌曲、抗美援朝歌曲、保衛世界和平歌曲、歌頌毛主席歌曲,讚美新中國歌曲,還有翻譯歌曲,許多人熟悉的國際歌,蘇聯的《喀秋莎》,內地熱唱的《白毛女》、《歌唱祖國》、《我們走在大路上》、《團結就是力量》等都在香港流行。有一回,著名作曲家草田(黎小田父親)突然來我們的歌詠班,大家事前不知道,突然有人高聲說:「歡迎草田先生!」大家興奮站起來拍掌歡迎,姓譚的同事立即把指揮棒遞交草田,草田向大家說幾句親切話語,徇眾要求教了一段。大家意猶未盡,請他唱一首歌,他高興答應,唱《牧羊姑娘》。以前沒有聽他唱歌,真不知道他如此厲害,他的歌聲彷彿把整層樓震撼。他不止是作曲家,而且是歌唱家,在掌聲如雷的熱情歡送中離開報社。香港各界歌詠團的第一個高潮,出現於一九四九年新中國成立的前夕,最早有香港青年歌詠團、虹虹歌詠團、聯青、秋風、螞蟻歌詠團、新音樂社、中華音樂院等,活躍於香港大學的陸佑堂、北角璇宮戲院、大酒店、麗的呼聲。當時本港的歌詠團發展至四十多個,其中影響力大的是由草田等三位音樂家組織的「港九歌詠界聯合會」,帶動了港九青年歌詠活動,一九四八年春節,草田聯合其他歌詠團舉辦「春季聯合音樂會」,千人大合唱,大膽而轟動地演唱了當時十分流行的一首歌《唱出一個春天來》。同年夏天,活動再推向高潮,把延安的歌劇《白毛女》公開演出,由中原劇社、中國藝術劇社及中華音樂院聯合匯演,香港觀眾首次看到解放區的優秀歌劇。一九四九年新中國成立後,活躍一時的「螞蟻歌詠團」近百人北上參加工作,「虹虹歌詠團」部分成員相繼回去參加建設祖國,其中有新聞界熟悉的諸樺。她曾任港澳辦辦公室主任,澳門回歸前出任中葡談判中方代表團成員,澳門基本法起草委員會委員、副秘書長,當年她是虹虹歌詠團的核心成員。
        • suspicious - 李傑與張汝鈞李傑(1917-2020)於2月29日上午9時20分以103歲的百年高壽離世。她和夫婿謝錦標自1940年在香港定居以來,一直是香港樂壇上愛國愛樂和愛才的「低調熱心人」。抗日戰爭時期,李傑和謝錦標聯同一批熱血青年組織的「武漢合唱團」於敵後展開宣傳抗日活動,並在愛國僑領陳嘉庚等人支持下,歷經艱辛,經廣州、香港到新加坡、馬來西亞等地宣傳抗日救亡。張汝鈞原籍廣東梅縣,1937年4月25日出生於印尼邦加島文島埠,中學時除獨唱外又是校內合唱團指揮,然父親在他十四歲那年不幸死於交通意外,家中經濟環境並不富裕,1957年中學畢業後,他仍決定攻讀音樂,回到北京,先隨女高音劉蘭學習聲樂,一年後考入中央音樂學院聲樂系,師承著名聲樂家湯雪耕和蔣英。
        - diaspora
        • 澳洲傳媒昨報道,有中共黨員曾經或目前受僱於澳洲、美國、英國、德國、瑞士、印度、新西蘭、意大利及南非等國駐上海的代表機構,亦有至少10個國家駐上海的領事館聘用中共黨員,為期長達16年。
        - hui chinese
        • 1935年 8月,紅二十五軍進入六盤山少數民族地區,培育了 「回漢兄弟親如一家」的革命感情。1935 年 8月至 1936年 10 月,紅軍三過單家集,毛澤東、張聞天等中央領導人在單家集 陝義堂清真寺住宿。毛主席夜宿單家集,留下了一段中國革命 史上的動人佳話,譜寫了「回漢兄弟親如一家」的民族團結樂 章。9月 16日在單家集建立了中共靜寧縣委員會,靜寧縣蘇維 埃政府,還在這一帶建立了 10 個區級蘇維埃政府和農民組 織,35 個鄉級蘇維埃 政府。單家集是一個有 光榮革命傳統的愛國 主義紀念地,跟將台堡 紅軍長征會師紀念碑一 起構成了獨具特色的 「紅色旅遊」重要景 點。
        - ningxia
        • 埃德加.斯諾(1905年~1972 年)是世界著名的記者和作家, 1936 年 6 月,美國記者埃德加. 斯諾在蘇區臨時首都保安(現陝西 志丹縣)採訪了毛澤東並搜集到有 關紅軍長征的第一手資料後,本打 算到南線採訪,但為他擔任翻譯的 紅軍戰士建議他去寧夏前線採訪正 在接應紅二、四方面軍入陝的紅軍 西征部隊。毛澤東同意斯諾到前線 採訪,並在 7月 9日派出一個騎兵 小分隊護送他經吳起鎮赴寧夏,同 行的還有美國醫生馬海德。 斯諾一行到達紅軍西方野戰軍司 令部所在地——豫旺堡(今寧夏同 心縣),彭德懷、聶榮臻、左權等 在一個場院上為他們舉行了歡迎大 會。