- The Taiwan Relations Act (TRA; Pub.L. 96–8, 93 Stat. 14, enacted April 10, 1979; H.R. 2479) is an act of the United States Congress. Since the recognition of the People's Republic of China, the Act has defined the substantial but non-diplomatic relations between the people of the United States and the people on Taiwan.
- National Defense Authorization Act of the United States for the 2018 fiscal year
- China on Thursday opposed Taiwan-related terms in the National Defense Authorization Act of the United States for the 2018 fiscal year, which was recently signed into law by President Donald Trump. President Donald Trump signed the National Defense Authorization Act for the 2018 fiscal year into law Tuesday, some clauses of which authorize the possibility of mutual visits by navy vessels between the United States and Taiwan. https://www.chinadailyhk.com/articles/168/103/15/1513249240540.html
- 美國眾議院外交委員會於當地周四,審議通過《台灣旅行法》草案(HR535)。草案假如最終順利在參、眾兩院通過,並獲總統簽署,未來台美官員互訪可望解禁。另美國媒體報道指,大陸駐美大使館此前曾就草案表達不滿,並威脅指如美國國會通過草案,將為陸美關係造成「嚴重後果」。orientadaily 13oct17
- 美國眾議院周二一致通過「台灣旅行法案」,鼓勵美台所有層級官員互訪,目前仍需參議院通過,並協調出兩院一致的版本,再送交總統特朗普簽署,才能正式生效。大陸外交部發言人華春瑩批評,草案嚴重違反「一個中國」政策和「中美三個聯合公報」原則,干涉大陸內政,陸方堅決反對。「台灣旅行法」明確指出,美國政府應鼓勵美台雙方在各層面的訪問。草案提到,美國國會認為自「台灣關係法」制訂以來,美國對台灣的高層官員訪美仍自我設限,讓台美缺乏有效溝通,阻礙雙方關係發展。據悉,草案由共和黨參眾兩院多名議員去年一月共同提出。眾議院同時通過「支持台灣參加世界衞生大會(WHA)法案」,以表達國會對台灣的支持。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180111/00178_007.html
- 美國總統特朗普日前正式簽署《台灣旅行法》,提升美台官方互訪的關係,引發中國大陸強烈反彈。從上周六下午至周日,包括大陸駐美使館、外交部、國防部、國台辦和兩個官媒在內的六大機構,一日內接連就此發聲和亮劍。另一邊廂,高雄巿長陳菊在美國時間上周六率團飛抵紐約展開訪問,成為《台灣旅行法》生效後首位訪美的台灣地方政府官員。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180319/00178_005.html
- 美國在台協會日前表示,美國國務院負責東亞和太平洋事務的副助理國務卿黃之瀚(Alex Wong),將於周二至周四訪問台灣,成為《台灣旅行法》簽署以來首位訪台的華府高層官員。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180321/00178_007.html
- 美媒報道,當時美國國務院東亞暨太平洋事務局副助理國務卿黃之瀚訪台,並與台灣的蔡英文總統見面,特朗普得悉後大感憤怒,一度禁止美國外交官員訪台。白宮拒絕回應。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190620/00180_005.html
- 而美国商务部掌管製造业的副助理部长史宜恩则于22日抵台访问,目的要是拓展美台贸易、商务和投资关系,并将与台湾政商领袖会面。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20180323/PDF/a22_screen.pdf
- 美國眾議院「國會台灣連線」主席查伯特,與民主黨眾議員謝爾曼周一(23日)在國會提出新法案,要求美國在台協會(AIT)主席未來人選任命,應該比照一般美國駐外大使提名程序需經參議院同意,令其身份等同於大使級別。中國大陸暫未有回應。目前,AIT主席一職是由美國國務卿任命,毋須經參議院同意表決。該名為《台灣特使法案》(Taiwan Envoy Act)的新法案認為,即使有其他法律規定,美國總統仍然「必須在參議院的諮詢和同意下,任命一個人選擔任美國在台協會處長」;而主席具大使級別,等同「無任所大使」(Ambassador at Large)。現任美在台協會主席為莫健。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191225/00178_001.html
- 美國共和黨籍參議員霍利(Josh Hawley)前日在社交媒體透露,他周三已提出《台灣防衞法》(Taiwan Defense Act)草案,以確保美國履行台灣關係法義務,維持美軍阻止大陸武力攻台的能力,遏止大陸「帝國主義」,並捍衞美方切身利益及夥伴。據報道,《台灣防衞法》的立法目的,是維持美軍阻止大陸武統台灣與其他目的,造成「既成事實」的能力。草案定義的「既成事實」是指,大陸在美軍尚未作出有效反應前,利用軍事力量奪取台灣控制權,同時說服美軍相信採取應對行動將非常困難或要付出高昂成本。
- 美國與台灣當局近期再度商討,在台灣設置美國「境外通關(US Border Preclearance)」措施,即台灣民眾在台灣機場直接進行美國海關查驗,可節省旅客過關時間。若措施順利推行,台灣將成為美國在亞太地區首個設置境外入境據點的地區。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180324/00178_002.html
- international participation
- 美國聯邦眾議院外交委員會於當地時間周四舉行的會議上,以口頭表決通過一項支持台灣參與世界衞生組織(WHO)的決議案,並促請國務卿研究方案,協助台灣重獲世衞大會觀察員的資格,並在大會結束後提出評估報告,說明美國對協助台灣取得世界衞生組織觀察員帶來的改變與進展。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20170930/00178_018.html
- 台美貿易暨投資架構協定(TIFA)會議原訂年底於台北舉行,但台灣的行政院政務委員、經貿談判辦公室總談判代表鄧振中昨表示,美國總統特朗普上任後,美國貿易代表署的副貿易代表一職懸缺至今;因TIFA會談層級美方是派副貿易代表出席,如今距離開會所剩時間甚少,預料會議今年或停開。orientaldaily 27nov17
