-The Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, better known as the Istanbul Convention, is a human rights treaty of the Council of Europe against violence against women and domestic violence which was opened for signature on 11 May 2011, in Istanbul, Turkey. The convention aims at prevention of violence, victim protection and "to end with the impunity of perpetrators".[1] As of March 2019, it has been signed by 45 countries and the European Union. On 12 March 2012, Turkey became the first country to ratify the Convention, followed by 33 other countries from 2013 to 2019.
- 波蘭司法部長焦布羅前天宣布,今天將啟動程序退出防止女性受暴力對待的《伊斯坦布爾公約》,理由是公約要求學校教授學童有關性別的意識形態,與國家奉行的傳統家庭觀念背道而馳,侵犯家長權利。數千名示威者得知消息後上街示威。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20200727/00176_024.html
Women in international politics
- scmp 6aug16 2page feature
- first lady
- 盘点四位苏联不同历史时期的著名第一夫人
来源:«透视俄罗斯» - http://tsrus.cn/lishi/2018/10/11/663321
- hkej 4mar19 shum article
in government
- china
- 內地政法系統最近陸續有高官履新。公安部部長助理聶福如調升國家安全部黨委委員、政治部主任;公安部人事訓練局局長馮延,升任本部黨委委員、政治部主任。原司法部政治部主任馮力軍今年六月自殺身亡,崗位一直懸空。待遺缺補全後,國務院系統的三個政法部門,將完成政治部主任的全部更新。馮延是公安部歷史上第一位女性政治部主任。而現任最高人民檢察院政治部主任潘毅琴,以及去世的馮力軍,皆為女性。如此眾多女將執掌政治部,前所未有。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20200914/00184_010.html
diversity and inclusion in business
- http://www.communitybusiness.org/images/cb/publications/2013/DOB_Guide_Eng.pdf
- ft 1sep18 "california to be first us state to impose female quota for boards"
- 美國馬里蘭州巴爾的摩藝術博物館(Baltimore Museum of Art)近日宣布,二○二○年度採購的永久藏品,將全部是由女性藝術家創作的作品。館方指希望藉此糾正數個世紀以來,藝術界對待男女藝術家不平衡的現象。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191120/00180_029.html
- economist 6jun2020 "this time is different" recessions tend to reduce gender inequality. Not this one
male dominated industries
- ft 16may19 female led hedge funds challenge boys club
- catholicism
workpay equality
- 冰島政府也立法規定男女同工同酬,已於元旦日正式生效,成為全球首例,違例企業將面臨罰款。雖然此類立法是全球首例,但由於冰島的性別平權風氣濃厚,法例獲普遍支持。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/01/04/a19-0104.pdf
- 瑞士各地婦女上周五發起女性平權的大型罷工示威,要求男女同工同酬,包括首都伯爾尼等數個城市,「紫色」行動得到逾60%民眾及不少政客響應,議會亦休會十五分鐘以示支持。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190616/00180_014.html
surname of children
- scmp 7mar19 "more babies in shanghai given mother's surname"
- 英國司法部宣佈將於倫敦南部一座女子監獄,開設專為跨性別囚犯而設的囚室,成為英國首批跨性別囚室。司法部稱,囚室將用作監禁「男跨女」跨性別女犯人,與其他女犯人分開囚禁,以保障所有囚犯的安全。今次改革源自2016年,天生為男性的跨性別囚犯懷特於女子監獄還柙候審期間,性侵犯兩名女囚,懷特去年認罪。法官形容懷特以跨性別為藉口,接觸並侵犯女囚犯,危害女性和兒童安全,宣判把懷特移至男子監獄服刑,司法部其後着手檢討跨性別囚犯議題。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/03/05/a22-0305.pdf
crowd control
- 中美洲國家巴拿馬早前為遏止新冠肺炎疫情,禁止男性和女性國民同日出門,南美洲的秘魯前日亦採取類似措施,限制男女只可隔日輪流出門。秘魯的新措施將實施至本月12日,其間男性只可於周一、周三及周五外出購買物資,女性則可於周二、周四及周六外出,周日則全部人需留在家中。秘魯總統比斯卡拉表示,措施旨在減少街上的人流,令安全部隊較易管理,而所有獲授權從事必要行業的人士將獲豁免。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/04/04/a22-0404.pdf
gender neutral
- Canada's Senate has passed a bill making the country's national anthem gender-neutral. If you're not familiar with the words to "O Canada," here's how the first few lines of the English version originally read: O Canada! / Our home and native land! / True patriot love in all thy sons command.