坐落在寧夏中部同心縣(豫旺堡)南郊的紅軍西征紀念園,建成於2006年10 月紀念紅軍長征勝利暨陝甘寧省豫海縣回民自治政府成立七十周年之際,是內地 唯一一家以紅軍西征為主題的紀念場所,是全國百家紅色經典景區之一。園內主 體建築有紅軍西征紀念館、有世界名著《西行漫記》和世界經典圖片紅軍小號手 的大型雕塑,亦有正反兩面鐫刻着肖克將軍題寫的「紅軍長征陝甘寧、三軍會聚 同心城」,以及國際主義戰士馬海德題寫的「同心同德、同建同心」高7米多、 重達84噸的奇石,更有以70級石階連為一體的、有着600多年歷史和光榮革命 傳統的同心清真大寺等。同時,在園內紀念館中,亦放置 了有關喬治.海德姆的用品,他出 生於美國,為阿拉伯人後裔,於 1933年來到中國考察,並在五年後加 入到紅軍的醫療隊伍中。在此期間他 奔走於各個地方,盡自己最大的努力 去治病救人,為了更好地與人交流他 還學會了普通話和甘肅、寧夏的方 言,並將自己的名字改為馬海德。
        - jiangxi
        • 興化平原,是福建四大平原之一,農田灌溉主要靠水庫、水塘,居家用水則全靠水井。上學後,記不清小學幾年級,一篇語文課文,題目叫做《吃水不忘挖井人》,敘述的是江西瑞金沙洲壩一口井的故事。今年,是中國共產黨成立100周年。為了慶祝這個披荊斬棘、赴湯蹈火、繼往開來、鑄就輝煌的100年,江西省委黨史研究室與省政府新聞辦,在江西發布新媒體平台推出「黨史故事」系列作品。其中第十八期《誰叫旱龍吐甘水--毛澤東與「紅井」》,當年中央機關從葉坪搬遷至沙洲壩,這裏成為中央革命根據地的心臟。1934年1月22日至2月1日,中華蘇維埃第二次全國代表大會在瑞金中央政府大禮堂召開。來自全國15個蘇區的正式代表700多人,以及1,500多名中央政府和中央機關組織的旁聽者參加了開幕式。大會通過《中華蘇維埃共和國憲法大綱》等決議案和關於國旗、國徽、軍旗的決定,選舉毛澤東等175人為第二屆中央執行委員會委員;大會還選舉了中央工農檢查委員會,委員35人。這座由「二蘇大會」準備委員會監造的大禮堂,大門正上方,是一個以紅色五角星為主的「徽章」,左右兩邊各有一個金黃色鐮刀斧頭浮雕,紅五星下方兩行紅色文字為:「中華蘇維埃共和國臨時中央政府」。導遊告訴我們,這座今天看來造型普通、設施簡陋的中央政府大禮堂,有三個不凡特點:一是便於疏散,在禮堂四周共有17道門;二是視線良好,無論坐在大廳內哪個位置,都可以看見主席台;三是回音效果佳,不用麥克風,可以清晰聽到台上的講話。井,不論深淺,不管大小,只有建築材料不同,並無五顏六色之分。之所以稱之為「紅井」,與紅軍有關。1933年4月,毛澤東隨臨時中央政府機關由瑞金葉坪遷到沙洲壩。不久,毛澤東發現村民們的飲用水,都是從池塘裏挑回的渾濁之水,便尋思着為群眾解決吃水的難題。為此,毛澤東找來鄉蘇維埃政府主席和村裏幾位長者,提議在村裏打一口井。孰料,長者們極力反對:「沙洲壩是旱龍,可打不得井哩!打了井,就斷了我們的龍脈,龍王會怪罪的。」毛澤東耐心說服村民,並召開群眾大會,決定在村口水塘邊開挖一口井。打井這天,毛澤東帶領幾個紅軍戰士破土動工。在他的影響下,許多村民紛紛加入,挖井的揮鎬揚鍁,挑土的你追我趕,不到一天工夫,井就挖成了。欣喜的村民,爭着去挑水。可是沒過幾天,前來挑水的村民越來越少了。原來,由於缺乏經驗,打井時沒鋪木炭和沙石,井水喝起來有股土腥味,加上附近有座墳場,群眾便不願喝這口井裏的水。毛澤東經過調查後,找到鄉蘇維埃政府幹部,在池塘的另一側重新確定井位,並讓警衛員準備好木炭和沙石。井打好後,他親自帶領幹部下到井底,在底層先鋪上一層木炭,而後再鋪上沙石,這樣連鋪了三層,一口直徑85厘米,深約5米的水井便打好了。這一次的井水,又清又甜,沒有異味,村民們終於可以喝上稱心水了......紅軍長征後,國民黨反動派企圖割斷人民群眾對紅軍的思念,多次派人前來填埋這口井。當地百姓針鋒相對、同心護井--敵人白天將井填了,群眾夜晚把井挖開。如此反覆幾次,最終保住了這口水井。1950年,瑞金人民為迎接中央南方老根據地慰問團的到來,將這口井維修後取名「紅井」,並在井旁立了一塊木牌,上面寫着兩句話:「吃水不忘挖井人,時刻想念毛主席」,以示當地人民對毛主席和中央紅軍的懷念與感激之情,後又將木牌改為石碑。1961年3月,紅井被國務院列為「全國重點文物保護單位」,成為全國重點紅色教育景點之一。

