- Ide Kaoru (井手薰,いで かおる, February 6, 1879 - May 11, 1944) was Chief Architect of the Governor-General's Office in Taiwan, when the nation was part of the Japanese Empire. He held office in the Building and Repairs section of the Japanese Government-General in Taiwan, and was mainly involved with government and municipal building projects. His distinctive architectural ideas influenced the Taiwanese architectural profession. He was born in Gifu Prefecture Japan.Ide Kaoru favoured a "localisation" approach to Taiwan's architecture. He was influenced by Modernism, and in 1929 was elected President of the Taiwan Architectural Association (台湾建築学会, Taiwan Kenchiku Gakkai). He was an advocate of using reinforced concrete, and this featured in almost all his works. Seismic resistance was of the highest priority, as Taiwan is prone to earthquakes.
- land rights
- Taipei’s Peace Memorial Park is an oasis of calm in the bustling city, home to morning walkers and lunchtime strollers – along with a camp of indigenous protesters demanding justice. For several months, the small group has lived in tents in a corner of the park, with a makeshift kitchen and a cluster of painted rocks, photographs and posters tracing Taiwan’s indigenous history and their fight for land rights. They want the repeal of a regulation, announced last year, which they say denies their right to ancestral land.The guidelines are on the delineation of traditional territory and its return to indigenous people. But they are limited to state-owned land and do not include private land, which the group says denies them a sizeable piece of territory.
- 阿美族
- 李秦祥 (1941-2014) 臺灣音樂家,是臺灣原住民阿美族人,出生於臺東廳臺東郡臺東街馬蘭大字(今臺東縣臺東市馬蘭部落)。
- 行政院今天宣佈內閣改組,媒體記者出身的原住民不分區立委谷辣斯.尤達卡(Kolas Yotaka)接任行政院發言人,也是台灣第一位擔任政院發言人的原住民。Kolas Yotaka出生於新竹、在台中的長大的阿美族人,老家在玉里鎮哈拉灣部落,媒體生涯10餘年,曾任原住民族電視台擔任新聞部製作人、副理及主播,也待過民視新聞記者、公共電視製作,2014年受桃園市長鄭文燦延攬,擔任桃園市政府原民局長,2016年再獲民進黨提名不分區立委,以排序第7當選。
- The Amis people pass their name in a connected system. Kolas' grandfather received the Japanese name Yoshinari during Japanese rule, so her father followed the tribal system with the name Yoshinari Yutaka (吉成豐). The family adopted the Yo sound as the Chinese surname Yeh (葉). Kolas followed the system by using her father's name as her own, and thus got the name Kolas Yotaka.
- 台灣的總統府翌日舉行記者會,正式宣布前立法院長蘇嘉全將接任總統府秘書長一職;國安會秘書長則由金管會主委顧立雄接任;行政院發言人尤達卡(Kolas Yotaka)亦轉任總統府發言人。
- 阿美族人楊品驊在海峽論壇上自稱是中國人,原民會主委夷將.拔路兒今天表示,不反對與中國大陸互動,但必須認清自己是中華民國國民,不是中國人;不能忍受用個人的名義代表整個族群。原住民族委員會今天針對阿美族人楊品驊於廈門舉行的第12屆海峽論壇中演講時自稱為「中國人」一事,發布新聞稿強調,原住民族不是炎黃子孫,呼籲勿遭中國政府利用,成為中國統戰台灣的樣板。原民會主委夷將.拔路兒今天接受媒體訪問時表示,阿美族的起源傳說,不論是從海洋登陸、或是來自花蓮、阿美族的聖山「奇拉雅山」,都與中國無關;也有學者研究,台灣是南島語系的起緣,與中國的漢藏語系不同。 台灣阿美族歌手楊品驊日前在北京接種了新冠疫苗,他透露,自己或許是第一個接種新冠疫苗的台灣少數民族。
- 台灣台東縣成功鎮一個堆填區延期關閉,引起原住民阿美族都歷部落不滿,昨日派出近300人前往縣政府大樓外抗議(圖),最後縣府派代表收下請願信,下周將前往部落舉行協調會議,商討解決辦法。
- language
- diping means bird's nest
- 泰雅族(Atayal),屬於南島語族的一支,是在台灣的第三大原住民族群,為典型的高山民族 古有出草獵人頭習俗。 現世居台灣中央山脈旁的聚落。
- Taroko National Park (Chinese: 太魯閣國家公園; pinyin: Tàilǔgé Gúojiā Gōngyuán; Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Thài-ló͘-koh Kok-ka Kong-hn̂g) is one of the nine national parks in Taiwan and was named after the Taroko Gorge, the landmark gorge of the park carved by the Liwu River. The park spans Taichung Municipality, Nantou County, and Hualien County.The park was originally established as the Tsugitaka-Taroko National Park (Japanese: 次高タロコ国立公園 Hepburn: Tsugitaka Taroko kokuritsu kōen) by the Governor-General of Taiwan on 12 December 1937 when Taiwan was part of the Empire of Japan. After the Empire of Japan's defeat in World War II, the Republic of China took over Taiwan in consequence. The ROC government subsequently abolished the park on 15 August 1945. It was not until 28 November 1986 that the park was reestablished.
