苹婆,属梧桐科苹婆属的一种植物。又称賓婆、凤眼果。现代汉语中的蘋果的名称就来自蘋婆果。 Sterculia monosperma ( 蘋婆 (Ping Po); Thai: เกาลัดไทย), also known as Chinese chestnut, Thai chestnut and seven sisters' fruit,[2] and phoenix eye fruit,[3] is a deciduous tropical nut-bearing tree of genus Sterculia.Its origin is Southern China (Guangdong, Guangxi and Yunnan) and Taiwan, but it is now a common cultivated tree in Northern Thailand, Northern Vietnam, mountainous areas of Malaysia and Indonesia, as well as Northern Laos and Shan State in Burma.The ripe nuts are edible. They may eaten plain, roasted, boiled with water and salt or also may be used to prepare dishes, such as sauteed with chicken.In China these nuts are one of the traditional foods of the Qixi Festival, the 'night of the seven', also known as the 'anniversary of the seventh sister' (七姐誕). 在中国广东以南常植栽为庭院树,木材轻韧,可制器具。种子可供食用,种子煨熟的味道如栗子。連雅堂於1921年著作之《台灣通史‧農業志》中亦提及[1]:賓婆:種出西域,漢代傳入中土。樹巨葉大,春初開花,成穗結實,有房,外青內紅,熟時自剖,有子二、三,削皮見肉,如卵黃,故亦名鳳凰卵。煮湯和糖,味勝栗子。廣東習俗中蘋婆果實是七姐誕的祭品,若沒有便會用假蘋婆果實代替。由於蘋婆年產量少,加上祭祀習俗日漸式微,故很少果園大量種植,只有零星種植。
- 踏入農曆七月,香港傳統節日有七姐誕及盂蘭節,前者慶祝情況幾 近式微,後者則方興未艾,但今年也因疫情規模大減,拜七姐祭品中,赫然發現鳳眼果。http://hk.hkcd.com/pdf/202009/0903/HA08903CX01_HKCD.pdf
- Viburnum macrocephalum (繡球莢蒾 "hydrangea viburnum", or 木繡球 "tree hydrangea"), common name Chinese snowball, is a species of flowering plant in the family Adoxaceae (formerly Caprifoliaceae), native to mainland China. Its fertile form, Viburnum macrocephalum f. keteleeri (瓊花, qiong hua, "white jade flower"), is of great cultural significance in China. Other names 绣球(广群芳谱) 木绣球(拉汉种子植物名称) 八仙花、紫阳花(南京)
- 元朝後,古瓊花在世間消失,聚 八仙花被稱為瓊花,但為了要表示 它與古瓊花的分別。故稱之為「現 代瓊花」,目的是要保留此類原曾 被譽為「稀世的奇花異卉」和「中 國獨特的仙花」!古瓊花色淡黃, 葉子較平滑,不結子而有花香;聚 八仙則花色微青,葉綠有鋸齒,無 香味。有學者認為︰「古瓊花原是 聚八仙的優良變種,但因繁殖不易 而絕種!」 今日揚州市區的文昌中路,舊名 就是瓊花路,也是著名景點,瓊花 原是長壽植物,揚州目前最古老的 瓊花在揚州市大明寺平遠樓前,樹 根年齡已三百歲,據稱是唯一一棵 編進古樹名木的瓊花!http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/04/23/a24-0423.pdf
- Coptis chinensis, the Chinese goldthread, is a species of goldthread flowering plant native to China. The rhizomes of Coptis chinensis contain the isoquinoline alkaloids berberine,[3] palmatine, and coptisine among others. Because of the strong coloring quality of berberine, it has been traditionally used as a dye, especially for wool and other fibers.黄连,多年生草本植物,喜冷凉、湿润之处,属毛莨科黄连属。黄连也是一种常用中药,最早在《神农本草经》中便有记载,因其根茎呈连珠状而色黄,所以称之为“黄连”。其味入口极苦,有俗语云“哑巴吃黄连,有苦说不出”,即道出了其中滋味。别名王连、支连。为毛莨科植物黄连(Coptis chinensis Franch).、三角叶黄连(Coptis deltoidea C. Y. Cheng et Hsiao)和雲南黃連 (Coptis teetaWall.)的干燥根茎。分别习称“味连”、“雅连”、“云连”。其他替代品种还有峨眉黄连(Coptis omeiensis (Chen) C. Y. Cheng)、五裂黃連(Coptis quinquesecta)等。
- Campsis grandiflora, commonly known as the Chinese trumpet vine, is a fast-growing, deciduous creeper with large, orange, trumpet-shaped flowers in summer. It can grow to a height of 10 meters. A native of East Asia, it is less hardy than its relative Campsis radicans. 凌霄花是紫葳科、凌霄属攀援藤本植物,拉丁学名:(Campsis grandiflora)分布于中国中部,性喜温暖湿润、有阳光的环境,稍耐荫。借气生根攀援它物向上生长,羽状复叶,小叶卵形,边缘有锯齿,花鲜红色,花冠漏斗形,结蒴果,喜欢排水良好土壤,较耐水湿、并有一定的耐盐碱能力。有药用价值,有行血去瘀、凉血祛风的功效,也具观赏价值。凌霄早在春秋时期的《诗经》里就有记载,当时人们称之为陵苕,“苕之华,芸其贵矣”说的就是凌霄。凌霄花之名始见于《唐本草》,该书在“紫葳”项下曰:“此即凌霄花也,及茎、叶具用。”