        - fujian
        • 1928年,夏茂成立了隶属中共福建临时省委的地方组织中共沙县特别支部,系闽西北地区最早建立的中共地下党组织。1933年和1934年红军两次驻扎于此,朱德、彭德怀、杨尚昆等老一辈革命家在这块红土地战斗和生活过,留下了光辉的革命足迹。沙县小吃源乡。夏茂小吃是沙县小吃的代表,创于汉晋,兴于唐朝,盛于明清,旺在当代,现今仍保留着古老汉族传统文化的特点,被誉为古代汉族传统饮食的“活化石”。其中,有60余种菜肴的牛系列、素有小洛阳水席之称的夏茂喜宴“三过汤”、味色俱佳的木炭烤鸭和被戏称为“夏茂红军可乐”的罗坑冬酒尤为出名。20世纪90年代初期,夏茂人率先走出山门,进军全国各大城市,打造“沙县小吃”名片。
          • 俞廣清說,習近平總書記當年在福 建工作時就非常關心沙縣小吃的發展。 「2000年8月8日就來過我們俞邦村, 指導我們小吃發展,從那以後我們村民 就富起來了,非常感謝總書記,這次看 到總書記又來我們俞邦村,整個村都非 常的激動。」 俞廣清介紹,總書記在小 吃展館裏給村民上了一課,勉勵大家要 繼續探索、創新,把沙縣小吃做好做強 做大。 「總書記還對我四歲的孫子說 『不要挑食哦』 ,小孩子們都歡呼 『習 爺爺好』 。」 俞廣清愉快地回憶說。 據介紹,習近平在福建工作時就多 次對沙縣小吃發展做出指示,指出要以 沙縣小吃業為支柱的第三產業發展成為 新的經濟增長點。如今,沙縣小吃全國 門店超8.8萬家,年營業額達500多億元 人民幣。沙縣小吃也從 「接地氣」 變得 「更洋氣」 ,在美國、日本、法國等國 相繼成立沙縣小吃集團合資子公司,門 店遍布62個國家。
        • 為紀念五四運動100周年和慶祝中華人民共和國成立70周年,共青團福建省委在福建省團校教學綜合樓內建設的福建團史館日前正式開館,該館回顧福建共青團發展的光輝歷程,緬懷為福建共青團事業獻身的革命先輩,展望新時代共青團發展的宏偉藍圖。據介紹,福建團史館總面積450平方米,分兩期建設完成。一期建設260平方米,二期建設190平方米,一期展館已於5月4日建成。它分新民主主義革命時期、社會主義建設時期、改革開放時期、新時代共青團這四大板塊,呈現福建共青團自1925年福建省第一個團支部成立以來的波瀾壯闊發展歷程。
          - guangdong
          • [situationist int] telegram from ccp of celestial peace beijing to sorbonne in 1968 - "..... long live the great chinese proletarian revolution of 1927 betrayed by the stalinist bureaucrats stop long live the proletarians of canton and elsewhere who have taken up arms against the so-called people's army....."
          - 新四軍是根據共產黨和國民黨聯合抗日的協議,由中共領導的南方湘、贛、閩、粵、浙、鄂、豫、皖8省14個地區(不含瓊崖)的紅軍和游擊隊,加上紅軍第二十八軍,改編而成的。1941年1月6日,國民黨反動派製造震驚中外的「皖南事變」,出動7個師8萬多人,在安徽涇縣茂林地區,合圍伏擊被迫向北轉移的新四軍軍部及所屬的皖南支隊9,000多人。新四軍將士奮戰七晝夜,彈盡糧絕,除約2,000人突圍外,大部分被俘或犧牲。軍長葉挺被扣押,副軍長項英、參謀長周子昆被叛徒殺害。被俘的新四軍官兵後來許多被槍殺在集中營。葉挺軍長被俘後對共產黨忠貞不渝,在蔣介石威逼利誘下信念不改,出獄後的第一個要求是重新入黨。1946年4月因飛機失事犧牲。「皖南事變」後,中共迅速重建新四軍軍部
          - workers, union, labour

