Tuesday, June 23, 2020

indonesia chinese china taiwan hk

Chinese Indonesians (IndonesianOrang Indonesia keturunan Tionghoa) or (in Indonesia) simply Orang Tionghoa (中華pinyinZhōnghuáPe̍h-ōe-jīTiong-hôa), are Indonesians whose ancestors arrived from China at some stage in the last eight centuries. Most Chinese Indonesians are descended from Southern Chineseimmigrants.Chinese people have lived in the Indonesian archipelago since at least the 13th century. Many came initially as sojourners (temporary residents), intending to return home in their old age. Some, however, stayed in the region as economic migrantsAdmiral Zheng He (1371–1433), who led several Chinese maritime expeditions into Southeast Asia, was a Muslim from Yunnan and was not of Chinese ancestry, yet he is generally characterized as "Chinese". This broad use is also problematic because it prioritizes a line of descent from China over all other lines and may conflict with an individual's own self-identity. Many people who identify as Chinese Indonesian are of mixed Chinese and Indonesian descent. Indonesia's president Abdurrahman Wahid (1940-2009) is widely believed to have some Chinese ancestry, but he did not regard himself as Chinese.
- association

  • 印度尼西亞華裔總會榮譽主席施乃康http://hk.hkcd.com/pdf/202008/0811/HA03811CZB1_HKCD.pdf
    • 記者在北京華僑飯店採訪 了世界著名僑領、身兼東南亞國家 與港澳台多個僑商總會榮譽會長、 施氏國際集團董事局主席施乃康先 生,他就中華民族偉大復興與中國 共產黨信仰等問題與本報記者進行 了交流。http://hk.hkcd.com/pdf/202009/0909/HA03909CZB1_HKCD.pdf

    - official visit

    • http://www.china.org.cn/world/2016-04/28/content_38340423.htm  Luhut Panjaitan, Indonesian Coordinating Minister for Political, Law and Security Affairs visit to china
    • 據新華社報道,當地時間5月6日下午,應印度尼西亞總統佐科·維多多邀請,國務院總理李克強乘專機抵達雅加達蘇加諾-哈達國際機場,開始對印度尼西亞進行正式訪問。李克強表示,今年適逢中國和印尼建立全面戰略夥伴關係5周年。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/05/07/a13-0507.pdf
    • 当地时间7日,中国和印尼在雅加达发表联合声明,全文共十九条内容。声明称,双方充分肯定两国建立全面战略伙伴关系5年来双边关系取得的重要进展,特别是积极对接“21世纪海上丝绸之路”倡议和“全球海洋支点”构想、深化务实合作取得的显著成效,同意在全面战略伙伴关系框架下加强双边、地区及国际层面三个支柱合作。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20180509/PDF/a7_screen.pdf
    The Indonesian killings of 1965–1966 (sometimes referred to as the Indonesian Massacresor Indonesian Genocide) were large-scale killings which occurred in Indonesia over many months, targeting communists, ethnic Chinese and alleged leftists, often at the instigation of the armed forces and government. Initially it began as an anti-communist purge following a controversial coup by the army (30 September Movement) in Indonesia. The most widely accepted estimates are that between 500,000 to one million people were killed, with some estimates as high as two to three million. The purge was a pivotal event in the transition to the "New Order" and the elimination of the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) as a political force. The upheavals led to the downfall of President Sukarno and the commencement ofSuharto's three-decade dictatorship. The failed coup released pent-up communal hatreds which were fanned by the Indonesian Army, which quickly blamed the PKI. Communists were purged from political, social, and military life, and the PKI itself was banned. The massacres began in October 1965, in the weeks following the coup attempt, and reached their peak over the remainder of the year before subsiding in the early months of 1966. They started in the capital, Jakarta, and spread to Central and East Java and, later, Bali. Thousands of local vigilantes and army units killed actual and alleged PKI members. Although killings occurred across Indonesia, the worst were in the PKI strongholds of Central Java, East Java, Bali, and northern Sumatra. It is possible that over one million people were imprisoned at one time or another.

    • http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20160428/00192_001.html 對於半個世紀前發生的排華屠殺事件,印尼總統維多多日前下令安全部長潘查伊坦在全國各地尋找遇難者的萬人塚。這是印尼尋找屠殺真相的重要一步,但距離族群和解的目標還相差十萬八千里。
    • 有民間團體周日晚舉行研討會,討論當年事件,1,000名反共產主義示威者抗議,並企圖闖入會場,與警方爆發衝突,警方出動水炮及催淚彈驅散,拘捕22名參與暴亂的人,事件中有5名警員受傷。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/09/20/a22-0920.pdf
    The Tanjung Priok massacre was an incident that occurred in the port area ofTanjung PriokNorth Jakarta, Indonesia in 1984. Government reports give a total of 24 killed and 54 injured, while survivors report over a hundred killed.

    • 印尼北蘇門答臘省海港城市丹絨巴萊(Tanjung Balai),早前發生針對華人佛寺的暴亂http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20160814/00180_006.html
    The May 1998 riots of Indonesia (IndonesianKerusuhan Mei 1998), also known as the 1998 tragedy (IndonesianTragedi 1998) or simply the 1998 event (IndonesianPeristiwa 1998), were incidents of mass violencedemonstrations, and civil unrest of a racial nature that occurred throughout Indonesia, mainly in Medan in the province of North Sumatra (4–8 May), the capital city of Jakarta (12–15 May), and Surakarta (also called Solo) in the province of Central Java (13–15 May). The riots were triggered by economic problems including food shortages and mass unemployment, and eventually led to the resignation of President Suharto and the fall of the New Order government. The main targets of the violence were ethnic Chinese; however, most of the casualties occurred among the Javanese Indonesian looters due to a massive fire.

    - signed mou on maritime cooperation

    • http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2015/01/25/indonesia-takes-china.html After confiscating more than nine Chinese-linked vessels for alleged poaching, the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry said on Friday that the government had also revoked a deal signed with China in 2013 that would give Chinese fishermen an upper hand compared to other countries to fish in Indonesia. - See more at: http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2015/01/25/indonesia-takes-china.html#sthash.b6cDGVHP.dpuf hkej 27jan15 a18
    - port

    • http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/05/13/a14-0513.pdf據《雅加達 郵報》報道,印尼第二港口公司已收 到中國浙江寧波舟山港 59億美元(約 合 407億元人民幣)的報價,希望投資 印尼丹戎不碌港(Tanjung Priok)的 卡里布魯(Kalibaru)港的擴建項目。 已收亞歐兩財團報價 據觀察者網報道,寧波舟山港副總 經理陳國潘表示,此次投資聯合體共 包括 5家公司,其中有 4家中國公司和 1家法國公司,舟山港為此次投資的最 大出資方。10日,在簽署丹戎不碌港 和舟山港加強合作的諒解備忘錄時, 陳國潘表示,目前仍在討論每家公司 在該項目中的份額。

