- http://www.scmp.com/business/china-business/article/1611645/doubts-raised-over-chinas-new-warehouse-rules
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2015-12/11/content_22688722.htm Improvements in the logistics and supply systems in the cross-border e-commerceindustry are becoming crucial for the development of this expanding market, as thenumber of bonded warehouses rise in China. Last year, State-owned Henan Bonded Logistic Center started operating in the cityof Zhengzhou, part of a pilot pro-gram promoted by the Chinese government tocreate import and export logistics platforms to deal with the outstanding ordervolumes generated by the country's e-commerce industry. Its bonded warehouse, equivalent to 77 standard soccer fields, has become acrucial part of the country's booming cross-border e-commerce industry and havestored 3.4 billion yuan ($528 million) worth of imported goods this year, mostlycosmetics and food products. Zhengzhou was chosen to participate in the pilot program because of its strategiclocation in Central China, and it is easily accessible by regular train and flightconnections. Additionally, the city's airport created a special e-commerce zone forthe import of foreign goods.
- http://www.scmp.com/business/china-business/article/1584738/state-council-issues-guidelines-reform-shipping-industry, http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2014/09/04/a21-0904.pdf
- http://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy-defence/article/1924477/china-floats-plans-international-maritime-legal-centre China will set up an “international maritime judicial centre” as it seeks to project its power at sea and territorial tensions rise with its neighbours. The move was expected to improve Beijing’s expertise in legal issues and raise its profile in international arbitration, observers said. Delivering a work report at the National People’s Congress on Sunday, Supreme People’s Court chief Zhou Qiang said China would improve the work of its maritime courts. Courts across China should work to implement the goal of building the nation into a “maritime power” and the “One Belt, One Road” strategy, he said. “To resolutely defend national sovereignty, maritime rights and interests, and other core interests, we will strengthen our capacity in maritime cases and establish an international maritime judicial centre,” he said.
- 「南北船」重組方案亦將出台。中國船舶工業股份(中國船舶,600150.SZ)與中國船舶重工股份(中國重工,601989.SZ)均發公告,雙方控股股東共同籌劃戰略性的重組,但有關方案尚未確定,亦需獲相關部門批准。據了解,中國船舶母公司為有「南船」之稱的中船集團,而中國重工母公司則為「北船」的中船重工集團。兩家公司於一九九九年在原中國船舶工業總公司基礎上分拆出來,意味着「南北船」分拆二十年後重新合併。事實上,「南北船」的合併已傳出多時。今年四月國資委官網曾顯示了一組涉及「南北船」合併建議的答問。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20190703/00202_023.html
- https://www.scmp.com/business/companies/article/3030497/worlds-largest-gas-powered-container-ship-rolls-shanghai-slipway The world’s largest liquefied natural gas (LNG)-powered container ship rolled off the slipway this week at Shanghai’s Jiangnan-Changxing shipyard, marking a major milestone both for the worldwide shipping industry and China’s shipbuilding. The CMA CGM Jacques Saadé, named after the late French-Lebanese businessman who founded the world’s fourth-biggest shipping line, is an ultra large container vessel with the capacity to carry 23,112 twenty-foot equivalent units (TEUs) of cargo. It is also the largest vessel to ply the high seas using LNG, instead of sulphur-emitting bunker fuel.
- 山東煙台一艘由中國企業研製的豪華郵輪「中華復興號」,上周四完成試航,將正式投入營運。該汽車渡輪全長二百一十二米,闊二十八點六米,可載客一千六百八十九人,載車三百五十餘輛,並設置甲板供直升機升降。該船是全亞洲噸位最大、載貨和載客能力最高的汽車渡輪之一。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190929/00178_019.html
- insurance
- 18日 ,全國首創的線上國際航運保險要素平台在 南沙正式上線,該平台可為港澳船舶在內的 船舶提供估值、高核保精度、協助快速理賠 等服務。當天的啟動儀式後,平台即完成了 首筆300萬元(人民幣,下同)的交易業務 展示,負責人透露,下一步該平台將逐步開 發更多大灣區特色航運投保產品。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20191019/PDF/a14_screen.pdf
- people
- 1935年9月出生 於天津的王芝秋,於1961年在 「哈軍工」 (哈爾濱工程大學前身)海軍工程系內燃 機專業畢業後留校任教,開始投身於中國 艦船動力的發展當中。 1955年,王芝秋的雙腳第一次踏進 「哈軍工」 時,便與中國艦船動力結下了 一生的緣分。作為 「哈軍工」 的第四期學 員,與同學們共同懷着一腔報國熱情和投 身國防事業的志向走到了一起,開啟了與 他一生相伴的中國艦船動力的學習和研 究。 王芝秋回憶說, 「當時我們要在學校 學習五年,還有一年是預科,對於我們這 些從高中升上來的同學要進行一年軍事化 訓練。 比如牙刷要放齊、疊被子要成方塊, 印象最深刻的就是「吃飯八分鐘」,值班人 員把飯菜盛好後,一喊: 『開動』 ,我們 全體學生就要在八分鐘內吃完,一叫 『停 止』 就要馬上放下筷子到門口集合。」 幾十年來,王芝秋一直沉下心來做研 究,以 「咬定青山不放鬆」 的精神要求自 己,取得了一連串耀眼的頭銜,曾任哈爾 濱船舶工程學院船舶動力系主任,動力裝 置工程技術研究所第一任所長。 曾參與中國艦船動力技術 「八五」 至 「十一五」 預研計劃等多個重大規劃,是 中國第二代艦船動力發展的見證者和親歷 者。王芝秋是大公報原總編輯王芸生之子. http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20191012/PDF/a16_screen.pdf
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2016-09/24/content_26882646.htm the first large luxury cruise ship to bebuilt in China is entering the implementation stage and it is expected to be delivered in 2022. China State Shipbuilding Corp, China Investment Capital Corp, Carnival Corp & PLC,Fincantieri S P A (Fincantieri), CSSC Cruise Technology Development Co Ltd and ShanghaiWaigaoqiao Shipbuilding Co Ltd, jointly signed a memorandum of agreement on Friday inTianjin. They will place an order for two large cruise ships, with the first one to be delivered in 2022.An option to order two additional cruise ships has also been granted. All four ships will be builtby SWS, a subsidiary under CSSC.
