Friday, June 7, 2019


- tanzania investment centre
- zanzibar investment promotion agency
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BagamoyoTanzania, is a town founded at the end of the 18th century. It was (also spelled Bagamoyo) the original capital of German East Africa and was one of the most important trading ports along the East African coast.Bagamoyo was the most important trading entrepot of the east central coast of Africa in the late 19th century. Bagamoyo's history has been influenced by Indian and Arab traders, by the German colonial government and by Christian missionaries. About 5 km (3 mi) south of Bagamoyo, the Kaole Ruins with remnants of two mosques and a couple of tombs can be dated back to the 13th century, showing the importance of Islam in those early Bagamoyo times. Until the middle of the 18th century, Bagamoyo was a small and insignificant trading center where most of the population were fishermen and farmers. The main trading goods were fish, salt, and gum, among other things. In the late 18th century Muslim families settled in Bagamoyo, all of which were relatives of Shamvi la Magimba in Oman. They made their living by enforcing taxes on the native population and by trading in salt, gathered from the Nunge coast north of Bagamoyo. In the first half of the 19th century, Bagamoyo became a trading port for ivory and the slave trade, with traders coming from the African interior, from places as far as MorogoroLake Tanganyika and Usambara on their way to Zanzibar. This explains the meaning of the word Bagamoyo ("Bwaga-Moyo") which means "Lay down your Heart" in Swahili. It is disputed whether this refers to the slave trade which passed through the town (i.e. "give up all hope") or to the porters who rested in Bagamoyo after carrying 35 lb cargos on their shoulders from the Great Lakes region (i.e. "take the load off and rest"). Since there is little evidence to support that Bagamoyo was a major slave port (Kilwa, much further south, has earned this status[citation needed]), and that tens of thousands of porters arrived at Bagamoyo annually in the latter half of the 19th century, it is more likely that the name of the town derives from the latter interpretation.
- china

  • Discussions are ongoing to get the China-backed US$10 billion Bagamoyo Port project in Tanzania, which was “suspended indefinitely” by the east African nation’s president because of disagreements over the terms, back on track, its ambassador to Beijing said on Thursday. The troubled project was “not off the table” and the remaining issues could be sorted after consultations between the Tanzanian government and investor China Merchants Port Holdings, Mbelwa Kairuki told reporters during a visit to Hong Kong. Of the 29 issues still to be resolved, four might require parliamentary action – such as formulating a legal mechanism for the operation of the special economic zone alongside the port – he said.
Chunya District
  • 坦桑尼亞西南部姆貝亞省伊夫姆博區(Ifumbo)近日爆發不明疾病,患者出現不斷吐血及嘔吐等症狀,至今已有10多人喪命,仍有50多人住院接受治療。衞生部已下令調查,並呼籲民眾保持冷靜。

