Friday, July 19, 2019

雞棚, Scam

The Temple of All Religions (RussianХрам всех религийTatarБарлык диннәр гыйбәдәтханәсе) or the Universal Temple (RussianВселенский храм) is a unique architectural complex in the Staroye Arakchino Microdistrict of KazanRussia. It consists of several types of religious architecture including an Orthodox church, a mosque, and a synagogue, among others. It is currently under construction since 1992, started by local artist and philanthropist Ildar Khanov[1] (1940 - 2013). The structure now serves as a cultural center and a residence for Khanov's brother and sister, who both continue to serve as guides and supervisors of the complex. The structure is not an active temple of any religion, but rather, as Khanov described its mission, a "temple of culture and truth". It has become a popular landmark in the city of Kazan, which takes pride in the peaceful combination of different cultures (Islamic Tatar culture, Orthodox Russian, and others). The Temple is often visited by local and overseas tourists. Khanov said that eventually the structure should have 16 cupolas, corresponding to the 16 major world religions, including past religions that are no longer practiced.,

child adoption
- 一對現年約三十歲的南韓姊妹,還在襁褓就分別被不同美國家庭領養,直至近年透過基因尋親網始發現對方存在。沒想到,兩姊妹自幼於同一地區生活,一直近在咫尺。她們為此興奮不已,更打算周六讓養父母們共聚,見證意外驚喜。
- 韓國在上世紀曾是最大「嬰兒出口國」,自1953年朝鮮戰爭停戰以來,共有逾16.7萬韓國嬰兒被送往海外領養,不少孩子長大後回韓尋根,但他們許多屬私生子女,親生父母不願承認曾將子女送養,故收養文件往往不完整或偽造,令被領養人難以追查生父母下落。韓國首爾家庭法院昨日作出歷史性裁決,承認一名30多年前被美國公民收養的韓裔女子,與她的韓國籍親生父親為親子關係,是首次有海外的韓裔被領養人在同類案件中勝訴,事件勢必成為案例,讓其他被領養者日後更易尋根。博斯在1983年被遺棄於忠清北道一個停車場,當年僅2歲的博斯已懂得說出年齡及韓文名字姜美淑(譯音);翌年9月她獲美國一個家庭領養,博斯目前與丹麥籍丈夫及2名子女居於阿姆斯特丹。38歲的博斯表示,她成為母親後,不禁想到親生母親將自己拋棄時是何等痛苦,故她希望找回親生媽媽,讓對方放下往事。
- economist 6jun2020 "crossing blood lines" china is making it easier for its own citizens to adopt chinese children