- 由中國旅遊集團和中國遠洋海運集團共同投資運營的中國民族郵輪品牌「星旅遠洋」旗下首艘豪華郵輪「鼓浪嶼」號,28日進行首航香港暨迎國慶式。「鼓浪嶼」號也是中國第一艘自主運營的豪華郵輪。據悉,至2019年末,「鼓浪嶼」號將以廈門、深圳、上海為母港,運營東南亞、東北亞郵輪航線。香港特別行政區財政司司長陳茂波、中聯辦副主任仇鴻、中國旅遊集團董事長萬敏、中國遠洋海運集團董事孫家康、中國旅遊集團董事總經理杜江、香港特別行政區運輸及房屋局局長陳帆、香港中國企業協會會長高迎欣等領導和嘉賓出席活動。萬敏表示在中華人民共和國成立70周年前夕,大家共同見證「鼓浪嶼」郵輪香港首航。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20190930/PDF/b4_screen.pdf
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2019-10/19/content_37516930.htm The first cruise liner to be built in the Chinese mainland entered the production phase on Friday, with the 135,500-metric-ton Vista-class vessel expected to showcase China's cutting-edge prowess in shipbuilding technologies, experts said. The steel sheet cutting ceremony for the cruise ship was held at Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding Co Ltd. The vessel is the first of the two 135,500-ton cruise ships written into a design and construction cooperation agreement by China State Shipbuilding Corp, Carnival Corp and Fincantieri during the China International Import Expo in last November. Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding has invested 1.86 billion yuan ($262 million) to adapt its shipyards for the construction of the cruise ship, said Zhou Qi, vice-president of Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding.
- Italian cruise liner Costa Cruises will launch new trips linking Sanya, a coastal city in south China's Hainan Province to tourist destinations in Vietnam and the Philippines in January 2020, the company said Monday. The Costa cruise liner will depart from Sanya on Jan. 4 and carry passengers from Sanya to cities including Da Nang, Ha Long Bay, Nha Trang in Vietnam and Manila and Subic in the Philippines.http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2019-11/05/c_138531073.htm
- http://www.scmp.com/business/china-business/article/1853873/chinas-private-shipyards-face-hard-times
ship building
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20170211/00178_027.html 曾揚威世界的中國造船業,近年受國內外經濟放緩影響,逐漸走下坡,整個行業陷入連鎖破產的危機之中。據美媒報道,中國造船廠為爭奪世界造船業龍頭,近年不斷擴大規模,卻遭遇「訂單瓶頸」,整個行業急劇萎縮。曾一度佔據全球三成市場份額的中國造船廠,有七成五面臨倒閉,大批工人被解僱,僅得一百六十九家能正常營運。
- https://www.economist.com/news/business/21724441-many-question-whether-state-subsidies-business-will-be-money-well-spent-china-bulks-up
- 首條全球最大的第二代超大型礦砂船「遠河海」號,昨日在上海外高橋造船有限公司(以下簡稱外高橋造船)成功命名交付。這是外高橋造船聯手上海船舶設計研究院,共同研製和設計的新一代產品,料在國際散貨船市場上具備更強競爭力。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/01/12/a15-0112.pdf
- 英媒昨報道,一幅中國上海江南造船廠的高清衞星圖顯示,中國第三艘航空母艦、首艘全尺寸航母的建造工程正在穩步進行,造船廠也正在進行大規模的基礎設施建設。有分析指,該航母是該廠生產的首批大型船艦之一。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191018/00178_007.html
- 解放軍少將、國防大學教授金一南在官媒首次透露,第二艘國產航母003正在上海江南造船廠建造,總建造師是一名八十後,顯示年輕一代已在國防科研領域上擔大樑。有分析指,解放軍少將首次公開談論003航母近況,表明該航母建造已進入尾聲,而網絡近期更傳出003航母分段組裝的照片。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191123/00178_001.html
- 中國首艘國產航空母艦002日前抵達海南三亞的基地,正在建造的第二艘國產航母003,以及另一艘計劃中的同型航母引起關注。俄羅斯傳媒周一(2日)引述軍事專家指,新航母將是全新及完全由中國自行設計,並應用多項新技術,如採用電磁彈射器與艦上集成發電技術,不論在設計、建造、操作等都是很大的挑戰。一旦裝備電磁彈射器的新航母服役,將大幅改善中國海軍在印度洋及地中海東部等偏遠地區的投射能力。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191204/00178_001.html
- 昨日,中國第二艘075型兩棲攻擊艦在上海下水。至此,中國首批建造的兩艘075型兩棲攻擊艦全部下水。官方消息指出,該艦是中國自主研製的首型兩棲攻擊艦,具有較強的兩棲作戰和執行多樣化任務能力。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/04/23/a14-0423.pdf
Ship recycling
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2016-03/04/content_23731180.htm China's ship-recycling industry is under mounting pressure from ongoing low steelprices and the increasing costs of adopting "greener" vessel-breaking methods,according to senior industry officials. The latest figures show ship-recycling revenue dropped 15 percent to 3.4 billionyuan ($519 million) in China last year. But labor and environmental protection costs soared, and the price of scrapplummeted-a double-whammy which Wu Jun, vice-president of the China NationalShip-recycling Association, said is putting many firms under threat. Recycled ship parts provide raw materials for infrastructure and capital projects ina number of sectors such as hydropower, bridge and railway construction at homeand in other developing economies. The process starts when scrap-yard owners buy ships from owners. "China has been cutting its surplus steel capacity, upgrading its industrial structure,and slowing its investment in infrastructure and real estate, and as a result, theneed for large amounts of scrap steel is falling fast," said Wu. Last year was the fourth consecutive year that the industry has suffered financiallosses. The association's findings showed ship-recycling companies in China signedcontracts with both domestic and foreign shipowners to dismantle 1.63 milliondisplacement tons (or 6.84 million dead weight tons) of scrap vessels in 2015, a28.7 percent fall on the previous year.
