Chinnor is a large village and civil parish in South Oxfordshire about 4 miles (6.4 km) southeast of Thame. The village is a spring line settlement[1] on the Icknield Way below the Chiltern escarpment. The Icknield Way is a pre-Roman road. The site of an Iron Age settlement from perhaps the 4th century BC has been excavated on the Chiltern ridge in the southern part of the parish. Traces of Romano-British occupation have been found both on the same high ground and below on Icknield Way.A twin barrow on Icknield Way has been found to contain the weapons of a Saxon warrior that have been dated to the 6th century. Chinnor's toponym may originally have meant the ora ("slope") of a man called Ceona.[1] In subsequent centuries it was variously spelt Chennore and then Chynor.
- The Free Trade Hall on Peter Street, Manchester, England, was a public hall, constructed in 1853–56 on St Peter’s Fields, the site of the Peterloo Massacre. It is now a Radisson hotel.The hall was built to commemorate the repeal of the Corn Laws in 1846. The architect was Edward Walters.[1] The hall was owned by the Manchester Corporation. It was bombed in the Manchester Blitz and its interior rebuilt and was Manchester's premier concert venue until the construction of the Bridgewater Hall in 1996. The hall was designated a Grade II* listed building in 1963.
- tech
- Manchester has a talent pool of 14,000 students studying advanced materials like #graphene - this is how DIT is driving investment in their future
- The John Rylands Library is a late-Victorian neo-Gothic building on Deansgate in Manchester, England. The library, which opened to the public in 1900, was founded by Enriqueta Augustina Rylands in memory of her husband, John Rylands.[4] The John Rylands Library and the library of the University of Manchester merged in July 1972 into the John Rylands University Library of Manchester; today it is part of The University of Manchester Library. Special collections built up by both libraries were progressively concentrated in the Deansgate building. The special collections, believed to be among the largest in the United Kingdom,[5] include medieval illuminated manuscripts and examples of early European printing, including a Gutenberg Bible, the second largest collection of printing by William Caxton,[6] and the most extensive collection of the editions of the Aldine Press of Venice.[7] The Rylands Library Papyrus P52 has a claim to be the earliest extant New Testament text. The library holds personal papers and letters of notable figures, among them Elizabeth Gaskell and John Dalton.Enriqueta Rylands purchased a site on Deansgate for her memorial library in 1889 and commissioned a design from architect Basil Champneys.[4][8] Rylands commissioned the Manchester academic Alice Cooke to index the vast library of the 2nd Earl Spencer which she had purchased and another collection of autographs.[9] Mrs Rylands intended the library to be principally theological, and the building, which is a fine example of Victorian Gothic, has the appearance of a church, although the concept was of an Oxford college library on a larger scale.
- John Ryland (1753–1825) was an English Baptist minister. The son of John Collett Ryland, he was born at Warwick on 29 January 1753. Before he was 15, he began teaching in his father's school. On 13 September 1767 he was baptised in the River Nene, near Northampton, and, after preaching at small gatherings of Baptists from 1769, was formally admitted into the ministry on 10 March 1771. Until his twenty-fifth year he assisted his father in his school at Northampton, and in 1781 was associated with him in the charge of his church. after his father's retirement in 1786, he had sole charge of the congregation. In December 1793 Ryland became minister of the Broadmead chapel in Bristol, combining with the post the presidency of the Bristol Baptist College. These positions he retained until his death. He joined, on 2 October 1792, in founding the Baptist Missionary Society, and acted as its secretary from 1815 until his death at Bristol on 25 May 1825. On 2 June he was buried in the ground adjoining Broadmead chapel, and on 5 June Robert Hall, who succeeded him as minister, preached a memorial sermon (published 1825). A convinced Calvinist throughout his life, Ryland moved from the high Calvinism of his father[2] to an evangelical Calvinist position, under the influence of his long-term correspondent[3] John Newton, and the writings of the American theologian Jonathan Edwards.
- in the town of macclesfield in cheshire, there is a purpose-built chapel built in 1689
- uk china regional leaders summit
- The British city of Birmingham will host representatives from businesses, universities, and government during a forum aimed at forging closer relations between China and the United Kingdom.The Fifth UK-China Regional Leaders Summit has been described as "the most significant gathering of its kind ever held in the UK" and will give the two nations an opportunity to strengthen cultural and economic links.The three-day event was organized by Midlands Engine, which is made up of local authorities and local enterprise partnerships from the East and West Midlands, and aims to boost productivity, attract inward investment, and increase connectivity.
