Monday, February 4, 2019

trees flowers native to america

土荊芥,又名臭草殺蟲芥鴨腳草。是莧科刺藜屬的植物。  Dysphania ambrosioides, formerly Chenopodium ambrosioides, known as wormseedJesuit's teaMexican-tea, payqu (paico)epazotemastruz, or herba sanctæ Mariæ, is an annual or short-lived perennial herb native to Central AmericaSouth America, and southern MexicoThe common Spanish name, epazote(sometimes spelled and pronounced ipasote or ypasote), is derived from Nahuatl languagesepazōtl (pronounced [eˈpasoːt͡ɬ]) meaning skunk sweat.  D. ambrosioides is used as a leaf vegetableherb, and herbal tea for its pungent flavor. Raw, it has a resinous, medicinal pungency, similar to oreganoanisefennel, or even tarragon, but stronger. The fragrance of D. ambrosioidesis strong but difficult to describe. A common analogy is to turpentine or creosote. It has also been compared to citrussavory, and mint.
The essential oils of D. ambrosioides contain terpene compounds, some of which have natural pesticide capabilities. The compound ascaridole in epazote inhibits the growth of nearby species, so it is best to grow it at a distance from other plants. Although epazote has an established place in recipes and in folklore, it is wise to use only the leaves--sparingly--in cooking.
- in tabasco, mexico, sea bass are cooked with epazote herb (tabasquena style)
和名は、駆虫薬として佐賀県有田町栽培していたことに由来する。エパソーテスペイン語epazote)とも言い、ナワトル語の「エパートリ」(epatli, 「スカンク」)と「ソートリ」(zotli, 「ハーブ」)に由来する。英語ではメキシカン・ティー (Mexican tea) とも呼ばれる。日本では、家畜が食べると有害なために嫌われている。

藍花楹屬Jacaranda is a genus of 49 species of flowering plants in the family Bignoniaceae, native to tropical and subtropical regions of MexicoCentral AmericaSouth America,CubaHispaniolaJamaica and the Bahamas. It has been planted widely in Asia, especially in Nepal. The name is believed to be of Guarani origin, meaning fragrant. The word jacaranda was described in A supplement to Mr. Chambers's Cyclopædia, 1st ed., (1753) as "a name given by some authors to the tree the wood of which is the log-wood, used in dyeing and in medicine" and as being of Tupi-Guarani origin, by way of Portuguese.
- hket 25oct19 pretoria, south africa is city of 藍花楹
- flower of thailand province trang

凤眼蓝亦被称为凤眼莲浮水莲花ホテイアオイ布袋葵Eichhornia crassipes, commonly known as (common) water hyacinth, is an aquatic plant native to the Amazon basin, and is often a highly problematic invasive species outside its native range.Water hyacinth is a free-floating perennial aquatic plant (or hydrophyte) native to tropical and sub-tropical South America. With broad, thick, glossy, ovate leaves, water hyacinth may rise above the surface of the water as much as 1 meter in height. 