- http://www.scmp.com/business/article/1610596/tianjin-gets-approval-port-expansion The State Council has published a sweeping blueprint for developing China's logistics infrastructure and capacity over the next six years, while approving a plan to roughly double the size of the deepwater port in Tianjin in an effort to boost import and export flows.
- http://www.chinadailyasia.com/business/2015-05/14/content_15263816.html The Ministry of Commerce will encourage more e-commerce and logistics companies to expand into rural areas this year as part of its efforts to create more jobs and provide better information access, officials said on Wednesday. They said that the primary objective of the efforts would be to create a more orderly rural e-commerce market this year. To achieve this, the ministry will integrate resources from telecommunications, transportation, postal services, financial services, supply and distribution sectors to enhance rural areas' ability to upgrade their infrastructure facilities and market access channels.
Kong Lingyu, deputy director-general of the department of market system development, said e-commerce not only offers rural residents convenient access to goods, but is also an important tool to gauge the current market prices.
- 經李克強總理簽批,國務院日前印發《關於推進國內貿易流通現代化建設法治化營商環境的意見》(下稱《意見》),系統全面部署發展現代流通業,並明確提出到2020年基本形成比較完善的法治化營商環境等目標。國內貿易流通(下稱內貿流通)是中國改革開放最早、市場化程度最高的領域之一,對國民經濟的基礎性支撐作用和先導性引領作用日益增強。做強現代流通業這個國民經濟大產業,有利於對接生產和消費、促進結構優化和發展方式轉變,更好地服務經濟社會發展。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2015/08/29/a16-0829.pdf- drones
- Chinese logistics firm SF Express has unveiled an ambitious development plan that hinges on full-scale drone deliveries including utilization of large unmanned freight aircraft. The delivery company signed a strategic cooperation agreement on Monday with the developers of the AT200, the world's largest transportation drone with a metric ton-level capacity. http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2017-10/31/content_33921657.htm
- http://www.economist.com/news/business/21710004-chinas-express-delivery-sector-needs-consolidation-and-modernisation-big-sort
-快遞業洗牌 拚成本質量突圍http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20190415/PDF/a18_screen.pdf
- 內地首家專業航運保險法人機 構,東海航運保險股份公司昨日在浙江省寧波揭牌。寧波市金融辦主任姚 蓓軍在儀式上表示,此舉有利於增強中國航運保險的市場競爭力,提高中 國在國際航運保險市場的自主權和話語權。 東海保險公司寧波揭牌 在寧波市倡議下,由中國人民財產保險公司、寧波舟山港集團、上海國 際港務(集團)、寧波開發投資集團從2012年開始醞釀,聯合向中國保監 會提出發起成立東海保險的申請,並於今年3月獲得正式批籌。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2015/12/30/b11-1230.pdf
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/tech/2014-12/10/content_19054701.htm Automobile parts and accessories sales became the second-fastest growing category among allproducts sold worldwide during the first half of this year on eBay Inc, the world's leading global e-commerce platform, the company said on Tuesday, which provided a significant boost toproducers in China.
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2015-06/01/content_20871708.htm Renewed goals still ambitious but not 'unachievable'China's new 10-year new-energy vehicle development plan has more objective,practical goals than the one released in 2012, after NEV sales in the first quarteraccounted for only 5 percent of this year's original target. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology's latest plan said Chinesebranded pure electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid vehicles should hit sales of morethan 1 million units by 2020 and reach 3 million by 2025. The plan said exportsshould account for 10 percent of the sales. The State Council's development plan issued in 2012 said the 2020 target for EVsand PHEVs was production of 2 million units and accumulated sales of 5 millionunits. China originally aimed to sell 500,000 NEVs in 2015, however, just 26,581 EVs andPHEVs were sold in the first quarter of this year. Last year, 74,763 EV and PHEVswere sold, three times that of 2013. EVs and PHEVs are the main categories of NEVs, which are powered by newenergies rather than fossil fuels and include hydrogen fuel cell vehicles and solarenergy vehicles. Production of EVs and PHEVs is in full swing, while vehicles that use other energysources are still in the testing stage.
- http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-01-07/how-china-s-dirty-cities-are-reshaping-car-design-across-world For global automakers, China is becoming the new California. The U.S. state grabbed the lead a few years ago in establishing fuel-efficiency standards to clean up urban smog. Now, as China struggles with its air-pollution crisis, Beijing increasingly influences the models and technology Detroit, Europe and Japan sell around the world. In response to government rules and incentives that have spurred electric-car sales in China, automakers are beefing up their global electric-vehicle and plug-in offerings. General Motors Co. plans to make a plug-in hybrid version of every Cadillac model. Ford Motor Co. has budgeted $4.5 billion to develop 13 new EVs and plug-in hybrids by 2020, and China is a big reason for both automakers. Daimler AG’s Mercedes-Benz is selling five plug-ins in China, two of which also sell in the U.S. Similarly, BMW AG is engineering plug-in hybrids it sells worldwide to meet China’s electric-drive mandates.