    - aviation

    •  http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2017-08/07/content_30355646.htm Direct flights have begun between Sanya, a tourist destination in South China's Hainan province, and Jakarta in Indonesia.
    • http://www.reuters.com/article/us-airshow-britain-china-calc-idUSKCN0ZS038 An Indonesian airline is to become the world’s first to operate a fleet made up entirely of Chinese-built jets. Hong Kong-listed China Aircraft Leasing Group has confirmed that it and its substantial shareholder Friedmann Pacific Asset Management will buy 30 ARJ21-700 jets with an option to buy 30 more, from state-owned Commercial Aircraft Corp of China, or Comac. The US$2.3 billion deal was signed on Monday at the Farnborough International Airshow in England, Comac confirmed. Friedmann Pacific is owned by China Aircraft Leasing’s former chief executive and second-largest shareholder Mike Poon. It plans to invest in an Indonesian airline that will rent the planes for what will be an all-ARJ21 fleet, according to the companies, although they declined to name the airline.http://www.scmp.com/business/article/1989044/indonesian-airline-will-be-first-fly-fleet-entirely-arj21s

    - http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2015/03/03/a32-0303.pdf 據中新社報道,印尼投資統籌機構主任弗朗基 近日赴巴布亞視察,訪問中國國家發展與投資公司(SDIC)興 建的印尼巴布亞水泥廠。據當地媒體 2日報道,這座位於印尼 巴布亞南瑪諾瓜利的水泥廠,總投資 5 億美元,是集水泥生 產、包裝、運輸碼頭和發電廠於一體的綜合工業區。 SDIC公司巴布亞水泥廠總經理王春建(音譯)表示,該項目 建設過程需要 16個月,生產的水泥可供應西巴布亞省的需要。 該水泥廠是巴布亞的第一座水泥廠,對巴布亞人民的生活起着 重要作用,它將解決以往從爪哇與加里曼丹供應水泥的難題。 除了建水泥廠,該公司還將興建大型的發電廠,供附近民眾 之電力需求,並建有自己的碼頭,它將成為巴布亞省的首個綜 合工業區。發電廠可生產 2×20兆瓦的電力,水泥廠每年可生 產水泥300萬噸。

    - energy

    • http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20170322/00178_017.html 國企中石化傳有高層捲入欺詐風波,據報國際刑警組織早前應印尼方面要求,對中石化三名高層發出紅色通緝令,他們或涉及該國一個八億五千萬美元石油儲存終端項目的欺詐案。中石化回應稱正在了解。

    - electricity

    • http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20151229/00202_020.html 中國神華(01088)獲得印尼國家電力公司(PLN)通知,PLN計劃將爪哇7號(Jawa-7)燃煤電廠的獨立發電廠項目開發運營權授予該公司,共同開發該項目,項目總投資額約18.84億美元。
    • Late last year, the first phase of Indonesia's Belt and Road Initiative-backed Jawa 7 thermal electricity plant came online. A US$1.8 billion coal-fired facility, it is being developed by the PT Shenhua Guohua Pembangkitan Jawa Bali consortium – which is 30% owned by PT Pembangkitan Jawa-Bali, a subsidiary of Indonesia's state-owned electricity company Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN), and 70% by China Shenhua Energy, the Beijing-headquartered, state-owned coal-mining giant.Located in Banten, the westernmost province of the island of Java, the 172-hectare Jawa 7 plant is considered to be one of the most vital electricity-generation projects for Indonesia's fourth-largest landmass and the home of more than half the nation's 264 million population. https://hkmb.hktdc.com/en/1x0ajx81/inside-china/belt-and-road-takes-indonesia-closer-to-electrification-goal
    • http://www.ecns.cn/business/2017/01-16/241793.shtml Gold Cup Electric, a Chinese electrical wire and cable producer, will establish a joint venture with an Indonesian firm to offer products for the construction of Indonesia's national grid. The Hunan-based Gold Cup Electric will contribute 55 percent of the total investment of 560 billion Indonesian rupiahs (42 million U.S. dollars), and the remaining 45 percent will come from PT Bukaka Teknik Utama Tbk, an Indonesian company engaged in engineering, procurement and construction, according to the Chinese company. The factory will be built in Indonesia with technology exported from China, and the products will supply Indonesia's national electric power company.
    - water works

    • 香港上市公司中国水业集团(01129)与印尼NOEI和Zeus Capital就印尼雅加达生活垃圾无害化、减量化、资源化及沼气利用项目签署合作协议,投资和运营金额将达数千万元人民币。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20171111/PDF/b3_screen.pdf
    - dam

    • 中国水利水电建设集团公司(中国水电)承建的印尼加蒂格迪大坝,一期工程2015年8月正式下闸蓄水,除了发挥灌溉、防洪作用外,还带来观光、渔业等经济效益;二期配套电站将于2019年年底投入生产,建成后将解决当地供电紧张的局面。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20180507/PDF/a5_screen.pdf

    - military

    • http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20160305/00178_004.html 中國有望向印尼出口防空武器,日本傳媒報道,印尼正在評估採購中國製導彈和高射炮合一防空系統的可行性,並指中國防空系統比歐洲產品好。
    - industrial park
    • China Minsheng Investment Corp. (CMI), an international private financial investment group with US$8 billion in registered capital, will build a $5 billion industrial park in West Java as part of the “One Belt, One Road” (OBOR) strategy of the Chinese government to boost connectivty and commerce between Asia and Europe. The giant industrial project was one of the main subjects of discussions at the second meeting of CMI’s Global Advisory Council (Gac) in Singapore on Thursday. “We welcome this project as it fits well with the Indonesian government’s aim to develop more manufacturing industries and generate more jobs,” asserted Suryo Bambang Sulisto, a member of the CMI Gac. - See more at: http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2015/10/29/china-build-5-billion-industrial-park-west-java.html#sthash.jU6rwt4Q.dpuf
    - new capital

    • https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/economics/article/3033615/where-china-fits-jokowis-plan-indonesias-us33-billion-new Chinese firms are eager to invest in East Kalimantan. State-owned China Railways Construction Corporation (CRCC) on September 2 told Luhut Pandjaitan, a senior Indonesian minister tasked with upping investments from China, that it was keen on helping the country build transport technology in the new capital.At the same meeting, CRCC also told Luhut it was interested in the lucrative Jakarta-Surabaya semi-high-speed railway project, but Indonesia on September 25 officially awarded the 60 trillion rupiah (US$4.2 billion) project to long-time investor Japan.Meanwhile, China Road and Bridge Corporation, China Communications Construction Engineering Indonesia and China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Corp have expressed their interest in joining the tender to build a tolled highway that would connect the port city of Balikpapan to Penajam Paser Utara.Beijing also provided a 848.55 billion rupiah soft loan to the Indonesian government for the construction of a part of the Balikpapan-Samarinda tollway, the island’s first, which is to be opened later this month.Both tollways will be connected to the new capital, making them a well-paying investment once Jakarta’s 2 million civil servants move to Borneo.Chinese firms also run two gas and steam power plants in Kutai Kartanegara. Another Chinese company recently proposed to help manage and clean up the watershed of the Mahakam River, the country’s second-longest river, Isran said.Chinese manufacturing giant Hongshi Cement is also planning to set up a US$2.1 billion factory in Kutai Kartanegara, which could potentially reap the benefits from the new capital’s massive infrastructure development drive.However, a labour union at Semen Padang, Indonesia’s oldest cement manufacturer, in August reported Chinese cement makers to national anti-monopoly body KPPU over accusations of predatory pricing – selling their products as cheaply as possible amid the current cement oversupply.