- 水杉 Metasequoia glyptostroboides, the dawn redwood, is a fast-growing, endangered[1] deciduous conifer, the sole living species of the genus Metasequoia, one of three species in the subfamily Sequoioideae. It now survives only in wet lower slopes and montane river and stream valleys in the border region of Hubei and Hunan provinces and Chongqing municipality in south-central China,[2] notably in Lichuan county in Hubei.Pizhou, Jiangsu has the longest dawn redwood avenue in the world. The avenue is approximately 60 km long with over one million trees.1984年,武汉市将水杉定为市树。
- 北京賞海棠花的地兒很多,城區最美的是元大都遺址公園小月河兩岸,沿河彎流經安貞門,有一處海棠花溪,每年四月遊人如織。此處海棠樹高而密,繞水而生,舉頭可賞繁花似錦的春之燦爛,低眉卻又見花自飄零水自流。從散落道邊或小院的海棠樹走過,靜靜在花樹前小憩,聽鳥兒細語,看花兒兀自綻放,在瞬間與久遠中可以聽到自己的心音。在繁華的人生邊上,一株海棠必定要經歷雨疏風驟、綠肥紅瘦,但深深的眷戀依舊。巴黎香榭麗舍大街兩旁盛開的海棠花,竟有「春光似海,盛世如花」的褒詞。南宋詩人陸游與唐婉幼年相識,兩人青梅竹馬,一同長大,曾流連於甜蜜愛情中。後來陸母逼迫兩人分開,離別之時,唐婉將一株海棠贈予陸游,從此陸深愛海棠不渝,有「海棠癲」之號。陸游時時懷想,有海棠作伴,何時與唐婉對飲?「雖艷無俗姿,太皇真富貴」,是陸游對海棠花的至高評價;在他心中,海棠是抹不去的愛與痛。1988年4月,北京中南海西花廳的海棠花又開了,鄧穎超見花思人,深情寫下《從西花廳海棠花憶起》。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/05/11/b06-0511.pdf
- Chinese botanists say they may have an explanation for a mass die-off of plantation pine trees across the country that has baffled scientists for 50 years – it could be all in the genes. The Pinus armandii, or Mount Hua pine, is a species native to China, and can survive in harsh conditions such as mountain cliffs. The white pine is also a symbol of long life in Chinese culture – the Taoist God of Longevity is almost always seen in paintings with a Mount Hua pine in the background. But in the 1970s, there was a large-scale die-off of the pines in reforested areas across many provinces, and the cause has never been found.https://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3095356/botanists-may-have-worked-out-why-pine-trees-suddenly-died
- 肉蓯蓉,又稱作蓯蓉、甜蓯蓉、地精、甜大芸、肉松蓉,是列當科下一種全寄生的植物。Cistanche deserticola is a holoparasitic member of the plant family Orobanchaceae, commonly known as desert-broomrape.Along with other members of the genus Cistanche, Cistanche deserticola is a noted source of the Chinese herbal medicine cistanche (Chinese: 肉苁蓉; pinyin: ròucōngróng), commonly called Rou Cong Rong. Pharmaceutical materials, known in Chinese as suosuo dayuan (Chinese: 索索大元), are produced by slicing the stems of the plant. Inner Mongolia is the top native-producing area of the species; annual production is about 70 tons. The stems are gathered in the spring, when the sprouts have not come out of the ground or have just come up, dried in the sun and cut into slices for medicinal use. Cistanche deserticola has been placed on CITES Appendix 2, a list of endangered species not banned from trade but requiring monitoring.
