- grimaldi family
- In 1419, the Grimaldi family acquired Monaco from the French ruling family of Aragon. Monaco has since been under Spanish, Italian and Sardinian protection. In 1793, French revolutionary troops captured Monaco, keeping it until 1814, when the Grimaldi family returned to power. Today, Monaco is governed by a constitutional monarchy, but is a protectorate of France. The sheltered harbor of Monaco was initially inhabited by the Greeks in 6 BC, who named it Monoikos. Legend has it that Hercules passed through Monaco and a temple was built to honor him, the Temple of Monoikos. Historically, Monaco was part of France, but in 1215, it became a colony of Genoa through a land grant from Emperor Henry VI. The Grimaldi family settled in Monaco in 1297 and ancestors of the family have controlled the principality for over 715 years now.
- The International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) is the inter-governmental organisation representing hydrography. A principal aim of the IHO is to ensure that the world’s seas, oceans and navigable waters are properly surveyed and charted. It does this through the setting of international standards, the co-ordination of the endeavours of the world's national hydrographic offices, and through its capacity building programme. The IHO enjoys observer status at the United Nations where it is the recognised competent authority on hydrographic surveying and nautical charting. When referring to hydrography and nautical charting in Conventions and similar Instruments, it is the IHO standards and specifications that are normally used. The IHO was established in 1921 as the International Hydrographic Bureau (IHB). The present name was adopted in 1970 as part of a new international Convention on the IHO adopted by the then member nations. The former name International Hydrographic Bureau was retained to describe the IHO secretariat until 8 November 2016, when a revision to the Convention on the IHO entered in to force. Thereafter the IHB became known as the "IHO Secretariat", comprising an elected Secretary-General and two supporting Directors, together with a small staff of 17, at the Organization's headquarters in Monaco.
- 中國國家海洋局去年向國際海底地名分委會(SCUFN)提交五十項「海底命名」申請,據報命名地點大多位於日本專屬經濟區附近,惟其中卅四項申請因「很可能演變為與沿岸國家的糾紛,令人嚴重擔憂」遭拒。日本政府對此表示關注,更有日媒認為中日兩國已打響海底地形「命名戰」。
- 日本傳媒報道,國際海底地形名稱小組委員會(SCUFN)日前發表審查結果,承認日本所申請的三十四個海底地名,包括以日本文豪夏目漱石及芥川龍之介命名的「漱石海脊」和「龍之介海山」等。報道認為此次命名是為了對抗中國,因中國申請命名的海底地點,不少都相當接近日本專屬經濟區和大陸架。
- Monaco Telecom is the main telecommunications provider in the Principality of Monaco. The company was founded in 1997 following a decision by the government of Monaco to privatize the state-owned Office Monégasque des Téléphones.Monaco Telecom holds a 36.37% stake in Roshan, Afghanistan's leading telecommunications provider, and is the technical lead for the deployment of the Roshan's mobile-telephone network in Afghanistan. Deployment of the network was completed in July 2003. Since 2006, Monaco Telecom has been providing OnAir with infrastructure enabling in-flight connectivity—via GSM and IP networks—on several Airbus aircraft. In June 2006, OnAir extended its agreement with Monaco Telecom to include the development and management of its entire land-based network supporting GSM and GPRS calls originating from anywhere in the world. In 1999, at the end of the war in the former Yugoslavia, Monaco Telecom bid for and won a United Nations contract to deploy and extend the PTK-Vala GSM network in Kosovo. Today, the mobile network covers over 99% of the population, with more than 1.2 million subscribers. In August 2012, Monaco Telecom sold its stake in its subsidiary, Afinis Communications - a Casablanca, Morocco-based telecommunications provider serving Africa's largest corporations - to SkyVision.
- Silversea Cruises is a luxury cruise line with its headquarters in Monaco owned by Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. Founded in 1994 by the Vlasov Group of Monaco and the Lefebvre family of Rome it pioneered all-inclusive cruising with its first ship, Silver Cloud. On 18 June 2012, Silversea acquired Canodros S.A., an Ecuadorian tourism company that operated in the Galapagos Islands. The purchase of the line also included the former Renaissance ship Galapagos Explorer II. She was subsequently moved into the Silversea Expeditions brand along with Silver Explorer. The Silver Galapagos entered service in September 2013. On 24 July 2013, CNN aired a report of a Silversea cruiseship, Silver Shadow failing a CDC inspection by hiding trolleys of food in crew cabins. On 14 June 2018, it was announced that Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. had purchased a majority stake in Silversea for approximately $1 billion. Following the announcement, Silversea ordered three new ships: two Evolution Class vessels to be built by Meyer Werft to be delivered beginning 2022 and one expedition vessel from Shipyard De Hoop to be delivered in March 2020.
- Silver Spirit is a luxury cruise ship operated by Silversea Cruises, a privately owned luxury cruise line. The sixth ship of the Silversea fleet, she entered service in 2009.
