- http://www.francesoir.fr/societe-faits-divers/chang-le-petit-chinois-polemique-comptine-raciste-maternelle-aubervilliers-texte-paroles-cliches-enfants-associations-plainte
- 歐中友好協會 http://www.aaecf.com/
- ties
- http://www.chinadailyasia.com/business/2015-01/30/content_15221379.html China and France reinforced their ties with new deals in nuclear power, aviation and ecological protection on Thursday, and the two sides promised to reduce Beijing's widening trade gap with Paris. http://www.hkcd.com.hk/pdf/201501/0130/HZ14130COWW.pdf, http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2015/01/30/a21-0130.pdf,http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20150130/PDF/b3_screen.pdf 中廣核周 四與法國電力公司(以下簡稱EDF)簽署核電站合作 協議,雙方將圍繞各自的核電技術,重點在特定領域 或研究課題方面分階段開展設計合作,以加強核安全 設計改進,促進技術交流。
- 據中通社報道,綜合內地媒體報道, 中法合作建設的 800噸大型核循環項目計劃 2020年開 工,2030年左右建成,建成後中國將形成商用的大規 模核循環能力。中法合作核循環項目實施後,將成為中 法兩國經貿合作與核能合作最大的項目。 核循環,是指核反應堆發電使用後的燃料經處理,提 取核材料,再入反應堆使用的過程,是第四代先進核能 系統的關鍵技術之一。法國是最積極發展核循環的國 家,處於世界核循環領域領先地位。中法核能合作已逾 30年,當前正從核電合作向核燃料循環領域的全方位 廣泛合作進行拓展。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2015/09/24/a21-0924.pdf
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2015/02/01/a13-0201.pdf 正在上海訪問的法國 總理瓦爾斯昨日與上海市長楊雄會晤。對上海頗為熟悉 的瓦爾斯不僅希望能與上海在經貿、旅遊等領域深化合 作,更期盼在人文領域深入交流。
- http://www.ecns.cn/2017/02-22/246300.shtml China and France on Tuesday signed agreements on nuclear energy and science during French Prime Minister Bernard Cazeneuve's Beijing visit. http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/world/cn_eu/2017-02/22/content_28295304.htm China National Nuclear Corp and Areva, a French multinational company, signed an agreement to boost cooperation on energy. Both countries also vowed to further promote cooperation in nuclear power and third-party markets. For example, the French company Electricite de France will work with a Chinese company to build the $23 billion Hinkley Point nuclear power plant in southwest England.
- http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/world/2017-02/22/content_28298524.htm China and France signed an agreement to recognizing the validity of driving licenses issued by each other, in Beijing Tuesday. Under the agreement, China and France will allow holders of valid driving licenses issued by either authorities to drive directly or obtain driving permits without an additional test, the Ministry of Public Security (MPS) said.
- 8日上午,法国总统马克龙与夫人布丽吉特抵达西安,开始对中国为期3天的国事访问,同日下午5时许,马克龙乘专机由西安抵达北京,中国外交部长王毅到机场迎接。之后,国家主席习近平在钓鱼台国宾馆会见来华进行国事访问的法国总统马克龙。在会晤中,习近平表示,新时代中法关系大有作为。据媒体报道,马克龙总统还给中国带了一匹马作为礼物。在演讲中马克龙说,中国和欧洲应该在“一带一路”倡议中合作,法国将帮助中国推动“一带一路”倡议,尤其是在非洲。 http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20180109/PDF/a7_screen.pdf
- 法國總統馬克龍昨天展開第二日訪華行程,上午參觀北京故宮,下午將與國家主席習近平舉行正式會談,而馬克龍又與多名中國企業家見面,其中京東集團計劃未來兩年向中國消費者出售二十億歐元(約一百八十七億港元)法國商品,並投入一億歐元(約九億四千萬港元)購買法國工業技術。馬克龍與夫人特羅尼厄昨天上午到故宮參觀,沿途聽取法國歷史學者范華講解,之後他與馬雲等中國企業家在北京會面;而馬克龍更見證由劉強東主持的京東集團,與法國商務投資署等法方代表簽署協議,包括未來二年內在中國銷售價值二十億歐元的法國商品,並斥資一億歐元購買法國技術改善物流等。當日下午,習近平在人民大會堂舉行儀式歡迎馬克龍到訪,並舉行正式會談。其後兩人還見證了中法企業家委員會諒解備忘錄及商業、航空、核能等多項合作文件的簽署,並共同為中法合資廣東台山核電站1號機組成為EPR全球首堆工程揭牌。此外,中法企業家委員會當日宣布在北京成立,習近平與馬克龍共同會見了參加首次會議的中法企業代表。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180110/00178_003.html
- 中國國家主席習近平、國務院總理李克強昨日會見到訪的法國總理菲利普時,先後提出中國願意與包括法國在內的歐洲國家,共舉多邊主義旗幟。當天另一場備受關 注的對話中,中國國務院副總理劉鶴和歐盟委員會副主席卡泰寧共同提出,必須堅決反對單邊主義和貿易保護主義,防止這種行為可能對世界經濟產生的衝擊和衰退 性影響。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/06/26/a08-0626.pdf
