Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Civil Service/public administration

Training in Oxford
- http://www.economist.com/news/international/21611149-tight-finances-and-rising-expectations-are-remaking-civil-services-modernising

Government outsourcing
- http://www.economist.com/news/business/21632600-serco-demonstrates-perils-doing-governments-dirty-work-nobody-said-it-was-easy

expressing opinion on government policy
- 澳洲高等法院周三裁定,政府早年解僱一名在網上批評政府移民政策的女公務員合法,並同時確定公務員須無任何政治立場。女公務員的代表律師憂慮,有關裁決對該國二百萬名公務員表達政見將有重大影響。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190808/00180_004.html

revolving door
http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/d53d3798-9b4b-11e4-b651-00144feabdc0.html A “revolving door” between US regulators and banks emphatically exists, according to new statistics published by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, which last year attracted criticism for its alleged coziness to Goldman SachsThe paper published on the New York Fed’s website concludes that banking regulators move into the private sector when the economy is booming, while straitened times result in more former bankers joining regulatory agencies. Restricting hiring by either banks or regulators, however, could result in poor retention of quality staff by government authorities, the study claims.
- usa

  • 美國國防部與國內軍工業的「旋轉門」現象備受爭議之際,美國軍火商洛歇馬丁上周五宣布,美軍參謀長聯席會議前主席鄧福德加入公司董事會。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200127/00180_012.html

- mexico

- EU

  • https://www.ft.com/content/38f96af2-277d-11e8-9274-2b13fccdc744 Europe’s revolving door for less attention-grabbing names who move between the public and private sectors is an equally concerning aspect of the Brussels lobbying industry. This is particularly apparent in the EU quarter of Brussels, where Brexit-related consultancy work is booming. The UK’s opaque road map might confuse and concern many, but that uncertainty helps to feed the lobbying industry. The most lucrative opportunities come from the ability to trade on insider networks. Former EU leaders — member state and institutional — are a major currency but Brussels officials are particularly attractive, given their detailed, technical knowledge of the files. EU institutions are alive to this, and do try to contain the more blatant attempts to profit. So-called “cooling off” rules for commissioners have recently been strengthened. But the usefulness of insiders to lobbying firms, corporations and regimes in need of a boost to their image ensures that there is a constant battle between the ethical demands of the administration and the commercial or political needs of others. One Brussels firm boasts “former top EU officials, leading and high-profile EU politicians and high-profile EU attorneys” and talks up its “wins” for clients through shifting EU institutional and member state opinion. Others, as an enticement, detail the precise roles former officials have had in formulating specific EU regulations. The lack of scrutiny by the citizens of member states can allow the well networked to influence regulation by smooth insertions or deletions of critical amendments, the relevance of which may not become apparent for a long time. Geopolitics, and the EU’s increasing global regulatory role, demands and ensures a stream of post-mandate high-flyers with influential former networks.
- china

  • 各部委的新聞發言人是官場上出鏡最多的群體之一,其知名度不亞於部長。而如今,他們也成為辭職比例最高的群體。眾多發言人選擇辭官,加盟民營企業,放棄充滿變數的「高官」夢想,選擇真金白銀的「高管」現實。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20191220/00184_010.html

conflict of interest
- “Jennifer Arcuri, Boris Johnson’s ‘technology advisor’, will give her first world exclusive TV interview to GMB live tomorrow morning,” he wrote, before inviting the prime minister to appear on the show as well at 8am. Ms Arcuri is alleged to have had an affair with Mr Johnson while she was seeking to establish herself as a technology entrepreneur.Her companies have received a total of £126,000 of public money, including £10,000 in sponsorship cash from an organisation Mr Johnson was responsible for as London mayor in 2013, according to a Sunday Times investigation.
He attended several events promoting her company, wrote her a reference for a job as chief executive of a government-funded tech firm, and allowed her to join his overseas trade missions, it is claimed.The prime minister is facing a possible investigation by the Independent Office for Police Conduct into whether he breached laws on misconduct in public office and the London Assembly has asked for details of his relationship with Ms Arcuri to establish whether there was a potential conflict of interest. A Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport investigation is under way into a £100,000 grant made to a company run by Ms Arcuri.https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/jennifer-arcuri-gmb-tv-interview-boris-johnson-piers-morgan-affair-a9144931.html
- 加拿大道德委員會專員戴恩(Mario Dion)前日表示,總理杜魯多涉與取得政府學生資助計劃管理權的慈善機構有利益衝突,正調查事件。這是杜魯多上任後第三次因涉及利益衝突受查。杜魯多上月底宣布,作為新冠肺炎疫情紓困措施之一,政府將向學生提供助學金。對計劃於暑假做義工的高等院校學生及應屆畢業生,提供一千加元(約五千七百零七港元)至五千加元(約二萬八千港元),項目涉額逾九億加元(約五十一億四千萬港元)。政府把項目管理權交給當地慈善組織We Charity,杜魯多日前稱該組織是國內唯一有能力執行上述項目的機構,迅即惹來反對黨及其他慈善機構質疑。杜魯多一家被指與We Charity關係密切,杜魯多及其母多次出席該組織的活動,妻子格雷瓜爾是組織的形象大使。在野保守黨國會議員巴雷特及新民主黨議員安格斯分別去信戴恩,要求調查杜魯多是否違反《利益衝突法》,該法禁止公職人員作出加強自身或他人利益的決定。調查會秘密進行,完成後公開報告。We Charity與政府已即時終止合作關係。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200705/00180_020.html