- china
- Malus spectabilis (海棠, p hǎitáng) is a species of crabapple known by the common names Asiatic apple,[1] Chinese crab, and Chinese flowering apple. It is endemic to China, and native within the Provinces of Hebei, Jiangsu, Liaoning, Qinghai, Shaanxi, Shandong, Sichuan, Yunnan, and Zhejiang.
- grown in jiangsu 李中水上森林
- 北京賞海棠花的地兒很多,城區最美的是元大都遺址公園小月河兩岸,沿河彎流經安貞門,有一處海棠花溪,每年四月遊人如織。此處海棠樹高而密,繞水而生,舉頭可賞繁花似錦的春之燦爛,低眉卻又見花自飄零水自流。從散落道邊或小院的海棠樹走過,靜靜在花樹前小憩,聽鳥兒細語,看花兒兀自綻放,在瞬間與久遠中可以聽到自己的心音。在繁華的人生邊上,一株海棠必定要經歷雨疏風驟、綠肥紅瘦,但深深的眷戀依舊。巴黎香榭麗舍大街兩旁盛開的海棠花,竟有「春光似海,盛世如花」的褒詞。南宋詩人陸游與唐婉幼年相識,兩人青梅竹馬,一同長大,曾流連於甜蜜愛情中。後來陸母逼迫兩人分開,離別之時,唐婉將一株海棠贈予陸游,從此陸深愛海棠不渝,有「海棠癲」之號。陸游時時懷想,有海棠作伴,何時與唐婉對飲?「雖艷無俗姿,太皇真富貴」,是陸游對海棠花的至高評價;在他心中,海棠是抹不去的愛與痛。1988年4月,北京中南海西花廳的海棠花又開了,鄧穎超見花思人,深情寫下《從西花廳海棠花憶起》。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/05/11/b06-0511.pdf
- Chinese botanists say they may have an explanation for a mass die-off of plantation pine trees across the country that has baffled scientists for 50 years – it could be all in the genes. The Pinus armandii, or Mount Hua pine, is a species native to China, and can survive in harsh conditions such as mountain cliffs. The white pine is also a symbol of long life in Chinese culture – the Taoist God of Longevity is almost always seen in paintings with a Mount Hua pine in the background. But in the 1970s, there was a large-scale die-off of the pines in reforested areas across many provinces, and the cause has never been found.https://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3095356/botanists-may-have-worked-out-why-pine-trees-suddenly-died
- 肉蓯蓉,又稱作蓯蓉、甜蓯蓉、地精、甜大芸、肉松蓉,是列當科下一種全寄生的植物。Cistanche deserticola is a holoparasitic member of the plant family Orobanchaceae, commonly known as desert-broomrape.Along with other members of the genus Cistanche, Cistanche deserticola is a noted source of the Chinese herbal medicine cistanche (Chinese: 肉苁蓉; pinyin: ròucōngróng), commonly called Rou Cong Rong. Pharmaceutical materials, known in Chinese as suosuo dayuan (Chinese: 索索大元), are produced by slicing the stems of the plant. Inner Mongolia is the top native-producing area of the species; annual production is about 70 tons. The stems are gathered in the spring, when the sprouts have not come out of the ground or have just come up, dried in the sun and cut into slices for medicinal use. Cistanche deserticola has been placed on CITES Appendix 2, a list of endangered species not banned from trade but requiring monitoring.
