Sunday, April 14, 2019


- scmp 24feb19 "royals with a cause"

甲金文象陵墓中放置棺木的木室的平面圖,是出土商代大型墓葬中最常見的墓葬形式。字形本義是木室的平面圖。甲金文構形主要有二說:一說象房屋形,與四合院相近的建築平面圖(何金松),一說象陵墓、墓道之形(李孝定、何琳儀)。周法高認為可能是明堂宗廟的象徵性建築。按出土商代大型墓葬放棺木的地方的平面多作「」字形,2013年1月湖北省隨州市發現罕見「」字形東周曾國古墓,與甲金文字形完全相同,而金文族徽文字多以「」為邊框,內含圖形文字多生活有關,故「」字象墓葬木室之形。甲骨文用為官職名,又表示次,如「亞祖乙」之亞,表示第二(陳夢家)。金文多用於氏族徽號,作為徽號的邊框。又用為職官名,如「大亞」、「多亞」、「走亞」為武官。又用為族氏名,亞魚鼎:「壬申,王易亞魚貝」。 簡帛文字多通讀為「」,《郭店簡.性自命出》:「好亞(惡),眚(性)也;所好所亞(惡),物也。」《馬王堆.老子乙本》:「天下皆知美之為美,亞(惡)已」。《說文》:「醜也。象人局背之形。賈侍中說:以爲次弟也。凡亞之屬皆从亞。」段玉裁注:「亞與惡音義皆同。故詛楚文『亞駞』,《禮記》作『惡池』。《史記》盧綰孫他之封惡谷,《漢書》作『亞谷』。」亞, looks like cross in oracle and 金文
國家主席習近平15日在北京國家會議中心出席亞洲文明對話大會開幕式,並發表題為《深化文明交流互鑒 共建亞洲命運共同體》的主旨演講,指出璀璨的亞洲文明為世界文明發展史書寫了濃墨重彩的篇章。亞洲人民期待一個和平安寧、共同繁榮、開放融通的亞洲。我們應該堅持相互尊重、平等相待,美人之美、美美與共,開放包容、互學互鑒,與時俱進、創新發展,夯實共建亞洲命運共同體、人類命運共同體的人文基礎。習近平強調,中華文明是在同其他文明不斷交流互鑒中形成的開放體系。未來之中國,必將以更加開放的姿態擁抱世界、以更有活力的文明成就貢獻世界。,
  • note hkcd 16may19 a1 picture showing 我们的亚细亚

Yarlung Tsangpo is the longest river ofTibet. It is the upper stream ofBrahmaputra River which flows through its origin, Tibet, known by its Tibetan name. It originates at Angsi Glacier in western Tibet southeast of Mount Kailash and Lake Manasarovar. It later forms the South Tibet Valley and Yarlung Tsangpo Grand Canyonbefore passing through the state ofArunachal PradeshIndia, where it is known as Siang. It is sometimes called Yarlung Zangbo orYarlung Zangbo Jiang (Tibetan: ཡར་ཀླུངས་གཙང་པོ་Wylie: yar kLungs gTsang po,ZYPY: Yarlung Zangbo), or Yalu Zangbu River (simplified Chinese: 雅鲁藏布江; traditional Chinese: 雅魯藏布江; pinyin: Yǎlǔ Zàngbù Jiāng). The part Tsangpo denotes a river flowing from or through Tsang, meaning Tibet west of LhasaDownstream from Arunachal Pradesh the river becomes wider and at this point is called the Siang. After reaching Assam, the river is known as Brahmaputra. From Assam, the river enters Bangladesh at Ramnabazar. From there until about 200 years ago it used to flow eastward and joined the Meghna River near Bhairab Upazila. This old channel has been gradually dying now. At present the main channel of the river is called Jamuna River, which flows southward to meet Ganges, which in Bangladesh is called the PadmaWhen leaving the Tibetan Plateau, the Yarlung River forms the world's largest and deepest canyon, Yarlung Tsangpo Grand Canyon.[2] The gorge has been described as "the highest river in the world" by the organizers of a kayaking expedition, although it's not clear from their press release what definition was used.
  • 耗資近五十億元人民幣打造的西藏最大水利工程「拉洛水利樞紐」,日前完成圍堰合龍。由於所截的水來自雅魯藏布江一條名為夏布曲的支流,而雅魯藏布江的下游位處印度,印媒擔心食水及灌溉水來源被中方「截斷」。

The Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD) is an intergovernmental organization created on 18 June 2002 to promote Asiancooperation at a continental level and to help integrate separate regional organizations such as ASEANSAARC, theGulf Cooperation Council, and the EAEU.
Asian Professional Security Association (APSA)
亚洲大学联盟(Asian Universities Alliance),由清华大学于2016年3月在博鳌亚洲论坛上宣布发起成立,旨在促进亚洲大学间的全面合作和深入交流,发挥大学在解决区域性和全球性问题中的重要作用。 2017年4月29日,亚洲大学联盟成立大会暨首次峰会将在清华大学举行。清华大学、北京大学香港科技大学、韩国国立首尔大学、日本东京大学新加坡国立大学等高校将作为亚洲大学联盟创始成员单位参加峰会。

  • 行政長 官林鄭月娥昨日中午在禮賓府與清華大學 校長兼亞洲大學聯盟主席邱勇會面,並在 會後宴請在港出席亞洲大學聯盟年度峰會 的15名聯盟成員院校校長。

- asia news netwrk

  •  about 30 editors from Asian media outlets gathered in Beijing on Monday for the two-day annual board meeting of the Asia News Network. The meeting is being held the same week as China Daily's 35th anniversary, which falls on Wednesday. The editors will also join a discussion on Tuesday, with Jin Liqun, president of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. The two-day ANN conference includes discussions of the media situation in Asia, a review of the organization's achievements in the past year and talks on possible expansion.
- asia's 50 most eligible bachelors HK tatler nov16 issue
-  傣族
  •  在雲南德宏傣族景頗族自治州,一座以中國著名人類學家、民族史學家、傣學研究泰斗江應樑先生命名的「德宏師專江應樑傣族博物館」(下稱博物館),今年4月 在德宏師範高等專科學校揭牌開館。該博物館收藏了數千件傣族文物,展現了從新石器時期到上世紀50年代,傣族社會歷史文化風貌。這些文物是江應樑先生及其 子江曉林,花費畢生心血和收入,從傣族地區收集而來。1937年至今,兩代人經過80年的接力研究終成大觀。傣族遍佈中南半島多國及南亞印度阿薩姆等地區,人數超6,800萬,中國傣族人數有120多萬人。千百年來,傣族由於聚居地邊遠且高山大川阻隔,再加上語言障礙,因而長期處於相對封閉,甚至與世隔絕的狀態。
  •  楼主要指两层或以上的竹结构楼房,属于南方“干阑式建筑”的一种。是傣家的标志民居。又称傣家竹楼。
  • traditional musical instrument hulusi - china daily 25jul18
佤族(佤文:gon Ba Rāog / gon Brāog / gon Vax Ba Rāog / Vāx qux (口語) /  (文學語),舊佤文:Praok / Va;中國標準羅馬字母:Va)是亞洲的一個跨國民族,主要分佈在瀾滄江薩爾溫江之間的山地,分屬於緬甸中國。在緬甸境內超過60萬人,主要分佈於佤邦,也分布於撣邦。在中國約43萬人,主要分佈在雲南省西南部的西盟佤族自治縣滄源佤族自治縣,其餘分佈在瀾滄孟連雙江耿馬鎮康等縣。傳統上佤族人信仰萬物有靈,現在則多信仰基督教佛教。有木鼓崇拜。佤族使用佤語,佤語屬南亞語系孟-高棉語族佤-德昂語支,有巴饒克、佤和阿佤3個方言。中國的佤族原來沒有文字,1956年創製了一套以巴饒方言為基礎方言、以岩帥語音為標準音的拉丁字母的拼音文字。
  • 佤族在2000年前就與布朗族德昂族等民族的先民一起居住在高黎貢山瀾滄江地區。先秦時「百濮」的一支。唐代稱「濮子蠻」,宋代稱「濮蠻」,明代稱「古剌」,清代稱「嘎剌」、「哈瓦」,也被記載為「野『左犭右卡』」。他們自稱「佤」、「巴饒克」、「阿佤」等,都有「住在山上的人」的意思。當地傣族與國外老族撣族稱其為「佧佤」,「佧」在傣語中意為奴隸。在中華人民共和國成立後,統一稱為佤族。佤族有獵頭的習俗,最後一次有記錄的獵頭在1950年代末。他們本來也生活在景棟,後被孟萊王孫兒征服,成為撣族詔法的奴隸。佤族民族學家趙明生提出了與傳統史籍相異的觀點,他認為晉朝永昌郡的永壽城不僅是普通縣城,而是晉朝時歸順中原政權的佤族地方民族政權,可能是民間傳說的佤族古城
migrant labour
- In recent decades a regional system of international documented circular migration has taken shape across Asia and the Middle East with the growing demand for migrant labor in households, on oil palm plantations, and construction sites. Migration is increasingly mediated by chains of recruiters, as well as roads, low-cost airlines, cell phones, and biometric technology. A closer look at these brokers and infrastructures that make migrant mobility possible allows for an understanding of how migration is organized on an international scale. The rise of documented international migration from Indonesia, in the wake of the 1997 Asian economic crisis and the collapse of the rupiah, was centered on the growth of licensed recruitment companies and an expansive migration bureaucracy that focused on documentation and training, ostensibly in the name of migrant protection. Although licensed companies are responsible for sending migrants abroad—as they are across most of Asia— informal labor recruiters, so-called petugas lapangan (PL), or field agents, are the key actors in migrant recruitment.

