Wednesday, May 15, 2019

trees and flowers (2)

Originally described by Linnaeus, Liriodendron tulipifera is one of two species (see also L.chinense) in the genus Liriodendron in the magnolia family. The name Liriodendron is Greek for "lily tree". It is also called the tuliptree Magnolia, or sometimes, by the lumber industry, as the tulip-poplar or yellow-poplar. However, it is not closely related to true liliestulips or poplars. The tulip tree has impressed itself upon popular attention in many ways, and consequently has many common names. The tree's traditional name in the Miami-Illinois language is "oonseentia". Native Americans so habitually made their dugout canoes of its trunk that the early settlers west of the Appalachian Mountains called it Canoewood. The color of its wood gives it the name Whitewood. In areas near the Mississippi River it is called a poplar largely because of the fluttering habits of its leaves, in which it resembles trees of that genus. It is sometimes called "fiddle tree," because its peculiar leaves, with their arched bases and in-cut sides, suggest the violin shape. The external resemblance of its flowers to tulips named it the Tulip-tree.The tulip tree is the state treeof IndianaKentucky, and Tennessee北美鵝掌楸   Liriodendron tulipifera—known as the tulip treeAmerican tulip treetulipwoodtuliptreetulip poplarwhitewoodfiddletree, and yellow-poplar—is the North American representative of the two-species genus Liriodendron (the other member is Liriodendron chinense), and the tallest eastern hardwood.  ユリノキ(百合の木)は、モクレン科ユリノキ属落葉高木である。種小名 tulipifera は「チューリップ(のような花)をつける」の意。別名にハンテンボク(半纏木; 葉の形が半纏に似ることから)、レンゲボク(蓮華木; 花がの花を思わせることから)、チューリップツリー(同じく花がチューリップを思わせることから。種小名と同じ発想)などとも呼ぶ。日本へは明治時代初期に渡来した。東京国立博物館本館前庭の巨木に添えられた銘板に、次のように記されている。生長が速く、街路樹庭木公園樹として利用される。葉に様々なタイプのが入るものや、枝が横に広がらない品種が選抜されており、造園上も重要である。また、重要な蜜源植物で、良質の蜂蜜が得られる[2]。材としては、器具建築合板楽器ソーダパルプに利用される。

- construction material of glasgow school of arts

Paederia foetida is a species of plant, with common names that are variations of skunkvinestinkvine, or Chinese fever vine. It is native to temperate, and tropical Asia; and has become naturalized in the MascarenesMelanesiaPolynesia, and the Hawaiian Islands, also found in North America by recent studies. Paederia foetida is known for the strong, sulphurous odour exuded when its leaves or stems are crushed or bruised. This is because the oil responsible for the smell, and found primarily within the leaves, contains sulphur compounds, including largely dimethyl disulphide.It is sometimes planted as an ornamental; and has virtue in folk medicine. It is also used as a culinary spice in some traditional cooking in North Eastern and Eastern India.ヘクソカズラ(屁糞葛、Paederia scandens)は、アカネ科ヘクソカズラ属多年草で、至る所に多い雑草に悪臭があることから屁屎葛(ヘクソカズラ)の名がある。古名はクソカズラ(糞葛・屎葛)。別名ヤイトバナサオトメバナ干して水分を飛ばした果実、または生の実を薬用とする。ただ、生の果実はかなりの臭気を放つのに対して、乾燥したものは不思議と臭いが消えるため、乾燥したものを使うことのほうが多い。劇的ではないが効用は認められており、しもやけあかぎれなどの外用民間薬のほか、生薬鶏屎藤果としても知られている。(我們 客家人從中原遷徙過來,務農為生,平日摘路邊攀藤植物,加上糯米粉,成了最原始的茶 粿:雞矢藤。 )諺「屁糞葛も花盛り」いやなにおいがあってあまり好かれない屁糞葛でも、愛らしい花をつける時期があるように、不器量な娘でも年頃になればそれなりに魅力があるということ。類語に「鬼も十八番茶も出花」がある。Une fable javanaise raconte qu'à l'origine, les tigres et les hommes étaient végétariens et vivaient en harmonie. Les tigres mangeaient des feuilles de Pædérie fétide et de Durian(Durio zibethinus). Un jour, lors de la préparation du repas, un homme se coupa le doigt et un bout de chair se trouva dans le déjeuner des tigres : ceux-ci y prirent goût et devinrent des animaux sauvages.

The calabashbottle gourd, or white-flowered gourd, Lagenaria siceraria (synonym Lagenaria vulgaris Ser.), also known by many other names that include: opo squash (from Tagalogupo), long melonsuzza melonNew Guinea bean and Tasmania bean is a vine grown for its fruit, which can either be harvested young and used as a vegetable, or harvested mature, dried, and used as a bottle, utensil, or pipe. The fresh fruit has a light-green smooth skin and a white flesh. Rounder varieties are called calabash gourds. They grow in a variety of shapes: they can be huge and rounded, small and bottle shaped, or slim and serpentine, more than a metre long. Because bottle gourds are also called "calabashes", they are sometimes confused with the hard, hollow fruits of the unrelated calabash tree, Crescentia cujete, whose fruits are also used to make utensils, containers, and musical instruments. The gourd was one of the first cultivated plants in the world, grown not primarily for food, but for use as water containers. The bottle gourd may have been carried from Africa to Asia, Europe, and the Americas in the course of human migration, or by seeds floating across the oceans inside the gourd. It has been proven to be in the New World prior to the arrival of Christopher ColumbusTwo common kinds of calabash are sold in Chinese stores: the opo kind, which is elongated but still plump, and mao gua which translates to "hairy squash". It is very similar to opo, but it has hairs, as its Chinese name references. 葫芦,別稱蒲瓜扁蒲瓠瓜瓠子蒲仔匏仔等,是属于葫芦科葫芦属的一种植物,它是爬藤植物,其果实也被称为葫芦。ヒョウタン瓢箪Lagenaria siceraria var. gourda)は、ウリ科の植物。漢語では(ひょう、とも表記)、瓢瓠(ひょうこ)、胡盧(ころ、葫盧壺盧とも表記)ともいい、和語ではひさごふくべという[1]。 この植物の果実を加工して作られる「ひょうたん」は、「瓢」の「箪(容器)」という意味である。日本では、縄文時代草創期から前期にかけての遺跡である鳥浜貝塚から種子が出土している。文献史学上では『日本書紀』(720年成立)の中で瓢(ひさご)としてはじめて公式文書に登場する。その記述によると仁徳天皇11年(323年)、茨田堤を築く際、水神へ人身御供として捧げられそうになった茨田連衫子という男が、ヒョウタンを使った頓智で難を逃れたという。

Cantaloupe (also known as muskmelon (India and the United States), mushmelon, rockmelon (in some Australian states and in New Zealand), sweet melon, or spanspek (South Africa)) refers to a variety of the Cucumis melo species in the Cucurbitaceae family.The name is derived via French cantaloup from Italian Cantalupo, which was formerly a papalcounty seat near Rome, after the fruit's introduction there from Armenia. It was first mentioned in English literature in 1739. The cantaloupe most likely originated in a region from India to Africa. It was later introduced to Europe and, around 1890, became a commercial crop in the United States.The Hami melon (哈密瓜) is a type of muskmelon, originally from HamiXinjiang.It is also referred to as the Chinese Hami melon or the snow melon. The outer color is generally white through pink or yellow through green. The inside flesh is sweet and crisp. More than 100 cultivated forms and hybrids of the 'Hami' melon have been grown in China. In Mandarin, Hami gua can also be used to refer to cantaloupe.

thistle (no chinese name) アザミ(薊)
Thistle is the common name of a group of flowering plants characterised by leaves with sharp prickles on the margins, mostly in the family Asteraceae. Prickles occur all over the plant – on the stem and flat parts of leaves. They are an adaptation that protects the plant from being eaten by herbivores
- The thistle has been the national emblem of Scotland since the reign of Alexander III (1249–1286) and was used on silver coins issued by James III in 1470. It is the symbol of the Order of the Thistle, a high chivalric order of Scotland. It is found in many Scottish symbols and as the name of several Scottish football clubs. The thistle, crowned with the Scottish crown, was the symbol of seven of the eight former Scottish Police Services (from which a new national Police Service was formed in 2013), the sole exception being the former Northern Constabulary. The thistle is also the emblem of Encyclopædia Britannica, which originated in Edinburgh, Scotland. It is also used to symbolise connection with Scotland overseas. For example, in Canada, it is one of the four floral emblems on the flag of Montreal; in the US, Carnegie Mellon University features the thistle in its crest in honour of the Scottish heritage of its founder, Andrew Carnegie
- The thistle, and more precisely Onopordum acanthium, is one of the symbols of Lorraine, together with its coat of arms which displays three avalerions, and the Cross of Lorraine.
Carduus is the Latin term for a thistle (hence cardoonchardon in French), and Cardonnacum is the Latin word for a place with thistles. This is believed to be the origin of name of the Burgundy village of Chardonnay, Saône-et-Loire, which in turn is thought to be the home of the famous Chardonnay grape variety.
- Chenango County is a county located in the south-central section U.S. state of New York. The county's name originates from an Oneida word meaning 'large bull-thistle'.
古州名,古县名 ,秦置蓟县,天津市北部县名。 蓟县最早称无终县隋朝时成为渔阳郡的郡治,唐朝因郡改名为“渔阳县”,改渔阳郡为蓟州,这里仍为治所。元朝以后,渔阳之名棄用,这里成为蓟州。1913年,从蓟州改名为“蓟县”,为河北省辖县,1973年9月划归天津市

clover 三葉草屬
Clover or trefoil are common names for plants of the genus Trifolium (Latin, tres "three" + folium "leaf"), consisting of about 300 species of plants in the leguminous pea family FabaceaeShamrock, the traditional Irish symbol, which according to legend was coined by Saint Patrick for the Holy Trinity, is commonly associated with clover, although alternatively sometimes with the various species within the Oxalis genus, which are also trifoliate. Clovers occasionally have four leaflets, instead of the usual three. These four-leaf clovers, like other rarities, are considered lucky. Clovers can also have five, six, or more leaflets, but these are rarer. The record for most leaflets is 56, set on 10 May 2009. This beat the "21-leaf clover", a record set in June 2008 by the same discoverer, who had also held the prior Guinness World Record of 18. A common idiom is "to be (or to live) in clover", meaning to live a carefree life of ease, comfort, or prosperity. The cloverleaf interchange is named for the resemblance to the leaflets of a (four-leaf) clover when viewed from the air.

