Thursday, June 27, 2019

trees and flowers (4)

- literary references in china
- 道教認為,服食草木類藥物可以益壽延年。菊花正是他們研究成果中的長壽花。葛洪《西京雜記》載:「漢武帝宮人賈佩蘭稱(漢高祖愛姬戚夫人的侍女,回憶漢宮生活說),九月九日佩茱萸、食蓬餌、飲菊花酒,云令人長壽」。他在《抱朴子》寫延年益壽故事:「古代南陽郡酈縣,一個叫甘谷的村子,漫山遍野長滿菊花,山泉從山上菊花叢中流過,流入山谷。風過後,花瓣散落水中,山泉水變得甘美無比,有股菊花香味。谷中山民,常 飲此水,特別長壽。一般活到130歲。」 陶弘景認為,菊花可以「療腰痛去來陶 陶,除胸中煩熱,安腸胃,利五脈,調四 肢」,而且以白菊為最佳,「仙經以菊為 妙用,但難多得,宜常服之」,他還強調 服用白菊花能令頭髮不白。 3人中最高壽的孫思邈將菊花的採集和儲 存方法都記述下來。他在《急備千金藥方》 中說:「九月九日,取鄧州甘菊花,曝乾, 作末,以未饋中蒸做酒——用以治頭目眩 暈。」這就是傳說中延年益壽的「菊花 酒」。他們看中菊花視為仙藥,並非毫無根 據。最早的藥學著作《神農本草經》中把菊 花列為上品,並記載菊花藥用價值:「菊花 味苦性平,主治風邪所致頭眩暈脹痛。眼淚 流不止。長期服用,能使氣血通利,身體輕 巧,延緩衰老,壽命延長。」這麼重要的 花,當然要有個節日。東漢方士費長房有次 對他的弟子桓景說:「九月九汝南會有大災 難,你帶全家登高,到山頂飲菊花酒,可避 禍。」「桓景聽師命,待全家從山上回來, 發現家中雞犬全死了。」從此,重陽節登高 飲菊花酒避邪成了傳統習俗。後來,喝登高 飲酒之外,又加入賞菊花,簪菊花,吃菊花 糕,還有吃螃蟹,把九月九稱「菊花節」。

大波斯菊(Cosmos bipinnatus),又名秋英、波斯菊、秋樱、苕帚梅、笤帚梅、扫帚梅、帚梅、大春車菊大春菊格桑花,是菊科秋英属一年生草本植物,原产於墨西哥海拔1600-2800米的高原地区。属名及英文俗名Cosmos是由西班牙牧师植物学安东尼奥·何塞·卡瓦尼列命名的,源於希腊语κόσμος”一词,意为秩序、和谐、饰物、勋章、世界、宇宙,而英语中表示“宇宙”的词之一也是源於这一希腊语单词,拼写与秋英屬的学名Cosmos完全相同,易引起混淆。不过由於大波斯菊具有很强的适应性和繁殖力,现已在世界上多个国家成为自然生长的野花或园艺栽培花卉,从而根据英文得到“宇宙之花”这一美称。种加词bipinnatus意为“二回羽状的”,反映出其叶的特点。山口百惠的歌曲《秋桜》就是描写这种花卉,表现了出嫁前的女儿对母亲的感恩与不舍。中國版畫博物館 picture
- korea

  • 江陵波斯菊慶典 in korea
  • hket 18sep19 c2 locations 

- japan

  • 語源「コスモス」(κόσμος, kósmos)はギリシャ語の「宇宙」の「秩序」を意味し[6]、「コスモス」とはラテン語で星座の世界=秩序をもつ完結した世界体系としての宇宙の事である。 対義語は、「カオス(ケイオス)」(χάος, khaos)混沌である。アキザクラ(秋桜)とも言う。

  •  宮崎縣 生駒高原
  • mentioned in 雛鳥,in 奧茨城, translated as 秋英

- singha park, chiang rai 波斯菊花田
- myth
  • 大波斯菊公主,波斯菊国王的小女儿,巫婆算命说,她是个永远的孤独者。这是波斯菊王国里最强的诅咒,没有任何人能够破解这个诅咒。所以,波斯菊公主一个人住在公主城堡里面。大波斯菊公主一个人在城堡里度过了很久很久,每天日升月落,总是她一个人,寂寞总在无时无刻地侵蚀着她的心。特别是黑夜,因为黑夜总是很长很难熬过去.她常常在夜里坐在花园里的秋千上独自哭泣。最后的最后,过了好久好久,一个来自远方的骑士路过公主的城堡,看到大波斯菊公主一个人,这是一场华丽遇见。骑士和波斯菊公主一见钟情,两个人相爱了。幸福的摩天轮降临,大波斯菊公主的诅咒被解开了。这个故事里没有王子,因为只有勇敢的骑士才可以带给她幸福。藏族有个传说:不管是谁,只要找到八瓣格桑花,就找到了幸福。
蜡菊属The genus Helichrysum /hɛlɪˈkrsəm/ consists of an estimated 600 species of flowering plants in the sunflower family (Asteraceae). The type species is Helichrysum orientale. The name is derived from the Greek words ἑλίσσω (helisso, to turn around) and χρῡσός (chrysos, gold).It occurs in Africa (with 244 species in South Africa), Madagascar, Australasia and Eurasia. 
Helichrysum italicum (synonym Helichrysum angustifolium) is steam distilled to produce a yellow-reddish essential oil popular in fragrance for its unique scent, best described as a mixture of burnt sugar and ham. 

- *****The area of FYROM/Vardarska/Skopje ie “North Macedonia” was called Paeonia and was greek speaking for millennia, many of whom are still there (slavo/bulgophones). Indeed many areas such as Southern Albania (Northern Epirus traditionally) still have sizable Greek-speaking minorities. [comments section]

Paeonia suffruticosa is a name used for a group of culture varieties of tree peonies that are the result of hybridisation with species exclusively belonging to the subsection Vaginatae. The common name used in China is 牡丹 (mu dan). Plants belonging to this group have been cultivated for millennia in China, initially only as a source of traditional Chinese medicine particularly the skin of its roots is used as 牡丹皮 (mu dan pi). Already early on the plant was also cultivated for its ornamental value, and it is highly revered in Chinese culture.Paeonia suffruticosa has always had an important status in both Chinese politics and culture. During the Qing Dynasty (1644 -1911), the government in 1903 appointed Paeonia suffruticosa as China’s national flower. However, with political shifts and other factors, its title as the national flower was later replaced. In 1929, the plum tree was granted the title of national flower by the government at the time. Despite its loss of status of being the national flower, Paeonia suffruticosa maintains cultural significance. In China, it is generally known as the “king of flowers”, symbolizing honor, wealth, and aristocracy, as well as love, affection, and feminine beauty. The tree peony has been frequently portrayed in significant Chinese works of literature and art.
- [provincial maps of china published by  中国地图出版社 sinomaps] 隋炀帝喜爱牡丹,天下的牡丹花和牡丹花匠纷纷被招到洛阳
《赏牡丹》是唐代文学家刘禹锡创作的一首托物咏怀诗。此诗描绘了唐朝惯有的观赏牡丹的习俗。- 唯有牡丹真国色
- luoyang is peony capital; peony festival in luoyang 定鼎门 (upgraded as national event since 2010)

  • 第38屆中國洛陽牡丹文化節早前以線上直播的方式「雲端」開幕,活動將持續到5月5日結束,當中共策劃五大項活動,着力打造「雲端」文化節會。

- costume of miao ethnic group in hunan zhangjiajie has a peony flower which they claimed is china's national flower (tv programme on avatar and zhangjiajie)
- []peony root can trigger cell activation, proliferation and also would healing
- 在北京,栽種牡丹的公園頗多,像中山公園、地壇公園、北京植物園、中科院植物所北京植物園、陶然亭、北海、圓明園、戒台寺都闢有牡丹園。連新建的南海子郊野公園裡,也栽種了許多牡丹。但最為集中的則是市中心的景山公園。
- 勞允澍、譚美容夫婦二人皆為嶺南畫派「隔山派」第四代畫家,以寫牡丹為能事,曾拜師「牡丹王」張韶石,也因其結緣;譚美容後攻於工筆,師承近代宋院名家于非闇再傳弟子唐鴻,以隔山為基,嶺南為韻,寫宋人之筆墨。  牡丹雖多 株株不同  勞允澍、譚美容二人曾於加拿大居住多年,勞允澍向大公報記者提及夫婦二人為畫牡丹,曾在加國種植一片牡丹園,園內有草本牡丹百四株,二人時常在此寫生。記者在現場看到,展出的牡丹圖雖多,但各具神態,株株不同。為畫牡丹,夫婦倆還曾前往河南洛陽觀摩。