The bill changes the phrase "in all thy sons command" to "in all of us command." It must now receive "royal assent" from the governor general before it becomes law. https://edition.cnn.com/2018/02/01/americas/canada-gender-neutral-national-anthem-trnd/index.html
- http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/ontario-has-just-issued-its-first-non-binary-birth-certificate-recipient-says-1.4652175 An Ontario-born filmmaker has been issued what they say is the province's first non-binary birth certificate after a year-long legal battle with the government, and says receiving the document marks a victory for the non-binary and transgender community.
- http://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/
male dominated industries
- ft 16may19 female led hedge funds challenge boys club
- catholicism
- 天主教教宗方濟各前日任命意大利女 律師迪喬凡尼(見圖),為梵蒂岡國務院 首位女副秘書長,打破國務院一向由男性 主導的局面。 66歲的迪喬凡尼自 1993年起在國務院 工作,專長國際法及人權事務,梵蒂岡的 聲明稱,她將在國務院與各國關係部門 內,負責多邊關係事務。迪喬凡尼表示, 她獲任命是「史無前例」的舉措,形容自 己作為女性,擅於尋找共識及修補關係, 希望在新崗位上正面地發揮女性的角色。 迪喬凡尼擔任的屬新創立的職位,職 級等同副外長。梵蒂岡國務院要職過往大 多由男性出任,但男女平等呼聲近年高 漲,加上全球逾 13億天主教徒中逾半為 女性,參與天主教修會的女信徒人數更較 男信徒多出兩倍,不少人均認為應讓女性 擔任更多教廷要職。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/01/17/a15-0117.pdf
workpay equality
- 冰島政府也立法規定男女同工同酬,已於元旦日正式生效,成為全球首例,違例企業將面臨罰款。雖然此類立法是全球首例,但由於冰島的性別平權風氣濃厚,法例獲普遍支持。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/01/04/a19-0104.pdf
- 瑞士各地婦女上周五發起女性平權的大型罷工示威,要求男女同工同酬,包括首都伯爾尼等數個城市,「紫色」行動得到逾60%民眾及不少政客響應,議會亦休會十五分鐘以示支持。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190616/00180_014.html
- economist 14mar2020 "why germany's pay gap is so large"
- 美國勞工部4年前發現,科技公司Google在加州山景城、華盛頓州西雅圖等地的辦公室,向亞裔及女性工程師支付的薪酬存在不公,指控該公司涉嫌歧視。當局周一宣布,Google將斥資380萬美元(約2,964萬港元)就有關指控和解,當中259萬美元(約2,020萬港元)將支付給逾5,500名現職員工和前求職者。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20210203/00180_018.html
directors gender ratio
- 美國加州州長布朗前日簽署法案,要求上市公司的董事會須加入女性,成為美國首個州份實施這項法例。根據法案,在明年底前,加州所有上市公司的董事會中,至少要有一名女性董事。而視乎董事會席位數量而定,到2021年底,公司最少要有3名女性董事。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/10/02/a24-1002.pdf
gender roles
directors gender ratio
- 美國加州州長布朗前日簽署法案,要求上市公司的董事會須加入女性,成為美國首個州份實施這項法例。根據法案,在明年底前,加州所有上市公司的董事會中,至少要有一名女性董事。而視乎董事會席位數量而定,到2021年底,公司最少要有3名女性董事。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/10/02/a24-1002.pdf
gender roles
- ms monopoly
Virginity, sexual relationship
Virginity, sexual relationship
- If Tolstoy’s novella prompted Dyakonova to demand that men maintain innocence before marriage same as women, it prompted other women to realize the injustice of their situation and seek freedom.https://www.rbth.com/arts/333317-tolstoys-kreutzer-sonata
- Droit du seigneur (/ˈdrɑː də seɪˈnjɜːr/; French: [dʁwa dy sɛɲœʁ], 'lord's right'), also known as jus primae noctis (/ʒʌs ˈpraɪmi ˈnɒktɪs/; Latin: [ju:s ˈpri:mae̯ 'nɔktɪs], 'right of the first night'), is a supposed legal right in medieval Europe, allowing feudal lords to have sexual relations with subordinate women, in particular, on their wedding nights. Historians David A. Walker and Hector McKechnie wrote that the "right" might have existed in medieval Europe,[1][2] but the consensus among historians is that it is a myth, and that all references to it are from later periods.The French expression droit du seigneur translates as "right of the lord", but native French prefer the terms droit de