creole elite
- mentioned in precarious belongings

- tree
  • proto-indo-european
  • indo-iranian
  • iranian
  • persian 
  • pushto
  • baluchi
  • others

  • dardic
  • kashmiri
  • others 

  • indic --> vedic 
  • sanskrit
  • sindhi 
  • panjabi
  • hindu-urdu
  • gujarati
  • marathi
  • bengali
  • assamese
  • oriya
  • sinhalese 
- script

-  The Asian Monetary Unit (AMU) is a basket of currencies proposed by the Japanese government's Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI). It is similar to the European Currency Unit (ECU), predecessor to the euroThe Asian Monetary Unit, which has been created as the joint project of 21st century COE project of Hitotsubashi University and RIETI, is a common currency basket composed of 13 East Asian currencies, such as ASEAN 10 plus Japan, China and South Korea. ACUは各国の経済(GDP、貿易量など)の比重に基づき各々の通貨が一定の比率で合成された、計算上の共通通貨。1997年アジア通貨危機が発端で、2002年アジア欧州会合において日本の国際通貨研究所により提唱された。2006年5月のASEAN+3財相会議でACUの研究が決定され、2007年3月からADBより公表が行われる予定であったが、発表は見送られた。  
- asian currency unit advocated by singapore and response of hk govt (then fs) appledaily 28jun19 heung article

