Thursday, May 23, 2019


- 2016

  • 國家發改委14日發布消息稱,2015 年中國促投資穩增長 「組合拳」全面發力取得積極 成效。2016年,該機構將積極擴大合理有效投資。 據中新社報道,國家發改委指出,將找準穩增 長和調結構、適度擴大有效需求和推進供給側結構 性改革的最佳結合點,提高投資有效性,保持有效 投資力度,着力補齊短板,從七個方面充分發揮投 資在經濟增長中的關鍵作用。 一是推動出台 「深化投融資體制改革的意見」 ,充分激發社會投資動力和活力,發揮好政府投資 的引導和帶動作用,暢通投資項目融資渠道。 二是繼續充分發揮專項建設基金拉動帶動作用 。加快項目開工和建設進度。 三是進一步研究提出取消、下放投資審批權限 的意見。督促各地完善服務指南,明確投資審批辦 理環節的時限和要求。 四是發揮政府投資引領帶動作用,引導金融資 金和社會資本,加大有效投資力度,着力改變農業 基礎薄弱、農業生產能力不高的現狀,加快工業化 和信息化融合速度,培育發展先進新興產業和業態 ,加快新型城鎮化步伐,提高民眾生活水平。 五是着力推進重大項目建設。加快啟動一批具 有全局性、基礎性、戰略性的重大工程。繼續加強 協調調度,加快推進重大工程建設。加大對資金沉 澱等懶政怠政行為的問責力度。 六是加強政府投資項目儲備。 七是加強PPP項目推介工作,推出一批有吸引力 的項目。
  • 國家發改委16日透露,日前召開的2016年全國經濟體制改革工作會議,部署了多項今年將推出或抓好落實的重點領域改革措施。  一是深化企業改革。開展國有企業混合所有制改革試點示範,大力推進電力、油氣、鹽業等重點行業改革。二是持續推進簡政放權、放管結合、優化服務。聚焦束縛大眾創業萬眾創新、企業投資經營和便民服務的突出問題,做好市場準入負面清單制度試點工作,加快構建以誠信為核心的新型市場監管體制。三是深化投融資體制改革。最大限度縮減政府審批範圍,進一步創新投融資體制機制,大幅放寬重點領域市場準入,形成多元化、市場化、可持續的基礎設施和公共服務投入機制、運營機制。  四是深入推進價格改革。推進輸配電、醫療服務、鐵路客運三大重點價格改革,擴大輸配電價改革試點範圍,完善電力、油氣等資源性產品價格形成機制,健全政府定價制度,加強事中事後監管。  五是完善新型城鎮化體制機制。推動户籍制度改革落地,制定實施1億非户籍人口在城市落户方案,加快建立農業轉移人口市民化激勵機制,推進住房制度改革,大力發展住房租賃市場,深入推進新型城鎮化綜合試點和中小城市綜合改革試點。  六是構建開放型經濟新體制。紮實推進“一帶一路”建設,實施三年滾動計劃,加快推進國際產能和裝備製造合作,擴大服務業和一般製造業開放,推進外商投資負面清單管理模式改革等。  七是完善創新驅動發展體制機制。把體制機制創新和科技創新更好結合起來,系統開展全面創新改革試驗,完善大眾創業萬眾創新的制度和政策保障。
  • Ppp
  • 國家發展改革委副秘書長許昆林13日表示,民間投資今年以來增速有所下降,國家發改委將採取一系列措施,國家督察組本月20日將赴各地督促已經出台政策措施的落實,並將大力推動市場准入,來促進民間投資回穩向好。此外,第三批超過6,000億元(人民幣,下同)的PPP(政府和社會資本合作)項目近期將推出。許昆林介紹,民間投資在總投資中佔比62%,今年以來增速有所下降。為促進民間投資,許昆林表示,國家發改委準備採取一些措施,一方面,最主要是抓已經出台政策措施的落實。國務院馬上要組織督查,督查組20號左右就會出發。另一方面,在市場准入方面要大力推動,「玻璃門」、「彈簧門」、「旋轉門」「三門」問題要解決。
- city planning
  •  记者从西安市新闻办获悉,国家发展改革委、住房城乡建设部近日正式印发《关中平原城市群发展规划》,西安获批建设西安国家中心城市,成为中国第9个国家中心城市。根据发展目标,到2035年,西安国家中心城市和功能完备的城镇体系全面建成,同时关中平原城市群也将成为具有国际影响力的国家级城市群,引领西北地区发展。
-  NDRC lifts approval for power generationChina Daily - 2017-10-31
- over capacity
  • 中国国家发改委外资司副司长刘霞8日在2017中国─阿拉伯国家博览会上表示,“一带一路”建设引领下的国际产能与投资合作得到越来越多国家的响应,截至目前,中国已同37个国家签订了产能合作协议。据介绍,目前中国已同哈萨克斯坦、埃及、埃塞俄比亚、巴西等37个国家签署了产能合作协议,同东盟、非盟、欧盟、拉共体等区域组织进行合作对接,开展机制化产能合作。
- profit
  • 國家發改委上月底宣布,城鎮燃氣安裝工程收費(俗稱接駁費)之成本利潤率不得高於一成。中華煤氣(00003)執行董事暨公用業務營運總裁、兼中華煤氣旗下港華燃氣(01083)執董塈行政總裁黃維義接受本報訪問稱,政策推出後港華「life goes on」(日子照樣過),接駁費不會大跌,燃氣需求增長本身就有助公司降低公司盈利對接駁費的倚重。
- poverty relief