jambage(French: [dʁwa d(ə) ʒɑ̃baʒ], from jambe, 'leg') or droit de cuissage (French: [dʁwa d(ə) kɥisaʒ], from cuisse, 'thigh'). The term is often used synonymously with jus primae noctis,[5] Latin for "right of the first night".In the Epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh is described as having practiced a similar custom: "He is king, he does whatever he wants... takes the girl from her mother and uses her, the warrior's daughter, the young man's bride." Herodotus mentions a similar custom among the Adyrmachidae in ancient Libya: "They are also the only tribe with whom the custom obtains of bringing all women about to become brides before the king, that he may choose such as are agreeable to him." When the plebians of the Etruscan city of Volsinii rebelled against the aristocrats in 280 BC, "They took their wives for themselves and placed the daughters of the nobles under the jus primae noctis, while all their former masters on whom they could lay hands were tortured to death."The supposed right was abolished by Ferdinand II of Aragon in Article 9 of the Sentencia Arbitral de Guadalupe in 1486.As late as the nineteenth century, some Kurdish chieftains in Anatolia raped Armenian brides on their wedding night (part of what was then known as the khafir or hafir system). In the Hawaiian Islands, marriage in the Western sense did not exist until the arrival of Christian missionaries; there was no word for husband or wife in the Hawaiian language. The privilege for chiefs was often observed, according to "Sexual Behavior in Pre Contact Hawai‘i" by Milton Diamond.[42] A young girl's parents viewed the coupling with favor.[43] If she were lucky, she might conceive his offspring and be allowed to keep it. The term has also been used to describe the sexual exploitation of slaves in the American colonies.In modern times Zaire's president Mobutu Sese Seko appropriated the droit de cuissage when traveling around the country where local chiefs offered him virgins; this act was considered a great honor for the virgin's family.
- divorce
- Droit du seigneur (/ˈdrɑː
- https://www.quora.com/When-was-the-last-time-that-the-nobles-right-of-prima-nocta-was-exercised-and-has-it-ever-been-formally-withdrawn-from-English-nobility
- divorce
- economist 15feb2020 papal power - why the philippines is (almost) the only country where divorce is illegal
surname of children
- scmp 7mar19 "more babies in shanghai given mother's surname"
- 英國司法部宣佈將於倫敦南部一座女子監獄,開設專為跨性別囚犯而設的囚室,成為英國首批跨性別囚室。司法部稱,囚室將用作監禁「男跨女」跨性別女犯人,與其他女犯人分開囚禁,以保障所有囚犯的安全。今次改革源自2016年,天生為男性的跨性別囚犯懷特於女子監獄還柙候審期間,性侵犯兩名女囚,懷特去年認罪。法官形容懷特以跨性別為藉口,接觸並侵犯女囚犯,危害女性和兒童安全,宣判把懷特移至男子監獄服刑,司法部其後着手檢討跨性別囚犯議題。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/03/05/a22-0305.pdf
crowd control
- 中美洲國家巴拿馬早前為遏止新冠肺炎疫情,禁止男性和女性國民同日出門,南美洲的秘魯前日亦採取類似措施,限制男女只可隔日輪流出門。秘魯的新措施將實施至本月12日,其間男性只可於周一、周三及周五外出購買物資,女性則可於周二、周四及周六外出,周日則全部人需留在家中。秘魯總統比斯卡拉表示,措施旨在減少街上的人流,令安全部隊較易管理,而所有獲授權從事必要行業的人士將獲豁免。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/04/04/a22-0404.pdf
gender neutral
- Canada's Senate has passed a bill making the country's national anthem gender-neutral. If you're not familiar with the words to "O Canada," here's how the first few lines of the English version originally read: O Canada! / Our home and native land! / True patriot love in all thy sons command.