Pouteria campechiana (commonly known as the canistel) is an evergreen tree native to, and cultivated in, southern MexicoBelizeGuatemala and El Salvador. It is cultivated in other countries, such as Costa RicaBrazil, the United StatesTaiwanDominican RepublicAustralia,Cambodia[4] VietnamIndonesiaIndiaSri LankaNigeria and the Philippines. The edible part of the tree is its fruit, which is colloquially known as an egg fruit
Like the related lucuma, the canistel can be eaten fresh, and has the texture of a hard-boiled egg yolk. The ripe fruit can be made into jam, marmalade, pancakes, and flour.[6] The ripe flesh is blended with milk and other ingredients to make a shake, and pureed it is sometimes added to custards or used in making ice cream. It is also used in a milkshake known as "eggfruit nog". The wood of the tree is occasionally used in construction where it is available, especially as planks or rafters. In its native range, it has been a source of latex used to adulterate chicle.
Its specific name is derived from the Mexican town of Campeche, where it is native. In the numerous countries where it is cultivated or sold, it is known by many vernacular names; canistel is common, as are variations on egg-fruit and names referring to its yellow color.[7] In the Philippines it is called chesa or tiessa or tiesa. In Sri Lanka this fruit is known as Laulu, Lavulu or Lawalu.[6] In Thailand it is known by different traditional popular names such as Lamut Khamen (ละมุดเขมร="Khmer Sapodilla") or Tho Khamen (ท้อเขมร="Khmer Peach"), folk imagination attributing a hypothetical Cambodianorigin to this fruit (the name of the fruit is See Da in Cambodia). Currently those names are discouraged by linguistic authorities and names making no reference to Cambodia, such as Mon Khai(ม่อนไข่) —Khai meaning "egg", or Tiesa (ทิสซา), are officially favored. The plant's name in the Vietnamese language is cây trứng gà ("chicken egg" plant) because of the fruit's appearance. It also has the Vietnamese name lekima. This is unusual because Vietnamese is a tonal, isolating language whose morphemesall consist of a single syllable. In Indonesian Language it is called alkesah, or sawo mentega (butter sapodilla, for its color and texture). Though relatively rare in East Africa, they can be found, and in the Swahili language the fruit is confusingly named "zaituni", which is the same word used to refer to olivesIn Taiwan it is called danhuang guo (蛋黃果), "egg yolk fruit" or xiantao (仙桃) "peach of the immortals". In Sri Lanka it is called "Laulu" in Sinhalese language. There is a different variety too called "Koholle-Laulu" because it has sticky (glue-like)substance in the fruit.

Manilkara zapota, commonly known as sapodilla (/ˌsæpəˈdɪlə/), sapotachikoonaseberry, or nispero[1] is a long-lived, evergreen tree native to southern MexicoCentral America and the Caribbean.The name "zapota" from the Spanish zapote [θaˈpote] ultimately derives from the Nahuatl word tzapotl.The fruit is edible and a favorite in the American Tropics.人心果,別稱仁心果赤鐵果、在台灣又稱吳鳳柿人參果台語查某李仔查某囡仔英文Sapodilla馬來文Ciku印尼文Sawo越南Hồng xiêm老撾LamoodRarmood。是一種山欖科鐵線子屬的常綠中喬木。人心果之稱來自廣東,因縱剖面似人心而得。人心果樹原產於美洲熱帶,結果時間很長,大概要用一年時間。而未成熟的果實帶青綠色,由於富含膠質單寧酸,是以有點酸澀又帶膠質很黏牙,因此不太好吃,像吃有沙的口香糖。所以,一般只能採完全成熟的人心果。人心果樹身所含的乳汁稱為「樹膠」(Chicle),從前是製造口香糖的主要原料。
- [辭海]中國華南地區有栽培 樹皮治胃痛 泄瀉 乳蛾

