- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2015-12/23/content_22779898.htm Urban development will be at the center of China's next stage of reform, according to the country's top leaders. This will be accomplished by building more city clusters and giving migrant workers the same rights as their urban counterparts. The pledge was made at the end of the Central Urban Work Conference on Monday, which was held along with the Central Economic Work Conference. Urban policy-induced social changes are considered a key part of what Chinese leaders call "supply-side reforms" to fuel continuous growth. The leaders are also confident of making cities more "pleasant and livable", with a better environment and social services, according to a statement released on Tuesday, when Beijing and other northern cities were blanketed by heavy smog. It also called for an end to the frequent revisions of local development strategies.The statement said it is a major government task to "transform migrant workers into real urbanities". Reform should be undertaken in the land, fiscal, education, housing and healthcare sectors to realize this goal. It called for measures to restrict city expansion to avoid eroding farmland and ecological preservation zones. A low-carbon concept should be prioritized in city transportation, energy, power supply and waste treatment. The growth of a city should be about the elevation of its quality, not expansion of boundaries", the statement said.
- http://www.chinadailyasia.com/nation/2016-02/22/content_15388113.html China released a guideline on urban planning on Sunday in a bid to tackle the problems associated with increasing urbanization and the explosion of city sizes. Cities will no longer be allowed to grow beyond what their natural resources can support, and odd-shaped buildings will be forbidden, according to the guideline from the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council, China's Cabinet.
The document comes on the heels of December's Central Urban Work Conference, the first such meeting to address the issue since 1978, when only 18 percent of China's population lived in cities. By the end of last year, the figure had reached about 50 percent. Increased urbanization has brought with it several problems, including pollution, severe traffic congestion and compromised public safety. Poor urban planning has also led to issues such as overtaxed power distribution networks. - 在中國中央城市工作會議召開2個月 後,與之配套的《中共中央國務院關於進一步加強城市規劃建設管理工 作的若干意見》(以下簡稱《若干意見》)21日公布。中國住房和城鄉 建設部部長陳政高介紹指,《若干意見》提出了中國未來城市規劃建設 管理的總體目標:實現城市有序建設、適度開發、高效運行,努力打造 和諧宜居、富有活力、各具特色的現代化城市,讓人民生活更美好,並 提出 「適用、經濟、綠色、美觀」的八字建築方針。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20160222/PDF/a10_screen.pdf
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2016-07/09/content_26023918.htm The Chinese government will intensify efforts to promote more standardized and rapid development of public-private partnerships, especially for projects in the public service sector. This is also part of the government's effort to encourage private investment across the country. New measures will be introduced to encourage the partnerships, or PPP, especially for public services, as was decided at the State Council's executive meeting chaired by Premier Li Keqiang on Thursday.- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2016/09/08/a16-0908.pdf國家發改委 7 日對外公佈《關於貫徹落實 區域發展戰略促進區域協調發展的指導意 見》,對內地城市群佈局進行規劃,未來 將優化提升東部城市群,建設以首都為核 心的世界級城市群,打造京津冀協同創新 共同體,輻射帶動環渤海地區和北方腹地 發展,支持北京、上海建設具有全球影響 力的科技創新中心,同時培育中西部地區 城市群,並促進跨行政區經濟區發展。
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20171116/PDF/a21_screen.pdf日前,国家发改委副主任胡祖才介绍,又有多个城市群规划将按程序上报国务院,其中,包括粤港澳大湾区、关中平原、滇中、天山北坡、呼包鄂榆等跨省级城市群,规划工作有望今年全部完成。- 國務院印發了 「關於授權和委託用地審批 權的決定」 ,在嚴格保護耕地、節約集約用地的前提下,進一步深化「放管服」 改革,改革土地管理制度,賦予省級人民政府更大用地自主 權。hkcd 13mar2020 a13