The bill changes the phrase "in all thy sons command" to "in all of us command." It must now receive "royal assent" from the governor general before it becomes law. https://edition.cnn.com/2018/02/01/americas/canada-gender-neutral-national-anthem-trnd/index.html
- http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/ontario-has-just-issued-its-first-non-binary-birth-certificate-recipient-says-1.4652175 An Ontario-born filmmaker has been issued what they say is the province's first non-binary birth certificate after a year-long legal battle with the government, and says receiving the document marks a victory for the non-binary and transgender community.
- http://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/
- Héloïse (variously Héloïse d'Argenteuil, Héloïse du Paraclet) (/ˈɛloʊ.iːz/ or /ˈhɛloʊ.iːz/; French: [e.lɔ.iz]; 1100–1?[1] – 16 May 1164) was a French nun, writer, scholar, and abbess.Héloïse was a renowned "woman of letters", philosopher of love and friendship, and important influence upon her husband, colleague and collaborator Peter Abelard, to whom she posed many questions such as those in the "Problemata Heloissae".[2] She reached the level of nullius in 1147 and thus achieved approximately the level of political rank and power as a bishop in the 12th century Catholic church.[3]She is known for expressing controversial portrayals of gender and marriage in precedence of modern feminismand is an important figure in French literary history and in the establishment of women's representation in scholarship. Her surviving letters are considered a foundation of French and European literature and primary inspiration for the practice of courtly love. Her erudite and sometimes erotically charged correspondence is the Latin basis for the bildungsroman and serve alongside Abelard's Historia Calamitatum as a model of the classical epistolary genre. Her influence extends on later writers as diverse as Chrétien de Troyes, Geoffrey Chaucer, Madame de Lafayette, Thomas Aquinas, Choderlos de Laclos, Voltaire, Rousseau, Simone Weil and Dominique Aury.Héloïse is most famous in popular culture for her love affair and correspondence with Peter Abelard (French name: Pierre Abélard). Her family background is largely unknown. She was the ward of her maternal "uncle" Canon Fulbert of Notre Dame and the daughter of a woman named Hersinde, who is sometimes speculated to have been Hersint of Champagne (Lady of Montsoreau and founder of the Fontevraud Abbey) or possibly a lesser known nun called Hersinde at the convent of St. Eloi (from which the name "Heloise" would have been taken).