Bougainvillea (/ˌbɡnˈvɪliə/ or /ˌbɡnˈvɪliə/) is a genus of thorny ornamental vines, bushes, and trees with flower-like spring leaves near its flowers. Different authors accept between four and 18 species in the genus. They are native plants of West Africa Gambia, South America from Brazil west to Peru and south to southern Argentina (Chubut Province). Bougainvillea are also known as buganvilla (Spain), bugambilia (MexicoGuatemalaCubaPhilippines), pokok bunga kertas (Indonesia), "'bougenville"' (Pakistan), Napoleón (Honduras), jahanamiya (Arab World), veranera (ColombiaNicaraguaEl SalvadorCosta Rica and Panama), trinitaria (ColombiaPanamaPuerto RicoDominican Republic & Venezuela), Santa Rita (ArgentinaBoliviaBrazilParaguay and Uruguay) or papelillo (northern Peru).叶子花属通称叶子花九重葛三角梅簕杜鵑毛宝巾南美紫茉莉等,属于石竹目紫茉莉科植物,为常绿木质藤本灌木,原產於秘魯阿根廷巴西南美等地。叶子花是中國大陸廣東省深圳市珠海市惠州市江门市福建省厦门市海南省三亚市广西壮族自治区梧州市的市花,台灣台北市內湖區的區花、屏東縣的縣花,日本那霸市的市花。其中,深圳市在每年秋季都会举办盛大的叶子花花展,名为“深圳市花展”。花苞相當的薄如紙片一般,所以也有「紙花」(Paper Flower)之稱。花的姿態自下由上生長,能有多層花簇,所以又稱「九重葛」。台灣部分說台語的民眾稱九重葛為「かずら」(kazura),這是源自九重葛的日語「九重葛」的「葛」的發音。
- china daily 4feb19 bougainvillea speetabilis park in zhangzhou, fujian
- 上個世 紀五十年代,我國南方開始大量引種,成為人們 常見的花卉之一。1986年,廈門將三角梅定為市 花。一天,在 昆士蘭州首府布里斯班南岸公園(Brisbane South Bank Parkland)觀光。途中,導遊津津有 味地給我們介紹三角梅長廊。

菊薯 又名雪蓮薯雪蓮果,在中國四川被稱作「萬根苕」,是一種菊科多年生草本植物,原產於南美洲安地斯山脈The yacón (Smallanthus sonchifolius) is a species of perennial daisy traditionally grown in the northern and central Andes from Colombia to northern Argentina for its crisp, sweet-tasting, tuberous roots. Their texture and flavour are very similar to jicama, mainly differing in that yacón has some slightly sweet, resinous, and floral (similar to violet) undertones to its flavour, probably due to the presence of inulin, which produces the sweet taste of the roots of elecampane, as well. Another name for yacón is Peruvian ground apple, possibly from the French name of potato, pomme de terre (ground apple). The tuber is composed mostly of water and fructooligosaccharideCommonly called jicama in Ecuador, yacón is sometimes confused with that unrelated plant, which is a bean. The yacón, in contrast, is a close relative of the sunflower and Jerusalem artichoke. 
In colonial times, yacón consumption was identified with a Catholic religious celebration held at the time of an earlier Inca feast. In the Moche era, it may have been food for a special occasion. Effigies of edible food may have been placed at Moche burials for the nourishment of the dead, as offerings to lords of the other world, or in commemoration of a certain occasion. Moche depicted such yacón on their ceramics. Yacon, a tuber that grows in the Andean region of South America, was identified as a potential diet food as far back as 1989, in a book by United States government researchers.Yacon grows wild in Peru, Colombia and Ecuador, and is now being cultivated in the United States, Brazil, Argentina, New Zealand, Australia, and several parts of Southeast Asia. The commercialisation of yacon has increased significantly in the past few years, with a steep rise in small-scale production. It has found its way into granola bars, chocolate bars, cereals, teas, cacao nibs, plant-based protein supplements, superfood powders and capsules, and even toothpastes.In Sikkim, India’s first fully organic state, farmers are growing yacon in large quantities, and putting it on India’s wellness map, thanks to Abhimanyu Dhakal, who, with his brother Abhinandan Dhakal, set up a network of farmers to grow and sell yacon products under the label Earthier. Dhakal says yacon cultivation in Sikkim began in 2013, after extensive research on more than 30 agricultural products in the Himalayan region. 

巴拿馬草  Carludovica palmata (Panama hat plant or toquilla palm) is a palm-like monocot plant. It is not a true palm. Its leaves are different from the leaves of true palms, and unlike true palms it does not develop a woody trunk. Its female flowers (which mature first) have large stigmas, and its male flowers (which mature later) have a lot of pollen. They reproduce vegetatively, because they do not produce viable seeds. The Panama hat palm is cultivated from Central America to Bolivia. Its soft, flexible, and durable fibers are used to weave Panama hats[2] and other items.