  • the design of shanghai necc drew inspiration from four leaf clover

Cassia javanica, also known as Java cassiapink showerapple blossom tree and rainbow shower tree (Thaiชัยพฤกษ์), is a species of tree in the Fabaceae family. Its origin is in Southeast Asia, but it has been extensively grown in tropical areas worldwide as a garden tree owing to its beautiful crimson and pink flower bunches.C. javanica is one of Thailand's Nine Auspicious Trees and is said to bring good luck, ensure continued high rank and afford victory.[2] Its flower is the provincial flower of Chainat ProvinceThailand.It is used medicinally as a substitute to Cassia Fistula for treating constipation, colic, chlorosis and urinary disorders.[6] Its leaves are effective against herpes simplex and the bark of C. javanica is one of the ingredients in ayurvedic and other traditional medicine antidiabetic formulations.[7][8] C. javanica yields a lightweight to heavy hardwood that is used for general construction, furniture and cabinet making.[4] The bark of C. javanica is used for tanning in the leather processing industry.
- chinese name for its species: 節果決明花/粉花山扁豆

cherry blossom
- A cherry blossom is the flower of any of several trees of genus Prunus, particularly the Japanese cherryPrunus serrulata, which is called sakura after the Japanese ( or さくら). Currently it is widely distributed, especially in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere including Japan, China, Korea, Europe, West Siberia, India, Canada, and the United States. Along with the chrysanthemum, the cherry blossom is considered the national flower of Japan. Many of the varieties that have been cultivated for ornamental use do not produce fruit. Edible cherries generally come from cultivars of the related species Prunus avium and Prunus cerasus. Cherry blossom are also closely related to other Prunus trees such as the almondpeachplum and apricot and more distantly to applespears and roses.
  •  30年前两位日本友人发起在无锡种下的1500株樱花,如今已发展为拥有100个品种、3万株樱花的“樱花谷”。中日27日在无锡举行纪念大会,共贺“中日樱花友谊林”建设30周年。
  • there is a 芝櫻shibazakura festival in japan in april
  • 櫻花原產於喜馬拉雅山脈,早在兩千多年前的秦漢時期,就已經在中國宮苑內栽培。唐朝時開始則進入尋常百姓家。其後日本朝拜者將櫻花帶回東瀛悉心培植。自此每年三、四月櫻花盛開的季節,都會有所謂「花見」(hanami),相約櫻花樹下野餐賞花,每年也吸引大量海外遊客前來,體驗那「拂了一身還滿」的浪漫。不過,東京都政府近日已發告示,擔心會有散播病毒的風險,建議民眾避免在公園群聚賞櫻。 要賞櫻除了遠赴東京,武漢大學也是其中一個「打卡熱點」。日本侵華時,武漢淪陷,校園成為日軍司令部,一九三九年日本人在校園種植櫻花。一九七二年中日關係正常化,日本向中國贈送一千株櫻花樹,其中一部分贈與武漢大學。在上世紀八十年代日本再度贈櫻,種植在校園。經過多年來的悉心栽培,武漢大學的櫻花大道,每年花季均成為朝聖之地。,
  • 金庸先生《天龍八部》裏聞名中外的大理南澗無量山,冬季浪漫來襲。從進入冬天開始,無量山櫻花谷,放眼望去,盡是萬株櫻花璀璨開放在千畝茶園裏,高海拔碧綠茶園,粉櫻朵朵,雲霧繚繞其間,彷彿置身夢境。無量山,古稱蒙樂山,無量山櫻花谷本是一處茶園,名為華慶茶廠,整個茶園一共有1500多畝,2000年開始,主要種植烏龍茶和鐵觀音。同期,茶農也種下了冬櫻花,最初的目的,是為了給茶樹遮陰、擋紫外線。經過20年的種植,現在整個茶園的櫻花已達16000株之多,每年的11月中下旬陸續開放,花期會持續兩個多月。近幾年來,每年冬季都有近30萬人次前來觀賞櫻花。
  • korea
  • 汝矣島是韓國著名的櫻花觀賞地。汝矣島輪中路經國會議事堂至韓國放送公社前的大道兩旁種滿了櫻花,被稱為「櫻花道」,長達10公里。
  • 遷西縣大黑汀水庫東岸的芝櫻花
  • 廣西南寧市石門森林公園裏櫻花盛放
  • 台中武陵農場櫻花季預計下月12日展開。已開賣的賞櫻專車反應熱烈。
  • 台北市內湖區山區的碧山巖近日正 值櫻花綻放期
八重桜(やえざくら)は八重咲きになるサクラの総称ヤマザクラサトザクラより変化したものでボタン桜とも呼ばれる[2]八重桜は古くより風物詩として親しまれ、日本人との関わりの歴史は長い。 「いにしへの 奈良の都の 八重桜 けふ九重に にほひぬるかな」(伊勢大輔平安時代に宮仕えをしていた女房装束五衣桜色を用いることを「八重桜」と表現していた[2]八重櫻(やえざくら)是重瓣櫻花的總稱,非特定的品種名,品種眾多,常見的是關山、普賢象八重紅枝垂等。花瓣非常多又細,狀如菊花者,也稱作菊櫻

  • 日本殖民南韩时,从日本移植了大量樱花,后来总统朴正熙上任,将日本人栽种的樱花树都掘掉,直到发现王樱花是韩国原生品种,便大量栽植,因此在韩国所见大多是王樱花。

Azaleas /əˈzliə/ are flowering shrubs in the genus Rhododendron, particularly the former sections Tsutsuji (evergreen) and Pentanthera (deciduous).  杜鵑花屬Rhododendron植物俗称杜鵑花,簡稱杜鵑。當中又名為映山红满山红山踯躅红踯躅山石榴等的美麗原種,如映山紅等美麗種類是中国十大名花之一。全世界的杜鹃花屬原種大约有960種,於中国境内有570余种。杜鹃花是尼泊尔的国花,是中國江西省的省花,也是无锡镇江三明长沙韶关大理嘉兴市花,以及臺灣臺北市新竹市的市花。   アザレアは川崎市の市花になっている。日本での主な生産地は新潟県などで品種改良も盛ん。鉢植えとして冬頃に出回る。冷蔵処理をされているため、5月であるはずの本来の開花期とは違う時期に開花株が出回る。In Chinese culture, the azalea is known as "thinking of home bush" (sixiang shu) and is immortalized in the poetry of Du Fu.
The azalea is also one of the symbols of the city of São Paulo, in Brazil. In addition to being renowned for its beauty, the azalea is also highly toxic—it contains andromedotoxins in both its leaves and nectar, including honey from the nectar.[5] Azaleas and rhododendrons were once so infamous for their toxicity that to receive a bouquet of their flowers in a black vase was a well-known death threat.
The Ma On Shan Azalea Festival is held in Ma On Shan, where six native species (Rhododendron championaeRhododendron farreraeRhododendron hongkongenseRhododendron moulmainenseRhododendron simiarum and Rhododendron simsii [8]) are found in the area. The festival has been held since 2004; it includes activities such as exhibitions, photo contests and carnivals. 馬鞍山多沙石,土壤並不肥沃,但富含鐵,土壤呈褚色甚至是紅色,據說每公斤土壤中含有二十克的鐵。這裏曾有大型鐵礦,高峰期間有三千名礦工,形成村落,連同家眷有一萬人。這裏還有一個「鞍山探索館」,有教會組織經營,活化以前的礦工生活遺跡。馬鞍山亦有礦洞封存。現時的馬鞍山燒烤場,則是由鐵礦堆積場改建而來。杜鵑花喜酸性土壤,而含鐵的馬鞍山正好是酸性。香港有六種野生杜鵑花,分別是華麗杜鵑、羊角杜鵑、香港杜鵑、紅杜鵑、毛葉杜鵑及南華杜鵑,在馬鞍山都可以找到。
-  躑躅 - 杜鵑花的別名。又名映山紅。
  • 唐 白居易 《題元十八溪居》詩:“晚葉尚開紅躑躅,秋房初結白芙蓉。” 清 趙翼 《肇璜歿后其子以君手植杜鵑一本見貽》詩:“一枝躑躅贈留貽,老瓦盆經手澤滋。” 郭沫若 《杜鵑》:“聲是滿腹鄉思,血是遍山躑躅。”
  • 自己不是中大人,但和中大的幾位教師卻 曾有過交往,曾聽他們的夫人聊起,最喜歡 三月時那盛開的映山紅。當時還問映山紅是 什麼花,原來就是杜鵑花,不但有映山紅的 別名,亦有山躑躅的別名。想想也對,紅花 把山坡都映照得紅紅的,讓人很想在山坡上 躑躅徘徊。 中國的杜鵑花栽培已有一千多年的歷史, 唐代詩人白居易最愛自己栽植,他在《山石 榴寄元九》詩中說:「山石榴,一名山躑 躅,一名杜鵑花,杜鵑啼時花撲撲。九江三 月杜鵑來,一聲催得一枝開……日射血珠將 滴地,風翻火焰欲燒人。閒折兩枝持在手, 細看不似人間有。花中此物似西施,芙蓉芍 藥皆嫫母……」在《喜山石榴花開》說: 「忠州州里今日花,廬山山頭去年樹。已憐 根損斬新栽,還喜花開依舊數。」更在《題 山石榴花》說:「一叢千朵壓闌干,翦碎紅 綃卻作團。風裊舞腰香不盡……任人採弄盡 人看。」
  • used by south korea in its tourism promotion materials
- 中國科學院的考察人員近日在四川涼山州野外發現一株枯魯杜鵑,該種植物於二○一三年被評估為「野外滅絕」,在中國境內僅此一株。