    - palm oil

    • China is open to increasing its import quota of Indonesian palm oil by at least 500,000 tonnes, Premier Li Keqiang said on Monday, speaking after a meeting with Indonesian President Joko Widodo at the country’s presidential palace in Bogor.https://www.reuters.com/article/us-indonesia-china/china-premier-li-says-open-to-increasing-indonesia-palm-oil-import-quota-idUSKBN1I80RH

    - ict

    • http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2017-05/15/content_29345046.htm China's technology firm Huawei has established an information, telecommunication and telecommunication training program for students in seven ofIndonesia's top State campuses in hopes of boosting competitiveness of Indonesian ICTprofessionals. The launch of the program, called SmartGen, was officiated in memorandum ofunderstanding documents between executives of Huawei's Indonesian branch and seniorrepresentatives of the State-run colleges, witnessed by Chinese Ambassador to IndonesiaXie Feng. "Through the SmartGen program, young generations can have access to the latest ICTtechnology, become a strong force to developing the Indonesian economy and increase thenation's competitiveness in the future," Huawei Indonesia CEO Liu Haosheng said in hisremarks in the event.
    - automobile
    •  China's Sokon automobile inaugurated its plant operation located in Indonesia's Banten province on Tuesday, claimed as a smart car factory that applies Industry 4.0 principle which highlights high accuracy and quality through flexible manufacturing system.The Sokon automobile plant in Indonesia was ran by a joint venture operation that involves Sokon Group Hong Kong Co Ltd and the Indonesian partner Kaisar Motorindo Industri, completely built in the mid of this year after the construction process began in 2015.http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2017-11/29/content_35121406.htm
    - steel

    • https://www.yieh.com/en/NewsItem/109434 According to the announcement from China Aluminum International Engineering Corporation Ltd. (Chalieco), its joint venture with PT PP (Persero) Tbk won the bid of a metallurgical grade alumina project with an annual production capacity of 1 million tons, with a total contract value of RMB 5.264 billion roughly. 
      If the project was implemented smoothly, Chalieco will benefit greatly on its company scale expansion plan and its future annual sales performance.
    - metal works

    • https://www.scmp.com/economy/china-economy/article/3095211/australia-becomes-chinas-top-source-coking-coal-stimulus Indonesia allowed Chinese-backed PT Virtue Dragon Nickel Industry and PT Obsidian Stainless Steel to bring in about 500 workers since June for specialist jobs in the smelters being constructed in Southeast Sulawesi, sparking protests among the locals.

    - hotel
    • 世茂集團日前與喜達屋資本合資成立的上海世茂喜達酒店管理有限公司與印尼PT. GRAHA PECATU酒店開發公司正式就巴厘島酒店項目簽約,世茂喜達將品牌輸出管理PT.GRAHA PECATU在巴厘島南部庫塔的酒店及公寓項目,這是世茂喜達首個海外簽約項目,也意味着巴厘島的第一家高端中國酒店即將誕生。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/11/17/b08-1117.pdf
    - bank

    • bank of china http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20180909/PDF/a12_screen.pdf

    - insurance

    • 中國人壽保險(印尼)有限公司於日前在印尼首都雅加達舉行了簡單而隆重的開業儀式,http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20180830/PDF/b5_screen.pdf
    • 太平 印尼主要向企業提供的投保服務,包括工程保險及財 產保險,為企業的工程建設及融資提供保障,並於建 設項目施工出現問題時發揮作用、向企業提供保險補 償。另外亦設有汽車保險、人身意外保險、旅遊保險 、貨運保險和僱主責任保險等,並且提供保險培訓、 風險查勘和保險理賠等服務,為中資企業提供更全面 的營運保障。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20180906/PDF/b12_screen.pdf
    - pipes
    • 內地大型建材家居產業集團--中國聯塑(2128)宣佈海外拓展計劃,於印尼投資約6,000萬美元(約4.68億港元)建立大型的管道生產基地,以提升在東南亞市場的競爭力和影響力,把握「一帶一路」發展計劃的機遇和加速其業務全球化佈局。集團在印尼正在興建自有生產基地,該基地將配備多條先進的管道及管件自動化生產線,整個計劃分兩個階段進行。該項目首階段之年設計產能約6萬噸,計劃在未來5年供應印尼、周邊東南亞國家及北美市場。整個生產基地落成投產後,預計產能為每年10萬噸。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/09/11/b02-0911.pdf
    - investors from china

    • http://www.chinadailyasia.com/business/2014-10/27/content_15182844.html More than 2,000 Chinese companies have invested in Indonesia in industries ranging from coal mining, finance, insurance, telecommunications, transportation and machinery manufacturing, to project contracting, agriculture, chemical engineering and trading, says Liu Haosheng, president of the China Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia.
    • http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/business/china-to-invest-20-billion-in-kalimantan-steel-plant-indonesian-minister/articleshow/48433845.cms China has announced plans to invest $20 billion in a steel plant on Kalimantan island, Indonesia's planning minister said on Tuesday.  "For Kalimantan there is private investment of $20 billion from China to build a steel factory," Minister Andrinof Chaniago told reporters after meeting with China's minister for national development in Jakarta. http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/articleshow/48433845.cms
    • 中鼎coal mine http://www.hkcd.com.hk/pdf/201601/0124/HA05124CCXX.pdf
    • http://news.sina.cn/gn/2016-08-29/detail-ifxvixsh6826626.d.html 记者8月28日从深圳市前海管理局获悉,最早在前海落户的企业之一华强集团日前在中国(广东)自由贸易试验区跨国公司CEO交流会暨重大项目签约仪式上,与印度尼西亚巴克利集团签署了合作备忘录,就投资前海并在印尼雅加达合作建设主题乐园达成合作意向,双方还围绕清洁能源领域合作、数字动漫产品的出口等进行了深入的探讨和交流。  印尼巴克利集团创办于1942年,产业涵盖矿业、石油、天然气、农业、房地产、基础设施以及媒体和电信业等多个领域,拥有10多家在印尼证券交易所上市的企业,是印度尼西亚最大的企业集团之一。
    • http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2016-08/30/content_26636119.htm State Development & Investment Corp, the country's largest State-owned investment holding company by fund volume, will expand its investment categories from cement factories to nickel ore mines, power plants and ports in Indonesia over the next five years, said its senior executive on Monday. With a total investment of 2.2 billion yuan ($329 million), SDIC invested and launched the production of the first phase of a cement plant in Indonesia's West Papua province last week. After a 16 month construction period, the plant will be able to produce 1.5 million tons of cement annually to meet the country's surging demand for various infrastructure projects.
    • http://www.chinadailyasia.com/business/2016-09/30/content_15503744.html China Construction Bank Corp took another step forward in its globalization drive by completing the acquisition of a majority stake of PT Bank Windu Kentjana International Tbk. Earlier this year, the second-largest Chinese commercial lender by assets received approval from Chinese and Indonesian regulators for the acquisition of a 60 percent stake in Jakarta-based Bank Windu.

