- https://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy/article/3039110/can-china-outsmart-united-states-race-build-smart-cities A year ago, US Vice-President Mike Pence announced that the United States would support a Southeast Asian plan to transform the region’s rapidly growing cities into hi-tech hubs. The scheme, known as the Asean Smart Cities Network, involves 26 cities – from Bangkok to Yangon – that had come together to tackle shared problems associated with rapid urbanisation and expanding populations. The plan was to embark on a digital makeover and apply cutting-edge technologies to everything from dealing with river pollution and fighting disease, to improving tax collection and cutting crime.For the US, which has been watching China steadily increase its economic influence in the region – breaking ground first on railways, ports and motorways via its Belt and Road Initiative, and later with cell towers, fibre optic cables and municipal surveillance equipment built by its tech companies – getting involved was an attempt to keep a stake in the digital revolution unfolding in the nearly US$3 trillion Asean (Association of Southeast Nations) economy.The move would “spur renewed American investment in the region’s digital infrastructure”, Pence said at the plan’s launch in November 2018, where he also promised an initial US investment of US$10 million.
- 加拿大政府二○一七年宣布,與Alphabet子公司、美國科企Google的姐妹公司Sidewalk Labs合作,將多倫多東面的舊碼頭區建設成未來智能城市;但計劃書中的數據收集科技引起私隱憂慮。Sidewalk Labs去年十一月重交計劃書,但負責審批的專家小組前日發表報告,表示仍未滿意其修訂。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200228/00180_009.html
- 因應新冠肺炎疫症對經濟帶來嚴重衝擊,美國Google的姊妹公司Sidewalk Labs周四突然宣布,終止在加拿大多倫多發展智慧城市的計畫。這個項目之前已引發可能侵犯私隱的憂慮。 Sidewalk Labs稱,在新冠疫情大流行後,經濟不明朗和多倫多房地產市場受壓等因素,促使該公司決定終止該項智慧城市計畫。據一名知情人士說,成本是另一個主要因素。Google母公司Alphabet已向Sidewalk投入了數億美元,其中大部分被指定用於多倫多項目。 https://std.stheadline.com/daily/article/2208426/日報-國際-Google棄多倫多建智慧城市
- pan city https://www.mygov.in/poll/pan-city-solutions/
- Chennai
- chennai smart city ltd https://cscl.co.in/index.php/about-us
- incorporated in 2016
- Real-time monitoring of neighbourhoods using facial recognition cameras and other Smart City projects will start by August 3, covering over 700 spots across the city. With the Chennai Corporation asking vendors to complete work on installation of various Smart City facilities in 60 days, work on the command and control centre has also started at the Ripon Buildings. “The key equipment for the command and control centre has been installed in the Ripon Buildings. A pilot project for the installation of smart poles at Jeeva Park has started. Emergency call box has been installed in the park. At least 100 parks, such as the Natesan Park and Panagal Park, will get smart poles shortly,” an official said. “Any resident who needs assistance from the Corporation, the police or any civic agency can press the button in the emergency call box of the smart poles and personnel at the control centre at the Ripon Buildings will be able to see the video of the resident and take action in real time. “There will be a two-way video communication,” an official said.https://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/chennai/countdown-begins-to-real-time-monitoring-of-city-facial-recognition-cameras-smart-poles-to-be-operational-by-august/article27699881.ece
- 日本豐田汽車宣布將在富士山腳下,建設採用AI及自動駕駛等先進技術、面積約七十萬平方米的次世代城市。市內交通運輸全賴無人駕駛汽車,居民亦可透過專用機械人和AI,檢測健康狀況。日本傳媒周日(26日)報道,豐田社長豐田章男早前在美國拉斯維加斯舉辦的國際消費電子產品展覽(CES)上,介紹名為「Woven City」的次世代城市計劃將於明年動工,預計五年內完成,建成後可容納約二千人居住。屆時街道將劃分為車輛專用、行人專用、低速車輛與行人共用的道路,並以豐田開發的自動電動車「e-Palette」穿梭其中。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200128/00180_030.html
- https://www.techinasia.com/singapore-firm-blockchain-tech-build-smart-citySingaporean startup Limestone Network is looking to transform the face of Southeast Asia by building smart cities powered by blockchain technology – starting with an ambitious 100-hectare mixed-use development project in the heart of the Cambodian capital, Phnom Penh.
