Sunday, February 17, 2019

arab countries

The tribe of Banu Tamim (Arabic: بـنـو تـمـيـم‎‎) or Bani Tamim (Arabic: بـني تـمـيـم‎‎) is one of the main tribes of Arabia. Tamim, the ancestor of the tribe, is a direct descendant of Adnan and is thus considered an Ishmaelite tribe descending from Ishmael, the son of AbrahamToday, descendants from the tribe live in the Arabian Peninsula and neighboring countries such as Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iraq, Kuwait, Jordan, Syria, Qatar, Oman, Yemen, Bahrain,United Arab Emirates, Iran, Lebanon and Palestine. The word Tamim in Arabic means strong and solid. It also means perfection.
Bāhila was an Arab tribe based in Najd (central Arabia). Part of the tribe was settled and part of it was semi-nomadic. The Bahila was first mentioned during the early years of Islam, in the mid-7th century. During that time, many Bahila tribesmen migrated to Syria and Basra. Many of those who went to Syria later moved to Khurasan as part of the Umayyad garrison there. As a sub-tribe of Qays, they fought alongside the Qaysi coalition against the Yamani tribes during the Umayyad era. The scholar al-Asma'i and the general Qutayba ibn Muslim both belonged to the tribe. The Bahila were last mentioned in the 10th century.

Arab league
- 以沙特阿拉伯為首的阿拉伯國家聯盟周日在開羅的總部召開外長會議,並向伊朗發出嚴厲警告,指絕不對伊朗的「侵略行動」袖手,將向聯合國安全理事會匯報。與會的一眾外長斥責伊朗支持的真主黨已全面控制黎巴嫩,但強調現階段並非向德黑蘭宣戰。

arab nato
- The Trump administration is quietly pushing ahead with a bid to create a new security and political alliance with six Gulf Arab states, Egypt and Jordan, in part to counter Iran’s expansion in the region, according to U.S. and Arab officials.The White House wants to see deeper cooperation between the countries on missile defense, military training, counter-terrorism and other issues such as strengthening regional economic and diplomatic ties, four sources said. The plan to forge what officials in the White House and Middle East have called an “Arab NATO” of Sunni Muslim allies will likely raise tensions between the United States and Shi’ite Iran, two countries increasingly at odds since President Donald Trump took office. The administration’s hope is that the effort, tentatively known as the Middle East Strategic Alliance (MESA), might be discussed at a summit provisionally scheduled for Washington on Oct. 12-13, several sources said.

trade and investment environment
- vat
  • Financial Times Saudi Arabia and UAE introduce 5% VAT in bid to narrow deficits ft3jan17
- aviation

  • economist 20oct18 "take the long way home" where the shortest distance between two points is a squiggle

Public sector
- The region’s countries desperately need to reform their public sectors



- square - four sides represent earth, air, fire, water
- circle - 獨一造物主的永恆

Naguib Mahfouz (Egyptian Arabicنجيب محفوظ‎ Nagīb MaḥfūẓIPA: [næˈɡiːb mɑħˈfuːzˤ]; December 11, 1911 – August 30, 2006) was an Egyptian writer who won the 1988 Nobel Prize for Literature. He is regarded as one of the first contemporary writers of Arabic literature, along with Tawfiq el-Hakim, to explore themes of existentialism.[1] He published 34 novels, over 350 short stories, dozens of movie scripts, and five plays over a 70-year career. Many of his works have been made into Egyptian and foreign films.


differences/characteristics of arabic countries

- reference

- people

  • William Gifford Palgrave (1826-1888) was an English priest, soldier, traveller, and Arabist. 

- policy

  • 據新華社報道,中國政府 昨日發佈《中國對阿拉伯國家政策文 件》,這是中國政府制訂的首份對阿拉伯 國家政策文件。 文件在回顧和總結中阿關係發展經驗的 基礎上,闡述發展中阿關係指導原則,規 劃中阿互利合作藍圖,重申致力於中東和 平穩定的政治意願,推動中阿關係邁向更 高水平。 文件全文共約 7,600字,除「前言」外, 包括「深化全面合作、共同發展的中阿戰 略合作關係」、「中國對阿拉伯國家政 策」、「全面加強中阿合作」、「中阿合 作論壇及其後續行動」、「中國與阿拉伯 區域組織關係」等5個部分。

