Wednesday, September 23, 2020

printing and packaging

 Iluminated masterpiece

- book of kells
- lindisfarne gospels

Lorem Ipsum


Sabon is an old-style serif typeface designed by the German-born typographer and designer Jan Tschichold (1902–1974) in the period 1964–1967. It was released jointly by the LinotypeMonotype, and Stempel type foundries in 1967. The design of the roman is based on types by Claude Garamond (c. 1480–1561), particularly a specimen printed by the Frankfurt printer Konrad Berner. Berner had married the widow of a fellow printer Jacques Sabon, the source of the face's name, who had bought some of Garamond's type after his death. The italics are based on types designed by a contemporary of Garamond's, Robert Granjon. It is effectively a Garamond revival, though a different name was chosen as many other modern typefaces already carry this name.Sabon was developed in the early 1960s for a group of German printers who sought a "harmonized" or uniform font that would look the same whether set by hand or on a Monotype or Linotype hot metal typesetting machine.

  • title page of the 1979 Episcopal Book of Common Prayer, printed in Sabon
  • 上海外国语大学英文校名全称标准字采用 Sabon 常规粗体。
- numerals


Palaeography (UK) or paleography (US; ultimately fromGreekπαλαιόςpalaiós, "old", and γράφεινgraphein, "to write") is the study of ancient and historical handwriting(that is to say, of the forms and processes of writing, not the textual content of documents). Included in the discipline is the practice of deciphering, reading, and dating historical manuscripts,[2] and the cultural context of writing, including the methods with which writing and books were produced, and the history of scriptoria.

Foil for bookbinding
- company

Cloth for book binding
- company

Binder's board
- company

- mixiang paper蜜香纸

  • [劉仁慶纸系千秋新考] 晉朝太康五年(284年), a oerson claimed to be a courtsman of 大秦 sent a gift of mixiang paper to the emperor. 大秦is the term ancient chinese used to describe western europe and northern africa. They conquered vast amount of lands during western roman times, ruling romans, arabs, indians; also a gift from 林/臨邑國(in present day hue, vietnam, base of cham people占族), source 晋書武帝纪
- bluish green paper 瓷青纸

  • produced in china during ming dynasty

Acid-free paper is paper that if infused in water yields a neutral or basic pH (7 or slightly greater). It can be made from any cellulose fiber as long as the active acid pulp is eliminated during processing. It is also lignin- and sulfur-free.[1] Acid-free paper addresses the problem of preserving documents and artwork for long periods. Archival paper is an especially permanent, durable acid-free paper. Archival paper is meant to be used for publications of high legal, historical, or significant value. Archival paper" is sometimes broken down into two categories:
  • Conservation-grade — acid-free, buffered paper made from wood-based pulp. 
  • Archival-grade (also Museum-grade) — cotton rag paper made from cotton pulp.

- supplier
  • Bugra papers
  • Gutenberg

Deactidification spray
- company


Archival storage
- company

Stitch for bookbinding
- kettle stitch

- intaglio printmaker
- TN Lawrence

bookplate, also known as ex-librīs [Latin, "from the books of..."], is usually a small print or decorative label pasted into a book, often on the inside front cover, to indicate its owner. Simple typographical bookplates are termed "booklabels".The earliest known marks of ownership of books or documents date from the reign of Amenophis III in Egypt (1391−1353 BCE). The earliest known examples of printed bookplates are German, and date from the 15th century. One of the best known is a small hand-coloured woodcut representing a shield of arms supported by an angel, which was pasted into books presented to the Carthusian monastery of Buxheim by Brother Hildebrand Brandenburg of Biberach, about the year 1480—the date being fixed by that of the recorded gift. The woodcut, in imitation of similar devices in old manuscripts, is hand-painted. An example of this bookplate can be found in the Farber Archives of Brandeis University.

