Friday, July 5, 2019

charities, charitable initiative/events


- for vietnamese refugees


Hollywood actress Joanne Woodward and American singer Joan Baez together with a group of US citizens planned to charter a Hong Kong-based passenger or cargo ship to pluck refugees from the sea. The vessel would sail as close to Vietnamese territorial waters as legally possible and take refugees directly to San Francisco where they would be granted immediate landing rights. The chairman of the US Save the Boat People Committee, Michael Casey, said the move was a mercy mission to save as many lives as possible. scmp remember a day on a 22jul1979 report

real estate project?
渦拉溪Wolli Creek is a suburb in southern Sydney, in the state of New South WalesAustraliaThe suburb was previously part of Arncliffe. Reuben Hannam was granted land in 1825 on the banks of Cooks river. Alexander Brodie Spark purchased land in 1826 and built Tempe house in 1836. It was named after 'Vale of Tempe', a beautiful valley in ancient Greek legend set at the foot of Mount Olympus. Tempe House, designed by John Verge, has a Georgian feel and is regarded as one of the great houses of Sydney.Philanthropist Caroline Chisholm leased Tempe House as a boarding school for young women (1863–1865). The estate was known as Greenbank during this time and presented an ideal location for Chisholm's work. She remarked on the spacious and lofty rooms and the 'fine large and open orchard of fruit trees, intersected by wide and shady walks'.In 1884 the estate was sold to the Sisters of the Good Samaritan for use as a charitable refuge for women. The Sisters added the impressive St Magdalen's Chapel (1888), which is believed to be the work of Sheerin & Hennessy, an important firm of Sydney architects, who designed the Archbishop's Residence and St Patrick's College at Manly. The neo-Gothic style Chapel is of major cultural significance. It is now deconsecrated and has been restored as part of the Discovery Point redevelopment. Tempe House is now listed on the Register of the National Estate.The area became predominantly industrial until a redevelopment was planned in the late 1990s. The new suburb was to be called North Arncliffe, but residents in the area petitioned the council to conduct a vote to select a better name. Wolli Creek was the most popular choice. Wolli Creek railway station opened in 2000.

czech republic
Sir Nicholas George Winton MBE (19 May 1909 – 1 July 2015; né Wertheim) was a British banker and humanitarian who established an organisation to rescue children at risk from Nazi Germany. Born to German-Jewish parents who had emigrated to Britain at the beginning of the 20th century, Winton supervised the rescue of 669 children, most of them Jewish, from Czechoslovakia on the eve of World War II. Winton found homes for the children and arranged for their safe passage to Britain.[1] This operation was later known as the Czech Kindertransport (German for "children's transport").

- The former head of a high-profile Cambodian orphanage, founded by the heiress to the Johnson & Johnson fortune, has been accused of molesting children in his care and stealing at least US$1.4 million.In an August 8 media statement, the Sovann Komar home said its year-long inquiry had uncovered “widespread evidence of horrific child abuse and financial fraud” committed by Sothea Arun, its former executive director.The inquiry, conducted by a legal team with power of attorney, was launched after Sothea was sacked last August.

- 7月23日,國際公益學院國際慈善管理EMP2020年春季班開學典禮暨同心抗疫‧專業築善論壇在深圳舉行。來自全國14個省市自治區的22個城市的45名新生參加開學典禮。當晚,國際公益學院董事會主席馬蔚華教授與卓爾控股有限公司董事長、卓爾公益基金會創始人閻志,共同出席CGPI大講堂,就「可持續發展與企業家精神」進行對話。本次對話中,深圳市猛獁公益基金會副秘書長、深圳華大基因產業投資基金管理有限公司總經理蔣瑋城,深圳壹基金公益基金會秘書長、國際公益學院客座講師、ELP校友李弘,卓爾長江應急醫院執行院長、長江商學院湖北校友會秘書長、湖北孝順文化教育諮詢公司董事長蘇毅,深圳市十分行動公益基金會理事長、深圳市京泰防護科技股份有限公司董事長、EMP2018秋季班學員嚴虹共同探討如何專業築善。國際公益學院成立近5年來,先後迎來600餘位國際慈善管理EMP同學。國際公益學院代理院長黃浩明教授為EMP新生寄語「修德為本、兼善天下、專業創變」。
- 9月18日,第八屆中國慈展會將在深圳開幕,為決 戰決勝脫貧攻堅吹響衝鋒號。作為民政部與深圳市合 作機制的成果之一,七屆展會,聚熹微之光點燃大 地,集微小善意播撒眾生,累計有近10000家機構、 3100多個項目、1400多場活動、120多萬人次觀眾參 展參會參賽,對接總金額約528億元。七屆耕耘,慈 展會已成為國家級、國際化、綜合性的脫貧攻堅的成 果展示平台,慈善資源的對接服務平台、慈善文化的 傳播推廣平台,慈善生態的協同共創平台。 依託部市合作機制,民政部近年來將 「9大領域、 32項改革創新任務」放在深圳先行先試。養老服務業 綜合改革試點、巨災保險、社會組織體制機制試點改 革、社區基金會創設、基本殯葬服務改革等一批重大 改革創新成果,有力托底民生民心,築牢深圳高質量 發展基石,也為全國民政事業發展和民生福祉改善發 揮了先行先試的作用。

On 16 June 2011, the Law Reform Commission's Charities Sub-committee published a consultation paper proposing that a wide ranging regulatory regime for charities should be introduced in Hong Kong and that a charity commission should be set up as the regulatory body for charities. The paper points out that the need for greater monitoring of charitable organisations has been widely discussed by the community in recent years, and it has become a matter of major public interest that a system should be put in place to both regulate charities and enhance their transparency. At present, there is no comprehensive legal framework for regulating charities in Hong Kong. An entity recognised by the Inland Revenue Department as a charitable institution or trust of a public character is entitled to tax exemption, but there is limited statutory definition of what constitutes a "charity" and the department is not responsible for registering charities or for monitoring their conduct. There is also only limited oversight under the current system, and many charitable organisations are under no statutory requirement to submit annual reports or accounts.

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