The Trans-Asian Railway (TAR) is a project to create an integrated freight railway network across Europe and Asia. The TAR is a project of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP). The project was initiated in the 1950s, with the objective of providing a continuous 8,750 miles (14,080 km) rail link between Singapore and Istanbul, Turkey, with possible further connections to Europe and Africa. At the time shipping and air travel were not as well developed, and the project promised to significantly reduce shipping times and costs between Europe and Asia. Progress in developing the TAR was hindered by political and economic obstacles throughout the 1960s, 1970s and early 1980s. By the 1990s, the end of the Cold War and normalisation of relations between some countries improved the prospects for creating a rail network across the Asian continent.The TAR was seen as a way to accommodate the huge increases in international trade between Eurasian nations and facilitate the increased movements of goods between countries. It was also seen as a way to improve the economies and accessibility of landlocked countries like LaosAfghanistanMongolia, and the Central Asian republics. Much of the railway network already exists as part of the Eurasian Land Bridge, although some significant gaps remain. A big challenge is the differences in rail gauge across Eurasia. Four different major rail gauges (which measures the distance between rails) exist across the continent: most of Europe, as well as Turkey, Iran, China, and the Koreas use the 1,435 mm(4 ft 8 12 in) gauge, known as Standard gauge; Russia, and the former Soviet republics use a1,520 mm (4 ft 11 2732 in) gauge; Finland uses a 1,524 mm (5 ft) gauge; most of the railways in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka use the 1,676 mm (5 ft 6 in) gauge, known asIndian gauge; and most of Southeast Asia has 1,000 mm (3 ft 3 38 in) metre gauge. For the most part the TAR would not change national gauges; mechanized facilities would be built to move shipping containers from train to train at the breaks of gauge.
By 2001, four corridors had been studied as part of the plan:
  • The Northern Corridor will link Europe and the Pacific, via Germany, Poland, Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China, and the Koreas, with breaks of gauge at the Polish-Belarusian border (1,435 mm (4 ft 8 12 in) to 1,520 mm (4 ft 11 2732 in)), the Kazakhstan-Chinese border and the Mongolian-Chinese border (both 1,520 mm to 1,435 mm). The 5,750 miles (9,250 km) Trans-Siberian Railway covers much of this route and currently carries large amounts of freight from East-Asia to Moscow and on to the rest of Europe. Due to political problems with North Korea, freight from South Korea must currently be shipped by sea to the port of Vladivostok to access the route.
  • The Southern Corridor will go from Europe to Southeast Asia, connecting Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, and Thailand, with links to China's Yunnan Province and, via Malaysia, to Singapore. Gaps exist between India and Myanmar, between Myanmar and Thailand, between Thailand and Cambodia, between Cambodia and Vietnam and between Thailand and Yunnan. The section in eastern Iran between Bam and Zahedan has been completed. Breaks of gauge occur, or will occur, at the Iran-Pakistan border (1,435 mm(4 ft 8 12 in) to 1,676 mm (5 ft 6 in)), the India-Myanmar border (1,676 mm to 1,000 mm(3 ft 3 38 in)), and to China (1,000 mm to 1,435 mm).
  • The North-South Corridor will link Northern Europe to the Persian Gulf. The main route starts in Helsinki, Finland, and continues through Russia to the Caspian Sea, where it splits into three routes: a western route through Azerbaijan, Armenia, and western Iran; a central route across the Caspian Sea to Iran via ferry; and an eastern route through Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan to eastern Iran. The routes converge in the Iranian capital ofTehran and continue to the Iranian port of Bandar Abbas.

intellectual property
- asian socies compass (singapore), filscap(philippines), maca (macau), macp (malaysia), mct (thailand), must (taiwan) and wami (indonesia) gathered in hk in jul2014 to discuss development of digital music business in asia [cashflow 75]

- The 2018 Media Leaders Summit for Asia, with its theme of "A New Era of Media Cooperation in Asia-Interconnectivity and Innovative Development", has drawn widespread discussion on issues related to increasing connectivity under media cooperation. Carrying forward the spirit of the previous Media Leaders Roundtable, those at the media summit are discussing how Asian media organizations can work together to transcend cultural differences and create a new era of cooperation and growth through interconnectivity and innovative development.

- coolie 苦力

  • [1911 by lau heung shing and published by commercial press] originated from colonial india, probably rooting from tamil word kuli or gujarati word koli