Decoupage or Dècoupage is the art of decorating an object by gluing colored paper cutouts onto it in combination with special paint effects, gold leaf and other decorative elements. Commonly an object like a small box or an item of furniture is covered by cutouts from magazines or from purpose-manufactured papers. Each layer is sealed with varnishes (often multiple coats) until the "stuck on" appearance disappears and the result looks like painting or inlay work. The traditional technique used 30 to 40 layers of varnish which were then sanded to a polished finish. 3D decoupage (sometimes also referred to simply as decoupage) is the art of creating a 3D image by cutting out elements of varying sizes from a series of identical images and layering them on top of each other, usually with adhesive foam spacers between each layer to give the image more depth. Pyramid decoupage (also called pyramage) is a process similar to 3D decoupage. In pyramid decoupage, a series of identical images are cut into progressively smaller, identical shapes which are layered and fixed with adhesive foam spacers to create a 3D "pyramid" effect.

mini printer
- PrinCube的大小跟傳統打印機墨水相若,可以放進手袋。用家只需連結WiFi到手機或電腦讀取檔案後,再將打印機在信封或貼紙掃一下,文字圖案隨即印到紙面上;在包裹或聖誕卡列印地址和簽名亦沒問題,特別之處是它兼容市面的墨盒型號,不用另配特殊墨盒。

Printer cartridge

Collotype is a dichromate-based photographic process invented by Alphonse Poitevin in 1856[1][2] and used for large volume mechanical printing before the existence of cheaper offset lithography. It can produce results difficult to distinguish from metal-based photographic prints because of its microscopically fine reticulations which comprise the image. Many old postcards are collotypes. Its possibilities for fine art photography were first employed in the United States by Alfred StieglitzThe collotype plate is made by coating a plate of glass or metal with a substrate composed of gelatin or other colloid and hardening it. Then it is coated with a thick coat of dichromated gelatin and dried carefully at a controlled temperature (a little over 50 degrees Celsius) so it 'reticulates' or breaks up into a finely grained pattern when washed later in approximately 16 °C water. The plate is then exposed in contact with the negative using an ultraviolet (UV) source which changes the ability of the exposed gelatin to absorb water later. The plate is developed by carefully washing out the dichromate salt and dried without heat. The plate is left in a cool dry place to cure for 24 hours before using it to print. To produce prints, the plate is dampened with a glycerine/water mixture which is slightly acidic, then blotted before inking with collotype ink using a leather or velvet roller. A hard finished paper such as Bristol is then put on top of the plate and covered with a tympan before being printed typically using a hand proof press. Collotypes are printed using less pressure than is used in printing intaglio or stone lithography. While it is possible to print by hand using a roller or brayer, an acceptable consistency of pressure and even distribution of ink is most effectively achieved using a press. Because of its ability to print fine detail, it was also used for business cards and invitations with fine script lettering.

Metallised films (or metalized films) are polymer films coated with a thin layer of metal, usually aluminium. They offer the glossy metallic appearance of an aluminium foil at a reduced weight and cost. Metallised films are widely used for decorative purposes and food packaging, and also for specialty applications including insulation and electronics. 

  • Metallised films have a reflective silvery surface similar to aluminium foil and are highly flammable. The coating also reduces the permeability of the film to light, water and oxygen. The properties of the film remain, such as higher toughness, the ability to be heat sealed, and a lower density at a lower cost than an aluminium foil. This gives metallised films some advantages over aluminium foil and aluminium foil laminates. It was thought that metallised films would become a replacement for aluminium foil laminates, but current films still cannot match the barrier properties of foil. Some very high barrier metallised films are available using EVOH, but are not yet cost effective against foil laminates.
  • Metallised PET films are used in NASA spacesuits to reflect heat radiation, keeping astronauts warm, and in ″proximity suits″ used by firefighters for protection from the high amount of heat released from fuel fires. Aluminized emergency blankets are also used to conserve a shock victim's body heat. MPET has been used as an antistatic container for other heat and sound insulating materials used in aircraft, to prevent the insulation from leaking into the passenger cabin, but is not itself the insulator in that use.
  • Metallised films are used as a dielectric in the manufacture of a type of capacitor used in electronic circuits,[6] and as a material in some types of antistatic bags.
BoPET (biaxially-oriented polyethylene terephthalate) is a polyester film made from stretched polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and is used for its high tensile strength, chemical and dimensional stability, transparency, reflectivity, gas and aroma barrier properties, and electrical insulationA variety of companies manufacture boPET and other polyester films under different brand names. In the UK and US, the most well-known trade names are Mylar, Melinex, and Hostaphan.