- 中國國家主席習近平展開對歐洲之行最後一站法國的國事訪問,並於周一抵達首都巴黎,與法國總統馬克龍在愛麗榭宮舉行會談。兩國簽署十五份商業合約,合共值四百億歐元(約三千五百五十二億港元),包括中方購買三百架空中巴士客機。習近平周二再到愛麗榭宮,與馬克龍、德國總理默克爾及歐盟委員會主席容克舉行圓桌會議。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190327/00180_011.html
- http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2016-11/16/c_135832520.htm Chinese Vice Premier Ma Kai and French Finance Minister Michel Sapin have co-chaired the fourth China-France High Level Economic and Financial Dialogue here. During the event on Monday, both sides conducted exchanges on working together to promote strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth and to bolster cooperation in trade, investment, industry and finance. Ma stressed the importance of the high-level dialogue which coincided with a critical period in Europe, adding that economic and financial pragmatic cooperation is a pillar of the Chinese-French relations.
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/world/cn_eu/2017-11/28/content_35107533.htmThe fifth China-France High-Level Economic and Financial Dialogue will be held in Beijing from Thursday to Friday, a Foreign Ministry spokesperson said Tuesday. Chinese Vice-Premier Ma Kai and French Minister of Finance and Economy Bruno Le Maire will co-chair the dialogue, spokesperson Geng Shuang said.
- Cathay Capital Private Equity is a private equity and venture capital firm specializing in investments in growth capital, acquisition, mezzanine, PIPEs, mid-cap, leveraged buyouts, MBOs, capital increases and capital restructurings, industry consolidation, recapitalization, shareholding restructurings, and international expansion. A sino-french jv chinadaily 12feb18
- tourism
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/world/2015liattendcelm/2015-07/02/content_21158494.htm Visa policies are relaxed for visitors from China
- 北京三元食品與復星集團宣佈,雙方聯手收購BrassicaTopCoS.A.及PPNManagementSAS100%股權,後者為法國及意大利植物食品製造商St-HubertSAS的控股股東。法國St-Hubert成立於1904年,目前年銷售量超過35,000噸,產品包括植物型塗抹醬系列、植物酸奶、植物飲料、甜品等,在法國及意大利市場均處於領先地位。其健康產品不含氫化脂肪、反式脂肪和轉基因成分。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/07/31/b03-0731.pdf
- https://www.scmp.com/news/world/europe/article/2168018/hopes-chinese-cash-cow-france-milk-country-sour The opening of a Chinese-owned infant milk powder plant in a small town in the Brittany region of western France in 2016 was heralded as an economic saviour for the region and a win for French dairy farmers. The €170 million (US$196 million) Carhaix factory would provide some 120,000 tonnes of high quality powdered milk a year to China, where demand for foreign infant milk products has soared after a years of food scares. France’s biggest dairy cooperative Sodiaal signed a 10-year contact with Synutra, China’s third largest baby milk formula producer, to be the plant’s leading supplier. It would collect 288 million litres of milk a year from 800 farms in Brittany and beyond. “No infant milk formula company in the world can produce such quantities,” Synutra France CEO Christian Mazuray said at the time. But now Sodiaal, whose brands include Yoplait, Entremont and Candia, is negotiating with Synutra to purchase part of the Carhaix plant to recover its upfront investment. Sodiaal confirmed plans in August, but has been tight-lipped about its relationship with the Chinese firm.