- shenzhen
- 深圳市土地房產交易中心昨出 讓兩宗用地,騰訊科技以 85.2億元(人民幣,下同)底價拿下其中一塊大 型工業用地 A002-0076。據悉,騰訊中標的地塊將建設 200萬平方米的互 聯網+未來科技城,將包括會議中心、酒店、科技展覽館、1座數據及智慧 控制中心,將可以容納 7.5萬名員工。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/11/30/b02-1130.pdf
- Tencent’s ambitious new urban development project pays tribute to its roots. The planned 132.6-hectare Net City in Shenzhen’s Dachanwan port area, slated to start construction by the end of this year, is designed to reflect the “distributed network of the internet itself”, according to Jonathan Ward, a design partner at Seattle-based architectural firm NBBJ, the designers for the project. “A typical city calls for simplistic and efficient zoning to keep everything under strict control and facilitate the flow of goods, cars and people,” Ward said.“This principle was driven by a love for the industrial age machine. In today’s computer-driven world, we are free to imagine a highly integrated city that brings ‘work, live, play’ closer together to foster more synergy between people.”https://www.scmp.com/tech/innovation/article/3088632/tencent-plans-futuristic-neighbourhood-shenzhen-inspired-internets
- 近日,工信部 印發《 「5G+工業互聯網」 512工程推進方案》, 特別提出推進5G、工業互聯網等信息技術在垂直 領域的融合應用以及向服務業滲透,服務智慧城 市建設。在近日公示的國家重點研發計劃 「物聯網與 智慧城市關鍵技術及示範」 重點專項中,京東城 市牽頭承擔的 「國家中心城市數據管控與知識萃 取技術和系統應用」 位列其中。 項目負責人、京東數字科技集團首席數據科 學家鄭宇說,該項目通過時空數據引擎等技術有 效解決智慧城市建設中數據難以互通共享的難題 。目前已為數十座城市的智能化建設提供支持。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20191130/PDF/a9_screen.pdf
- 內地自今年一月一日起,將公路省界收費站改為電子收費系統(ETC)自動收費,惟在更新系統期間,多次出現收費金額不均問題,導致多名車主投訴。江蘇南京律師崔武在上周四因ETC收費站不顯示收費金額,向法院提交起訴書,正式對涉事江蘇通行寶智慧交通科技股份有限公司提出訴訟。(綜合報道)https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200121/00178_025.html
- 「城市大腦」智慧城市管理系統,杭州各個小區正進行精準防控http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200218/PDF/a14_screen.pdf
- 香港是否也需要推出相關的《網絡安全法》?其實全球有超過120個國家於購買SIM卡的時候,已經需要強制實名登記,而大概只有40個國家或城市,是毋須實名登記購買SIM卡,香港便是其中一個城市。購買SIM卡或者電訊服務需要實名登記,是因為近年有很多不同的服務,例如網上銀行、電子支付、網上購物、通訊軟件甚至乎是電郵或者社交媒體登入,都需要利用電話號碼作兩步驗證(2-Step Verification)。鑑於已有太多電話詐騙案,是利用沒有登記的SIM卡(俗稱太空卡)犯案,所以實名登記SIM卡,是有效打擊電話騙案的其中一個方法。香港經過接近半年的社會動盪,政府及執法部門與香港市民的矛盾凸顯,彼此互信降低,多次傳出港府為了「止暴制亂」希望可以監控網絡,如果現時希望推行相關法例,包括購買預付SIM卡需要實名登記的話,相信會遇到不少業界及市民的異議,加上十一月選舉結果下,此舉變相「火上加油」,對明年香港局勢影響甚大。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/finance/20191203/00275_001.html
- smart city expo
- http://www.smartcityexpo.com/
- https://eiuperspectives.economist.com/infrastructure-cities/accelerating-urban-intelligence-people-business-and-cities-tomorrow
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