Paeonia lactiflora (Chinese peony or common garden peony) is a species of herbaceous perennial flowering plant in the family Paeoniaceae, native to central and eastern Asia from eastern Tibet across northern China to eastern Siberia.シャクヤク芍薬)はボタン科の多年草。牡丹が「花王」と呼ばれるのに対し、芍薬は花の宰相、「花相」と呼ばれる。ボタンが樹木であるのに対して、シャクヤクは草本である。そのため、冬には地上部が枯れてしまい休眠する。ボタンの台木として使用されるが、シャクヤク自体の花も美しく、中国の代には育種が始まった。江戸時代には「茶花」として鑑賞され、品種改良も行われた古典園芸植物でもある。また熊本藩では武士の素養として園芸を重要視し、奨励された。特に六種類の植物が盛んに栽培、育種され、これを「肥後六花」と総称するが、キク朝顔椿等と共にシャクヤクもそこに加わっている。この熊本で育種された系統を「肥後芍薬」と呼ぶ。これを含め日本のシャクヤクは一重咲きが中心で、特に雄蕊が大きく発達して盛り上がり花の中央部を飾るものが多く、全般にすっきりした花容である。この花型を「金蕊咲き」と呼び、海外では「ジャパニーズ・タイプ」と呼んでいる。花の形は「一重咲き」「八重咲き」「翁咲き」などがある。中国で、宋代には育種が始まっている。近代に入り西洋にも紹介され、19世紀には特にフランスで品種改良がなされ、豪華な千重咲き大輪の品種群が生まれた。明治時代以降の日本では、神奈川県農事試験場がこれらを導入し従来の日本の品種群との交配を重ねて、新たな一群が作られた。その後日本でも切り花用品種の育成が続いているほか、伊藤東一によりボタンの黄花品種との交配により濃黄色の品種がいくつか生まれ、世界的にも注目された。また20世紀後半にはアメリカでの育種が進み、いくつかの近縁種との種間交雑も試みられ、従来にない花色を備えたものもいろいろと現れている。外国での品種は「洋芍」とよばれる。シャクヤクまたは近縁植物の根は、消炎・鎮痛・抗菌・止血・抗けいれん作用がある生薬であり日本薬局方に収録されている。生薬名「芍薬」(シャクヤク)。初出は『神農本草経。漢方ではポピュラーな生薬で葛根湯十全大補湯芍薬甘草湯大柴胡湯当帰芍薬散など多くの漢方方剤に配合される。根には配糖体であるペオネフリン、アルカロイドであるペオニンが含まれる現在、中国では芍薬を赤芍白芍とを区別して用いている。一時期、赤花を赤芍、白花を白芍としたり、野生品を赤芍、栽培品を白芍としたりしたが、外皮をつけたまま乾燥したものを赤芍、外皮を取り去って乾燥させたものを白芍とするのが正しい区別であるLes premiers hybrideurs modernes de pivoine herbacée furent des Français travaillant dans des villages proches de Paris et à Nancy. Nicolas Lémon qui avait une pépinière à Belleville (à l’époque près de Paris) fut le premier Européen à produire et vendre des cultivars à partir de semis8. Il est le créateur du cultivar ‘Edulis Superba’ (1824), resté très populaire jusqu’à aujourd’hui auprès des jardiniers. Modeste Guérin qui travaillait à Charonne réussit le premier cultivar de pivoine ayant une touche de jaune. Un autre grand péoniste du XIXe est Félix Crousse, de Nancy, créateur de « M. Jules Élie » (1888) aux fleurs rose tendre, énormes et parfumées, toujours très demandé. A Nancy encore, Émile Lemoine fut le premier à croiser deux pivoines herbacées d’origine différentes : Paeonia lactiflora de Chine et P. wittmannania du Caucase. Deux de ces cultivars ‘Le Printemps’ et ‘Mai fleuri’ (1905) sont encore disponibles.- 芍藥花在我國已有3,000多年的栽培史,花瓣9至13枚,有白、粉、紅、紫、黃、綠、黑和灰色等等。其中,以揚州芍藥最富盛名,芍藥與「二十四橋」、「明月」構成了揚州風韻。芍藥適應性強,極耐寒。芍藥不僅賞心悅目,而且是卓有療效的中藥,其花、根均可入藥。芍藥初載於《神農本草經》,從南北朝陶弘景開始分白芍、赤芍兩種,曰:「芍藥今出白山、蔣山、茅山最好,白而長大,餘處亦有而多赤,赤者小利。」芍藥花可食用,熬粥、做湯、泡茶均可,色香味俱佳。
-******每年的四月到六 月之間,是蘆筍上市 的季節,我家附近就 有蘆筍田,那裏的農 戶也會在田頭直接賣 自己地裏的新鮮蘆 筍,價錢是超市的三 到五倍,但是人們仍 然願意前往購買,在 這段春意逐漸勃發的時節裏, 德國人見面經常會互相問: 「吃蘆筍了嗎?」 就好像老北 京之間問 「吃了嗎」 一樣,我時不常會在路過的時候 去往農戶的攤點前買蘆筍,那 裏不止有蘆筍,還有自家的各 種蔬菜水果和花卉,熱熱鬧鬧 花花綠綠,看着令人心生歡 喜。買鮮花本是經常的事,但 是每年到了這個季節,我會特 別注意一種特別的 「玫瑰」 。 這種 「玫瑰」 總是讓人千等萬 等,到了五月底六月初,蘆筍 都快下市的時候才出現,它們 在出賣的時候多是花骨朵,圓 滾滾的一個緊實的小球,鵪鶉 蛋或是鴿子蛋的大小,貌不驚 人,但是開起花來卻是層層疊 疊,巨大無比,在德國很少能 見到比這更大更雍容的花朵, 我每每驚嘆於這種神奇。 在德國,這種花被稱為 「 農 夫 的 玫 瑰 」 (Bauernrose),但現在更 多人按照其花期將它們稱作 「 聖 靈 降 臨 節 玫 瑰 」 (Pfingstrose)。但仔細對 比,就知道牡丹是木本,芍藥 是草本;牡丹的葉子如鴨掌, 而芍藥如雞掌;不僅如此,它 們的花期也不一樣,有話說 「穀雨看牡丹,立夏看芍 藥」 ,也就是說牡丹大約是在 四月中五月初開花,而芍藥要 晚半個月。我看了看插在花瓶 中的 「農夫玫瑰」 的葉子,前 端不分裂,一片片狹長獨立, 再想了想聖靈降臨節的日期, 每年都在五月底六月初的時 候,那麼,這 「聖靈降臨節玫 瑰」 應該是芍藥無疑了。

- sacred to chinese symbology since han dynasty, where people were given chrysanthemum wine on the ninth day of ninth lunar month to prolong their lives.
- a symbol of autumn

Asteraceae or Compositae (commonly referred to as the asterdaisycomposite, or sunflower family) is a very large and widespread family of flowering plants (Angiospermae).Asteraceae is an economically important family, providing products such as cooking oilslettucesunflower seedsartichokessweetening agents, coffee substitutes and herbal teas. Several genera are of horticultural importance, including pot marigold, Calendula officinalisEchinacea (cone flowers), various daisies, fleabanechrysanthemumsdahliaszinnias, and heleniums. Asteraceae are important in herbal medicine, including Grindeliayarrow, and many others. A number of species are considered invasive, including, most notably in North America, dandelion, which was originally introduced by European settlers who used the young leaves as a salad green.Commercially important plants in Asteraceae include the food crops Lactuca sativa (lettuce), Cichorium (chicory), Cynara scolymus (globe artichoke), Helianthus annuus (sunflower), Smallanthus sonchifolius (yacón), Carthamus tinctorius (safflower) and Helianthus tuberosus (Jerusalem artichoke). Plants are used as herbs and in herbal teas and other beverages. Chamomile, for example, comes from two different species: the annual Matricaria chamomilla (German chamomile) and the perennial Chamaemelum nobile (Roman chamomile). Calendula (known as pot marigold) is grown commercially for herbal teas and potpourri. Echinacea is used as a medicinal tea. The wormwood genus Artemisia includes absinthe (A. absinthium) and tarragon (A. dracunculus). Winter tarragon (Tagetes lucida), is commonly grown and used as a tarragon substitute in climates where tarragon will not survive.
- Many members of the family are grown as ornamental plants for their flowers, and some are important ornamental crops for the cut flower industry. Some examples are ChrysanthemumGerberaCalendulaDendranthemaArgyranthemumDahliaTagetesZinnia, and many others.Several species of this family possess medicinal properties. These are medically important in areas that don't have access to Western medicine.[citation needed]Members of the family are also commonly featured in medical and phytochemical journals because the sesquiterpene lactone compounds contained within them are an important cause of allergic contact dermatitis. Allergy to these compounds is the leading cause of allergic contact dermatitis in florists in the US.[26] Pollen from ragweed Ambrosia is among the main causes of so-called hay fever in the United States. Asteraceae are also used for some industrial purposes. Marigold (Tagetes patula) is common in commercial poultry feeds and its oil is extracted for uses in cola and the cigarette industry. Several members of the family are copious nectar producers[25] and are useful for evaluating pollinator populations during their bloom.[citation needed] Centaurea (knapweed), Helianthus annuus (domestic sunflower), and some species of Solidago (goldenrod) are major "honey plants" for beekeepers. Solidago produces relatively high protein pollen, which helps honey bees over winter.[citation needed]Some members of Asteraceae are economically important as weeds. Notable in the United States are Senecio jacobaea (ragwort), Senecio vulgaris (groundsel), nd Taraxacum (dandelion).[citation needed]The genera Chrysanthemum, Pulicaria, Tagetes, and Tanacetum contain species with useful insecticidal properties.Parthenium argentatum (guayule) is a source of hypoallergenic latex.
大麗菊属Dahlia),又名為大麗花大理花天竺牡丹Dahlia (UK: /dliə/ or US: /dɑːliə/) is a genus of bushy, tuberousherbaceous perennial plants native to Mexico. A member of the Asteraceae (or Compositae), dicotyledonous plants, related species include the sunflowerdaisychrysanthemum, and zinniaThe dahlia was declared the national flower of Mexico in 1963. The tubers were grown as a food crop by the Aztecs, but this use largely died out after the Spanish Conquest. Attempts to introduce the tubers as a food crop in Europe were unsuccessful.The Aztecs used them to treat epilepsy,[8] and employed the long hollow stem of the (Dahlia imperalis) for water pipes. The indigenous peoples variously identified the plants as "Chichipatl" (Toltecs) and "Acocotle" or "Cocoxochitl" (Aztecs). From Hernandez' perception of Aztec, to Spanish, through various other translations, the word is "water cane", "water pipe", "water pipe flower", "hollow stem flower" and "cane flower". All these refer to the hollowness of the plants' stem.1789年瑞典植物學家林奈的學生安德烈·达尔(Andrea Dahl)首次將之種於西班牙馬德里,因此用他的姓來命名。本屬約30個種。大麗菊在中国普遍栽培。大丽花是河北张家口市的市花。