    - high speed rail
    • http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2015/04/23/a15-0423.pdf 國家主席習近平 22日在 雅加達會見印尼總統佐科,兩人 見證了兩國 高速鐵路項目合作文件的簽署。
    • http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20150811/00178_021.html 印尼政府計劃興建首條高鐵項目,以連接首都雅加達和第四大城市萬隆,內地傳媒報道指因中日兩國高鐵各有優勢,令項目競爭進入白熱化。中方提出可三年內建成,較日方早五年完工,不過當地輿論對中國建設質量存有疑問。據報道,中日雙方均就項目提出可向印尼提供貸款,而日方提出貸款利息為百分之一,中方較此略高,印尼媒體認為中方條件不如日方。內地傳媒則引述消息稱承諾三年後建成,而日本承諾三年後才開工,預期建成要到八年後,故總體上中國方案較優。報道指,印尼人對中國貨不太放心,包括去年中國進口巴士有質量問題,遭當地傳媒抨擊,中國駐印尼大使館經濟參贊認為印尼媒體的言論不公正。此外,中國發改委主任徐紹史昨代表中方,向印尼總統維多多呈交中印合建可研報告。
    • http://www.scmp.com/news/asia/southeast-asia/article/1852865/indonesias-bullet-train-dilemma-it-japanese-safety-versus
    • http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20151005/00182_001.html 中方此次中標印尼高鐵項目,除承諾不佔用印尼國家預算和毋須政府提供擔保外,還承諾確保三年建成,以及以合資經營的方式共建高鐵等,由四家印尼國企組成的聯合體將和中國鐵路總公司組建合資企業,對雅萬高鐵項目進行投資建設。如果從商業角度看,中方這次奪得印尼高鐵項目,成本其實有些高。這也提醒中國,地緣政治利益是否應與商業綑綁在一起,要仔細權衡。
    • http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2016-01/21/content_23179279.htm Indonesia's first high-speed railroad project, which started construction onThursday, could become a financial and operational model for other headlineinfrastructure projects in the region, according to rail industry and funding experts. Scheduled for completion in 2019, the $5.5 billion line from Jakarta to Bandung isbeing developed by PT Kereta Cepat Indonesia-China - a consortium involvingIndonesian state-owned companies and China Railway International Co Ltd, asubsidiary of China Railway Corp. It is being 75-percent financed through a loan provided by China DevelopmentBank, with the remainder of the funding from the JV partners themselves. Zhou Qinghe, president of CRRC Zhuzhou Electric Locomotive Co, which is part ofthe country's largest train manufacturer China Railway Rolling Stock Corp, saidsuch enhanced regional cooperation, especially in rail transportation, could becomethe norm in the future, will help stimulate trade, and attract further investment. The Chinese trainmaker has a manufacturing base in Malaysia involved inproduction, assembly, testing, maintenance and refurbishment, with an annualproduction capacity of 100 electric trains and light railway engines. The 150-kilometer Jakarta-Bandung link, given its length and complexity, isexpected to create more than 41,000 jobs a year during construction, he said. It willcarry 44,000 passengers daily, and travel time between the two central hubs will bereduced to under 40 minutes from the current 3-5 hours.
    • http://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy-defence/article/1906307/chinas-high-speed-railway-project-indonesia-suspendedChina’s joint project to build a high-speed railway in Indonesia has been suspended over unresolved issues and incomplete paperwork, according to the ­Jakarta PostThe revelation, published on Wednesday, came just six days after Indonesian President Joko Widodo officiated the project’s groundbreaking ceremony. It prompted talk that the latest turn of events could deal another blow to China’s global high-speed railway push.
    • http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20170406/00178_009.html昨日雙方企業終在印尼首都雅加達正式簽署合同,印尼政府稱有信心三年通車。
    •  http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20170514/00178_007.html高鐵科技被視為中國一帶一路向外擴展的途徑,而由中國企業承包的印尼高鐵項目將於本月全面動工,有日本媒體報道指,由於徵地花費的時間和成本超過預期,總工程費比當初預估的增加一成七,料約六十億美元(約四百六十八億港元),大部分資金將來自中國國家開發銀行。
      • http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2016/09/07/a18-0907.pdf 據財新網報道,中國鐵路總公司 (下稱中鐵總)總經理盛光祖在參加 G20杭州峰會 期間表示,印尼雅加達至萬隆高速鐵路項目(下稱雅 萬高鐵)開通運營後將使用中國標準動車組,這些動 車組將在印尼本地組裝,組裝廠建設工作目前進展順 利,融資談判正在進行。他同時確認,雅萬高鐵全線 建設審批已經批覆,先導段正式施工。

      - ore terminal

      • http://www.4-traders.com/BEIJING-BOHUI-INNOVATION-12668081/news/Beijing-Bohui-Innovation-Tech-Qinhuangdao-Port-Plans-to-Build-Ore-Terminals-in-Indonesia-22127918/ inhuangdao Port is in initial talks withChina Investment Corporation to jointly build ore terminals in IndonesiaThe company joins hands with Shougang to build a railway project in Caofeidian, which is expected to raise transport benefits of Caofeidian port. The company plans a capital expenditure of CNY 1.4 billion this year, which will be invested in the Caofeidian port project and 30 million-tonnage port project at Huanghua Port.
      - chinese chess

      • 印尼萬隆渤良安福利基金會象棋組的老師們卻早早來到棋室,給從四里八鄉趕來學習中國象棋的中小學生傳授技藝。象棋組2016年開始在基金會會所,開辦每周末早上8時至下午4時的青少年中國象棋班。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/08/06/a15-0806.pdf

      - 僑領

      • 祖籍福建 助白內障患者康復 龍岩的陳昆,是在港出生的「80後」,其祖父陳灼 瑞是印度尼西亞有名的僑領。陳昆透露,「爺爺是從 龍岩到印尼,當年,爺爺希望爸爸有機會投資內地, 就要有項目投在老家。1993年,父親在龍岩投資一 個 10萬千瓦的火電廠,到我這代,就投資逾 2.6億的 龍岩垃圾焚燒發電廠。」對事業的進展,陳昆頗感滿 意,「這個項目 2008 年開始籌建,2011 年正式運 行,集城市垃圾處理與綠色能源發電於一體,曾被評 為福建省級重點項目。」陳昆的父親陳進強上世紀 50 年代出生於印尼棉 蘭,「或許是因為念舊故土,也或許是因為我的弟弟 在印尼打理冶煉廠,父親經常回印尼。」陳昆告訴本 報記者,父親喜歡打高爾夫球,所以他定期都會抽空 去印尼當「陪練」,順道享受家人在一起的溫馨時 光。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2015/08/19/a17-0819.pdf
      • scmp 30sep18 "a daunting inheritance" legacy of meizhou migrant tjong a fie and his elder brother tjong yong hian in medan, sumatra

      - historic ties

      • Scmp 26aug16 a4
      • 我出生在印尼萬隆,因為父母來自唐山 (即海外華人對祖國的稱謂)的關係,一 出生便覺得是中國人,上世紀五十年代中 後期,中印雙方簽訂雙重國籍的時候,要 我們選擇其中一方國籍,大多數華人家庭 的家長都幫子女選擇中國籍,由本來的具 雙重國籍變成單一國籍。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/02/15/b05-0215.pdf
      • "it's written in the scars" scmp 16mar18
      • 印尼從一九六六年政府開始封閉華報、華校和華社,一切有關華文的讀物也都在被封之列,一直到二十世紀末,蘇哈托舊政權垮台,華文才逐漸恢復。然華校已經元氣大傷,恢復不到從前;三十幾年的封殺政策,不識華文的新一代年輕人已經成長。那時期,蘇哈托政權為了其政治需要,藉口華文的紙質載體都是共產宣傳工具,都在橫掃和禁止之列,最豈有此理的是,還竟然將「華文讀物」和「毒品」相提並論,公然印在遊客入境表格說明上,禁止遊客攜帶入境。這一侮辱性字樣,曾經遭到不少地方華族的抗議。但這只是一方面,瓊瑤和金庸的書雖然也是用華文寫的,他們態度卻是比較寬容的,睜一眼閉一眼。原因是,一方面印尼的一些華文印尼文都比較棒的華裔翻譯家,早就將港台的武俠小說翻譯成不少印尼文版本,另一方面一些有心靠出租圖書、吃一點文化飯的華人,在華校遭封,華文讀物被「掃蕩」得「大地茫茫真乾淨」、書店根本沒人破例可以開的特殊時期,他們通過國外朋友、當海員的親友從港台偷偷捎帶了不少瓊瑤的言情小說、金庸、梁羽生、古龍等人的武俠小說進來,然後加以收購,大量影印,在印尼首都雅加達華人街班芝蘭地上擺小書攤出租。由於那時候沒有華文圖書閱讀,瓊瑤和金庸的書就成為有一定文化、或因為華校被封、半途輟學的十幾二十歲的華人子弟的絕好精神食糧了。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20181218/PDF/b16_screen.pdf
      - chinatown