Dar es Salaam (from Arabicدار السلام‎‎ Dār as-Salām ("the place of peace"), formerly Mzizima) is the largest city of TanzaniaUntil 1974 Dar es Salaam served as Tanzania’s capital city which is since the completed move in 1996 Dodoma. Nevertheless, it remains focus of the permanent central government bureaucracy and is Tanzania's most prominent city in arts, fashion, media, music, film and television. It is Tanzania's leading financial center with the Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange (DSE) being the country's first and most important stock exchange market.[4] The city is the leading arrival and departure point for most tourists who visit tourism areas in Tanzania like the national parks for safaris and the islands of Zanzibar. Dar es Salaam is also the largest and most populous Swahili-speaking city in the world.In the 19th century, Mzizima (Kiswahili for "healthy town") was a coastal fishing village on the periphery of Indian Ocean trade routes.[6][7] In 1865 or 1866, Sultan Majid bin Said of Zanzibar began building a new city very close to Mzizima[7]and named it Dar es Salaam. The name is commonly translated as "abode/home of peace", based on the Arabic dar ("house"), and the Arabic es salaam ("of peace").[7] Dar es Salaam fell into decline after Majid's death in 1870, but was revived in 1887 when the German East Africa Company established a station there. The town's growth was facilitated by its role as the administrative and commercial centre of German East Africa and industrial expansion resulting from the construction of the Central Railway Line in the early 1900s. German East Africa was captured by the British during World War I and became Tanganyika, with Dar es Salaam the administrative and commercial centre. Under British indirect rule, separate European (e.g., Oyster Bay) and African (e.g., Kariakoo and Ilala) areas developed at a distance from the city centre. The city's population also included a large number of south Asians. After World War II, Dar es Salaam experienced a period of rapid growth. Political developments, including the formation and growth of the Tanganyika African National Union, led to Tanganyika attaining independence from colonial rule in December 1961. Dar es Salaam continued to serve as its capital, even when in 1964 Tanganyika and Zanzibar merged to form Tanzania. In 1973, however, provisions were made to relocate the capital to Dodoma, a more centrally located city in the interior. The relocation process has not yet been completed, and Dar es Salaam remains Tanzania's primary city. In 1967, the Tanzanian government declared the Ujamaa policy, that set Tanzania into a socialist path. The move slowed down the potential growth of the city as the government encouraged people not to move in cities but stay in Ujamaa socialist villages. But by 1980's the Ujamaa policy proved to be a failure into combating increasing poverty, hunger, and delayed development that Tanzania faced. This led to the 1980s liberalization policy that virtually ended socialism and its spirit within the Tanzania's government. The move led to increasing migration of rural dwellers from rural areas into cities with Dar es Salaam becoming the leading city in receiving migrants from rural areas.

Laetoli is a site in Tanzania, dated to the Plio-Pleistocene and famous for its hominin footprints, preserved in volcanic ash. The site of the Laetoli footprints (Site G) is located 45 km south of Olduvai gorge. The location and tracks were discovered by archaeologist Mary Leakey in 1976, and were excavated by 1978. Based on analysis of the footfall impressions "The Laetoli Footprints" provided convincing evidence for the theory of bipedalism in Pliocene hominins and received significant recognition by scientists and the public. Since 1998, paleontological expeditions have continued under the leadership of Dr. Amandus Kwekason of the National Museum of Tanzania and Dr. Terry Harrison of New York University, leading to the recovery of more than a dozen new hominin finds, as well as a comprehensive reconstruction of the paleoecology.

馬拉區Mara Region is one of Tanzania's 31 administrative regions. The regional capital is the municipality of MusomaThe Mara Region is the home of Tanzania's first president, Julius Nyerere. The Mara Region was also the birthplace of Benga music.[citation needed]