  • theme flower of hk horticulture expo in 2018
- ******Mexican cempasúchil (marigold) (Tagetes erecta, the Mexican marigold or Aztec marigold,[2] is a species of the genus Tagetes native to Mexico. Despite its being native to the Americas, it is often called African marigold. In Mexico, this plant is found in the wild in the states of MéxicoPuebla, and Veracruz.) is the traditional flower used to honor the dead.
百日菊属 Zinnia is a genus of plants of the sunflower tribe within the daisy family.[3][4] They are native to scrub and dry grassland in an area stretching from the Southwestern United States to South America, with a centre of diversity in Mexico. Su nombre común es cinia.
拼音:shī 尸),又名欧蓍千叶蓍[1]锯草[2]蚰蜒草锯齿草西洋蓍草羽衣草[3]、魔鬼蕁麻Achillea millefolium, commonly known as yarrow (/ˈjær/) or common yarrow, is a flowering plant in the family Asteraceae. It is native to temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere in Asia and Europe and North America.[2] It has been introduced as a feed for livestock in New Zealand[3] and Australia, where it is a common weed of both wet and dry areas, such as roadsides, meadows, fields and coastal places.In New Mexico and southern Colorado, it is called plumajillo (Spanish for 'little feather') from its leaf shape and texture. In antiquity, yarrow was known as herba militaris, for its use in stanching the flow of blood from wounds.[4] Other common names for this species include gordaldo, nosebleed plant, old man's pepper, devil's nettle, sanguinary, milfoil, soldier's woundwort, thousand-leaf, and thousand-seal.The plant has a strong, sweet scent, similar to that of chrysanthemums.The English name yarrow comes from its Saxon (Old English) name gearwe, which is related to both the Dutch word gerw (alternately yerw[37]) and the Old High German word garawa.[38] In the eastern counties it may be called yarroway.千叶蓍全草可以入药,用于医治风湿痛和毒咬伤[5],在中国古代的《易经》中,用蓍草干燥的茎来占卜;中世纪欧洲,用来作为啤酒的添加剂;17世纪时,其嫩芽常作为蔬菜,可以烹饪或作汤。日本名為西洋鋸草的西洋蓍草精油,像蕨類般令人聯想起羽毛的葉片,別稱1000片葉片,綻開白色花,在蘇格蘭被認為有驅除惡靈的力量,故來占卜當護身府,且被教會使用。據神話記載,阿奇特巫師在特洛伊戰爭受傷時,士兵曾用西洋蓍草給予治療。對強身、治萬病有效的這種香藥草,也以改善經痛等婦女病聞名。精油呈現美麗的藍色,這是因含有稱為母菊薁的芳香成分所致,能幫助殺菌或抗炎症。
  • hkej 14apr2021 c6 evidence of usage by neanderthals in europe during old stone age

染料蓝草是指可以制造靛蓝染料、用于染布的多种植物的统称,跟花卉兰草不可混淆,二者外观、科属、成分、名称完全不同。其实蓝、蓝草是古代的叫法,近代民间一般都统称其为蓝靛凡可制取靛青(即靛蓝)的植物,均可统称为 “ 蓝 ” 。蓝草一般在小暑前后、白露前后两期采集。取净叶二十八斤,石灰十二斤拌成一料,四料便可做成一担蓝靛,因形如淤土,故又称“土靛”。 十字花科的菘蓝二年生栽培植物。主产于河北安国、江苏南通、浙江等地。爵床科马蓝则为灌木状多年生草木,主产于四川、云南、贵州、湖南等地,现江浙地区也有引种。靛蓝的粗制浮沫即中药青黛,蓝草的根即著名中药板蓝根,其果为中药蓝实。它们皆有杀菌消炎,清热解毒之药效,可用于防治流脑、流感及肝炎等传染疾病。李时珍在《本草纲目》中云:“凡蓝五种,各有主治……而作靛则一也。他依次指出有菘、蓼、马、木、苋五种蓝。除了以上蓝的种类外,另外尚有以下11种植物可以提炼出蓝色的染色色素:
- hkej 28jun19 yip fai article on 大蓝寮 (name probably came from people who planted 大蓝)

亞麻  Flax (Linum usitatissimum), also known as common flax or linseed, is a member of the genus Linum in the family Linaceae. It is a food and fiber crop cultivated in cooler regions of the world. Textiles made from flax are known in the Western countries as linen, and traditionally used for bed sheets, underclothes, and table linen. Its oil is known as linseed oil. In addition to referring to the plant itself, the word "flax" may refer to the unspun fibers of the flax plant. The plant species is known only as a cultivated plant,[2] and appears to have been domesticated just once from the wild species Linum bienne, called pale flax.The earliest evidence of humans using wild flax as a textile comes from the present-day Republic of Georgia, where spun, dyed, and knotted wild flax fibers were found in Dzudzuana Cave and dated to the Upper Paleolithic, 30,000 years ago. Flax was first domesticated in the Fertile Crescent region.[8] Evidence exists of a domesticated oilseed flax with increased seed size by 9,000 years ago from Tell Ramad in Syria.[8] Use of the crop steadily spread, reaching as far as Switzerland and Germany by 5,000 years ago.[9] In China and India, domesticated flax was cultivated also at least 5,000 years ago. Flax was cultivated extensively in ancient Egypt, where the temple walls had paintings of flowering flax, and mummies were entombed in linen.[11] Egyptian priests wore only linen, as flax was considered a symbol of purity.[12]Phoenicians traded Egyptian linen throughout the Mediterranean and the Romans used it for their sails.[13] As the Roman Empire declined, so did flax production, but Charlemagne revived the crop in the eighth century CE with laws designed to publicize the hygiene of linen textiles and the health of linseed oil.[14] Eventually, Flanders became the major center of the linen industry in the European Middle Ages.[14] In North America, flax was introduced by the colonists and it flourished there,[15] but by the early 20th century, cheap cotton and rising farm wages had caused production of flax to become concentrated in northern Russia, which came to provide 90% of the world's output. Since then, flax has lost its importance as a commercial crop, due to the easy availability of more durable fibres. Flax is grown for its seeds, which can be ground into a meal or turned into linseed oil, a product used as a nutritional supplement and as an ingredient in many wood-finishing products. Flax is also grown as an ornamental plant in gardens. Moreover, flax fibers are used to make linen. The specific epithet, usitatissimum, means "most useful". Flax fibers taken from the stem of the plant are two to three times as strong as cotton fibers. Additionally, flax fibers are naturally smooth and straight. Europe and North America both depended on flax for plant-based cloth until the 19th century, when cotton overtook flax as the most common plant for making rag-based paper. Flax is grown on the Canadian prairies for linseed oil, which is used as a drying oil in paints and varnishes and in products such as linoleum and printing inksLinseed meal, the byproduct of producing linseed oil from flax seeds, is used as livestock fodder. It is a protein-rich feed for ruminants, rabbits, and fish.

Flax is the emblem of Northern Ireland and displayed by the Northern Ireland Assembly. In a coronet, it appeared on the reverse of the British one-pound coin to represent Northern Ireland on coins minted in 1986, 1991, and 2014. Flax also represents Northern Ireland on the badge of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom and on various logos associated with it. Common flax is the national flower of BelarusIn early versions of the Sleeping Beauty tale, such as "Sun, Moon, and Talia" by Giambattista Basile, the princess pricks her finger, not on a spindle, but on a sliver of flax, which later is sucked out by her children conceived as she sleeps.