3D printing
- CSIRO-backed outfit Titomic fired up the world's largest metal 3D printer - about the size of a city bus - for the first time at an unveiling ceremony in Melbourne on Wednesday.
- material

  • Pla, abs, woodfill, flex, nylon, pet, pva, hips

- uses

  • 日本千葉縣銚子市的犬吠埼燈塔,是該國最古老燈塔之一,擁有獨特風貌。當地一間百年陶器店早前推出一款特別的豉油瓷碟,透過3D技術在碟上畫出凹凸花紋,只要倒入豉油,碟上深淺地方就會反映出濃淡不一的顏色,呈現朝日從海上初升時,犬吠埼燈塔輪廓剪影漸漸浮現的景色圖案。
  • 德國一位設計師近日利用3D打印技術,製成出一系列現代黏土器皿「Clay Pantry」

- google sketchup available for download at
- (no need for having own printer), redeye, quickarc, xardas, alphaprototypes
- google 3D warehouse ( - repository of sketchup models for search and download
- material composition ( 
- sharing models

  • Tinkercad

- sketchup plug-ins
  • volume calculator
  • flattery papercraft
  • CADspan (converting model file format) 
  • sketchyphysics
- purchasing 3D printers

  • v-flash desktop factory
  • reprap
  • fab@home


  • The RepRap project started as a British initiative to develop a 3D printer that can print most of its own components and be a low-cost 3D printer, but it is now made up of hundreds of collaborators world wide.[1] RepRap (short for replicating rapid prototyper) uses an additive manufacturingtechnique called fused filament fabrication (FFF) to lay down material in layers; a plastic filament or metal wire is unwound from a coil and supplies material to produce a part. The project calls it Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) to avoid trademark issues with the "fused deposition modeling" term.
    As an open design, all of the designs produced by the project are released under a free software license, the GNU General Public License.[2] Due to the self-replicating ability of the machine, authors envision the possibility to cheaply distribute RepRap units to people and communities, enabling them to create (or download from the Internet) complex products without the need for expensive industrial infrastructure (distributed manufacturing)[3] including scientific equipment.[4][5]They intend for the RepRap to demonstrateevolution in this process as well as for it to increase in number exponentially.[1][6] A preliminary study has already shown that using RepRaps to print common products results in economic savings, which justifies the investment in a RepRap.

