Tuesday, July 9, 2019


卡拉科尔Caracol is the name given to a large ancient Maya archaeological site, located in what is now the Cayo District of Belize. It is situated approximately 40 kilometres south of Xunantunich and the town of San Ignacio Cayo, and 15 kilometers away from the Macal River. It rests on the Vaca Plateau at an elevation of 500 meters above sea-level, in the foothills of the Maya Mountains.[1] Long thought to be a tertiary center, it is now known that the site was one of the most important regional political centers of the Maya Lowlands during the Classic Period.[2] Caracol covered approximately 200 square kilometers,[3] covering an area much larger than present-day Belize City (the largest metropolitan area in the country) and supported more than twice the modern city's population. "Caracol" is a modern name from Spanishcaracol "snail, shell", but more generally meaning spiral- or volute-shaped— apparently on account of the winding access road that led to the site.[1][5] Local tour guides say that the nickname "Caracol" originates from the large population of snails present on the site. Researchers would say to go to "that one place with all the snails", and this eventually developed into just referring to it as "Caracol". When visiting the site you will see that snails are quite literally everywhere. Its ancient name has been reconstructed from the Emblem Glyph popular among its early rulers - Ux Witz Ajaw, or “Three Hills Lord”. The full name of Caracol would be "Three-Hills Water," read Oxwitza',[6] Uxwitza’ or, Hispanicised, "Oxhuitza". This place name may also reference the Three Stone Place of creation.その「首都」(現カラコルの遺跡)は、オシュウィツア(Oxhuitza「3つの丘の水」)と呼ばれていた。A.D.330年頃から石碑に王朝の歴史が刻まれていたことが判明している。カラコルは、当初ティカル(Tikal)に従属する国家であって、ヤハゥ=テ=キニチ(「太陽神の王」)2世(「支配者3」、「水王(Lord Water)」とも呼ばれる。)は、ティカルの王の後見のもとで、553年に即位するが、カンペチェ州にあるカラクムル(Calakmul)と同盟し、562年の「星の戦争」で、ティカルを攻撃して、打ち破った。680年にナランホに攻撃されて破壊され略奪されるまで繁栄した。

iFXEXPO Inc. https://www.ifxexpo.com/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_qHG39X03gIVwbHtCh1LzAqLEAAYASADEgK6w_D_BwE#contact

British Honduras was a British Crown colony on the east coast of Central America, south of Mexico, from 1862 to 1964, then a self-governing colony, renamed Belize in June 1973, until September 1981, when it gained full independence as Belize. 

  • First settled by the Maya people, Spain was the first European country to attempt to form a settlement on the land that would become British Honduras; these attempts proved unsuccessful as the Maya drove the Spanish out. When settlers did start to colonize the land in the 1600s, they did so unofficially; officially Spain still possessed the colonization rights to the country, having made the prior claim of ownership. The unofficial settlers were British privateers and pirates whose presence would remain a cause for contention between Britain and Spain throughout the 18th century.British Honduras was used by the British as a logging colony to supply wood to the Empire. The last recorded slave rebellion in the country was the New River Revolt led by two slaves, Will and Sharper, in 1820. When martial law was declared and the militia was sent to quell the rebellion, the leader of the militia found that that the slaves 'had certainly good grounds for complaint' due to being 'treated with very unnecessary harshness by their Owner'. Will, Sharper and the rebel slaves were spared the lethal penalty which was the norm for rebelling slaves; Will and Sharper later disappeared. The slaves on British Honduras were freed in 1838, following 4 years of apprenticeship.British Honduras would be renamed Belize in 1973; however, tensions between Britain and Guatemala over who owned Belize continued to forestall its independence. As negotiations over ownership stalled, the colonized state appealed to the Non-Aligned Movement (of nations which are not part of any political bloc of countries) and the United Nations, for the right to self-determination. Belize won its Independence in 1981, yet it would take in excess of a decade before the threat of a Guatemalan invasion would be deemed to have passed and British troops would leave Belize.https://microform.digital/boa/collections/73/volumes/501/british-honduras-1839-1938

- hkej 9sep16 shum article

hong kong
- 立法會議員尹兆堅(肥尹)以前做社工就好多人都知,但佢啲家人定居中美洲就唔係咁多人知喇。早前佢就趁暑假遠赴中美洲小國伯利茲(Belize)探親,仲帶老婆同仔女喺當地浮潛,睇到少見嘅海牛,又近距離接觸護士鯊,兩個小朋友玩得好開心,但佢就要一人身兼護衞、攝影師同解說員,笑言放假唔係充電,而係放電喎。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20181021/00176_072.html

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