銀葉樹  Heritiera littoralis, the looking-glass mangrove is a large tree with wing shaped nuts, which is most easily recognised by the silvery scales on the underside of its leaves, which therefore appear green from top and white from below, although Litsea mellifera A.C. Smith (in the family Lauraceae), has the same type of leaves. The tree is usually found to grow along the seashore in Bangladesh & Indian SubcontinentSoutheast Asia and Tropical Africa.The tree's tough wood has historically been used in boat-building.[3] The fruits of the tree (known as dungon locally), are also used in Philippine cuisine for kinilaw.[4]in south-east India it called "sundori ghaschh". 
サキシマスオウノキ(先島蘇芳木、Heritiera littoralis)は、アオイ科(従来の分類ではアオギリ科)の常緑高木。日本では特によく板根を発達させる木として有名である。日本での生育地は、奄美大島沖縄島石垣島西表島が知られる。このうち石垣島(沖縄県石垣市)の桴海於茂登岳山麓の「ンタナーラのサキシマスオウノキ群落」、及び、西表島(沖縄県八重山郡竹富町古見の「古見のサキシマスオウノキ群落」天然記念物に指定されている。また、西表島の仲間川上流には樹齢400年と推定されるサキシマスオウノキの巨木があり森の巨人たち百選に選定されている[1]
The tree is harvested for timber and is valued for its toughness, durability, and resistance to saltwater. As such, it is commonly used in shipbuilding and in making pilings, bridges, and wharves. The fruit of species in the genus is used in Philippine cuisine to neutralize the fishy taste in kinilaw, a local dish of raw fish in vinegar or citrus juices. Another species used this way is the fruits of the tabon-tabon tree (Atuna racemosa).沖縄県では、かつてこの板根を切り出してそのままサバニ)のとして使用した。樹皮は染料用として利用される。和名の「サキシマスオウノキ」(先島蘇芳木) の「スオウ」は、染料として利用されるスオウ(蘇芳木、マメ科の落葉小高木)に由来する。また、「サキシマ」は先島諸島宮古列島八重山列島の総称)のことである。
- 大鵬新區壩光鹽灶村位於深圳東部,緊鄰 古村的一片紅樹林濕地生態保護較完好,偶 爾還能看到成群白鷺在沙洲上覓食。濕地內 有世界珍稀的紅樹林樹種—銀葉樹,據說 目前只有在中國、日本、印度被發現。

筋骨草属  Ajuga /əˈɡə/,[4] also known as bugleweed,[5] ground pine,[6] carpet bugle, or just bugle, is a genus of 40 species annual and perennial herbaceous flowering plants[7] in the mint family Lamiaceae, with most species native to Europe, Asia,[8] and Africa, but also two species in southeastern Australia. キランソウ属(キランソウぞく)は、シソ科の一つ。園芸方面では学名のアジュガで呼ばれることも多い。但し、アジュガをセイヨウジュウニヒトエの意味で用いることもある[1]大きくはないが、紫系の鮮やかな花をつけるものもあり、園芸用に利用される。用とされるものもある。
- ***********china daily 13jul19 article mentioned the plant's chinese name as xiakucao

夏枯草,別稱麥穗夏枯草[2]鐵線夏枯草(雲南)[2]鐵色草(本草綱目)[3]乃東(本草綱目)[3]燕面(本草綱目)[3]白花草[4]六月干[4]大頭花[4]棒槌草[4]等,為唇形目唇形科植物。一般是在季採取半乾燥果穗入藥,但在台灣市場多見全草使用。在一般涼茶舖都有賣夏枯草飲料。主要生長於疏林、荒山、田埂及路旁,花期4-6月,果期7-10月。由於此草夏至後即枯,故有此名[3]  Prunella vulgaris (known as common self-healheal-all, woundwort, heart-of-the-earth, carpenter's herb, brownwort and blue curls)[1][2][3] is a herbaceous plant in the genus Prunella. Self-heal is edible: the young leaves and stems can be eaten raw in salads; the plant in whole can be boiled and eaten as a potherb; and the aerial parts of the plant can be powdered and brewed in a cold infusion to make a beverage.Heal-all is edible, and can be used in salads, soups, stews, and boiled as a pot herb. The Cherokee cooked and ate the young leaves. The Nlaka'pamux drank a cold infusion of the whole plant as a common beverage.[11] The plant contains vitamins A, C, and K, as well as flavonoids and rutin. The plant is considered by the Chinese to "change the course of a chronic disease". Prunella is derived from 'Brunella', a word which is itself a derivative, taken from "die Bräune", the German name for quinsy (a type of throat inflammation), which it was historically used to cure. Vulgaris means 'usual', 'common', or 'vulgar'. 中药学认为夏枯草性味辛、苦,性寒[8],歸肝、膽經,無毒[3],全草入藥[7]。整個植株的地上部份,可治牙齦出血、咽喉疼痛、痔瘡及月經過多等,及有殺菌、收斂、促進傷口癒合及降血壓的作用。花穗能激活肝、膽以治療由肝功能失調所引起的精神緊張及結膜炎等,及具收斂作用[9]。果穗具有散結,消腫,清火,明目的功效,可治口眼歪斜、目珠夜痛、目赤腫痛、頭痛暈眩、乳癰腫痛及高血壓等[3][5][8][10][4]夏枯草亦為廣東涼茶夏桑菊王老吉凉茶的主要原料之一。

Indigofera tinctoria, also called true indigo, is a species of plant from the bean family that was one of the original sources of indigo dye. It has been naturalized to tropical and temperate Asia, as well as parts of Africa, but its native habitat is unknown since it has been in cultivation worldwide for many centuries. Today most dye is synthetic, but natural dye from I. tinctoria is still available, marketed as natural coloring where it is known as tarum in Indonesia and nila in Malaysia. In Iran and areas of the former Soviet Union it is known as basma. The plant is also widely grown as a soil-improving groundcover. True indigo is a shrub one to two meters high. It may be an annualbiennial, or perennial, depending on the climate in which it is grown. It has light green pinnate leaves and sheafs of pink or violet flowers. The plant is a legume, so it is rotated into fields to improve the soil in the same way that other legume crops such as alfalfa and beans are. Dye is obtained from the processing of the plant's leaves. They are soaked in water and fermented in order to convert the glycoside indican naturally present in the plant to the blue dye indigotin. The precipitate from the fermented leaf solution is mixed with a strong base such as lye. The rotenoids deguelindehydrodeguelinrotenolrotenonetephrosin and sumatrol can be found in I. tinctoria. Marco Polo (13th century) was the first European to report on the preparation of indigo in India. Indigo was quite often used in European easel painting, beginning in the Middle Ages.木藍,亦作槐藍馬棘豆科植物。木藍多生長在平地跟河邊,在熱帶亞熱帶廣泛生長,分布於印度、中國南方的廣東廣西雲南台灣印尼、中南美洲的墨西哥瓜地馬拉祕魯非洲奈及利亞等地。在中國,它在廣東中部的四邑地區亦有生長,也被認為是藍植物中藍色素成份含量最多,品種最優秀的。
- homrak thailand's products (fb: homrak, ig: homrak_tiedye) are dyed with indigofera tinctora linn variety which has been used for centuries in thailand 