- 葡萄酒莊
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2015/06/12/b04-0612.pdf 法國最大 的葡萄酒莊地產商 vt公司發布的法國酒莊現狀調查報 告顯示,按購買面積計算,中國投資者已成為法國酒 莊的第二大買家,僅略次於英國。而根據此前國際葡 萄與葡萄酒組織公布數據顯示,中國 2014年葡萄種植 面積約為 80萬公頃,已超過法國成為世界第二大產 區。 vt公司發布的首個關於外國投資法國酒莊現狀的調 查報告顯示,外國投資者在法國購買的葡萄酒莊面積 已達1.2萬公頃,其中21%由中國投資者購買,英國投 資者購買的比例則為 22%。其中,中國投資者購買的 酒莊幾乎全部集中於法國波爾多地區,該地區已被外 國投資者購買的 193個酒莊中,47%由中國投資者收 購。相比之下,英國投資者更為偏好朗多克地區,而 且投資範圍也較分散。 同時,調查還表明,法國的波爾多和地中海地區吸 引了高達 90%的外來酒莊投資,而外來投資者購買的 法國酒莊面積尚不到法國酒莊總面積的2%。不過,此 次調查僅覆蓋紅酒產地的酒莊,白蘭地、香檳等產地 不在調查範圍內。
- https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-06-02/chinese-firm-buys-centuries-old-french-crystal-maker-baccarat French crystal maker Baccarat is changing hands 253 years after it was founded by royal decree of King Louis XV. Chinese investment company Fortune Fountain Capital Ltd. is buying a controlling stake from Baccarat’s private-equity owners for about 164 million euros ($184 million), according to a statement Friday. The deal ends more than a decade of ownership by Starwood Capital, which took over the brand from the Taittinger family in 2005. Buyout firm L Catterton, which is backed by luxury-goods leader LVMH, took a stake in 2012, and not much more than 10 percent of the shares are publicly traded.
- health
- 法国总理贝尔纳.卡泽纳夫23日在武汉为中法共同建设的中国首个P4(Protect level4)实验室剪綵,即将投运的武汉P4实验室歷时十年建设,两年调试,标誌中国正式拥有研究和利用烈性病原体的硬件条件,该等级实验室是目前人类唯一可对伊波拉等活体病毒做实验的安全场所。 http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170225/PDF/a9_screen.pdf
- http://europe.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2017-03/06/content_28442923.htm
A joint venture of French nursing home operator Colisee Group plans to open its first Chinese complex in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, in January next year as a starting point for its ambition to tap the rapidly growing demand for elderly care services in the country.
The high-end medical nursing home by joint venture Guangzhou China Merchants-Colisee Senior Care Service Co Ltd combines independent living communities, assisted living facilities, nursing homes and care options to provide a "continuum of care" for residents, said General Manager Olivier Dessajan.
- 據新華社報道,由法國商務投資署和法國國家投資銀行設立的名為「中法創新加速器」的項目昨日在北京啟動,項目旨在幫助法國創新型的中小企業加速融入中國科技生態系統。項目從去年起開始籌備,40多家參賽企業經過16名由中法專家組成的評審團篩選,最終評選出了13家創新型企業,12家來到中國。法國駐華大使館商務參贊白幻德表示,我們想要在法國企業內部建立新的條件反射,讓他們講創新的時候,知道中法之間有一道橋樑,要在法國的「未來工業」計劃和中國的「中國製造2025」間建立起聯結。這12家企業都在不同的領域擁有自己的核心技術。記者注意到,部分企業覆蓋的領域如雲端醫療、網際網路安全保護,在中國處於新興發展階段。法國企業不僅希望尋求合作夥伴,同時也尋求來自中國的投資。評委會的一位法國專家指出,這些企業都沒有被中國投資者投資的經驗,法國企業規模較小,應努力與中方合作的夥伴共同發展。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2015/11/18/a20-1118.pdf
- 31日,2018浦江創新論壇.科技服務業論壇─全球技術轉移大會在滬舉行,此次,國家技術轉移東部中心法國分中心正式揭牌成立。據悉,未來將以法國新阿基坦大區(NA)為核心,通過與法國巴黎銀行(BNP)、Alphanov實驗室等影響力機構開展全方面深入合作,打造中法科技創新和技術轉移核心區,使上海逐步成為法國技術創新生態系統的主要參與者。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20181101/PDF/a17_screen.pdf
- satellite
- 第五次中法海洋衞星項目科學研討會前日在北京舉行,會上透露中法航天合作的首顆衞星進展順利,擬於明年下半年在中國發射。中法為實現衞星數據在環境領域的應用,於二○○七年啟動中法海洋衞星項目。orientaldaily 22oct17 chinadaily 21oct17
- 29日8時43分,中國在酒泉衛星發射中心用長征二號丙運載火箭成功發射中法海洋衛星。這是中法兩國合作研製的首顆衛星,首次實現海風和海浪同步觀測。其中,中方負責提供衛星平台、海風觀測載荷以及發射測控,法方負責提供海浪觀測載荷,衛星所獲數據由雙方共享。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20181030/PDF/a9_screen.pdf
- panda
- http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2017-08/04/c_136499632.htm France's first lady Brigitte Macron will be named godmother of the expected twin cubs, the first baby pandas in the European country, Beauval zoo officials said Thursday. "China will choose the names (for the cubs). Brigitte Macron will give us the honor of being the godmother," Delphine Delord, the zoo's communication director wrote on her Tweeter account.
