)[註 1],是由契丹人建立的一個朝代,國祚從公元916年至1125年,長達210年。契丹族首領耶律阿保機在907年2月27日稱「天皇帝」,916年3月17日,耶律阿保機登基稱「大聖大明天皇帝」,國號「契丹」。918年定都臨潢府(今內蒙古赤峰市巴林左旗南波羅城)。947年南下中原,攻滅五代後晉後改國號為「大遼」,983年改為「契丹」,1066年改為「大遼」[4]:225,直到1125年3月26日為金朝所滅為止。除了遼朝之外,契丹族尚建立相關國家。1122年,天祚帝北逃夾山,耶律淳於遼南京被立為帝,史稱北遼[4]:225。遼朝滅亡後,耶律大石西遷到中亞楚河流域,1132年建立西遼。1211年西遼被屈出律篡位,1218年被蒙古帝國所滅。史學界對「契丹」含義最廣為接受的說法是鑌鐵或刀劍之意。後來改國名為「遼」也是「鐵」的意思,同時「遼」也是契丹人發祥地遼水的名字,以示不忘本之意。又因與南方的中原政權長期對峙,而稱「北朝」,而稱中原王朝為「南朝」。

Dongdan Kingdom (926–936) (東丹, Khitan language: Dan Gur, Korean: 동란) was the puppet kingdom established by the Khitan to rule the realm of the Balhae in Eastern Manchuria (now partially in North Eastern China). After conquering the Dan Gur (Balhae in Khitan language) in 926, the Khitan crown prince Yelü Bei ascended to the throne of it at the Holhan fortress, the capital of Balhae, today's Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang Province. It used Dongdan as its Chinese name, which means the east Dan Gur, in respect to the West Liao dynasty. However, political tension soon evolved between Yelü Bei and his younger brother Yelü Deguang, who took the imperial throne of Khitan after their father Yelü Abaoji died, en route to his homeland from a relatively successful campaign against the Later Tang. The new emperor ordered his elder brother to move his capital from Huhan in Eastern Manchuria to Liaoyang in Western Manchuria. Bei obeyed the imperial order but soon fled to North China to avoid possible assassination in 930. Bei's son was elevated to the new king of Dongdan, but the kingdom was annexed by the Liao Dynasty in 936. To continue Balhae's friendly relations with Japan, Dongdan sent a diplomatic mission over the Sea of Japan (East Sea) in 929. But the Japanese court in Kyoto rejected the mission from Dongdan, due to loyalty for the old Balhae regime.
- 日本の史書は醍醐天皇の延長8年(929年)東丹の使節が丹後国竹野浜(現・京都府京丹後市)に来着したことを伝える。この派遣は、東丹が遼陽城に移った後の時期に当たることから、遷都後も日本海沿岸に東丹の支配が及んでいたことがわかる。使者はこれまで二度も渤海国使として来日したことのある裴璆であった。何故国名が変わったのかを問われた裴璆は渤海が契丹に征服されたことを知らせ、新王の非道ぶりを訴えた。これを聞きとがめた京都の朝廷は主君を変えたばかりか、新主の悪口を言うとは不届きであるとして入京させず、追い返している。この史実によれば、東丹は渤海の後継者として日本との通交を維持する意向であったことがわかる。
- The Kumo Xi (庫莫奚; called the Xi since the Sui dynasty (581-618 AD)), also Tatabi, were a Mongolic steppe people located in current northeast China from 207 AD to 907 AD. After the death of their ancestor Tadun in 207 they were no longer called Wuhuan but joined the Khitan Xianbei in submitting to the Yuwen Xianbei. Their history is widely linked to the more famous Khitan. During their history the Kumo Xi engaged in conflict with numerous Chinese dynasties and with the Khitans, eventually suffering a series of disastrous defeats to Chinese armies and coming under the domination of the Khitans. In 1007, the Kumo Xi were completely assimilated into the Khitan Liao Dynasty.
