Sunday, September 13, 2020

Pirates, privateers Step aside, Somalia: South-East Asia is the new piracy capital of the world

Charles Eden (1673 – 26 March 1722) was a British colonial official who served as the second Governor of the Province of North Carolina from 1713 until his death in 1722.Eden was appointed Governor of North Carolina on 28 May 1714. He is best known for his actions to end piracy in the area. Gentleman pirate Stede Bonnet and the notorious Blackbeard (Edward Teach) surrendered to Governor Eden and received the King's Pardon upon promising to change their ways. Both, however, would eventually return to piracy.Governor Eden died of yellow fever in Bertie County in 1722 at the age of 48. Edenton, North Carolina is named for him. His remains were later reinterred in the churchyard of St. Paul's Episcopal Church at Edenton.

  • Edenton was the birthplace of Harriet Jacobs, an enslaved African American who escaped and fled to the North. Her memoir, a slave narrativepublished under a pen name of Linda Brent, was entitled Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl (1861).
  • Fifty-one women in Edenton, led by Penelope Barker, signed a protest petition agreeing to boycott English tea and other products, in what became known, decades later, as the Edenton Tea Party. The Edenton Tea Party is the first known political action by women in the British American colonies.[8] In fact it so shocked London that newspapers published etchings depicting the women as uncontrollable. Her home, the Barker House, is open seven days a week, without a fee, and is considered by many as Edenton's living room. Joseph Hewes, a resident of Edenton and successful owner of a merchant marine fleet, was appointed the first Secretary of the Navy in 1776. John Adams said that Hewes "laid the foundation, the cornerstone of the American Navy." Hewes also signed the United States Declaration of IndependenceJames Iredell, also of Edenton, was at 38 the youngest member of the first United States Supreme Court. He was appointed by George Washington. His son James Iredell, Jr., served as the Democratic-Republican governor of North Carolina and then became a United States senator. 

- scmp 2oct19 fury at plan to unearth legendary pirate hoard
North european 
- 北歐海盗文化

Grace O'Malley (c. 1530 – c. 1603; also Gráinne O'Malley,[1] IrishGráinne Ní Mháille) was lord of the Ó Máille dynasty in the west of Ireland, daughter of Eoghan Dubhdara Ó Máille. Commonly known as Gráinne Mhaol (anglicised as Granuaile) in Irish folklore, she is a well-known historical figure in 16th-century Irish history. Her name was rendered in contemporary English documents in various ways, including Gráinne O'Maly, Graney O'Mally, Granny ni Maille, Grany O'Mally, Grayn Ny Mayle, Grane ne Male, Grainy O'Maly, and Granee O'Maillie. All are versions of her actual name, Gráinne Ní Mháille.
  • Ní Mháille is not mentioned in the Irish annals, so documentary evidence for her life comes mostly from English sources, especially the eighteen "Articles of Interrogatory", questions put to her in writing on behalf of Elizabeth I.[3] She is also mentioned in the English State Papers and in other documents of the kind.[4]According to her biographer Anne Chambers, O'Malley was "a fearless leader, by land and by sea, a political pragmatist and politician, a ruthless plunderer, a mercenary, a rebel, a shrewd and able negotiator, the protective matriarch of her family and tribe, a genuine inheritor of the Mother Goddess and Warrior Queen attributes of her remote ancestors. Above all else, she emerges as a woman who broke the mould and thereby played a unique role in history."Upon her father's death she took over active leadership of the lordship by land and sea, despite having a brother, Dónal an Phíopa Ó Mháille. Marriage to Dónal an Chogaidh (Dónal "the warlike") Ó Flaithbheartaigh brought her greater wealth and influence, reportedly owning as much as 1,000 head of cattle and horses. In 1593, when her sons Tiobóid a Búrc (Tibbot Bourke) and Murchadh Ó Flaithbheartaigh (Murrough O'Flaherty), and her half-brother Dónal an Phíopa ("Dónal of the Pipes"), were taken captive by the English governor of Connacht, Sir Richard Bingham, O'Malley sailed to England to petition for their release. She formally presented her request to Queen Elizabeth I at her court in Greenwich Palace.
  • Ní Mháille was born in Ireland around 1530, when Henry VIII was King of Englandand held the title Lord of Ireland. Under the policies of the English government at the time, the semi-autonomous Irish princes and lords were left mostly to their own devices. However, this was to change over the course of O'Malley's life as the Tudor conquest of Ireland gathered pace. Eoghan Dubhdara Ó Máille, her father,[6] and his family were based in Clew Bay, County Mayo. He was lord of the Ó Máille dynasty and ruler of Umall, descended from Maille mac Conall. The Uí Mháille (O'Malleys) were one of the seafaring families of Connacht, and they built a row of castles facing the sea to protect their territory. They controlled most of what is now the barony of Murrisk[6] in south-west County Mayo and recognised as their nominal overlords the Mac Uilliam Íochtair branch of the Bourkes, who controlled much of what is now County Mayo. The Bourkes (De Burca) were originally Anglo-Norman but by Ní Mháille's lifetime completely Gaelicised. Her mother, Margaret or Maeve, was also a Ní Mháille. Although she was the only child of Dubhdara and his wife, O'Malley had a half-brother called Dónal na Píopa, the son of her father.[7] Although typically during this period sons would inherit, O'Malley "was considered to be the legal retainer of the family land and seafaring activities".