- state flower of hawaii 

Hibiscus syriacus is a species of flowering plant in the family Malvaceae, native to much of Asia (though not, as Linnaeus thought, Syria, in spite of the name he gave it). Common names include rose of Sharon (especially in North America), Syrian ketmia or rose mallow (United Kingdom) and St Joseph's rod (Italy).Hibiscus syriacus, also known as the Korean Rose, is the national flower of South Korea. The flower appears in national emblems, and Korea is compared poetically to the flower in the South Korean national anthem. The flower's name in Korean is mugunghwa (Hangul: 무궁화; Hanja: 無窮花). The flower's symbolic significance stems from the Korean word mugung, which means "eternity" or "inexhaustible abundance". Various emblems of South Korea contain hibiscus syriacus.
Rose of Sharon is a common name that has been applied to several different species of flowering plants that are valued in different parts of the world. It is also a biblical expression, though the identity of the plant referred to is unclear and is disputed among biblical scholars. In neither case does it refer to actual roses, although one of the species it refers to in modern usage is a member of RosaceaeThe name "rose of Sharon" first appears in Hebrew in the Tanakh. In the Shir Hashirim (Song of Songs or Song of Solomon) 
South Korea's national flower is the Hibiscus syriacus which is widely found in Hawaii, too. 

Hibiscus mutabilis, also known as the Confederate roseDixie rosemallow or the cotton rosemallow, is a plant noted for its flowers.The Confederate rose was at one time very common in the area of the Confederate States of America, which is how its common name was derived.  木芙蓉通常被稱作芙蓉,是一種原產於中國的植物。原產中國,在長江流域及其以南都有栽培,在湖南四川兩省較為常見。湖南境內因為廣植木芙蓉,湖南因此被稱為「芙蓉國」。典出唐代大诗人谭用之《秋宿湘江遇雨》。唐宋时代,湖南湘、资、沅、澧流域广生木芙蓉,木芙蓉高者可达数丈,花繁盛,有白、黄、淡红数色,繁盛丰茂,而又颇为淡雅素美。谭用之游湘江后赋诗”秋风万里芙蓉国,暮雨千家薜荔村“而被广为传诵。中华人民共和国建国后,毛泽东同志两次引用此诗,更使“芙蓉国”之名人尽皆知。 木芙蓉在成都一帶也十分常見,因此成都又稱「蓉城」,而木芙蓉也是成都市的市花
- sightings in hk

  • herbal garden of hk museum of medical sciences

朱槿屬於錦葵科木槿屬的常綠灌木或小喬木,又稱赤槿、日及、佛桑、扶桑、紅扶桑、紅木槿、桑槿、火紅花、照殿紅、宋槿、二紅花、花上花、土紅花、假牡丹、燈籃仔花],因原產於中國南部,歐洲各語系依循其拉丁學名皆稱朱槿為中國玫瑰(Rose of China、China rose)。由於早期花色大多為紅色,中國嶺南一帶將之稱為大紅花。 Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, known colloquially as Chinese hibiscus,[2] China rose, Hawaiian hibiscusrose mallow[3] and shoeblackplant,[4] is a species of tropical hibiscus, a flowering plant in the Hibisceae tribe of the family Malvaceae, native to East Asia.The flowers of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis are edible and are used in salads in the Pacific Islands.[citation needed] The flower is additionally used in hair care as a preparation. It is also used to shine shoes in certain parts of India. It can also be used as a pH indicator. When used, the flower turns acidic solutions to a dark pink or magenta color and basic solutions to green. It is also used for the worship of Devi, and the red variety is especially prominent, having an important part in tantra. In Indonesia, these flowers are called "kembang sepatu", which literally means "shoe flower". In several countries the flowers are dried to use in a beverage, usually tea.Hibiscus rosa-sinensis is considered to have a number of medical uses in Chinese herbology. It may have some potential in cosmetic skin care; for example, an extract from the flowers of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis has been shown to function as an anti-solar agent by absorbing ultraviolet radiation.
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis is the national flower of Malaysia, called Bunga Raya in Malay. Introduced into the Malay Peninsula in the 12th century, it was nominated as the national flower in the year 1958 by the Ministry of Agriculture. The word bunga in Malay means "flower", while raya in Malay means "celebratory" or "grand". The Hibiscus rosa-sinensis is literally known as the "celebratory flower" in Malay. The red of the petals symbolizes the courage, life, and rapid growth of the Malaysian, and the five petals represent the five Rukun Negara of Malaysia. The flower can be found imprinted on the notes and coins of the Malaysian ringgit.
- theme flower of 2019 hk flower show
- 大紅花又名朱槿、扶 桑、佛槿、中國薔薇,因紅色的 大紅花較普遍,嶺南一帶將之俗 稱為大紅花。大紅花被好些地方視為國花 、市花、州花。馬來西亞、蘇丹 、斐濟視之為國花;美國夏威夷 視為州花;廣西南寧、廣東茂名 視為市花;台灣高雄縣視為縣花 。南寧市視朱槿為市花,

 黃槿,別稱黃木槿[3]朴仔[4]披麻銅麻港麻海麻河麻山加半桐花[5]鹽水面頭果古老仔[6]糕仔樹[7]粿葉樹等,為錦葵科木槿屬植物,被歸類為廣義紅樹林上的植物[8][9][10]   Hibiscus tiliaceus is a species of flowering tree in the mallow family, Malvaceae, that is native to the Old World tropics.[3] Common names include sea hibiscusbeach hibiscuscoastal (or coasthibiscuscoastal (or coastcottonwoodgreen cottonwoodnative hibiscusnative rosellacottonwood hibiscuskurrajongsea rosemallowbalibago (Tagalog), malabago or malbago (Cebuano – Southern), maribago (Cebuano – Northern), waru (Javanese), baru or bebaru (Malay), hau (Hawaiian), fau (Samoan), purau (Tahitian), and vau tree. The specific epithet"tiliaceus", refers to its resemblance of the leaves to those of the related Tiliaspecies.
The wood of H. tiliaceus has a specific gravity of 0.6. It has been used in a variety of applications, such as seacraft construction, firewood, and wood carvings. It is easy to plane and turns well, so it is regarded by many as a high quality furniture wood. Its tough bark can be made into durable rope and used for sealing cracks in boats. The bark and roots may be boiled to make a cooling tea to cool fevers, and its young leafy shoots may be eaten as vegetables. Native Hawaiians used the wood to make ʻiako (spars) for waʻa (outrigger canoes), mouo (fishing net floats), and ʻau koʻi (adze handles). Kaula ʻilihau (cordage) was made from the bast fibers.[8] Hau would be used to make ʻama (canoe floats) if wiliwili (Erythrina sandwicensis) was unavailable. Hibiscus tiliaceus is widely used in Asian countries as a subject for the art of bonsai, especially Taiwan. The finest specimens are taken from Kenting National Park. Lending itself to free grafting, the leaf size is reduced fairly quickly. In Indonesia H. tiliaceus is also used for fermenting tempeh. The undersides of the leaves are covered in downy hairs known technically as trichomes to which the mold Rhizopus oligosporus can be found adhering in the wild. Soybeans are pressed into the leaf, and stored. Fermentation occurs resulting in tempeh.黃槿有抗鹽抗旱的特性,可作為熱帶海岸地區防風、防沙、防潮的優良樹種[11]。葉片可供作蒸煮糕粿的枕葉,因而有糕仔樹及粿葉樹[12]等別稱。樹皮纖維可製作繩索[13]或織網[3]等用途。枝幹木材質輕富彈性,可作傢俱或薪柴之用[13][14]黃槿的葉及樹皮可治支氣管炎及咳嗽,葉外敷可治腫毒及作洗滌劑之用,根可作解熱及催吐劑[4][15]
- waru in indonesian, Lindenblättrige Eibisch  in deutsch
- hk