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/motoring/2016-01/18/content_23134171.htm
More and more Chinese Internet companies are working closely with theautomobile industry to provide innovations for a sector seeking a technologicalfacelift. In recent months, Pateo, one of China's largest providers of products for connectedcars, and Leshi Internet Information and Technology, also known as Letv, havebegun working with Ford, Chery and Aston Martin on infotainment systems.In January last year, Alibaba teamed up with SAIC, while Uber teamed up with GACin December. Baidu and BMW also tested their first autopilot system in December. The moves are in line with the nation's Internet Plus strategy, in which traditionalmanufacturers and businesses are incorporating technology to drive economicgrowth.
- scmp 20aug19 smart car get dedicated test highway (in shandong)
- https://www.scmp.com/tech/big-tech/article/3045447/alibaba-faw-team-deliver-next-generation-smart-vehicles
- 水氫引擎
electric vehicle
- infrastructure
More and more Chinese Internet companies are working closely with theautomobile industry to provide innovations for a sector seeking a technologicalfacelift. In recent months, Pateo, one of China's largest providers of products for connectedcars, and Leshi Internet Information and Technology, also known as Letv, havebegun working with Ford, Chery and Aston Martin on infotainment systems.In January last year, Alibaba teamed up with SAIC, while Uber teamed up with GACin December. Baidu and BMW also tested their first autopilot system in December. The moves are in line with the nation's Internet Plus strategy, in which traditionalmanufacturers and businesses are incorporating technology to drive economicgrowth.
- scmp 20aug19 smart car get dedicated test highway (in shandong)
- https://www.scmp.com/tech/big-tech/article/3045447/alibaba-faw-team-deliver-next-generation-smart-vehicles
- 水氫引擎
- 青年汽車集團有限公司(青年汽車集團)董事長龐青年,因「水氫引擎」而出名。但由他一手打造的杭州青年汽車有限公司(青年汽車)在上月正式完成破產程序,近日宣告破產。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191119/00178_014.html
electric vehicle
- infrastructure
- 新能源充電樁整個產業鏈十分龐大,投資相關股份務必分清業務。兩大分類便是充電樁的設備製造商以及營運商。前者包括泰坦能源技術(02188)、寧德時代(300750)以及思源電氣(002028)等,後者則包括國資巨頭國家電網公司、南方電網及特銳德(300001)等。 充電樁也分為「私人樁」、「專用樁」及「公共樁」,私人樁一般隨車附帶私人使用;專用樁則為運營車等特定用戶提供服務;至於公用樁,要令新能源汽車普及化,公用樁是最關鍵部分。 公共樁產業鏈甚為複雜,整個產業包括的企業也很多,上中下游可分為設備生產商、設備營運商、解決方案提供商。上游負責製造充電設備和配電設備製造商,其實製造充電樁的技術門檻並不高,不少企業也能做到,故此競爭很大及利潤十分有限。反而中游負責搭建及營運充電站的企業,所需的技術才是關鍵,而且涉及車位選址、布線改造等,故此這類企業才是整個產業的核心。下游則主要提供位置服務、付費和營運管理解決方案。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200514/PDF/a19_screen.pdf
electric bus
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20170603/00176_057.html城巴、新巴五輛內地製電動巴士去年臨近首航之際,因落車鐘有問題而急急叫停,昨日它們終於正式落地,但其中一輛又發生故障要回廠檢修,未知何時可再「復出」。該批電動巴士由內地生產商「華夏神龍」於山東製造,分別行走城巴11、12、25A號線,及新巴78及81號線。有讀者報料指,昨日下午約五時,行走城巴11號線的電動巴行走第二轉車時,於大坑道渣甸山花園大廈外,因故障而停駛「擺街」,車上乘客須轉乘另一輛巴士。Taxi
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20150719/PDF/a15_screen.pdf 隨?五月浙江義烏出租車改革的啟動,以及准入門檻的逐步降低,長期處於壟斷狀態的出租車市場蛋糕得以重新瓜分。對於剛剛攜資600萬元(人民幣,下同)闖進這個市場的原紡織公司老闆樓顯明而言,這注定是一個興奮與焦躁並存的夏季。“義烏的出租車長期供不應求,市場潛力很大,這顯而易見。”但他同時注意到,行業營收矛盾的顯化,以及政策上的不確切因素,也導致收入預期並不明朗。在改革之前,和內地大部分城市相似,義烏出租車營運權歸屬複雜,涉及的多重轉包關係與利益矛盾是整個行業的頑疾,也是這一輪改革的首個破局點。輿論普遍認為,義烏的答卷在全國具有重要的樣本意義,而樓顯明等五家新出租車公司的老闆,正是這張考卷最重要的執筆人。
Recreational vehicle
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2015-07/08/content_21213759.htm More Chinese are taking recreational vehicles to tourist spots both inside andoutside the country, and industry insiders say the trend will only grow.
- http://www.chinadailyasia.com/lifestyle/2015-09/14/content_15316053.html In 2010, the two brands entered the Chinese market as an early bird, and began to promote and distribute their German-made RVs of Hobby and Fendt brands through agents in Beijing, Shanghai and other cities. Since then sales of the two brands have increased every year, Bonometti says. "Caravaning means a change of lifestyle," he says, adding that while China is a big market, it will require time to realize its potential in this sector. The caravans, mobile homes or trailers offer necessities such as kitchen, sofa and TV, and for Chinese working in the big cities, there's scope for fun on weekends - sports, playing cards, barbecue, drinking and more. Special RV models, with sockets and air conditioning, have also been produced for the Chinese market, in a bid to meet local customer demand, Bonometti says. Chinese campsites usually don't have a shower, which is why the caravans are equipped with small bathrooms, and have more water storage space given the lack of refilling facilities at natural sites here. For such foreign companies, the main target clients in China are the middle-aged people, who have the money and the aspiration to indulge in RVs.
