wild dog
- 吠聲猶如唱歌的新畿內亞唱犬(New Guinea singing dog),是世上最稀有的犬種之一。牠的野生族群已絕迹近五十年,只可以在動物園或保護區找到其身影。《美國國家科學院院刊(PNAS)》周一發表的報告指,有探險隊四年前在印尼新畿內亞西部的偏遠高地發現野犬群,經過多番基因對比,證實新發現的野犬是「唱犬」的祖先。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200903/00180_034.html
Elephant shrews, also called jumping shrews or sengis, are small insectivorous mammalsnative to Africa, belonging to the family Macroscelididae, in the order Macroscelidea. Their traditional common English name "elephant shrew" comes from a perceived resemblance between their long noses and the trunk of an elephant, and their superficial similarity with shrews (family Soricidae) in the order Eulipotyphla. However, phylogenetic analysis revealed that elephant shrews are not classified with true shrews, but are in fact more closely related to elephants than shrews.
- 美國有研究團隊前日發表報告,指去年在「非洲之角」東非國家吉布提發現已絕迹五十年的哺乳類動物「索馬里象鼩」(Somali elephant shrew)。今次亦是科學家自一九六八年以來,首次觀測到該種象鼩,計劃二○二二年前往考察研究其生態狀況。
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20191007/PDF/b5_screen.pdf 蟑螂,已有五千萬至一億年的進化史, 是一種生命力超強覓食口味接近人類的雜食 昆蟲,是我們的老對手了。上古越族稱之為 虼蚱、膠蚻等等,粵語為曱甴,客家話海陸 腔為蜞蚻,福州話為膠蚻,現代閩語為虼蚻 ,從聲韻上講皆是上古百越的記憶遺存;嶺 南更曾有把水曱甴煎炸了吃的習俗,我就見 過這道名菜。
- scmp 3jul19 cockroaches (german cockroach) now born with immunity to sprays
- hkej 6aug19 shum article cockroach as a term to insult people
- https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-single-most-mind-blowing-fact-that-you-did-not-believe-until-you-looked-it-up
蝈蝈是昆虫纲,直翅目,螽斯科一些大型鸣虫的通称,个子较大,外形和蝗虫相像,身体草绿色,触角细长。雄虫的前翅互相摩擦,能发出“括括括”的声音,清脆响亮。喜欢吃瓜果、豆类等,人们用小竹笼饲养观赏。作为欣赏娱乐昆虫在中国已有悠久历史,如在古易州(今河北省易县)就有几百年编笼捕蝈蝈的历史。 蝈蝈的别名很多,如哥哥、蛞蛞、蚰子等。蝈蝈在中国分布很广,与蟋蟀、油葫芦被称为三大鸣虫。蝈蝈的食物主要是豆类、菜叶、蚂蚱等。
捕鳥蛛屬於較原始之蜘蛛,其全身密生細毛。亦稱為大蘭多毒蛛。南美洲及北美洲捕鳥蛛身上某些地方可能具一種刺激性的螫毛,遇到老鼠等敵物便向敵物用後腳掃散這種自然的致癢粉。敵物之反應如工人鋪設纖維玻璃毛氈後,全身會發癢。The spider originally bearing the name "tarantula" was Lycosa tarantula, a species of wolf spider native to Mediterranean Europe.[10] The name derived from that of the southern Italian town of Taranto.[11] The term "tarantula" subsequently was applied to almost any large, unfamiliar species of ground-dwelling spider, in particular to the Mygalomorphae and especially to the New World Theraphosidae. Compared to tarantulas, wolf spiders are not particularly large or hairy, so among English speakers in particular, the usage eventually shifted in favour of the Theraphosidae, though they are barely related to the wolf spiders, being in a different infraorder.