 菘蓝Isatis tinctoria),又名欧洲菘蓝草大青大蓝大靛大青等,属十字花科植物。  Isatis tinctoria, also called woad dyer's woad, or glastum, is a flowering plant in the family Brassicaceae. It is occasionally known as Asp of Jerusalem. Woad is also the name of a blue dye produced from the leaves of the plant. Woad is native to the steppe and desert zones of the Caucasus, Central Asia to Eastern Siberia and Western Asia (per Hegi[3]) but is now also found in South-Eastern and Central Europe and western North AmericaSince ancient times, woad was an important source of blue dye and was cultivated throughout Europe, especially in Western and Southern Europe. In medieval times there were important woad-growing regions in England, Germany and France. Towns such as Toulouse became prosperous from the woad trade. Woad was eventually replaced by the more colourfast Indigofera tinctoria and, in the early 20th century, both woad and Indigofera tinctoria were replaced by synthetic blue dyes. Woad has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. There has also been some revival of the use of woad for craft purposes.Woad was an important dyeing agent in much of Europe and parts of England during the medieval period. However, dye traders began to import indigo during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, which threatened to replace locally grown woad as the primary blue dye.[10] The translation of vitrum as woad may date to this period.Woad was one of the three staples of the European dyeing industry, along with weld (yellow) and madder (red).The three colours can be seen together in tapestries such as The Hunt of the Unicorn (1495–1505), though typically it is the dark blue of the woad that has lasted best. Medieval uses of the dye were not limited to textiles. For example, the illustrator of the Lindisfarne Gospels (c. 720) used a woad-based pigment for blue paint.The dye chemical extracted from woad is indigo, the same dye extracted from "true indigo", Indigofera tinctoria, but in a lower concentration. Following the Portuguese discovery of the sea route to India by the navigator Vasco da Gama in 1498, great amounts of indigo were imported from Asia. Laws were passed in some parts of Europe to protect the woad industry from the competition of the indigo trade. It was proclaimed that indigo caused yarns to rot: "In 1577 the German government officially prohibited the use of indigo, denouncing it as that pernicious, deceitful and corrosive substance, the Devil's dye."[21] "... a recess of the Diet held in 1577 prohibited the use of 'the newly-invented, deceitful, eating and corrosive dye called the devil's dye.'" This prohibition was repeated in 1594 and again in 1603.[22] In France, Henry IV, in an edict of 1609, forbade under pain of death the use of "the false and pernicious Indian drug". With the development of a chemical process to synthesize the pigment, both the woad and natural indigo industries collapsed in the first years of the 20th century. The last commercial harvest of woad until recent times occurred in 1932, in Lincolnshire, Britain. Small amounts of woad are now grown in the UK and France to supply craft dyers.Indigowoad root (pinyinbǎn lán gēn) is a traditional Chinese medicine herb that comes from the roots of woad. Literature on traditional Chinese medicine uses the scientific name Isatis indigotica, although this name is usually considered synonymous with Isatis tinctoria by botanists. It is also known as Radix isatidis("woad root"). The herb is cultivated in various regions of northern China, namely HebeiBeijingHeilongjiangHenanJiangsu, and Gansu. The roots are harvested during the autumn and dried. The dried root is processed into granules, which are most commonly consumed dissolved in hot water or tea日本における藍染めは奈良時代から続く歴史があり、藍による染色を愛好する者もいる。海外では“Japan Blue”と呼ばれることもある(歌川広重葛飾北斎などの浮世絵の藍色を指して同様に“Japan Blue”あるいは“Hiroshige Blue”と言うこともあるが、これは正確には藍ではなくベロ藍(紺青)である)[要出典]。染色には生葉染め、乾燥葉染め、すくも染めがある。生葉染めには、最も古い方法である布に生葉をそのまま叩きつけて染める叩き染めか、すり潰した汁で染める方法があるが、濃く染まらない、葉が新鮮なうちでなければ染色できない(水溶性のインディカンが不溶性のインディゴに変化[5]して利用できなくなるため)といった欠点がある。乾燥葉染めは、アイ葉を乾燥させたものを用いる方法。そのままでは色素繊維に沈着しないので、還元反応を行って色素の沈着ができるようにしなければならない。生葉に比べて無駄なく染色でき、時期もあまり選ばない。すくも染めは、乾燥したアイ葉を室のなかで数ヶ月かけて醗酵させてすくも(藍玉)を造り、更にそれを搗き固めて藍玉を作り、これを利用する方法である。生産に高度な技術と手間を必要とするため、現在では徳島県以外で日本産のすくもを見ることはほぼない。染色には、すくもを水甕で醗酵させてから行う(醗酵すると水面にできる藍色の泡を「藍の華」と呼び、これが染色可能な合図になる)ので、夏の暑い時期が最適である。すくもの利点は、いつでも醗酵させて染色できること、染料の保存が楽なこと、木綿にも濃く染められることなどが挙げられる。藍染は、徳島平野で行われるものが有名である。日本に存在するアイの品種は、小上粉(こじょうこ:赤花、白花があり、最も栽培されている)、小千本(こせんぼん:青茎、赤茎があり、株が真っ直ぐに育つ)、百貫(ひゃっかん:大量に収穫できることからの名だが、品質は劣ると言われる)などがある。藍染した布は、抗菌性、消臭性に優れており、虫食いを受けにくく保存性が高い[6]。藍染した布は耐火性が高まるため、武士が戦闘時につける甲冑の下着、江戸時代火消し半纏日本国有鉄道蒸気機関車乗員の制服などに使われた[7]また、藍染した和紙である紺紙はその色合いの美しさのみならず防虫も目的として写経などに利用されている[8]平安時代末に書かれた国宝の『紺紙金銀字交書一切経』は紺紙の保存性により朽ちることなく現存している[6]。ただし、紺紙の防虫性はアイの成分に由来しているのではなく、何度も水洗いして表面を貝殻で擦り平滑化するという特殊な製紙法に起因しているとも考えられている[8]白髪染めには乾燥葉の粉末が利用される。ヘナでオレンジ~赤茶色に染まった後に藍で染めて青色を重ねると、暗い茶褐色となる。ヘナと藍があらかじめミックスされている商品もある。アイの葉は古来より薬用植物として解熱、解毒や抗炎症薬等に用いられており[6][9]、江戸時代には蜘蛛などの毒を持つ生き物に咬まれた傷の治療に用いられていた記録が残っている[8]。近年の研究では抗ガン作用を持つトリプタンスリンや抗菌活性を持つケンペロールなどの複数の生理活性物質がアイから単離されており[7]、またアイの葉にはフラボノール配糖体が豊富に含まれることから、コレステロールを低減させる効果についても研究されている[9]。その他、アイの葉を刺身のツマに使ったり、と混ぜてアユの臭み取りに使ったりするなど、食用に用いている地域もある[9]。徳島県では、葉・茎を粉末にした藍粉を食品(菓子・パンや麺類)やハーブティに入れる利用法も開発されている[10]日本には6世紀頃中国から伝わり、藍色の染料を採るために広く栽培された。特に江戸時代に阿波国(現・徳島県)で発達し、19世紀初めには藍玉の年産高は15 - 20万俵を誇り、阿波藍として名産品になった。しかし、明治時代に入ると藍玉がインドから輸入されて作付が激減。またドイツで人工藍の工業化が成功して1904年頃から盛んに輸入されるようになった。とはいえ現在でも国内で藍の栽培や利用は続いており、2019年5月20日には「藍のふるさと 阿波~日本中を染め上げた至高の青を訪ねて~」が文化庁により日本遺産に認定された[11]
青(あお)は藍(あい)より出(い)でて藍(あい)より青(あお)し 《「荀子勧学から》青色染料は草のからとるが、それはもとの藍草よりももっとい。弟子が師よりもすぐれていることのたとえ出藍(しゅつらん)の誉れ
- mentioned in one episode of horrible histories, woad leaves used by ancient egyptians as medicine
- 幾年前的夏天,我 們一家人從西寧到張掖旅遊,行經民樂縣 ,此地是板藍根種植基地,公路邊農民賣 烤玉米的攤子上,兼賣曬乾了的板藍根, 寸許長,拇指粗。我買了一些。每逢咽乾 上火,折斷一節,泡水服用,效果奇佳。

蛇麻,又音譯作忽布(hops),因其花序用於釀造啤酒,因此又稱作啤酒花Humulus lupulus (common hop or hops) is a species of flowering plant in the hemp family(Cannabaceae), native to Europe, western Asia and North America.[2] It is a dioeciousperennialherbaceous climbing plant which sends up new shoots in early spring and dies back to a cold-hardy rhizome in autumn. The genus name Humulus is a Medieval name that was at some point Latinized after being borrowed from a Germanic source exhibiting the h•m•l consonant cluster, as in Middle Low German homele. According to Soviet Iranist V. Abaev this could be a word of Sarmatian origin which is presented in modern Ossetian language (Ossetian: Хуымæллæг) and derives from proto-Iranian hauma-arayka, an Aryan haoma.[7] From Sarmatian dialects this word spread across Eurasia, thus creating a group of related words in Turkic, Finno-Ugric, Slavic and Germanic languages (see Russian: хмель, Chuvash хăмла, Finnish humala, Hungarian komló, Mordovianкомла, Avar хомеллег). The specific epithet, lupulus, is Latin for small wolf.[2] The name refers to the plant's tendency to strangle other plants, mainly osiers or basket willows (Salix viminalis), like a wolf does a sheep.[4] Hops could be seen growing over these willows so often that it was named the willow-wolf.[2] The English word hop is derived from the Middle Dutch word hoppe, with the same meaning.  The chemical compounds found in H. lupulus are main components in flavoring and bittering beer. Some other compounds help with creating foam in beer. Chemicals such as linalool and aldehydes contribute to the flavor of beer. The main components of bitterness in beer are iso-alpha acids, with many other compounds contributing to the overall bitterness of beer.[20]Until the middle ages, Myrica gale was the most common plant used for brewing beer.[19] H. lupulus took off as a flavoring agent for beer because it contains preserving agents, making the beer viable for longer.
- 歷史記載開始商業種植的啤酒花是 從十二世紀德國漢莎起源,而老牌紳士英國人則倔強 地堅持着傳統釀造,直到十六世紀,才終於肯對啤酒 花投降。