- Chinese investors
- http://www.scmp.com/business/money/markets-investing/article/2046213/china-fund-cic-teams-french-investor-overseas China’s sovereign-wealth fund has teamed up with a French public sector financial institution to jointly tap overseas opportunities, especially in real estate and infrastructure. CIC Capital, the direct investment arm of US$810 billion China Investment Corp, signed an agreement with Caisse des Dépôts International Capital, a subsidiary of State-owned Caisse des Dépôts Group, to set up a fund for cooperation in third-party markets
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2014/12/06/a15-1206.pdf 據法國媒體消息,法國政府 4日決定向中國財團出讓法國圖盧茲機場 49.99%股份,售價超過 3億歐元。購得股份的中國財團由山東高速集團有限公司和香港富泰資產管理有限公司組成,加拿大 SNC-Lavalin公司為中國財團提供技術支持。法國經濟部長馬克隆說,股份出讓具體操作程序最終將在本月底完成。在圖盧茲機場 7月份開始出讓股份招標時,當地民意代表和社會黨政客大多表達反對選擇中國財團。對此,法國媒體認為,政府最終的選擇有些出人意料。分析指出,法國政府選擇中國財團是因為其提供的投資方案最佳,不僅出價高於兩家法國本土企業巴黎機場管理公司和萬喜集團,報價差距可能高於後者20%左右;而且提出了長遠發展規劃,在機場人員留用以及未來開創就業等社會問題方面都提出了很好的方案。http://www.english.rfi.fr/visiting-france/20141205-france-sell-half-share-toulouse-airport-china, http://www.france24.com/en/20141205-france-sell-major-stake-toulouse-airport-firm-china/, http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/financeestate/first/20150202/19025706 據了解,交易設附帶條件,要求財團售回16.6%股權予法國投資者,但未定時間表。目前,中港財團已經與機場工會代表會面,預期最快三月底完成交易,中方將委派六名董事入局。 http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/financeestate/art/20150202/19025714收購法國機場的中港財團「Symbiose」背景神秘,財團由入標至開標,整個過程相當低調,是有別於過往中資公司收購海外資產時「大肆宣揚」的做法。投資者之一的香港富泰資產表示,暫時不能作任何回應,需等待二月中下旬才可提供進一步資料。市場對富泰資產(下稱富泰)了解不多,公司與多間央企皆有密切關係。根據資料顯示,富泰在二○○○年成立,主營飛機租賃、融資租賃及大型基建投資,生意夥伴包括國航(753)、南航(1055)及東航(670)等,截至去年六月底,富泰總資產約一百五十億元。在二○一一年,公司成功引入央企光大控股(165),購買飛機租賃業務近半股權;該業務最終在去年以中國飛機租賃(1848)身份上市,年底時一口氣向空中巴士購買一百架飛機,自上市起股價大升逾倍。富泰「揸fit人」、即創辦人兼主席潘浩文,今年只有四十二歲,市傳他與一名中共前政治局常委後人稔熟。現時,潘浩文擔任黑龍江省政協,以及國務院國資委旗下中國集團公司促進會副會長。此外,Symbiose另一股東山東高速集團,本身持有資產逾三千二百億元人民幣(約近四千億港元),旗下的山東高速在上交所上市,為中國最大規模公路股。除了主營公路業務之外,集團本身亦有港口、鐵路、地產、保險等投資的業務,但未涉足過機場營運。
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2015-06/05/content_20913446.htm Vital Materials Co, one of the world's largest rare metal materials producers, intends to set up aresearch and development laboratory in France with its Belgian partner. The project is part of the framework agreement signed with Cappelle Pigments NV last year,when Vital Materials acquired Cappelle's pigment plant in Tianjin, said Li Jingzhen, deputygeneral manager of Vital Materials. The company is the world's largest selenium and tellurium materials producer and one of theleading manufacturers of gallium, indium, germanium, bismuth and cadmium products. Thematerials are used in products such as solar cells, light-emitting diodes, mobile phones, infrareddetection devices, animal feed, lasers and medical equipment. As part of the lab's mission, related research would help answer to the increasing demand inChina for non-hazardous pigments, Li said. Vital Materials makes more than 100 types of products. Its success since its establishment in2003 could be attributed to quick responses to market demand, Li said. The company's booked output stood at 1.9 billion yuan ($306.45 million) last year, down from thepeak of 2 billion yuan in 2012, due to declining prices amid the global economic downturn, withabout 60 percent of its products exported.