****** 編織蟻 Weaver ants or green ants (genus Oecophylla) are eusocial insects of the family Formicidae (order Hymenoptera). Weaver ants live in trees (they are obligately arboreal) and are known for their unique nest building behaviour where workers construct nests by weaving together leaves using larval silk.[3] Colonies can be extremely large consisting of more than a hundred nests spanning numerous trees and containing more than half a million workers. Like many other ant species, weaver ants prey on small insects and supplement their diet with carbohydrate-rich honeydew excreted by small insects (Hemiptera). Weaver ant workers exhibit a clear bimodal size distribution, with almost no overlap between the size of the minor and major workers.O. longinoda is distributed in the Afrotropics and O. smaragdina from India and Sri Lanka in southern Asia, through southeastern Asia to northern Australia and Melanesia.[12] In Australia, Oecophylla smaragdina is found in the tropical coastal areas as far south as Broome in Western Australia and across the coastal tropics of the Northern Territory down to Yeppoon in Queensland.Large colonies of Oecophylla weaver ants consume significant amounts of food, and workers continuously kill a variety of arthropods (primarily other insects) close to their nests. Insects are not only consumed by workers, but this protein source is necessary for brood development. Because weaver ant workers hunt and kill insects that are potentially harmful plant pests, trees harboring weaver ants benefit from having decreased levels of herbivory. They have traditionally been used in biological control in Chinese and Southeast Asian citrus orchards from at least 400 AD.[20][21] Many studies have shown the efficacy of using weaver ants as natural biocontrol agents against agricultural pests.[22] The use of weaver ants as biocontrol agents has especially been effective for fruit agriculture, particularly in Australia and southeast Asia.[23][24] Fruit trees harboring weaver ants produce higher quality fruits, show less leaf damage by herbivores, and require fewer applications of synthetic pesticides.[24][25] They do on the other hand protect the scale insects which they 'milk' for honeydew. In several cases the use of weaver ants has nonetheless been shown to be more efficient than applying chemical insecticides and at the same time cheaper, leaving farmers with increased net incomes and more sustainable pest control. Weaver ant husbandry is often practiced in Southeast Asia, where farmers provide shelter, food and construct ropes between trees populated with weaver ants in order to protect their colonies from potential competitors.
unidentified mammal
- A mammal never seen before by locals was discovered in Kamrabandha village of Tahirpur upazila, Sunamganj on Tuesday. The gray colored animal heightening around 16inch looks similar to a raccoon, although, Bangladesh is not known to be a habitat of such an animal. Some speculated it to be a fishing cat, while some said it’s a small bear. Zakir Hossain, a resident of Kamrabandha village said locals spotted the exotic animal hanging by a bale (wood apple) tree, from which they captured it and put it in a cage.https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/nation/2020/04/01/mammal-unknown-to-locals-discovered-in-sunamganj
reference/Online Resource
- History of Animals (Greek: Τῶν περὶ τὰ ζῷα ἱστοριῶν, Ton peri ta zoia historion, "Inquiries on Animals"; Latin: Historia Animālium "History of Animals") is one of the major texts on biology by the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, who had studied at Plato's Academy in Athens. It was written in the fourth century BC; Aristotle died in 322 BC.
- http://macaulaylibrary.org/
Elephant shrews, also called jumping shrews or sengis, are small insectivorous mammalsnative to Africa, belonging to the family Macroscelididae, in the order Macroscelidea. Their traditional common English name "elephant shrew" comes from a perceived resemblance between their long noses and the trunk of an elephant, and their superficial similarity with shrews (family Soricidae) in the order Eulipotyphla. However, phylogenetic analysis revealed that elephant shrews are not classified with true shrews, but are in fact more closely related to elephants than shrews.
- 美國有研究團隊前日發表報告,指去年在「非洲之角」東非國家吉布提發現已絕迹五十年的哺乳類動物「索馬里象鼩」(Somali elephant shrew)。今次亦是科學家自一九六八年以來,首次觀測到該種象鼩,計劃二○二二年前往考察研究其生態狀況。
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20191007/PDF/b5_screen.pdf 蟑螂,已有五千萬至一億年的進化史, 是一種生命力超強覓食口味接近人類的雜食 昆蟲,是我們的老對手了。上古越族稱之為 虼蚱、膠蚻等等,粵語為曱甴,客家話海陸 腔為蜞蚻,福州話為膠蚻,現代閩語為虼蚻 ,從聲韻上講皆是上古百越的記憶遺存;嶺 南更曾有把水曱甴煎炸了吃的習俗,我就見 過這道名菜。
- scmp 3jul19 cockroaches (german cockroach) now born with immunity to sprays
- hkej 6aug19 shum article cockroach as a term to insult people
- https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-single-most-mind-blowing-fact-that-you-did-not-believe-until-you-looked-it-up
蝈蝈是昆虫纲,直翅目,螽斯科一些大型鸣虫的通称,个子较大,外形和蝗虫相像,身体草绿色,触角细长。雄虫的前翅互相摩擦,能发出“括括括”的声音,清脆响亮。喜欢吃瓜果、豆类等,人们用小竹笼饲养观赏。作为欣赏娱乐昆虫在中国已有悠久历史,如在古易州(今河北省易县)就有几百年编笼捕蝈蝈的历史。 蝈蝈的别名很多,如哥哥、蛞蛞、蚰子等。蝈蝈在中国分布很广,与蟋蟀、油葫芦被称为三大鸣虫。蝈蝈的食物主要是豆类、菜叶、蚂蚱等。
捕鳥蛛屬於較原始之蜘蛛,其全身密生細毛。亦稱為大蘭多毒蛛。南美洲及北美洲捕鳥蛛身上某些地方可能具一種刺激性的螫毛,遇到老鼠等敵物便向敵物用後腳掃散這種自然的致癢粉。敵物之反應如工人鋪設纖維玻璃毛氈後,全身會發癢。The spider originally bearing the name "tarantula" was Lycosa tarantula, a species of wolf spider native to Mediterranean Europe.[10] The name derived from that of the southern Italian town of Taranto.[11] The term "tarantula" subsequently was applied to almost any large, unfamiliar species of ground-dwelling spider, in particular to the Mygalomorphae and especially to the New World Theraphosidae. Compared to tarantulas, wolf spiders are not particularly large or hairy, so among English speakers in particular, the usage eventually shifted in favour of the Theraphosidae, though they are barely related to the wolf spiders, being in a different infraorder.
