Wednesday, June 26, 2019

oceanic, aquatic creatures

- russia

- china
  • 搭載了六十名科考隊員和「深海勇士」號載人潛水器的中科院「探索一號」科考船,完成為期二十二天的「西太平洋典型海山生態系統的關鍵過程及驅動機制」科考任務後,前日回海南三亞港口。科考隊首次在南海發現一個三米長的「鯨落」生態系統。「鯨落」是指鯨死亡後,落入深海形成的生態系統,與熱液、冷泉一同被稱為是深海生命的「綠洲」。

长尾鲨  Thresher sharks are large lamniform sharks of the family Alopiidae found in all temperate and tropical oceans of the world; the family contains four species, all within the genus Alopias. The genus and family name derive from the Greek word alopex, meaning fox. As a result, the long-tailed or common thresher sharkAlopias vulpinus, is also known as the fox shark. The common name is derived from a distinctive, thresher-like tail or caudal fin which can be as long as the body of the shark itself.肉はもとより皮やひれ、肝油を利用するために漁獲される。肉は切り身にして焼いて食される他、練り製品などに加工され、胸鰭はフカヒレとして利用される。皮は皮革製品となる。マオナガの肉が最も美味であり、ニタリはやや味が劣るとされ、ハチワレは他の2種に比べて上質の肝油が得られるとされる[要出典]
  • [action diver 2018/19] commonly found in malapascau island, philippines


Monk seals are earless seals of the tribe Monachini. They are the only earless seals found in tropical climates. The two genera of monk seals, Monachus and Neomonachus, comprise three species: the Mediterranean monk sealMonachus monachus; the Hawaiian monk sealNeomonachus schauinslandi; and the Caribbean monk sealNeomonachus tropicalis, which became extinct in the 20th century.

鼠海豚Porpoises are a group of fully aquatic marine mammals, all of which are classified under the family Phocoenidae, parvorder Odontoceti (toothed whales). There are seven extant species of porpoise. They are small toothed whales that are very closely related to oceanic dolphins. The most obvious visible difference between the two groups is that porpoises have shorter beaks and flattened, spade-shaped teeth distinct from the conical teeth of dolphins. Porpoises, and other cetaceans, belong to the clade Cetartiodactyla with even-toed ungulates, and their closest living relatives are the hippopotamuses, having diverged from them about 40 million years ago. 

Manatees (family Trichechidaegenus Trichechus) are large, fully aquatic, mostly herbivorous marine mammals sometimes known as sea cows. There are three accepted living species of Trichechidae, representing three of the four living species in the order Sirenia: the Amazonian manatee (Trichechus inunguis), the West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus), and the West African manatee (Trichechus senegalensis). They measure up to 4.0 metres (13.1 ft) long, weigh as much as 590 kilograms (1,300 lb),[2] and have paddle-like flippers. The etymology of the name is dubious, with connections having been made to Latin "manus" (hand), and to a word sometimes cited as "manati" used by the Taíno, a pre-Columbian people of the Caribbean, meaning "breast".[3] Manatees are occasionally called sea cows, as they are slow plant-eaters, peaceful and similar to cows on land. They often graze on water plants in tropical seas.

儒艮Dugong dugon)為海牛目儒艮科草食性海生動物,類似其海牛科(Trichechidae)近親,但棲息地不盡相同,牠們是海牛目中唯一仍生存於印度洋太平洋地區的物種。 和海牛科的圓尾鰭不同,儒艮的尾鰭近似於海豚的Y形尾,突出嘴外的長牙則近似其遠親大象。 Dugongs have historically provided easy targets for hunters, who killed them for their meat, oil, skin, and bones. As the anthropologist A. Asbjørn Jøn has noted, they are often considered as the inspiration for mermaids,[18][89] and people around the world developed cultures around dugong hunting. In some areas it remains an animal of great significance,[15] and a growing ecotourism industry around dugongs has had an economic benefit in some countries.There is a 5,000-year-old wall painting of a dugong, apparently drawn by neolithic peoples, in Tambun Cave, Ipoh, Malaysia.[90] This was discovered by Lieutenant R.L Rawlings in 1959 while on a routine patrol. During the Renaissance and the Baroque eras, dugongs were often exhibited in wunderkammers. They were also presented as Fiji mermaids in sideshows.Dugong meat and oil have traditionally been some of the most valuable foods of Australian aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders. Some aborigines regard dugongs as part of their Aboriginality.[14] Dugongs have also played a role in legends in Kenya, and the animal is known there as the "Queen of the Sea". Body parts are used as food, medicine, and decorations. In the Gulf states, dugongs served not only as a source of food, but their tusks were used as sword handles. Dugong oil is important as a preservative and conditioner for wooden boats to people around the Gulf of Kutch in India, who also believe the meat to be an aphrodisiac. Dugong ribs were used to make carvings in Japan. In Southern China dugongs were traditionally regarded as a "miraculous fish", and it was bad luck to catch them. A wave of immigration beginning at the end of the 1950s resulted in dugongs being hunted for food. In the Philippines, dugongs are thought to bring bad luck, and parts of them are used to ward against evil spirits. In areas of Thailand, it is believed that the dugong's tears form a powerful love potion, while in parts of Indonesia they are considered reincarnations of women. In Papua New Guinea they are seen as a symbol of strength.