- 西班牙北部沿海城市聖塞瓦斯蒂安的海灘,日前舉行一年一度的海盜節(added by me - semana grande)。有人打扮成女海盜,有人則手持海盜旗幟。


- A group of 10 Turkish sailors has been kidnapped by pirates off the coast of Nigeria, reportedly for ransom. The Paksoy-1 was sailing from Cameroon to Ivory Coast when the pirates boarded the ship in the Gulf of Guinea.It was not carrying freight and eight sailors managed to escape. Turkey says it is working to secure the release of those seized.The International Maritime Bureau says the Gulf of Guinea is the most dangerous sea in the world for piracy.Ömer Çelik, spokesman for Turkey's ruling AK Party, said the ministry was following the case closely and "working on it".Numan Paksoy, operations manager at Kadıoğlu Maritime, said about "12 pirates with heavy guns" had attacked the boat.
- 加蓬首都利伯維爾的海港的船隻上周六遭到海盜襲擊,一名加蓬籍船長被殺,另有四名中國船員被綁架。中國外交部發言人耿爽昨表示,中國駐加蓬使館已要求加方迅速查明情況,全力解救中方人員,中方將繼續密切關注有關情況。

- 尼日利亞海軍日前在畿內亞灣海域,成功解救一艘遭海盜劫持的中國漁船;中國駐拉各斯總領事館昨日證實消息,指船上合共十八人獲救,包括八名中國人。該漁船已在尼日利亞海軍艦艇護送下,抵達拉各斯港。
- scmp 8mar2021 "crew of chinese boat freed from pirate kidnappers"

- 新加坡海峽近日頻頻出現海盜,東向航道在四天內有五艘船被襲擊,其中三艘船在上周五受襲,另外兩宗襲擊則發生在周一午夜時分。截至周二,新加坡海峽今年已發生廿九宗海上搶劫事故,創四年來新高。

The Barbary States were a collection of North African states, many of which practiced state-supported piracy in order to exact tribute from weaker Atlantic powers. Morocco was an independent kingdom, Algiers, Tunis, and Tripoli owed a loose allegiance to the Ottoman Empire. The United States fought two separate wars with Tripoli (1801–1805) and Algiers(1815–1816), although at other times it preferred to pay tribute to obtain the release of captives held in the Barbary States.
The Barbary pirates, sometimes called Barbary corsairs or Ottoman corsairs, were pirates and privateers who operated from North Africa, based primarily in the ports of Salé, Rabat, Algiers, Tunis, and Tripoli. This area was known in Europe as the Barbary Coast, a term derived from the name of its Berber inhabitants. Their predation extended throughout the Mediterranean, south along West Africa's Atlantic seaboard and even South America, and into the North Atlantic as far north as Iceland, but they primarily operated in the western Mediterranean. In addition to seizing ships, they engaged in Razzias, raids on European coastal towns and villages, mainly in Italy, France, Spain, and Portugal, but also in the British Isles, the Netherlands and as far away as Iceland. The main purpose of their attacks was to capture Christian slaves for the Ottoman slave trade as well as the general Muslim slavery market in North Africa and the Middle East. While such raids had occurred since soon after the Muslim conquest of Iberia, the terms "Barbary pirates" and "Barbary corsairs" are normally applied to the raiders active from the 16th century onwards, when the frequency and range of the slavers' attacks increased. In that period Algiers, Tunis and Tripoli came under the sovereignty of the Ottoman Empire, either as directly administered provinces or as autonomous dependencies known as the Barbary States. Similar raids were undertaken from Salé and other ports in Morocco