 伞树屬又稱蚁栖树属  Cecropia is a Neotropical genus consisting of 61 recognized species with a highly distinctive lineage of dioecious trees.The genus is native to the American tropics, where it is one of the most recognizable components of the rainforest. The genus is named after Cecrops I, the mythical first king of Athens. Common local names include yarumo or yagrumo, or more specifically yagrumo hembra ("female yagrumo") to distinguish them from the similar-looking but unrelated Schefflera (which are called yagrumo macho, "male yagrumo"). In English, these trees are occasionally called pumpwoods (though this may also refer to C. schreberianaspecifically) or simply Cecropias. Spanish-speaking countries in Central America, Mexico, the Caribbean, Colombia, and Ecuador commonly use the vernacular name, guarumo.
The wood from Cecropia trees is used by local people mainly to make musical instruments and tool handles. Flutes and guitars are commonly made of Cecropia wood.[2] In addition, the wood is used for production of matches and cheap boxes. An attempt was made to use the wood to produce paper, but the wood pulp was too high in resin and it was not suitable. The fibers of the bark can be twisted into rope and the ropes are manufactured for bowstrings and hammocks.[2] The leaves can also be burned and the ashes mixed in with roasted and powdered coca leaves to be placed between the cheek and gum under the tongue as “dip”. The main human use of Cecropia trees is planting them in soil erosion-prone areas. The trees make few demands on the soil and grow very quickly. The trees are used in clear-cut areas because they retain the soil, create new biomass, and allow other types of plants to settle in the area. Berg and Rosselli stated that decoctions of leaves are made to stimulate the cardiac system, to treat asthma and pneumonia, to treat diabetes and as a diuretic. Powder of leaves is used for control of Parkinson’s disease and extract of roots is used to heal wounds or eczema. Red Cecropia (C. glaziovii) shows antidepressant-like activity in rats.[13] Native peoples use Cecropia for food, firewood, and in herbalism; some species also have cultural significance. In Trinidad and Tobago, C. peltataroot is chewed and given to dogs that have been bitten by venomous snakes as an emergency remedy. Cecropia leaves can be used as a substitute for sandpaper.[9] In western South America, Cecropia leaf ash is used in the traditional preparation of ypadu, a mild coca-based stimulant. Cecropia bark can be used in rope making and in tannery.[9] Cecropia wood is used in the manufacture of boxes, toys, aeromodeling models, and rafts. 

 紅木又稱胭脂樹臙脂樹紅色樹  Achiote (Bixa orellana) is a shrub native to a region between northern South America and Mexico.[2][3] Bixa orellana is grown in many countries worldwide. The tree is best known as the source of annatto, a natural orange-red condiment (also called achiote or bijol) obtained from the waxy arils that cover its seeds.Annatto and its extracts are also used as an industrial food coloring to add yellow or orange color to many products such as butter, cheese, margarine, ice creams, meats, and condiments.[2]North, Central, and South American natives originally used the seeds to make red body paintand lipstick, as well as a spice.[3] For this reason, the Bixa orellana is sometimes called the lipstick tree.The species name, Bixa orellana, was given by Linnaeus after the Spanish conquistador, Francisco de Orellana, an early explorer of the Amazon River. The name achiote derives from the Nahuatl word for the shrub, āchiotl [aːˈt͡ʃiot͡ɬ]. It may also be referred to as aploppas, or by its original Tupi name uruku, urucu or urucum("red color"), which is also used for the body paint prepared from its seeds.During the 16th and 17th centuries, the annatto dye was distributed to Southeast Asia, Africa, the Caribbean, Hawaii and southeastern North America in tropical and subtropical regions through trading exchanges. It became cultivated in tropical regions of Asia, such as India, Sri Lanka, and Java mainly for the dye which the seeds yield.  
The plant is valued for its stem fiber to make rope mats and for the adhesive gum.