- 台灣的國家安全局副局長陳文凡周二(15日)罕有現身美國華盛頓智庫會議,提出台灣應與美國等理念相近的國家,組建國際聯盟,對抗中國大陸的網絡攻擊和假訊息。他建議,美台雙方應考慮簽署共同備忘錄,以先發制人方式反制大陸的影響力。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191017/00178_001.html
- military
- 針對島內外近日有報道稱, 一年一度的 「美台國防工業會議 」今年5月將首度移師台灣高雄 舉行,美台商會副會長馬珞丹22 日特別澄清表示,今年度的 「美台國防工業 會議」不會在台灣舉行, 「它將如過去16年 一樣在美國舉行」。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20180223/PDF/a19_screen.pdf
- 美國眾議院軍事委員會當地時間周四,通過《國防授權法》草案,內容提及支持加強美台軍事合作、擴大聯合軍事訓練、對台軍售等條文。台灣軍方對此表示感謝,指有助提升台軍力。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180512/00178_009.html
- 社交平台流傳消息,向美國公民和移民局(USCIS)申請歸化的台灣人,在填寫簽證申請表、入境表時,須在國籍欄填寫「台灣」(Taiwan),而美方核發的證書也會標示原國籍為「台灣」。台駐美代表處指不清楚USCIS何時納入該說明,但台灣人不論申請簽證還是歸化,美方的規範均未有改變。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191005/00178_010.html, see also appledaily
- scmp 17may19 taiwan maybe biggest loser from new tariffs
- electronics
- 鸿海集团副总裁暨夏普社长戴正吴27日受访时证实,规划赴美国投资中小尺寸面板厂,预期鸿海集团和夏普整体投资规模,可能超过8000亿日圆。鸿海去年4月併购夏普公司,去年底则传出鸿海将赴美投资设厂。戴正吴当天在台北参观夏普技术主题活动区,会后接受媒体採访时谈及赴美投资,戴正吴表示,夏普规划在美国投资中小尺寸面板厂,应用上不会只局限于手机 产品,还有许多高附加值的应用领域可以推动,他举例客机面板、航太、太空梭,甚至是防务领域。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170528/PDF/a15_screen.pdf
- 富士康科技集團昨日宣布,未來四年將在美 國威斯康辛州投資100億美元興建液晶面板(LCD)工廠。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170728/PDF/a9_screen.pdf
- 日媒早前報道,美國正向全球最大晶圓代工廠台灣積體電路製造公司(下稱台積電)施壓,要求對方赴美生產軍用晶片。台積電昨指未排除在美設廠的可能,但目前無計劃。台積電董事長劉德音去年稱美客戶有受到美國國防部「關心」。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200116/00180_006.html
- agricultural produce
- 台灣計劃向美購買價值卅六億美元(約二百八十一億港元)的農產品,包括大豆、小麥、粟米等,進一步加強台美合作關係。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190913/00178_011.html
- taiwanese investors
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20170710/00180_015.html美國第二代華人移民熊偉恆率領大批愛護動物組織成員,手持象徵和平與愛的白花,闖入三藩市唐人街唯一的鮮雞檔「新明記家禽」救出一批雞隻,他亦因此被警方拘留帶走。熊偉恆的行動在唐人街引起異議,亦揭示新一代華人為唐人街帶來的文化衝擊。
- 榮獲奧斯卡最佳電影殊榮的《月亮喜歡藍》,導演巴利贊堅斯曾透露,電影中的三段式敘事手法,靈感是來自台灣導演侯孝賢。 http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/02/28/a23-0228.pdf
- 美國明年四月將展開十年一度的人口普查,本屆「台美小姐」冠軍林以心日前公開呼籲美國境內的台灣人,在調查表格中「種族」一欄勾選「其他亞洲人」,並在空格填寫「Taiwanese(台灣人)」。而在美國,種族人口的數量,有可能影響制訂政策的方向。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190812/00178_006.html
Hong Kong
- The United States-Hong Kong Policy Act or more commonly known as the Hong Kong Policy Act (P.L no. 102-383m 106 Stat. 1448) is a 1992 act enacted by the United States Congress. It allows the United States to continue to treat Hong Kong separately from China for matters concerning trade export and economics control after the 1997 handover. The act states that Hong Kong maintains its own export control system as long as it adopts to international standards. The act also pertains to "sensitive technologies", which require Hong Kong to protect the technologies from improper use. The U.S will fulfill its obligation to Hong Kong under international agreements regardless of whether the People's Republic of China is a participant of the particular agreement until the obligations are modified or terminated. Should Hong Kong become less autonomous, the US president may change the way the laws are applied. The State Department's Deputy Assistant Secretary for Export Controls has stated US will not prejudge the situation in advance of monitoring efforts.