- TTF Jewelry, chinese jewelry firms design brighter future http://www.chinadailyasia.com/business/2014-09/15/content_15166192.html
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20150203/00178_003.html 法國巴黎最負盛名的中文書店「地標」鳳凰書店,被中國公司收購,輿論擔心會影響其獨立性。法國《世界報》報道,逾五十年歷史的鳳凰書店近期被中國國際圖書貿易總公司收購。
- 據 BBC中文網報道,中國主權財 富基金中國投資有限責任公司(「中投公司」)準 備投入 13億歐元(約 115億港元),向美國房地產 集團世邦魏理仕(CBRE)收購在法國和比利時的 10個購物中心,其中 8個位於法國,包括巴黎郊區 的La Vache Noire購物中心。 該網引述法國《費加羅報》報道說,中投公司在 收購中以更高價格挫敗了法國—荷蘭房地產集團 Unibail-Rodamco 和荷蘭房地產集 團 Wereldhave 的 競購。 據國際媒體統 計,在 2008年到 2014年間,中資 企業收購了 200 多家歐洲企業, 其中包括 70多家 德國企業。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2015/06/19/a21-0619.pdf
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/tech/2015-10/21/content_22237827.htm Online retailer Vipshop Holdings Ltd is investing 30 million euros ($34 million) inFrench flash-sales site Showroomprive.com to further its overseas expansion, theChinese company said on Tuesday. According to Vipshop, based in Guangzhou, Guangdong province, the latestinvestment is a key step in its "going global" efforts. The company said it waslooking forward to further collaborations with Showroomprive in the future. Lu Zhenwang, an independent analyst at Shanghai Wangqing Consultancy, said theinvestment is an opportunity for Vipshop to add more high-end products to itsportfolio and expand customer base. "Vipshop's growth momentum is stalling due to the slowing Chinese economy andsaturation of online shoppers," he said. The Vipshop platform caters to mostly Chinese domestic brands. By adding luxurygoods to its online platform, Vipshop cannot only gain new customers, but alsoencourage existing customers to spend more," Lu said. Vipshop posted a decline in revenue growth during the second quarter of the year.Revenue growth fell to 77.6 percent from 136.1 percent in the same quarter a yearago. French online retailer Showroomprive is seeking as much as 373 million euros in aninitial public offering to expand.
- http://www.chinadailyasia.com/chinafocus/2015-12/01/content_15352366.html Public transportation authorities in the French capital decided at the end of 2012 to upgrade traditional streetlamps at the 300 metro and 66 railway stations with greener and brighter LED ones. After rounds of bidding involving more than 50 well-known companies from around the world, a lesser-known Chinese firm won the contract, cooperating with a French company, to install 50,000 LED lamps in Paris.
- https://next.ft.com/content/e58e5704-f5c6-11e5-803c-d27c7117d132US private equity firm KKR plans to sell SMCP to China’s Shandong Ruyi in a deal that values the French fashion group at €1.3bn including debt, according to people familiar with the matter. The owner of the Sandro and Claudie Pierlot brands would become the latest European luxury target to fall into Chinese hands under an arrangement that would see the textile manufacturer buy KKR’s majority stake in SMCP.
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2016-04/06/content_24306314.htm Chinese leading textile company Yong Sheng, a Hangzhou-based privately ownedenterprise, has acquired French lace producer Desseilles Laces SAS, one of theoldest lace producers in the country, for 300,000 euros ($341,300). Founded in 1993, Hong Kong-listed Yong Sheng sells its products to more than 60countries and regions, and last year, it posted revenue growth of more than 20percent over 2014. With the acquisition, it is the first time that the company will have a productionbase in Europe. Last year, Desseilles saw its sales revenue reach 5.4 million euros, declining 35percent from 2014. The acquisition will enable Desseilles to survive on the verge ofbankruptcy. Currently, 70 percent of Desseilles' products are exported to Asia. After the deal,the French lace producer is expected to rapidly expand its market share in China,and encounter more growth opportunities worldwide. Michel Berrier, general director of Desseilles, said: "After the purchase, we plan tobecome the No 1 lace producer in France. Now we provide products to many well-known lingerie brands, such as Victoria's Secret.