  • garden outside grand hyatt

Epiphyllum oxypetalum (Dutchman's pipe cactus or queen of the night[citation needed]) is a species of cactus and one of the most cultivated species in the genus. E. oxypetalum blooms rarely and only at night, and its flowers wilt before dawn. Though it is sometimes referred to as a nightblooming cereus, it is not closely related to any of the species in the tribe Cereeae, such as Selenicereus, that are more commonly known as nightblooming cereus. All Cereus species bloom at night and are terrestrial plants; all Epiphyllum species are usually epiphytic.
In India it is called Brahma Kamalam, named after the Hindu god of creation, Lord Brahma. It is believed that the wishes of people who pray to God while the flower is blooming will be fulfilled. The Chinese chengyu (four character idiom) 曇花一現 (tan hua yi xian) use this flower (tan-hua; 曇花) to describe someone who has an impressive but very brief moment of glory, like a "flash in a pan," since an Epiphyllum oxypetalum plant might bloom only once a year over a few days. Therefore, someone described as "曇花一現" is generally understood to be a person who shows off or unexpectedly gains some achievement and is thought to be an exception or only lucky. The flower also has a rich history in Japan, where it is known as the 月下美人 (Gekka Bijin) or "Beauty under the Moon".[citation needed] In Sri Lanka it is called "Kadupul" (කඩුපුල්) which means the flower from heaven. In Indonesia it is called "Wijaya Kusuma" which means "Flower of Triumph".
- 韋陀花,其實就是曇花。傳說,曇花原是上天的一位花神,她每天 都開放着,天真爛漫,無拘無束,從沒有凋 謝過。只因愛上了為她澆水除草的年輕人, 違反了天規,被玉帝貶為每年只能開一瞬間 的花,以此作為懲罰,並把那個年輕人送到 靈鷲山上出家,賜名韋陀。遭遇愛情挫折的 人,最知道自己怎樣修行,耿耿秋燈下,總 能化解心底的相思。多年之後,韋陀潛心習 佛,漸有所成,果然忘記前塵,把曾經相愛 的花神忘了,而花神卻怎麼也忘不了那個曾 經對她關懷備至的人。 韋陀自此虔誠向佛,曇花卻對他念念不忘。 她知道,兩人唯一見面的機會,就是韋陀每年 下山為佛祖煎茶採集朝露的時候。曇花掐算好 時間,在韋陀下山的路上等待,看他遠遠地走 來,就把集聚了一年的精氣綻放於那一瞬間, 她希望韋陀能夠在她開放的時候看她一眼。但 每一次韋陀都擦身而過,他不知道哪朵花是花 神專門為他開放。千百年過去了,韋陀一年年 下山採集朝露,曇花一年年綻放,韋陀卻始終 沒有記起她。至今天,曇花仍然默默地開着, 在月下寧靜的夜晚,月圓月缺,年復一年。因 了曇花執着的愛,世人又把它叫作「韋陀 花」。

Konjac (English: /ˈknjæk/ KOHN-yak; is a common name of plant Amorphophallus konjacsyn. A. rivieriJapanese: 蒟蒻/菎蒻; こんにゃく; konnyakuKorean곤약gonyak蒟蒻pinyinjǔruòJyutpinggeoi2 joek6), also known as konjakkonjakukonnyaku potatodevil's tonguevoodoo lilysnake palm, or elephant yam (though this name is also used for A. paeoniifolius), is a plant of the genus Amorphophallus. It is native to warm subtropical to tropical eastern Asia, from Japan and China south to Indonesia (USDA hardiness Zone 6-11). It is a perennial plant, growing from a large corm up to 25 cm (10 in) in diameter. The food made from the corm of this plant is widely known in English by its Japanese name, konnyaku (yam cake), being cooked and consumed primarily in Japan. The two basic types of cake are white and black. Noodles are made from konnyaku, known as shirataki. The corm of the konjac is often colloquially referred to as a yam, although it bears no marked relation to tubers of the family Dioscoreaceae.In traditional papermaking by hand as practiced in Japan, konnyaku imparts strength to the paper for dyeing, rubbing, folding and other manipulations such as momigami.コンニャク(蒟蒻、菎蒻)は、サトイモ科植物、あるいはその球茎から製造される食品である。日本への伝来時期には諸説あり、飛鳥時代に医薬として[12]仏教と共に伝来した[13]、あるいは縄文時代にサトイモと共に伝来した[14]ともいわれ、その後推古天皇の時代に本格的に中国から輸入されたといわれる。その目的は「砂払い(整腸)」の薬効であったが、鎌倉時代までに食品として確立し、精進料理に用いられるようになった。しかし庶民に広まったのは、元禄年間の頃である中国では、貴州省や雲南省、四川省などでよく食され、それらの地では「魔芋」という名称のほうが一般的である。日本と似たような煮物や惣菜のような調理が多いが、これらの地方の小吃では、コンニャクをステーキのように焼いたものに、唐辛子や、薬味がたっぷり効かされている。
- 古今注 -揚州人謂蒻為斑杖,不知食之。

Gastrodia elata is a saprophytic perennial herb in the Orchidaceae family. It is found in NepalBhutanIndiaJapan (Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, Kyuushu [1]), North KoreaSiberiaTaiwan as well as China (in the provinces of Jilin, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia, Hebei, Shanxi, Shanxi, Gansu, Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Henan, Hunan, Hubei, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, and Tibet) 天麻,又名赤箭離母煨天麻鬼督郵神草独摇芝赤箭脂定风草合离草独摇自动草水洋芋明天麻[3],为兰科天麻属植物,种加词elata意为“高的”,所以又翻為高赤箭The herb is used in Traditional Chinese medicine and Sichuan cuisine. It is one of the three orchids listed in the earliest known Chinese Materia Medica (Shennon bencaojing) (c. 100 AD). Medicinally, it is used for 'calming the liver'and for treating headaches, dizziness, tetanus, and epilepsy.

Celosia argentea, commonly known as the plumed cockscomb or silver cock's comb,[2] is a herbaceous plant of tropical origin, and is known for its very bright colors. In India and China it is known as a troublesome weed.青葙為中藥藥材,名為青葙子的種子有清肝明目的作用。全株可做飼料。幼嫩莖葉浸去苦味後,可作野菜食用。種子炒熟亦可加工製作各種糖食。此外,青葙花序宿存經久不凋,可供觀賞。别名野鸡冠花(山东、江苏、浙江、四川) 鸡冠花(福建) 百日红、狗尾草(海南)

Celosia cristata is a member of the genus Celosia, and is commonly known as cockscomb, since the flower looks like the head on a rooster(cock). The plants are hardy and resistant to most diseases, and grow equally well indoors or out, though the perfect place is one with no shade and a well drained soil, as the plant is susceptible to fungal diseases. The plant is used frequently as an ornamental plant indoors. Their leaves and flowers can be used as vegetables. They are often grown as foods in India, Western Africa, and South America. 鸡冠花别名:鸡髻花、老来红、芦花鸡冠、笔鸡冠、小头鸡冠、凤尾鸡冠、大鸡公花、鸡角根、红鸡冠。Le mot Celosia dérive du grec keleos qui signifie « brûlant » en référence à la floraison en forme de flamme. En espagnolCelosia, désigne un trompe-l'œil. Cette plante présente des inflorescences en forme de crête ondulée, ce qui lui vaut le surnom de crête de coq.
- Similar to amaranth, the cockscomb is used as a vegetable. It is the most widely used leafy vegetable in southern Nigeria, and is also part of the diet in BeninCongo and Indonesia. It is grown in gardens and small farms for their own use and commercially. Even young stems and flowers are eaten. The seeds can also be eaten, they are among the pseudogetreids. Due to the resistance to pests and disease and the higher crop yield, the plant appears as a good alternative to amaranth.In one study it could be shown that the silver fire-pot drives weeds out of fields. In particular, the grass plantations such as cereal or sorghum – infested root parasites of the African witch-herbs (genus Striga) (family of the brown-wort family) could be kept away from fields by common sowing with cockscomb.The flowers are a traditional though now seldom-used garnish for desserts, rice cakes and flower-infused alcoholic beverages in Korea.

Populus euphratica, commonly known as the Euphrates poplar or desert poplar, is a species of poplar tree in the willow family胡杨,又称胡桐(《汉书》)、英雄树异叶胡杨异叶杨水桐三叶树,是杨柳科杨属胡杨亚属的一种植物,常生长在沙漠中,它耐寒、耐旱、耐盐碱、抗风沙,有很强的生命力。“胡杨生而千年不死,死而千年不倒,倒而千年不烂”。胡杨是生长在沙漠的唯一乔木树种,且十分珍贵,可以和有“植物活化石”之称的银杏树相媲美。胡杨产内蒙古西部、新疆、甘肃青海。国外分布在蒙古苏联(中亚部分和高加索)、埃及叙利亚印度伊朗阿富汗巴基斯坦等地。Willows, also called sallows, and osiers, form the genus Salix, around 400 species of deciduous trees and shrubs, found primarily on moist soils in cold and temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. The leaves and bark of the willow tree have been mentioned in ancient texts from AssyriaSumer and Egypt as a remedy for aches and fever,[20] and in Ancient Greece the physician Hippocrates wrote about its medicinal properties in the fifth century BC. Native Americansacross the Americas relied on it as a staple of their medical treatments. It provides temporary pain relief. Salicin is metabolized into salicylic acid in the human body, and is a precursor of aspirin.
- [time travel]common in western part of scania, sweden
- china daily 4oct19 picture of popular euphratica forest in alashan inner mongolia autonomous region
- 華北平原少河流,但村中坑坑窪窪,盛雨後積水,日久天長,竟也似小湖。無人特意種植,有湖即有柳,如有水便有魚。從天而來的這一汪水,左擁右抱,該有的都有了。不同於楊樹,柳樹常常歪斜,一半在岸邊,一半在水上,枯後無人打撈,樹幹成為洗衣婦的參照物。「到樹邊洗衣去」,這樣一招呼,彼此心知肚明。
- 記得小時候,我在春天裡玩得最開心的是做柳哨、吹柳哨。做柳哨要用巧勁兒,嫺熟地把柳枝的外皮抽出來,擰轉時需特別謹慎。以待皮擰活後,再用小刀在枝條的活動段用力一割,讓柳皮與桿「分家」。用指甲在柳皮薄薄的外皮上部掐一下,讓一段綠皮露出來,柳哨就成了。將略帶苦甜味的柳哨銜在嘴上,腮鼓得像個氣球,歡快的柳哨便響了起來。大柳哨聲音渾厚、高亢,小柳哨聲音清亮、婉轉。