- http://europe.chinadaily.com.cn/travel/2014-10/01/content_18690302.htm The country's biker culture is revving up, as can be seen in the growth of Harley-Davidson Owners Groups.
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2015-05/19/content_20754978.htm
- 5月份,歐洲市場單車銷售額 暴漲,其中,西班牙漲超2,200%,意大利上漲接近500%, 英國也上漲了約380%。與單車銷量同時上漲的還有電動單車,電動車的特點是與 單車同樣可以代替公共交通出行,不過速度更快,售價也更 高。中國因為具備從零部件到整車組裝的完整產業鏈,所以 世界單車市場份額的七成都被出口自中國的單車佔據。 工廠位於廣東惠州的薩瓦(SAVA)單車有限公司相關負 責人表示,該公司本來在波蘭的海外倉庫備有存貨,但4月 訂單突然環比增加30%,導致供不應求,現在訂單生產周期 已經延長一倍以上。該公司八成以上的單車都銷往海外市 場,主流產品售價超過1,000美元(約合人民幣7,000元), 但仍然被搶購一空。 電動單車商家聖米洛(Shengmilo)公司表示,公司 5月 訂單較4月上漲了一倍,生產工人每天加班到12點,訂單仍 然排到1個月之後。除單車、電動車外,電動滑板車作為另一種代步工具的海 外訂單也呈上升態勢。據來自廣東深圳電動滑板車商家 Janobike介紹,從 3月起,該公司的海外訂單月環比增幅超 過 30%,車架供應商現在每天 24小時加班生產,仍然供不 應求。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/06/05/a14-0605.pdf
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/hkedition/2011-06/15/content_12697454.htm Growing yacht industry has some wind in its sales - China Daily
- http://www.pressreader.com/hong-kong/china-daily-hong-kong/20150710/282162174886648/TextView Smooth sailing ahead for yacht industry in China - PressReader
- general aviation hub reaches for the sky http://www.chinadailyasia.com/chinafocus/2014-09/17/content_15167140.html
- aviation industry sees potential gold in gutter oil http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2014-10/24/content_18794685.htm
- shortage of pilots grounds general aviation http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2014-12/12/content_19070027.htm, also china daily 12dec14 page 18 on helicopters
- http://www.scmp.com/business/china-business/article/1673118/chinese-outbound-travellers-drive-airline-growth
- http://www.chinadailyasia.com/business/2015-01/06/content_15210122.html Guo is a member of COMAC's outfield test team for the Advanced Regional Jet of the 21st century, or the ARJ21, the first regional jet developed by China. The aircraft, which holds up to 90 seats, made its maiden flight in 2008. Both its manufacturer and the Chinese aviation authorities have been working since to certify the plane's airworthiness. Guo and his colleagues provided technical support for the ARJ21's airworthiness certification tests in Yanliang district in Xi'an, which is known as a hub for Chinese aircraft manufacturing. On Dec 30, the Civil Aviation Administration of China certified the ARJ21. COMAC's outfield test team will now be reduced from more than 200 members to about 100 in line with the manufacturer's plans.
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2015-01/22/content_19373672.htm Low-cost airlines soar in China as they diversify their offerings and cater to thechanging needs of flyers, reports Wang Wen. Spring Airlines Co Ltd, the first low-cost carrier in China, started trading on the Shanghai StockExchange on Wednesday, with its price surging 44 percent to 26.15 yuan ($4.20) on the day. The carrier issued almost 100 million shares in an initial public offering on Jan 12 at 18.16 yuanper share, much higher than the share price of any of China's four largest carriers. The funds willbe used to double its fleet to 100 planes by 2018, it said. The strong market performance of Spring Airlines reflected investors' confidence in the carrier'slow-cost business model, analysts said.
- http://www.scmp.com/news/china/article/1621671/shanghai-shipyard-build-second-chinese-designed-aircraft-carrier
- http://rt.com/news/242913-china-gutter-oil-flight/
China’s largest private carrier Hainan Airlines has completed the country’s first commercial flight powered by biofuel – namely, discarded cooking oil collected from Chinese restaurants. “As a fast-growing domestic and international carrier, Hainan Airlines is demonstrating our environmental commitment by showing that aviation biofuel can play a safe and effective role in China's air transport system,” said Pu Ming, vice president of Hainan Airlines, who personally piloted the plane, which carried more than 100 passengers from Shanghai to Beijing.
- http://www.chinadailyasia.com/business/2015-11/04/content_15339300.html in the first seven months of this year, the National Development and Reform Commission, the top economic planner, approved construction plans for seven regional airports that will require a total investment of 6.1 billion yuan ($963 million). In addition, construction has begun on at least six such airports since mid-2014. Compared with the regional aviation sector in Western nations, however, the industry in China is still in its infancy, as many small cities have yet to be covered. There are only a small number of airports in the country for regional flights, according to Guan Dongyuan, president of Embraer China, the biggest supplier of regional jetliners in the country. "A lot of local governments and domestic airlines are still fond of large aircraft, so regional aircraft and regional aviation airports were less welcome," he said. "Another factor is that Chinese carriers and their employees are too familiar with the large planes made by Boeing and Airbus, so they prefer using large aircraft when a new route or airport opened." Consequently, the scale of China's regional aircraft fleet can be described as "tiny", Guan said. There were only 164 regional airliners at the end of 2013, accounting for less than 10 percent of the nation's passenger fleet, far from the global average of 35 percent. Nearly 60 percent of China's 202 civil airports operate less than four flights each day because of the shortage of regional aircraft, he said. "As part of the solution, the government should reduce its subsidies to carriers flying large aircraft and shift them to regional airlines to facilitate operations," he said.