- land survey
- China will launch the third national land survey this year, according to a circular issued by the State Council on Oct 16. A special group will be organized to lead the survey, with Vice-Premier Zhang Gaoli as the group leader. The purpose of the national survey is to thoroughly check on the status quo of land use, collect accurate land data, and improve the mechanism of land survey and statistics. The survey will cover all the land in China. Survey items include cataloging the use of land resources, ownership, and natural and economic conditions. Permanent, basic farmland will be a focus in the survey. It will begin in the fourth quarter of 2017 and the result should be made public in 2020.http://english.gov.cn/policies/latest_releases/2017/10/16/content_281475909460245.htm
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200327/PDF/a20_screen.pdf樓市成交跳水,土地市場也隨之遭遇寒流。去年房地產市場火爆的蘇州,近期一再推遲地塊競拍時間,並趁機取消執行多年的封頂銷售和現房銷售等限制條件。
- 國務院昨日公布《中共中央國務院關於構建更加完善的要素市場化配置體制機制的意見》(下稱「意見」),就推動土地改革、引導勞動力要素合理暢通有序流動、戶籍制度等問題,提出建議和要求。「意見」共分為九部分,其中重點提及,要建立健全城鄉統一的建設用地市場,加快完善土地管理法實施條例,制訂出台農村集體經營性建設用地入市指導意見。全面推開農村土地徵收制度改革,擴大國有土地有償使用範圍。完善土地管理體制,實施年度建設用地總量調控制度。「意見」要求,深化戶籍制度改革,推動超大、特大城市調整完善積分落戶政策,在長三角、珠三角等城市群率先實現戶籍准入年限同城化累計互認;放寬除個別超大城市外的城市落戶限制,試行以經常居住地登記戶口制度。「意見」另指,加大人才引進力度,暢通海外科學家來華工作通道,為他們提供便利,包括職業資格認定、子女教育、商業保險以及在中國境內停留、居留許可。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200410/00178_004.html
- 昨日,十三屆全國人大常委會第十 二次會議表決通過土地管理法, 於2020年1月1日起施行,新 法在農村三塊地改革方面有多項創新性規定。首先, 在土地徵收方面作出三個完善。一是首次對土地徵收 的公共利益進行明確界定。二是首次明確了土地徵收 補償的基本原則是保障被徵地農民原有生活水平不降 低, 「以區片綜合地價取代原來的土地年產值倍數 法」。三是完善土地徵收程序,將原來的批後公告改 為批前公告,使被徵地農民在整個過程中有更多參與 權、監督權和話語權。 其次,在集體經營性建設用地入市方面,取消了多 年來集體建設用地不能直接進入市場流轉的二元體 制,為城鄉一體化發展掃除了制度性的障礙。 堅持農民利益不受損 第三,在宅基地方面,在原來一戶一宅的基礎上增 加了戶有所居的規定,同時允許已經進城落戶的村民 自願有償退出宅基地。改革還下放了宅基地的審批 權,明確要求通過規劃合理安排農村的宅基地,為改 善農村的居住條件提供便利。http://hk.hkcd.com/pdf/201908/0827/HA11827CZGG_HKCD.pdf
- 意見指出,現階段深化農村土地制度改革,順應農民保留土地承包權、流轉土地經營權的意願,將土地承包經營權分為承包權和經營權,實行所有權、承包權、經營權分置並行。」無可否認,新一輪的農村土地改革是有意義的,從所有權到承包權的兩權分開,調動了農民的積極性,解決了農民的吃飯問題。從所有權、承包權、經營權的三權分開,具有實現資源優化配置的可能性和現實性。然而,具有多大的可能性和現實性,只是善良的預期和判斷,事實上可能會走上另外一條路,即官員成為名副其實的大地主和新寡頭。兩權分開,所有權表面上是集體所有,實則為官員所有,官員有權就任性,強徵土地,利用土地,官員自肥的權力濫用與腐敗問題一直沒有得到解決。二權分立,沒有制約地方官員權力的內容。土地三權分立,仍然沒有制約官員權力的內容。三權分立的結果,可能會導致官員更容易濫用權力,助長腐敗行為。
- 環保部部長陳吉寧昨日在回應土壤污染治理行動計劃(「土十條」)為何推遲一年時表示,因為土地污染問題非常重要,治理基礎非常薄弱,所以花費時間較長。不過他也指出,該規劃文稿已經基本成熟,報批後可以實施。「土十條」制定工作開始於2013年5月,原計劃去年就要出台,但至今仍未公佈。陳吉寧說,目前該規劃已經修改了50多稿,已經3次徵求省(區、市)和地方的意見,5次徵求中央和國務院有關部門的意見。「之所以花費這麼長的時間,一是這個問題非常重要,二是基礎非常薄弱。關於土壤污染防治,現在還沒有一部法律規範,相關的工作也很分散。土壤的問題又涉及到非常複雜的科學技術方面的問題。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2016/03/12/a11-0312.pdf
- http://www.hkcd.com.hk/pdf/201705/0524/HA07524CZXX.pdf 土地管理 amendment regulations draft consultation
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2018-02/22/content_35717985.htm The Paradise International Foundation and 22 other public welfare organizations have launched an alliance to operate land trust reserves in China, aiming to cover 1 percent of the country's land by 2030. The alliance envisions a platform to allow nonprofit environmental organizations to share their working experiences, establish standards and evaluation systems for environmental protection and share successful experiences, thus helping the participants better protect the nature reserves. Jack Ma, founder of Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba Group Holding Ltd and co-chairman of the Paradise International Foundation, stressed at a recent land trust reserves meeting in Beijing that the public welfare activities need more energy and attention from the public.