- http://www.huawei.eu/media-centre/press-releases/huawei-opens-mathematics-research-centre-france
- Land
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20160416/00178_005.html 一間背景不詳的中國企業,據報以高出市價三倍多的價格收購有「法國糧倉」之稱的安德爾省貝里杜區內約一千七百公頃可耕用地。當地農民指當地土地價格由原來每公頃約四千歐元(約三萬五千港元),被推高至每公頃約一萬五千歐元(約十三萬一千港元),推算華企的土地至少值二千五百五十萬歐元(約二億二千三百萬港元)。
- 法國數以百計來自各省的農民,周三(29日)駕駛拖拉機前來中部安德爾省城市米爾(Murs),佔據了一片由中國企業購入的農地示威。他們抗議中國人投資國內土地,作投機之用,損害農民生計。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180831/00180_014.html
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2015/02/01/a17-0201.pdf 法國巴黎十三區副區長陳文雄在隨法國總理瓦爾斯訪華期間,接受了本報記者的獨家專訪。他比約定時間更 早到達了採訪地點,整潔的西裝皮鞋顯示出他的嚴謹,而未打領帶的微笑模樣又透露了他的和善。在隨法國總 理訪華的隊伍中,他的中國臉龐顯得格外「扎眼」,而在巴黎市政府,他的黃皮膚黑頭髮同樣引人注目。他不 遺餘力地在各種場合推廣中華文化,包括設立中醫研究中心、爭取中醫藥在法 國的合法化、開設中文班乃至建設中文學校、利用中國傳統節日巧妙組織活動 等,他說自己要做的是能幫助華人華僑的「實實在在的事」。
- 昨天,是中國知名外交家、原中國駐法國大使吳建民78歲冥壽。當天,北京吳建民公益基金會成立儀式在北京舉行。基金會聘請國務院前新聞辦公室主任趙啟正為名譽會長,吳建民夫人施燕華大使為會長;聘請葉小文、龍永圖、王榮華、馬振剛、盧秋田、沙祖康、馬蔚華、周明偉、鄭永年、王輝耀、孫建平、周葉中等知名人士為高級顧問。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2017/03/31/a18-0331.pdf
- 第一代在法國定居的中國人鮮少公開表達意見,他們大都在1970年代抵達法國,許多人沒有合法工作文件,也學不好法文。但他們在法國出生和受教育的子女如今敢於開口,表達對警察在三月底射殺中國公民劉少堯的憤怒。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170404/PDF/a24_screen.pdf
- http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/supplement/columnist/%E9%99%B6%E5%82%91/art/20170424/19999112
二十世紀巴黎也有出色的華人:翻譯家李治華、學者程抱一、畫家趙無極,法文不但流利,而且與文學和藝術融會法國和東方的精華,豐富了以法國為主的現代主義。 - 徐悲鴻, 林風眠 - first batch of artists to paris after ww1 (china guardian newsletter)
- 趙無極來自一個書香世家,世代定居镇江丹徒大港(今鎮江丹徒區)。家族可追溯自宋朝皇族赵子禠,其为宋太祖六世孙,建炎三年(公元1129年)迁居镇江丹徒大港。父親趙漢生是銀行家. 1949年,在法國巴黎約克勒茲畫廊舉辦留法後首之個展。在巴黎,妻子和他离婚,嫁给一位法国雕塑家。赵无极开始到世界各地游历,在香港和电影演员朱纓(本名陳美琴)结婚,回到巴黎继续创作,将西方的抽象绘画方法和中国画写意画法的空灵意象融合到一起. 1972年陈美琴因精神病復發,服過量安眠藥自殺身亡,赵无极十分悲傷,有接近一年沒有畫畫,後來创作了一幅九米巨画《纪念美琴》紀念亡妻,保存在蓬皮杜艺术中心。翌年,赵无极认识弗朗索瓦·马尔凯,两人于1977年结婚,这是他的第三段婚姻。
- french in china
- Student- 劉大鴻
- http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/epaper/2016-01/21/content_23182763.htm Nicolas Favard, a French jewelry designer
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2017-02/27/content_28356152.htm Frenchman Emmanuel Dennis, 54, is a busy man. In addition to running two companies, the Ninghai-based businessman has also acted as an adviser to the head of Hehong village committee for the past year. The unpaid job puts him at the forefront of the community's development.