  • yigong daizhen guidance document china daily 15jul19
- pork

  • 內地養豬業受非洲豬瘟疫情重創,令肉價持續高企。國家發改委昨日召開新聞發布會,宣布將透過不同渠道增加肉類供應,並在適當時候再次向市場投放凍肉儲備。
- 國家發改委昨日在例行新聞發佈會上首次對「新基建」給予明確界定,強調新基建以技術創新為驅動,以信息網絡為基礎,主要包括信息基礎設施、融合基礎設施和創新基礎設施等三方面,而不包含市場解讀的特高壓(最先進的輸電技術)、城際高鐵和軌道交通等。
- China's top economic planner has signed a memorandum with China Construction Bank to set up a fund investing in strategic emerging sectors. In addition to the national-level development fund, the two parties will also establish underlying funds to attract private capital. The target fund volume is expected to be about 300 billion yuan (46.85 billion U.S. dollars), according to a statement released by the National Development and Research Commission (NDRC).The money will be invested in sectors like advanced information technology, high-end equipment, new materials, and new energy vehicles to support major projects and develop industrial clusters of strategic emerging sectors.

- 作為權力最重的政府部門之一,發改委曾有「小國務院」之稱,主管宏觀經濟、投資審批、重大工程、區域經濟等,其領導班子也是部委中最龐大的。正因如此,常有正部級官員調任發改委副職,比如,現任發改委副主任張勇,此前就擔任國家食品藥品監管總局局長。前些年還有陝西省長陳德銘、天津市長李盛霖、電監會主席吳新雄等調任發改委副主任的例子。現任發改委副職中,仍有穆虹、唐登杰、張勇、寧吉喆四人是正部級,數量居國務院各部門之首。來源高端,去向同樣高端。發改委被譽為財經高官的歷練基地和培訓中心,其作用類似當年總參謀部是孵化軍兵種司令員的搖籃。最突出的是,十年前第二屆溫家寶內閣時期,國務院秘書長馬凱由發改委主任調任,交通部部長李盛霖、住建部部長姜偉新、商務部部長陳德銘、衞生部黨組書記張茅,則全部由發改委副主任調任,幾乎佔據財經部委半壁江山。在中共十八大之後,特別是經歷一八年機構改革,發改委的權力收縮。原本中央財經辦主任兼任發改委副主任,而今中財辦實際變為發改委的上級,是真正的經濟中樞。統籌改革的職責,則歸由中央深改辦,發改委的「改」已成色不足。此外,重大項目稽察職責劃歸審計署,價格監督和反壟斷執法轉隸市場監管總局,應對氣候變化和減排改歸生態環境部,功能區域規劃編制交由自然資源部,醫療藥品價格管理轉交國家醫療保障局。縱向對比,發改委權力降至史上最低。但與此同時,隨着一帶一路、京津冀協同發展、長江經濟帶、粵港澳大灣區、海南自貿區等重大區域經濟戰略的陸續推出,發改委獲得了新使命。總體而言,其介入的微觀事務減少,承擔的重大戰略增多。與新常態相匹配,發改委的仕途階梯作用已不如以前,本屆內閣其他部門無一人是從發改委輸送。而現時發改委的多位副主任,有十幾年副部資歷仍難晉升。不過,道路萬千條,因人而異。

chinese companies overseas
- China’s state planner issued guidelines on Tuesday for monitoring the overseas activities of Chinese firms and individuals to prevent tax fraud, money laundering, illegal financing, and activities damaging to the country’s reputation. In a statement on its website, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) warned that the government will record and tally instances of laws and regulations being broken in China or abroad, and offenders would be punished.

renewable energy
- china daily 23may19 ndrc stops aid for photovoltaic projects

gas infrastructure
China’s state economic planner has revived a plan to create a national natural gas pipeline company that will give gas producers better access to infrastructure and to increase the use of the fuel in the world’s third-largest gas consumer. The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) is working with state oil companies China National Petroleum Corp, Sinopec Group and China National Offshore Oil Co on the proposal, said three senior officials familiar with the plan.