Female movement
- cgs in hk openly supported more women be diplomats and head of overseas mission
- 西漢時期,曾經出現過一部《古列女傳》。此傳相傳是漢成帝中郎劉向 所編寫,亦有人認為劉向只是託名,真正作者已無法考證。雖然如此,此 書對後世的影響可是不少。《古列女傳》被喻為中國第一部女子傳記,現 存七篇,篇名以女子品性為分類準則,包括母儀、賢明、仁智、貞順、節 義、辯通、孽嬖,六褒一貶,顧名思義,女性的品德、貞潔、才智、變 通,是重點刻畫的主題,而孽嬖更是「反面教材」。在孽嬖篇中,夏桀末 喜、殷紂妲己、周幽褒姒等耳熟能詳的女士固然有分,連趙武靈王之后吳 氏、齊國棠城邑及大夫崔杼之妻東郭姜等人物也榜上有名。 她們的出現乃建基於與前六篇女子的對比分判上,穿戴住禍國害主的帽 子,在古代男性宗法社會下擔當了「女禍」的代表。就人物數量而言,除 母儀篇有 14則外,其餘均有 15則,換言之,有 104位古代女性被「入 隊」,成為後世討論的對象。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/11/11/a21-1111.pdf
Female movement
- cgs in hk openly supported more women be diplomats and head of overseas mission
- http://www.mzv.cz/hongkong/cz/generalni_konzulat/generalni_konzul/index.htmlLucie Nebesářová
sex symbol
- men
- men
- rudolph valentino (italian based in us) born 1895, active 1920s
- medieval times
- https://www.quora.com/What-were-some-things-that-the-Middle-Ages-had-better-than-the-Renaissance
- https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20210106/00180_035.html建於前蘇聯時期的莫斯科地鐵,政府認為鐵路等工種會影響女性健康,歷史上只聘請男性工作,惟禁令多年來備受批評。至去年9月,勞工部終修改相關法規,將只限於男性從事的職業從456種大幅減至約100種。國營公司俄羅斯鐵路亦稱將會於今年起招聘火車女車長。莫斯科運輸部周一表示,由於機械自動化,駕駛火車不再是繁重的體力勞動,因此招募首批女性駕駛員。目前12名女性完成訓練課程,可以投入服務及接載乘客。過往禁止女性從事的職業,例如採礦、金屬加工、巴士司機、船員、傘兵、維修汽車,甚至製造管樂器,都陸續開始招募女性。
- economist 17oct2020 "like a fish needs a bicyclette" men should have no place in women's lives or minds, says a new book
- 法國設有保障性別平等的法例,巴黎女市長伊達爾戈希望更多女性在職場發揮所長,她委任多名女性出任巴黎市政府高級職位,卻因此違反性別平等法例,市政府被罰款9萬歐元(約85萬港元)。伊達爾戈批評法國當局的決定荒謬及不公平。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/12/17/a18-1217.pdf
- economist 18jan2020 "colonic irritation" the hopeless struggle to make german gender-neutral
- scmp 22nov19 "a rebel in the temple" battling male monk monopoly in thailand
- economist 18jan2020 "colonic irritation" the hopeless struggle to make german gender-neutral
- scmp 22nov19 "a rebel in the temple" battling male monk monopoly in thailand