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2016-04/05/content_24274534.htm The Chinese government is moving to ban "exotic" names given to places, buildings and complexes to protect and preserve traditional culture. In recent years, real estate developers and some local governments have chosen names based on locations and buildings overseas, such as "Manhattan" and "Venice". The use has proliferated, causing as much anger as amusement and prompting heated debate on public and online forums. Critics say the foreign names undermine long-standing cultural traditions and don't reflect Chinese core values. The authorities are now cracking down and have ordered that all foreign names must be eradicated by June next year.
city, town planning
government support.From 2016, the Chinese government had promoted the construction of these “
themed towns”, which were supposed to dot the vast countryside with beautiful, liveable villages, while boosting local economies through attracting major investments.But the initiative was plagued with gimmicks, scams, and poorly thought through plans, leading to massive levels of wasteful spending and empty or half-completed projects.A 10 billion yuan (US$1.42 billion) project
dubbed “Happy Town” was located in the city of Yucheng in the Yangtze River Delta. It was supposed to include a sex toy shopping street, a sex exhibition centre and an “adult-only” hotel, but is now home only to a smattering of grapes, mulberry trees and turtle ponds.Last year JC Group, the private company behind many themed town developments including Happy Town, collapsed, raising concerns over fundraising and exposing the huge risks behind the country’s state-led, debt-fuelled development drive.
Dozens of senior executives from JC Group were detained by police in April last year on charges of “illegal fundraising”, leaving many investors scrambling to recoup their money.Happy Town wasn’t the only project that became problematic.The Taihe project in the capital city of Hainan province, Haikou, was among those named by the NDRC for disguising a property development as a themed town, along with Hengyang city’s Jinjialiyuan town, which turned out to be an agricultural project. The cities have been ordered to stop marketing their projects as themed towns.Others, including a “paper-cutting town” in Anhui province’s Huainan city, “Kung-fu Town” in the central Chinese city of Baoji, and “Gobi Agricultural Town” in Linze County in the far northerly Gansu province, have been eliminated due to lack of feasibility, the NDRC said.The Babaozhuang Town project in Guangnan County was called out for its adverse environment impact and ordered to return 10 million yuan in subsidies to the Yunnan provincial government. Wannian County in Jiangxi province was censured after its themed town project was found to be illegally occupying farmland.“All regions have comprehensively corrected and self-examined, eliminating a number of ‘problem towns’ and made efforts to promote the development of themed towns on a rational track,” read the NDRC notice, adding that regions should “rectify or eliminate” the initiatives.Li Tie, director of the NDRC-linked think tank, the China Centre for Urban Development, attributed the failures of themed towns to local governments’ failure to consider market economics, in an op-ed published by Caixin magazine last month.https://www.scmp.com/economy/china-economy/article/3091561/china-cracks-down-themed-towns-bid-stop-local-governments
- 據鳳凰網報道, 2 日,山東濱州市紀委發布一則 《關於惠民縣麻店鎮在推進美麗宜 居鄉村建設工作中形式主義官僚主 義問題的通報》。通報中指出: 2020年4月以來,惠民縣麻店鎮在 推進美麗宜居鄉村建設工作中,對 省委、市委工作要求落實不到位, 工作方法簡單,沒有及時解決群眾 困難,損害了群眾利益,存在形式 主義官僚主義突出問題。惠民縣政府官方信息顯示,近一 年來,該縣在胡集、魏集、麻店、 辛店、何坊等多個鄉鎮街道大力推 進「合村併居」工程,並提出將合 村併居工作作為一項重要的民生工 程。所謂「合村併居」,是指拆除 農民住房、合併原有村莊,建立新 型農村社區,讓農民集中住進樓 房。但是在拆除新建過程中,卻因 操之過急、實施過程簡單粗暴被不 少人詬病。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/07/03/a20-0703.pdf
- 全國海洋工作會議於前日及昨日在北京舉行。國家海洋局局長王宏在會上表示,為減少對海洋生態的不良影響,當局今年會實施最嚴格的圍填海管制,不再審批一般性的填海項目,取消區域建設用海、養殖用海等規劃制度,在二○二○年底前實現近岸海域優良水質佔比逾八成五、二千公頃海岸帶完成修復的目標。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180123/00178_013.html
- 全國海洋工作會議於前日及昨日在北京舉行。國家海洋局局長王宏在會上表示,為減少對海洋生態的不良影響,當局今年會實施最嚴格的圍填海管制,不再審批一般性的填海項目,取消區域建設用海、養殖用海等規劃制度,在二○二○年底前實現近岸海域優良水質佔比逾八成五、二千公頃海岸帶完成修復的目標。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180123/00178_013.html
- http://www.scmp.com/business/article/1895985/hammer-set-fall-chinas-first-airport-slot-auction Mainland China’s first airport slot auction will take place on Wednesday, as its aviation regulator heads into a new year with more market liberalisation.