Printing electronics


- printing

  • Print China in Guangdong

- packaging

In ancient times, people wrote on papyrus, which is brittle and fragile and, under normal conditions, typically only survives for about fifty years or so before it breaks down into dust. The only way a manuscript could possibly be preserved was by copying the whole thing out by hand, which was an unbelievably tedious, time-consuming, and expensive task. In order for a text to be lost forever, you did not need to burn it; you just needed to decide not to copy it and, within a few decades, it would be gone.This meant that, in order for a text to be preserved from antiquity, roughly every fifty years or so, some rich person had to read it and say, “Huh, you know, I’d really like a copy of this text” and either pay someone an exorbitant amount of money to copy it or order a literate slave to devote countless hours of their time to the task of copying the manuscript. Copying a single manuscript could take months or even years, depending on the length. Many of the texts that have survived from antiquity have done so because they were commonly used in schools, where they were read and studied by students.This was how manuscripts were copied for over 2,000 years until the invention of the printing press in the 1400s. That means that, in order to survive, a manuscript of a text originally written in the fifth century BC had to be copied, not once or twice, but dozens of times.
位於寧夏 銀川市西郊賀蘭山深處拜寺溝以北的古塔被炸發生在 1990年 11月,專家們在清理塔心木柱 時,發現木柱表面有用兩種文字書寫的題 記,一種是漢字,另一種是一種很陌生的文 字,看上去,它的字形結構方方正正,很像 漢字,但卻又不是漢字。經古文字專家辨 別,它就是人們曾經一度認為已經失傳的文 字——西夏文。而這本《吉祥遍至口和本 續》,是國家文物局印發的《首批禁止出國 (境)展覽文物目錄》中,寧夏地區被唯一 確定的重要文物。,廢墟中斜插着一根木柱引起 了現場專家的注意。經文物專家辨認,它是 墨書漢文和西夏文題記的塔心柱,依稀能辨 認出:「……特發心願,重修磚塔一座,並 蓋佛殿,纏腰塑畫佛像,到 4月 1日立塔心 柱,奉為皇帝皇太后萬歲,重臣千秋,風調 雨 順 , 萬 民 樂 業 , 法 論 常 轉 。 今 特 奉 旨……」後又辨認出「大白高國大安二年」 字樣。「大白高國」即為西夏國名,「大 安」是西夏第三代皇帝秉常的年號,「二 年」當為公元1075年,這就確定了方塔的建 造年代,其所建與西夏皇族有關。經過一個多 月的清理,這裏發掘出大量的文物,有西夏文 木牌、西夏文和漢文字文書、佛經、舍利子 包、絲織品、錢幣、小泥佛、小泥塔等,其中 以西夏文書、佛經最具價值,最珍貴的當屬西 夏文佛經《吉祥遍至口和本續》。 《吉祥遍至口和本續》的發現,讓木活字 印刷史改寫,這本西夏文佛經《吉祥遍至口 和本續》共有 9卷,449面,約 10萬字,文 字清晰整齊。經專家深入研究,《吉祥遍至 口和本續》與同時代的雕版印本有許多明顯 的不同:首先,這部佛經具有明顯的活字版 印本特徵,在雕版印本上是不可能出現的; 其次,經文筆畫流暢,邊緣整齊,少有斷 筆、缺筆現象,印刷精良,而且有木活字特 有的隔行加條印痕,說明王禎《活字印書 法》中「排字作行,削成竹片夾之」的技 術,早在西夏時期就已經出現;經考證,與 《吉祥遍至口和本續》共存的文物中,有紀 年者最晚為公元 1180年的漢文發願文,未 見西夏時期以後的文物。據此認定西夏文佛 經《吉祥遍至口和本續》不僅 是活字印刷品,而且是木活字 印刷品。
The Gutenberg Bible (also known as the42-line Bible, the Mazarin Bible or theB42) was the first major book printed using mass-produced movable type. It marked the start of the "Gutenberg Revolution" and the age of the printed book in the West. Widely praised for its high aesthetic and artistic qualities,[1]the book has an iconic status. Written in Latin, the Catholic Gutenberg Bible is an edition of the Vulgate, printed byJohannes Gutenberg, in Mainz, in present-day Germany, in the 1450s. 

Web resources
- traditional book making

- bookbinding

- bookbinding
  • Federico Cerruti (1 January 1922 – 15 July 2015) was a reclusive Italian art collector whose collection was described by Artribune as one of the best in Europe. He told his retainers to arrange his funeral before his death became public in order to avoid the "useless gossiping and socialising crowd" attending.Federico Cerruti was born in Genoa on 1 January 1922. His family were bookbinders who moved to Turin where the firm prospered despite its factory being destroyed by bombing during the Second World War. In 1943, Cerruti narrowly escaped death when a ship he should have been on, the battleship Roma, was sunk by German aircraft.  Cerruti was brought up with a strong work ethic. He studied accountancy and expanded the family business of Legatoria Industriale Torinese to one of the largest bookbinders in Italy. The firm had the contract to bind the telephone directories of Italy. He lived above the office, and only slept at the villa he had built for him, once in 50 years. His assistant for 30 years was Annalisa Ferrari.
Expanded polyethylene (aka EPE foam) refers to foams made from polyethylene. Typically it is made from expanded pellets ('EPE bead') made with use of a blowing agent, followed by expansion into a mold in a steam chest - the process is similar to that used to make expanded polystyrene foam.
- xpe foam