  • While Barbary corsairs looted the cargo of ships they captured, their primary goal was to capture people for sale as slaves or for ransom. Those who had family or friends who might ransom them were held captive but not obliged to work; the most famous of these was the author Miguel de Cervantes, who was held for almost five years. Others were sold into various types of servitude. Attractive women or boys could be used as sex slaves and was considered the original "fate worse than death". Captives who converted to Islam were generally freed, since enslavement of Muslims was prohibited; but this meant that they could never return to their native countries. Historian Robert C. Davis estimated that between 1530 and 1780, 1–1.25 million Europeans were captured and taken as slaves to North Africa, principally Algiers, Tunis, and Tripoli, but also Constantinople and Salé.
  • Barbary slaves could hope to be freed through payment of a ransom. Despite the efforts of middlemen and charities to raise money to provide ransoms, they were still very difficult to come by. As European communities increased their charity funding for ransoming slaves, North African states increased the amount of ransom required. Lack of money to pay a ransom was not the only problem. Persons taken captive needed to notify their families of their status and tell them the ransom price. Mail charges were often beyond the reach of ordinary captive slaves, and it could take several months for the mail to be delivered. After payment of a ransom, slaves were often taken to a port to wait for the ransom to be finalized. In some cases in the 17th and 18th centuries, slaves were kept under quarantine due to fear of the plague threatening the life of the slave and payment of the ransom.
  • people
  • Hayreddin Barbarossa (Arabicخير الدين بربروس‎, romanizedKhayr ad-Din Barbarus), or Barbaros Kheireddin Pasha (TurkishBarbaros Hayrettin Paşa), born Khizr or Khidr (c. 1478 – 4 July 1546), was an Ottoman corsair and later admiral of the Ottoman Navy. Barbarossa's naval victories secured Ottoman dominance over the Mediterranean during the mid 16th century. Born on Lesbos, Khizr began his naval career as a corsair under his elder brother Oruç Reis. In 1516, the brothers captured Algiers from Spain, with Oruç declaring himself as Sultan. Following Oruç's death in 1518, Khizr inherited his brother's nickname, "Barbarossa" ("Redbeard" in Italian). He also received the honorary name Hayreddin (from Arabic Khayr ad-Din, "goodness of the faith" or "best of the faith"). In 1529, Barbarossa retook Algiers from the Spaniards. In 1533, Barbarossa was appointed Kapudan Pasha (Grand admiral) of the Ottoman Navy by Suleiman the Magnificent. He led an embassy to France in the same year, conquered Tunis in 1534, achieved a decisive victory over the Holy League at Preveza in 1538, and conducted joint campaigns with the French in the 1540s. Barbarossa retired to Istanbul in 1545 and died the following year.
    “Pirates Off Portrush” returns for its sixth adventure with the notorious buccaneer Tavish Dhu, on Saturday, June 30 and Sunday, July 1, when the town is invaded by the Emperor of The Orient! The Emperor and his Dragon Queen, with her ferocious Dragons and Ninja Warriors, are searching for the Skerry Island of the Seven Cities which they believe contains great riches. The Emperor has not reckoned on coming up against Tavish, the fearless Pirate Off Portrush. The outcome, will be revealed at the festival, but be warned the town is full of Pirates and Ninja Warriors. 

    Read more at:

    El Rastro de Madrid or simply el Rastro is the most popular open air flea market in Madrid (Spain). It is held every Sunday and public holiday during the year and is located along Plaza de Cascorro and Ribera de Curtidores, between Calle Embajadores and the Ronda de Toledo (just south of La Latina metro station).El Rastro means "the trail". The market probably owes its name to the tanneries that were once located in Ribera de Curtidores (Ribera de Curtidores means 'riverside of tanners'). Close by, on the banks of the Manzanares River, was an abattoir. Transporting the slaughtered cattle from the abattoir to the tannery left a trail (rastro) of blood along the street.[1] An alternative etymology suggests el Rastro once meant "outside", referring to the fact el Rastro was once outside the jurisdiction of the mayor's court

    • translated as pirates' market in chinese by madrid tourism booklet
    - pirate caves of papafragas and kleftiko