- 緬甸今天(3日)拒絕一艘曾在疫情國家靠岸的「銀神號」郵輪靠岸,擔心郵輪乘客可能帶來新型冠狀病毒。
- Construction has begun on a $2bn (£1.5bn) scheme to reclaim land from the sea around Monaco so that more luxury apartments can be built for the thousands of extra millionaires expected to move to the principality in the next 10 years. Nearly 35 in every 100 Monaco residents are millionaires and more of the global super-rich want to join them. Around 2,700 more are expected to call Monaco home by 2026, according to research by estate agent Knight Frank, taking the total to 16,100 out of a total population of under 38,000. But the sovereign city-state – which is only slightly bigger than Regent’s Park in London – has run out of space for those seeking the “fiscal advantages” that the tax haven offers.To attract the world’s wealthy, Prince Albert II, the reigning monarch, has approved the “offshore urban extension project”, which will add six hectares (15 acres) to Monaco’s 202 hectares. This will allow the creation of 120 luxury homes selling for more than $100,000 per sq metre – more expensive than One Hyde Park in London and 15 Central Park West in Manhattan.
- 徐楓(1950年12月17日-),生於臺灣臺北,籍貫江蘇寶應,為女演員、電影製片人,以及企業家,現任摩納哥駐上海榮譽領事。1966年,徐楓為籌學費考入聯邦影業公司,於胡金銓所導的《龍門客棧》(1967)初登大螢幕,飾演于謙之女,戲份頗少。翌年胡金銓起用徐楓主演《俠女》,徐楓以此片走紅、赴康城參展,奠定電影事業基礎—她視胡金銓導演為恩師,長期合作;曾主演過多部電影,但仍以武俠電影中的冷艷俠女形象最為觀眾熟悉。1976年,她以《刺客》獲得第13屆金馬獎最佳女主角。同年,以《八百壯士》謝晉元的夫人維誠一角,獲得亞洲影展「演技特別獎」。1980年以《源》再度獲得第17屆金馬獎的最佳女主角。1979年5月3日,徐楓與企業家湯君年結婚[3],並於1984年成立湯臣電影公司,轉入幕後擔任製片,製作過二十五部電影。目前,徐楓為湯臣集團董事長[4]。2001年徐楓獲摩納哥王室委任為「

- 湯臣集團大股東湯君年昨天凌晨二時多因糖尿病併發症,不幸病逝香港養和醫院,得年五十六歲,由於事出突然,湯君年的後事都未定,湯臣在上海有一家族墓園,湯君年最後可能長眠於上海出生地。湯臣穩坐上海浦東開發龍頭,有台商就說,從長線來看,湯君年捨台灣就上海,其實是很有遠見的,目前總資產累積到兩百億元。這一兩年他身體不佳,兩個成年的兒子已經進入事業體接班,徐楓更是湯臣集團執行者,今年五月三日徐楓斥資兩百萬元台幣在上海舉行「湯家百歲家宴」,那天是婆婆湯王琬琪八十高壽,次子湯珈鋮二十歲,更是她和夫婿湯君年二十五周年的結婚紀念日。徐楓邀請各地親友到上海參與湯家的百歲宴,藝人林熙蕾、林心如都是座上賓,沒想到竟是湯家最後一次三代同堂一起慶祝。婚後徐楓淡出影壇,育有二子,湯君年十二年前轉往上海浦東發展,建構浦東高爾夫球場別墅區,徐楓的親友都以為婚後的她可過著少奶奶悠哉生活。但徐楓難捨對電影的熱愛,一九八四年把湯君年送給她的私房錢拿去成立湯臣電影公司. 二十年來湯臣製拍了二十五部電影。其中《霸王別姬》還在一九九三年,奪下中國電影首座坎城影展最高榮譽金棕櫚獎。湯臣電影也為本土培育了不少紅星,包括陳德容、林瑞陽、岳翎、吳大維、俞小凡、張世、林健寰等。湯君年曾獲得上海代表最高榮譽的「白玉蘭獎章」,聲望很高。但一九九六年他曾在香港因被控串謀詐騙等罪名,遭香港警方拘捕。徐楓妹妹徐杰也牽涉其中,徐楓連夜為老公等五人籌措鉅額保釋金。湯君年等人雖於一九九八年都獲判無罪,但他認為名譽已遭受損害,此事件嚴重打擊湯君年、徐楓的身、心理健康,兩人的憂鬱症病情也因此案件加重。 湯君年一九九六年因為收購香港奔達公司,被控串謀詐騙香港證監會,被香港警方逮捕,並被要求兩千萬元港幣﹙約九千萬台幣﹚的保釋金,以及一位資產超過兩千萬港幣的人士擔保,徐楓一夜之間籌措到巨額保釋金,後來湯君年為了解除出入境限制,還多繳了一千萬元港幣保釋金。雖然湯君年等人在一九九八年獲判無罪,但他很在意自己的清譽,認為此一事件將他的聲譽毀於一旦,徐楓也因為忙於為丈夫奔走,健康大不如前,夫妻兩人等案件結束後很久,才慢慢的恢復健康。此事讓湯君年決定遠離香港,將主戰場轉到上海,並長住上海。他曾說:「我這一輩子就在浦東了,浦東是我的最後一站。」
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