榄仁树別稱大葉欖仁樹涼扇樹枇杷樹[2]山枇杷樹[3]法國枇杷楠仁樹雨傘樹[4]島朴古巴梯斯樹  Terminalia catappa is a large tropical tree in the leadwood tree family, Combretaceae, that grows mainly in the tropical regions of Asia, Africa, and Australia.[2] Common names in English include country almondIndian almondMalabar almondsea almondtropical almond,[3] beach almond[4] and false kamani.The tree has been spread widely by humans, so the native range is uncertain. It has long been naturalised in a broad belt extending from Africa to northern Australia and New Guinea through southeast Asia and Micronesia into the Indian subcontinent. More recently, the plant has been introduced to parts of the Americas. Until the mid-20th century, the tree had been used extensively in Brazilian urban landscaping, since being a rare case tropical deciduous, their fallen leaves would give a "European" flair to the street. This practice is currently abolished, and the "amendoeiras" are being replaced by native, evergreen trees.T. catappa is widely grown in tropical regions of the world as an ornamental tree, grown for the deep shade its large leaves provide. The fruit is edible, tasting slightly acidic. The wood is red and solid, and has high water resistance; it has been used in Polynesia for making canoes. In Tamil, almond is known as nattuvadumaiThe leaves contain several flavonoids (such as kaempferol or quercetin), several tannins (such as punicalin, punicalagin or tercatin), saponines and phytosterols. Due to this chemical richness, the leaves (and the bark) are used in different herbal medicines for various purposes. For instance in Taiwan, fallen leaves are used as an herb to treat liverdiseases. In Suriname, an herbal tea made from the leaves has been prescribed against dysentery and diarrhea. The leaves may contain agents for prevention of cancers(although they have no demonstrated anticarcinogenic properties) and antioxidants, as well as anticlastogenic characteristics. Extracts of T. catappa have shown activity against Plasmodium falciparum chloroquine (CQ)-resistant (FcB1) and CQ-sensitive (HB3) strains. Keeping the leaves in an aquarium may lower the pH and heavy-metal content of the water.[citation needed] It has been used in this way by fish breeders for many years, and is active against some parasites and bacterial pathogens.[9] It is also believed to help prevent fungus forming on the eggs of the fish.欖仁樹的樹皮性味苦、性涼,有收斂之效[17],對解毒止瘀、化痰止咳、痢疾、痰熱咳嗽及瘡瘍有治療功效[18]。葉及嫩葉對疝痛、頭痛、發熱、風濕關節炎有治療功效[17]。葉汁對皮膚病痲瘋疥癬有治療功效。種子性味苦、澀、性涼,可清熱解毒,對咽喉腫痛、痢疾及腫毒有治療功效[19][20]欖仁樹的種子含油份,油份芳香含杏仁味,可供製成食品添加調味料[6]及藥用[4];果皮含鞣質,可製成黑色染料;果皮、成葉及落葉均可染出黃褐與綠褐色系[12];而樹皮亦含有單寧成份,可製成黑色染料[11];木材可作船隻及家具等的用材[4]欖仁樹的葉子枯萎後,收集起來煮過、泡製過後,可用水族中所謂的黑水,可加強泰國鬥魚發情,提高受孕,尤其可驗證在泰國鬥魚的繁殖中,因欖仁葉會釋放出色素;單寧酸,使水色變深,增加水色模擬黑水環境條件,可穩定魚兒的情緒,盡快解除緊迫,適應不良,加強提高體;尾和背鰭色澤,降低 PH值(增酸),它含有大量的丹寧酸;腐植酸;葉酸等,可調節水的酸鹼值,軟水的作用,可以使水變稍為軟,不過也得看原水的軟硬度,如硬就得用更多葉子浸泡以達同樣效果,有大葉欖仁葉浸泡的魚缸,有生物死掉後會比較晚發霉,因此推斷大葉欖仁葉應該或多或少有些抑制黴菌生長的防腐功能。
- philippines
  • magtalisay tree in talisay city in philippines directed to terminalia catappa
  • [asian children's favourite stories] talisay tree is known as sea almond tree outside the philippines. A colorful tree used to grow wild on sandy shores in southeast asia, it is now commonly cultivated as a popular wayside tree for its beautiful pagoda shape
- hk

  • outside central library
緬梔屬,別稱雞蛋花印度素馨鹿角樹番仔花番花大季花蛋黃花島嶼花  Plumeria (/plˈmɛriə/) is a genus of flowering plants in the dogbane family, Apocynaceae.[1]Most species are deciduous shrubs or small trees. The species variously are indigenous to MexicoCentral America and the Caribbean, and as far south as Brazil and north as Florida, but are grown as cosmopolitan ornamentals in warm regions.[2][3] Common names for plants in the genus vary widely according to region, variety, and whim, but Frangipani or variations on that theme are the most common.The common name "frangipani" comes from a sixteenth-century marquis of the noble family in Italy who claimed to invent a plumeria-scented perfume,[9] but in reality made a synthetic perfume that was said at the time to resemble the odor of the recently discovered flowers.[10] Many English speakers also simply use the generic name "plumeria".[citation neededIn Persian, the name is yas or yasmin: this term, however, considerably antedates the discovery of the Americas and originally refers to Jasmine (Jasminium species), whose center of diversity is South Asia. In Bengali the name is "Kath Champa", in Hindi, champa, in Gujarati champo, in Marathi chafa (चाफा), in Telugu deva ganneru (divine nerium), in Meitei khagi leihao. In Hawaii, the name is melia, although common usage is still 'plumeria'. In Malayalam it is called Chempakam. In Sri Lanka, it is referred to as araliya (අරලිය) and (in English) as the 'Temple Tree'. In Khmer, it known as "Champa" (also sounds like the country Champa). In Cantonese, it is known as gaai daan fa or the 'egg yolk flower' tree. The name lilawadi (originating from Thai)[11][12] is found occasionally. In Indonesia, where the flower has been commonly associated with Balinese culture, it is known as kamboja, in Bali especially it is known as jepun. In French Polynesia it is called tipanie[13] or tipanier[14] and tīpani in the Cook Islands.[15] In the Tagalog it is called kalachuchi. In the Kannada dialect spoken in the Old Mysore region of Karnataka of southern India, the flower is called Devaga Nagale, devaganagaluor devakanagalu (God's Plumeria). In Vietnamese; "cây sứ" which means the porcelain tree.  
Plumeria rubra is the national flower of Nicaragua, where it is known under the local name "sacuanjoche".
In Eastern Africa, frangipani are sometimes referred to in Swahili love poems.
Kembang kemboja in indonesian

茅膏菜属,又名毛氈苔属  Drosera, commonly known as the sundews, is one of the largest genera of carnivorous plants, with at least 194 species.[1] These members of the family Droseraceae lure, capture, and digest insects using stalked mucilaginous glands covering their leaf surfaces. The insects are used to supplement the poor mineral nutrition of the soil in which the plants grow. Various species, which vary greatly in size and form, are native to every continent except Antarctica. Both the botanical name (from the Greek δρόσος: drosos = "dew, dewdrops") and the English common name (sundew, derived from Latin ros solis, meaning "dew of the sun") refer to the glistening drops of mucilage at the tip of the glandular trichomes that resemble drops of morning dew.
Sundews were used as medicinal herbs as early as the 12th century, when an Italian doctor from the School of Salerno, Matthaeus Platearius, described the plant as an herbal remedy for coughs under the name herba sole. It has been used commonly in cough preparations in Germany and elsewhere in Europe. Sundew tea was especially recommended by herbalists for dry coughs, bronchitiswhooping coughasthma and "bronchial cramps".矶松素的药理作用参见白花丹条。茅膏菜的提取物至少包含二种萘醌衍生物,具有强大的解痉作用。茅膏菜全草的甘油提取液及甲醇提取液注入蛙胸部淋巴囊及大腿肌肉内,10小时以后检查局部有出血性坏死。性能:性温,味辛;有小毒。活血散结,止痛。

七叶树属The genus Aesculus (/ˈɛskjʊləs/ or /ˈskjʊləs/), with varieties called buckeye and horse chestnut, comprises 13–19 species of flowering plants in the soapberry and lycheefamily, Sapindaceae. They are trees and shrubs native to the temperate Northern Hemisphere, with six species native to North America and seven to thirteen species native to Eurasia. Also, several hybrids occur. Aesculus exhibits a classical Arcto-Tertiary distribution. Carl Linnaeus named the genus Aesculus after the Roman name for an edible acorn. Common names for these trees include "buckeye" and "horse chestnut", though they are not in the same order as chestnut trees. Some are also called white chestnut or red chestnut. In Britain, they are sometimes called conker trees because of their link with the game of conkers, played with the seeds, also called conkers.Leaf of Aesculus was the official symbol of the Kiev City (the 8th largest city in Europe) during the Soviet Russia control of Ukraine, reflecting the consistent policy of cultivating the tree in the city since the late 20th century.美洲,七叶树一般被称为“鹿瞳”,因为其果实是棕黄色,类似鹿眼睛的颜色,在欧洲被称为“马栗”,其中“”的意思并不是供马吃的,而是“强有力”的意思,指其坚硬难以食用。中国称为“天师栗”或“猴板栗”。
Conkers is a traditional children's game in the British Isles played using the seeds of horse chestnut trees—the name 'conker' is also applied to the seed and to the tree itself. The game is played by two players, each with a conker threaded onto a piece of string: they take turns striking each other's conker until one breaks.波多黎各也與同樣的傳統遊戲,他們使用的是孪叶豆,該遊戲稱作“gallitos”(意思是公雞,也是鬥鶏術語)。
- [horrible histories] vikings used conkers to make soap
- IUCN表示,害蟲、疾病和外來入侵物種,正加速歐洲特有樹種減少。其中最具代表性的七葉樹的數量已大幅減少,被列為「脆弱」樹種,主要原因是來自巴爾幹半島的害蟲「潛葉蟲」迅速擴散,以及伐木、森林大火和旅遊業急速發展。