- note 奚琴 / xiqin/ haegeum believed to have been developed by the Kumo Xi, a Mongol- or Khitan-related ethnic group living in the Xar Moron River valley in northeast China. The xiqin first appeared in China during the Tang Dynasty, during which time it was used in the palace orchestra and bowed with a bamboo stick. It was further developed in the Song Dynasty, when it began to be bowed with a horsehair bow.
- 楚材生前曾要求葬在瓮山泊畔,忽必烈即位後,於中統二年(1261年)遵耶律楚材的遺願,將他的遺骸移葬於故鄉玉泉以東的瓮山,即今北京頤和園的萬壽山。耶律楚材墓在明朝時被毀,清乾隆時修復,改建為祠。耶律楚材祠在頤和園昆明湖東岸,文昌閣之北,內有乾隆皇帝御詩墓碑,巨冢是耶律楚材及夫人合葬的墳墓。 其子耶律鑄為元世祖時宰相。
- The Daur people (Khalkha Mongolian: Дагуур/Daguur; 達斡爾族; pinyin: Dáwò'ěr zú; the former name "Dahur" is considered derogatory[citation needed]) are a Mongolic-speaking ethnic group. Daur is a Mongolic language. There is no written standard, although a Pinyin-based orthography has been devised by the native Daur scholar Merden Enhebatu. The Daur language retains some Khitan substratal features, including a number of lexemes not found in other Mongolic languages. It is made up of three dialects: Bataxan, Hailar, Qiqihar. During Qing rule, some Daurs spoke and wrote Manchu as a second language.
- Genetically, the Daurs are descendants of the Khitan, as recent DNA analyses have proven.[3] In the Qianlong Emperor's "钦定《辽金元三史语解》" (Imperially commissioned Translations of the History of Liao, History of Jin and History of Yuan) he retranslates "大贺", a Khitan clan described in the History of Liao, as "达呼尔". That is the earliest theory that claims Daurs are descendants of Khitans. In the 17th century, some or all of the Daurs lived along the Shilka, upper Amur, on the Zeya and Bureya River. They thus gave their name to the region of Dauria, also called Transbaikal, now the area of Russia east of Lake Baikal. By the mid-17th century, the Amur Daurs fell under the influence of the Manchus of the Qing Dynasty which crushed the resistance of Bombogor, leader of the Evenk-Daur Federation in 1640.
- Facing the Russian expansion in the Amur region, between 1654 and 1656, during the reign of Shunzhi Emperor, the Daurs were forced to move southward and settle on the banks of the Nen River, from where they were constantly conscripted to serve in the banner system of the Qing emperors. When the Japanese invaded the area of present-day Morin Dawa in Inner Mongolia in 1931, the Daurs carried out an intense resistance against them.
- Many Daurs are shamanists. Each clan has its own shaman in charge of all the important ceremonies in the lives of the Daur. However, there are a significant number of Daurs who have taken up Lamaism (Tibetan Buddhism).