Tuesday, September 22, 2020


Wanhua District, known in Taiwanese Hokkien as Báng-kah khu and historically as "Monga" or "Monka", is a district in TaipeiTaiwan. It is Taipei's oldest district. The district is home to historic buildings such as the Bangka Lungshan Temple, an iconic historic temple, and the Red House Theater, the first and largest teahouse and playhouse in Taiwan. Taipei's oldest, but decaying, garment district is also here.
Wanhua is the Mandarin Chinese pronunciation of Banka (Japanese萬華), a name coined by the Japanese because of its phonetic resemblance to the area's former name in Taiwanese Hokkien(Chinese艋舺Pe̍h-ōe-jīBáng-kah).[3] Spellings used in English works circa 1900 include BankaManka[4] and Bang-kah.[5] The old name possibly derives from an Austronesian word bangka"outrigger canoe".萬華區臺灣話Bān-huâ-khu),是一個位於臺灣臺北市西南側的行政區劃。設立於1990年,由原龍山區雙園區大部份區域及城中區古亭區小部份區域合併而成。艋舺因港商之利,曾經盛極一時,於清治時期,與台南府城彰化鹿港並列為三大重要城市,有「一府二鹿三艋舺」之稱,現則有城市結盟。同屬南島語系菲律賓語bangka,亦有船之意。本區原是凱達格蘭族巴賽族)的雷里社沙蔴廚社里未社的活動範圍。

內湖區臺灣話Lāi-ôo-khu因其境內多山丘,形成多處小盆地地貌,當地人臺灣閩南語稱山坳地為「湖」,故內湖是「內部盆地」之義。閩南語「內面即湖」或「內面彼湖」之稱謂;所指的盆地範圍係以北側自大金面山到碧湖國小的山陵,東緣從綠大地社區、成功公園到清白新村,南邊從白鷺山延伸到公館山之山丘北坡,西方是江南街處,在其中間形成一山坳型盆地。內湖區境內尚有「畚箕湖」、「北勢湖」、「白石湖」和「牛稠湖」等老地名,命名方式,亦是依地形和先民開墾事跡有關連性,而非指有水的湖泊名稱。西元1632年,荷蘭人繪製的《大臺北古地圖》描繪了里族社在內湖地區的活動範圍。西元1633年,西班牙神父哈辛托·艾斯奇維(Jacinto Esquivel)在報告裡,提到里族有兩個村社,曾建議在此設立天主教會堂,和派遣宣教師負責宣教事務。康熙末年起,漢人開拓者陸續地分批進入;較著名的有山腳陳聖瑞家族(祖籍廣東省潮州府饒平縣)、黃純善家族(祖籍福建省漳州府南靖縣)、山腳許居家族(祖籍福建省漳州府平和縣)、郭崇飽家族(祖籍福建省漳州府南靖縣)、何士蘭家族(祖籍福建省漳州府詔安縣)、王傳圓家族(祖籍福建省泉州府同安縣)、林秀俊家族(祖籍福建省漳州府漳浦縣)、子蹄與子彪家族(祖籍福建省漳州府詔安縣)。何士蘭於1741年,至港墘落籍,招佃開拓「內湖莊」;林秀俊在乾隆中葉,進入內湖「灣仔庄」,亦招佃拓墾「里族莊」(日治時期改稱「新里族」)。清代漢人中有客家漳州泉州籍移民,其中客家人人數最少,漳州籍為最多;泉州府籍的移民,居住在北勢湖、洲仔尾、葫蘆洲和五份地區,均臨基隆河畔;其他內湖大部分的區域,則由漳州籍先民分布其間。在宗教信仰方面,形成三大祭祀圈組織:一,北勢湖地區泉州籍的居民,參加大龍峒保安宮「保生大帝」之宗教活動;二,洲仔尾泉州籍的居民,參與「松山十三街庄」慈祐宮媽祖之信仰;三,漳州人則以碧山巖「開漳聖王」為地方守護神。Neihu means "inner lake." The older name originates from the Ketagalan word Tayour (transliterated by the Dutch as Cattajo), meaning woman's head ornament.During Japanese rule, Naiko Village (內湖莊) covered modern day Neihu in addition to Nangang

 Ruifang District 瑞芳區早在光緒年間,北迴鐵路宜蘭線尚未開設前,先民因當時陸路交通不便,往來於臺北地區的貨運倚靠基隆河水路運送補給。瑞芳對外水運接駁渡口以柑仔瀨(kamalua),就是現在的柑坪里(合稱內瑞芳),已成為臺北地區往返於噶瑪蘭(今之宜蘭縣)之間者的必經之地。後來因為金瓜石九份山區陸續發現金礦,採金人絡繹不絕。During Japanese rule, Ruifang was called Zuihō Town (瑞芳街), and was administered as part of Kīrun District (基隆郡) of Taihoku Prefecture. Mining was an important industry in Ruifang (then known as Sui-hong) in the early 20th century.[1]Gold was mined in Kyufun and Kinkasekiwhile coal was mined in Kau-tong (猴硐Houtong).