- https://hk.usconsulate.gov/our-relationship/official-reports/ no reports between 2008 and 2014
- text https://hongkong.usconsulate.gov/ushk_pa_1992.html
- finalised - https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/senate-bill/1838/text
- hkej 27feb17, 28apr17 shum article
- 美國國務院近日向國會提交報告,指特首林鄭月娥去年十月拒絕美國引渡一名疑犯的要求,並將疑犯交由中央政府監管,報告指這是自一九九七年以來首宗這類事件。報告沒有提及疑犯身份或者涉及甚麼案件,據報該名疑犯可能是澳門人。中國外交部強調香港事務屬於中國內政,外國無權干涉。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20180531/00176_043.html
- Hong Kong generally remains a good partner for fugitive surrender and sharing of evidence in criminal cases. In October 2017, however, the Hong Kong Chief Executive turned down a U.S. fugitive surrender request at the behest of the Central Government, and released the detainee into Central Government custody on the basis that the Central Government is pursuing a separate criminal action. This was the first such instance since 1997. The Central Government has provided no information as to the disposition of its own case against the individual. Hong Kong also has yet to enact certain laws that would improve identification of high-risk travelers and fully implement recommendations in United Nations Security Council resolutions on counterterrorism.https://www.state.gov/p/eap/rls/reports/2018/282787.htm
- hong kong policy reevaulation act https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/116/s1824/text
- The Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act was proposed (as a bill) again in 2017 by Chris Smith, who is the chairman of Congressional-Executive Commission on China, and Marco Rubio, the co-chairman of the Congressional-Executive Commission on China. The stated purpose of this bill, if become law, will be "to renew the historical commitment of the United States to uphold freedom and democracy in Hong Kong at a time when its autonomy is increasingly under assault." The proposed legislation will also "establish punitive measures against government officials in Hong Kong or mainland China who are responsible for suppressing basic freedoms in Hong Kong, especially in connection with the abduction of certain booksellers."
- https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/3856?q=%7B%22search%22%3A%5B%22S.+89%22%5D%7D
- revised version https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/3289/text
- Today, Representatives Jim McGovern (D-MA) and Chris Smith (R-NJ), Co-Chairs of the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission, along with Representative Ro Khanna (D-CA), introduced H.R. 4270, the PROTECT Hong Kong Act – a bipartisan bill in the House of Representatives to prohibit commercial exports of certain nonlethal crowd control items and defense articles and services to the Hong Kong Police Force.https://mcgovern.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=398392
- 曾在港與香港眾志秘書長黃之鋒會面的美國共和黨籍參議員霍利(Josh Hawley),周四提出一項名為《Hong Kong Be Water Act》的法案,目的是制裁打壓香港人言論、結社、集會、遊行及示威自由的香港、中國官員及國企,凍結他們的資產。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20191102/00176_017.html
- diplomatic representation
- embassy