- 达斡尔人传统姓氏成为“哈勒”、“莫昆”。达斡尔族语称曲棍球为“波列”,称曲棍为“波依阔”。一般已习惯“波依阔”即代表曲棍球运动。是一项达斡尔族最具代表性的传统的体育项目,最喜爱的传统体育活动。曲棍球在达斡尔族民间有着悠久的历史,数百年前便开始流传于达斡尔族民间。据考证:早在辽代契丹人中,曾盛行与现代曲棍球十分相似的体育活动--波列,而“波列”就是达斡尔族现代的曲棍球。
- 6月3日,位于中国唯一的市辖达斡尔族区——齐齐哈尔市梅里斯区草原上,数千达斡尔族民众和世界各地游客共同庆祝该民族的传统节日“库木勒节”,当中有达斡尔族民众以情景再现的形式为游客还原民族迁徙场景。 http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170604/PDF/a14_screen.pdf
- A Daur culture exhibition displays more than 60 sets of relics and more than 100 pictures to showcase the history and customs of the ethnic group in Qiqihar, Heilongjiang province, in December 2017. https://www.chinadailyhk.com/article/127175#Farmer's-collection-of-ethnic-Daur-items-a-rich-harvest
Cathay (/kæˈθeɪ/) is the Anglicized rendering of "Catai" and an alternative name for Chinain English. It originates from the Mongolian word which named Khitan (契丹; pinyin: Qìdān), the name of a nomadic people who founded the Liao dynasty which ruled much of Northern China from 907 to 1125, and who later migrated west after they were overthrown by the Jurchens to form the Qara Khitai centered on today's Kyrgyzstanfor another century thereafter. Originally, Catai was the name applied by Central and Western Asians and Europeans to northern China; the name was also used in Marco Polo's book on his travels in China (he referred to southern China as Mangi). Catai fu in origine il nome dato alla Cina settentrionale da Marco Polo. Il termine deriva dal nome dei Khitan (o Khitai), un gruppo etnico che dominò gran parte della Manciuria (Cina nordorientale) nel X secolo. Il nome è sopravvissuto nella parola russa che indica la Cina (Китай, pronunciato Kitay), nonché nell'inglese arcaico Cathay, nel portoghese Catai e nello spagnolo Catay. Il termine Catai è riscontrabile anche nell'Orlando furioso di Ludovico Ariosto, nonché nell'Orlando innamorato di Matteo Maria Boiardo (a cui Ariosto stesso si rifà), in cui la regione altro non è che la patria della bella quanto fuggevole principessa Angelica, che peraltro è definita dal suo creatore "principessa dell'India".
- The Battle of Qatwan was fought in September 1141 between the Qara Khitai and the Seljuq Empire and its vassal-state the Kara-Khanids. The Seljuqs were decisively defeated, which signalled the beginning of the end of the Great Seljuk Empire. Yelü Dashi spent ninety days in Samarkand, accepting the loyalty of Muslim nobles and appointing Mahmud's brother Ibrahim as the new ruler of Samarkand. However, Yelü did allow the Muslim Burhan family to continue to rule Bukhara. After this battle, Khwarazmbecame a vassal state of the Kara-Khitan. In 1142, Yelü sent Erbuz to Khwarazm to pillage the province, which forced Atsiz to agree to pay 30,000 dinars annual tribute.