- reared by residents of  st. kilda in australia

- The hawksbill sea turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) is a critically endangered sea turtle belonging to the family Cheloniidae. It is the only extant species in the genus EretmochelysThe hawksbill's appearance is similar to that of other marine turtles. In general, it has a flattened body shape, a protective carapace, and flipper-like limbs, adapted for swimming in the open ocean. E. imbricata is easily distinguished from other sea turtles by its sharp, curving beakwith prominent tomium, and the saw-like appearance of its shell margins. Hawksbill shells slightly change colors, depending on water temperature. While this turtle lives part of its life in the open ocean, it spends more time in shallow lagoons and coral reefsタイマイ(玳瑁、瑇瑁Eretmochelys imbricata)は、ウミガメ科タイマイ属に分類されるカメAs far back as the fifth century BC, sea turtles, including the hawksbill, were eaten as delicacies in China. Many cultures also use turtles' shells for decoration. These turtles have been harvested for their beautiful shell since Egyptian times, and the material known as tortoiseshell is normally from the hawksbill. In China, where it was known as tai mei, the hawksbill is called the "tortoise-shell turtle", named primarily for its shell, which was used for making and decorating a variety of small items, as it was in the West. Along the south coast of Java, stuffed hawksbill turtles are sold in souvenir shops, though numbers have decreases in the last two decades. In Japan, the turtles are also harvested for their shell scutes, which are called bekko in Japanese. It is used in various personal implements, such as eyeglass frames and the shamisen (Japanese traditional three-stringed instrument) picks.[56] In 1994, Japan stopped importing hawksbill shells from other nations. Prior to this, the Japanese hawksbill shell trade was around 30,000 kg (66,000 lb) of raw shells per year. In the West, hawksbill sea turtle shells were harvested by the ancient Greeks and ancient Romans for jewellery, such as combs, brushes, and rings. The bulk of the world's hawksbill shell trade originates in the Caribbean. In 2006, processed shells were regularly available, often in large amounts, in countries including the Dominican Republic and Colombia.
- cambodia
  • 吳哥窟遺址保護與管理局(Apsara Authority)發言人上周四公布,考古團隊在今年三月底開始,在乾涸的皇家浴池內、本應是木造廟宇的遺址挖掘,並於上周三發現一個五十六厘米乘九十三厘米大的石雕龜像、一個石雕龍頭、兩個金屬製三叉器具和一些水晶石。團隊相信,這些文物與宗教儀式有關,可能是興建廟宇作鎮守保護之用。而石雕龜最特別之處,是其殼上有一個長方形、相信是揭蓋的切口

 大鱷龜 The alligator snapping turtle (Macrochelys temminckii) is a species of turtle in the family Chelydridae. The species is native to freshwater habitats in the United States. M. temminckii is one of the heaviest freshwater turtles in the world.[3] It is the largest freshwater species of turtle in North America.[4] It is often associated with, but not closely related to, the common snapping turtle, which is in the genus Chelydra. The specific epithet temminckii is in honor of Dutch zoologist Coenraad Jacob Temminck大鱷龜有時會被當作寵物。由於其大小及獨特的需求,牠們並非容易飼養的寵物。[12]牠們比起擬鱷龜並不喜歡咬人,但在受威脅時則會咬人,能輕易咬斷手指。[13]在一些未天然分佈的州份,如加利福尼亞州,一般都禁止飼養牠們。許多人因為不想再養這兇猛的寵物,就將他隨意棄養在水池或河裡。在台灣台中市中興大學,校方在清理中興湖的淤泥時,就在裡面發現兩隻大概在10年前放生的大鱷龜,由於湖內食物充足,令鱷龜長至半公尺長、20公斤重[7]。在香港也有發現不少的鱷龜被棄養在明渠上和垃圾筒裡,主要在新界一帶[14]。這些做法,都會對放生地的原生物種帶來傷害。 
- 美國維珍尼亞州北部郊區,周二有一隻重達廿九公斤的大鱷龜現身民居附近,嚇得居民報警求助。動物保護部門接報到場接走大鱷龜,將送往當地動物園。