- 據美國駐港總領事館網站資料,美領館設立 於1843年、即英國強佔香港島翌年。最初規模有 限,僅一名總領事居家辦公,20世紀初則借用雪 廠街9號及滙豐總行大廈運作。 史料記載,1949年10月新中國成立後,原美 國駐華大使隨國民黨遷往台灣,部分國民黨軍 政人員及其眷屬則移居香港,搜集情報兼伺機 反攻。 據土地登記資料,1950年4月及1956年4月, 美國政府獲港英政府先後批出花園道26號土地、 白加道3號土地,分別供美國駐港總領事館及總領 事官邸使用至今,分別佔地6.17萬呎及5.11萬呎 。美駐港總領事館的工作範疇自此大增,風頭頗 勁,令同期設於台北的「大使館」相形失色。據土地登記資料,1949年2月及1950年4、7、8 月,美國政府共花約121萬元,相繼購入鄉郊建屋地 段第423號(即金馬麟山道15號)、鄉郊建屋地段第 323號(即山頂道1號,1985年一度由金庸買入)、 鄉郊建屋地段第543號(即香島道2號)、鄉郊建屋地 段第405號(即淺水灣道32號)。不過這些物業於1981年12月至1983年5月,即中 英香港問題談判的第一階段賣出,總收入達5860萬元 ,較買入時大賺約48倍,賣出次序巧合地與購入次序 完全一致。該時期內,美國政府亦賣出1886年獲港英 政府批出的鄉郊建屋地段第524號(即山頂甘道11號 ),獲利4600萬元。據土地登記資料,直到1979年5月即中英談判尚 未開始時,美國政府仍在港置業,花170萬元買入半 山馬己仙峽道1至3號嘉慧園G座1樓全層住宅單位,建 築面積3349呎,連1個車位,並持有至今,估計升值 約100倍。 1989年東歐劇變,美方憂慮中國發展壯大,會 繼蘇聯之後挑戰美國的世界霸主地位,於是針對中國 的連串制裁、施壓,以 「民主」 「人權」 為名接踵而 至,中美關係急轉直下。作為美國盟友的英國及歐洲 多國,亦加入制裁。據土地登記資料,1992年7月1日及8月3日,美國國務院共斥 資約1.06億元,打包式掃購半山麥當勞道12-14號豪輝閣的5-8層 、10-12層、14-16層、18層、24層、25層共13個全層住宅單位連 天台,以及14個車位。美方持有該處豪宅物業至今,據悉同樣用作 美領館員工宿舍。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200601/PDF/a1_screen.pdf
- Amcham
- http://issuu.com/amchamhk/docs/2014_invest_in_usa_service_provider
- http://www.scmp.com/news/china/policies-politics/article/2088539/us-firms-china-face-hardest-year-decades-says-amcham US companies in China face one of the most challenging environments in decades this year, the American Chamber of Commerce in China says. Political and economic transitions in the United States and China, an increasing perception of animosity toward foreign businesses and slowing growth are dimming the outlook, AmCham said in a report on Tuesday. Despite recent rhetoric regarding opening up and globalisation, investment barriers remain high, the chamber said in its annual American Business in China White Paper.
- The mission of the Hong Kong-America Center is to promote understanding between Hong Kong and American societies through educational and cultural exchanges. In so doing, the Center advances cross-cultural understanding between Chinese and Americans over the bridge of Hong Kong.
- Invited spcc students to a function related to obama re-election
- 北加州香港会
- appledaily 15may19
- visit by us officials
- https://www.facebook.com/TradeGov/photos/a.411632722640.180409.123043532640/10153732660712641/?type=3 U/S Selig w #HongKong Sec. of Commerce, Greg So. Strengthening our commercial relationship
- 美國駐港澳總領事館昨日發表新聞稿,指美國國務院和商務部高級代表團上周三至上周五來港,與數個香港政府機構代表會面,重申要求香港嚴格執行聯合國對北韓及伊朗的禁運措施,並建議香港特別在違反聯合國對兩國的航運活動方面,投入更多資源執行制裁。而在出口管制方面,美國代表團尋求香港在近期追蹤戰略物品和管制物品上作改善,以及加強實施轉口方面的限制,防止這類物品用於生產大規模毀滅性武器,以及轉運至未經授權的地方。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20181211/00180_005.html
- visit by us politicians
- 正訪港的美國參議員克魯茲昨日接受訪問時稱,原定昨午與特首林鄭月娥會面,對方要求他完全保密,以及不可向傳媒談及有關內容,惟最終取消有關會面。特首辦僅回覆指沒有見過該名參議員。據了解,克魯茲原本無反對閉門會面的安排,而林鄭取消會面,純粹涉及日程問題。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20191013/00176_074.html
- visit by hk officials
- http://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/201803/16/P2018031600271.htm The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Dr Law Chi-kwong, concluded his duty visit to New York on March 15 (New York time). During the visit, he attended the 62nd session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women as part of the Chinese delegation and took part in a ministerial segment on women's access to the media as well as information and communications technologies for their advancement and empowerment. Dr Law also officiated at a luncheon jointly organised by the Hong Kong Association of New York, Asian Women in Business and the International Women's Entrepreneurial Challenge Foundation. Before departing for Hong Kong, Dr Law met with the Commissioner of the New York City Human Resources Administration and the Department of Homeless Services (DHS), Mr Steven Banks, to exchange views on poverty alleviation and provision of social services. He learnt the measures undertaken by the DHS in collaboration with other public agencies and non-profit partners to provide various support services for homeless people in the city.