      • Glodok (裹踱刻pinyinguǒ duó kèPe̍h-ōe-jīkó tho̍h khek) is an administrative village of Taman SariWest JakartaIndonesia. The area is also known as Pecinan or Chinatown since the Dutch colonial era, and is considered the biggest in Indonesia. Majority of the traders and residents of Glodok are Chinese descent. The area dates back to colonial times when in November 1740, Dutch East Indies Company (VOC) designated Glodok as a residential area for ethnic Chinese. Administratively, the area is a kelurahan under the Taman Sari subdistrict, West Jakarta.One of the biggest trading center for electronic goods in Jakarta is located within the area now.The word Glodok came from the Sundanese word "Golodog", meaning entrance to a house, as Sunda Kalapa (Jakarta) is the gateway to the ancient Sundanese Kingdom. It was also thought that the name came from the "grojok grojok" sound that water makes coming out of a waterspout in the yard of the Cityhall (Stadhuis), now the Jakarta Museum. A waterspout was built on this site in 1743 and was used for daily needs such as a watering hole for horses.
      • scmp 17oct19 "a day to savour"

      - anti chinese

      • [precarious belongings] sentiment since at least 1740, when the javanese community of chinese origin instigated a rebellion against the dutch east india company, and were the subject of a major massacre
      • post 1998 nationalism - shift in attitude toward indonesian of chinese descent.  Obscure pun revived - chinese derogated as aseng (connotation of dogs), foreigners - orang asing
      • warga - literally means a member of an extended clan. It is also part of the compound meaning citizens, warganegara.  In the suharto era, "warganegara indonesia", "indonesian citizens", WNI was a way of referring to indonesians of chinese descent, because they were the only onese who had to have their citizenship recognised through legal means - everyone else was automatically a citize. At the time of fall of suharto, warga shifted meaning to denote any kind of collective membership, from national citizenship to citizenship of a village or district.  This semantic shift lessened the outsider status of chinese, making them one of the hundreds of ethnic groups of the nation

      • scmp 2jun19 "the ghost of intolerance past" anti chinese sentiment that has dogged indonesia since colonial times show signs of bubbling back to the surface

      - association
      • 中國海外交流協會副會長何亞非一行5人,5日訪問印尼中華總商會,並和當地華社領導舉行座談。何亞非表示,「一帶一路」構想既是適應中國發展的新思路,也是新的國際合作模式。何亞非說,目前世界對中國新的改革發展模式十分關注,「一帶一路」的核心內容是:共同發展,共同富裕,其旨在把亞洲經濟圈、歐洲經濟圈聯繫起來,和這些地區的國家建立新的經濟走廊,共同發展,造福沿線國家和人民。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2015/12/06/a10-1206.pdf
      - people
      • scmp article on chinese balinese (some 14,000) "blended isolation" on 22jan18; "regaining their identity" 23aug18
      • 司徒赞是广东省开平县侨居印度尼西亚的一位华侨教育家和社会活动家,也是一位著名的华侨领袖。他数十年如一日,孜孜不倦,历尽艰辛,为印尼华侨的文化教育事业、社会公益事业和中印(尼)人民的友好事业,做了许多有益的工作。1960年他归国后,继续为祖国的教育和科研事业,团结侨胞、归侨、侨眷,积极参加社会主义建设,加强和扩大爱国统一战线等方面又做了许多有益的工作。他是一位在印尼有影响的华侨,也是一位爱国爱乡的归侨。
      • son司徒巴生obitruary singtao 3jan17 a13 
      • http://www.hkcd.com.hk/pdf/201603/0310/HZ22310CZGG.pdf 僑领 印尼國際日報集團董事長熊德龍、楊詩睛夫婦
      • from fujian
      • 林绍良(1916.07.16-2012.06.10),印尼林氏集团董事长,印尼政府经济顾问,印尼前首富 Sudono Salim (16 July 1916 – 10 June 2012), also known as Liem Sioe Liong, was an Indonesian Chinese businessman of Fuqingorigin. He was the richest individual in Indonesia. He was the founder and chairman of the conglomerate Salim Group before turning over its management to his youngest son Anthoni Salim (now the fifth wealthiest person in Indonesia[3]) in 1992. 早在1995年時便有184億美元資產,他的商業王國涉及金融、地產、電子及航運等七十多種行業[2][3],而且遍佈東南亞、香港以及中國大陸。他是橫跨亞非歐美的國際財團三林集團的創辦人,擁有「丁香大王」、「麵粉大王」、「地產大王」和「金融大王」等稱號,[4]因為亞洲金融危機引致印尼平民財產大量損失而造成印尼政局動亂,亦令蘇哈托失勢。在苏哈托的一些政敌和某些军方人士的扇动下,大量印尼平民因為當地華人以及印尼人貧富懸殊,產生仇華以致排華的情緒,大規模破壞林紹良以及其他華人富豪的資產,使林紹良的財富急劇下降,1997年已為81歲老人的林紹良在此前已移居新加坡他在香港擁有第一太平,旗下力寶集團擁有金鐘的著名地標式建築力寶中心
      • 木材大王黄兴安from fuzhou 闽清县died in minnesota singtao 4oct18
      • from chaozhou 
      • http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/05/10/a14-0510.pdf 印尼華僑人數約為1,500萬,也是世界上華僑華人人數最多的國家,其中400多萬是潮州人。2011年當地潮人發起並宣佈印尼潮州總會正式成立,曾國奎先生在會上被一致推選為主席,同年當選為印尼廣東社團聯合總會總主席。這位潮商翹楚在印尼社會有非同一般的影響力。總會的成立,不僅將在印尼的潮人聯繫團結起來,互相提供幫助,共同促進發展,更重要的是投資辦學、支持教育,彌補由於印尼政府禁止華語、取締中文學校及中文報紙所帶來的教育上的缺失,讓中華文化得以更好地傳承。

      • from shanwei
      • from lufeng
      •  [booklet on opening of china in 1970s by hket and cma]力劲集团创办人刘相尚