in the name of "christianity"
A self-described peace organisation known as a front of 
Shincheonji , the controversial Christian sect at the centre of 
South Korea ’s spiralling 
coronavirus outbreak , has a company registered in 
Hong Kong 
  and has held events at a local primary school and the city’s most prestigious university. Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL), led by Shincheonji founder and self-proclaimed messiah Lee Man-hee, organised events at Yan Chai Hospital Chiu Tsang Hok Wan Primary School and the University of Hong Kong (HKU) in 2018, the Post can reveal. In March that year, HWPL members visited the primary school in Tsing Yi to provide “peace education” to students and celebrate the second anniversary of Lee’s “Declaration of Peace and Cessation of War”, social media postings by the group show.   The group claims to have met numerous political leaders and civil society representatives around the world as part of its efforts to get the proclamation adopted as a legally binding declaration at the United Nations. Photos posted on Twitter at the time show children at the school posing with drawings of bombs next to a number of adults making a hand gesture associated with Shincheonji, which mainstream Christian churches in its home base of South Korea regard as a cult. HWPL also organised an event at HKU the same month to commemorate the declaration, with a video posted on social media appearing to show dozens of participants in attendance. Yan Chai Hospital Chiu Tsang Hok Wan Primary School declined to answer questions about whether it was aware of HWPL’s background or if parents had been informed in advance, but said it saw its mission as being to teach pupils a “positive attitude and correct moral values”.Although HWPL claims to be an international peace organisation with branches in 170 countries, experts on fringe sects in South Korea describe it as inseparable from the controversial church. “HWPL is a front of Shincheonji, specifically targeting people outside Korea,” said Tark Ji-il, a professor of religion at South Korea’s Busan Presbyterian University who is an expert on cults. “HWPL approaches people in many foreign countries.” HWPL’s Hong Kong branch registered itself as a limited company based out of a residential address in Yuen Long in 2016, according to the city’s Companies Registry. Corporate records name Yiu Tso Yue, a Hong Kong resident living at the same Yuen Long address, and Ao Ka In, with an address in Shanghai, as the company’s directors. The Postwas unable to contact Yiu or Ao. In its articles of association, the company describes its purpose as teaching the Korean language and providing “clothing and grain” to the “brotherhood in China”, as well as carrying out cultural exchanges with countries including the Philippines, Germany, Sri Lanka and Saudi Arabia. In September, the company reported no revenue in the preceding two years, with a combined deficit for the period of around HK$14,000 and liabilities of about HK$21,000, corporate records show.    Separately, Singapore’s Ministry for Home Affairs said on Friday it was investigating the local chapter of Shincheonji after its members last year tried to register a company under the name Heavenly Culture, World Peace and Restoration of Light. Home Affairs Minister K Shanmugam said authorities suspected that people had been “misled and defrauded into certain actions” by the sect while using front companies.

health fraud
charlatan (also called a swindler or mountebank) is a person practising quackery or some similar confidence trick or deception in order to obtain money, fame or other advantages via some form of pretense or deceptionSynonyms for "charlatan" include "shyster", "quack", or "faker". "Mountebank" comes from the Italianmontambanco or montimbanco based on the phrase monta in banco – literally referring to the action of a seller of dubious medicines getting up on a bench to address his audience of potential customers.[1] "Quack" is a reference to "quackery" or the practice of dubious medicine or a person who does not have actual medical training who purports to provide medical services.The word comes from French charlatan, a seller of medicines who might advertise his presence with music and an outdoor stage show. The best known of the Parisian charlatans was Tabarin, who set up a stage in the Place Dauphine, Paris in 1618, and whose commedia dell'arte inspired skits and farces inspired Molière. The word can also be traced to Spanishcharlatán, an indiscreetly talkative person, a chatterbox. Ultimately, etymologists trace "charlatan" from either the Italian ciarlare,[2] to chatter or prattle; or from Cerretano, a resident of Cerreto, a village in Umbria, known for its quacks.

  • note films bearing the name in past century at diff times by diff countries

Quackery, often synonymous with health fraud, is the promotion[1] of fraudulent or ignorant medical practices. A quack is a "fraudulent or ignorant pretender to medical skill" or "a person who pretends, professionally or publicly, to have skill, knowledge, qualification or credentials they do not possess; a charlatan or snake oil salesman".[2] The term quack is a clipped form of the archaic term quacksalver, from Dutch: kwakzalver a "hawker of salve".[3] In the Middle Ages the term quack meant "shouting". The quacksalvers sold their wares on the market shouting in a loud voice.Common elements of general quackery include questionable diagnoses using questionable diagnostic tests, as well as untested or refuted treatments, especially for serious diseases such as cancer. Quackery is often described as "health fraud" with the salient characteristic of aggressive promotion.
  • Revalenta Arabica, or Ervalenta, is a name given to a preparation which was sold in the 18th century as an empirical diet for patients, extraordinary restorative virtues being attributed to it. The product that was mass-marketed was, in reality, only a preparation of the common lentil, its first name being formed for disguise by the transposition of its earlier botanical name, Ervum lens. While indeed lentils are a healthy and nutritious food, Revalenta Arabica's value was about similar to the common pea-meal (or ground split peas).

- didacworld

sheep head dog meat


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