 莫羅戈羅 Morogoro is the capital of the Morogoro Region. It is also known informally as "Mji kasoro bahari", which translates as "city short of an ocean/port".Morogoro lies at the base of the Uluguru Mountains and is a centre of agriculture in the region. The Sokoine University of Agriculture is based in the city. A number of missions are also located in the city, providing schools and hospitals. Morogoro is the home of Salim Abdullah, who was the founder of the Cuban Marimba jazz band, and the Morogoro Jazz Band, another well-known band established in 1944.[4] From the mid-1960s to the 1970s, Morogoro was home to one of Tanzania's most influential and celebrated musicians, Mbaraka Mwinshehe, a lead guitarist and singer-songwriter.Morogoro is home to the Amani Centre, which has helped over 3,400 disabled people in the surrounding villages.莫羅戈羅盛產水稻、甘蔗和熱帶水果與蔬菜。在殖民時代,莫羅戈羅市郊有大面只的劍麻種植園,作為出口生產的經濟作物。坦尚尼亞是世界上第二大生產國。
Im Jahre 1904 wurde Morogoro Sitz des Bezirksamtes Morogoro von Deutsch-Ostafrika. Als im Jahre 1907 die Tanganjikabahn Morogoro erreichte, hatte der Ort etwa 800 Einwohner. Durch den Bahnanschluss nahm Morogoro einen schnellen Aufschwung. Es hatte 1910 schon doppelt soviele Einwohner und 1913 ungefähr 3000. 1910 wurde in Morogoro eine Fruchtkulturstation gegründet und die Anzucht von Obstbäumen begann, mit der Abgabe von Saat und Pflänzlingen an die Bevölkerung.1963 verlegte der südafrikanische African National Congress (ANC) auf der Grundlage einer Kooperationsofferte des damaligen tansanischen Präsidenten Julius Nyerere Organisationsstrukturen (Provisional Headquarters) nach Morogoro. Seit 1965 galt dieser Ort als Hauptquartier des ANC, das von 1966 an voll funktionsfähig arbeitete. Der Secretary General des ANC, Alfred Nzo, hatte in Morogoro seinen Sitz. Das Zentralkommando (MK Central Operations HQ) seiner militärischen Organisation MK war hier bis 1976 ansässig. Seine beiden Hauptkommandos für die West- und Ostfront residierten später in Maputo (ab 1976) und Lusaka (ab 1977).Im Jahre 1969 fand hier die 1. Nationale Konsultativkonferenz des ANC statt, in deren Verlauf eine grundlegende Überprüfung und Neuausrichtung seiner politischen Strategie erfolgte. Dazu zählte das Verhältnis zwischen den eigenen politischen und militärischen Aktivitäten, die Reorganisation seiner Untergrundstruktur in Südafrika und die weitere Vernetzung mit anderen nationalen Befreiungsbewegungen im südlichen Afrika.Nahe der Stadt existierte von 1978 bis 1992 das Solomon Mahlangu Freedom College des ANC. Diese Anlage war eine Exil-Bildungseinrichtung während der Apartheidsperiode in Südafrika, die ebenso mit Unterstützung von Julius Nyerere seit 1977 geschaffen wurde. Das Lehrpersonal bestand aus einer international zusammengesetzten Gruppe. Nach seiner Schließung wurden Teilbereiche in die Sokoine University of Agriculture integriert.

The Olduvai Gorge or Oldupai Gorge in Tanzania is one of the most important paleoanthropological sites in the world; it has proven invaluable in furthering understanding of early human evolution. A steep-sided ravine in the Great Rift Valley that stretches across East Africa, it is about 48 km (30 mi) long, and is located in the eastern Serengeti Plainswithin the Ngorongoro Conservation Area in the Arusha Region, about 45 kilometres (28 miles) from Laetoli, another important archaeological site of early human occupation. The British/Kenyan paleoanthropologist-archeologist team Mary and Louis Leakey established and developed the excavation and research programs at Olduvai Gorge which achieved great advances of human knowledge and world-renowned status.The gorge takes its name from the Maasaiword oldupai which means "the place of the wild sisal" as the East African wild sisal (Sansevieria ehrenbergii) grows abundantly throughout the gorge area. Homo habilis, probably the first early human species, occupied Olduvai Gorge approximately 1.9 million years ago (mya); then came a contemporary australopithecineParanthropus boisei, 1.8 mya, followed by Homo erectus, 1.2 mya. Our species Homo sapiens, which is estimated to have emerged roughly 300,000 years ago, is dated to have occupied the site 17,000 years ago.
-領導研究的加拿大卡爾加里大學考古學教授默卡德爾(Julio Mercader),與非洲及歐美多個研究領域的人員,在連接奧杜瓦伊峽谷邊緣和底部的埃瓦斯奧爾杜帕遺址發掘,結果發現大批石器,包括石斧、石英薄片、石芯,以及動物骨頭化石。團隊分析出土的工具及附近因天然山火遺下的灰炭、河床泥土、植物等留下的化學物質「氬」,判斷石器屬於200萬年前的更新世初期。團隊又發現,石器製造時期橫跨長達20萬年,期間埃瓦斯奧爾杜帕因火山活動經歷多次環境和生態變化,曾出現河流和湖泊、林地、乾燥草原等。團隊雖然在遺址沒發現人類骸骨或化石,但在該處350米外另一年代較短的地方的沉積物下,發現被認為最早在170萬年前已製造工具的人種「能人」骸骨,由此相信埃瓦斯奧爾杜帕遺址的石器,是當時人類製造的工具。