- 中國社會科學院考古研究所研究員董新林昨日表示,今年以來對契丹古國首都-遼上京宮城南門進行的發掘證明,遼上京城市規劃以東向為尊,與歷史文獻記載大體相仿。遼上京遺址,位於內蒙古赤峰市巴林左旗境內,始建於公元918年,是中國歷史上使用時間最長的草原都城,也是中國目前保存狀況較好的古代都城遺址之一。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2016/10/08/a18-1008.pdf
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20160328/PDF/a13_screen.pdf 重新興建的千年白鶴樓,27日在遼寧省瀋陽市法庫縣正式開放。當日,武漢黃鶴樓與法庫白鶴樓締結為“姊妹樓”,兩樓南北遙遙相望。 法庫白鶴樓始建於遼代聖宗時期(982年至1031年間),蕭太后曾命韓德讓等重臣,在昌平堡——今法庫縣法庫鎮,選址修建白鶴樓,以此紀念大遼先祖的福廕恩德,銘感白鶴救主的恩情。後因戰亂未曾竣工。2012年4月,法庫重新興建的白鶴樓,為中國北方最具遼代建築風格的標誌性文化景觀,意在打造中國北方文化名樓。其樓體形狀為四面八角,寓意遼代契丹民族早期八部落。 在27日的白鶴樓開放儀式上,湖北省武漢市黃鶴樓管委會與法庫縣白鶴樓管委會聯合簽署“黃鶴樓與白鶴樓締結‘姊妹樓’交流合作意向書”,雙方本?互惠互利、共同促進名樓文化傳承和發展的原則,締結為姊妹樓,將不定期開展互訪、研討、學習考察等文化交流工作,增進了解、交流與合作。 目前,法庫已?手申請加入全國名樓協會,積極推動中華名樓文化建設與交流,與黃鶴樓聯袂打造“南有黃鶴樓、北有白鶴樓”的大文化格局。
Arts and crafts
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20160311/PDF/b19_screen.pdf附圖為通體鏤空、精美絕倫的鎏銀冠(高約三十二公分),乃公元十一世紀時遼人所製;其工藝科技高超,紋飾繁縟富美感,頗出人意表。此鎏銀器形制方面甚富我國當時北方契丹民族特色,紋樣與裝飾技法明顯地受唐、宋中原地區金銀器影響;複雜精細,製作難度高,要屢經錘鍱、澆鐃、焊接、切削、拋光、鉚、鍍、鏨刻、鏤空等等工序,不容錯失。況且,銀于自然界中,大多以硫化銀存在,要提煉比金還困難;但足見當時不同文化交流之緊密。雖説契丹人不斷在北方侵擾,其實另一方面與中原保持貿易與工藝品往還。 記得很久前,在內蒙古自治區文物考古研究所,曾見同一形制與大同小異花鳥紋的遼冠,所不同者乃屬鎏金之銀冠,並非鎏銀,比較附圖同型者珍貴很多。其設計特色為冠兩側有立翅,皆飾以鳳凰,使人覺得如振翅欲飛。四周纏枝花卉紋飾盤旋迴轉,互相扣連,典麗和諧;主要以銀絲連綴十六片鏤雕鎏金落銀片,巧妙製成,配合幾何紋、捲雲紋及如意紋,堪稱匠心獨運,巧奪天工。 事實上,根據歷年出土文物證明,遼國當時大量精製金銀器,供貴族使用;而且品種之多,更使人意想不到。
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20160317/PDF/b17_screen.pdf
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20161212/PDF/b13_screen.pdf富契丹特色的金飾, 金飾片中,也有典型契丹族 日用的皮囊壺式樣,與其鏤雕的北方 纏枝花草紋,深富契丹族的文化傳統 。
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20181107/PDF/b17_screen.pdf
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/07/09/a27-0709.pdf 即日起至 10月 25日,「契丹印象——遼代文物精品展」在廣東省 博物館展出,次展覽由廣東省文化和旅遊廳、內 蒙古自治區文化和旅遊廳主辦,共 展出吐爾基山遼墓、陳國公主與駙馬合 葬墓、耶律羽之墓、小王力溝貴妃墓、 遼上京遺址、遼中京遺址等出土的文物 精品 128件(套),當中一級文物就有 76件(套)。展出文物包括金銀器、銅 鐵器、陶瓷器、漆木器、絲織品以及瑪 瑙、琥珀等多種質地, 展覽分為三大部分,第一部分「草原 帝國」,通過雞冠壺、馬具、捺缽用具 等,展示契丹民族轉徙隨時、朔漠穹廬 以及馬背民族的遊牧文化特色;第二部 分「幽幽文明」,通過服飾類文物、文 房用具、佛教文物以及著名遼墓出土文 物等,展示遼在服飾配飾、文化娛樂、 佛教信仰和厚葬習俗等方面的內涵;第 三部分「多元兼容」,通過陶瓷茶具、 金銀器、玻璃器等,展示宋遼交往,尤 其是澶淵之盟後文化互通的歷史. 契丹貴族死後入葬時,面部覆金屬 面具,一般按照墓主人樣貌打造,並 區分性別和年齡,身着銀絲或銅絲網 絡。不同質地的金屬面具和網絡代表 不同的身份地位。本次展覽中有兩套 黃金面具,來自陳國公主駙馬的合葬 墓。
point of interest
- chinar tajievna rustamonva, ambassador of turkmenistan to china, was translated as 契·鲁斯塔莫娃by organiser or obor event "belt and road and eurasia: reality and prospects" in 3nov2017 in hk
point of interest
- chinar tajievna rustamonva, ambassador of turkmenistan to china, was translated as 契·鲁斯塔莫娃by organiser or obor event "belt and road and eurasia: reality and prospects" in 3nov2017 in hk
- Kitakyushu 北九州市 , fukuoka, japan was formed in 1963 from a merger of municipalities centered on the historic city of Kokura, and its name literally means "North Kyushu City" in Japanese.