receiving donation, gifts
The Tillman Act of 1907 (34 Stat. 864) (January 26, 1907) was the first legislation in the United States prohibiting monetary contribution to national political campaigns by corporations. Following the presidential election of 1904, charges were made against the victor, Theodore Roosevelt, regarding his acceptance of corporate contributions to his campaign. Roosevelt repeated his call in the report to Congress for 1906, saying "I again recommend a law prohibiting all corporations from contributing to the campaign expenses of any party. Such a bill has already passed one House of Congress. Let individuals contribute as they desire; but let us prohibit in effective fashion all corporations from making contributions for any political purpose, directly or indirectly."In response to Roosevelt's call, Senator Benjamin Tillman of South Carolina sponsored the bill that became known as the Tillman Act. 
-Japan's new trade minister has resigned, after being accused of violating election law. Media reports said Isshu Sugawara gave his Tokyo constituents expensive melons, oranges, roe and royal jelly.He is also said to have offered "condolence money" of 20,000 Japanese yen ($185; £145) to the family of a supporter.Japan's election law bans politicians from sending donations to voters in their home constituency.The allegations first surfaced in weekly magazine Shukan Bunshun, which said that Mr Sugawara's secretary had offered about 20,000 yen to the family of a constituent who had passed away.It is customary in Japan to give money as a condolence to grieving families - what is known as "incense money".The magazine also printed lists of gifts that had been sent by his office, including cod roe and oranges, as well as the thank you letters he allegedly received from the recipients. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-50178408

approval of infrastructure projects
- punishment for wrong decision

  • 哈薩克總統托卡耶夫周二質疑,跟中國合作在首都努爾蘇丹(前名阿斯塔納)興建輕鐵的計劃,令國家陷入財困,下令調查前高官,追究責任。該項計劃涉及興建廿二公里長的輕鐵,以趕及二○一七年博覽會時招待旅客,惟最終工程進度落後,並出現財困。托卡耶夫指該項輕鐵計劃最初就不應獲批,質疑財政上難以負擔,十分有問題。他敦促反貪部門深入調查,而部分相關人士已逃往海外。但由於退出輕鐵計劃要繳付巨額罰款,因此托卡耶夫表示會完成工程。托卡耶夫未有指明誰人要負責,但傳媒相信目標是前總統納扎爾巴耶夫的親信或前親信。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191010/00178_005.html
appointments to close relatives

- public money to thank supporters

  • 日本首相安倍晉三日前被指在 一年一度的賞櫻會上,邀請來自其家鄉的 支持者並為他們提供優待。日本政府13日 宣布,2020年賞櫻會停辦,政府將考慮縮 減今後活動的預算和賓客人數。 日本政府自1952年起在東京新宿御苑 舉辦賞櫻會,邀請社會各界表現卓越的人 士與首相一同賞櫻,費用由政府承擔。安 倍執政期間,賞櫻會預算大幅增加。 在野黨早前批評指,來自安倍家鄉 山口縣的其後援會成員在今年賞櫻會上 被安排組團赴東京賞櫻,違反《公職選舉 法》。 安倍否認有關指控,不過政府13日仍 宣布停辦明年的賞櫻會,考慮縮減今後活 動的預算和賓客人數。日本內閣官房長官 菅義偉14日表示,停辦決定 「由安倍作出 」 ,將全面重新審視賞櫻會的預算和招待 人數,並明確參會人選標準。政府相關人 士稱,政府正探討自後年起將招待人數減 半。 此外,多名安倍後援會相關人士日前 證實,他們曾被安倍事務所職員安排乘坐 巴士赴東京,他們的隨身行李也沒有受到 檢查。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20191116/PDF/a23_screen.pdf
  • 政府は29日の閣議で、安倍晋三首相主催の「桜を見る会」に首相の妻昭恵氏が推薦した参加者が含まれていることに関し、「首相夫人は公人でなく私人との認識は変わりない」との答弁書を改めて閣議決定した。立憲民主党の熊谷裕人参院議員の質問主意書に答えた。https://mainichi.jp/articles/20191129/k00/00m/010/096000c

pay rise exceeding pay scale
- australia

  • ttps://www.theaustralian.com.au/commentary/strewth/word-of-mouse/news-story/7f3da1a52c7aec40cbdf5cea52a0f459 According to the Department of Finance, as of October 1 the Prime Minister has signed off on 52 “personal staff” in his ministerial wing being paid a “salary that is above the top of the range of their classification”, adding an extra $1,414,272 a year to the budget. So, who are they and how much are we paying them? We don’t know. The department won’t disclose which offices they work in or the exact dollar amounts they’re taking home. However, we do know it’s above the $269,631 salary plus $32,846 benefits package (including a private plate vehicle) paid to other senior staff. That means the favoured 52 are likely earning more than the average backbench politician, who as of July 1 has a base salary of $211,250 plus entitlements. Since the government’s surprise return in May, 10 people have been bumped up to the mystery bonus amount, at a cost of $260,272. By comparison, when Malcolm Turnbull was prime minister back on February 27 last year there were 26 staff paid “above the range” with an annual additional cost of $761,004.
suing government
- 法國新冠肺炎疫情放緩之際,多名受害人近日計劃入稟法院,指控政府未能在危機中保護國民,亦希望尋找是否有官員失職。下議院國民會議已經成立調查委員會,傳召衞生部總幹事薩洛蒙(Jerome Salomon)出席聽證會。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200617/00180_021.html

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