- 西漢時期,曾經出現過一部《古列女傳》。此傳相傳是漢成帝中郎劉向 所編寫,亦有人認為劉向只是託名,真正作者已無法考證。雖然如此,此 書對後世的影響可是不少。《古列女傳》被喻為中國第一部女子傳記,現 存七篇,篇名以女子品性為分類準則,包括母儀、賢明、仁智、貞順、節 義、辯通、孽嬖,六褒一貶,顧名思義,女性的品德、貞潔、才智、變 通,是重點刻畫的主題,而孽嬖更是「反面教材」。在孽嬖篇中,夏桀末 喜、殷紂妲己、周幽褒姒等耳熟能詳的女士固然有分,連趙武靈王之后吳 氏、齊國棠城邑及大夫崔杼之妻東郭姜等人物也榜上有名。 她們的出現乃建基於與前六篇女子的對比分判上,穿戴住禍國害主的帽 子,在古代男性宗法社會下擔當了「女禍」的代表。就人物數量而言,除 母儀篇有 14則外,其餘均有 15則,換言之,有 104位古代女性被「入 隊」,成為後世討論的對象。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/11/11/a21-1111.pdf
- 張岱的《揚州瘦馬》是小品中的絕品,他譯作The Concubine Market of Yangchow,那正是當年為富貴人家「養妾」的市場,「瘦馬」長大了,學好技藝了,就由那些富人上門挑選,張岱言簡意賅,將販賣情景描繪得維妙維肖。依我個人來看,原古文實比英文傳神得多。而「瘦馬」lean horse,直譯也,將那些女孩喻之為馬,沒有多一點肥肉的馬,可想而知,瘦身女子從古至今都受人歡迎。「馬」是女人,這比喻顯出了中國的的傳統文化,台灣有詞「馬子」,不是這種意思嗎!http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2021/01/22/a23-0122.pdf
- 《香港二十八總督》是一部介紹香港歷史的專書,書中有一段講述1933年香港解禁後首演的粵劇男女班的資料,被內地學者廣泛採用。但水橫舟君考證出該書講述4間戲院院主共同請求港督貝璐准許男女同台粵劇在香港戲院演出的資料有誤,其實只有高陞、普慶和利舞台3間戲院的院主,太平戲院的院主並未參與。《大江紅船》是一部戲曲小說,書中一節描述1933年秋天,薛覺先夫婦率覺先聲劇團來香港演出,唐雪卿對香港禁止華人男女同台表深惡痛絕。她決定打破這條荒謬的禁令,在慰問香港警員後備隊的義演中,公開亮相,頓時掀起軒然大波,香港的保守華民紛紛指責她。及後當時的香港立法局議員羅文錦出面跟香港總督貝璐交涉,貝璐與法律顧問萊頓會見羅文錦。羅文錦提出中國的法律和習俗,並不是永不可破的,比如男女同校同班,華民不是也慢慢接受了嗎?香港的華民能接受歐美戲劇男女同台演出,就能夠接受中國戲劇男女同台演出。廢除禁止華人男女同台的舊律,就像准許男女同校同班,有着非常積極的意義。貝璐總督接受了羅文錦的意見,簽了廢除禁止華人男女台演出的舊律。薛覺先夫婦立即將覺先聲劇團改組為男女班,農曆九月廿七日正式在香港普慶戲院公演。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/08/02/b02-0802.pdf
- 《香港二十八總督》是一部介紹香港歷史的專書,書中有一段講述1933年香港解禁後首演的粵劇男女班的資料,被內地學者廣泛採用。但水橫舟君考證出該書講述4間戲院院主共同請求港督貝璐准許男女同台粵劇在香港戲院演出的資料有誤,其實只有高陞、普慶和利舞台3間戲院的院主,太平戲院的院主並未參與。《大江紅船》是一部戲曲小說,書中一節描述1933年秋天,薛覺先夫婦率覺先聲劇團來香港演出,唐雪卿對香港禁止華人男女同台表深惡痛絕。她決定打破這條荒謬的禁令,在慰問香港警員後備隊的義演中,公開亮相,頓時掀起軒然大波,香港的保守華民紛紛指責她。及後當時的香港立法局議員羅文錦出面跟香港總督貝璐交涉,貝璐與法律顧問萊頓會見羅文錦。羅文錦提出中國的法律和習俗,並不是永不可破的,比如男女同校同班,華民不是也慢慢接受了嗎?香港的華民能接受歐美戲劇男女同台演出,就能夠接受中國戲劇男女同台演出。廢除禁止華人男女同台的舊律,就像准許男女同校同班,有着非常積極的意義。貝璐總督接受了羅文錦的意見,簽了廢除禁止華人男女台演出的舊律。薛覺先夫婦立即將覺先聲劇團改組為男女班,農曆九月廿七日正式在香港普慶戲院公演。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/08/02/b02-0802.pdf
- equal opportunities
- cases
- 曾在香港中旅(集團)旗下一間公司任職約十年的前女高級經理,入稟區院指稱,她於前年通知公司她懷孕後,不但未獲發當年的花紅,更遭公司以重整架構為理由而不予續約。她質疑公司的做法違反了《性別歧視條例》,昨由平等機會委員會代表興訟,要求公司就其收入等損失賠償近一百萬元,以及向她書面道歉。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20191116/00176_072.html
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