The Asian conical hat, commonly known as an Asian rice hat, coolie hat (in the UK), or farmer's hat, is a simple style of conical hatoriginating in East, South, and Southeast Asia, particularly Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, parts of Russian Manchuria and VietnamIt is kept on the head by a cloth (often silk) chin strap.
In the Philippines, the plain type is typically worn by farmers, but nobles crafted an ornate variation with jewels or made of turtle shells and a spike on top. It was worn by native soldiers, particularly Tagalogs, Kapampangans, and Ilocanos of the Spanish Colonial Armyduring the later years of Spanish colonial period. Similarly in India and Borneo, the plain conical hat was worn by commoners during their daily work, but more decoratively-colored ones were used for festivities. In Sabah the colorful conical hat is worn for certain dances while in Assam they are hung in homes as decoration or worn by the upper classes for special occasions. In China, it was typically associated with farmers, while mandarins wore tighter circular caps, especially in the winter.
English terms for the hat include sedge hat, rice hat, paddy hat, bamboo hat and sometimes coolie hat. In Chinese, it is called dǒulì (斗笠), literally meaning a "one-dǒu bamboo hat", (笠帽, 竹笠). It is known as sugegasa (菅笠) in Japan, do'un (ដួន) in Cambodia, terendak in Malaysia, caping in Indonesia, and salakot in the Philippines. In Korean, the hat is called satgat (삿갓) or gaerip (개립, 蓋笠). In Burmese, the hat is called khamauk (ခမောက်). In Vietnam, the name is nón lá (leaf hat). Among conical hats, the nón lá of the Vietnamese people forms a perfect right circular cone which tapers smoothly from the base to the apex. Special conical hats in Vietnam contain colourful hand-stitch depictions or words while the Huế varieties are famous for their nón bài thơ (literally: poem conical hats). These contain random poetic verses and Hán tự which can be revealed when the hat is directed above one's head in the sunlight. Today, it has become part of Vietnam's national costume.
longyi (Burmeseလုံချည်MLCTSlum hkyanypronounced [lòʊɴdʑì]) is a sheet of cloth widely worn in Burma. It is approximately 2 metres (6.6 ft) long and 80 centimetres (2.6 ft) wide. The cloth is often sewn into a cylindrical shape. It is worn around the waist, running to the feet. It is held in place by folding fabric over without a knot. It is sometimes folded up to the knee for comfort. Similar garments are found in IndiaBangladeshSri Lanka, and the Malay Archipelago. In the Indian subcontinentit is known variously as a lungilongikaili or saaram.  The modern longyi, a single piece of cylindrical cloth, is a relatively recent introduction to Burma, having gained popularity during British colonial rule, effectively replacing the paso and htamein of precolonial times.[2] The word longyi formerly referred to the sarong worn by Malay men. In precolonial times, men's pasos used to be a long piece of 30 feet (9.1 m) called taungshay paso (တောင်ရှည်ပုဆိုး) and unsewn. Alternately the htamein was a 4.5 feet (1.4 m) long piece of cloth open at the front to reveal the calves, with a dark strip of cotton or velvet sewn on the upper edge, a patterned sheet of cloth in the middle and a strip of red or white cloth sewn below, trailing on the bottom like a short train.[4][5] Paso was commonly worn by men in 19th century Burma and Thailand.[6][7] The amount of cloth in the putso was a sign of social status. In Burma, longyis worn by males are called paso (ပုဆိုး), while those worn by females are called htamain (ထဘီ, or htamein). Strictly speaking, they are not unisex attire, as the way they are worn as well as the patterns and makeup are different between the sexes. Men wear the modern paso by making a fold on either side in front and tied by tucking them together at the waist just below the navel. Women, on the other hand, always have a 3 cubit 1 finger span length but again unsewn in the old days like men's. They are worn wrapped around with a single broad fold in front and the end tucked in on one side or folding back at the hip and tucking into the opposite side of the waist, usually topped with a fitted blouse worn just to the waistband. Hemlines rise and fall as the fashion of the day dictates although they are unlikely to go up above the knee. Longyis are generally sold unsewn but nowadays they are available ready to wear; htamains may even be sewn like Western skirts. Untying and re-tying a longyi is often seen in public with both sexes, women much more discreetly than men.