****** 編織蟻 Weaver ants or green ants (genus Oecophylla) are eusocial insects of the family Formicidae (order Hymenoptera). Weaver ants live in trees (they are obligately arboreal) and are known for their unique nest building behaviour where workers construct nests by weaving together leaves using larval silk.[3] Colonies can be extremely large consisting of more than a hundred nests spanning numerous trees and containing more than half a million workers. Like many other ant species, weaver ants prey on small insects and supplement their diet with carbohydrate-rich honeydew excreted by small insects (Hemiptera). Weaver ant workers exhibit a clear bimodal size distribution, with almost no overlap between the size of the minor and major workers.O. longinoda is distributed in the Afrotropics and O. smaragdina from India and Sri Lanka in southern Asia, through southeastern Asia to northern Australia and Melanesia.[12] In Australia, Oecophylla smaragdina is found in the tropical coastal areas as far south as Broome in Western Australia and across the coastal tropics of the Northern Territory down to Yeppoon in Queensland.Large colonies of Oecophylla weaver ants consume significant amounts of food, and workers continuously kill a variety of arthropods (primarily other insects) close to their nests. Insects are not only consumed by workers, but this protein source is necessary for brood development. Because weaver ant workers hunt and kill insects that are potentially harmful plant pests, trees harboring weaver ants benefit from having decreased levels of herbivory. They have traditionally been used in biological control in Chinese and Southeast Asian citrus orchards from at least 400 AD.[20][21] Many studies have shown the efficacy of using weaver ants as natural biocontrol agents against agricultural pests.[22] The use of weaver ants as biocontrol agents has especially been effective for fruit agriculture, particularly in Australia and southeast Asia.[23][24] Fruit trees harboring weaver ants produce higher quality fruits, show less leaf damage by herbivores, and require fewer applications of synthetic pesticides.[24][25] They do on the other hand protect the scale insects which they 'milk' for honeydew. In several cases the use of weaver ants has nonetheless been shown to be more efficient than applying chemical insecticides and at the same time cheaper, leaving farmers with increased net incomes and more sustainable pest control. Weaver ant husbandry is often practiced in Southeast Asia, where farmers provide shelter, food and construct ropes between trees populated with weaver ants in order to protect their colonies from potential competitors.
Platydemus manokwari, also known as the New Guinea flatworm, is a species of large predatory land flatworm. Native to New Guinea, it has been accidentally introduced to the soil of many countries, including the US.[3] It was also deliberately introduced into two Pacific islands in an attempt to control an invasion of the Giant East African Snail[citation needed]. It eats a variety of invertebrates including land snails, and has had a significant negative impact on the rare endemic land snail fauna of some Pacific islands.[4] It has become established in a wide variety of habitats.
- 兩名本港中學生首次在香港多處地點發現該種扁蟲,侵蝕其他物種並影響生態。兩人近日憑該項發現於全球最大規模的中學生科學比賽「英特爾國際科學與工程大獎賽」中,奪得動物科學組別三等獎及Sigma Xi科學研究學會優異獎。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20190525/00176_048.html
unidentified mammal
- A mammal never seen before by locals was discovered in Kamrabandha village of Tahirpur upazila, Sunamganj on Tuesday. The gray colored animal heightening around 16inch looks similar to a raccoon, although, Bangladesh is not known to be a habitat of such an animal. Some speculated it to be a fishing cat, while some said it’s a small bear. Zakir Hossain, a resident of Kamrabandha village said locals spotted the exotic animal hanging by a bale (wood apple) tree, from which they captured it and put it in a cage.https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/nation/2020/04/01/mammal-unknown-to-locals-discovered-in-sunamganj
reference/Online Resource
- History of Animals (Greek: Τῶν περὶ τὰ ζῷα ἱστοριῶν, Ton peri ta zoia historion, "Inquiries on Animals"; Latin: Historia Animālium "History of Animals") is one of the major texts on biology by the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, who had studied at Plato's Academy in Athens. It was written in the fourth century BC; Aristotle died in 322 BC.
- http://macaulaylibrary.org/
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