- 昨日,中國南方航空股份有限公司與東海航空有限公司在深圳簽署戰略合作框架協議。南航作為扎根於粵港澳大灣區的中央企業,東海航空是深圳唯一一家民營客運基地航空公司,雙方將進行多方面的合作,推進大灣區民航高質量發展。在此次戰略合作中,雙方將於各自發展戰略和已有合作的基礎上,在市場營銷、機務維修、航空配餐、地面服務、信息系統、人員培訓、國際合作等領域開展深入交流和務實合作,更好地服務旅客出行,助力深圳打造面向亞太、輻射全球的國際航空樞紐。據悉,東海航空是深圳第一家、也是目前唯一一家民營客運航空公司,自2006年開航運營以來,已連續14年實現安全運營。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/05/16/a13-0516.pdf
- 产业园
- zhuhai 航空产业园hkcd 6nov18 a11
- private enterprises
- 被譽為「空中寶馬」的泰克南P2006T飛機,本月中旬成功通過中國民航局型號適航審查,獲頒國內首張對民企發放的標準適航類通航飛機的生產許可證,被獲准「上崗」,標誌着民營企業首次進入中國通航市場。生產該機型的遼寧聯航神燕飛機有限公司,是瀋陽法庫通用航空產業基地的駐場企業,2014年成立以來累計投入3億元人民幣。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/01/29/a21-0129.pdf
- 據新華社報道,中國海事仲裁委員會昨日宣佈在北京成立航空爭議仲裁中心和航空爭議調解中心。海事仲裁委員會(海仲委)是中國唯一以海事海商、交通物流爭議解決為特色的國家級常設仲裁機構。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/12/17/a09-1217.pdf
- chinese made passenger jet
- http://europe.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2017-04/18/content_28970591.htm The much-anticipated C919, the large homegrown passenger jet, has finished its first high-speed taxiing test, and it is just one step closer to its maiden flight. Shanghai-based State-owned Commercial Aircraft Corp of China Ltd, the manufacturer of the C919, completed the high-speed taxiing test in Shanghai on Sunday. Since the first C919 rolled off the assembly line, COMAC has been conducting tests in preparation for its first flight. So far, it has completed most of ground-based pre-flight evaluations, including the low-speed and medium-speed taxiing tests, to examine the whole aircraft and its key components and connecting parts.
- private jet
- http://www.scmp.com/business/china-business/article/1777128/chinas-private-jet-market-faces-another-tough-year-amid A political clampdown on all things luxurious on the mainland that is in its third year has the Chinese private jet market bracing for another tough 12 months. Last year was already the slowest for growth in the market since it came into being in the late 2000s. Now, the spending fears have been joined by a clearly slowing economy - a combination expected to further weaken demand that leaves aircraft manufacturers, charter operators and leasing companies in a scramble for customers. "Companies that have dived in at a boom time between 2009 and 2012 are now having a harder time selling or leasing these aircraft in a tighter business jet market," said David Yu, the managing director of aviation investor Inception Aviation. "Financing is selective, potential buyers are cautious and some owners want to get rid of their planes for a variety of reasons."
- http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/epaper/2016-03/04/content_23740944.htm Response was muted on China's capital markets to the announcement on Thursday that three of the country's major aerospace engine manufacturers are to be controlled by a new State-owned parent company - Aircraft Engine Corp of China. In separate statements, officials said, the existing Aviation Industry Corporation of China's three listed aerospace engine subsidiaries - AVIC Aviation Engine Corp, Sichuan Chengfa Aero Science and Technology Co and AVIC Aero-Engine Controls Co, which involve around 40 entities - will be combined. The new company, Bloomberg said, would have 145 billion yuan ($22 billion) in assets, It quoted a source as saying the entities had combined assets of about 110 billion yuan, and the government and the companies themselves would invest an additional 35 billion yuan. Although AVIC was effectively their previous parent, the businesses performed separately under three units: engine machines, engine control systems and parts.
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2016-08/29/content_26621328.htm President Xi Jinping called on Sunday for acceleration of the research, development and manufacturing of aircraft engines and gas turbines to help China to build a strong aviation industry. His words came after the Aero Engine Corp of China was established in Beijing. Previously, all of the country's aircraft engines were developed and made by Aviation Industry Corp of China. Setting up the new company is a strategic move that will improve the aviation industry and boost the modernization of the Chinese military, Xi said in a written instruction that was read at the company's establishment ceremony in Beijing on Sunday morning.
- China has made major breakthroughs in the core design and manufacturing technology of heavy-duty gas turbines that can be installed in aircraft carriers, according to a research institute at Tsinghua University. http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2017-02/15/content_28215071.htm
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/06/05/a22-0605.pdf 中國發布消息,中國的 高超聲速飛行導彈使用液 體氫氣降溫技術獲得解決 了。高超音速飛行在速度上介於普通飛機或導 彈與彈道導彈之間,速度高,機動性良好。 普通飛機和導彈具有優良變動方向的機動 性,但速度比高超音速低很多;彈道導彈具 有更高的速度,但除了在再入段具有有限的 變軌能力,助推段和中途段的機動性幾乎可 以忽略不計。高超音速飛行器的彈道形狀也 很特別,在扁平、可任意機動方面接近普通 飛機和導彈,與彈道導彈基本呈拋物線的規 則形狀截然不同;在高度方面,既高於通常 飛機的升限和防空導彈的射高,又遠遠低於 彈道導彈的高拋物線的彈道。在返回大氣層 之後,導彈可以不規則地向左向右飛行,軌 道的改變可以橫向 1千公里,讓對方的導彈 沒有辦法擊中。 超燃衝壓推進是世界性的前沿課題,需要 用火箭和亞燃衝壓加速到M4.8,然後轉入超 燃衝壓,進一步加速到M6以上。超燃衝壓 的燃燒控制相當於在爆炸氣浪中點火。燃燒 室內達到特高溫,燃燒之間在毫秒級,碳氫 燃料必須降解到簡單分子(如甲烷、乙烷、 氫)才能可靠燃燒。這降解過程是吸熱的, 正好用來為燃燒室降溫。但為了控制降解過 程,需要在燃料管路和燃燒室壁面塗覆催化 劑。速度達到M8以上後,只有液氫才能可 靠燃燒,並有效降溫,但液氫的儲運和使用 難度極大,中國主動公開國防科技的突破, 指出液氫為引擎降溫的技術難關已經解決 了。
Airport charge
- http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2016-01/11/content_23031561.htm Charges for airport use, other services also to be determined by the market The Civil Aviation Administration of China has pledged to gradually loosen control over air carriers' ticket prices and administrative charges. The administration recently published a set of guidelines that aim to deepen the reform of China's civil aviation industry. The guidelines vow to let the market, rather than the government, play a decisive role in the sector. Enterprises in the industry will have more freedom to determine charges for their services or products, and consumers will enjoy more options when they use air transportation, the administration said. According to the guidelines, the civil aviation and price monitoring authorities will review the situation this year for competition in the domestic air transportation market. Beginning next year, airlines will be allowed to determine the ticket prices for routes that the government defines as having competition among carriers. Starting in 2020, they will be allowed to decide the prices for all routes.
