Wednesday, June 24, 2020

government procurement

procurement criteria to change society  Public spending has an extremely large footprint, typically representing 15-30% of GDP. Which projects governments choose to spend money on—and who they spend it with—therefore makes a substantive difference. Rather than being “neutral”, such spending will positively or negatively impact everything from local employment to levels of carbon emissions, making public spending integral to many of the SDGs. Adopted by UN member states in 2015, the SDGs set out 17 clear goals aimed at reducing poverty, hunger and disease, building peaceful, inclusive and equal societies, protecting the planet and supporting sustainable economic growth. These are bold aims. But the goals, through their many targets and indicators, also lay out a critical guide for how countries ought to steer money and government policy towards areas where they can do the most good. In this respect, how local and national economies spend money will be just as important as what they spend it on.

lowest bidder 
- south africa - reserves right not to award to lowest bidder

The RFI is a voluntary information gathering process regarding a possible future operating model for DVA’s rehabilitation services. Through the RFI, DVA is seeking to collect information and opinions from interested parties involved in the delivery of medical, allied health, occupational, and other rehabilitation services. The RFI will invite interested parties to provide information on market developments, service delivery or product solutions and other relevant information to meet DVA’s requirements and facilitates an opportunity for industry to inform DVA on innovative options to achieve Program outcomes. The ultimate aim is for DVA to be an informed buyer for any future approaches to market.The RFI will not be a pre-condition to any future procurement process, but enables DVA to progress through further Future Rehabilitation Services Program development with an informed understanding of current industry practices and developments.



EU's new rules on public contracts and concessions
Public contracts and concessions are tools to modernise the public sector and contribute to a more equitable and sustainable model of growth. The rules we have adopted will allow public policymakers to use these tools more effectively, and at the same time make the best use of taxpayers' money. The simplification and legal certainty brought about by this reform will mean that public contracts can be managed more easily and effectively, with savings in terms of time and resources for both public clients and enterprises, in particular SMEs. Social inclusion, the environment and innovation are also recognised as priorities in their own right, allowing public policymakers to opt for the best offer rather than simply the cheapest one

hong kong
- conned

- suing govt

  • 電訊盈科旗下公司九年前與政府簽約,為政府製作及管理社會保障電腦系統工程,期間並要處理合約範圍以外的修改。電盈現在聲稱政府其後無理終止相關合約,日前遂入稟高等法院原訟庭提出民事訴訟,指政府屬不合法解約,要求政府賠償三億五千萬元。
- prosecution
  • 物流服務署曾購入一批口罩分發予各部門,但該批口罩被指懷疑附有虛假商品說明,最終要停用及回收。海關昨就案件公布案情,指有供應商向政府物流署供應懷疑附有虛假商品說明的外科口罩,兩間涉案供應商的兩名董事及兩名職員共四人,因涉嫌違反《商品說明條例》而被捕。
  • 香港應用科技研究院有限公司研究及發展總監劉文建(四十九歲),隱瞞自己、其妻子和好友直接或間接持有兩間供應商利益,將應科院總值逾五十三萬元訂單批予該兩間公司,劉早前被裁定公職人員行為失當罪罪成,昨在沙田法院判刑。裁判官判劉入獄六個月,但考慮到他對社會和科研界的貢獻,定罪亦已令他失去一切,加上已被還押十四天,故准他緩刑兩年半。
  • 香港特區政府於前日向高院入稟,就已竣工十三年,於去年發生鋼纜疑因生銹折斷事件的深港西部通道工程,向六名承建商及工程顧問公司索償。政府指由於各被告的疏忽及違約令政府蒙受損失,因此要求對方賠償及擔保政府日後的損失。
  • 政府物流服務署疑再被騙,該署昨表示,今年三月以近一億元購入三千二百萬個聲稱由日本生產的口罩,其後揭發該批口罩並非全數來自日本,案件轉交海關跟進,涉事口罩現時全部在物流署儲存,未有分發給任何政府部門使用。海關表示,前日拘捕兩名涉案男女,兩人獲准保釋候查。

northern ireland

- (search by tender)


south africa

- emergency reserve
  • Switzerland faces a shortage of the raw material needed to make disinfectant to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic after the country abandoned its emergency reserve of 10,000 tonnes of ethanol two years ago, newspaper Tages-Anzeiger reported on Monday (Apr 6). Switzerland keeps emergency stockpiles of everything from coffee, wheat, rice and cooking oil. In 2018, the country ended its longtime practice of stocking ethanol as part of efforts to privatise the country's alcohol market, the Swiss newspaper said. The decision has contributed to shortages of disinfectant - it disappeared weeks ago from many store shelves as people stocked up - prompting distilleries, wineries and even beer brewers to begin making it.

- government procurement law passed in 1998
- 兩岸關係持續陷入僵局,大陸暫停赴台個人遊後,台灣當局即出手反制,台媒報道,台灣高鐵為採購新列車招標,上月廣邀請全球廠商參與,卻拒絕大陸廠商入標。

- A new standard public sector contract has been introduced across government today as part of an effort to meet the Whitehall target for one third of its procurement budget to be spent with small- and medium-sized firms (SMEs). The changes, led by Chris Stanley, a lawyer within the Government Legal Department's (GLD) commercial law group, have condensed and simplified the existing Crown Commercial Service (CCS) contract terms into a new slimline public sector contract framework.
The new terms will offer SMEs a more user-friendly route to government work and a quicker, more streamlined way of working, according to GLD. They will be applied first to the facilities management contracts from today.

- 美國司法部長巴爾周三去信聯邦通訊委員會(FCC),指中國科技巨企華為及中興通訊不可信兼構成安全風險,因此支持郊區無線電訊商禁用八十五億美元(約六百六十三億港元)政府撥款,購買上述企業的設備及服務。美國商務部長羅斯表示,中美貿易談判代表周五舉行電話通話,但補充仍可能下月十五日如期對中國進口貨加徵關稅。
- dispute cases

  • 美國國防部價值可達一百億美元(約七百八十億港元)的雲端運算項目「聯合企業國防基建」(JEDI)合約,上月由電腦公司微軟擊敗大熱門亞馬遜子公司奪得。亞馬遜發言人周四表示,計劃提出正式的法律訴訟,抗議當局的有關決定。防長埃斯珀翌日回應稱,投標過程自由公正,沒有受到外部影響。
  • 美國國防部去年為雲端運算項目「聯合企業國防基建」(JEDI)的一百億美元(約七百八十億港元)合約招標,最終由電腦巨企微軟擊敗大熱的亞馬遜子公司奪得。國防部監察總長前日公布調查結果,表示未能排除白宮影響五角大樓決定的可能性。


third party sites
- (uk and eu)

Procurex Scotland
- Procurex Wales

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