      - investors from china

      • http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2016/03/15/b04-0315.pdf 繼獲得美國純電動 大巴合約後,比亞迪 (1211)再下一 城,獲海外合約。 據內地媒體報道,比亞迪與印度尼 西亞雅加達地區主要公共交通運營商 之一的公交公司簽訂銷售合同,向後 者提供 150輛電動大巴。 該批 150台比亞迪電動大巴計劃從 2016 年 12 月開始分批交付,在 2017 年內完成所有車輛交付和充電站的建 設與調試。據悉,雅加達省將有數千 輛傳統公交巴士替換為新能源巴士。
      • http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20160523/PDF/a4_screen.pdf中國宏橋集團有限公司參與投資建設的氧化鋁冶煉廠日前在印度尼西亞正式投產,該項目是中國企業到海外投資建設的首個大型氧化鋁生產項目。 據了解,中國宏橋集團、新加坡韋立國際集團、印尼哈利達集團于2012年簽署聯營協議,成立印尼宏發韋立氧化鋁公司,其中宏橋集團持股56%。該項目位於印尼西加裏曼丹省吉打邦縣,三方還確定共同出資建設年產量200萬噸的氧化鋁冶煉廠及配套電廠和碼頭。本次竣工投產的工程是項目一期年產量100萬噸氧化鋁的生產線,後續還有年產量100萬噸的生產線在建設中。一期工程預計總投資額為10億至15億美元。
      • 中交建http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20180907/PDF/a20_screen.pdf
      • http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20180911/PDF/a19_screen.pdf
      • hkcd 1oct18 aa9 新亞薑糖factory in indonesia
      • 印尼北馬魯古省一個鎳鐵工業園區工人於上周五勞動節發起示威,要求資方改善待遇。   爆發示威的韋達工業園區(IWIP),由法國埃赫曼公司、中國青山控股集團擁有。工人要求資方在疫情期間將工作時間由十二小時縮短至八小時,確保仍可全額支薪,並要求合理處理工傷問題、改善輪班問題、不要裁員及抗議國會的削減遣散費議案。工人情緒激動,向廠區投擲汽油彈,令食堂、倉庫及汽車起火,亦有人搶奪糧食。事件中,沒有中國籍工人參與。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200504/00180_031.html
      - investors from indonesia

      • http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2016-09/12/content_26766721.htm A company controlled by Indonesian billionaire Anthoni Salim offered to acquire the rest of ChinaMinzhong Food Corp in a deal valuing the Chinese company at S$786 million ($584 million). The deal could help the tycoon exercise greater control over a food empire spanning potatochips, instant noodles and cooking oil. Full ownership of Minzhong Food could also make iteasier to sell it off. Marvellous Glory Holdings Ltd offered S$1.20 in cash for each share in Minzhong Food,according to a filing in Singapore, where Minzhong Food is listed.

      - cny
      • http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20160229/00176_091.html 湯恩佳話,過往三十年佢亦到訪過世界各地,旅途中一共捐出逾五百個孔子像,實行將孔子思想傳遍全世界。除咗推動孔教,原來佢亦幫印尼華僑成功爭取將大年初一列為法定假期,所以每年農曆新年都會到訪印尼。今個農曆新年都唔例外,佢就去咗印尼兩日一夜,只為同印尼總統拜年,真係夠晒地位。

      - http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2015/10/26/a22-1026.pdf 印尼一年一度的「烏布德作家讀者交流節」(UWRF)後 日將於峇里島揭幕,不過當中與 1965年清共排華屠殺有關 的幾項活動,忽然遭政府下令禁辦。有知情者透露,當局 聲言若有人違反規定,可能取消整個文學節並沒收執照。 主辦單位對禁令表示失望。適逢本月是大屠殺 50周年,分 析普遍認為政府此舉是為了打壓言論,迴避歷史問題。

      - investors from taiwan

      • http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/09/01/us-foxconn-indonesia-idUSKCN0R12L320150901
        Taiwan's Foxconn Technology Group, the world's biggest electronic components maker, has not withdrawn its plans to invest in a factory in Indonesia, an Indonesian industry ministry official said on Tuesday. The official's comment came after Kontan business daily quoted Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Chairman Suryo Bambang Sulisto as saying the Apple Inc supplier had canceled its investment plans due to unspecified land issues. I Gusti Putu Suryawirawan, director general of metals, machinery, transport equipment and electronic industries, denied the report but made no further comment on the situation when asked by reporters on Tuesday.
      - taiwanese in indonesia

      • 來自台灣移民家庭的美籍女華人機師喬伊斯‧林(Joyce Lin,音譯),周二在印尼執行運送新冠病毒試劑的任務途中,意外墜機身亡,終年四十歲。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200515/00180_019.html

      - music
      • 東南亞歌謠在台灣風行一時,最早可溯自上世紀60年代。「亞洲歌姬」鄧麗君的「甜蜜蜜」紅遍世界各地,和歌手凌峰的「船歌」都出自印尼蘇門答臘的船歌。這些南洋歌謠流傳至台灣的路徑蜿蜒曲折、耐人尋味。據《聯合報》報道,台灣歷史博物館典藏鄧麗君1979年發行的「難忘的一天」專輯,當中收錄了「甜蜜蜜」。台史博研究人員黃裕元指出,原曲唱的只是漁夫彼此的閒話、吆喝。經著名詞人莊奴填寫俏皮甜蜜的中文歌詞、再由鄧麗君輕柔嗓音的魔法詮釋後,紅遍世界各地。據悉,鄧麗君當紅時代的歌星與東南亞華人社會關係頗深,因此鄧麗君還翻唱過不少印尼歌。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2015/12/20/a16-1220.pdf
      - scmp 29may19 "always on the outside" ethnic chinese leaving indonesian for taiwan

      Hong Kong
      - ties
      • celebration of establishment of ties http://www.hkcd.com.hk/pdf/201504/0421/HA10421CSTA.pdf
      • indonesia-hk business collaboration booklet by hsbc apr2018
      - cg in hk

      • erwin m akbar, consul (economic) erwin@cgrihk.com

      - diplomatic issue
      • http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20161202/00176_069.html 七十二歲現居印尼的港商林仲山多年在印尼投資採礦業,但今年九月突被判處「給國家造成財政虧損」罪成,被當地法院判監十七年。林兩名兒子,林加利及林子溢稱,父親在審判期間,曾收到恐嚇短訊及疑似勒索電話,一名自稱能夠聯繫當地法官的中間人,需要至少收取約四十萬港元「使用費」協助解決事件,最後雙方並沒有會面。林氏兄弟又說,曾經向特首辦和入境處求助,希望政府盡快展開營救行動,提供協助。
      - association

      • singtao 1dec17 a13 據外交部駐港特派員公署網站載,外交部駐港特派員謝鋒11月30日應邀出席印尼香港商會成立儀式。他在致辭時表示,十九大描繪了中國未來發展新藍 圖,為世界各國帶來新機遇。他希望印尼企業善用香港作為中國「引進來」和「走出去」窗口的獨特作用,在內地和香港的快速發展和深度融合中找到更多商機,並 相信「內地+香港+印尼」模式,完全可以成為三方合作的先行者、示範者和早期收穫者。謝鋒當日與印尼貿易部長魯基塔,香港特區政府財政司司長陳茂波,印尼總統香港投資事務特使翁俊民,印尼工商會館主席魯斯拉尼,印尼駐港總領事特里,香港中華總商會會長蔡冠深等嘉賓一道,共同見證印尼香港商會成立。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/12/04/a11-1204.pdf
      • 作為印尼華僑第二代的陳栢林(在印尼從事植物廢料發電的強泰環保(1395)非執董),去年成立香港印尼商會,目的是增進兩地商業上了解及發展,並在港推廣印尼文化等https://hk.finance.appledaily.com/finance/daily/article/20180502/20379083, see also scmp article on the same date