-英國一個海洋生物研究團隊,早前在印度洋爪哇海溝約七千米深處,發現一隻有「小飛象八爪魚」(Dumbo Octopus)之稱的煙灰章魚,較過去紀錄深近二千米。

 (hòu;注音:ㄏㄡˋ;閩南語白話字:hāu;粵拼:hau6)為鱟科動物的通稱,又名「馬蹄蟹」、「蟹兜」、「夫妻魚Horseshoe crabs are marine and brackish water arthropods of the family Limulidae, suborder Xiphosurida, and order Xiphosura. Their popular name is a misnomer, as they are not true crabs, which are crustaceans.
  • [eckstut] horseshoe crabs are blue blooded and their blood is rich in copper, which when mixed with oxygen turns to blue - useful for medical research
  • 每當春夏季鱟的繁殖季節,雌雄一旦結為夫妻便形影不離,肥大雌鱟常馱瘦小丈夫蹣跚而行。此時捉到一隻鱟,提起為一對,故享有「海底鴛鴦」美稱,台灣漁民常趁此大肆獵捕,閩南語稱之為「掠鱟」,更由此衍生出「捉姦」之意,有人認為因諧音之故,逐漸由「掠鱟」音轉為「掠猴」,成為台灣社會常用之訛音(但也有人認為「掠猴」並非來自「掠鱟」,因閩南語早就有用「猴」指稱「嫖客」或「姦夫」,相關語詞很多,不可能都由「鱟」訛音而來);台灣與澎湖鮮少見到,金門見到一些,閩南語云「好好鱟劄甲屎流」,比喻好事弄得亂七八糟; 基隆港有鱟公嶼、鱟母嶼,「鱟嶼凝煙」列基隆八景之一;鱟公嶼在1906年基隆築港第二期挖除、鱟母嶼則因填海造陸而成為市區一部分。荃灣有地名稱為鱟地坊,在荃灣發展成新市鎮之前為海灘,因此經常有鱟出沒,此一市集遂有幾十個持牌小販,集中在空地零售日用品,有如小型足球場般大小,當中並無基建設施,小販俱售賣乾貨,諸如成衣、文具紙料、人造首飾、人造皮具、皮鞋、書包等,此一市集小販之間的行人通道分為第一街、第二街、第三街等,貨品價格有如旺角女人街,不少街坊亦稱為女人街,鱟地坊因而得名,後來人滿為患而堵塞交通,此所以在1958年搬到在川龍街;此外,將軍澳碼頭亦曾出現鱟,汕頭濠江區企望灣為南方鱟自然保護區。
  • 及至上世紀60年代,中國的鱟資源仍很豐富;浙江一帶的舟山群島,福建一帶的平潭島、長樂、連江、福清、廈門等沿海一帶,廣西廣東的北部海岸,海南島之西海域均有鱟的分佈,根據不完全的統計,當時福建省的鱟每年有幾百萬對,廣西北部灣、北海有幾千萬對上岸產卵。但從上世紀70年代起,鱟資源受到很大破壞,填海造地,鱟失去賴以生息的淺海沙灘;鱟血對保證人類健康事業的重要價值,使得其在一次性榨乾最後一滴血之後而失去生命,如今南海之鱟數量急劇減少,僅在廣西北部灣、海南島還有較大數量的鱟,北部灣的鱟也在減少。
  • hk
  • 城市急速發展,馬蹄蟹的數量已大不如前,根據文獻,過萬年前有逾百品種的馬蹄蟹,現在只剩下四種。香港有兩種,分別是中國鱟及圓尾鱟,其餘兩種是南方鱟及美洲鱟,而荃灣與馬鞍山曾是鱟聚居地。惟漁民指,以往在牠們繁殖季節,會見到一對對馬蹄蟹爬上沙灘產卵,現已難見。