Jatropha curcas is a species of flowering plant in the spurge family, Euphorbiaceae, that is native to the American tropics, most likely Mexico and Central America.[2] It is originally native to the tropical areas of the Americas from Mexico to Argentina, and has been spread throughout the world in tropical and subtropical regions around the world, becoming naturalized or invasive in many areas.[3] The specific epithet"curcas", was first used by Portuguese doctor Garcia de Orta more than 400 years ago.[4] Common names in English include physic nutBarbados nutpoison nutbubble bush or purging nut.[3] In parts of Africa and areas in Asia such as India it is often known as "castor oil plant" or "hedge castor oil plant",[3] but it is not the same as the usual castor oil plantRicinus communis (they are in the same family but different subfamilies).桐油树,又名麻风树痲瘋樹南洋油桐黄肿树假白榄等,为大戟科落叶灌木。其发源地在加勒比海的岛上,但葡萄牙商人把它引进了非洲亚洲各地,现已分布在全世界的热带和亚热带地区。桐油树的种仁含油率很高,达到40%以上,经过加工适用于生产生物柴油。在印度,桐油树被选为出产生物柴油的主要原料之一。桐油树可生长在南北纬30度之间,在许多非洲国家被大量种植(如马里)。它可以在荒地上种植,不与粮食作物抢耕地。
The oily seeds are processed into oil, which may be used directly ("Straight Vegetable Oil") to fuel combustion engines or may be subjected to transesterification to produce biodiesel.[citation needed] Jatropha oil is not suitable for human consumption, as it induces strong vomiting and diarrhea.Myanmar is also actively pursuing the use of jatropha oil. On 15 December 2005, then-head of state, Senior General Than Shwe, said “the States and Divisions concerned are to put 50,000 acres (200 km²) under the physic nut plants [Jatropha] each within three years totalling 700,000 acres (2,800 km²) during the period”. On the occasion of Burma’s Peasant Day 2006, Than Shwe described in his a message that “For energy sector which is an essential role in transforming industrial agriculture system, the Government is encouraging for cultivation of physic nut plants nationwide and the technical know how that can refine physic nuts to biodiesel has also identified.”桐油樹被印度政府選出做為生質柴油的原料之一,而英国石油公司在2007年初曾投资1000萬美元,在印度的安得拉邦种植了8000公顷的此种作物。印度政府认为若将印度的所有没被利用的荒地都种上此种作物的话,将会满足印度的所有能源需求。截止至2007年六月,世界上最大的桐油树种植项目投资商为D1 Oil(or AIM-listed D1 Oil)公司。它在非洲,印度和东南亚种植了156,000公顷[7]孟買德里之間的鐵路線種植桐油树,火車本身使用15-20%的生物柴油

Handroanthus is a genus of flowering plants in the family Bignoniaceae.[1] It consists of 30 species of trees, known in Latin America by the common names pouipau d'arco, or ipê. The latter sometimes appears as epay or simply ipe (unaccented) in English. The large timberspecies are sometimes called lapacho or guayacan, but these names are more properly applied to the species Handroanthus lapacho and Handroanthus guayacan, respectively.The name Handroanthus was establishedin 1970,[2] but was not generally accepted. In 1992, its species were included in Tabebuia in the most recent revision of that genus.Handroanthus are indigenous from Central America to northern ArgentinaParaguayand Chile, with one species, Handroanthus billbergii, native to northern South Americaand the Antilles
- [green homes tv series] 防水properties

オオオニバス(大鬼蓮、Victoria amazonica1851年に『Victoria Regia』(オオオニバスの当時の学名)というイラスト主体の書籍を刊行し、「正確で、そして美しい」と賞賛された。It is the National flower of Guyana.Il existe une légende brésilienne d'origine amazonienne (de la tribu Tupi-Guarani) nommée "Le Nénuphar Géant".Victoria amazonica fand auch Eingang in die Mythologie der Guaraní, wonach der Mond eine sich opfernde Prinzessin zur Victoria amazonica, dem „Stern der Wasser“ umwandelte.
王蓮,常稱為亞馬遜王蓮,是水生有花植物裏最大的一種,原產南美洲亞馬遜河流域諸國,後來被引進中國. 當我匆匆趕到位於香山的植物園水生植物池時,紛至沓來持「長槍短炮」各色相機的攝影愛好者,已在池邊一字排開,用三腳架支起沉重的單反相機,靜候王蓮開花的美妙時刻。王蓮開花,全程前後不過四十多小時;其輝煌階段,竟只有三、四個鐘頭。