The Royal Ploughing Ceremony (Thaiพระราชพิธีจรดพระนังคัลแรกนาขวัญ Phra Ratcha Phithi Charot Phra Nangkhan Raek Na KhwanKhmerព្រះរាជពិធីបុណ្យច្រត់ព្រះនង្គ័ល Preah Reach Pithi Chrot Preah NeangkolSinhaleseවප් මඟුල් Vap Magula) also known as The Ploughing Festival is an ancient royal rite held in many Asian countries to mark the traditional beginning of the rice growing season. The royal ploughing ceremony, called Lehtun Mingala (လယ်ထွန်မင်္ဂလာpronounced [lɛ̀tʰʊ̀ɴ mɪ̀ɴɡəlà]) or Mingala Ledaw (မင်္ဂလာလယ်တော်), was also practiced in pre-colonial Burma until 1885 when the monarchy was abolished. In the various versions of RamayanaSita, the heroine appears from the ploughed earth as a baby when Janaka, the king of Videhaploughs the field in the royal ceremony. This is the earliest historical account of this agricultural ritual Sita#Birth. This tradition is a pan-Greater Indian agricultural ritual Thai painting.In Thailand, the common name of the ceremony is Raek Na Khwan (แรกนาขวัญ) which literally means the "auspicious beginning of the rice growing season". The royal ceremony is called Phra Ratcha Phithi Charot Phra Nangkhan Raek Na Khwan (พระราชพิธีจรดพระนังคัลแรกนาขวัญ) which literally means the "royal ploughing ceremony marking the auspicious beginning of the rice growing season". This Raek Na Khwan ceremony is of Hindu origin. Thailand also observes another Buddhist ceremony called Phuetcha Mongkhon (พืชมงคล) which literally means "prosperity for plantation". The royal ceremony is called Phra Ratcha Phithi Phuetcha Mongkhon (พระราชพิธีพืชมงคล).[5] The official translation of Phuetcha Mongkhon is "Harvest Festival". 
King Mongkut combined both the Buddhist and Hindu ceremonies into a single royal ceremony called Phra Ratcha Phithi Phuetcha Mongkhon Charot Phra Nangkhan Raek Na Khwan (พระราชพิธีพืชมงคลจรดพระนังคัลแรกนาขวัญ). The Buddhist part is conducted in the Grand Palace first and is followed by the Hindu part held at Sanam Luang, Bangkok. At present, the day on which Phra Ratcha Phithi Phuetcha Mongkhon Charot Phra Nangkhan Raek Na Khwan is held is called Phuetcha Mongkhon Day (วันพืชมงคล Wan Phuetcha Mongkhon). It has been a public holiday since 1957.


  •舞楽面 崑崙八仙
- pan asia

  • [precarious belongings] pan-asian rhetoric of "asia for asians" in 1920s that culminated in the tragic outcomes of the great east asia co-prosperity sphere in 1940s. 

"The Great Game" was a political and diplomatic confrontation that existed for most of the nineteenth century between the British Empire and the Russian Empire over Afghanistan and neighbouring territories in Central and Southern Asia. Russia was fearful of British commercial and military inroads into Central Asia, and Britain was fearful of Russia adding "the jewel in the crown", India, to the vast empire that Russia was building in Asia. This resulted in an atmosphere of distrust and the constant threat of war between the two empires.[1][2][3] Britain made it a high priority to protect all the approaches to India, and the "great game" is primarily how the British did this in terms of a possible Russian threat. Historians with access to the archives have concluded that Russia had no plans involving India, as the Russians repeatedly stated. The Great Game began on 12 January 1830 when Lord Ellenborough, the President of the Board of Control for India, tasked Lord William Bentinck, the Governor-General, to establish a new trade route to the Emirate of Bukhara.[2][3][5] Britain intended to gain control over the Emirate of Afghanistan and make it a protectorate, and to use the Ottoman Empire, the Persian Empire, the Khanate of Khiva, and the Emirate of Bukhara as buffer states between both empires. This would protect India and also key British sea trade routes by stopping Russia from gaining a port on the Persian Gulf or the Indian Ocean.[2][3] Russia proposed Afghanistan as the neutral zone.[6] The results included the failed First Anglo-Afghan War of 1838, the First Anglo-Sikh War of 1845, the Second Anglo-Sikh War of 1848, the Second Anglo-Afghan War of 1878, and the annexation of Khiva, Bukhara, and Kokand by Russia. Historians consider the end of the Great Game to be 10 September 1895 signing of the PamirBoundary Commission protocols,[7] when the border between Afghanistan and the Russian empire was defined.[8][9][10][11]:p14 The 1901 novel Kim by Rudyard Kipling made the term popular and introduced the new implication of great power rivalry. It became even more popular after the 1979 advent of the Soviet–Afghan War.
Shoqan Shynghysuly Walikhanov (KazakhШоқан Шыңғысұлы Уәлихан, Shoqan Shynghysuly WalikhanRussianЧокан Чингисович Валиханов), given name Muhammed Qanapiya (KazakhМұхаммед Қанапия)[nb 1] (November 1835 – April 10, 1865) was a Kazakh scholar, ethnographer, historian and participant in The Great Game. He is regarded as the father of modern Kazakh historiography and ethnography. The Kazakh Academy of Sciences is named after him. His name is written Chokan Valikhanov in English based on the transliteration of the Russian spelling of his name, which he used himself. The Kazakh language variant of his name was written in the Arabic script, and was similar to the Russian version