- 賈存勤曾師從被業界尊稱為 「肉蓯蓉之父」 的中 國肉蓯蓉首席科學家北大教授屠鵬飛,並在北京以嶺 藥業任職副總經理。但2014年,賈存勤和另外2個合 夥人籌集100萬元,懷揣着百億元級肉蓯蓉大健康產 業的夢想,斷然回到家鄉甘肅白銀市,在靖遠縣、景 泰縣種梭梭綠化荒山,再接種發展肉蓯蓉。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200928/PDF/a20_screen.pdf
- All parts of the plant are poisonous to humans and a range of domestic animals[5] and some people experience dermatitis from contact with the sap.
- 錦繡谷, 四時紅紫匝地,花團錦簇,故而得名。谷中生 長的瑞香花,因其株矮而壯,樹形自然而灑 脫,故又稱蓬萊花、風流樹。早在宋代天聖年 間(1023—1032年),就已聞名於世。宋人有 詩曰:「曾向廬山睡裏聞,香風占斷世間春。 窺花莫撲枝頭蝶,驚覺南窗半夢人。」明代醫 學家李時珍的《本草綱目》中有這樣的文字記 載:「瑞香產廬山,原名『睡香』。相傳古代 有一僧侶,晝寢岩下,夢中但聞異香酷烈,而 尋之,故名。」後人認為「睡香」極為高雅, 且香味濃郁,是瑞祥之兆,故改名瑞香。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/09/29/b07-0929.pdf
- 青錢柳俗名搖錢樹,又名麻柳,具多種藥用價值,其葉炮製成的青錢柳茶是中國名貴滋補保健藥材。Cyclocarya is a genus of flowering plants in the family Juglandaceae, comprising a single species Cyclocarya paliurus (qing qian liu or wheel wingnut), formerly treated in the genus Pterocarya as Pterocarya paliurus. It is native to eastern and central China.
- https://www.jetro.go.jp/ttppoas/anken/0001169000/1169338_e.html tea leaf product
-小果衛矛(Euonymus microcarpus)為衛矛科衛矛屬的植物,是中國的特有植物。分佈在中國大陸的陝西、四川、雲南、湖北等地,生長於海拔350米至1,000米的地區,多生長於山地中,目前尚未由人工引種栽培。
- 湖北襄陽保康縣至神農架林區陽日鎮高速公路(保神高速)即將通車。前坪村位於保神高速的起點附近,村內有兩棵近10米高的大樹,均已有500年以上樹齡。當局為了保護古樹,決定花費近1,000萬人民幣(約1,199萬港元)修改原定建造方案,讓高速公路繞道而行。這兩棵小果衞矛屬國家一級古樹,相距僅約60米,不僅枝繁葉茂,更長有紅色的果實。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20210107/00180_031.html
- 崖柏又名崖柏樹、四川側柏,為柏科崖柏屬的白堊紀孑遺植物,為常綠喬木。分佈在中國大陸的四川等地,生長於海拔1,400米的地區,目前尚未由人工引種栽培。[1]中國重慶開縣和城口暨雪寶山自然保護區範圍內,分佈着約一萬株崖柏[2]。Thuja sutchuenensis, the Sichuan thuja, is a species of Thuja, an evergreen coniferous tree in the cypress family Cupressaceae.[2] It is native to China, where it is an endangered local endemic in Chengkou County (Chongqing Municipality, formerly part of Sichuan province), on the southern slope of the Daba Mountains.
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2021/02/06/b05-0206.pdf在文化科技融合帶動產業高質量發展沙龍上......「噠!」隨着一聲點火聲,沙龍會場的桌子上一縷青煙淡淡升騰。人能常清靜,天地悉皆歸,香,靈動高貴而又樸實無華,玄妙深邃而又平易近人。香插上插着一炷在漢代有「神木」之稱的崖柏香,散發出我喜歡的獨特藥香味,滿室芬芳。
- 扁擔桿,果子圓圓小小,成熟在葉子落光的時候,就像一顆顆玲瓏小巧的山葡萄,我們小時候稱它為「娃娃拳」。「娃娃拳」橙紅鮮麗,一簇一簇的,抱在枝上,直到深冬也不離枝,生命似乎從不會枯亡。它的植株多生長在渠邊、路邊,適宜於各種氣候和土壤,果實藥用價值很高,根或全株皆可入藥,是健脾益氣的佳品。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2021/03/22/a16-0322.pdf
china and taiwan
- Ailanthus altissima /eɪˈlænθəs ælˈtɪsɪmə/,[3] commonly known as tree of heaven, ailanthus, varnish tree, or in Chinese as chouchun ( 臭椿; pinyin: chòuchūn; lit. 'foul smelling tree'), is a deciduous tree in the family Simaroubaceae.[1] It is native to northeast and central China, and Taiwan.