猩猩草Euphorbia cyathophora, known by various names including dwarf poinsettia, fire-on-the-mountain,[2] and paintedleaf,[2] is native to North and South America and naturalizedelsewhere. They belong to the Cyathium type of inflorescence. [baidu]猩猩草的切花商品化生产在20世纪初才开始出现,一直到60年代初,由于品种改良,猩猩草开始成为规模化生产的盆花品种。因为猩猩草颜色鲜艳,花期长,苞片大而深受人们喜爱,80年代以后一直成为占领欧美市场份额最大的盆花品种。

 卡姆果 Myrciaria dubia, commonly known as camu camucamucamucacari, or camocamo, is a small bushy riverside tree from the Amazon rainforest in Peru and Brazil. Long used by native peoples, wild camu camu fruit is harvested directly into canoes. The fruit has only recently come into large-scale cultivation and sale to the world market, with Japan being the major buyer. 

小花蔓澤蘭  Mikania micrantha is a tropical plant in the Asteraceae; known as bitter vine,[1] climbing hemp vine, or American rope.[1] It is also sometimes called mile-a-minute vine[1] (a moniker also used for the unrelated Persicaria perfoliata). It is known as Japani lota (জাপানী লতা) in Assam.The species is native to the sub-tropical zones of North, Central, and South America.

- It is used to heal cuts and stop minor external bleeding in Fiji but its medicinal properties are still yet to be fully discovered. It is also a very popular local antiseptic medicine in Mizoram State of India, it is known locally as Japan Hlo. Its use has also been reported in the state of Arunachal Pradesh; fresh leaves are pounded and then applied over lacerations to stop bleeding and subsequent healing. In Bangladesh used to treat gastric ulcer and as a local antiseptic.


- 薇甘菊亦是本港另一常見的外來樹種。太子道西行車線中央花槽,有薇甘菊將羅漢松緊密覆蓋,令其難以接觸陽光,樹葉變得軟弱無力。
- 早 在 一 八 八 四 年 , 本 港 已 錄 得 薇 甘 菊 出 現 , 但 它 近 年 才 淪 為 雜 草 。 現 時 常 見 於 低 窪 、 潮 濕 、 陽 光 充 足 的 受 干 擾 環 境 , 例 如 荒 廢 田 野 和 農 地 、 魚 塘 田 基 、 路 旁 、 受 干 擾 的 或 人 工 河 道 和 鄉 村 附 近 的 林 地 邊 緣 。

馬纓丹Lantana camara[3]),別稱五色梅七色梅五龍蘭如意草五彩花臭草臭金鳳五雷丹五色繡球變色草等,客家人稱之為綿鼻公花,。   Lantana camara (common lantana) is a species of flowering plant within the verbena family (Verbenaceae), native to the American tropics.[4][5] Other common names of L. camarainclude big-sage (Malaysia), wild-sagered-sagewhite-sage (Caribbean), korsu wiri or korsoe wiwiri (Suriname), tickberry (South Africa),[6] West Indian lantana,[7] umbelanternaputus in Bengal and Gu Phool in Assam, India.It has spread from its native Central and South America to around 50 countries,[9] where it has become an invasive species.[10][11] It first spread out of the Americas when it was brought to Europe by Dutch explorers and cultivated widely, soon spreading further into Asia and Oceania where it has established itself as a notorious weed, and in Goa it was introduced by the Portuguese.Lantana camara stalks have been used in the construction of furniture, such as chairs and tables;[42] however, the main uses have historically been medicinal and ornamental.