- trade and investment ties

  • 去年中阿貿易額同比增長百分之五以上,達一萬六千二百二十億元人民幣,主要集中在能源、交通、化工、房地產等領域。中國在阿拉伯國家的直接投資總額至去年底已超過六百四十五億元人民幣,主要涉及資源開發、家電組裝、輕工和服裝加工等。中國企業在阿拉伯國家累計簽訂承包工程合同額達一萬六千四百七十億元,涉及住房、通訊、交通、石油、化工、電力、港口、建材等,其中阿爾及利亞、沙特、阿聯酋和蘇丹等國是較主要的承包工程市場。

  • 12日,在多哈舉行的中阿合作論壇第七屆部長級會議通過《多哈宣言》。《宣言》強調,阿拉伯國家支持中國同相關國家根據雙邊協議和地區有關共識,通過友好磋商和談判,和平解決領土和海洋爭議問題;強調應尊重主權國家及《聯合國海洋法公約》締約國享有的自主選擇爭端解決方式的權利。 綜合新華社、中新社報道:12日,中國外長王毅與卡塔爾外交大臣穆罕默德、阿盟秘書長阿拉比共同出席中阿合作論壇第七屆部長級會議閉幕式。  中阿合作論壇第七屆部長級會議通過並簽署《多哈宣言》和《2016年至2018年行動執行計劃》兩個成果文件。《多哈宣言》強調,阿拉伯國家支持中國同相關國家根據雙邊協議和地區有關共識,通過友好磋商和談判,和平解決領土和海洋爭議問題;強調應尊重主權國家及《聯合國海洋法公約》締約國享有的自主選擇爭端解決方式的權利。
  • 據內地官媒報道,中國領導人周二出席在北京舉行的「中國─阿拉伯國家合作論壇」第八屆部長級會議時,公布上述重建計劃,並提出繼續推進「油氣+」合作模式,共同構建油氣牽引、核能跟進、清潔能源提速的中阿能源合作格局。中方認為中東事情要大家商量,不能一家說了算。出席會議的有科威特國王薩巴赫,以及二十一個阿拉伯國家外長或部長和阿拉伯國家聯盟秘書長。中方周二(10日)宣布設立「以產業振興帶動經濟重建專項計劃」,提供二百億美元(約一千五百六十億港元)貸款額度,提供予有重建需求的國家。