- China’s state planner encouraged utilities to sign long-term purchase contracts with coal producers for next year as early as they can to secure enough supplies for this winter as coal power plants ramps up inventory for peak demand season. The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) - in a statement on Monday citing an internal meeting - also repeated a pledge to secure supplies for power plants in six northern regions including Heilongjiang, Liaoning and Jilin provinces, and the industrial sector made up of capital Beijing, Tianjin port and Hebei province. The NDRC statement came as rallying coal prices, increasing safety checks and robust imports spurred more concerns of tight winter supplies.

natural gas

renewable energy
Renewable energy to be further promoted. 21nov17 china daily

automobile 應對經濟下行壓力,國家發改委新 聞發言人孟瑋昨日表示,要提振消費, 穩住傳統領域消費,尤其是穩住汽車消 費,破除汽車消費限制,探索推行逐步 放寬或取消限購措施。 推動汽車產業升級 這已是發改委半年來第二次表態推動 取消汽車限購。中國汽車銷量在去年錄 得 28年來首次下滑,今年前 10個月汽車 銷量同比下跌 9.7%,是拖累消費的重要 原因。業內預計,未來四五年內汽車銷 售可能連續負增長。孟瑋表示要推動汽 車限購政策向引導使用政策轉變。 在汽車產業發展方面,國家發改委發 佈《推動先進製造業和現代服務業深度 融合發展的實施意見》提出,加快汽車 由傳統出行工具向智能移動空間升級。

rural ecommerce
- China's top economic planner inked an agreement with Alibaba Group Holding Ltdon Wednesday to develop rural e-commerce, as part of its broad plan to alleviaterural poverty and boost employment as the country's economy slows down. Under the agreement, the National Development and Reform Commission andAlibaba will make joint efforts to help 300 counties to develop rural e-commerce inthe next three years. The top economic regulator will help boost cooperation between localgovernments and Alibaba on a wide range of projects such as building rurallogistics infrastructure and training local talents. Wang Xiaotao, deputy head of the NDRC, said: "The Internet is perhaps the best toolto help remote rural residents increase their income and the initiative is likely tohelp counties across China find new growth models." Earlier, the commission, with other nine ministry-level departments, announced thatthey would offer policy support to 300 counties in the next three years toencourage migrant workers, college graduates and discharged soldiers to return totheir rural hometowns and start businesses. Sun Lijun, vice-president of Alibaba, said to coincide with the plan, the e-commercegiant will build about 300 county-level service stations and 30,000 village-level onesin these counties to help cultivate local talents and generate more jobs. The partnership came after Alibaba said in 2014 that it would spend at least 10billion yuan ($1.53 billion) on expanding its presence in rural China.

offshore debt The offshore dollar-denominated debt market in Asia has experienced a rapid return of Chinese property developers in recent weeks as the country’s top economic planner allows more offshore deals. Following the party congress in October the National Development and Reform Commission began approving more developers for offshore bond issuance after slowing the process at the start of the year, according to two people familiar with the matter. The NDRC, which approves issuance, along with other regulators, held up some approvals due to fears the country’s housing market was once again overheating.

bay area


Wang Haifeng 

    He also warned that Hong Kong’s trade standing is weakening, saying: “If the percentage of manufacturing industry is less than 20 percent of the city’s total economy, its manufacturing service industry will lack the base of development.” For now, Hong Kong’s manufacturing industry accounts only for six percent of the local gross domestic product. Wang also said that the mainland free trade zones (FTZs) should adopt a globalization angle in their development. “FTZs are the product of globalization and their level of opening-up has surpassed that of many trade agreements, including the (US-led) Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP),” he said. As for the influence of TPP on China’s globalization, Wang said he believes it does not matter much whether China joins the TPP. He said the FTZs should evaluate in advance about which parts of TPP could be included in their development. Though the trend of globalization will not change, Wang warned there will be new trends and it is necessary to inject new content into the Shanghai FTZ.
- 郭劍英
  • 被指操控內地藥品定價權的發改委價格司副巡視員郭劍英,涉受賄一千零六十四萬元(人民幣‧下同)、助長藥價推高被起訴,涉及行賄包括五十八間著名醫藥公司及酒業集團。郭對指控並無異議,其家屬已為他退回贓款。

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