    - 銀嵌珊瑚圖海,是蒙古族十 九世紀至二十世紀的產物。用銀 鑲嵌珊瑚的垂飾,對蒙 古族人有特殊意義。蒙古族人受 印度教影響,對生活、生命和宗 教信仰的熱忱,反映在首飾的製 作上,所用物料都很講究。以珊 瑚來點綴,意味着與大自然密不 可分,珊瑚代表的是星體的火曜 (Mars),這星體的梵名是 「曼 伽拉」(Mangala)。

    Arowanas are freshwater bony fish of the family Osteoglossidae, also known as bonytongues[1] (the latter name is now often reserved for Arapaimidae). In this family of fish, the head is bony and the elongated body is covered by large, heavy scales, with a mosaic pattern of canals. The dorsal and anal fins have soft rays and are long based, while the pectoral and ventral fins are small. The name "bonytongues" is derived from a toothed bone on the floor of the mouth, the "tongue", equipped with teeth that bite against teeth on the roof of the mouth. The arowana is a facultative air breather and can obtain oxygen from air by sucking it into its swim bladder, which is lined with capillaries like lung tissue.

    變色連鰭䲗,又名繡鰭連鰭䲗老鼠狗圻The picturesque dragonet (Synchiropus picturatus) is a brightly colored member of the dragonet family native to the Indo-West PacificPhilippines, eastern Indonesia and northwest Australia. It occasionally makes its way into the aquarium trade, where it is commonly known as the spotted mandarinpsychedelic mandarin or target mandarin.
    - 泰國噠叻府國家海洋公園日前成功繁育變色連鰭䲗(Mandarin Fish)。變色連鰭䲗是一種價格昂貴的海洋觀賞性魚,全身都有七彩線條,在泰國海域尚未發現該魚類。

    隆頭魚科   ベラ(倍良、遍羅、Wrasseラス   The wrasses are a familyLabridae, of marine fish, many of which are brightly colored. The family is large and diverse, with over 600 species in 81 genera, which are divided into 9 subgroups or tribes.The word "wrasse" comes from the Cornish word wragh, a lenited form of gwragh, meaning an old woman or hag, via Cornish dialect wrath. It is related to the Welsh gwrach and Breton gwrac'h.In the Western Atlantic coastal region of North America, the most common food species for indigenous humans was the tautog, a species of wrasse.[9] Wrasses today are commonly found in both public and home aquaria. Some species are small enough to be considered reef safe. They may also be employed as cleaner fish to combat sea-lice infestations in salmon farms.[22] Commercial fish farming of cleaner wrasse for sea-lice pest control in commercial salmon farming has developed in Scotland as lice busters, with apparent commercial benefit and viability.
    - Thalassoma is a genus of wrasses native to the AtlanticIndian and Pacific Oceans.
    - japan
    • からにかけてよく漁獲されるが、のコブダイなど一部を除くと漁業価値は低い。特に釣りで多く漁獲されるが、関東では「餌盗り」や「外道」として扱われ、釣ったその場で捨てられることもある。一方、関西では高級魚として扱われ専門の遊漁船も出るほど人気がある。なおは休眠するので、あまり漁獲されない。身は軟らかいが、刺身、煮付け、唐揚げ南蛮漬けなど、いろいろな料理で食べられる。キュウセンは関東地方などの東日本では評価が低いが、関西以西、特に瀬戸内海沿岸ではギザミと呼ばれ、美味な魚として評価されている。これは太平洋で育ったものは身が締まらず水っぽく大味になるのに対し、瀬戸内海などで育ったものは早い潮流によって身が引き締まるためである。したがって、個々の地域による文化的、味の嗜好で、価値観の差違が発生しているわけではない。
    • 别名 クサビ、クサブ(長崎県
    • 主要棲息於日本關西以南地區、以色彩鮮艷見稱的「紫錦魚」