In China, the tree of heaven has a long and rich history. It was mentioned in the oldest extant Chinese dictionary and listed in many Chinese medical texts for its purported curative ability. The roots, leaves and bark are used in traditional Chinese medicine, primarily as an astringent. The tree has been grown extensively both in China and abroad as a host plant for the ailanthus silkmoth, a moth involved in silk production.The tree was first brought from China to Europe in the 1740s and to the United States in 1784. It was one of the first trees brought west during a time when chinoiserie was dominating European arts, and was initially hailed as a beautiful garden specimen. However, enthusiasm soon waned after gardeners became familiar with its suckering habits and its foul smelling odor. Despite this, it was used extensively as a street tree during much of the 19th century. Outside Europe and the United States, the plant has been spread to many other areas beyond its native range, and is considered internationally as a noxious weed.[1] In many countries, it is an invasive species due to its ability both to colonize disturbed areas quickly and to suppress competition with allelopathic chemicals.[1] The tree also resproutsvigorously when cut, making its eradication difficult and time-consuming. This has led to the tree being called "tree of hell" among gardeners and conservationists.the tree of heaven is also used for its wood and as a host plant to feed silkworms of the moth Samia cynthia, which produces silkthat is stronger and cheaper than mulberry silk, although with inferior gloss and texture.[1] It is also unable to take dye. This type of silk is known under various names: "pongee", "eri silk" and "Shantung silk", the last name being derived from Shandong Province in China where this silk is often produced. Its production is particularly well known in the Yantai region of that province. The moth has also been introduced in the United States.[8]The pale yellow, close-grained and satiny wood of ailanthus has been used in cabinet work.[1][53] It is flexible and well suited to the manufacture of kitchen steamers, which are important in Chinese cuisine for cooking mantou, pastries and rice. Zhejiang Province in eastern China is most famous for producing these steamers.[8] It is also considered a good source of firewood across much of its range as it is moderately hard and heavy, yet readily available.[54] The wood is also used to make charcoal for culinary purposes.在現存最古老的字典,在公元前3世紀撰寫的《爾雅》中,臭椿寫作「樗」(讀音為「出」),並在樹木清單中列在第二的位置。但由於樹臭椿形散亂,材質疏鬆,不堪使用,偏偏葉子上還有散發臭味的腺體,因而這種樹木也被看作是一種「惡木」,只配用來燒柴,或是用於製作木磚,放在牆根以隔絕潮濕之氣。
