- The Lesotho National Development Corporation (LNDC) is the main parastatal of the Government of Lesotho charged with the implementation of the country’s industrial development policies.http://www.lndc.org.ls
http://edition.cnn.com/2014/11/21/business/lesotho-trout-for-japan/index.html?hpt=wo_t3 Thanks to Highlands Trout, and their operation 2,200m above sea level in the Maluti Mountains, supermarket shoppers in Osaka, Kyoto and Tokyo can now get their seafood fix from the landlocked African nation." Lesotho provide(s) ideal, pristine environmental conditions for the farming of large trout," explains Fred Formanek, managing partner of Advance Africa Management Services, who has developed the Highlands Trout project since 2009. "Water temperatures are close to ideal [for trout] for most of the year due to the altitude."
- 非洲小國萊索托的數千名農民周五往國會示威,抗議政府規定他們把羊毛及優質的馬海毛,售予一間中國中介商。該中介去年與該國簽訂壟斷有關產品購買權的協議,但被指拖欠貨款。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190629/00180_021.html