    孔雀魚,又名孔雀花鳉,也称为凤尾鱼彩虹花鳉虹鳉古比鱼   The guppy (Poecilia reticulata), also known as millionfish and rainbow fish, is one of the world's most widely distributed tropical fish and one of the most popular freshwater aquarium fish species.  Guppies were first described in Venezuela as Poecilia reticulata by Wilhelm Peters in 1859 and as Lebistes poecilioides in Barbados by De Filippi in 1861. It was named Girardinus guppii by Albert Günther in honor of Robert John Lechmere Guppy, who sent specimens of the species from Trinidad to the Natural History Museum in London.[6] It was reclassified as Lebistes reticulatus by Regan in 1913. Then in 1963, Rosen and Bailey brought it back to its original name, Poecilia reticulata. While the taxonomy of the species was frequently changed and resulted in many synonyms, "guppy" remains the common name even as Girardinus guppii is now considered a junior synonym of Poecilia reticulata.Guppies are native to Antigua and BarbudaBarbadosBrazilGuyanaJamaica, the Netherlands AntillesTrinidad and Tobago, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Venezuela.
    lebistes o pez millón in spanish

    凹吻鮃又稱蒙鮃,俗名比目魚、扁魚、蒙鰈、殘鮃、異鱗鮃)The peacock flounder (Bothus mancus), also known as the flowery flounder, is a species of fish in the family Bothidae (lefteye flounders). The species is found widely in relatively shallow waters in the Indo-Pacific, also ranging into warmer parts of the east Pacific.

    貽貝目  Mytilida is an order of marine bivalve molluscs, commonly known as true mussels.[1] There is one extant superfamily, the Mytiloidea, with a single extant family, the Mytilidae.Species in the order Mytilida are found worldwide, but they are more abundant in colder seas, where they often form uninterrupted beds on rocky shores in the intertidal zone and the shallow subtidal. The subfamily Bathymodiolinae is found in deep-sea habitats.Mytilids include the well-known edible sea mussels.
    - 美國聯邦野生動植物官員及環保組織,近日在新澤西州亨特敦縣一個魚塘,發現由中國黑龍江和長江「偷渡」至當地的超大貽貝。由於該種蚌類侵略性強,或會擴散至河流對破壞生態,當局目前已除去魚塘內所有貽貝。

    Nudibranchs (/ˈnjdɪbræŋk/) also known as nudi are a group of soft-bodiedmarinegastropod molluscs which shed their shells after their larval stage. They are noted for their often extraordinary colours and striking forms, and they have been given colourful nicknames to match, such as "clown," "marigold," "splendid," "dancer," "dragon," or "sea rabbit." [5]Currently, about 3,000 valid species of nudibranchs are known.
    - 美國一名醉心海洋生物的七歲男童亨特(Hunter Lane),上周偕家人到德州帕德雷島國家海岸遊玩,不出幾分鐘就檢獲了數隻外形奇特的藍色生物,一度以為是新物種。原來,牠們是有「藍龍」之稱的大西洋海神海蛞蝓,沖上海岸被人發現實屬罕有。

     洞螈 The olm or proteus (Proteus anguinus) is an aquatic salamander in the family Proteidae, the only exclusively cave-dwelling chordate species found in Europe. In contrast to most amphibians, it is entirely aquatic; it eats, sleeps, and breeds underwater. Living in caves found in the Dinaric Alps, it is endemic to the waters that flow underground through the extensive limestone bedrock of the karst of Central and Southeastern Europe, specifically southern Slovenia, the basin of the Soča River (ItalianIsonzo) near Trieste, Italy, southwestern Croatia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina.[2] Introduced populations are found near Vicenza, Italy, and Kranj, Slovenia.
    The olm is a symbol of Slovenian natural heritage. The enthusiasm of scientists and the broader public about this inhabitant of Slovenian caves is still strong 300 years after its discovery. Postojna Cave is one of the birthplaces of biospeleology due to the olm and other rare cave inhabitants, such as the blind cave beetle

    Mantis shrimps, or stomatopods, are marine crustaceans of the order Stomatopoda. Some species have specialised calcified "clubs" that can strike with great power, while others have sharp forelimbs used to capture prey. Some saltwater aquarists keep stomatopods in captivity.[48] The peacock mantis is especially colourful and desired in the trade.

    オキアミ沖醤蝦Szczętki (l. poj.szczętka), eufauzje, eufazje (Euphausiacea), popularnie zwane krylem Krill are small crustaceans of the order Euphausiacea, and are found in all the world's oceans. The name "krill" comes from the Norwegian word krill, meaning "small fry of fish",[1] which is also often attributed to species of fish. 