- 臭椿與香椿雖不為同科,但兩者形態十分相像,所不同的是臭椿為奇數羽狀複葉、樹幹表面光滑、葉有臭味、果實為翅果,翅果在中藥裏名叫「鳳眼草」;香椿,一般為偶數羽狀複葉、樹幹呈條塊狀剝落、葉有香味、果實為蒴果。香椿葉是可以食用的,椿葉以紫紅者為最佳,淡紅者次之,翠綠者為下;但香椿葉為發物,食之過多易誘使痼疾復發,故慢性疾病患者應少食或不食。當一個人把小小椿樹的葉片從樹上摘下,數一數維管束的個頭,香椿是5個,臭椿是9個,這是非常準的。在香椿與臭椿的分類上,臭椿被不少人妖魔化了,充其量臭椿葉的臭,是香得不一樣、香得有特色而已,只不過是非常規的香,甚或有些「臭」的氣息罷了。但是,絕非臭不可聞。臭椿葉雖臭,樹幹卻生得堅實光滑,而被人熱捧的香椿卻皮膚乾裂,是那種讓人心疼的條裂狀。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2021/01/14/a20-0114.pdf
- 孟宗竹(毛竹、江南竹、貓頭竹、貌兒竹、貌頭竹、茅茹竹、龟甲竹[2]) Phyllostachys edulis, the moso bamboo,[2] or tortoise-shell bamboo,[2] or mao zhu is a temperate species of giant timber bamboo native to China and Taiwan and naturalised elsewhere, including Japan where it is widely distributed south of Hokkaido.[3] The edulis part of the Latin name refers to its edible shoots. This bamboo can reach heights of up to 28 m.[4] This particular species of bamboo is the most common species used in the bamboo textile industry of China, for the production of rayon.孟宗竹竹节长,结构坚韧,生长时间短,经济价值很高。孟宗竹广泛应用于建筑、鷹架,廣告看板支架,装饰等方面。孟宗竹的竹筍可以食用。在冬季採收者味美,稱為「冬筍」;春天採收較大支稱為春筍,若是竹筍破土而出照射到陽光則外觀會成黑色,味道不會變苦;作筍乾的麻竹跟孟宗竹是完全不同種類的竹子。モウソウチク(孟宗竹)はアジアの温暖湿潤地域に分布する竹の一種である。種名は冬に母のために寒中筍を掘り採った三国時代の呉の人物、孟宗にちなむ。別名江南竹、ワセ竹、モウソウダケ。中国江南地方原産で日本では栽培により北海道函館以南に広く分布する。801年(延暦20年)、京都府長岡京市の海印寺、寂照院の開山・道雄上人が唐から持ち帰った、また1228年(安貞2年)に曹洞宗の開祖・道元禅師が宋から持ち帰った、など諸説あるが全国へ広まったのは薩摩藩による琉球王国経由の移入によってと考えられている。「南聘紀考 下」によると元文元年3月に島津吉貴が、琉球在番として琉球行きを命じられた物頭野村勘兵衛良昌に孟宗竹を輸入するように命じ、勘兵衛は琉球滞在中に清より輸入し、元文3年に帰国すると吉貴のいる仙巌園に孟宗竹を献上したという。植栽された竹林は、戦後の里山管理の衰退に伴い、放置されていたり逸出していたりして、生育域は拡大する傾向にある。
- 大竹嵐,海拔約 1,200米,位於閩北建陽區、 武夷山市、邵武市、光澤縣四邑結合部的先鋒 嶺西南側,四面是高山,中間是盆地,古代有 出省官道橫貫其間。歷史上,這裡曾是人口稠 密的村莊。解放戰爭時期,人口大量流散,餘 下數戶人家,在中華人民共和國成立初期遷出 合併於今建陽區黃坑鎮坳頭村。 大竹嵐之神奇,與標本有關係。1837年,法 國神父大衛(DaVia)深入大竹嵐掛墩,在這 裡採集了第一批珍貴生物標本。翌年,他發表 了學術論文——掛墩鳥類若干新種。「掛墩」 的名字,不脛而走,聞名於世。大竹嵐,盛產毛竹,是名副其實的林山竹 海。這裡不但四季風景如畫,而且有許多珍禽 異獸,以及各種稀有而美麗的植物。境內還有 觀音坑、十八跳、斗米嶺等遺址,至今還流傳 着許多美麗而動人的神話傳說。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/09/17/a23-0917.pdf
- Chamaecyparis formosensis (Formosan cypress, Taiwan cypress;紅檜/红桧 hóngguì, Taiwan pron. hóngkuài) is a species of Chamaecyparis, endemic to Taiwan. It is most closely related to the Japanese Chamaecyparis pisifera (sawara cypress), which differs in smaller globose cones 4–8 mm long with 6–10 scales.The wood is soft, very resistant to decay, and strongly scented; it is highly valued in traditional Taiwanese building, particularly for temples and shrines. 1896年11月,竹山撫墾署長齊藤音作夥同林學博士本多靜六組團搶攻玉山,誤登最難攻頂的玉山東峰,當時係取道東埔、觀高、八通關,因而本多氏也帶回植物採集史上,第一份紅檜標本,且運至日本東京帝大,由松村任三教授以「福爾摩沙」拉丁語化,於1901年命名為台灣紅檜。然而,本多靜六也成為第一位主張開採檜木林的日本學者,十餘年後的1910年,阿里山區正式伐木集材。由於人類的濫伐,已經成為瀕危物種。與日本花柏為近緣種。
- 當年重建正殿需要大量檜木,由於檜木在沖繩 無法取得,於是要從台灣進口。報道指,台灣檜 木比日本的檜木樹齡長、長得更巨大,當時台灣 限制檜木的砍伐,所以檜木價格飆漲。但重建首 里城的預算已有,台灣木材業者答應出口台灣檜 木。幾年後,台灣檜木價格飆升 3倍,當時如果 無法調度得到這些台灣檜木,或許首里城的重建 就會受到影響。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/11/01/a23-1101.pdf