- 美國貿易代表上月底發表一九年各地貿易障礙評估報告,指香港未有向世界貿易組織的海關估價委員會提交議題清單。港府發言人指昨接獲通知,指有關陳述屬錯誤,已從該份報告中刪除。發言人指,美國貿易代表上月廿九日發表相關報告後,香港駐華盛頓及日內瓦經濟貿易辦事處已於本月一日即時與美國有關當局跟進,就失實陳述表達關注,並澄清本港早於九六年履行世貿海關估價協定下的通報義務;商務及經濟發展局亦去信美國駐香港及澳門總領事釐清事實,並要求美國貿易代表盡快修正。發言人續指,香港是一個自由港,並無對進口貨物徵收關稅,因此並沒有評估貨物關稅的法例或行政程序。根據世貿的相關協定,香港已於九六年向世貿作出有關通報。鑑於香港仍然是一個自由港,根本毋須再向世貿另作通報,或回覆有關涉及個別世貿成員就徵收關稅而設的海關估價系統的議題清單。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20190409/00176_028.html
- middleman role
- 如美國人繼續視香港為一國兩制之特別行政區,內地研究生來香港讀博士,專攻尖端科技,讀完就可以取得香港身份證,再用香港特區護照申請到簽證到美國做博士後研究AI之類,咪係間接貢獻中國發揮「向南窗」嘅作用?習近平特批內地經費支援香港科研,係有理由嘅,現在就睇吓林鄭識唔識做,不讓香港得罪美國嘞!https://hk.lifestyle.appledaily.com/lifestyle/columnist/左丁山/daily/article/20180607/20412922
- 有玩具商表示,今年上半年出口至美國的玩具佔比例已由五成降至一成。面對貿戰可能愈演愈烈,為求自救,他已計劃將東莞的廠房搬離內地,初步選擇遷到越南,也會到緬甸考察研究是否適合設廠。亦有商會代表稱,中美貿戰影響各行各業的港商,美國買家已知會港商暫時不要將貨物付運。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20180708/00174_001.html
- us air force in hk air space
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20170528/00174_001.html 美軍偵察機闖進本港鄰近空域,恐波及本港民航安全。美國國防部指上周三美軍一架P3偵察機,飛到香港東南面附近空域,被兩架解放軍殲10戰機升空攔截,雙方一度相距僅一百八十二米。有指事發空域屬本港飛行情報區,由民航處規管。但有民航機師稱美軍戰機犯境已非首次,且從不向民航處通報。而前民航處官員更指,沒有溝通下美國軍機闖進香港附近空域航道,有可能與民航機相撞,釀成空難,後果不堪設想。香港空域猶如「無掩雞籠」,令人擔心危及本港航空安全。
- delegation from hk
- biotech mission in 2011 http://trade.gov/press/press-releases/2011/under-secretary-for-international-trade-francisco-sanchez-brings-biotechnology-life-sciences-trade-mission-to-hong-kong-101611.asp
- https://www.facebook.com/hkdesigncentre/photos/ms.c.eJxFzNkNACEMA9GOVplgcvTf2Eog4PdpbEi6BYGUoz4OtLIsueBeINMrNswLscEOuK~_PeLAmo~_cPiG8XyQ~-~-.bps.a.1168414723169344.1073741861.178445208832972/1171994112811405/ Hong Kong Design Centre (HKDC) is visiting our BODW 2016 partner city Chicago, together with our partners and friends, from 29 February to 5 March 2016.
- hong kong electronics industry association and hkstp visit to east and west coasts of usa from 18-22jun18 {hkeia bulletin jul-aug2018 issue}
- 立法會議員葉劉淑儀(葉劉)日前喺社交網站上載一張眾人同佢慶祝生日嘅照片,相中人以外國人居多,皆因葉劉去咗美國外訪,當時正身處美國蒙大拿州,唔同國家嘅議員、智庫總裁等知道佢生日,就提早準備咗一個朱古力生日蛋糕同佢慶祝。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20190825/00176_064.html
- supernova singing contest http://www.supernovasinging.com/ (Mirror Monthly Nov 2013 issue)
- North Carolina office in HK http://www.northcarolina-hk.com/eng/index.htm
- Danny Yung's display in Washington http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/article/1539689/gateway-hong-kong-us
- DAB visit to San Francisco http://www.hkcd.com.hk/pdf/201407/0725/HZ13725CLAA.pdf
- http://online.wsj.com/articles/hong-kong-tops-list-of-donors-to-u-s-schools-1411401637
- us carrier docking hk
- http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/74b5991a-0e13-11e6-9cd4-2be898308be3.html China has refused to allow a US aircraft carrier to carry out a planned port visit in Hong Kong for the second time in two years, as tensions between the powers continue to simmer over maritime disputes in the South China Sea. The USS John C Stennis had been scheduled to visit Hong Kong, which regularly hosts US ships, next week. But on Friday, the US consulate in the semi-autonomous Chinese territory said the ship, with its accompanying vessels and 3,000-strong crew, had been denied permission to dock.