      - leaders' visit

      • http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170502/PDF/a5_screen.pdf印尼總統佐科.維多多訪港第二天,分別與行政長官梁振英和候任 行政長官林鄭月娥見面,又會見本港商界。梁振英表示,香港會積極把 握 「一國」 和 「兩制」 的雙重優勢,進一步加強與印尼等 「一帶一路」 主要貿易夥伴的經貿關係。梁亦指出,香港作為大灣區城市群最國際化 的一個城市,應該將粵港澳大灣區城市群的共同規劃和 「一帶一路」 倡 議結合起來,擴大 「超級聯繫人」 的作用,以獲得香港未來30年在社會 和經濟發展的最大動力。梁又感謝印尼政府協助設立香港駐雅 加達經濟貿易辦事處,期望兩地能夠在不 同領域繼續交流,建立更緊密關係。香港 中華總商會與印尼駐港總領事館昨日於金 鐘港麗酒店聯合主辦 「印尼─香港商界交 流會」,印尼總統佐科.維多多及行政長 官梁振英一同出席交流會,簡介印尼及香 港的營商與投資狀況,並探討雙方以至整 個東亞地區的經貿合作前景。印尼貿易部長Mr Enggartiasto Lukita及 投資協調委員會主席Mr Thomas Lembong 亦介紹當地貿易與投資最新情況和相關政 策改革措施。中總會長蔡冠深、印尼工商 會館總主席羅善(Rosan P Roeslani)分別 致辭,並聯同多間工商機構及團體簽署合 作備忘錄和啟動合作項目。 蔡冠深會後分享交流會的經過。他指 ,港企在印尼投資成功的例子很多,但亦 有少數不太順利,希望印尼方面有部門協 助解決問題,如中小企問題等。蔡冠深認 為,印尼的商務部長反應積極,引述他指 「有問題便找我吧」,又形容會上大家為 找到問題的解決方法感到高興。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/05/02/a20-0502.pdf 蔡冠深其後代表香港中總與印尼工商會館 簽署合作備忘錄。 晤香港內地八大企業代表 據悉,當天中午佐科.維多多總統曾與香 港八家大企業會面,包括中國銀行、華潤集 團、嘉理集團、信和集團、新華集團以及太 古集團等。與會商會代表亦向印尼一方提出 意見,反映當地投資情況,並形容印尼商務 部部長反應積極,會面「大家都開心」。 交流會由香港中華總商會與印尼駐港總領 事館聯合主辦。印尼代表團官員及工商領 袖、香港特區政府官員、各駐港領事、商會 代表、企業家近五百人與會。
      • met li ka shing hkej 3may17 a4

      • 行政长官林郑月娥昨日前往印尼雅加达外访,其间出席印尼香港“一带一路”商贸合作午餐会。她致辞时表示,香港在“一国两制”下拥有独特优势,于“一带一路”倡议中,香港的专业服务优势将能为国家以及“一带一路”沿线国家发挥作用,连接多方的金融、技术及高端服务需求,相信香港未来将更精彩。是次访问印尼为其第五次出访东盟国家,她表示,今届政府非常重视与东盟国家关系,相信未来香港与东盟的商贸及交流将更紧密。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20180426/PDF/a10_screen.pdf
      • cgcc event on obor hkcd 10may18 a15

      - hketo

      • 陳茂波昨以「印尼之行」為題發表網誌指出,上周二他到印尼雅加達訪問,主持香港駐雅加達經濟貿易辦事處正式開幕儀式,以及參加以「一帶一路」為主題的商貿研討會,向印尼政商界推介香港的優勢和兩地的合作機會。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/07/31/a06-0731.pdf

      - opportunities
      • tdc report http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170219/PDF/a14_screen.pdf

      - pki

      • http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20150918/PDF/a3_screen.pdf 為分享本港在電子 支付上的經驗技術,香港公匙基建論壇(PKI Forum)與印尼 公匙基建聯盟簽署合作備忘錄,協助印尼完善公匙基建設施, 加強香港與印尼及其他東盟地區國家的互聯互通。 根據雙方簽訂的備忘錄協定內容,雙方將以 「一帶一路, 邁向數位經濟」為主題,運用公匙基建的技術標準,建立一個 基於政府核證機關的 「跨境可信框架」,設立一套常規化的法 律及營運標準,以支撐受法律約束的數字經濟。 香港公匙基建論壇副主席于常海認為,今次由香港核證機 關和印尼政府核證機關合作開始,相信將可延伸至東盟其他國 家,打造基於政府核證機關的互信平台,在把握 「一帶一路」 的機遇下,打通資金流、物流和資訊流,發揮香港 「超級連絡 人」的紐帶作用。
      - property development
      • 太古地產與 Jakarta Setiabudi Internasional Group 昨宣佈成立合資公司,計劃於印尼雅加達發展豪華住宅項目。合資公司名為 PT Jantra Swarna Dipta (JSD),將結合太古地產專長於設計及發展住宅項目的優勢,以及 Jakarta Setiabudi Internasional Group 於印尼發展房地產的豐富經驗,為日後發展帶來裨益。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/07/03/b08-0703.pdf
      - financial

      • 本港獨角獸企業WeLab昨宣佈,與印 尼 PT Astra International Tbk (「Astra」)旗下子公 司 PT Sedaya Multi Investama(「SMI」),合組合資 公司 PT Astra WeLab Digital Arta(「AWDA」), AWDA將借助大數據技術,為客戶提供多元化的金融 產品及解決方案,同時會針對零售客戶推出手機貸款產 品,及為企業客戶提供金融科技解決方案。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/09/06/b02-0906.pdf
      • 主打「香港人嘅電子錢包」營運商TNG則轉攻海外匯款市場,昨日公布收購印尼電子錢包WalletKu,其將會加入TNG Wallet的網絡,與中國、菲律賓、新加坡、馬來西亞等12個成員的電子錢包用戶實時轉帳,攻佔東南亞市場。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20181019/PDF/b2_screen.pdf

      - medical

      •  消化藥物「易消達」懷疑受霉菌污染,供應商自行下架。食物及衞生局局長陳肇始表示,醫院管理局及衞生署都未接獲市民服用「易消達」後不適的報告,強調本港藥物註冊機制嚴謹,已要求涉事的印尼藥廠提交報告。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20180624/00176_072.html
      - toys

      • http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/01/09/b03-0109.pdf 聯志國際行政總裁譚祖德介紹,為分散中美貿易摩擦帶來的風險,玩具業廠家可選擇「一帶一路」沿線的新興市場國家設廠,他還根據自身經驗建議,亞洲區內,印尼和越南將是最好的選址地。譚祖德透露,公司歷經兩年半在印尼落成工廠並於去年9月開始試產,恰巧遇上中美貿易戰,印尼廠房意外成了公司的庇蔭,顯出價值。

      - cultural
      • 民政事務局局長劉江華代表香港特區政府,昨日在禮 賓府與印尼教育及文化部長Muhadjir Effendy簽署文化 合作諒解備忘錄,梁振英和佐科.維多多亦有出席簽署 儀式。該備忘錄標誌着香港和印尼協力加強兩地的文化 合作,並為促進藝術文化領域上的合作與交流提供框 架,將有助加強雙方緊密的聯繫及增進了解。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/05/02/a06-0502.pdf