猴面包树屬锦葵目锦葵科植物,又稱猢狲木属Die Affenbrotbäume baobab is any of nine species of deciduous tree in the genus Adansonia, found in arid regions of Madagascar, mainland AfricaArabia, and Australia. The generic name honours Michel Adanson, the French naturalist and explorer who described Adansonia digitata. Of the nine species, six are native to Madagascar, two are native to mainland Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, and one is native to Australia. One of the mainland African species also occurs on Madagascar, but it is not a native of that island. It was introduced in ancient times to south Asia and during the colonial era to the Caribbean. It is also present in the island nation of Cape Verde.The fruit has a velvety shell and is about the size of a coconut, weighing about 1.5 kilograms (3.3 lb). It has an acidic, tart flavor, described as "somewhere between grapefruit, pear, and vanilla".[13] The fresh fruit is said to taste like sherbet.The powdery white interior may be used as a "thickener in jams and gravies, a sweetener for fruit drinks, or a tangy flavor addition to hot sauces".[16] The fruit pulp and seeds of A. grandidieri[18] and A. za are eaten fresh.[19] In Tanzania, the dry pulp of A. digitata is added to sugarcane to aid fermentation in beermaking. The seeds of some species are a source of vegetable oil[18][19] and leaves may be eaten as a leaf vegetable. In Angola, the dry fruit is usually boiled and the broth is used for juices or as the base for a type of ice cream known as gelado de múcua. In Zimbabwe, the fruit is used in traditional food preparations which include "eating the fruit fresh or crushed crumbly pulp to stir into porridge and drinks". Malawi women have set up commercial ventures harvesting the baobab to earn their children's school fees.Some baobab species are sources of fiberdye, and fuelIndigenous Australians used the native species A. gregorii for several products, making string from the root fibers and decorative crafts from the fruits.
- bbc superfood episode on the food which is from limpopo, south africa
- baobab avenue near the city of morondava, madagascar 
- [] ancient baobab grow on kubu island, botswana
- any relations?
  • baobab tree event
    • projects - lohas expo, vegetarian food asia

琉璃繁缕Scarlet pimpernel, commonly known as blue-scarlet pimpernel, red pimpernelred chickweedpoorman's barometerpoor man's weather-glass, shepherd's weather glass or shepherd's clock, is a low-growing annual plant. The native range of the species is Europe and Western Asia and North Africa. The species has been distributed widely by humans, either deliberately as an ornamental flower or accidentally. A. arvensis is now naturalised almost worldwide, with a range that encompasses the AmericasCentral and East Asia, the Indian SubcontinentMalesia, the Pacific IslandsAustralasia and Southern Africa.In various countries however, the plant material has been applied externally to slow-healing ulcers and wounds. It also has been applied as an expectorant and as a remedy for pruritusrheumatismhaemorrhoidsrabiesleprosy, and snake-bite. Anagallis has been used in treatment of non-specified types of phthisis, and of kidney-related conditions such as dropsy and chronic nephritis. It was used as an antidepressant in ancient Greece, and to treat various mental disorders in European folk medicine, leading to the German name Gauchheil (Gauch meaning "fool" or "cuckoo", and heil meaning "heal"). The herb and its seed contain saponins, which could explain why fresh material is strongly haemolytic.[15] Among other possible glycosides,[14] the root yields the triterpenoid glycoside cyclamin[13] which is highly toxic and occurs in Cyclamen species,[16] also a member of the subfamily Myrsinoideae, and arguably also in the Primulaceae. The plant contains tanning agents, bitters, and the proteolytic enzyme primverase.
- The flower is most widely known as the emblem of the fictional hero the Scarlet Pimpernel.
- Scarlet pimpernel (anicham in Tamil) is one of the two flowers mentioned in the Tirukkural.[citation needed]

  • The Tirukkural or Thirukkural (Tamil: திருக்குறள், literally Sacred Verses), or shortly the Kural, is a classic Tamil sangam literature consisting of 1330 couplets or kurals, dealing with the everyday virtues of an individual.[3][4] Considered one of the greatest works ever written on ethics and morality, chiefly secular ethics, it is known for its universality and non-denominational nature.[5] It was authored by Valluvar, also known in full as Thiruvalluvar.

Lagerstroemia indica
 (crape myrtlecrepe myrtlecrepeflower) is a species in the genus Lagerstroemia in the family Lythraceae. From ChinaKoreaJapan and Indian Subcontinent Lagerstroemia indica is an often multi-stemmed, deciduous tree with a wide spreading, flat topped, rounded, or even spike shaped open habit. Planted in full sun or under canopy, the tree is a popular nesting shrub for songbirds and wrens. 紫薇,别名:痒痒花、痒痒树、紫金花、紫兰花、蚊子花、西洋水杨梅、百日红、无皮树,拉丁文名:Lagerstroemia indica L. 千屈菜科紫薇属落叶灌木或小乔木,高可达7米;树皮平滑,灰色或灰褐色;枝干多扭曲,小枝纤细,叶互生或有时对生,纸质,椭圆形、阔矩圆形或倒卵形,幼时绿色至黄色,成熟时或干燥时呈紫黑色,室背开裂;种子有翅,长约8毫米。花期6-9月,果期9-12月。紫薇树姿优美,树干光滑洁净,花色艳丽;开花时正当夏秋少花季节,花期长,故有“百日红”之称,又有“盛夏绿遮眼,此花红满堂”的赞语,是观花、观干、观根的盆景良材;根、皮、叶、花皆可入药。
- 李隆基醉心於紫薇的爛漫朝氣和 花期長久,尊其為太平盛世吉祥花。因皇帝 推崇,天下百姓廣植紫薇蔚然成風。從公元 713年始,紫薇遍栽皇宮及官邸府衙。唐中 書省因紫薇改名紫薇省,中書省作為國家權 力機構,在此做官者叫紫薇郎,從這裏發出 的命令是紫薇令。蘭止於苑,牡丹止於亭, 菊花止於台,而紫薇卻能佔城載宮,還以省 論說,概因國富民強之心靈寄寓也。廣州中山公園、昆明、蘇 州、成都,都存有500—800年的古紫薇樹; 湖北神農架及四川等地的千年野生老紫薇, 至今仍枝葉茂盛,年年繁花似錦。南非很多 城市也種有紫薇花樹,每年11月前後是南半 球紫薇花盛放季,大片的紫色海洋在城市中 蔓延,花將天空染成炫目的紫色,地上的落 花亦成為絕美的地氈。置身其中,彷彿進入 一襲紫色夢境。

蓼子草,别名半年粮,细叶一枝蓼,小莲蓬,猪蓼子草。一年生直立草本,高30~65厘米。有祛风解表,清热解毒的功效。分布于江苏、安徽、浙江、广东,台湾、四川等地。Polygonum criopolitanum là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Rau răm. Loài này được Hance miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1886. (no english version in wikipedia)

Mesquite is the common name for the genus Prosopis, containing over 40 species of small leguminous trees. They are native to the southwestern United States and MexicoThe English word mesquite is borrowed from the Spanish word mezquite, which in turn was borrowed from the Nāhuatl term mizquitl.

Buddleja lindleyana is a deciduous shrub native to the provinces of AnhweiHunanHupehKiangsuShanghaiSichuan, and Yunnan in China, where it grows in rocky scrub alongside streams and tracks at elevations of 200 – 2700 m. The shrub has also naturalized on Okinawa-jima, Japan, and in the south-eastern states of the United States.醉魚草Butterfly bush)醉魚草屬(Buddleja)100餘種植物的統稱,此前屬於龍膽目馬錢科,現在劃入玄參目醉魚草科

Primula vulgaris (primrosesyn. P. acaulis (L.) Hill) is a species of flowering plant in the family Primulaceae, native to western and southern Europe (from the Faroe Islands and Norway south to Portugal, and east to Germany, Ukraine, the Crimea, and the Balkans), northwest Africa (Algeria), and southwest Asia (Turkey east to Iran).[1][2] The common name is primrose,[3] or occasionally common primrose or English primrose to distinguish it from other Primula species also called primroses.
- The primrose was Benjamin Disraeli's favourite flower; Primrose Day and the Primrose League were given their names in honour of this.Primroses also appear as a charge in heraldry, for example the coat of arms of the Earl of Rosebery.

マツヨイグサ(待宵草)月見草屬又称待宵草晚櫻草Oenothera is a genus of about 145[3] species of herbaceous flowering plants native to the Americas.[4] It is the type genus of the familyOnagraceae. Common names include evening primrosesuncups, and sundrops. They are not closely related to the true primroses (genus Primula).The species vary in size from small alpine plants 10 centimeters tall, such as O. acaulis from Chile, to vigorous lowland species growing to 3 meters, such as O. stubbei from Mexico. The leaves form a basal rosette at ground level and spiral up to the flowering stems. The blades are dentate or deeply lobed (pinnatifid). The flowers of many species open in the evening, hence the name "evening primrose". They may open in under a minute. Most species have yellow flowers, but some have white, purple, pink, or red. Most native desert species are white. Oenothera caespitosa, a species of western North America, produces white flowers that turn pink with age.[5] One of the most distinctive features of the flower is the stigma, which has four branches in an X shape.