- 全國人大常委會將制訂「港版國安法」,美國或取消香港在經濟金融等領域的一些特殊待遇,令人關注會否影響本港聯繫匯率。財政司司長陳茂波昨日承認,美國有權限制香港銀行採取美元結算,或會造成不方便,但他指香港是第三大的美元結算中心,服務大量亞洲時區的跨國機構,而且金融中心之間互相連結,一旦香港市場有震盪,美國企業或銀行必定受波及https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20200614/00176_006.html
- http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/a47567a2-7b0b-11e5-a1fe-567b37f80b64.html An American trade association has brought a case against China Zhongwang Holdings, the Hong Kong-listed aluminium producer, alleging that it has evaded duties on exports to the US. In a filing to the US Department of Commerce, the Aluminum Extruders Council alleges that the Chinese company “systematically and illegally” avoided payments by cutting and welding its aluminium extrusions into slabs so they would be classified as pallets — which are not subject to the same duties. It is bringing the case at a time when aluminium producers are increasingly under pressure, with prices for the lightweight metal trade at their lowest in six years, amid a global surplus. China produces about half of the world’s aluminium, which is used in the construction, transport, and automotive sectors. The US Department of Commerce has 45 days from the date of filing to decide whether it will launch an investigation. “Given the severity of this case to our domestic industry, we call on the Department of Commerce to investigate this case,” Jeff Henderson, director of operations at the AEC, said. China Zhongwang said it exported and classified its products in accordance with government regulations and international trade rules, and maintained that its exports to the US were not covered by duties. “The report lacks basic knowledge of the industry,” it said. China provides a VAT rebate for exports of aluminium extrusions that some critics claim has been abused. They say it encourages the practice of simply melting the metal down outside the country, into simpler primary metal. In July, an unknown group calling itself Dupre Analytics published a report alleging that China Zhongwang and its founder Liu Zhongtian had routed exports through undisclosed related companies, to obtain tax rebates from the Chinese government. Dupre has disclosed that it is short selling shares in China Zhongwang and could profit from any share price decline.
- 泰凌医药集团(01011)宣布,公司与美国Pfenex Inc.(Pfenex)公司订立就特立帕肽药品共同开发的合作协议。根据该协议,公司与Pfenex建立伙伴关系,并获得该产品在中国内地、香港、泰国、新加坡、马来西亚合共五个国家及地区的永久权益。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20180420/PDF/a16_screen.pdf
- on 2june 1979, a nine-year-old Chicago boy who was badly burnt when his pyjamas caught fire was awarded US$1 million in damages. The family of the boy sued the manufacturers and distributors of the pyjamas, alleging they were dangerously flammable. One of the respondents in the case was a Hong Kong manufacturer, Textile Alliance.https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/society/article/3012401/prince-charles-needs-good-wife-and-iranian-revolutionary
- west coast port strike
- HK to pay more for fruits scmp "hk hit by delay in us fruit shipments" 12feb15 b4, http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20150216/00180_025.html
http://www.scmp.com/business/economy/article/1715642/honda-motor-reduce-output-due-port-dispute-north-america, http://www.cnbc.com/id/102427787 - Japanese carmaker Honda Motor plans to slow production at some of its plants in North America due to a parts shortage caused by a partial shutdown of ports along the West Coast. The company expects shortages at its operations in Ohio, Indiana and Ontario, Canada, starting Monday and for each plant to adjust its production between Feb. 16 and Feb. 23, spokesman Mark Morrison told Reuters by email.
- impact hkej 18-22 feb15 a13 a13
- http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/61a29a70-0948-11e4-906e-00144feab7de.html Fears of a strike or lockout at the west coast ports that handle more than 40 per cent of all container imports to the US are disrupting businesses’ supply chains, as shippers anticipating a stoppage divert cargo to Canadian ports. Canada’s largest rail network has already imposed restrictions on handling goods bound for the US after a surge in cargo diverted to the ports of Vancouver and Prince Rupert in British Columbia. Prince Rupert’s container imports for June were 22 per cent up on the same month last year. Canadian National Railway (CN) took the action amid concerns that talks between US port employers and the International Longshore and Warehouse Union over a new contract might end in a strike or lockout. The port workers’ existing contract expired on July 1.