          • [barnett] communists spearheaded labour movement by establishing china labor organisation, the secretariat of which directed the strike of 1922. Workers who returned from ww1 labour corps experience in france ans students who returned from a work and study in france project were prominent leaders. Wave of strikes took place - hk seamen's strike and railway strikes (latter engineered  mostly by communist-led first labor congress, which met in may 1922); strikes in hankow, changsha, shanghai, and other industrial centers. Most movements were characterised by a strong antiforeignism. On 1may1925, second labour congress met in canton and formed an all-china labor federation. By this time kuomintang's interest in organising and using labor groups had increased greatly. A textile workers' strike in shanghai in may 1925 led to may30 incident, in jan1927 hankow workers occupiedthe british concession a day before the nationalist armies took over. In mar1927, a general strike was called in shanghai and a shortlived people's govt was proclaimed. Communists and kuomintang competed for control of labor movement after their split in 1927. Kuomintang held better position because it controlled the major industrial cities where the urban proletariat was located. Comuunists shifted their focus to agraian reform and mobilization of peasant support.

          - urban vs rural

          • [barnett] tientsin is almost surrounded by communists and contains one of the largest concentrations of industrial proletatiat in china, its labor force seems to be almost free from communist infiltrationnand influence - a striking example of one of the differences distinguishing chinese communust party from its counterpart in most western countries, where urban proletariat is often the basis of communism's strength