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20160307/00178_005.html 內地富豪近年興起購買私人直升機,浙江杭州有大專學院將於新學年開辦直升機駕駛專業課程,課程與數間航空企業合作,一年只招收三十人,而每年學費不到兩萬元人民幣。有航空業界人士表明,隨着內地低空管制逐步開放,估計私人直升機將更受富豪熱捧,直升機機師需求愈來愈大。據浙江育英職業技術學院表示,該課程入學門檻相對低,只需達到省高考最低錄取分數線以上,但由於飛行術語多為英文,故僅招收有考取高考英語科的學生,至學生畢業時候,英語應要達到大學英語四級的水平。
- tour
- http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/epaper/2014-10/14/content_18736507.htm China's National Railway Administration should establish a working team to boost Premier Li Keqiang's efforts to help Chinese high-speed railway enterprises win projects abroad, a tunnel and rail expert said. "China has rich expertise and experience in constructing and operating a large-scale high-speed rail network," said Wang Mengshu of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2014-10/17/content_18757717.htm China's top economic planner on Thursday announced the approval of three new rail projects aspart of the ongoing drive to rejuvenate the economy. The National Development and Reform Commission said it approved two rail projects in Yunnanprovince. One is a line costing 44.5 billion yuan ($7.24 million) linking Yuxi and Mohan andanother, costing 25.7 billion yuan, will run between Dali and Ruili. Another 25.6 billion yuan will be spent to expand rail capacity in northern China, linking Jinzhouport in Liaoning province and Baiyinhua, Inner Mongolia, the regulator said on its website onThursday., http://www.hkcd.com.hk/pdf/201410/1017/HZ18A17CZXX.pdf
- railway diplomacy http://www.hkcd.com.hk/pdf/201411/1106/HA08B06CFZZ.pdf
- http://english.gov.cn/top_news/2014/11/07/content_281475006520001.htm A trial run of China’s new high-speed bullet train, which uses a cutting-edge traction system, will start soon, according to the head of the high-speed railway innovation program. The permanent magnet synchronous traction system was developed by CSR Corp Ltd, one of the country’s two major locomotive makers, at its Zhuzhou Institute in Hunan province. It has passed preliminary examination by national railway test authorities and has been installed on a new bullet train produced by CSR Qingdao Sifang Co Ltd in Shandong province, said Jia Limin, a professor at Beijing Jiaotong University who heads China’s high-speed railway innovation program.
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2015-01/30/content_19446867.htm China will manufacture and begin trial runs of a new "Chinese-standard" bullet train this year, according to the State-owned railway operator. "We will accelerate the development" of the train, which is expected to have a maximum speed of 350 km/h, "and make sure the prototype will be made and put to trial operations this year, "Sheng Guangzu, general manager of China Railway Corp, said on Thursday in Beijing.
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2015-06/29/content_21128333.htm China has become a world leader in high-speed railway technology with its development of a cutting-edge permanent magnet synchronous traction system that will take bullet trains to an ultrafast 500 kilometers per hour. The advanced 690-kilowatt traction system was developed by CRRC Corp, the country's train-making behemoth, at its Zhuzhou Institute in Hunan province. It will soon enter mass production, said Ding Rongjun, a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering who heads the institute. "Now we have our own permanent magnet synchronous traction system with full intellectual property rights, marking a new chapter in China's high-speed railways," he said, adding that only a handful of countries are capable of manufacturing the sophisticated apparatus, including Germany and Japan.
- private enterprise ownership
hydrogen powered
- 昨日,首列商業運營的氫能源有軌電車在廣東省佛山市高明區正式上線。高明氫能有軌電車總投資為10.7億元(人民幣),規劃全長17.4公里,設車站20座。當日上線的示範線為首期工程,全長6.57公里,共設置車站10座。試乘過程中,感受平穩、舒適、噪音小。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/11/30/a11-1130.pdf
Airport charge
- http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2016-01/11/content_23031561.htm Charges for airport use, other services also to be determined by the market The Civil Aviation Administration of China has pledged to gradually loosen control over air carriers' ticket prices and administrative charges. The administration recently published a set of guidelines that aim to deepen the reform of China's civil aviation industry. The guidelines vow to let the market, rather than the government, play a decisive role in the sector. Enterprises in the industry will have more freedom to determine charges for their services or products, and consumers will enjoy more options when they use air transportation, the administration said. According to the guidelines, the civil aviation and price monitoring authorities will review the situation this year for competition in the domestic air transportation market. Beginning next year, airlines will be allowed to determine the ticket prices for routes that the government defines as having competition among carriers. Starting in 2020, they will be allowed to decide the prices for all routes.