Nine pairs of landing and departure slots at Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport will be auctioned off for use in the next three years. It is part of two slot-allocation pilot schemes unveiled by the Civil Aviation Administration of China earlier this month. The CAAC said half of the 196 weekly slots that will be added in 2016 at Guangzhou and at Shanghai Pudong International Airport will be given out to domestic airlines through market mechanisms – by auctioning in Guangzhou and by a “lucky draw plus charge” model in Shanghai. The other half will be reserved for international flights.
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20160216/PDF/b16_screen.pdf The China National Tourism Administration released on Sunday the revised draft on the construction of and sanitary standards for toilets in tourist areas and expects the majority of such facilities to meet the general standard by the end of the year. Differing from the star-rated evaluation system, the revised draft is more practical and covers more areas outside of scenic spots, including transportation hubs, restaurants, entertainment zones and shopping malls. In addition to the general requirements required for A-certification, the minimum level, restroom facilities would need to meet broader criteria for the highest rating, AAA, such as providing toilet facilities that broadcast music as well as additional services such as wheelchair rentals. Li Shihong, deputy director of the administration, said properly managed restrooms are crucial to tourism development, especially when many places in China are trying to promote an entire city, rather than just scenic spots, as a tourism attraction. "We will collect reviews and complaints from tourists, and those toilets that fail to provide proper service will be put on a tourism toilet blacklist," said Li. Other measures will also be taken to make sure that tourists and other travelers won't frown when answering nature's call in China. For example, Internet technology such as mobile applications will be available to help tourists find nearby toilets. China started a three-year campaign in January last year that aims to build 33,000 restrooms across the nation by 2017 and renovate 24,000 facilities. This year, a total of 1.25 million yuan ($192,000) will be invested to build or renovate 25,000 tourism toilets.- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2016-02/24/content_23615656.htm In Beijing, the municipal government has introduced next-generation public restrooms which provide Wi-Fi, vending machines, ATMs and flat-screen TVs. City officials said they will learn from Japan to provide basic physical examinations in the restrooms, such as checking of blood pressure, heart rate and urinalysis, in the future. All these changes should be attributed to a "toilet revolution" launched early last year by the Chinese government. The goal is to build and reconstruct more than 50,000 public toilets in major tourist resorts and busy public places across the country within three years. In just one year, more than 20,000 new toilets have been built. Domestic firms have volunteered to construct new toilets and some local governments have introduced the business model of letting local companies to operate and maintain the toilets. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which has been active in toilet welfare activities around the world, has teamed up with the National Administration for Tourism for research on the introduction of technology and skills of building ecologically and environmentally friendly toilets in remote inland plateau provinces.
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2017-02/06/content_28110539.htm More than 10 billion yuan ($1.45 billion) will be spent this year on improving toilet facilities at tourist attractions nationwide, according to the top tourism official. The aim is to build 19,512 public restrooms and renovate another 6,685, Li Jinzao, head of the China National Tourism Administration, said on Saturday at a conference in Guangzhou, capital of Guangdong province.