          - trivial

          • 這台德國「飛人牌」手搖縫紉機(同型號),在1934年隨時任紅一方面軍某部縫紉班班長葛接調一同踏上長征路,過雪山、荒原、沼澤,經受高寒缺氧。飢寒交迫之際,他仍像保護生命一樣保護這台四十多斤重的縫紉機,一刻也不離身。
          • kwan yu/kwan gong acceded to the throne of jade emperor in 1924!!!!

          - people
          • 章麗曼(1924年-1953年8月18日),生於中國江西,為中國共產黨黨員。在台灣白色恐怖時期,因列名在中共地下人員名單中,遭到逮捕後槍決。畢業於九江高等師範學校九江學院前身之一)。1932年,其父過世。1939年,對日抗戰期間,與其母陳佩蘭移居到江西吉安,在吉安縣政府做辦事員。與軍官王建文結婚。國共內戰期間,其夫王建文被派往台灣,其子王曉波與其二女隨行,其母陳佩蘭也一同前往,章麗曼留在上海中華人民共和國建國後,章麗曼進入華東新聞學院,畢業後在新華社工作。期間加入中國共產黨,進入台灣工作委員會1950年,王建文透過關係,欲把章麗曼接到台灣。中共官方同意放行,章麗曼到達台灣,擔任地下情報人員。
          - 出生於台灣、後加入共產黨的前全國政協常委吳克泰透露,李登輝於一九四六年九月曾短暫加入共產黨,但翌年二二八事件後退黨。
          - Four Chinese communist officials flying from Hong Kong to Tokyo stopped over in Taipei by mistake about two months earlier, monthly Hong Kong magazine Mirrorreported. The plane had to stop in Taipei for 45 minutes during which the officials followed other passengers into the transit lounge. They were greeted by local customs officials who told them: “All are compatriots. No need for inspection.”

          hong kong
          The Taiwan Democratic Self-Government League (台湾民主自治同盟), also known by its Chinese abbreviation Taimeng, is one of the eight legally recognised political parties in the People's Republic of China that follow the direction of the Communist Party of China and are members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. It was formed in Hong Kong on November 1947 by members of the Taiwanese Communist Party who survived the February 28 Incident.

          •  台盟中央2020年脫貧攻堅工作推進會4月1日在京召開,並以視頻會議的形式對全盟助力脫貧攻堅工作進行線上動員部署。
          - [barnett] ccp issued an appeal on 1may 1948 for broad united front against the nationalists. A group of chinese politicalrefugees in voluntary exile in hk accepted the offer in a telegram on 5may ( signed by leaders of kuomintang revolutionary committee(kmtrc) (a number of its members participated in 1933 fukien revolt against chiang, which est the ill-fated foochow people's govt; back in 1940, one group of political dissidents, including general feng yu-hsiang and marshal li chi-shen began to hold regular secret meetings in chungking to discuss the current political situation, another group of kuomintang liberals in hk including madame sun yat-sen, liu ya-tsu, and madame liao chung-k'ai, established contact with them. together they formed the society of kuomintang democratic comrades.  Their activities in south china were placed under an executive board in kweilin, whuch eventually included marshal li, madame liao and liu ya-tzu. But Japanese drive southward and fall of kweilin disrupted the organization), democratic league, peasants' and workers' democratic party, national salvation society, china democratic promotion society, san min chu i comrades association, kuomintang democratic promotion society and chih kung tang. There was even one rumor, eg, that the top kmtrc leaders, li chi-shen and feng yu-hsaiang were slated to become the political and military chiefs of a new chinese govt set up under the communists. All the hk groups called themselves liberals and are labelled simply as chinese democratic groups. One point of complete agreement between them is their uncompromising oppostion to chuang kai shek.