- 中阿共建絲綢之路經濟帶 天水合作交流暨阿拉伯國家駐華使 節天水行活動日前在甘肅舉行,阿 拉伯國家與甘肅省天水市簽署了九 項合作協議。中阿交流協會秘書長 秦勇接受本報專訪表示,不論是陸 上絲綢之路還是海上絲綢之路,都 必經阿拉伯國家,中國向西開放戰 略與阿拉伯國家向東發展戰略不謀而 合,阿拉伯國家皆希望以主角的姿態 參與共建絲綢之路經濟帶。 雙方所簽協議包括電商貿易平台 商務合作、旅遊產業合作、勞務輸 出,以及天水對阿蘋果、核桃、清 真食品、鴛鴦玉出口協議,還有麥 積山文化創意園暨遊客服務中心項 目建設投資協議。
- A league for cooperation in healthcare between China and Arab states will be established to promote technological and personnel exchanges, officials said on Friday. The league will be headquartered in Yinchuan, capital of Northwest China's Ningxia Hui autonomous region. It forms part of a wider exchange planned between China and Arab nations in the health sector, China's National Health and Family Planning Commission announced on Friday. The announcement was made during the first China-Arab States Forum on Health Cooperation held from Thursday through Sunday in Yinchuan. The Arab states included in the cooperation are the 21 nations of the Arab League. "With increasing globalization, cross-country health risks have risen sharply, and regional public health hazards can be turned into global ones quickly," said Li Bin, minister in charge of the commission. "China and Arab states need further cooperation in healthcare and need to work together to handle serious threats, such as new infectious diseases," she said.
- 阿拉伯國家聯盟駐華代表處大使加尼姆.希卜里透露,阿拉伯國家已成立了400人的工作團隊,專門投入「一帶一路」雙邊工作。
- financial
  • 中國央行公佈,與阿聯酋中央銀行續簽雙邊本幣互換協議及將人民幣合格境外機構投資者(RQFII)試點地區擴大到阿聯酋同時,兩國還合作創辦100億美元戰略投資基金。 據報道,該基金將在全球進行戰略投資,中國與阿聯酋政府將各提供一半資金。由阿布扎比的穆巴達拉開發公司、國開金融與中國國家外匯管理局共同管理,尋求在常規和可再生能源、基礎設施、科技與先進製造等多個領域進行投資。
  • The growing number of Chinese banks operating in the Middle East has helped spur investments and boost the local financial services to benefit all stakeholders, said Dubai-based bankers earlier this month.They made the remarks at a media roundtable held at the Dubai International Financial Center at the United Arab Emirates.
- satellite
  • China and Arab states will work together to promote the use of China's Beidou Navigation Satellite System in the Arab world, according to a statement following an industry forum on Wednesday. The two sides have pledged to strengthen their communication and collaboration in satellite navigation and to bring Beidou-based services to Arab states to enhance social and economic development, according to the statement, which was released after the First China-Arab States Beidou System Cooperation Forum in Shanghai.
  • 第二屆中阿北斗合作論壇4月1日在突尼斯開幕。這是北斗系統開通全球服務後,首次在「一帶一路」國家和地區舉辦的重要活動,標誌着北斗系統「走出去」又邁出重要一步。論壇期間,中阿雙方聯合發布測評結果顯示,阿拉伯國家上空平均可見8顆北斗衛星,定位精度優於10米,可用性95%以上,可提供優質的衛星導航服務。本屆論壇上,中國衛星導航系統管理辦公室代表介紹了北斗系統建設、應用推廣、國際合作等情況,重點介紹了位於突尼斯的首個全球北斗/GNSS中心建成一年來的合作成果。中阿並聯合發布了阿拉伯地區北斗系統測試評價結果。測試主要依託中阿北斗/GNSS中心,分別在突尼斯、埃及、蘇丹、科威特、阿爾及利亞等阿拉伯國家開展。分析結果表明,在阿拉伯國家上空平均可見衛星數達到8顆以上,定位精度優於10米,可用性95%以上。
- tv
  • Television programs from China are increasingly finding an audience in Arab nations, with a growing number keen to source original content, officials said on Wednesday.Interest in original content programs like China's V-Day parade on Sept 3 was particularly high among viewers in countries in Tunisia and Egypt as they were able to witness the event live on their television sets, thanks to the signals aired by the Beijing-based CCTV News Content Co Ltd. According to officials, interest in China-centered programs has peaked after the Belt and Road Initiative proposed by President Xi Jinping two years ago. The trade initiative runs through most of the Arab nations that were once part of the historic Silk Route and seeks to foster better relations and infrastructure connectivity among countries. Speaking at the China-Arabian countries broadcasting and TV cooperation forum held in Yinchuan, Ningxia Hui autonomous region on Wednesday, Tong Gang, deputy director of the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television, said that many TV stations in China have established cooperation mechanisms with their Arabian counterparts. "The administration has signed cooperation agreements with 10 Arab nations, including Egypt, Kuwait, Syria, Saudi Arabia and Iraq," he said. "China and Arab nations will further strengthen their cooperation in news broadcasting, program exchanges, joint productions and dubbing TV programs. We may even consider producing original television content jointly." The TV cooperation forum is one of a series of activities under the 2015 China Arab States Expo, which kicked off on Thursday in Yinchuan. More than 80 ministry-level officials from 86 countries and regions and international organizations took part in the expo.
- newspaper
  • China's first Arab policy paper, issued on Wednesday, aims to draw a blueprint for future cooperation with the key region, the Foreign Ministry said on Thursday as the unexpected report came into public view. The document was released as China plays a more active role in diplomatic and economic affairs related to the Arab world. "The report aims to wrap up historical experience and hints at developing China-Arab relations and planning key fields and the direction of China-Arab friendly cooperation," Hong said. The paper of 7,600 Chinese characters covers almost every aspect of China's cooperation with the Arab world and says China is willing to coordinate development strategies with Arab states. It highlights a planned "1+2+3" cooperation pattern, which takes energy cooperation as the core, infrastructure construction and trade and investment facilitation as "two wings", and the three high-tech fields of nuclear energy, satellites and new energy as the three "breakthroughs".
- literature

  • 由中國與摩洛哥、埃及、黎巴嫩和突尼斯合作出版的《屠呦呦傳》阿文版,日前在第23屆卡薩布蘭卡國際書展上舉行全球首發式,這部真實記述中國首位獲諾貝爾醫學獎女科學家成長、學習、工作和生活的作品,正式進入阿拉伯語書籍市場。

- arab diaspora

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