- Seediq (pronounced [seˈedæq]) is an Atayalic language spoken in the mountains of Northern Taiwan by the Seediq and Truku people.
- truku granny and grandpa statues
- contemporary arts
- musical drama "battle song of homeland - seven days of reading" [artplus dec19/jan2020 issue] Born in the miho tribe of taichung city, taiya writer yougan walisi retells the fate of native americans who were wiped out in the destroyed villages in 15thc
- people
- actress 陳潔瑤
- 鄒族人主要分佈於嘉義縣阿 里山,部分亦居住於南投縣信 義鄉,目前人口約 7千人。
-台大新聞所學生陳睿哲,族名Nagao Kunaw,日前搭乘立榮航空從台東飛至松山 班機,用族名訂位,報到時出示有中文姓名 及族名拼音並列的身份證件時,地勤質疑 「 為何不用中文姓名訂位」,並要求出示有效 英文證件,最後用身份證號查詢後終於登機 。該學生詢問其他朋友,發現不少人在台北 甚至台東、花蓮等都曾碰過同樣的問題。少 數民族身份的學者台邦.撒沙勒批評,這就 是對少數民族的歧視。
- The Paiwan (排灣) are an aboriginal tribe of Taiwan. They speak the Paiwan language. The majority of Paiwan people live in the southern chain of the Central Mountain Range, from Damumu Mountain and the upper Wuluo River in the north of the southern chain to the Hengchun Peninsula in the south of it, and also in the hills and coastal plains of southeastern Taiwan. There are two subgroups under the Paiwan people: the Raval and the Butsul.
- Shamanism has been described as an important part of Paiwan culture. Paiwan shamanism is traditionally seen as being inherited by blood-line. However, a decline in the number of Paiwan shamans has raised concerns that traditional rituals might be lost; and has led to the founding of a shamanism school to pass on the rituals to a new generation.
- Christianity first came to the Paiwan people in the seventeenth century, when Taiwan was occupied by the Dutch. More than 5,000 tribesmen became Christians after only ten years, but all of them were massacred in 1661 when Koxinga occupied Taiwan. The missionaries were either killed or driven away, and the churches were destroyed. Thousands of Paiwan people in Taiwan came to Christianity in the late 1940s and 1950s, sometimes whole villages. Today the Presbyterian church in Taiwan claims 14,900 Paiwan members, meeting in 96 congregations. The New Testament has been translated into Paiwan. The Catholic Church is also very active. The number of young people attending though is falling.
- In May 2015, two Paiwan totem poles were listed as ROC national treasures by the Bureau of Cultural Heritage under the Ministry of Culture. Both of these artifacts were acquired by the National Taiwan University during the Japanese colonial period (1895-1945).
- singer - matzka
- hkcd 2apr18 a13
- The Yami people, also known as the Tao people, are an Austronesian ethnic group native to the tiny outlying Orchid Island of Taiwan. These indigenous peoples have been more commonly recognized as the Yami people, following a Japanese anthropologist's coining of the name. However, as a collective, these Orchid Island inhabitants typically prefer "Tao people" as their group identifier. They are part of the Austronesian family, and designated members of the Taiwanese aborigines. Despite being linked to both indigenous Taiwanese and Filipino populations, the Tao people remain unique in their customs and cultural practices.