Shinyanga, also known as Shinyanga mji in the local Swahili language, is a city in northern Tanzania. The city is the location of the regional headquarters of Shinyanga Region as well as the district headquarters of Shinyanga Urban District

烏盧古魯山脈  The Uluguru Mountains are a mountain range in eastern Tanzania, named after the Luguru tribe.The local people of the Ulugurus are the Waluguru tribe people. They have been living in the mountains for several hundred years, coming from other areas of Tanzania. Their land ownership is through the female line and women are powerful in village life, in contrast to other tribes in Tanzania where men own the land and make most of the decisions about its use and management.

- Confederation of Tanzania Industries is a Business Membership Organisation that was launched in July 1991. It is an independent, self-financed, legally constituted organisation that serves its members by speaking out on their behalf and generally representing their interests. The main aim of CTI is to ensure that there is a conducive legal, financial and economic environment within which industry can operate effectively, prosper and contribute to national wealth and development.

trade and investment environment
- internet

  • Tanzania’s government has come up with a scheme that could prove even more draconian: it plans to charge hundreds of dollars a year for the privilege of blogging. As part of new online regulations, bloggers will be required to pay hefty registration and annual licence fees that add up to roughly $920 — prohibitive for most in a country with a nominal per capita income of under $900. In proportion to GDP, the Tanzanian registration and licence fee would be the equivalent of asking Americans to pay nearly $60,000 to start a blog.
John Joseph Magufuli (born 29 October 1959) is a Tanzanian politician and the President of Tanzania, in office since 2015. First elected as a Member of Parliament in 1995, he served in the Cabinet of Tanzania as Deputy Minister of Works from 1995 to 2000, Minister of Works from 2000 to 2006, Minister of Lands and Human Settlement from 2006 to 2008, Minister of Livestock and Fisheries from 2008 to 2010, and as Minister of Works for a second time from 2010 to 2015. Running as the candidate of the ruling CCM, he won the October 2015 presidential election and was sworn in on 5 November 2015. Magufuli's presidency has been marked by a focus on reducing government corruption and spending.

  • President Magufuli identifies himself as a devout Catholic. But he has been publicly denounced by the Conference of Catholic Bishops of Tanzania for taking measures that suppress constitutional freedoms and, in the view of the bishops, represent a threat to national unity.Tanzania's President John Magufuli has died aged 61, the country's vice-president has announced.He died on Wednesday from heart complications at a hospital in Dar es Salaam, Samia Suluhu Hassan said in an address on state television.Mr Magufuli had not been seen in public for more than two weeks, and rumours had been circulating about his health.Opposition politicians said last week that he had contracted Covid-19, but this has not been confirmed.Mr Magufuli was one of Africa's most prominent coronavirus sceptics, and called for prayers and herbal-infused steam therapy to counter the virus.

- A U.S. aid agency has canceled nearly $500 million of funding for Tanzania after disputed elections in the Zanzibar archipelago of the east African country. The U.S. government's Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) said the March 20 vote in semi-autonomous Zanzibar violated Tanzania's commitment to democracy and free and fair elections. The agency's board said Tanzania has "engaged in a pattern of actions inconsistent with MCC’s eligibility criteria", and it had voted to suspend its partnership with the government. A Tanzanian government official said the canceled U.S. funding was marginal and would not have a direct impact on the government's upcoming 2016/17 budget. Tanzania won a five-year package of grants in 2008 worth $698 million from MCC, an independent U.S. government foreign aid agency, but the award of a second round of grants has now been shelved.