- Bauhinia × blakeana, commonly called the Hong Kong Orchid Tree, is a legume tree of the genus Bauhinia, with large thick leaves and striking purplish red flowers. The fragrant, orchid-like flowers are usually 10 to 15 centimetres (3.9 to 5.9 in) across, and bloom from early November to the end of March. Although now cultivated in many areas, it originated in Hong Kong in 1880 and apparently all of the cultivated trees derive from one cultivated at the Hong Kong Botanical Gardens and widely planted in Hong Kong starting in 1914. It is referred to as bauhinia in non-scientific literature though this is the name of the genus. It is sometimes called the Hong Kong orchid (香港蘭). In Hong Kong, it is most commonly referred to by its Chinese name of "洋紫荊". Also see "Kanchan Flower"(Bengali) for reference.This tree was discovered in around 1880 by a French Catholic Missionary of the Paris Foreign Missions (MEP), near the ruins of a house above the shore-line of western Hong Kong island near Pok Fu Lam and propagated to the formal botanical gardens in Victoria/Central.The first thorough scientific description of the tree was made by Stephen Troyte Dunn, Superintendent of the Botanical and Forestry Department, who assigned it to the genus Bauhinia in his paper of 1908. Dunn named the tree for "Sir Henry and Lady Blake", the former being Sir Henry Blake, British Governor of Hong Kong, from 1898 to 1903. Sir Henry and Lady Blake were thus thanked for their promotion of the Hong Kong Botanic Gardens.
- cross of B purpurea and B variegata
- the english wiki version shows pictures of tree in kolkata, west bengal, india
- 香港紫荊花又 叫 「洋紫荊」 , 是專指紅花羊蹄 甲,先葉後花; 內地的紫荊係灌 木,先花後葉, 不能叫紫荊花。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20210412/PDF/a22_screen.pdf
- **********走進廣州暨南大學校園,我以為南方 春天是暖和的,沒帶外套和大衣就過來,全 身被吹過的寒風拂得顫抖時,我身邊左右兩 排大樹,毫不在乎刺骨的風,酷寒中仍淡定 自若綻放着和校園裏走過的學生們一樣絢麗 璀璨的青春美好。一起去開會的香港作家看 我的表情,問我,你是不是很冷?他還示意 要把外套借我。我臉上佯作泰然,沒事沒 事。其實放在牛仔褲裏的手指頭在發抖。 為了表示無事,我問他這什麼花呀好漂 亮!洋紫荊。他想也不想就回答。 那是我首次在廣州看見那麼多洋紫荊,一 定是暨南大學刻意栽種要把春天的氣息散發 在校園裏,就在南湖湖畔。當時住在湖邊的 交流中心酒店。每天去開會、吃飯,都要在 洋紫荊花下走。暨南大學校園變成心中的洋 紫荊公園了。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2021/04/22/b07-0422.pdf
- The endemic plant of Hong Kong was introduced to Taiwan in 1967. In 1984 it was chosen to be the city flower of Chiayi City, in southwestern Taiwan.
- Bauhinia × blakeana was adopted as the floral emblem of Hong Kong by the Urban Council in 1965.
- [马锡城 香港有趣植物2] name in mainland china 红花羊蹄甲, name in taiwan: 艳紫荆
- [tai po kau nature reserve handout] native species such as the litsea 蒼樹, giant bean 榼藤子, sweet gum 楓香, castanopsis fissa 鯬蒴樹 (a good timber tree formerly much used by chinese in making agricultural implements such as primitive wooden plough)
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