- asiatic exclusion league (target japanese and koreans) hkej 12mar18 shum article
- military

  • The Seventh Fleet is a numbered fleet (a military formation) of the United States Navy. It is headquartered at U.S. Fleet Activities Yokosuka, in Yokosuka, Japan, with some units based in Japan and South Korea. It is part of the United States Pacific Fleet. At present, it is the largest of the forward-deployed U.S. fleets, with 60 to 70 ships, 300 aircraft and 40,000 Navy and Marine Corps personnel.[1] Its principal responsibilities are to provide joint command in natural disaster or military operations and operational command of all naval forces in the region, in particular in the defense of the Korean Peninsula.The Seventh Fleet was formed on 15 March 1943 in Brisbane, Australia, during the Second World War, under the command of Admiral Arthur S. "Chips" Carpender. It served in the South West Pacific Area (SWPA) under General Douglas MacArthur. The Seventh Fleet commander also served as commander of Allied naval forces in the SWPA.After the end of the war, the 7th Fleet moved its headquarters to Qingdao, China. After the war, on 1 January 1947, the Fleet's name was changed to Naval Forces Western Pacific. In late 1948, the Fleet moved its principal base of operations to the Philippines, where the Navy, following the war, had developed new facilities at Subic Bay and an airfield at Sangley Point. Peacetime operations of the Seventh Fleet were under the control of Commander in Chief Pacific Fleet, Admiral Arthur W. Radford, but standing orders provided that, when operating in Japanese waters or in the event of an emergency, control would pass to Commander, Naval Forces Far East, a component of General Douglas MacArthur's occupation force. On 19 August 1949 the force was designated as United States Seventh Task Fleet. On 11 February 1950, just prior to the outbreak of the Korean War, the force assumed the name United States Seventh Fleet, which it holds today.

