- What’s so cool about 1984? It was the day when the clocks struck thirteen.https://www.quora.com/What-is-so-cool-about-the-opening-sentence-of-1984-by-George-Orwell
- http://www.economist.com/news/obituary/21630948-joan-quigley-astrologer-reagans-died-october-21st-aged-87-presidents-stargazer
Abracadabra is an incantation used as a magic word in stage magic tricks, and historically was believed to have healing powers when inscribed on an amulet.Abracadabra is of unknown origin, and its first occurrence is in the second century works of Serenus Sammonicus, according to the Oxford English Dictionary.[1] Several folk etymologiesare associated with the word:[2] from phrases in Hebrew that mean "I will create as I speak",[3]or Aramaic "I create like the word",[4] to folk etymologies that point to similar words in Latin and Greek such as abraxas.
Parrot astrology or Parrot fortune-telling (Tamil: கிளி ஜோசியம்) is a type of astrology popular among the Tamils of Tamil Nadu, Telugus in Andhra Pradesh, India and Singapore. It involves using green parakeets which are trained to pick up Tarot like fortune cards.[2][3]The parakeets are trained specifically for this. A parrot astrologer/fortune teller typically sits beneath a tree to call or by the side of the road where people congregate in numbers. He has a cage which contains one or two trained parrots. The tarot like cards are either spread out or stacked in front of him. They are 27 in number representing the Indian cosmic system. Each card contains the image of a Hindu deity and some cards contain images of Buddha or Virgin Mary with Infant Jesus. When a patron sits before the fortune teller, the latter opens the cage and lets the parrot out. He instructs the parrot to pick a card for the patron. The parrot walks over to the cards, picks one from the stack or the spread with its beak and gives it to the astrologer. It then walks back inside its cage. The astrologer opens the card and based on the image tells the fortune of the patron. The practice of Parrot astrology is diminishing in Tamil Nadu due to lack of patronage.[2] In Singapore it is a tourist attraction in Little Indiaalong the Serangoon Road.[4] A variant is practiced in Pakistan.
- https://www.scmp.com/lifestyle/travel-leisure/article/3014466/clairvoyant-parrots-india-dying-breed-astrologers-birds Parrot astrology – kizhi josiyam in the Tamil language – is a centuries-old custom prevalent in southern India. Parrots, considered to be clairvoyant and regarded as a divine symbol, have deep historical links to Madurai, being the favoured bird of the goddess Meenakshi, the reigning deity of the Meenakshi Amman temple.The parakeets are protected under the 1972 Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act. They cannot be trapped, kept in captivity or sold. Offenders can be punished with up to three years in prison, a fine of 25,000 rupees, or both. In recent years, especially over the last six months, enforcement of the law has been tightened, as activists, conservationists and forestry officials rally their forces.
India is home to 12 species of parrot, each with conservation and welfare concerns that often do not receive the attention they deserve, says Avin Deen, the India representative for the World Parrot Trust, a conservation organisation headquartered in Britain.
- 根據書本記載,尼古拉於 1330年在巴黎 出生,原本他只是抄寫為生,直到某天他獲 得了一本稱為《亞伯拉罕之書》的古書,當 中記述了有關賢者之石的配方。因為職業的 緣故,他認識很多精通希伯來語的猶太人, 所以他便決定前往當時有很多拉比(猶太人 對老師的稱呼)聚居的西班牙,逐少就書本 的內容請教不同的拉比。當他掌握到書本的 內容後,便決心完成賢者之石的研究,並據 稱在 1382年 1月 17日下午成功鍊成賢者之 石,並三度以賢者之石將水銀轉變成黃金, 使他在一夜之間變成大富豪。 然而,他並沒有因此而變成暴發戶,反而 將因鍊金術而獲得的財富,轉變成慈善事 業,以他自己和妻子的名義在巴黎一共捐建 了 14所醫院、3所禮拜堂和 7所教堂。直到 今天,他在 1407年建成的故居,仍然是巴 黎蒙莫朗西街的著名地標之一。 另一位在現實中存在的鍊金術士,稱為帕 拉塞爾蘇斯。嚴格來說,他的身份似一位醫 生多於一位鍊金術士,他擅長以鍊金術結合 醫術行醫,認為除了傳統鍊金術中一直重視 的兩個元素:汞和硫之外,還有第三種元 素,就是鹽,而他認為人體之所以生病,就 是體內這三種元素不平衡所致,因此在治療 疾病時,應該因應不同的病情而處以不同的 藥方。 這一點對於活在當代的我們,也許是理所 當然的事,但在帕拉塞爾蘇斯在生的 14世 紀,當時的醫生普遍推崇含有許多成分的萬 靈藥,因此他的學說,可以說是顛覆了當時 的醫學思想,並且影響到往後數百年西方醫 學的發展。作為鍊金術士,傳說中他的其中 一項主要成就,就是成功創造了人工生命 體-何蒙庫魯茲(Homunculus)。 傳說中,何蒙庫魯茲雖然個子比人類矮 小,但卻擁有豐富的知識,不過除了帕拉塞 爾蘇斯之外,就再沒有後人成功製作何蒙庫 魯茲。這個傳說影響到之後的文學創作,在 著名歌劇《浮士德》第二部第二幕中,就有 以何蒙庫魯茲為題材的內容,從此何蒙庫魯 茲與賢者之石同樣成為了後人談論鍊金術時 不可或缺的題材。 在流行文化中,兩位偉大的鍊金術士也自 然地成為各式各樣創作的題材,例如著名英 國小說《哈利波特.神秘的魔法石》,就直 接把尼古拉.弗拉梅爾設定成作品內的角 色,繁體中文版翻譯為尼樂.勒梅,也就是 魔法石的主人;漫畫《鋼之鍊金術師》中, 主角愛德華.愛力克的父親「馮.霍恩海 姆」,就是來自帕拉塞爾蘇斯全名的其中一 部分http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/05/27/a23-0527.pdf
- 煉丹術以道教最為著名,是一種具宗教色 彩的修煉方式。道教的最終目的是得道成 仙,從而獲得長生不老的喜樂,而要達成這 個目標,煉丹術就是其中一個方式。煉丹術 分為內丹術和外丹術,內丹術是指以人體作 為修煉的器具,在體內調和各種元素(稱為 「精、氣、神」),從而達成煉丹之目的, 直到現在,仍然有道教徒修煉內丹術作保健 之用。不過,今次我們探討的主要是外丹 術。 外丹術,又稱黃白術,煉外丹者都認為黃 金是萬物之中最高等級和代表永恒的金屬, 故只要服用由經過提煉製成的「仙丹(稱為 金丹)」,就可以達到長生不老。 其中,將黃金視作為最高等的物質,透過 將其他物質轉化成黃金再服用,以此達成長 生不死的目標,都可見其與西方的鍊金術有 很多相似的地方。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/06/10/a23-0610.pdf
- in chinese literature http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/06/17/a18-0617.pdf
- scmp 5apr19 remember a day The Hong Kong government engaged a top expatriate geomancer to advise on the setting up of a special bureau in the secretariat to advise on feng shui matters. It was understood he would head a team of 50 under the Local Customs Bureau, which would be responsible for all questions relating to feng shui. The traditional practice of feng shui was creating serious hurdles for the administration, particularly in the development of land in rural areas in the New Territories. (1apr1979)
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