枫香树属   Liquidambar, commonly called sweetgum (star gum in the UK),[2] gum,[1] redgum,[1] satin-walnut,[1] or American storax,[1] is the only genus in the flowering plant family Altingiaceae and has 15 species.[3] They were formerly often treated in Hamamelidaceae. They are decorative deciduous trees that are used in the wood industry and for ornamental purposes.Species within this genus are widespread in ChinaKoreaThailandTaiwanLaosVietnamTurkeyRhodesNorth America and Mexico (up to Honduras). In cultivation they can be seen in warm temperate and subtropical climates around the world.
The wood is used for furniture, interior finish, paper pulp, veneers and baskets of all kinds. The heartwood once was used in furniture, sometimes as imitation mahoganyor Circassian walnut. It is used widely today in flake and strand boards. Sweetgum is a foodplant for various Lepidoptera caterpillars, such as the gypsy moth. The American sweetgum is widely planted as an ornamental, within its natural range and elsewhere. The hardened sap, or gum resin, excreted from the wounds of the sweetgum, for example, the American sweetgum (Liquidambar styraciflua), can be chewed on like chewing gum and has been long used for this purpose in the Southern United States.[4] The sap was also believed to be a cure for sciatica, weakness of nerves, etc. In Chinese herbal medicine, lu lu tong, or "all roads open," is the hard, spiky fruit of native sweetgum species. It first appeared in the medical literature in Omissions from the Materia Medica, by Chen Cangqi, in 720 AD. Bitter in taste, aromatic, and neutral in temperature, lu lu tong is claimed to promote the movement of blood and qi, water metabolism and urination, expels wind, and unblocks the channels. It is an ingredient in formulas for epigastric distention or abdominal pain, anemia, irregular or scanty menstruation, low back or knee pain and stiffness, edema with difficult urination, or nasal congestion. The trees drop their hard, spiky seedpods in the fall by the hundreds, and these can become a serious nuisance on pavements and lawns. Some cities have expedited permitting for removal of liquidambar trees.

 榉属  Zelkova (from Georgian ძელქვა dzelkva, 'stone pillar') is a genus of six species of deciduous trees in the elm family Ulmaceae, native to southern Europe, and southwest and eastern AsiaThe name Zelkova derives from the native name of Z. carpinifolia in one of the Kartvelian languages, as shown by the Georgian name, ძელქვა (dzelkva), from ძელ (dzel) meaning 'bar', and ქვა (kva) meaning 'rock'. [30]The tree was often used for making rock-hard and durable bars for building and furniture. 日本語のケヤキは「けやけき木」(けやけし―美しいの意味)が由来ではないかと言われる。かつては「槻(つき)」とも呼ばれ、これは「強い木」が由来ではないかとされる。漢字は欅、ただし中国では欅はサワグルミの仲間を指し、ケヤキ属に充てられる字は「榉」である。

Erythrina variegata (syn. E. indica Lam., E. variegata var. orientalis (L.) Merr.; tiger's clawIndian coral tree and sunshine treeTamilMurukku/Kalyana Murungai, முருக்கு/ கல்யாண முருங்கைPalipāricchattakaSanskritpārijāta, पारिजात) is a species of Erythrina native to the tropical and subtropical regions of eastern Africa, the Indian Subcontinent, northern Australia, and the islands of the Indian Ocean and the western Pacific Ocean east to Fiji.Erythrina variegata is valued as an ornamental tree. Several cultivars have been selected, including 'Alba' with white flowers.[2]
In Vietnam, the leaves are used to wrap fermented meat (Vietnamesenem). E. variegata is known as dapdap in the Philippines where its bark and leaves are used in alternative medicine.[3] In Siddha medicine, it is used especially for menstrual disorders and fissures at penis tip (Tamilஆண்குறிப்புண்).E. variegata was designated the official flower of Okinawa Prefecture in 1967.   In Sri Lanka, the blossoming flowers of the tree are associated with the advent of the Sri Lankan (April) New Year. The plant is known as Erabadu in Sinhalese.刺桐莿桐樹)是豆科刺桐屬落葉性喬木。原產在熱帶亞洲及太平洋洲諸島的珊瑚礁海岸。[1]泉州、日本沖繩縣的縣花,宮古島市的市花。「刺桐城」為泉州之別稱,亦為台南市之古別稱。台灣噶瑪蘭族以刺桐(napas)花開時為過年。
Der Indische Korallenbaum in german
- hk
  • victoria park (causeway bay entrance area)

Cotinus coggygriasyn. Rhus cotinus, the European smoketree,[1] Eurasian smoketreesmoke treesmoke bushVenetian sumach, or dyer's sumach is a species of flowering plant in the family Anacardiaceae, native to a large area from southern Europe, east across central Asia and the Himalayas to northern China.It is commonly grown as an ornamental plant, with several cultivars available. Many of these have been selected for purple foliage and flowers. The species[2] and its cultivars Royal Purple[3] and Flame[4] have gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit. The wood was formerly used to make the yellow dye called young fustic.黄栌,又名红叶树烟树皇家紫樹[1],是漆树科黄栌属的一种植物。其木材可入药,果實可煮製木蜡。分布于捷克斯洛伐克匈牙利及中国华北、浙江、西南等地。生长于海拔330米至2,400米的地区,目前尚未由人工引种栽培。黄栌是中国重要的观赏树种,树姿优美,茎、叶、花都有较高的观赏价值,特别是深秋,叶片经霜变,色彩鲜艳,美丽壮观;其果形别致,成熟果实色鲜红、艳丽夺目。著名的北京香山红叶、济南红叶谷、山亭抱犊崮的红叶树就是该树种。黄栌花后久留不落的不孕花的花梗呈粉红色羽毛状,在枝头形成似云似雾的景观,远远望去,宛如万缕罗纱缭绕树间,历来被文人墨客比作“叠翠烟罗寻旧梦”和“雾中之花”,故黄栌又有“烟树”之称。夏赏“紫烟”,秋观红叶,加之其极其耐瘠薄的特性,更使其成为石灰岩营建水土保持林和生态景观林的首选树种。ハグマノキ英語Cotinus coggygria)はウルシ科ハグマノキ属英語版に属する被子植物の一種である。リュウスコチナスとも呼ばれる。シノニムでは Rhus cotinusという名を持つ。[1]。原産地は南ヨーロッパからヒマラヤ山脈中国北部にかけて広がっている。

Erica is a genus of roughly 860 species of flowering plants in the family Ericaceae.[1] The English common names heath and heather are shared by some closely related genera of similar appearance. The genus Calluna was formerly included in Erica – it differs in having even smaller scale-leaves (less than 2–3 mm long), and the flower corolla consisting of separate petals. Erica is sometimes referred to as "winter (or spring) heather" to distinguish it from Calluna "summer (or autumn) heather".The Latin word erica means "heath" or "broom".[2] It is believed that Pliny adapted erica from Ancient Greek ἐρείκη.[3] The expected Anglo-Latin pronunciation, /ɪˈrkə/, may be given in dictionaries (OED: "Erica"), but /ˈɛrɪkə/ is more commonly heard.歐石楠(学名:Erica)是指杜鵑花科歐石楠屬的植物。全球大約有七百多種的歐石楠,當中大部分都產自南非,被稱為「南非特有種的皇后」;另外尚有七十多個物種大致分布於非洲其它地域、地中海地區及歐洲地區。圖中顯示的「聖誕歐石楠Erica canaliculata)」,因為形態像日本的著名圖案「蛇の目」(常見於家紋和傘等),因此在日本有「蛇眼石楠花」的稱號。其同科植物帚石楠是杜鵑花目中的另一個種屬「帚石楠」(學名:Calluna vulgaris),經常與歐石楠互相混淆。帚石楠在歐洲非常聞名,亦曾經是西歐及北歐許多荒地的主要植被,因此有「山中薄霧(Mountain Mist)」的稱號。可製花茶,其花蜜亦具備藥效價值。歐石楠是灌木類植物,葉子幼細,屬常綠植物,高度大概有20-150厘米不等,但亦有部份品種如E. arboreaE. scoparia高度可以達6-7。現存最多歐石楠的群生地,以德國北部的自然保護區呂訥堡石楠草原最為聞名。石楠花(Heath)也指一種地貌,專指石楠花叢生的荒野或島嶼,帶有孤獨肅殺的意味。因此,石楠花的花語就是「孤獨(Solitude)」。著名小說咆哮山莊》中的山莊周圍都種滿了石楠花,英語便稱這些石楠花為「Heath」而不是「Erica」。

 柳叶菜属  Epilobium is a genus of flowering plants in the family Onagraceae, containing about 197 species.[1] The genus has a worldwide distribution. It is most prevalent in the subarctictemperate and subantarctic regions, whereas in the subtropics and tropics Epilobium species are restricted to the cool montane biomes, such as the New Guinea Highlands.Most species are known by the common name willowherbs for their willow-like leaves.[4] Those that were once separated in Boisduvalia are called spike-primroses or boisduvalias. Those Epilobium species previously placed in the Chamaenerion group and known as fireweeds are now segregated into the genus Chamaenerion.
The main use of Epilobium by humans is as a herbal supplement in the treatment of prostate, bladder (incontinence) and hormone disorders. Many of the small willowherb species are nuisance weeds in gardens. Though few are regularly used as ornamental plants, the larger willowherbs may be attractive in ruderal locales. One of the most frequently recognized members of the genus is the circumboreal fireweed (E. angustifolium), known as rosebay willowherb in the United Kingdom. It rapidly colonizes burnt ground; during the bombing of London in World War II many of the derelict bomb sites were soon covered with these plants, bringing a splash of colour to what was otherwise a very grim scene. It is the floral emblem of Yukon in Canada, Hedmark in Norway (where it is called geitrams) and Southern Ostrobothnia in Finland.Fireweed is used as a sweetener in northwestern North America. It is put in candy, jellies, ice cream, syrup, and sxusem ("Indian ice cream"). In the late summer its flowers yield pollen and copious nectar which give a rich spicy honey. Its young leaves, roots, and shoots are edible (if somewhat bitter), and rich in provitamin A and vitamin C. The Dena’ina found them also useful as food supplement for dogs and applied sap from the stem to wounds, believing it to have antiinflammatory properties.
- [SPC nov2019] canadian willowherb (epilobium augustifolium) in oral care compositions inhibits bacterial growht and has an anti-inflammatory effect 