- The Bunun (布農; pinyin: Bùnóng), also historically known as the Vonum,[1] are a Taiwanese indigenous people and are best known for their sophisticated polyphonic vocal music. They speak the Bunun language. Unlike other aboriginal peoples in Taiwan, the Bunun are widely dispersed across the island's central mountain ranges. Until the coming of the Christian missionaries in the beginning of the 20th century, the Bunun were known to be fierce warriors and headhunters. The Bunun were one of the "high-mountain peoples" (along with the Atayal and the Taroko) who traditionally lived in small family units in Taiwan's Central Mountain Range and were hostile to all outsiders, whether they be Chinese immigrants or surrounding aboriginal peoples. Whereas most other aborigines were quite sedentary and tended to live in lower areas, the Bunun, along with the Atayal and Tarokowere constantly on the move in Taiwan's Central Mountain Range, looking for new hunting grounds and practicing slash-and-burn agriculture. Their staple foods were millet, yam, and game. During the Japanese rule (1895–1945), the Bunun were among the last peoples to be "pacified" by the Japanese government in residence. 社会組織は、長老制度による父系氏族大家族社会で、長老者会議各家族の長老たちが集まり村の政策決定を行なう。民族意識が強く、民族の固有言語を保っている数少ない台湾原住民族である。「小米(粟)の豊作を祈る歌」など八部和音唱法の歌をもつことで知られる。
- According to Bunun legend, in times long past, two suns shone down upon the earth and made it unbearably hot. A father and a son endured numerous hardships and finally shot down one of the suns, which then became the moon. In its wrath, the moon demanded that father and son would return to their own people to tell them that they henceforth had to obey three commandments or face annihilation. The first was that they had to constantly observe the waxing and waning of the moon and conduct all rituals and work according to its rhythm. The second commandment stated that all Bunun had to conduct rituals throughout their lives to honor the spirits of heaven and earth. The third commandment told them of forbidden behaviours, and forced them to become an orderly and peaceful people.
- famous people: 拉荷阿雷(1854~1943)- ブヌン族の民族英雄。秀蘭瑪雅 - 女性歌手、漢民族とのハーフ。霍斯陸曼伐伐 - 作家。故人。多くのブヌン族文化の書物を遺している。
- language
- 馬卡道(Makatao)為台灣原住民族,往昔聚落為鳳山八社,包含大傑巔社等社。馬卡道族分佈在台灣最南部之嘉南平原高雄和屏東平原一帶,因此過去被分類為平埔族,小川尚義等學者認為是西拉雅族的分支,目前尚未受中華民國中央政府所承認,僅屏東縣等地方政府承認。
- 郡群布農語(Isbukun Bunun )
- in wandan
- people
- 蘇嘉全:現任立法院長。
- 卑南鄉(卑南語:Puyuma;阿美語:Puyuma;魯凱語:Pinang) The Puyuma (卑南族; pinyin: Bēinán-zú; Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Puyuma-cho̍k, Pi-lâm-cho̍k), also known as the Pinuyumayan, Peinan or Beinan, are one of the indigenous groups of the Taiwanese aborigines. The people are generally divided into the Chihpen and Nanwang groups, both resident in Taitung County on the east coast of Taiwan.The name "Puyuma" means "unity" or "concord," and was originally the autonym of the speakers of the Nanwang dialect. Zeitoun and Cauquelin (2006) also note that the word Puyuma can be analyzed as pu'-uma, which means "to send to the field."
- 潘孟安(1963年8月15日),臺灣屏東縣車城鄉原住民馬卡道族人,民主進步黨政治人物,現任屏東縣縣長。曾任中華民國立法院立法委員、民主進步黨黨團幹事長、屏東縣議會議員。潘孟安於1963年(民國52年)8月15日出生於臺灣屏東縣車城鄉,是平埔原住民馬卡道族的後裔[1],父母皆為魚販,有一兄一姐(歿)。幼時隨父母到菜市場或車城福安宮廟埕前販魚,多負責結帳、包裝魚隻。潘孟安自中華民國國軍退伍後,讓父母休息,不再販魚,自己從事洋蔥種植、養殖漁業。後受飼料公司賞識,將承租魚塭交給潘孟安管理。1988年,公司到中國廣東省汕頭經濟特區投資設廠,生產魚、蝦飼料,是該特區首個臺商,為中國大陸當局重視。次年潘孟安出任該公司總經理,官商關係良好,促使更多臺商到中國大陸設養殖魚類加工廠。
- tamalakao 大巴六九is 卑南族八社里的泰安部落
- Kulilay Amit (張惠妹, born 9 August 1972[1][2]), better known by her stage name A-Mei, is a Taiwanese Puyumasinger-songwriter.