          • kmtrc - it is a clunb of old friends who are political outs.  Marshal li and general ts'ai were leaders of 1933 revolt against chuang, which est the foochow people's govt (included such men as ch'en ming-shu, li chung-ta, mei kung-p'in). A local truce was made with communists whose base of operations in china at that time was in kiangsu near fukien border. Unofficial hk memership of kmtrc is about 200 and most of its active membership is in hk.
          • democratic league - beganbas a union of several reformist, progressive groups, which met in hk on 10oct1941 and formed the league of democratic political organisations. The main comppnents were the third party, national socialist party(later renamed democratic socialist party, joined kmt govt inmlate 1945), youth party (joined kmt govt inn1946), chih chiao group (vocational educationalists), hsiang chien group (rural reconstructionists) and a few leading nonpartisan individuals. Adopted the title of democratic leaguenin early 1944 and held its first congress in chungking in oct1945. A program that is often described as simikar to that of british labour party was adopted. It participated in postwar pcc in 1946. Nationalist govtbissued an order dissolving and banning the organisation on 28oct1947. The top league leaders - including chang lan (chief), lo lung-chi(official spokesman) were placed under house arrest in shanghai. Somevslipped into communist territory, others moved to hk, and active leadership passed to chou hsin-min, shen chun-ju and chang po-chun.  Members (about 8000 in 1948) in hk and se asia, plus a large underground membership in china.
          • third party - originally formed by left wing members of kmtafter chiang's purge in 1927. Principal founder teng yen-ta convened a congress of his supporters in shanghai in sep1930. When teng was executed in 1931, his becamebactive in instigating the 1933 fukien revolt. One of the co-chairmen of the group, ch'en ming-shu, was a key leader in the foochow govt. German educated chang po chun (also member of foochow govt, has reputationnif being one of the most forceful personalities among hkng kong emigres) participated in pcc during the war. Following split of party with govt, party changed name to peasants' and workers' democratic party(pwdp) in 1946. Membership (about 6000 in 1948) sprinkled along coasts of guangdong to shanghai
          • national salvation society - formed in 1936 as an anti-japanese organization. Led by shen chun-ju
          • chinese democratic promotion society  - led by ma hsu-lun, formed in shanghai after end of war, important factor behind formation of shanghai federation of people's organizations, a loose alliance of 68 organisations.
          • chih kung tang - political offshoot of hung men chih kung tang, a secret chinese society, root said to go back almost 400 years, also apparently active in taiping rebellion. It helped finance the revolutionary efforts of sun yat sen. Members (about 800000, most of them overseas, large pc of them in usa) and its leaders liked to call themselves chinese masons. Led by ch'en ch'i-yu.
          • one chinese newspaperman in hk said that the importance of these political groups is an invention of foreign correspondents.
          - member
          • 盧永根(圖)是水稻遺傳學家、中國科學院 院士、華南農業大學原校長。這位把一輩子貢獻 給作物遺傳育種學的老科學家,2019年8月12日 逝世。他祖籍廣州花都,1930年12月出生於香 港一個中產階級家庭,盧永根長期從事作物遺傳學的教 學和研究工作,保存了華南地區富有 特色的野生水稻基因庫。他說, 作為共產黨員,捐獻遺體是為黨和國家 最後一次作出自己的貢獻。2018年3月,盧永根 獲評 「感動中國2017年度人物」 。
          - secret member
          • 復活節假期前,閱大公報關昭專欄:知道前新華社副社長李儲文死了。翻查網頁資料,得知李儲文於2018年3月22日18時55分在上海東華醫院逝世,享年100歲,根據他的遺願,後事一切從簡,不舉行告別儀式。李儲文生前曾是一位藏身於基督教會的共產黨員間諜,1918年生,大學畢業後便在基督教青年會工作,1949年31歲,入讀耶魯大學神學院,獲博士學位,回到上海擔任牧師,八十年代來港為新華社副社長。他在抗戰期間加入共產黨,受周恩來指揮,在學界進行統戰活動,以教徒身份向美國駐華官員宣傳共產黨正直無私,國民黨腐敗無能。從耶魯返回上海後,一直以牧師身份在教會工作,直至1966年文革,教會神職人員受紅衛兵批鬥至死,他為求自保,才暴露身份,令不少基督教人士感到震驚。信奉共產主義,應是無神論者,但李儲文既是忠心耿耿的黨員,又是耶魯神學博士,學養甚深,這份表面絕對信神,靈魂深處出賣上帝的掩藏功力,實在深不可測,非同小可,令人見而生畏。中國共產黨的統一戰綫是三大法寶之一,以統戰之名,不知遣派了多少地下黨員滲透各階層,深入外國教會。今天的香港基督教會如聖公會內,有沒有一位21世紀李儲文呢,誰都不敢說,天主教神職高層,有沒有一位李儲文呢?恐怕無人知道,最虔誠的一位可能就是李儲文,這種事情絕對神秘。
          - ex-member