羅斯福路四段,因早期位於水道町(又稱水源地)而得名;現今位於捷運公館站1號出口旁。原水源大樓因建築老舊,冷氣、招牌、管線外露,台北市政府進行整修,並邀請以色列藝術家Yaacov Agam於正面外牆製作大型公共藝術作品《水源之心》,於2010年5月9日落成,成為公館地區的新地標。


- [barnett] 15 miles from taipei, there is a small, japanese built resort town called tsaoshan, which is the seat of the generalissimo's headquarters, an unofficial government within a government, where the diehards of nationalist regime advise their "retired" leader in his attempts to reassert control over a situation that is almost entirely out of control.

Twatutia (a transliteration of the Taiwanese Hokkien Tōa-tiū-tiâⁿ),[1][2] is an area in Datong DistrictTaipeiTaiwan. It was also known as Daitōtei during Japanese rule, and Tataochengor Dadaocheng (Mandarin) during the Kuomintang era.When the export of tea became important in northern Taiwan in the mid-19th century, many businessmen appeared at Twatutia. The first shop opened in 1851, belonging to Lin Lan-tian (林藍田), a native of Keelung. Lin opened three shops that he later called Lim Ek-sun (林益順).[3] Foreigners entered the trade in 1867 and five British firms had been established at Twatutia by 1872.In 1853, many people moved into the area from Bangka following a serious conflict.The first rail station in Taipeh (modern-day Taipei) was completed in Twatutia in October 1891, when the railway to Keelung was opened for service.[5]The branch line from Taipeh to Tamsui was completed in June 1901,[6] and Daitotei Station(Japanese大稻埕驛) (大稻埕車站) opened as part of the then TRA Tamsui Line. However, it was closed to passenger service in 1916 and continued to operate as a freight-only station until its eventual closure in 1937.In the early 20th century, Daitotei was considered a part of the Taihoku (Taipei) area outside of the city proper, and was where European settlers lived. It stretched northward along the Tamsui River, which flows down to the port, a distance of about 10 miles (16 km).[7] Daitotei was the second most populous city in Taiwan (second to Tainan and followed by Banka) with a population of thirty to forty thousand.[8][9] In 1920, it became part of the newly incorporated Taihoku City under Taihoku Prefecture.Daitotei was the location for one of the first movie theaters built for the native Taiwanese audience during Japanese occupation. The interior structure of Eraku-za imitated the Imperial Theater in Tokyo and included a café, a gymnasium and dressing rooms.
- tea
  •  1865年、イギリス人ジョン・ドッド(John Dodd)が訪台し、泉州安渓の茶苗を導入し、それを農家に貸与し茶葉を生産させ、生産後に<買い取るという事業を開始し、台湾における茶葉栽培の嚆矢となった。この時生産された烏龍茶は甘みの有る味のみならず、茶を淹れると白、金、黃、緑、紅の色を有し、ヴィクトリア英女王に献上された後に、Oriental Beauty(東方美人)と命名された。これにより台湾茶葉の名声が高まり、徳記、怡和、美時、義和、新華利という5大茶行が大稲に支社を開設、イギリスアメリカ向けに大量に輸出されるようになり、国際的な大稲茶市は光緒年代から日本統治時代まで隆盛を誇った。洋行主導の茶葉貿易は急速に拡大し、それに伴って大稲に経済的恩恵をもたらすこととなった。この他通商は経済のみならず、多くの外国風建築物が建設されるなど、文化的な変化をも生み出すこととなった。
- people
  • 有「台灣文史巨人」之稱的莊永明,昨日上午十一時三十一分離世,終年七十八歲。出生於台北大稻埕的莊永明,堪稱是台灣本土文化的活字典,也是台灣民間史料收藏最博雜豐富的研究者之一。