    海綿動物(かいめんどうぶつ、sponge)は、海綿動物門Porifera)に属する動物の総称である。海綿、カイメンなどとも表記される。熱帯を中心に世界中のあらゆる海に生息する。淡水に生息する種も存在する。壺状、扇状、杯状など様々な形態をもつ種が存在し、同種であっても生息環境によって形状が異なる場合もある。大きさは数mmから1mを越すもの(南極海に生息する樽状の海綿 Scolymastra joubini)まで多様である。多細胞生物であるが、細胞間の結合はゆるく、はっきりとした器官等の分化は見られない。細かい網目状の海綿質繊維からなる骨格は、スポンジとして化粧用や沐浴用に用いられる。
    普通海綿綱に属する6種の海綿は海綿質繊維だけからなり、硬い骨片を持たないため、スポンジとして化粧用や沐浴用に用いられる。地中海産、紅海産の海綿が柔らかく、品質が高いとされる。海底で捕獲した海綿の組織を腐敗させ、残った骨格を洗い流したものが、スポンジとして店頭で見られる海綿となる。日本では、ガラス海綿の一種であるカイロウドウケツなどが、その姿の面白さから飾りなどに使われた。海綿は水中に浮遊する食物を濾過摂食するため、水質汚濁の原因となる水中の微生物や有機物を除去する役割を果たしている。カイメンからは複雑な構造を持つ有機化合物が多数発見されており、医薬品の候補として期待されている。抗 HIV 薬として用いられているジドブジンはカイメン由来の天然物と類似した構造を持っており、他にもハリコンドリンB[5]や環状グアニジン類などが抗がん剤や抗 HIV 薬、抗マラリア薬として作用することが確認されている。

    Echinoderm is the common name given to any member of the phylum Echinodermata (from Ancient Greek, ἐχῖνος, echinos – "hedgehog" and δέρμα, derma – "skin") of marine animals. The adults are recognizable by their (usually five-point) radial symmetry, and include such well-known animals as sea starssea urchinssand dollars, and sea cucumbers, as well as the sea lilies or "stone lilies". Echinoderms are found at every ocean depth, from the intertidal zone to the abyssal zone. The phylum contains about 7000 living species, making it the second-largest grouping of deuterostomes (a superphylum), after the chordates (which include the vertebrates, such as birdsfishesmammals, and reptiles). Echinoderms are also the largest phylum that has no freshwater or terrestrial (land-based) representatives. 棘皮動物(きょくひどうぶつ)とは、棘皮動物門 (Echinodermata) に属する生物の総称である。ウニヒトデクモヒトデナマコ、ウミユリなどが棘皮動物に属する。棘皮動物という名称は、echinoderm というギリシャ語由来のラテン語を直訳したもので、echinoderm とは echinos(ハリネズミ)のような derma(皮)を持つものという意味である。その名が示す通り、元来ウニを対象としてつけられた名称であるが、ヒトデ、ナマコ、ウミユリなど、ウニと類縁関係にある、トゲをもたない動物も、棘皮動物に含まれる。
    - Echinoderms were harvested, mainly for consumption. These were mainly sea cucumbers (158,000 tonnes) and sea urchins (73,000 tonnes).

    Tridacna is a genus of large saltwater clamsmarine bivalve mollusks in the subfamily Tridacninae, the giant clams. They have heavy shells, fluted with 4 to 6 folds. The mantle is brightly coloured. They inhabit shallow waters of coral reefs in warm seas of the Indo-Pacificregion.[These clams are popular in marine aquaria, and in some areas, such as the Philippines, members of the genus are farmed for the marine aquarium trade. They live in symbiosis with photosynthetic algae (zooxanthellae). Some species are eaten by humans.

    金蝸牛(siput gondang emas)學名桶瓶螺,在原產地南美洲稱為金蘋果螺,在中國稱為福壽螺南美螺。其他的名字還有金寶螺蘋果螺大瓶螺。台灣農民俗稱夭壽螺,「夭壽」一詞有「短命早死、過分的、惡毒的」之意[6]   Pomacea canaliculatacommonly known as the golden apple snail or the channeled apple snail, is a species of large freshwater snail with gills and an operculum, an aquatic gastropod mollusc in the family Ampullariidae, the apple snails. South American in origin, this species is considered to be in the top 100 of the "World's Worst Invasive Alien Species".
    - 位於雲南大理市的洱海近日出現大量外來物種「福壽螺」,危害當地生態環境。大理市政府上周六推出防控政策,市民每上交一公斤福壽螺卵,可獲四十元人民幣(約四十四港元)獎勵。

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