-巴布薩族(巴布薩語:Babuza),為台灣平埔族原住民,即荷蘭人所稱的虎尾壟(Favorlang),主要分佈在大肚溪以南至濁水溪之間的海岸區域,包括彰化平原地帶。現存屬於彰化地區的虎尾壟語詞典,於1650年由荷蘭宣教師吉爾伯特斯·哈帕特以荷蘭文編寫。The Babuza (Chinese: 巴布薩族; pinyin: Bābùsà zú, formerly incorrectly called 貓霧捒族; pinyin: Māowùshù zú) are a Taiwanese aboriginal people, living primarily in Changhua County and around the western part of Taiwan's Central Basin.
- Xiluo Township or Siluo Township (Chinese: 西螺鎮; Hanyu Pinyin: Xīluó Zhèn; Tongyong Pinyin: Siluó Jhèn; Wade–Giles: Hsi1-lo2 Chen4) is an urban township in Yunlin County, Taiwan.The place was originally called Sailei by the native Babuza people, which later become Xiluo by translating from Hokkien to Mandarin. It is also formerly called Lethng ( 螺陽; Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Lê-thng) after the Chinese colonizers hometown.
- 張信哲from this town
- 巴賽
- 巴賽族(巴賽語:Basay、Basai、Kawanuwan,馬賽族、馬塞族)為台灣北部平埔族原住民,分佈於新北淡水、台北、基隆、新北貢寮一帶,以新北金山、基隆及新北貢寮一帶為主體。且與蘭陽平原上的噶瑪蘭族曾有着密切的關係,現因漢化而難以辨別。巴賽族與雷朗族(Luilang)同屬凱達格蘭族的支系。相傳巴賽族的祖先是從其原居地「沙那賽」(Sanasai)出發後[2],至台灣本島最東境的岬角三貂角(Santiago/Ki-vanow-an)登陸。[3][4] 17世紀康熙年大地震前,巴賽族仍為北台北一帶最主要的住民結構群。該族分佈範圍在淡水河、基隆河、新店溪以北地區,即分佈於現今台北市、基隆市、新北市的瑞芳、貢寮、新店等地。再加上16世紀前遷移至宜蘭社頭的一支(哆囉美遠/Trobiawan),並及相關的宜蘭里腦社(linaw)。巴賽族為母系社會。17世紀-18世紀,中國福建泉州府和漳州府一帶的漢人移民大量進入台灣,平埔各族因處平地,與漢人的接觸機會較多。加上漢人沒有攜眷,因此通婚漢化程度都極深,俗謂「有唐山公,無唐山媽」。漢人將其歸之為「熟番」,致使原有的文化制度迅速滅失。[6][7][8]目前部分族裔定期於自立長老會新北投教會(台北市北投區中和街377號)聚會活動。
- people
- The Taroko people (太魯閣族; pinyin: Tàilǔgé zú), also known as Truku people, are an Indigenous Taiwanese people. Taroko is also the name of the area of Taiwan where the Taroko reside. The Executive Yuan, Republic of China has officially recognized the Taroko since 15 January 2004. The Taroko are the 12th aboriginal group in Taiwan to receive this recognition.Previously, the Taroko and the related Seediq people were classified in the Atayalgroup.[2] The Taroko people demanded a separate status for themselves in a "name rectification" campaign.The Taroko resisted and fought the Japanese in the 1914 Truku War.太魯閣族最早起源於今臺灣南投地區,與賽德克族有共同祖先。現代人類學者認為,泰雅族與賽德克族、太魯閣族擁有共同起源,可區分為泰雅亞群與賽德克亞群兩大分支。太魯閣族分支自賽德克亞群中的太魯閣群。在西元16世紀前後,太魯閣族人由南投,翻越中央山脈至花蓮縣秀林鄉山區一帶(太魯閣地區),又因日治時期集團移住政策,遷居到大濁水溪的山麓地帶今秀林鄉一帶以及萬榮鄉、吉安鄉、卓溪鄉一帶,因為文化改變、歷史事件、族群認同等因素,成為獨立族群。1876年,清政府強行入侵太魯閣地區,因而爆發抗清的太魯閣事件。1914年5月至8月間,日本臺灣總督府為控制臺灣花蓮一帶的原住民勢力,與當時控制太魯閣地區的太魯閣族人爆發了太魯閣戰爭,太魯閣族被臺灣總督視為重要敵人。戰爭結束後,剩餘的太魯閣族被強迫遷往平地居住,並進行日本化教育[3]。 在2000年前後,居住在花蓮的太魯閣族人,因為發展出自己的文化認同,向政府要求正名為太魯閣族,在2004年通過。隨後,居住在南投一帶的族人,則爭取稱為賽德克族,在2007年通過。在法律上成為兩個不同族群。
- The Taroko Express (太魯閣號; pinyin: Tàilǔgé Hào) is an express train service of the Taiwan Railways Administration. The name of the service comes from the 19 kilometer long Taroko Gorge, which is one of Taiwan's most popular tourist spots, and the Truku people. It began commercial operations on 16 February 2007. The Taroko Express is marketed as Tzu-Chiang Limited Express, and the tickets are sold at the same price; however, standing/non-reserved tickets are not sold for the Taroko Express, and all seats are reserved.[3] Nevertheless, in reality many passengers have been reported to have breached the rule, riding without reserved seats and standing in the aisle.From 2016 to 2019, one Taroko Express trainset (TED1013-TED1014) was painted in a Hello Kitty livery, similar to those used on some EVA Air fleet planes. However, on 2 April 2021, that same set derailed in Hualien County, killing at least 48 people with many others injured.