The first large-scale Asian–African or Afro–Asian Conference—also known as the Bandung Conference(Indonesian: Konferensi Asia-Afrika) —was a meeting of Asian and African states, most of which were newly independent, which took place on April 18–24, 1955 in Bandung, Indonesia. The twenty-nine countries that participated at the Bandung Conference represented nearly one-quarter of the Earth's land surface and a total population of 1.5 billion people. The conference was organised by Indonesia, Burma, Pakistan, Ceylon (Sri Lanka), and India and was coordinated by Ruslan Abdulgani, secretary general of the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.The conference's stated aims were to promote Afro-Asian economic and cultural cooperation and to opposecolonialism or neocolonialism by any nation. The conference was an important step toward the Non-Aligned MovementThe conference of Bandung was preceded by the Bogor Conference (1949). This was the seed for the Colombo Plan and Bandung Conference. The 2nd Bogor Conference was held December 28–29, 1954.[2] The conference reflected what the organisers regarded as a reluctance by the Western powers to consult with them on decisions affecting Asia in a setting of Cold War tensions; their concern over tension between the People's Republic of China and the United States; their desire to lay firmer foundations for China's peace relations with themselves and the West; their opposition to colonialism, especially French influence in North Africa and its colonial rule in Algeria; and Indonesia's desire to promote its case in the dispute with theNetherlands over western New Guinea (Irian Barat). Sukarno, the first president of the Republic of Indonesia, portrayed himself as the leader of this group of states, which he later described as "NEFOS" (Newly Emerging Forces). His daughter, Megawati Sukarnoputri has been head of the PDI-P party during both summit anniversaries, and the President of Indonesia Joko Widodo during the 3rd summit is a member of her party.
The Asia-Africa Growth Corridor or AAGC is an economic cooperation agreement between the governments of India and Japan. India on 25 May 2017 launched a vision document for Asia-Africa Growth Corridor or AAGC at the African Development Bank meeting in Gujarat. The Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS),New Delhi, the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia(ERIA), Jakarta, and Institute of Developing Economies (IDE-JETRO), Tokyo, have developed the Vision Document based on consultations with Asian and African think-tanks. It aims for Indo-Japanese collaboration to develop quality infrastructure in Africa, complemented by digital connectivity, which would undertake the realization of the idea of creating free and open Indo-Pacific Region. The AAGC will give priority to development projects in health and pharmaceuticals, agriculture and agro-processing, disaster management and skill enhancement. The connectivity aspects of the AAGC will be supplemented with quality infrastructure. Unlike OBOR, now BRI (Belt and Road Initiative), which entails development of both land corridor (new economic belt) and ocean (marine silk road), AAGC will essentially be a sea corridor linking Africa with India and other countries of South-East Asia and Oceania by rediscovering ancient sea-routes and creating new sea corridors that will link ports in Jamnagar (Gujarat) with Djibouti in the Gulf of Eden and similarly the ports of Mombasa and Zanzibar will be connected to ports near Madurai; Kolkata will be linked to Sittwe port in Myanmar. "The AAGC would consist of four main components: development and cooperation projects, quality infrastructure and institutional connectivity, capacity and skill enhancement and people-to-people partnerships. These four components as well as four elements or four pillars are complementary to promote growth and all round development in both the continents," the document[which?] said.

  • The upcoming visit of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to India is expected to see the launch of the Asia Africa Growth Corridor (AAGC), three officials familiar with the development said of the project that is regarded as a counter to China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). India and Japan may commit about $40 billion initially to the proposed growth corridor with their partnership playing a key role in development of the corridor.
  • hkej 16apr18 shum article

- transport and logistics plan presented at apec 28aug12 rgc scmp supplement

russia, china, india
- China, Russia and India agreed to maintain regional security and economic architecture in the Asia-Pacific, according to a joint statement issued on Monday after the 15th trilateral meeting of the foreign ministers of the three countries. Maintaining regional security and economic architecture that is "open, inclusive and based on multilateralism and universally recognized principles of international law" is imperative for lasting peace and stability in the region, the statement said. The three countries emphasized the need for coordination and cooperation in various regional forums and organizations such as the East Asia Summit to maintain regional peace and stability and to promote regional development and prosperity.

- *****亚洲大陆地理中心(简称“亚心”)的测定是1992年,由中国科学院新疆地理研究所会同中国科学院院士、欧亚科学院院士、地图学家、遥感学家、地理信息学家,依据彭纳投影技术的亚洲地图为基础,采用现代科技手段与设备,测定出来的。乌鲁木齐是新疆维吾尔自治区的首府,也是距亚洲大陆地理中心最近的城市,居住着维吾尔族,哈萨克族等43个民族,总人口达150万。美国科学家曾经断定亚洲中心在新疆北部,为确定“亚心”的地理位置,1992年7月,中国地理科学工作者经过了严格的科学测算,确立下了它的位置。在此之前,这里只是一个很贫穷的、仅有30余户人家的小村庄。当时科学家在这里确定了“亚心”的位置后,只立了一根木桩子。但经过众多媒体的报道,使这里的名声越来越大。“亚心”北大门是以雄鹰展翅的网架结构展现亚洲的腾飞。主干道两旁陈列着亚洲各国特定形象的玻璃钢立体雕塑群像。通过主干道,首先看到的是高度为2 2米的亚心塔。塔顶地球仪直径4米,塔体造型为亚洲(ASIA)这个英文单词的第一个字母“A”,体现了“天圆地方、天人合一”的人文思想。正在修建的亚洲公园内,天圆地方的亚心广场汇集了象征亚洲48国文化结晶的石雕图腾和木质、玻璃钢雕塑图腾。

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