    - According to a watchdog group that tracks maritime security, piracy along Southeast Asia’s 
    Straits of Malacca and Singapore
      – one of the world’s busiest trade routes – surged in 2019, rising to 30 incidents from just eight in 2018.The group – the Regional Cooperation Agreement on Combating Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships in Asia (ReCAAP) – said that it was the highest figure since 2015, when 104 incidents were recorded. It warned of the possibility of further attacks, since none of the perpetrators have been apprehended.
    Just last week, two ships in the 
    Singapore Strait were attacked by pirates, with one resulting in some engine parts being stolen. This brought the total number of incidents in the waters to six since January.Singapore Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen has made clear that the country’s maritime security task force is planning to strengthen its assets amid the rise in sea robberies, while elsewhere, 
    Malaysia and Japan teamed up for the first time in a maritime exercise last month as they aim to tackle piracy incidents and better control the risk of oil spills.With the increasing need for sea monitoring by various countries, international surveillance companies are rushing to fill the gap. One of these, Israeli defence technology company Rafael, rolled out at the Singapore Airshow its new Electro-Optics/Infrared (EO/IR) system, which has long-range imaging abilities that are typically used for military or law enforcement.
    One of its products, the MicroLite, would allow governments to continuously monitor a large area of the sea while also being able to focus on specific targets of interest.A Rafael spokesman said the company is currently working with the Singapore government.

    Shibazhi (十八芝) were a pirate organization of 18 well-known Chinese pirates, founded in 1625 by Zheng Zhilong. Members included Shi Lang's father Shi Daxuan (施大瑄). They began to challenge the Ming fleet and won a series of victories. In 1628, Zheng Zhilong defeated the Ming Dynasty's fleet. The Ming Dynasty's southern fleet surrendered to Shibazhi, and Zheng decided to switch from being a pirate captain to working for the Ming Dynasty in an official capacity.[3] Zheng Zhilong was appointed major general in 1628. Stories tell of how Cai, the governor who had forgiven Zheng for stoning him so many years ago, came to Zheng and asked for a position in the Ming navy. Zheng granted this request. Whether or not this story is true is unknown, but it reflects the popular appraisal of Zheng who was seen as a benevolent leader.

    擴塘山島有 「中國礁石博物館」 之稱,島 上礁石百態叢生。北虜南寇是明朝帝國的兩大隱患。倭寇為 禍東南沿海, 「惟浙江為最,而浙江又以台州 為最」 。孤懸海外的擴塘山島向來就是海盜盤 據之地。今天三門的 健跳、橫渡等地每年農曆正月十三舉行 「上洋 節」 ,朝拜戚公祠,吃戚繼光抗倭流傳下來的 飲食和傳統食品──麥焦、糟羹、扁食。溫州 的蒲岐古鎮,每逢農曆九月初一,民間舉行抬 閣、踩高蹺、扮笑戲、打倭兒炮等表演。蒼南 蒲壯所城每年農曆正月初四 「拔五更」 ,兩支 隊伍以火銃為號,各抬着神像先沿着大街小巷 跑上一圈後,再比賽誰跑得快跑得穩。這些異 質的風習,皆是明季衛所抗倭的歷史遺跡。
    - 解放軍054A導彈護衞艦玉林艦曾在亞丁灣執行護航任務,並成功擊退海盜,解救一艘外籍商船,引起外界關注。時任實習艦長、現衡陽艦艦長萬永峰周日在內地軍媒刊文,披露當時細節。有船員獲救後情緒激動,稱自己曾被海盜囚禁長達兩年,更目睹對方殺人。

    Mare liberum
    - advocated by hugo grotius

    Relationship with apple
    - hkej 31may16 c7, mentioned 海盗簡史

    The Mutiny of the Cyprus took place in 1829 off the British penal settlement of Van Diemen's Land (now Tasmania, Australia). Convicts hijacked the ship and sailed it to Canton, China, where they scuttled it and claimed to be castaways from another vessel. On the way, the Cyprus is now believed to have visited Japan during the height of the period of severe Japanese restrictions on the entry of foreigners, the first Australian ship to do so. The mutineers were eventually captured and two were hanged in England for piracy, though their leader, William Swallow, was never convicted of piracy because he convinced the British authorities that, as the only experienced sailor, he had been forced to remain onboard and compelled to navigate the ship. Swallow was instead sentenced to life on Van Diemen's Land for escaping, where he died 4 years later.