青葙  野鸡冠花(山东、江苏、浙江、四川) 鸡冠花(福建) 百日红、狗尾草(海南)  Celosia argentea, commonly known as plumed cockscomb, or the silver cock's comb, is a herbaceous plant of tropical origin, and is known for its very bright colors. In India and China it is known as a troublesome weed.It is used in Africa to help control growth of the parasitic Striga plant. It can also be used in soaps.The leaves and flowers are edible and are grown for such use in Africa and Southeast Asia.[7] Celosia argentea var. argentea or "Lagos spinach" is one of the main boiled greens in West Africa, where it is known as soko yòkòtò (Yoruba) or farar áláyyafó (Hausa).ケイトウ (鶏頭学名:Celosia argentea
-  日本には奈良時代に中国を経由して渡来した。
-  渠務署一四年起於小蠔灣設植物苗圃,培植五十多種本港原生植物,由園境師挑選品種及規劃設計,改善環境和淨化污水。經過每周兩次視察、記錄植物生長情況及研究種植方法,他們發現青葙、薏苡適合於河道栽種,現已遍植於萬屋邊和九龍坑河道。許樂謙解釋,青葙生命力強,土壤不佳也能生長,且形態優美;薏苡可淨化污水中氮和磷。而渠務設施綠化,他們選梭羅樹及嶺南山竹子,因梭羅樹香味可吸引蝴蝶和蜜蜂採蜜,嶺南山竹子果實是野生獼猴主要食糧,目前於青衣基本污水處理廠、昂坪污水處理廠採用。

Job's tears (US) or Job's-tears (UK),[2] scientific name Coix lacryma-jobi, also known as adlay or adlay millet,[3] is a tall grain-bearing perennial tropical plant of the family Poaceae (grass family). It is native to Southeast Asia[4] but elsewhere is cultivated in gardens as an annual. It has been naturalized in the southern United States and the New World tropics. In its native environment it is grown in higher areas where rice and corn do not grow well. Other common names include coixseed and tear grass.[citation needed] Job's tears are also commonly sold as Chinese pearl barley in Asian supermarkets, although C. lacryma-jobi is not closely related to barley (Hordeum vulgare).
There are two main varieties of the species, one wild and one cultivated. The wild variety, Coix lacryma-jobi var. lacryma-jobi, has hard-shelled pseudocarps—very hard, pearly white, oval structures used as beads for making rosaries, necklaces, and other objects. The cultivated variety Coix lacryma-jobi var. ma-yuen is harvested as a cereal crop, has a soft shell, and is used medicinally in parts of Asia.Besides the use for ornamental purposes, Job's tears grains are useful as a source of food (cereals) and folk medicine. Throughout East Asia, Job's tears are available in dried form and cooked as a grain. The grains are generally spherical, with a groove on one end, and polished white in color, though in Japan unpolished yuuki hatomugi, which is unpolished and brown in color, is also available.In Korea, a thick drink called yulmu cha (율무차, literally "Job's tears tea") is made from powdered Job's tears. A similar drink, called yi ren jiang (薏仁漿), also appears in Chinese cuisine, and is made by simmering whole polished Job's tears in water and sweetening the resulting thin, cloudy liquid with sugar. The grains are usually strained from the liquid but may also be consumed separately or together.In both Korea and China, distilled liquors are also made from the grain. One such example is the Korean liquor called okroju (옥로주; hanja: ), which is made from rice and Job's tears. An ancient Chinese beer recipe included the grain as an ingredient.[9] In Japan, an aged vinegar is made from the grain. In southern Vietnam, a sweet, cold soup called sâm bổ lượng has Job's tears as one of its ingredients. This dish derives from the southern Chinese tong sui called qīng bǔ liáng (Cantonese: ching1 bou2 leung4).In Cambodia, where is known as skuay (ស្គួយ), it is used both as part of herbal medicine and as an ingredient in desserts. In Thailand, it is often consumed in teas and other drinks, such as soy milk. It is also used alongside other herbs in traditional Chinese medicine. Particularly Coix lacryma-jobi var. ma-yuen has been used in the traditional Chinese medicine to invigorate the spleen function and promote urination, alleviate arthritis, arrest diarrhea, remove heat and facilitate the drainage of pus. In both the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians and the Cherokee Nation in Oklahoma, the beads of Job's Tears are called "corn beads" or "Cherokee corn beads" and have been used for personal adornment since at least the time of the united Cherokee Republic. A common folk story is that the corn beads sprang up along the path during the 1838 forced march of many Cherokees to Oklahoma from their southeastern North American homelands by the U.S. military.[citation needed]
-  C. lacryma-jobi seeds in a necklace prepared in the Zulu tradition
-  渠務署一四年起於小蠔灣設植物苗圃,培植五十多種本港原生植物,由園境師挑選品種及規劃設計,改善環境和淨化污水。經過每周兩次視察、記錄植物生長情況及 研究種植方法,他們發現青葙、薏苡適合於河道栽種,現已遍植於萬屋邊和九龍坑河道。許樂謙解釋,青葙生命力強,土壤不佳也能生長,且形態優美;薏苡可淨化 污水中氮和磷。而渠務設施綠化,他們選梭羅樹及嶺南山竹子,因梭羅樹香味可吸引蝴蝶和蜜蜂採蜜,嶺南山竹子果實是野生獼猴主要食糧,目前於青衣基本污水處 理廠、昂坪污水處理廠採用。

Chimonanthus praecox, also known as wintersweet or Japanese allspice  ロウバイ(蝋梅、蠟梅、臘梅、唐梅〔カラウメ〕、Chimonanthus praecox)は、クスノキ目ロウバイ科ロウバイ属に属する中国原産の落葉樹である。花やつぼみから抽出した蝋梅油(ろうばいゆ)を薬として使用する。ソシンロウバイ(素心蝋梅)、マンゲツロウバイ(満月蝋梅)、トウロウバイ(唐蝋梅)などの栽培品種がある。よく栽培されているのはソシンロウバイで花全体が黄色である。ロウバイの基本種は、花の中心部は暗紫色で、その周囲が黄色である。種子などにアルカロイドであるカリカンチンを含み有毒。中毒すればストリキニーネ様の中毒症状を示す。カリカンチンの致死量マウス44mg/kg(静脈注射)、ラット17mg/kg(静脈注射)である。
- california's state flower
- featured in coat of arms of duchess of sussex
北京卧佛寺及其周 邊的蠟梅迎春開放,遊 人紛紛尋香而來,欣 賞、記錄早春美景。

ワスレグサ Hemerocallis fulva は、キスゲ亜科多年草の一種。広義にはワスレグサ属(別名キスゲ属、ヘメロカリス属)のことを指し、その場合は、ニッコウキスゲなどゼンテイカもユウスゲもワスレグサに含まれる。また長崎の男女群島に自生するトウカンゾウなどもワスレグサと呼ばれる。ワスレグサ(忘れ草)は、花が一日限りで終わると考えられたため、英語ではDaylily、独語でもTaglilieと呼ばれる。実際には翌日または翌々日に閉花するものも多い。中国では萱草と呼ばれ、「金針」、「忘憂草」などとも呼ばれる。若葉は、おひたしにして、酢味噌で食べる。花の蕾は食用され、乾燥させて保存食(乾物)とする。中華料理では、主に「金針花」(チンチェンファ jīnzhēnhua)、「黄花菜」(ホワンホアツァイ huánghuācài)と称する花のつぼみの乾燥品を用い、水で戻して、スープの具にすることが多い。沖縄県では不眠や精神安定に効果があるとして、クヮンソウ茶や、クヮンソウを用いたサプリメントも販売されている。根は生薬としても使われる。

龍舌蘭属 又名龍舌掌、番麻、萬年蘭、百年草 Agave (US: /əˈɡɑːvi/, UK: /əˈɡvi//əˈɡɑːvi/,[1] Anglo-Hispanic: /əˈɡɑːv/[2]) is a genus of monocots native to the hot and arid regions of Mexicoand the Southwestern United States.  There are four major parts of the agave that are edible: the flowers, the leaves, the stalks or basal rosettes, and the sap (in Spanish: aguamiel, meaning "honey water"). Each agave plant will produce several pounds of edible flowers during its final season. The stalks, which are ready during the summer, before the blossom, weigh several pounds each. Roasted, they are sweet and can be chewed to extract the aguamiel, like sugarcane. When dried out, the stalks can be used to make didgeridoos. The leaves may be collected in winter and spring, when the plants are rich in sap, for eating. The leaves of several species also yield fiber: for instance, Agave sisalana, sisal hemp(剑麻又名菠萝麻瓊麻衿麻 , 1901年由美國領事達文生先生自夏威夷間接引進原產於中美洲的瓊麻至臺灣。纖維經濟作物。), Agave decipiens, false sisal hemp. Agave Americana is the source of pita fiber, and is used as a fiber plant in Mexico, the West Indies and southern EuropeDuring the development of the inflorescence, sap rushes to the base of the young flower stalk. Agave nectar (also called agave syrup), a sweetener derived from the sap, is used as an alternative to sugar in cooking, and can be added to breakfast cereals as a binding agent.[9] The sap of A. americana and other species is used in Mexico and Mesoamerica to produce pulque, an alcoholic beverage. The flower shoot is cut out and the sap collected and subsequently fermented. By distillation, a spirit called mezcal is prepared; one of the best-known forms of mezcal is tequilaWhen dried and cut in slices, the flowering stem forms natural razor strops, and the expressed juice of the leaves will lather in water like soap. The natives of Mexico used the agave to make pens, nails, and needles, as well as string to sew and make weavings. Leaf tea or tincture taken orally is used to treat constipation and excess gas. It is also used as a diuretic. Root tea or tincture is taken orally to treat arthritic joints.[10] Several agave species are also considered to have potential as effective bioenergy crops.[11] Agave's ability to grow in naturally water-limited environments could help to reduce the food vs. fuel trade-off. The agave, especially Agave murpheyi, was a major food source for the prehistoric indigenous people of the Southwestern United States. The Hohokam of southern Arizona cultivated large areas of agave. The Navajo similarly found many uses for the agave plant. A beverage is squeezed from the baked fibers, and the heads can be baked or boiled, pounded into flat sheets, sun dried, and stored for future use. The baked, dried heads are also boiled and made into an edible paste, eaten whole, or made into soup. The leaves are eaten boiled, and the young, tender flowering stalks and shoots are roasted and eaten as well. The fibers are used to make rope, the leaves are used to line baking pits, and the sharp pointed leaf tips are used to make basketry awls.

