Thursday, September 12, 2019

Korean (language)

Difference between ROK and DPRK
- ROK, DPRK aim to complete work on joint dictionary project by 2019,,

- surname


치맥 - chimaek - fried chicken and beer
치킨 - chikin - chicken
맥주 - maekju - beer
치즈 - chijeu - cheese
붕어빵 - 魚仔餅

커피 [keo pi]咖啡 Coffee 
카페라떼 [ka pe la dee]鮮奶咖啡 Latte
카푸치노 [ka pu chi no]泡沫咖啡 Cappuccino
아메리카노[a me li ka no]美式咖啡 Americano
에스프레소[e seu peu le so]特濃咖啡 Espresso
아이스 커피[a i seu keo pi]凍咖啡 Iced Coffee

Durumagi 두루마기 is a variety of po, or overcoat in hanbok, the Korean traditional garment.

새해 복 많이 받으세요!
Happy Lunar New Year!
Online resources

“LIKE trying to fit a square handle into a round hole” is how Sejong the Great, a Korean king, viewed the practice of using hanja, classical Chinese characters, to transcribe Korean. Hanja recorded meaning alone, not sound, and only aristocrats knew it. So the king and his literary circle crafted an alphabet from scratch and started promoting it in 1446. Known as hangul, it consists of 24 elements that can be grouped into blocks of syllables. Some take the shape that lips and tongue form in speech. It is fantastically easy to learn. The 80,000 speakers of the Cia-Cia language are also being encouraged to use the script on the Indonesian island of Buton. Hanja lingered for centuries after the introduction of hangul. Nobles scorned the newfangled alphabet as being for peasants, women and children. But after the end of over three decades of Japanese occupation in 1945, the governments in both South and North Korea promoted hangul fiercely, ordering that hanja be expunged from all texts and no longer taught in schools.

筆者趁暑假的時候,去了韓國深造韓語,也藉此機會休息一下,脫離香港這個車水馬龍,熙熙攘攘的城市。去到韓國,大家會發現英文翻譯不多,為甚麼呢?如果讀者略懂韓語的話,就會明白箇中原因。韓文發音「地道」港人亦能聽懂韓國好多字詞根本就是英文的讀音,只是用韓語拼寫出來 。 比 方 說 , 「Story」 會 譯 作 「 스 토 리 [seu-to-li]」,「Strawberry」 譯 作 「 스 트 로 베 리 [seu-teu-lo-be-li]」,「Supermarket」 譯作「슈퍼마켓[syu-peo-ma-ket]」;但
因為韓語沒有「v」發音,所以「Olive Young」就會譯成「올리브영[ol-li-beu-yeong]」;當然更加有一些很「獨特」的譯音如「마트[ma-teu](Mart)」和「라벤더[la-ben-deo]Lavender)」。因為這些譯音的影響,很多的韓國人的英文發音都很「地道」,筆者在韓國豎直耳朵才能夠聽得明白。韓文有變音 學習「攔路虎」另外,我想大家學韓語最大的問題應該是變音的問題,例如在第二個字開頭沒有子音的時候,第一個字的最後子音就會帶到第二個字上連讀,如「연예 [yeon-ye](演藝)」就會變成「여녜[yeo-nye]」;如果接着的字是以「ㅎ」開頭,就會受前面的最後子音影響而改變讀音,如「도착하다[do-chak-ha-da](到達)」 就會變成「도차카다[do-cha-ka-da]」。不過,只要大家細想,就會發現其實英文也有相同的變音。我們唸「Let me」的時候是不讀「t」的,所以大家只會聽到[Lemme];又例如「It's open」,自然地唸應該是[It-sopen];甚至有一些字是因為變音的問題令我們容易讀錯,好似「Memory」, 我常常聽到人讀成[Mebory]。甚至有些老外會把不順口的音不讀,好像「Important」會簡單讀成[Impor’ant]以方便日常溝通。以下是其他經常聽到的英文變音:House [‘ouse] Looked back [Looback] Check it [Checkit] Here are [Herare]Get them [Get (d)em] Boundary [Boun(dj)ory]縱使變音難學難記,但如果明白變音的箇中原因,其實也並非那麼艱難,畢竟地,變音都是為了方便我們日常溝通而演變出來的。

Jeju (also called Cheju or Jejueo) is a Koreanic language spoken at Jeju Island which forms the Jeju Province of South Korea. It differs greatly from the Korean dialects of the mainland. Standard Korean is the most common form of communication in Korea, whereas the Jeju dialect is considered a very local language. The Jeju language is mainly understood and spoken by the older generation. As of October 2014, the Jeju National University Foreign Language Institute has made efforts to save the fading language.The name is transcribed Jeju in Revised Romanization and Cheju in McCune–Reischauer. In Korean, it is known as 제주 방언 (濟州方言) Jeju bang-eon or 제주 사투리 Jeju saturi "Jeju dialect", as 제주어 (濟州語) Jejueo "Jeju language",[6] or as 제주말 Jejumal "Jeju speech". The last term, mal means "language".

  • vocab
  • Jeju dialect oreum or orɒm is similar to Mongolian ūla ("mountain") and Manchu alin ("mountain"). Although it rather sounds closer to the literal meaning of oreumitself, oreum literally means "an elevation" or its implied meaning: "an elevated space."
  •  굴묵낭gulmungnang"zelkova tree"榉属

difference with english
  • Prepositions → Postpositions (particles) and endings instead.
  • Perfect forms → Auxiliary verbs and endings instead.
  • Conditional forms → Endings instead.
  • Articles → They don’t matter this function. But sometimes a few postpositions do it.
  • Grammatical persons like I/you/he → They don’t matter agents but actions as I said.
  • Plural forms → They don’t matter the number of things but actions instead as I said. Also due to this, they don’t distinguish things and stuff.

- The 80,000 speakers of the Cia-Cia language are also being encouraged to use the script on the Indonesian island of Buton. Hanja lingered for centuries after the introduction of hangul.

relation with mongol script

web resources
-  dictionary

promotion of language
- 南韓首爾市政府周一宣布,將為喜歡南韓文化的外國人免費起韓文名字。

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