- http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/38e0825e-c677-11e4-a13d-00144feab7de.html Unless terminals modernise, American importers and exporters face higher costs than their rivals
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20150625/00176_025.html 美國國務院領事事務局的海外簽證系統故障逾半個月仍未解決,導致本月八日後批准的大多數移民及非移民簽證均未能列印,而美國駐港總領事館亦無法處理新的申請或本月九日之後遞交的申請。不少擬短期內出發往美國旅遊、升學或公幹的市民至今仍未取得當地簽證,行程勢必受阻
- http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/economy/article/2101097/american-trade-body-urges-visa-free-access-hongkongers The American Chamber of Commerce has called on the US government to grant visa-free travel status for Hong Kong SAR passport holders, a measure that would smooth the way for over 100,000 visitors a year.The suggestion was made at the annual meeting in Washington last month between chamber leaders and figures from the administration, congress and think tanks. Chamber chairman Walter Dias said: “We understand that the current administration is focused on bilateral trade agreements and asked for more government-to-government engagement to ensure US interests are represented in the Asia Pacific region. “Representatives from the congressional offices and the administration are also open to the idea of including Hong Kong in the visa waiver programme, noting the great US-HK relations at both government and citizens levels.” Australia, New Zealand, Brunei, Japan, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan are already in the waiver programme.
- 富豪之全资附属公司Full Season与一名独立第三方(潜在合营企业伙伴)订立意向书,内容有关就于纽约开发建筑面积约42万方呎之零售及娱乐中心,及设有酒店及住宅公寓大楼之项目可能进行合作,预计Full Season将于该项目中拥有大多数股权。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170524/PDF/a10_screen.pdf
- companies listed in usa
- 今次爆出虐兒風波的北京朝陽區管莊紅黃藍幼兒園,內媒指出,幼園營運方「紅黃藍教育」機構遍布全國三百多個城市,共千多間園所。紅黃藍教育更在美國紐約掛牌上市,市值高逾七億六千萬美元(近六十億港元);但在爆出醜聞後,其股價一度大跌四成。根據紅黃藍幼兒園的官方網頁,其中一名董事名為孟亮(Liang Meng),是該公司最大股東,據稱他有香港身份證,在港擁有住宅及公司。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20171125/00202_021.html
- 騰訊控股(00700)旗下騰訊音樂娛樂集團去年底在美國上市,滙豐環球研究發表報告表示,相信騰訊音樂透過增加訂閱率及社交互動來提升盈利能力,首予其「買入」評級。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20190121/00202_025.html
- https://www.scmp.com/business/money/markets-investing/article/3007884/hong-kong-pharma-start-joins-singapore-technology Aptorum Group, a Hong Kong drug developer listed on Nasdaq, will invest in health care start-ups in Singapore, working alongside the city state’s government technology agency to channel US$90 million into promising companies. Aptorum and Aeneas Capital, both controlled by boutique investment bank co-founder Ian Huen Chung-yuen, signed an agreement with A*ccelerate Technologies on Wednesday to invest the funds over the next five years.
- 綜合金融機構尚乘集團(AMTD)擬分拆尚乘國際赴美國紐交所上市。市傳該公司已錄得足額認購,並將於本周五(八月二日)定價。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20190730/00202_016.html
- kiv spotify
- trade event hk
- 超人有份投資 Spotify或「直接上市」http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/04/08/b01-0408.pdf
- health and beauty product exhibition in yue hwa (co-organised by us commercial service) may17
- investors from Hong Kong
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20140926/00184_005.html美國駐港總領事夏千福前日邀約香港四大商會高層會晤,乘勢向港商進行投資推介。這次會晤,筆者亦有參與。據夏千福透露,美國將推出一系列政策,鼓勵外商企業在美國投資,具體內容將於十一月內會有所公布。
- http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/news/art/20160218/19495182本土美食受國際食家青睞。美國名廚安東尼.波登(Anthony Bourdain,圖)將於美國興建美食城,日前公佈最新想引入的美食,有3間食店來自香港,包括專售中式點心的米芝蓮一星食店添好運、以雲吞麵馳名的麥奀雲吞麵世家及再興燒臘。添好運老闆麥桂培表示,對受國際名廚賞識感開心,但因已與日本公司簽約合作於美國開分店,未知能否與安東尼合作。波登計劃興建的美食城位於曼哈頓15街哈德遜河公園的57碼頭,預計年半後開幕。該公司最新公佈希望引入的10款美食,當中4款來自新加坡,3款來自香港,越南、馬來西亞及墨西哥各一款。美食城相信最終有來自全球100間食店加盟。波登曾於紐約著名法國餐廳Brasserie Les Halles任職行政總廚,其後著書大談烹飪心得,繼而進軍影視圈,主持美食節目,其中《波登闖異地》(Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown)近年曾獲艾美獎,在香港也有播放。