- mixed
- 胡德夫(排灣語:Parangalan、簡稱:Oraara,1950年11月10日-)是具台灣卑南族、排灣族血統的台灣音樂家,漢名自取名為Kimbo,在家中排行第5。曾就讀國立台灣大學外文系,於大三那年因病休學。被媒體譽為「台灣民歌之父」與「台灣原住民運動先驅」。李雙澤創作、胡德夫第一次公開演唱的歌曲《美麗島》,在台灣戒嚴時期曾經被行政院新聞局列為禁歌、長期無法在電視及廣播中公開演出,但仍然得到許多人的支持與喜愛。歌曲《太平洋的風》獲2006年金曲獎最佳作詞人獎、最佳年度歌曲。
Japan related
- 許石(1919年9月24日[2]-1980年8月2日[2]),是二戰後的台灣作曲家,創作出許多台灣歌謠,《安平追想曲》[影片 1][參 1]、《南都之夜》( melody same as 你回來吧 video has a shot of 蓬萊國樂團 )[影片 2] 為其代表作。1936年時,許石坐船赴東京的日本歌謠學院唸書,接受日本知名作曲家秋月、大村能章、吉田恭章教導,研習理論作曲、聲樂與演歌,而吳晉淮是同校出身的前輩[6]。其求學的日子非常辛苦,平日送牛奶和報紙,寒暑假時就到北海道打工,一邊接受日本歌謠學院的音樂訓練。為了和日本內地同學並駕齊驅,許石常於凌晨進行馬拉松式慢跑,以鍛鍊體力、練習發聲;為了要練鋼琴,常練到手指僵硬,平日因為沒錢都在紙上練彈,必須存上約一個月的工資才能彈上一個小時。[7]完成學業後,許石在當時日本的東京紅風車劇座和東賓歌舞團擔任專屬歌手,直到1946年,因母親病危才自日本返台[5]。1946年,許石首次環台巡演即發表《南都之夜》,隨後風靡全台[9]。1947年便帶着還是高中生的文夏到恆春採集鄉土歌曲,紀錄由陳達演唱的傳統民謠如《思想起》等。此後每隔幾年,許石也會將所採集到的鄉土民謠重新編曲,並且央請當時社會上的文人雅士、知名作詞家如許丙丁、陳達儒等人,以補全台灣鄉土民謠。此外許石為了積極推廣和分享台灣鄉土民謡,亦曾舉辦大小十餘場的台灣鄉土音樂發表會。1952年,許石成立了中國唱片公司,後更名為女王、大王、太王唱片公司,目的皆為推廣台灣鄉土民謠和歌謠[註 1][10],然而當時版權意識不高、盜版猖獗使得正規經營的唱片公司難以生存,也造成許石日後的經濟負擔。[參 4]許石在三重市(今新北市三重區)河邊北街90號設製片廠,出版作品包括:《安平追想曲》、《港都夜雨》、《孤戀花》、《夜半路燈》,這些歌曲藉由許石的巡迴發表會、歌舞會而風行,之後便灌錄唱片。如1952年大王唱片即曾舉辦「台灣鄉土民謠演唱會」,並發表《六月茉莉》、《水犁歌》、《鬧五更》、《卜卦調》、《丟丟銅仔》、《潮洲調》、《思想起》等歌曲,隨後即透過大王唱片發行。
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