Thursday, May 2, 2019


Pig Beach[1] (also known as Pig Island,[2] Major Cay,[3] and officially Big Major Cay[4]) is an uninhabited island (or cay) located in Exuma, the Bahamas. The island takes its unofficial name from the fact that it is populated by a colony of feral pigs that live on the island and in the surrounding shallows.Cayo Big Major1​ (en inglés y oficialmente Big Major Cay), es un cayo o isla deshabitado, ubicado en el distrito de Exuma en las BahamasInformalmente se le conoce como Isla de los Cerdos1​ (y Pig Beach2​ en inglés) y es conocido por tener una pequeña población de cerdos asilvestrados que están habituados a nadar en el mar.

Afro-Bahamians are an ethnicity originating in The Bahamas of predominantly African descent. They are descendants of various African ethnic groups, many associated with the Empires of Ghana, Songhai and Mali, the various Fula Kingdoms, the Oyo Empire, and the Kingdom of Kongo to name a few. According to the 2010 Census, 92.7% of The Bahamas' population identifies as African or African mixed with European.Most Africans brought to The Bahamas were West African. Slaves came from West Central Africa (3,967 Africans), the Bight of Biafra (1,751 Africans), Sierra Leone (1,187 Africans), the Bight of Benin (1,044 Africans), the Windward Coast (1,030 Africans), Senegambia (806 Africans) and from the Gold Coast (484 Africans). Afro Bahamians originally came by way of Bermuda with the Eleutheran Adventurers in the 17th century, many also came directly from Africa, during the 18th and 19th centuries, the loyalists migrated to the Bahamas bringing thousands of Africans with them from Georgia and South Carolina, since the 19th century many Afro-Haitians were settling in the southern Bahamas. The Pompey Museum is named in honour of a courageous slave, Pompey, who lived on the Rolle Plantantion on Steventon, Exuma, Bahamas. Historic Vendue House, or the Bourse as it was known, was built some time before 1769 and continued to function as a marketplace until the late 1800s. Enslaved Africans and other commodities were sold at Vendue House during the 18th and 19th centuries. Pompey became a museum in 1992.

- The opening of the US$3.5 billion Baha Mar mega-resort in the Bahamas is expected to be delayed beyond the start of the Christmas season, with the developer deep in an escalating legal battle with the Chinese companies that are providing most of the finance and construction work. Even if construction on the unfinished resort resumed this month, there is little chance the project could be completed by mid-December, the start of the high season for Bahamas resorts, according to local contractors who have worked on the project. The sources said it would take a least five months to complete the resort, partly because the project has fallen behind on inspections while some key contractors have moved on to other jobs. Baha Mar missed a March 27 opening because of construction delays and dwindling cash. Missing the high season, when resorts charge premium prices, would further hurt its finances. Sarkis Izmirlian, whose Baha Mar Ltd is developer of the project, is trying to restructure the project’s finances in US Bankruptcy Court in Delaware. A Bahamas resident, Izmirlian is the son of Armenian billionaire Dikran Izmirlian who made his fortunate in the peanut market. But the Bahamian government, along with China’s Export Import Bank and China Construction America (CCA), are trying to block that move as they initiate a separate liquidation proceeding in Nassau. China ExIm has bankrolled most of the project and CCA is the main contractor.

  •中國最大房地產建築商中國建築工程總公司(簡稱 「中國建築」 )25日表示,於2011年初動工 興建的巴哈馬大型海島度假村 「巴哈瑪」 (Baha Mar)項目,時隔六年項目一期日前盛大開業,總 投資高達42億美元(約327億港元)。像其他 「走出去」 企業一樣,中建該項目此前 「歷經坎坷」 。國家發改委教授研究員宋承敏對大公報表示,企業 「走出去」 日趨活躍,要保證走得好,應事先 做好各階段風險評估,建立全面的海外項目風險管理機制。原計劃於 2014年底開業的巴哈瑪項目,曾因施工、資金等問 題陷入僵局。 2010年5月,根據巴哈瑪公司、中建美國巴哈馬 有限公司和中國進出口銀行簽訂協議,中建擔任項 目總承包商,對項目進行1.5億美元股權投資;巴哈 瑪公司以土地、現金和當時已有的多間酒店等資產 注資合計8.5億美元;剩餘24.5億美元項目投資來自 中國進出口銀行貸款。 前年6月項目大股東、巴哈瑪公司在美國特拉華 州法院申請破產保護,將項目施工延遲歸咎於中建 美國子公司。當年7月中建美國發布公告,稱巴哈瑪 公司對項目設計管理不善,包括提出至少1300多項 施工更改指令等。去年8月巴哈馬總理克里斯蒂宣布 已與中國進出口銀行簽訂協議,將促成大型酒店度 假村完工,隨後將其出售給一間 「世界級的酒店和 賭場經營者」。 去年10月,外電報道香港周大福企業表示正洽 購巴哈馬一個度假村,計劃在完成前投資數以百萬 美元計資金,用以開業前活動和招聘等。至今年3月 21日,消息稱,中建美國公司已向周大福移交巴哈 瑪項目酒店、會展中心和高爾夫球場等部分臨時入 住證,克里斯蒂現場見證移交儀式。大公報向香港 周大福企業方面查詢有關交易詳情,對方稱暫無這 方面消息可提供。

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