- Tanzania and Acacia Mining have agreed to negotiate a resolution to an escalating dispute over the London-listed company’s operations in the country that threatens the miner’s future. The breakthrough came after John Thornton, executive chairman of Canada’s Barrick Gold, which owns 63.9 per cent of Acacia, flew to Tanzania to meet President John Magufuli. The east African country has accused Acacia of operating illegally and cheating the country of tens of billions of dollars by understating by more than 10 times the gold and copper concentrate levels in its mineral exports.
  •  Shares in beleaguered gold miner Acacia surged as much as 30pc after its majority owner Barrick revealed it had struck a tentative deal to resolve a bitter dispute with the Tanzanian government.
  • ft 23may19 barrick offer books to end acacia's tanzania tangle
German East Africa (German: Deutsch-Ostafrika) (GEA) was a German colony in the African Great Lakes region, which included present-day Burundi, Rwanda, and the mainland part of Tanzania. GEA's area was 994,996 square kilometres (384,170 sq mi),[1][2] which was nearly three times the area of present-day Germany, and double the area of metropolitan Germany then. The colony was organised when the German military was asked in the late 1880s to put down a revolt against the activities of the German East Africa Company. It ended with Imperial Germany's defeat in World War I. Ultimately, GEA was divided between Britain, Belgium and Portugal and was reorganised as a mandate of the League of Nations.

  • proposed coat of arms has the eagle of german flag and a lions head; proposed flag is a lion's head on a red shield with 3 horizontal stripes of black, white and red

- ties

  • 9月29日,在人民大會堂金色大廳, 薩利姆代表自己的父親從國家主席習近 平手中鄭重接受中國涉外最高榮譽 「友 誼勳章」 。她對大公報記者用 「忠誠」 和 「奉獻」 描述她心目中的慈父──坦 桑尼亞前總理、坦中友協會長薩利姆. 艾哈邁德.薩利姆。 「許多人稱我父親 是非洲之子,他還是中國的摯友。」 薩 利姆說, 「中國授予父親的至高榮譽將 激勵整個非洲大陸。」 1970年至1980年,薩利姆擔任坦 桑尼亞駐聯合國代表。1971年,第26 屆聯合國大會宣布恢復中華人民共和國 在聯合國合法席位時,一些非洲國家與 會代表當場起舞,薩利姆便是其中之一 。

- 斯薩拉姆港
  • 非洲國家坦桑尼亞積極協助中方發展「一帶一路」,該國政府據報上周六與中國港灣工程有限責任公司(下稱中國港灣)簽署價值一億五千萬美元(約十二億港元)的合同,以擴建該國最大城市達累斯薩拉姆的主要港口。
- 坦桑尼亞總統馬古富力(John Magufuli)廢除與中國簽署、用於擴建巴加莫約港口的一百億美元(約七百八十億港元)貸款協議。報道指,馬古富力自二○一五年上任後,便與中國重啟談判,希望將租賃時間從九十九年降至三十三年,且中方必須經許可才能在港口進行相關業務,惟因中方未在馬古富利提出的期限內展開對話,故坦桑尼亞宣布廢除協議。此前報道指,巴加莫約港具戰略意義,在港口建成後,來自中東及非洲的石油天然氣商船,可通過巴加莫約港及巴基斯坦瓜達爾港,直接運抵中國,不用經過馬六甲海峽。
- railway