- In 2010, Hong Kong-based, Delaware-incorporated International Grand Investment Corp, or IGIC, acquired the mill and injected $180 million into it. Beal now works at St Croix Tissue and its parent company Woodland Pulp LLC as an environmental and security manager. Located in Baileyville, Maine, the United States, St Croix Tissue was a bright spot in the small town for almost a century after it began making paper in 1906. Founded by the owners of The Boston Globe, the mill produced newsprint for the newspaper until the 1960s. In 1963, the mill was purchased by Georgia-Pacific and over the years converted from newsprint into fine paper. In 2001, the mill was resold again to Canadian paper company Domtar Corp. As fine paper faced a market decline, Domtar closed the mill in 2007, ending 100 years of papermaking. In the late 1980s, there were 1,200 people working in the pulp, paper, and oriented strand board plants in the area. By 2009, there were about 320 people left working at the pulp mill. When IGIC stepped in 2010, it had the idea of maximizing returns by increasing the factory's tissue-making capacity. IGIC turned the facility around by converting it from a commodity producer into a value-added facility. http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201806/05/WS5b16205ea31001b82571e40a.html
- hk is not china case
- 中信國際電訊(01883)旗下於美國經營電訊業務的Pacific Networks Corp及ComNet(USA),日前以長達92頁的文件回覆美國聯邦通訊委員會(FCC)的質詢時表示,其不但營運上獨立於中國政府,亦一直與美國政府通力合作,敦促FCC不要將其逐出美國。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20200603/00202_010.html
- hk people in us
- tong wang yuen (company nam luen wo kee) obit singtao 19oct18 a33 to be buried in san francisco
- hket 9may19 hk mom organise cantonese playgroup in seattle
- 早在九十年代,香港已掀起移民潮,80後的唐嘉良(Carlos)亦不例外,並在九○年隨家人移民到美國。因Carlos的舅父及姨媽早在美國讀書,並在當地落地生根,故其母親當時也以美國作為移民首選地。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20190826/00269_003.html
- 美國紐約廿四歲黑人露宿者桑托斯上周六手持鐵板,在唐人街多處向正在睡覺的流浪漢施襲,造成四死一傷;周一有多名居民和流浪漢手持康乃馨到場悼念。當局公布其中三名死者的身份,其中一人為八十三歲華裔老翁郭全(Chuen Kok,音譯),據報他移民自香港,只懂說廣東話。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191009/00180_021.html
- coin case
- http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/law-crime/article/1916027/penny-drops-hong-kong-recycling-firm-faces-lawsuits-over
- http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/education-community/article/1928685/city-does-not-define-him-says-hongkonger-who, http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/education-community/article/1931132/guggenheim-exhibition-curator-weng-xiaoyu-hopes
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20160404/PDF/a21_screen.pdf 拔萃男書院的藝術劇場,上週六座無虛席,一場用英語和粵語主持的為香港截肢聯合會籌款的慈善音樂會在這裏舉行。這場由香港聯青會和美國洛杉磯青少年奧林匹克交響樂團共同舉辦的經典音樂會,將香港和美國兩地的青年音樂愛好者聯繫起來,以音樂為媒介,將香港和美國對有需要人群的關心和愛意融為一體。
- Us found shipments of 洋垃圾 from hk back to us (after obtaining useful recycke parts) under false label
http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20151001/PDF/a24_screen.pdf 美國三藩市黑幫“致公堂”龍頭、綽號“蝦仔”的港人移民周國祥(下圖右),涉嫌勒索洗黑錢,正面臨對當局起訴,將於11月初開庭受審。日前,一名聯邦檢察官表示,有證據顯示,周國祥還参與策劃了2006年唐人街僑領樑藝的槍殺命案。如果證據確鑿,這將是周國祥自2014年3月被捕後所面臨的又一項新指控。 9月28日,一名聯邦檢察官在法庭上表示,已經掌握周國祥参與策劃2006年樑藝(又名樑毅,Allen Leung)謀殺案的證據。負責審理周國祥一案的法官查布萊爾表示,如果證據確鑿,檢方應提出謀殺罪指控。三藩市華埠僑領樑藝生前擔任五洲洪門致公總堂總會長和中華民國僑務委員等職務。2006年的2月27日,在其位於中國城的貿易公司內遭蒙面歹徒槍殺。聯邦調查局(FBI)隨後介入偵辦,至今沒有破案。而周國祥在樑藝死後6個月迅速成為致公堂會長和龍頭。檢察官指出周國祥能夠成為樑藝的繼任者,是靠謀殺而不是憑藉生意頭腦。周國祥的辯護律師布里格斯則斷言檢方根本沒有證據。
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