          • Ho Ming-sze, a former high-ranking Communist Party official in Hong Kong and a top adviser to late tycoon Henry Fok Ying-tung, died on Wednesday. He was 95. In 1957, he returned to the city of his birth to work for Xinhua, the news agency that served as Beijing’s de facto embassy in Hong Kong during British rule, and the predecessor to the present-day liaison office. He was promoted to lead the United Front Work Department of Beijing’s political arm in the city in 1978, and retired in 1988. Ho’s promotion coincided with the process of reform in China, which was gradually beginning to open itself up to the outside world. Ho arranged for the likes of Fok, Li Ka-shing and Walter Kwok Ping-sheung, to meet Deng Xiaoping, and subsequently helped them to invest on the mainland.The Tiananmen crackdown the year after his retirement brought an end to his half a century association with the Communist Party, and he announced his resignation in an advertisement placed in a Chinese-language newspaper, the Hong Kong Economic Journal.
          - association
          • 香港海員工會成立於1921年,前身為 「中華海員工業聯合總會」 。長期以來, 工會在領導海員支持國家的同時,亦積極 維護海員權益、協助海員參加專業培訓 等,贏得海員的支持和擁戴。此次舉辦 《歷史記得光榮的海員──香港海員工會 百年紀事》紀錄片及《歷史記得光榮的海 員──香港海員工會百年華誕》圖文集新 書發布活動,既是向工會前輩致敬,也是 勉勵後輩向前輩學習,希望年輕一代可以 通過了解歷史而認識現在,從而着眼未 來。白求恩 大夫生於加拿大,是一名胸外科醫生;抗日戰 爭爆發後,作為共產主義戰士的白求恩向國際 援華委員會報名,主動請求組建一個醫療隊, 帶備他的醫療器材,遠達中國北部,作為戰地 醫生與游擊隊前線一同抗日。 1938年1月,白求恩乘坐 「亞洲皇后」 郵 輪到港,香港海員禤榮應中共組織要求,保護 從遠洋赴中國參與抗日救亡行動的白求恩。在1965年 爆發的抗美援越戰爭中,香港海員很快成為了 支援海運物資的重要一環。 「當時香港有600 多個海員參與了抗美援越的物資運送行動,運 送的物資主要是軍用車汽油、機器和日用品。」 上世紀六、七十年代任職海員的香港海員工會 前副主席余錦強,當時有份參與國家的抗美援 越行動,他向大公報記者憶述了這一段歷史。
          - magazine

          • 盤古

          - event

          • hku seminar on 10jun19 "making communism work" em 15may19

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