  • Tanzania has awarded contracts to build new railway lines worth about $9 billion to Chinese firms, its transport minister said, expanding Beijing's presence in East Africa's second-biggest economy.  Transport Minister Samuel Sitta told parliament on Saturday a Chinese consortium had been awarded a contract to build a 2,561 km (1,536 miles) standard gauge railway connecting Dar es Salaam port to land-locked neighbours at a cost of $7.6 billion.  "A consortium of Chinese railway companies led by China Railway Materials (CRM) has been picked to help us build the railway line," he said.  The consortium will provide 10 percent of the funding for the project while financial adviser Rothschild is finalising procedures for financing of the project through banks, Sitta said.  The minister said construction of the railway line was expected to start in June.  He said Tanzania had signed a framework agreement with another Chinese company, China Railway No.2 Engineering Group Co. Ltd., to build a railway line linking coal and iron ore mine projects, also under development by a Chinese group, to the southern port of Mtwara near big offshore natural gas discoveries. 據路透社報道,坦桑尼亞交通部長 西塔表示,坦桑尼亞總金額約 90億美元的 2條新建鐵 路合約,已由中國企業得標,預定本月開工。路透社 稱,中國頻頻拿下東非鐵路大單,是官方帶動中國經 濟向外發展,促進經濟轉型的重要之舉。 報道指出,根據這份協議,在未來 4年裡,中企將 幫助坦桑尼亞修建一條新的標準軌距中央鐵路線。該 鐵路將以達累斯薩拉姆市為起點,聯通包括盧旺達、 烏干達、布隆迪以及剛果等多個內陸國家。 西塔表示 ,「我們已經選擇以中鐵物資為代表的中 國鐵路企業來幫我們修建這一條鐵路」。他還透露, 中企將為鐵路修建提供10%的基金。 另外,坦桑尼亞還與中國的中鐵二局集團達成架構 協議,將修建一條聯接當地中資企業煤、鐵礦區與坦 桑尼亞南部港口城市姆特瓦拉之間的鐵路,總金額 14 億美元。
  • 由中國交通建 設集團(中交建)承建的坦桑尼亞姆貝亞─盧萬 吉羅公路項目於當地時間3日竣工通車。 該項目全長36公里,合同金額4200萬美元, 起點在坦桑尼亞西南部城市姆貝亞,向北延伸至 盧萬吉羅,是該國西南部地區國家主幹道路的重 要組成部分。項目全段沿山脊修建,平均海拔超 過2000米,是坦國境內海拔最高公路。
  • The state-backed research institute, under the Agriculture Ministry of Tanzania, is partnering with the Demonstration Center of China Agricultural Technology to provide demonstrations of improved cultivars and techniques, and to train local farmers and technicians about local and Chinese agricultural technologies, particularly rice. The demo center is one of the 14 centers proposed by China at the Beijing Summit of the Forum of China-Africa Cooperation in 2006.
    Handed over to the Tanzanian government in 2011, the Chinese-built center cost about $6 million on a 153.2 acres (62 hectares) piece of land. Construction and design were completed by the Chongqing Zhongyi Seeds Industry Co under Chongqing Academy of Agricultural Sciences. It consists of experimental fields, offices, laboratory and training area, together with 123.6 acres under irrigation. The partnership has also spread to maize tissue culture, vegetable tissue culture, banana tissue culture and poultry farming. Together, the researchers have been able bridge information and knowledge barrier hindering adoption of improved rice farming technology by farmers.
- investors from China
  •  CJ Smart Cargo Group
- tanzanians in china

  • Patrick Samuel, a 42-year-old Tanzanian entrepreneur in Beijing.
- ivory
  • 有「象牙女王」之稱的中國女商人楊鳳蘭(Yang Feng Glan,音譯),去年因涉嫌走私象牙在非洲坦桑尼亞被捕。楊鳳蘭日前在當地出庭應訊時否認控罪,但若罪成將面臨監禁逾二十年。
  • 駐非洲國家坦桑尼亞的中資企業,近日出動挖泥機等工具前往野生動物保護區,參與了一次拯救被困深坑大象的行動,獲當地民眾廣傳消息。

- delegation from hk
  • china daily 12jul19 "tanzania eyes hksar as asian trading hub" leung tin-fu of paper communication exhibition services will lead a delegation to tanzania at end july

- singtao 17apr2020 siu sai wo article journalists who has worked in tanzania granted scholarship

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