The name Lantana derives from the Latin name of the wayfaring tree Viburnum lantana, the flowers of which closely resemble Lantana.[10][48]Camara is derived from Greek, meaning ‘arched’, ‘chambered’, or ‘vaulted’.

-從深井村的靈光小學轉左,沿着邨屋中間狹長的過道斜斜上去,經過一座香火旺盛、被打理得井井有條的土地廟之後,往清快塘方向,一刻鐘便來到山間,將市井的喧囂拋於腦後。  行走在山間小路,山風清涼,沁人心脾;陽光和煦,格外溫暖。一側,高山聳立,綠意盈盈:白色的山茶花,這裏一朵、那裏一簇,在枝頭悄然綻放;鴨腳木黃燦燦的花蕊,細如銀絲,吸引着幾隻大黃蜂你追我趕,翩然起舞,頓添生氣;馬英丹深紅色的果實像極了一串串美麗的寶石,掛在青翠的藤蔓上

Epiphyllum (/ˌɛpɪˈfɪləm/;[2] "upon the leaf" in Greek) is a genus of 19 species of epiphyticplants in the cactus family (Cactaceae), native to Central America. Common names for these species include climbing cactiorchid cacti and leaf cacti, though the latter also refers to the genus Pereskia.曇花屬,英語:Dutchmans pipe cactus、A Queen of the Night,別名:月下美人)曇花屬的學名 Epiphyllum 是由 epi 和 phyllum 兩個希臘字根組成,意思就是葉片之上。
Selenicereus, or moonlight cactus, is an epiphyticlithophytic, and terrestrial cactus genus found in Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean and northern South America.The generic name is derived from Σελήνη (Selene), the Greek moon goddess, and cereus, meaning "candle" in Latin, referring to the nocturnal flowers. 
-A rare Amazonian cactus that has attracted interest from around the world has started to bloom.The team at Cambridge University Botanic Garden believe their moonflower Selenicereus wittii is the first to flower in the UK.

north america
野櫻莓  Aronia is a genus of deciduous shrubs, the chokeberries, in the family Rosaceae native to eastern North America and most commonly found in wet woods and swamps. The genus is usually considered to contain two[5] or three[4][6] species, one of which is naturalized in Europe.[7] A fourth form that has long been cultivated under the name Aronia[6] is now considered to be an intergeneric hybrid, Sorbaronia mitschuriniiChokeberries are cultivated as ornamental plants and as food products. The sour berries, or aronia berries, can be eaten raw off the bush, but are more frequently processed. They can be found in wine, jam, syrup, juice, soft spreads, tea, salsa, chili starters, extracts, beer, ice cream, gummies and tinctures.[8] The name "chokeberry" comes from the astringency of the fruits, which create the sensation of making one's mouth pucker.An aronia wine is made in Lithuania. In Poland, aronia berries are added to jams and juices or dried to make an herbal tea sometimes blended with other ingredients, such as blackcurrant. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, the berries are sold fresh and frozen or made into juices, jams and teas.[20] Aronia is also used as a flavoring or colorant for beverages or yogurts.[19] Juice from the ripe berries is astringent, semi-sweet (moderate sugar content), sour (low pH), and contains a low level of vitamin C.[21] The berries have a tart flavor and, in addition to juice, can be baked into breads.[19] In the United States and Canada, aronia juice concentrate is used in manufactured juice blends.
Taxodium ascendens, also known as pond cypress, is a deciduous conifer of the genus Taxodium, native to North America. 池杉Taxodium ascendens)是杉科落羽杉属植物,亦称池柏沼落羽松线叶池杉