National flowers
- european countries

- mint

  • Patchouli[note 1] (Pogostemon cablin) is a species of plant from the genus Pogostemon. It is a bushy herb of the mint family, with erect stems, reaching around 75 centimetres (2.5 ft) in height and bearing small, pale pink-white flowers. The plant is native to tropical regions of Asia, and is now extensively cultivated in ChinaIndonesiaCambodiaMyanmarIndiaMaldivesMalaysiaMauritiusSeychellesMadagascarTaiwanPhilippinesThailandVietnamSouth America and the CaribbeanThe heavy and strong scent of patchouli has been used for centuries in perfumes and, more recently, in incense, insect repellents, and alternative medicines. The word derives from the Tamil patchai (Tamil: பச்சை) (green), ellai (Tamil: இலை) (leaf).[1] In Assamese it is known as xukloti. In Kannada it is known as PachhethenePogostemon cablin, P. commosum, P. hortensis, P. heyneasus and P. plectranthoides are all cultivated for their essential oil, known as patchouli oil.[wrinkled giant hyssop] 一种藿香属多年生草本植物,茎方形,叶三角状卵形,对生,边缘有锯齿,穗状花序顶生,花淡红色或青紫色,茎叶有强烈的香味,可提取芳香油并可供药用
Hyssopus officinalis or hyssop is a herbaceous plant of the genus Hyssopus native to Southern Europe, the Middle East, and the region surrounding the Caspian Sea. Due to its properties as an antisepticcough reliever, and expectorant, it is commonly used as a medicinal plant.The essential oil includes the chemicals thujone and phenol, which give it antiseptic properties.The fresh herb is commonly used in cooking. Za’atar is a famous Middle Eastern herbal mix which has dried Hyssop leaves as one of the main ingredients (sumac being the other). Essence of hyssop can be obtained by steaming, and is used in cooking to a lesser extent. The plant is commonly used by beekeepers to produce a rich and aromatic honeyHerb hyssop leaves are used as an aromatic condiment. The leaves have a lightly bitter taste due to its tannins, and an intense minty aroma. Due to its intensity, it is used moderately in cooking. The herb is also used to flavor liqueur, and is part of the official formulation of Chartreuse.神香草是屬於唇形科神香草屬的一種芳香植物,又名牛膝草柳薄荷海索草。唇形科,約15種,原產於歐洲南部、中海地區、中亞乾旱沙地中東裏海的周邊地區。有1種見於蘇聯伏爾加頓河流域中國硬尖神香草H.cuspidatusBoriss )及寬唇神香草H.latilabiatusC.Y.WuetH.w.Li )2種,均產新疆。植物體含有抗菌的成分,有止咳化痰的功效,常被拿來做為香草藥用植物使用。

  • 藿是是中国汉字,拼音是huò,总笔画是19画,意思有三种:豆叶;藿食;藿香的简称。藿香的简称 [wrinkled giant hyssop]。如:藿藜(藿香和蒺藜。泛指野草)

An apricot kernel (xing ren, 杏仁is the seed of an apricotIt is known for containing amygdalin, a poisonous compound that, together with the related synthetic compound laetrile, has been marketed as an alternative cancer treatment. However, studies have found the compounds to be ineffective in the treatment of cancer, as well as potentially toxic or lethal when taken by mouth, due to cyanide poisoning. Taken in excess, they may produce symptoms of cyanide poisoning, including nausea, fever, rash, headaches, insomnia, increased thirst, weakness, lethargy, nervousness, various aches and pains in joints and muscles, and a drop in blood pressure. Apricot kernels are sometimes added to soaps or scrubs as an exfoliant.
Ruta graveolens, commonly known as ruecommon rue or herb-of-grace, is a species of Ruta grown as an ornamental plant and as an herb. It is native to the Balkan Peninsula. It is now grown throughout the world in gardens, especially for its bluish leaves, and sometimes for its tolerance of hot and dry soil conditions. It is also cultivated as a medicinal herb, as a condiment, and to a lesser extent as an insect repellent.

  • hkej 14aug19 chinese name as 芸香, used by chinese in books to keep out insects, the origin of 书香

-  Commelina communis, commonly known as the Asiatic dayflower, is an herbaceous annual plant in the dayflower family. It gets its name because the blooms last for only one day.[1] It is native throughout much of East Asia and northern parts of Southeast Asia. In China, the plant is known as yazhicao (鴨跖(蹠 in takungpao 3sep17)草pinyinyāzhīcǎo),[2] roughly translating to "duckfoot herb", while in Japan it is known as tsuyukusa ( tsuyukusa),[3] meaning "dew herb". It has also been introduced to parts of central and southeastern Europe and much of eastern North America, where it has spread to become a noxious weed. It is common in disturbed sites and in moist soil. The flowers emerge from summer through fall and are distinctive with two relatively large blue petals and one very reduced white petal.
The Asiatic dayflower plant serves as the type species for its large genus. Linnaeus picked the name Commelina in honour of the two Dutch botanists of the Commelijn family, using the two large showy petals of Commelina communis to symbolise them. Linnaeus described the species in the first edition of his landmark work, Species Plantarum, in 1753. Long before the plant was studied in Europe, however, it had been used for generations in traditional Chinese medicine. The flowers have also been used in Japan to produce a dye and a pigment that was used in many world-renowned Ukiyo-e woodcuts from the 18th and early 19th centuries. In the modern era the plant has found limited use as a model organism in the field of plant physiology due to its complex pigment chemistry and the ease of viewing its stomata.
Althaea officinalis (marsh-mallow, marsh mallow (Persianخطمی، ختمی‎‎, Arabicختمية الطبية، خبيز‎‎), or common marshmallow) is a perennial species indigenous to EuropeWestern Asia, and North Africa, which is used as a medicinal plant and ornamental plant. A confection made from the root since ancient Egyptian time evolved into today's marshmallow treat.The leaves, flowers and the root of A. officinalis (marshmallow) have been used in traditional herbal medicine. This use is reflected in the name of the genus, which comes from the Greek ἄλθειν (althein), meaning "to heal."[6] In traditional Chinese medicine, Althaea officinalis is known as 藥蜀葵 (pinyin: yàoshǔkuí). Marshmallow is traditionally used as relief for irritation of mucous membranes,[7] including use as a gargle for mouth and throat ulcers and gastric ulcers.[8] The root was used in the Middle Ages for sore throat.
Acorus calamus (also called sweet flag or calamus, among many common names[2]) is a tall perennial wetland monocot of the Acoraceae family, in the genus Acorus.In addition to "sweet flag" and "calamus" other common names include beewortbitter pepper rootcalamus rootflag rootgladdonmyrtle flagmyrtle grassmyrtle rootmyrtle sedgepine root, rat root, sea sedgesweet cane, sweet cinnamonsweet grasssweet myrtlesweet rootsweet rush, and sweet sedge.[2] Common names in Asia include: "Changpu 菖蒲" (Mandarin Chinese); "shoubu 菖蒲" (Japanese); "vacha"; "changpo 창포" (Korean); "bacch" (Unani); "bajai", "gora-bach", "vasa bach" (Hindi); "vekhand" (Marathi); "vasambu"/வசம்பு (Tamil); "vadaja", "vasa" (Telugu); "baje" (Kannada); "വയമ്പ്/vayambu" (Malayalam); Haimavati, "bhutanashini", "jatila" (Sanskrit), "kâmpean" កំពាន (Khmer), "bojho बोझो" (Nepali), and "Dlingo" (Indonesia).菖蒲,也叫做白菖蒲藏菖蒲,古名