    Buccaneers were a kind of privateer or free sailor peculiar to the Caribbean Sea during the 17th and 18th centuries. Originally the name applied to the landless hunters of wild boars and cattle in the largely uninhabited areas of Tortuga and Hispaniola. The meat they caught was smoked over a slow fire in little huts the French called boucanes to make viande boucanée – jerked meat or jerky – which they sold to the corsairs that preyed on the (largely Spanish) shipping and settlements of the Caribbean. Eventually the term was applied to the corsairs and (later) privateers themselves, also known as the Brethren of the Coast. Though corsairs, also known as freebooters, were largely lawless, privateers were nominally licensed by the authorities – first the French, later the English and Dutch – to prey on the Spanish, until their depredations became so severe they were suppressed.

    literature/works of art on pirates
    The Pirates of Penzance; or, The Slave of Duty (1879) is a comic opera in two acts, with music by Arthur Sullivan and libretto by W. S. Gilbert
    Pippi Longstocking is the fictional main character in an eponymous series of children's booksby Swedish author Astrid Lindgren. Pippi was named by Lindgren's daughter Karin, who asked her mother for a get-well story when she was off school.
    Pippi is red-haired, freckled, unconventional and superhumanly strong – able to lift her horse one-handed. She is playful and unpredictable. She often makes fun of unreasonable adults, especially if they are pompous and condescending. Her anger comes out in extreme cases, such as when a man ill-treats his horse. Pippi, like Peter Pan, does not want to grow up. She is the daughter of a buccaneer captain and has adventure stories to tell about that, too. Her four best friends are her horse and monkey, and the neighbours' children, Tommy and Annika.
    - pirates of the caribbean

    • On September 7, 1695, just off the city of Surat in the Indian state of Gujarat, an English pirate ship captured the Fath Mahmamadi, a vessel owned by an Indian trader who, according to a contemporary source, did as much trade alone as England’s colossal East India Company did all together at the time. The pirates had been waiting for it at the Bab-el-Mandeb strait between Arabia and the Horn of Africa, but the Fath Mahmamadi had slipped by them in the dark of night. The pirates, whose ship the Fancy was one of the fastest afloat, beat the Indian vessel back to its home port and laid in wait again. The Fath Mahmamadi surrendered after a single broadside, yielding more gold and silver than the pirates had ever seen in one place.Just a few days later, a bigger prize came into view: the Ganj-i-Sawai, a treasure ship of the great Mughal emperor Aurangzeb himself, returning from pilgrimage to Mecca. The Fancy should have been no match for the Gunsway, as it was dubbed in English, but one of its cannons exploded and a lucky shot from the Fancy felled its main mast. The pirates boarded and found gold, silver, jewels and other treasure beyond measure.The heist, one of the richest before or since, soon became legend, inspiring ballads, plays and novels. It also led to the first worldwide manhunt in recorded history: for the pirates’ captain, a man called Henry Every.The Fancy starts off as the newly built Charles II, set to salvage sunken Spanish galleons in 
    the Caribbean, but gets (bureaucratically) marooned in A Coruna in Spain. Every, then first mate on the ship, leads a mutiny, and sets sail for the Red Sea where the American pirate Thomas Tew had only recently taken down an Indian merchantman.The taking of the Gunsway causes a major international incident. It wasn’t just the money. The women the ship was also carrying were badly mistreated; several reportedly took their own lives before the pirates could rape them. (There may or may not have been an Indian “princess” on board the Gunsway who may or may not have gone, willingly or unwilling, with Every. Johnson gives every indication of wishing this were true, but concludes that it is probably romantic whimsy.)Emperor Aurangzeb does not distinguish between British pirates and the East India Company, and so imprisons any official or employee of the latter he can get his hands on. The British government, once it receives the news (and urgent appeals from the East India Company, which can foresee its shares tanking), decide that piracy is bad for business. Every and his crew are to be made an example of.After their brief but lucrative stay off the coast of India, Every and the Fancy hightail it to the Bahamas, where they split up. Every and a small number of others buy a ship and sail it to Ireland, and Every disappears. Some of the others are caught and end up on trial, the transcripts of which form one of the major sources for the events. The other is Khafi Khan, a Mughal chronicler who played a political role in the event’s aftermath. 

    Pirates in other forms of entertaiment
    - pirates of caribbean attraction at disneyland since 1967

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