- sinologist
- Évariste Régis Huc, C.M., or the Abbé Huc,* (1813–1860) was a French missionary Catholic priest and traveller, famous for his accounts of China, Tartary and Tibet, in his book "A Journey Through the Chinese Empire". Since the travels of the Englishman, Thomas Manning, in Tibet (1811–1812), no European had visited Lhasa. Huc stimulated European interest in Central Asia and blazed a trail for Asian studies.
- Paul Eugène Pelliot (28 May 1878 – 26 October 1945) was a French sinologist andOrientalist best known for his explorations of Central Asia and his discovery of many important Chinese texts among theDunhuang manuscripts.
- 想到法國傳教士伯希和,用幾文錢就從一個叫王道士的愚民手上「騙」走了敦煌的珍貴經卷,你就要堅持一點民族尊嚴,法國人的話,不要全信。記着:人口太多,進步總要點時間,耐心一點,對國家要有信心,明天會更好的。
說這種話來哄你的那個愛國的中國人,過幾年之後你試試找他,他已經移民。http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/supplement/columnist/陶傑/art/20160522/19621887- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20160611/PDF/b8_screen.pdf, http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20160612/PDF/a20_screen.pdf , http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20160613/PDF/b8_screen.pdf more on 王道士
- http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201803/12/WS5aa5c8fba3106e7dcc140ef9.html
More than 5,300 pieces of ancient Chinese manuscripts have been "returned" from France in digital form and are available online, according to the National Library of China. The online resources have been provided by France's national library, which holds more than 7,000 original copies of the Dunhuang manuscripts.
- http://europe.chinadaily.com.cn/culture/2017-02/07/content_28120675.htmJoel Bellassen-better known by his Chinese name, Bai Lesang-is a French Sinologist and professor of Chinese at the Paris-based National Institute for Oriental Languages and Civilization.
- Prof. Alain Roux, Sinologue, INALCO Paris
Il a étudié la Chine mais également les pays sinisés de la région (Japon, Corée...).Léon Vandermeersch est diplômé de l'École nationale des langues orientales en chinois (1948) et en vietnamien (1950), et de la Faculté des lettres de Paris en philosophie (licence d'enseignement et DES en 1946-1951) et en droit (doctorat obtenu à la Faculté de droit de Paris en 1951). Il commence sa carrière au Vietnam comme professeur de lycée, puis conservateur du musée Louis Finot, de 1951 à 1958. Il est ensuite nommé au Japon (Kyoto) puis à Hong Kong, où il poursuit ses recherches sur la Chine ancienne.
- http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/201901/29/WS5c4fae3da3106c65c34e7005.html Veteran French Sinologist Leon Vandermeersch, also known by his Chinese name Wang Demai, receives the Huilin Prize from Chen Lai, a professor of philosophy at Tsinghua University, who won the prize last year.
- soft china promotion
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2015/12/23/a30-1223.pdf 法國國家電視台紀錄片《永恒中 國 魅力甘肅》拍攝進入尾聲之際, 主創人員日前在甘肅省蘭州市召開新 聞會介紹了該片的拍攝經歷,亞歐洲 際影視機構總策劃、製片人姚國強表 示,這部總時長達 75 分鐘的紀錄 片,將於2016年初在法國國家電視 台周六晚8點35分黃金時間播出,並 於一周後的周日重播,借此帶領法國 觀眾走進甘肅,同時助推源於甘肅大 地的華夏文明走向世界。
- 法国《世界报》15日刊登关于中国的号外专刊,用八个版面关注中国社会变迁,头版更罕有地出现六个醒目的中文大字:中国,强国崛起。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20171016/PDF/a8_screen.pdf
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170509/PDF/b10_screen.pdf第十二屆「中法文化之春」即日起至七月九日在北京、上海 、深圳 、成都 、武漢 、長沙等三十個城市舉行,展演六十五個項目、二百一十六場文化活動,內容涵蓋視覺藝術展覽、話劇 、舞蹈 、音樂 、電影及建築設計等。
- The 3rd Franco-Chinese Month of the Environment will begin on September 27. Organized by the French embassy in China, this year's month-long project will focus on the theme of biodiversity. A wide range of cultural events, including exhibitions, film screenings, concerts, art workshops, lectures, seminars and forums will be held in 25 Chinese cities. http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/culture/2016-09/27/content_26912608.htm
- Royaumont Abbey is a former Cistercian abbey, located near Asnières-sur-Oise in Val-d'Oise, approximately 30 km north of Paris, France.It was built between 1228 and 1235 with the support of Louis IX. Several members of the French Royal family were buried here (and not in Saint Denis Basilica), for example, three children and two grandchildren of Louis IX. The abbey was dissolved in 1791 during the French Revolution and the stones were partly used to build a factory. However, the sacristy, cloister, and refectoryremained intact.It was built between 1228 and 1235 with the support of Louis IX. Several members of the French Royal family were buried here (and not in Saint Denis Basilica), for example, three children and two grandchildren of Louis IX. The abbey was dissolved in 1791 during the French Revolution and the stones were partly used to build a factory. However, the sacristy, cloister, and refectoryremained intact.On 15 June 1971, Pink Floyd performed live here in front of an audience at the invitation of the Daudy family, the abbey's current owners. The family are well known in France for their cultivation of artistic talent, their generous philanthropy and their visionary taste in music and dance.