  • A. calamus has been an item of trade in many cultures for thousands of years. It has been used medicinally for a wide variety of ailments, and its aroma makes calamus essential oil valued in the perfume industry. The essence from the rhizome is used as a flavor for pipe tobacco. When eaten in crystallized form, it is called "German ginger". In Europe Acorus calamus was often added to wine, and the root is also one of the possible ingredients of absinthe. It is also used in bitters. In Lithuania Ajeras (Sweet flag) is added to home baked black bread.
  • In Britain the plant was cut for use as a sweet smelling floor covering for the packed earth floors of dwellings and churches, and stacks of rushes have been used as the centrepiece of rushbearing ceremonies for many hundreds of years.[26] It has also been used as a thatching material for English cottages. In modern Egypt it is thought to have aphrodisiac properties. For the Penobscot people this was a very important root. One story goes that a sickness was plaguing the people. A muskrat spirit came to a man in a dream, telling him that he (the muskrat) was a root and where to find him. The man awoke, found the root, and made a medicine which cured the people. In Penobscot homes, pieces of the dried root were strung together and hung up for preservation. Steaming it throughout the home was thought to "kill" sickness. While they were travelling, a piece of root was kept and chewed to ward off illness. Teton-Dakota warriors chewed the root to a paste, which they rubbed on their faces. It was thought to prevent excitement and fear when facing an enemy. The Potawatomi people powdered the dried root and placed this up the nose to cure catarrh. On 5 May Japanese prepare a bath with hashōbu leaves (shōbu-yu) for children to promote good health and to ward off evil. In the Japanese calendar the day is known as Ayame no sekku (菖蒲の節句, the iris festival). This species also has a variety of purported uses for bone and joint related conditions in the state of Sikkim of Northeastern India.
  • 中国では古来より、ショウブの形がに似ていること、邪気を祓うような爽やかな香りを持つことから、男子にとって縁起の良い植物とされ、家屋の外壁から張り出した軒(のき)に吊るしたり、の下に置いて寝たりしていた。日本でも、奈良時代聖武天皇の頃より端午の節句に使われ始め、武士が台頭してからは「しょうぶ」のに通じるので「尚武」という字が当てられるようになり(勝負にも通じる)、軒先に魔除けとして吊るしたり、風呂に入れる習慣が伝えられてきた[2]菖蒲湯として用いられており、薬用効果を高めるために、芳香のある生の根茎や葉を大まかに刻んで布袋に入れて煮出したものが風呂に入れられる[2]。浴用の効果は、血液循環促進、冷え性、肩こり、疲労痛に効能があるとされる[2]。また、漢方薬(白菖、菖蒲根)にもなっている。苦味芳香性の健胃薬の効果があるものの、特殊な不快味があるうえ、悪心、吐気感を催してしまうことがあるため内服には使われない
  • 全株芳香,可作香料或驱蚊虫;茎、叶可入药。
  • 《詩經.國風》曰︰「彼澤之陂,有蒲與荷。」這裡的蒲,指的是水菖蒲。我的家鄉,有一種香菖蒲,也叫「蒲葦」。嚴格來說,香菖蒲不是真正意義上的菖蒲。然而,它和水菖蒲、石菖蒲又有很多相似之處。香菖蒲長在水裡,它常常和蘆葦雜植在一起。香菖蒲能長兩米多高,它的莖稈開出不起眼的肉穗花序,叫蒲棒。成熟的蒲棒呈土黃色,樣子極像烤香腸。香菖蒲的蒲草稈很柔韌,可以編製草鞋。初中課文有一篇《孔雀東南飛》,其中有名句「君心如磐石,妾心如蒲草。磐石無轉移,蒲草韌如絲。」老師告訴我們,詩中的蒲草,指的是香菖蒲的草莖。《呂氏春秋》記載:「菖者,百草之先生者也。」春天裡,菖蒲是最早的覺醒者,它先百草而動,沖寒笑在春風中。自古以來,人們崇拜菖蒲,常以「神仙草」、「靈草」、「香草」呼之。菖蒲,古代也叫「荃」或者「蓀」。屈原在《離騷》中多次提到這種香草,表達着對它的愛慕和崇敬。屈原是愛國詩人,他品性高潔,潔身自好,從不和醜惡的奸人為伍,他把自己比作香草,極力和雜草劃清界限。
辣木Moringa oleifera is the most widely cultivated species of the genus Moringa, which is the only genus in the family Moringaceae. English common names include: moringa, drumstick tree (from the appearance of the long, slender, triangular seed-pods), horseradish tree (from the taste of the roots, which resembles horseradish), ben oil tree, or benzoil tree (from the oil which is derived from the seeds). It is a fast-growing, drought-resistant tree, native to the southern foothills of the Himalayas in northwestern India, and widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical areas where its young seed pods and leaves are used as vegetables. It can also be used for water purification and hand washing, and is sometimes used in herbal medicine.Moringa derives from a Tamil word, murungai, meaning "twisted pod", alluding to young fruit.
- 荏Perilla is a genus consisting of one major Asiatic crop species Perilla frutescens and a few wild species in nature belonging to the mint family, LamiaceaePerilla varieties are cultivated and consumed mainly in KoreaJapanThailand and Vietnam.[18] P. frutescens leaves, seeds, and seed oil are used extensively in Korean cuisine, while P. frutescens var. crispa leaves, seeds, and sprouts are used in Japaneseand Vietnamese cuisinesPerilla is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and is said to ease the symptoms of the common cold.
- sage
  • 馬纓丹,別稱五色梅七色梅五龍蘭如意草五彩花臭草臭金鳳五雷丹五色繡球變色草等,客家人稱之為綿鼻公花,。原本主要分布於南美洲西印度馬纓丹屬Lantana)常綠灌木。Lantana camara, also known as big-sage (Malaysia), wild-sage, red-sage, white-sage (Caribbean) and tickberry (South Africa),[4] is a species of flowering plant within the verbena family, Verbenaceae, that is native to the American tropics. Lantana camara, often planted to embellish gardens, has spread from its native Central and South America to around 50 different countries,[7]where it has become an invasive species.[8][9] It spread from the Americas into the rest of the world when it was brought back to Europe by Dutch explorers and cultivated widely, soon spreading into Asia and Oceania, where it established itself as a notorious weed. 
  •  Lantana camara stalks have been used in the construction of furniture, such as chairs and tables;[40] however, the main uses have historically been medicinal and ornamental. Studies conducted in India have found that Lantana leaves can display antimicrobial, fungicidal and insecticidal properties.[3][41] L. camara has also been used in traditional herbal medicines for treating a variety of ailments, including cancer, skin itches, leprosy, rabies, chicken pox, measles, asthma and ulcers. There are also some scientific studies which have shown beneficial effects of L .camara, such as one by R. Satish which found that an extract from the plant reduced ulcer development in rats.[42] Extracts from the plant have also been used to treat respiratory infections in Brazil. Lantana camara has been grown specifically for use as an ornamental plant since Dutch explorers first brought it to Europe from the New World.
  •  lantana camara blossoms in Chuancang Village, Taiyang Township, Huoshan County of east China's Anhui Province
Oregano (US: /ɔːˈrɛɡən/ or /əˈrɛɡən/;[1] UK: /ˌɒrɪˈɡɑːn/;[2] Origanum vulgare) is a flowering plant in the mint family (Lamiaceae). It is native to temperate Western and Southwestern Eurasia and the Mediterranean region.The word oregano is derived from Spanish orégano, from Latin orīganum, from Greek ὀρίγανον (orī́ganon).[3] This is a compound of όρος (óros), "mountain", and γάνος (gános), "brightness", whence "brightness of the mountain".Oregano is related to the herb marjoram, sometimes being referred to as wild marjoram. Oregano has purple flowers and spade-shaped, olive-green leaves. 牛至又名滇香薷奧勒岡葉披薩草香芹酚野馬鬱蘭,是唇形科牛至属中的一種植物。
Dysphania ambrosioides, formerly Chenopodium ambrosioides, known as wormseedJesuit's teaMexican-tea, payqu (paico)epazotemastruz, or herba sanctæ Mariæ, is an annual or short-lived perennial herb native to Central AmericaSouth America, and southern Mexico.The common Spanish name, epazote(sometimes spelled and pronounced ipasote or ypasote), is derived from Nahuatl languagesepazōtl (pronounced [eˈpasoːt͡ɬ]) meaning skunk sweat.
Salvia officinalis (sage, also called garden sagecommon sage, or culinary sage) is a perennial, evergreen subshrub, with woody stems, grayish leaves, and blue to purplish flowers. It is a member of the mint family Lamiaceae and native to the Mediterranean region, though it has naturalized in many places throughout the world. It has a long history of medicinal and culinary use, and in modern times as an ornamental garden plant. The common name "sage" is also used for a number of related and unrelated species. Salvia officinalis has numerous common names. Some of the best-known are sage, common sage, garden sage, golden sage, kitchen sage, true sage, culinary sage, Dalmatian sage, and broadleaf sage. Cultivated forms include purple sage and red sage. The specific epithet officinalis refers to plants with a well-established medicinal or culinary value. 藥用鼠尾草,《中國植物志》作「撒爾維亞,是唇形科鼠尾草屬的一種芳香性植物。常綠性小型亞灌木,有木質子灰綠色,藍色至藍紫色。原產於歐洲南部與地中海沿岸地區。藥用鼠尾草有時也俗稱「鼠尾草」,但容易與原產中國和日本的同屬植物鼠尾草相混。藥用鼠尾草有許多不同的用途與功效,部份同屬植物也有相同的效用,它常常栽培來做為廚房用的香草或醫療用的藥草,有時也被稱為庭園鼠尾草廚房鼠尾草達爾馬希亞鼠尾草。在南歐,有時候也會種植一些和藥用鼠尾草類似的植物,來做為香草與藥草使用,這些和鼠尾草同屬的植物常會和真的藥用鼠尾草弄混淆。在歐洲的部份地區,特別是在巴爾幹半島,會栽種藥用鼠尾草用來萃取精油,不過其他種類的鼠尾草,例如三裂鼠尾草Salvia triloba)有時也會被拿來萃取精油。

insect repellent
- 薰衣草、天竺葵、九里香、驅蚊草及艾草等五種驅蚊植物
With "india" in name
Gaillardia pulchella (firewheelIndian blanketIndian blanketflower, or sundance), is a North American species of short-lived perennial or annual flowering plants in the sunflower family. It is native to northern Mexico (ChihuahuaCoahuilaNuevo LeónSonoraTamaulipas) and the southern and central United States from Arizona east to Florida and the Carolinas and north as far as Nebraska. It is also naturalized in scattered locations in other parts of the United States as well as in QuébecOntario, China, South Africa, and parts of South and Central America. テンニンギク(天人菊、学名Gaillardia pulchella)は、キク科テンニンギク属の1種。インディアンブランケット (Indian blanket)、サンダンス (Sundance) とも。ガイラルディア(Gaillardia)、ブランケットフラワー (Blanketflower) ともいうがこれらは正確にはテンニンギク属の総称であり、この属のオオテンニンギクや改良品種なども同様に呼ばれる。鹿児島県などで特攻花とも呼ばれる事がある。
L’herbe des indiens (Sorghastrum nutans), est une graminée de la Prairie (Amérique du Nord) ; c'est un emblème de la flore des états d’Oklahoma et de Caroline du SudSorghastrum nutans est un stipevivace, qui avec l’andropogon (Andropogon gerardii) et le panic (Panicum virgatum), forme l'essentiel de la Grande Prairie (Schizachyrium scoparium). Sorghastrum nutans, commonly known as either Indiangrass or yellow Indiangrass

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