- https://hk.mobi.yahoo.com/news/開放小區解決塞車-市民斥違-物權法-215514549.html 國務院周日出新令,要求「打開」居民小區(屋苑),將小區道路公有化,形同「拆圍牆」,《人民日報》力挺國務院「不是拍腦袋決定的」,該政策「是破解城市擁堵的良藥」。然而,超九成網民投票反對,斥政府違反《物權法》,侵犯業主物權,還造成小區安全隱患等社會、法律問題。最高人民法院昨日「耍太極」回應,國家政策還需立法機關立法通過。官方發布《中共中央國務院關於進一步加強城市規劃建設管理工作的若干意見》,其中要求,新建住宅要推廣街區制,原則上不再建設封閉住宅小區。已建成的住宅小區和單位大院要逐步打開,實現內部道路公共化。 該政策引發全國媒體和民眾熱議,《南方都市報》組織的網絡投票中,截至到昨日晚間,近五萬名網民參加投票,九點五成民眾投了反對票。 網民認為,政府的決定不僅沒有諮詢民眾意見,侵犯民眾所有權,而且民眾購買物業時,已經將小區內的建設情況考慮在樓價內,推倒圍牆必然會給業主造成損失。另外當前的封閉式小區已經有諸多罪案,拆圍牆會惡化治安環境。
ecological zones
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2017-02/08/content_28132731.htmChina has issued a guideline calling for an "ecological red line" around areas where development is prohibited, with the nationwide initiative expected to be completed by 2020, the central government said in a statement on Tuesday.
- 廣東將建首個國家石漠公園。據省林業廳昨日透露,《廣東連南萬山朝王國家石漠公園總體規劃(2018-2025)》日前順利通過省級專家評審,擬向國家申報建廣東第一個國家石漠公園,這將填補廣東省石漠公園建設的空白。據悉,該公園所處的岩溶地質地貌景觀,在粵港澳大灣區比較罕見的,將建立以岩溶森林生態系統為核心的保護體系,集生態觀光、避暑度假、科普教育、戶外拓展等多功能於一體。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/09/26/a18-0926.pdf
- 據新華社旗下《半月談》雜誌日前刊發報道,中央「八項規定」之後,內地城市園林綠化中的奢靡之風減輕了很多,「大樹進城」現象在一定程度上得到扭轉,但仍有一些地方熱衷於貪大求靚,移栽一些不適宜本地生長的樹種,南方樹種移植北方後難耐嚴寒,冬季還需要裹上「防寒服」,養護成本甚至高過購買苗木的成本。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/02/21/a14-0221.pdf
- 據新華社報道,中共中央辦公廳、國務院辦公廳近日印發《關於推進城市安全發展的意見》,要求促進建立以安全生產為基礎的綜合性、全方位、系統化的城市安全 發展體系,全面提高城市安全保障水準。要將生產經營過程中極易導致生產安全事故的違法行為納入安全生產領域嚴重失信聯合懲戒「黑名單」管理。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/01/08/a17-0108.pdf
ecological zones
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2017-02/08/content_28132731.htmChina has issued a guideline calling for an "ecological red line" around areas where development is prohibited, with the nationwide initiative expected to be completed by 2020, the central government said in a statement on Tuesday.
- 廣東將建首個國家石漠公園。據省林業廳昨日透露,《廣東連南萬山朝王國家石漠公園總體規劃(2018-2025)》日前順利通過省級專家評審,擬向國家申報建廣東第一個國家石漠公園,這將填補廣東省石漠公園建設的空白。據悉,該公園所處的岩溶地質地貌景觀,在粵港澳大灣區比較罕見的,將建立以岩溶森林生態系統為核心的保護體系,集生態觀光、避暑度假、科普教育、戶外拓展等多功能於一體。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/09/26/a18-0926.pdf
- 據新華社旗下《半月談》雜誌日前刊發報道,中央「八項規定」之後,內地城市園林綠化中的奢靡之風減輕了很多,「大樹進城」現象在一定程度上得到扭轉,但仍有一些地方熱衷於貪大求靚,移栽一些不適宜本地生長的樹種,南方樹種移植北方後難耐嚴寒,冬季還需要裹上「防寒服」,養護成本甚至高過購買苗木的成本。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/02/21/a14-0221.pdf
- 據新華社報道,中共中央辦公廳、國務院辦公廳近日印發《關於推進城市安全發展的意見》,要求促進建立以安全生產為基礎的綜合性、全方位、系統化的城市安全 發展體系,全面提高城市安全保障水準。要將生產經營過程中極易導致生產安全事故的違法行為納入安全生產領域嚴重失信聯合懲戒「黑名單」管理。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/01/08/a17-0108.pdf
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