陽明山原名草山臺羅Tsháu-suann),泛指大屯山七星山紗帽山小觀音山這一帶的山區,而非單指某座山峰。清治時期,官府憂慮賊寇可匿於林中竊取硫磺,故定期放火燒山,因此整個山區只能長出五節芒這類的芒草。日治時期,1927年,臺灣日日新報舉辦民眾投票,選出「臺灣八景十二勝」,草山獲選為臺灣十二勝之一。日本人稱草山為「臺灣的箱根」。1932年成立大屯國立公園協會,將大屯山地區列入國立公園的範圍。1937年12月27日,大屯國立公園次高太魯閣新高阿里山兩處國立公園同時成立,直到1945年二次大戰日本投降。唯當時的大屯國立公園尚包括淡水河對岸的觀音山陽明山國家公園中華民國設置的第三個國家公園,由內政部營建署管轄,前身為臺灣日治時期成立之大屯國立公園(1937-1945)。位於臺北都會區近郊,行政區域 包括臺北市北投區士林區新北市萬里區金山區石門區三芝區淡水區一帶;地理上則屬於大屯火山彙區域,1985年9月1日公告計劃,1985年9月16日成立管理處,轄內面積經過三次通盤檢討,至2013年為11,338公頃[2]。1945年國民政府接管臺灣,1950年先總統蔣中正為紀念明代思想家王陽明,將大屯山七星山紗帽山小觀音山一帶,原名草山的山區改名為陽明山。1962年,當時的臺灣省公共工程局開始規劃,初步規劃面積為28,400公頃,包括北海岸、觀音山大屯火山群。1985年9月16日,經過多年規劃並解決土地資源糾紛後,陽明山國家公園正式成立,其範圍以大屯火山彙的中心地帶為主,並未包含日治時期及初期規劃中的觀音山,北海岸亦不包括在內。2002年10月17日,上述兩地區另行由交通部觀光局規劃成立北海岸及觀音山國家風景區

黎智英豪華別墅密竇,位於台北陽明山凱旋路「美國村」內,毗鄰美軍俱樂部及台北文化大學,與陽明山的美國度假村只隔一條馬路。黎的新密竇離美國在台協會的官邸近在咫尺,地圖的直線距離約400米,出門步行650米只需9分鐘即到。別墅地點清幽,旺中帶靜,在當地是數一數二的好地段。該地段過去有軍人守備,一直是島內居民的禁地。據悉,黎智英2003年在台灣創辦壹傳媒時,曾在台北陽明山的菁山路99巷,買下一幢景觀不錯、帶泳池網球場及花園的豪華別墅,並一住多年。惟該別墅地處陽明山偏遠深處,反而容易被人在附近「埋伏」。有台灣媒體曾爆出,黎當年在台灣曾因不明原因遭人綁架。自知「牙齒印」多多的黎,可能基於各方面考慮,一直覓地建新密竇。  到2015年,有人竟然能購入陽明山該處毗鄰美軍俱樂部和文化大學,有錢都未必買得到的黃金地段,大興土木,將其改造成豪華密竇。新豪宅為趕及2016年5月初入伙,日夜趕工,並終在該年的4月底完成裝修,5月初正式入伙。非常巧合的是,新密竇入伙不久,最先到訪的不是黎家親友,而是當年5月20日就職台灣領導人的蔡英文。  據了解,蔡英文是在該年的5月初,在隨扈和要員的陪同下,應邀親赴「新密竇」密會黎智英。其間,蔡、黎更曾在無其他人的情況下,獨處了一段時間。一向行事高調的蔡英文,一直沒有向外界提及就任前的該次密會。此後,凱旋路的新密竇,幾乎成了黎智英在台與敏感人物密會的俱樂部。  在2014年「佔中」前後,黎不時都會赴台,又不時借道台灣飛赴日美。自2016年5月搬入新密竇並獲得蔡英文等人的「加持」後,黎智英往返港台更加頻繁,有時一個月多達二、三次,每次逗留數日不等。