      - delegation from hk

      • 特區律政司司長袁國強將於明日至本星期五,率領法律界專業人士代表團訪問印尼雅加達,推廣香港的法律和解決爭議服務。特區政府昨日公佈,袁國強在雅加達將於「國際貿易的關鍵:法律及仲裁」研討會上致開幕辭。該研討會為香港貿易發展局舉辦的「時尚潮流.魅力香港」其中一個主題論壇。他亦會出席由特區行政長官梁振英主持該活動的開幕禮。袁國強和代表團將與印尼的仲裁和調解機構會面,以加強兩地的合作和交流。他亦會與印尼司法官員會面,就雙方關注的議題交換意見。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2015/09/15/a11-0915.pdf, http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20150918/PDF/a3_screen.pdf 律政司司長袁國強昨日下午 在印尼雅加達舉行的 「國際貿易的關鍵:法律 及仲裁」研討會上致辭。他表示,香港具備條 件,在法律風險管理方面為不同司法管轄區的 企業提供服務。 袁國強指,香港作為亞太區主要國際法律 和解決爭議服務中心,可在印尼經濟快速增長 和國際貿易日益增加之際派上用場。他表示, 香港有五個特點,包括法治、獨特的內地優勢 、健全的法律制度、世界級的仲裁機構,以及 多元化的調解服務,歡迎印尼利用香港的平台 拓展國際市場和進入內地市場,期待兩地促進 更緊密的經濟合作。 袁國強正率領法律及仲裁專業人士代表 團訪問雅加達,推廣香港的法律和解決爭 議服務。代表團昨日與多個印尼仲裁和調解 機構的代表會面,今日將與印尼總檢察長H M Prasetyo和司法和人權部長Yasonna Laoly會 面。

      - indonesian investors in hk

      • lazada http://www.hkcd.com.hk/pdf/201508/0819/HA11819CADA.pdf
      • lippo http://www.hkcd.com.hk/pdf/201509/0902/HZ15902CLCA.pdf
      • 郭春秧是早年移居印尼爪哇的福建人,他与家人经营白米、茶叶、糖等生意,其中糖业最为成功,后来成为糖商鉅子。一九二○年代初他来港做生意,营办银行和船务,又在七姊妹(今北角)经营填海及建筑码头,使爪哇运糖船隻得以埋泊。他本打算在新填海地兴建糖厂,但遇上经济不景而作罢,改为兴建住宅,当局将该处一条街道命名为“春秧街”。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170724/PDF/b3_screen.pdf
      - indonesian diaspora
      • 本港有唔少印尼華僑,印尼總統特使翁俊民早前出席印度尼西亞商會創會及就職典禮,有唔少印尼華僑嘅二代,可能喺香港出世,建議佢哋可以返印尼投資,覺得佢哋有唔少優勢,因為本身已經熟悉印尼情況,加上可以書寫印尼文,可以成為印尼同香港之間嘅橋樑同平台。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20171216/00176_133.html
      • 郭君杰 (surname Kaseger) wife' obitruary singtao 28apr17, to be buried in family cemetery in palembang
      • 菊英余門李太孺人(全球國際, pt gajah putah elastic tangerang) obit singtao a21
      • 「美容教母」鄭明明嘅身形多年來都保持不變,喺印尼長大嘅佢就笑言最愛食甜品,尤其係印尼蛋糕,但只限每星期食一次。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20191002/00176_085.html

      - investors from hk

      • http://www.hkcd.com.hk/pdf/201509/0902/HZ15902CLCA.pdf e.g. Kerry Logistics
      • Singtao 23nov15 蕭世和article - biggest inv from 怡置系, 和記港口
      • http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20161124/00184_001.html 在香港上市的安徽國營企業海螺水泥已全面布局,港商可參與入股合作。而在水泥生產價格下降,質量數量供應得到保證,且如海螺水泥也因投資成績而獲得當地政府與社會的支持,港商便可進一步在如首都雅加達進行地產項目的投資。不是投機性的炒賣土地和樓房,若認真地建設與經營地產業務
      - hk people in indonesia

      • 港男移居闖印尼 http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20180305/00269_002.html
      • 在香港土生土長的游錦安(Andrew),兩年前被公司委派到印尼工作,在跨國科技公司工作的Andrew,亦是香港印度尼西亞商會會董。儘管他本身是印尼華僑,但也是直至一八年被委派過去工作,才正式在印尼工作和生活https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20200624/00269_002.html

      - domestic helper

      • http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/education-community/article/2047679/indonesia-reviews-hong-kongs-domestic-worker
      • http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/education-community/article/2054582/indonesian-helpers-hong-kong-gain-renewal-option Indonesian domestic workers and their employers in Hong Kong will no longer be obliged to file contract renewals through agencies from January 1, under a new policy by the country’s consulate in the city that could stop agencies from illegally forcing the workers to pay the renewal fees.
      • http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20170430/00176_043.html印尼總統維多多今日率領代表團訪港兩天,多個印尼勞工組織均期望總統能關注印尼移民工問題,包括訂立法律保障移民工。另外,本港警方亦加強保安措施,在維多多今日會見數千名在港印尼僑民的亞洲博覽館外,加設多重水馬和鐵馬,並在維多多訪港期間可能有臨時交通改道和人流管制措施;亞博館亦指為配合警方的保安措施,所有訪客進入亞博館前均要經過安檢。
      • http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/05/02/a06-0502.pdf 香港特區政府與印尼政府昨日還簽署 了文化合作諒解備忘錄及有關勞工合作的共同聲明,促 進兩地在文化藝術方面的交流及民心相通,並彰顯雙方 保障在港印籍家庭傭工的決心。
      • Plans to stem the flow of Indonesian domestic helpers to Hong Kong appear to have been put on hold after the country’s consul general in the city revealed 5,000 maids had entered Hong Kong in the last five months, more than in the whole of 2016.http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/economy/article/2122338/despite-joko-widodo-pledge-indonesian-domestic-helpers-are
      • 印尼勞動部早前發聲明表示,勞工部長於周三(十八日)簽署行政命令,全面暫停輸出勞工,昨日起生效。聲明指,印尼在防疫期間將暫停海外安置國辦理申請聘請勞工的相關手續,暫未知措施維持到何時。如勞工在命令生效時已獲工作國簽證及交通車票,當地亦無禁止外國勞工入境,則可按原定計劃出發。此外,身處海外的印尼勞工亦可繼續工作直至合約結束,屆時勞工可按勞資雙方共識續約。張結民指出,之前已獲批簽證的印傭可按原定計劃來港工作,暫時未接獲相關求助,而新聘印傭則須待禁令解除才能申請來港簽證,一般需時約三個月,相信屆時會延遲她們的來港時間。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20200321/00176_051.html
      • 印傭介紹所
      • http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20170519/00176_063.html印尼駐港總領事發表聲明,指印尼駐港總領事Tri Tharyat 於本周一(十五日)撤銷廿一間在港的印傭職業介紹所經營證書,以及向三間職業介紹所發出書面通知。聲明指,這是自今年三月一日實施在港印傭職業介紹所行為守則後,首次作出相關制裁行動。

      • 香港童軍新界東地域舊年就嘗試組織首支以印尼傭工為主嘅樂行童軍。香港童軍總會香港總監吳亞明認為印傭喺香港可謂舉目無親,公餘時間就只有跟同鄉席地圍爐,若能參加童軍活動,就會擴闊同城中各個層面嘅接觸,促進了解從而有助融入香港社會。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20190620/00176_085.html

      - news supp
      • 24jun16 scmp

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