- 4th edition china daily 14sep17
- 一九八一年,《红楼梦》法译本由法国著名的伽里玛出版社推出,收在世界鉅作云集的“七星文库”中,轰动一时。李治华和雅歌(Jacqueline Alézais)夫妇,与安德烈.铎尔孟这“译林三友”,在翻译国中筑成了划时代的“大观园”。李治华一九三七年赴法留学,之后就职于法国国家科研究中心和东方语言学院等。一九五四年他开始翻译《红楼梦》,由不懂中文的太太雅歌将他的法文译稿作初步修改润色,再由精通中法文学的铎尔孟深入审校推敲。安德烈‧铎尔孟(André d'Hormon),字浩然。这位法国人深怀着的中国情意结,简直不离不弃,莫失莫忘,一辈子都活在中国梦里。一八八一年他出生于一个贵族家庭,是个私生子,在那个时代无疑极为社会不容,不久母亲便自杀了。他由祖父母养育长大,心中肯定漫着无法驱散的阴影。铎尔孟早年曾跟随时任大清帝国驻法使馆武官的唐在復学习中文。一九○二年与赴法留学的李石曾成为莫逆之交。一九○六年,二十五岁的铎前往中国,岂料一留便四十八年,其中只有两年回过法国。他首先是由唐在復推荐,担任醇亲王的家庭法语教师。北洋政府时期,他当过外交顾问,他提倡民主选举、建议成立完善立法程序。但很快地,他对政治失望而退出这圈子。 他住在北京新鲜胡同,身兼数职,生活充实丰富。专心从事教育与促进中法文化交流,任教北京大学、参与创立了并任教北京中法大学,就在此时李治华上过他的课。后来他负责筹办北京中法汉学研究所并担任所长。另一方面,他是个诗人,有着浪漫的一面。当法国诗人圣尚佩思在北京的时候,有时他们会一起跑上西山写诗诵诗,但跟着铎就会把作品烧掉,不留痕迹。他说中国是个礼仪之邦,要入乡随俗,所以衣食习惯都完全像一个中国人。而他对中国文学诗词更有深入研究。他一生痴迷中国文化,并致力向西方宣扬中国文化的优越性。因为相信一生都会在中国度过,铎在西山买好了墓地。岂料一九四九年,新中国成立,中法无邦交,研究所要撤退全部人员,铎是最后一批离开中国的,回到举目无亲的故乡。确是少小离家老大回。在一次记者访问中,他黯然道:“我拥有的一切都留了在中国。只有一个微弱的梦想带回来。”七十三岁了,去哪里?做什么?还有什么希望?连住的地方都成问题。后经人辗转介绍,终于在华幽梦古修院找到立足所,行李中都是梦的碎片。他说:“我开始为自己服丧。”他常穿中式服装,不爱与人沟通,把自己关闭起来,完全是一个孤独的异乡人。这时刚好李治华接获联合国教科文组织任命翻译《红楼梦》关于这段事迹、最初作出研究的是钱林森《〈红楼梦〉在法国》,深入论述此项盛事的发展过程和文化意义。郑碧贤的《〈红楼梦〉在法兰西的命运》,以小说形式记载这个动人的故事,资料丰富,难能可贵。二○一四年因纪念中法建交,北京卫视拍摄了《一个法国人的红楼梦》纪录片。 华幽梦始建于一二二八年,正是南宋时期。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170611/PDF/a22_screen.pdf
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2015/12/22/a26-1222.pdf 由11位中法藝術家攜手呈現的「光影中國」燈光藝術作 品,在上海虹橋交通樞紐新地標——虹橋天地揭幕。獨具 匠心的燈光作品包括2014年法國里昂燈光節獲獎作品《風 之精靈》,充滿詩意的玻璃盒子中,羽毛隨風搖曳,在光 影中起舞的羽毛芭蕾,讓觀眾在璀璨光影中,感受法式浪 漫。
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