Kigelia is a genus of flowering plants in the family Bignoniaceae. The genus consists of only one species, Kigelia africana, which occurs throughout tropical Africa, from Eritrea and Chad south to northern South Africa, and west to Senegal and Namibia. Common in India, with many medicinal uses, the species's distribution is most certainly anthropogenic. The so-called sausage tree grows a fruit that is up to 60 cm (2 feet) long, weighs about 7 kg (15 pounds), and looks like a sausage.The genus name comes from the Mozambican Bantu name, kigeli-keia, while the common names sausage tree and cucumber tree[1] refer to the long, sausage-like fruit. Its name in Afrikaans worsboom also means sausage tree, and its Arabic name means "the father of kit-bags".The fresh fruit is poisonous and strongly purgative; fruit are prepared for consumption by drying, roasting or fermentation (Joffe 2003; McBurney 2004). Kigelia is also used in a number of skin care products. In Botswana, the timber is used for makoros, yokes and oars.The hard shell (skin) of the fruit can be hollowed out, cleaned, and made into useful, durable containers of varying sizes.The tree is widely grown as an ornamental tree in tropical regions for its decorative flowers and unusual fruit. Planting sites should be selected carefully, as the falling fruit can cause serious injury to people and damage vehicles parked under the trees.In Central Kenya, especially among the Agikuyu and the Akamba, the dried fruits are used to make an alcoholic beverage (muratina in Kikuyu, kaluvu in Kamba), which is a core component in cultural events in Central Kenya. The fruit is harvested then split into two along the grain, then dried in the sun. The dried fruit is then treated with bee pollen and honey. The treated fruit (miatine) is then used in fermentation process in making of sweet beer.In Kikuyumũratina;[6] Swahilimbungatimwegeamnyegeamvongonya;[7] Hindi balam kheerahathi bailan;Odia Silapua GachhaLuo yagoMalayalam shiva kundalamTamil yaanai pudukan; and Yoruba pandoroTugen (Kalenjin tribe): Rotinwo. In English: sausage tree. In Kambakiatine, the fruit muatine.臘腸樹Kigelia africana)為紫葳科臘腸樹屬的植物。分布在馬達加斯加非洲以及雲南福建廣東海南台灣等地,目前已由人工引種栽培。吊燈樹的果實雖然不可食用,但在非洲是被用作醫治皮膚病的藥物。
- hk

  • city hall
The Dipterocarpaceae are a family of 16 genera and about 695 known species[2] of mainly tropical lowland rainforest trees. The family name, from the type genus Dipterocarpus, is derived from Greek (di = two, pteron = wing and karpos = fruit) and refers to the two-winged fruit. The largest genera are Shorea (196 species), Hopea (104 species), Dipterocarpus (70 species), and Vatica (65 species).[3] Many are large forest-emergent species, typically reaching heights of 40–70 m, some even over 80 m (in the genera Dryobalanops,[3] Hopea[4] and Shorea),[4] with the tallest known living specimen (Shorea faguetiana) 93.0 m tall.[4] The species of this family are of major importance in the timber trade. Their distribution is pantropical, from northern South America to Africa, the SeychellesIndiaIndochinaIndonesia, and Malaysia.[5] The greatest diversity of Dipterocarpaceae occurs in Borneo.[6] Some species are now endangered as a result of overcutting, extensive illegal logging, and habitat conversion. They provide valuable woods, aromatic essential oils, balsam, and resins, and are a source for plywood.龙脑香科学名Dipterocarpaceae)包括16约580-680,主要都是生长在热带雨林中的乔木,一般可以长到40-70高,最高的可以达到85米,广泛分布在全世界的热带地区,是木材市场的重要产品,有些种类已经成为濒危植物品种,望天树Parashorea chinensis Wang Hsie)是中国的一级保护植物,有的品种还可以提炼芳香油,有的品种是制造胶合板的主要原料。

*********法桐Platanus orientalis)又称三球悬铃木 祛汗树(陕西、户县),净土树(广博物志),法国梧桐(陈嵘,中国树木学)   Platanus orientalis, the Old World sycamore, or Oriental plane,[2] is a large, deciduous tree of the Platanaceae family, growing to 30 m (98 ft) or more,[3] and known for its longevity and spreading crown.The species' name means 'eastern'. (In comparison, the 'western' plane (or American sycamore) is named Platanus occidentalis). The eastern plane's original distribution was eastward from the Balkans. The tree was called platane in ancient Greek history and literature and by related names in continental Europe. Equally well known in Asia and from Anatolia to India and usually called chinar or chenar. In the Kashmir Valley region, the native Kashmiri word for the tree is boonyi.The Tree of Hippocrates, under which Hippocrates — the "Father of Medicine" — taught at Kos, is reputed to have been an oriental plane. A plane tree is the main theme in the aria Ombra mai fu composed by George Frideric Handel, in which the main character, Xerxes I of Persia, admires the shade of a plane tree. It is also the State tree of Indian state Jammu and Kashmir.
Die Morgenländische Platane in german
The leaves and bark have been used medicinally. A fabric dye has been made from the twigs and roots. The timber, often called lacewood, is figured and valuable for indoor furniture. The leaves are also often used by artists for leaf carving.

 漆树科 The Anacardiaceae, commonly known as the cashew family[1] or sumac family, are a family of flowering plants, including about 83 genera with about 860 known species.[2] Members of the Anacardiaceae bear fruits that are drupes and in some cases produce urushiol, an irritant. The Anacardiaceae include numerous genera, several of which are economically important, notably cashew (in the type genus Anacardium), mango, poison ivy, sumac, smoke tree, marula, yellow mombin, Peruvian pepper and cuachalalate. The genus Pistacia (which includes the pistachio and mastic tree) is now included, but was previously placed in its own family, the Pistaciaceae.漆又名漆树,干漆(《四川中药志》),大木漆、小木漆(湖北),山漆(福建、湖南),植苜(湖南),瞎妮子(山东),是漆树科落叶乔木。在中国除黑龙江、吉林、内蒙古和新疆外,其余省区均栽培;漆在印度、朝鲜和日本也有分布。漆是中国最古老的经济树种之一,籽可榨油,木材坚实,为天然涂料、油料和木材兼用树种。漆液是天然树脂涂料,素有“涂料之王”的美誉。

  • 又西百二十里,曰刚山,多柒木,多?雩琈之玉。刚水出焉,北流注于渭。是多神<光鬼>,其状人面兽身,一足一手,其音如钦。又西二百里,至刚山之尾。洛水出焉,而北流注于河。其中多蛮蛮,其状鼠身而鳖首,其音如吠犬。又西三百五十里,曰英鞮之山,上多漆木,下多金玉,鸟兽尽白。涴水出焉,而北流注于陵羊之泽。是多冉遗之鱼,鱼身蛇首六足,其目如观耳,食之使人不眯,可以御凶。

羽扇豆屬又稱魯冰花Lupinus, commonly known as lupin or lupine, is a genus of flowering plants in the legume family FabaceaeWhile some sources believe the origin of the name to be in doubt, the Collins Dictionary definition asserts that the word is 14th century in origin, from the Latin lupīnus, "wolfish", as it was believed that the plant ravenously exhausted the soil. The legume seeds of lupins, commonly called lupin beans, were popular with the Romans, who cultivated the plants throughout the Roman Empire where the lupin is still known in extant Romance languages by names such as lupini.Consumed throughout the Mediterranean region and the Andean mountains, lupins were eaten by the early Egyptian and pre-Incan people and were known to Roman agriculturalists for their ability to improve the fertility of soils. In the late 18th century, lupins were introduced into northern Europe as a means of improving soil quality, and by the 1860s, the garden yellow lupin was seen across the sandy soils of the Baltic coastal plain.
《魯冰花》The Dull-Ice Flower)是一部出品於1989年的台灣電影,導演是楊立國,主要演員有于寒林義雄(演員)黃坤玄李淑楨陳維欣以及陳松勇,編劇是吳念真,改編自鍾肇政的小說《魯冰花》,「魯冰花」一名來自羽扇豆,也恰好與臺灣話發音「路邊的花」一詞相近。
lupin flowers field in dunedin nz [photographic salon exhibitors association]

- in chinese culture
  • 清代阮葵生的筆記《茶餘客話 》,卷十五《守財奴》


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