- bicycle
- 中国共享单车品牌摩拜单车13日宣布登陆英国曼彻斯特,并同步进入毗邻曼市的索尔福德(Salford)。首批在曼彻斯特和索尔福德投放1000辆 智能共享单车,后续将逐步增加投放量。这是摩拜单车进入的首个亚洲之外的城市,曼彻斯特市亦成为摩拜单车全球服务的第100城。 截至目前,摩拜单车已在全球投放超过500万辆智能共享单车,註册用户量超过1亿,每天提供超过2000万次出行服务,是全球第一大互联网出行服务。
- 由英國中文學校聯會(UKFCS)主辦的英國中文學校文藝匯演3月19日在曼徹斯特落幕。中國駐英大使館賴波副總領事出席致詞,對這次活動給予高度讚賞。英國中文學校聯會會長劉凱旋攜全體文康組委員出席主辦節目,當天蒞臨現場的嘉賓有伯明翰中國城獅子俱樂鄔明慶、曼城文化中心中文學校主席李啟泰MBE、曼城僑聯社華人子弟學校主席王亮能、會長李錦棠以及各多位中文學校校長。參加本屆匯演的學校有十一所之多,為歷年之最。包括倫敦培英華文學校、和景中文學校、白金漢郡中文學校、考切斯特中文學校、米頓堅斯中文學校、曼城文化中心中文學校、利茲華人中文學校、謝菲爾德星星中文學校、偉盧華人協會中文學校、伯明翰文化語言學校、曼城僑聯社華人子弟學校。參加節目有25個之多,按照唱歌、舞蹈、樂器演奏、話劇和武術五大項目進行評比,在節目表演中還進行了書法比賽和賀年卡設計比賽的頒獎典禮。
-英國正審批於曼徹斯特市,設立國內首間融合東、西方教育的曼徹斯特拉瑟福德學校,開授普通話和商業等學科,以加緊配合中國在英不斷增長的投資。該計劃受商界及政界支持,包括前財務大臣歐思邦。學校將會招收十一歲至十六歲的學生,於一八年九月開學,開設普通話、英文、西班牙文、商業及數學等核心科目。 UK chancellor of the exchequer George Osborne has written a letter of support for a new free school in Manchester that will combine Eastern and Western education, while a bilingual English and Mandarin pre-pschool is set to open in London next year.
- Chinese community
- northern city throws its doors open
- cny celebration
- 曼城華人社團聯合會繼2月7日除夕在中國城及市政廳成功舉辦大型戶外猴年新春慶典之後,翌日又在海寶大酒樓成功舉辦猴年新春慶典晚宴,筵開30餘席,為曼城華人社團聯合會在曼城主辦的系列新春慶典活動劃上圓滿句號。2月8日晚,海寶大酒樓張燈結彩,全英華人社團聯合總會及曼城華人社團聯合會會長葉劍橋帶領會員,喜迎各界嘉賓到來。中國駐曼城總領館李永勝總領事夫婦、周海城副總領事夫婦、賴波副總領事以及大曼城地區女王副代表科恩女士、大曼徹斯特地區多位市長、副市長、其他國家駐曼城總領事等,與曼城各界華人華僑歡聚一堂,同慶猴年春節。葉劍橋會長致詞稱,曼城華人社團聯合會已主辦二十多年大型戶內外中國新春慶典活動,現在規模越來越大,每年都吸引著數萬民眾參與,也進一步得到英國主流社會的重視和支持。今年曼城的猴年新春慶祝活動,從2月4日開始到8日結束,歷時5天,地點從市政廳、購物中心、埃爾伯特廣場、曼城主要街道、中國城、藝術館到海寶大酒樓,開展了以中國文化、藝術為主題的各項慶祝活動。現在曼城新春慶祝活動已經走出傳統的中國城地界,將一片紅火鬧騰的喜悅蔓延到整個曼城市中心。曼城中國年慶典活動,將不分種族、不分文化、不分地域,與當地民眾共度共享美好祥和的中國年。曼城猴年慶典活動也為2016年中英關係黃金時代的開局之年譜寫了一首美好的新春序曲。周海城副總領事任滿赴泰國任總領事 同時,葉劍橋會長還宣布一個消息,周海城副總領事任職期滿,即將離開曼城總領館前往泰國擔任總領事工作,他並代表曼聯會向周副總贈送禮物。隨後利物浦華聲社會長司徒民星及新華聯誼會會長許言忠,也紛紛表達對周副總的謝意及離別之情。其後,李永勝總領事、女王副代表及曼城副市長先後致詞,曼聯會首副會長任潔儀致謝詞,感謝對猴年慶典活動提供幫助的單位及個人,特別感謝贊助商中國銀行,Genting Club Manchester Casino、Westmill Foods & AMOY 淘大、Sliver Hill Farm 銀山鴨以及Ernest Jones等單位大力支持。慶典期間,在李永勝總領事見證下,曼城華人社團聯合會會長葉劍橋向曼城文化中心學校、曼城僑聯社子弟學校、曼城華夏學校、紐卡素中文學校、利物浦華聲社中文學校、黑池中文學校舉行了捐款儀式,共向六所中文學校捐款六千五百英鎊,來補充中文學校教學資金的不足,鼓勵和推動中文教學活動更好地順利進行。
- 当地时间2日下午,英国曼彻斯特大学最新成立的中国研究院开幕,该院由香港商人、慈善家及曼大名誉博士李启鸿捐赠并以其命名,专门设置有关“一带一路”研究课题等,旨在研究中国政治经济全球化和促进中英关系发展。
- 《One of Two Stories, or Both(Field Bagatelles)》日前在英國曼徹斯特國際藝 術節(MIF)舉行世界首演。該作品由西九文化區、MIF 、曼徹斯特華人當代藝術中心、Edouard Malingue Gallery ,以及University of Salford Art Collection共同委約,現正 於曼徹斯特Old Granada Studios的Low Four展出,展期至 十月二十九日。
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