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20160307/00178_005.html 內地富豪近年興起購買私人直升機,浙江杭州有大專學院將於新學年開辦直升機駕駛專業課程,課程與數間航空企業合作,一年只招收三十人,而每年學費不到兩萬元人民幣。有航空業界人士表明,隨着內地低空管制逐步開放,估計私人直升機將更受富豪熱捧,直升機機師需求愈來愈大。據浙江育英職業技術學院表示,該課程入學門檻相對低,只需達到省高考最低錄取分數線以上,但由於飛行術語多為英文,故僅招收有考取高考英語科的學生,至學生畢業時候,英語應要達到大學英語四級的水平。
- tour
- http://www.scmp.com/news/china/money-wealth/article/1875814/low-altitude-tourism-ready-take-china Within the past two years, scenic air tour services have flourished from megacities such as Beijing to fourth-tier cities such as Haining, where Jianshan is situated. Cheng, a pilot and the co-founder of Zhejiang BLS General Aviation, was among the first to see the market’s potential. He figured demand for helicopter tours would grow alongside the expansion of the middle class.According to the China Tourism Academy, a research institute under the China National Tourism Administration (CNTA), there were only three officially approved low-altitude travel routes on the mainland in 2013, but this had surged to 42 by March this year. The latest routes approved include Shandong province’s Sanxianshan scenic area and Jiangxi province’s Jinggang Mountain. Jiang Xufeng, executive director of Jiangsu Shenghao General Aviation, is applying for a licence to engage in the business.
- http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/epaper/2014-10/14/content_18736507.htm China's National Railway Administration should establish a working team to boost Premier Li Keqiang's efforts to help Chinese high-speed railway enterprises win projects abroad, a tunnel and rail expert said. "China has rich expertise and experience in constructing and operating a large-scale high-speed rail network," said Wang Mengshu of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2014-10/17/content_18757717.htm China's top economic planner on Thursday announced the approval of three new rail projects aspart of the ongoing drive to rejuvenate the economy. The National Development and Reform Commission said it approved two rail projects in Yunnanprovince. One is a line costing 44.5 billion yuan ($7.24 million) linking Yuxi and Mohan andanother, costing 25.7 billion yuan, will run between Dali and Ruili. Another 25.6 billion yuan will be spent to expand rail capacity in northern China, linking Jinzhouport in Liaoning province and Baiyinhua, Inner Mongolia, the regulator said on its website onThursday., http://www.hkcd.com.hk/pdf/201410/1017/HZ18A17CZXX.pdf
- railway diplomacy http://www.hkcd.com.hk/pdf/201411/1106/HA08B06CFZZ.pdf
- http://english.gov.cn/top_news/2014/11/07/content_281475006520001.htm A trial run of China’s new high-speed bullet train, which uses a cutting-edge traction system, will start soon, according to the head of the high-speed railway innovation program. The permanent magnet synchronous traction system was developed by CSR Corp Ltd, one of the country’s two major locomotive makers, at its Zhuzhou Institute in Hunan province. It has passed preliminary examination by national railway test authorities and has been installed on a new bullet train produced by CSR Qingdao Sifang Co Ltd in Shandong province, said Jia Limin, a professor at Beijing Jiaotong University who heads China’s high-speed railway innovation program.
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2015-01/30/content_19446867.htm China will manufacture and begin trial runs of a new "Chinese-standard" bullet train this year, according to the State-owned railway operator. "We will accelerate the development" of the train, which is expected to have a maximum speed of 350 km/h, "and make sure the prototype will be made and put to trial operations this year, "Sheng Guangzu, general manager of China Railway Corp, said on Thursday in Beijing.
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2015-06/29/content_21128333.htm China has become a world leader in high-speed railway technology with its development of a cutting-edge permanent magnet synchronous traction system that will take bullet trains to an ultrafast 500 kilometers per hour. The advanced 690-kilowatt traction system was developed by CRRC Corp, the country's train-making behemoth, at its Zhuzhou Institute in Hunan province. It will soon enter mass production, said Ding Rongjun, a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering who heads the institute. "Now we have our own permanent magnet synchronous traction system with full intellectual property rights, marking a new chapter in China's high-speed railways," he said, adding that only a handful of countries are capable of manufacturing the sophisticated apparatus, including Germany and Japan.
- private enterprise ownership
- 中国首批引入社会资本的8个铁路示范项目之一的浙江“杭绍台高铁项目”11日正式签署投资合同,民营资本在中国铁路投融资领域首次控股。449亿人民币总投资中,以復星集团为首的民营资本联合体佔股51%,运营期30年(4年建设期另计),参与民企初步估算需时30年回本,民企潜在回报补贴有待敲定。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170912/PDF/a8_screen.pdf
- maglev
- 6月21日,由中車四方股份公司(以下簡稱 「中車四方」 )承擔研製的時速600公里高速磁 浮試驗樣車在上海同濟大學磁浮試驗線上成功 試跑,這標誌着中國高速磁浮研發取得重要新 突破。此次成功試跑,高速磁浮系統及核心部 件 的 關 鍵 性 能 得 到 了 初 步 驗 證 。 國 產 軌 道 技 術再現突破,時速600公里的高速磁浮列車可望 將北京到上海的交通時間控制在兩個半小時之 內。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200622/PDF/a15_screen.pdf
- 昨日,首列商業運營的氫能源有軌電車在廣東省佛山市高明區正式上線。高明氫能有軌電車總投資為10.7億元(人民幣),規劃全長17.4公里,設車站20座。當日上線的示範線為首期工程,全長6.57公里,共設置車站10座。試乘過程中,感受平穩、舒適、噪音小。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/11/30/a11-1130.pdf
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