  • china
  • grown in jiangsu 李中水上森林
Muhlenbergia capillaris, commonly known as the hairawn muhly grows along the border of roads and on plain prairies. The grass clumps into herds, causing bush-like establishments in the area the hairawn muhly inhabits. The flowers are very feathery and add a cloudlike appearance to the top of the grass. It is native to eastern North America and can be used for a multitude of purposes, including ornamental gardening and farming.Its hardiness and drought-tolerant properties make it a useful native ornamental grass in land reclamation, and it also has potential as fine fuel for burn management programs to reduce understory.It is a known attractant for beneficial insects such as ladybug beetles, and is an excellent garden plant because of its low maintenance and general beauty. The clumping habit makes it excellent for use as wildlife cover,[3] such as nests and shelter for native birds.
  • no chinese wiki, only korean
  • 近日,貴州省黔南 布依族苗族自治州長順縣 神泉谷景區內的粉黛亂子 草進入盛開期,成片的 「 粉色海洋」 吸引眾多遊客 前來觀賞遊玩。

-落羽杉又名落羽松  Taxodium distichum (bald cypress) is a deciduous conifer in the family Cupressaceae. It is native to the southeastern United States. Hardy and tough, this tree adapts to a wide range of soil types, whether wet, dry, or swampy. It is noted for the russet-red fall color of its lacy needles. This plant has some cultivated varieties and is often used in groupings in public spaces. Common names include bald cypress, baldcypress, swamp cypress, white cypress, tidewater red cypress, gulf cypress and red cypress.The bald cypress was designated the official state tree of Louisiana in 1963.[34] Some consider it to be a symbol of the southern swamps of the United StatesThe bald cypress was used by Native Americans to create coffins, homes, drums and canoes.

  • hk
  • can be found in victoria park

    紫錐花屬又名紫錐菊屬松果菊屬   Echinacea /ˌɛkɪˈnʃiə/ is a genus, or group of herbaceous flowering plants in the daisy family. The genus Echinacea has ten species, which are commonly called coneflowers. They are found only in eastern and central North America, where they grow in moist to dry prairies and open wooded areas. They have large, showy heads of composite flowers, blooming from early to late summer. The generic name is derived from the Greek word ἐχῖνος (ekhinos), meaning "sea urchin", due to the spiny central disk. These flowering plants and their parts have different uses. Some species are cultivated in gardens for their showy flowers.

    CubaHispaniola, the Cayman Islands and the Lesser Antilles.The leaves of Agave fourcroydes yield a fiber also called henequen, which is suitable for rope and twine but not of as high a quality as sisal. It is the major plantation fiber agave of eastern Mexico, being grown extensively in YucatánVeracruz, and southern Tamaulipas. It is also used to make licor del henequén, a traditional Mexican alcoholic drink.The first person of Spanish descent to document the plant and its usefulness for ropes and other naval utensils was José María Lanz, a Mexican-born engineer in service of the Spanish Navy, who studied henequen in Yucatán in 1783.Henequen, like other species of agave, is used in the production of mezcal. Erstwhile Mezcal of Brooklyn, NY is the first brand to launch a Henequén mezcal in the United States market.

    • paseo de montejo, merida (bears the name of francisco de montejo, the conquistador of the yucatan peninsula) was conceived at the end of the 19th and early 20th c as a gathering place for the wealthy who are profiting from the boom in henequen, or 'green gold' production in the region.

    south america
    金雞納樹屬又稱作雞納樹金雞勒奎寧樹Cinchona /sɪŋˈknə/ is a genus of flowering plants in the family Rubiaceae containing at least 23 species of trees and shrubs. They are native to the tropical Andean forests of western South America. A few species are reportedly naturalized in Central AmericaJamaicaFrench PolynesiaSulawesiSaint Helena in the South Atlantic, and São Tomé and Príncipe off the coast of tropical Africa. Several species were sought after for their medicinal value and cultivated in India and Java where they also formed hybrids. The barks of several species yield quinine and other alkaloids that were the only effective treatments against malaria during the height of colonialism which made them of great economic and political importance. The synthesis of quinine in 1944, an increase in resistant forms of malaria, and alternate therapies ended the large-scale economic interest in their cultivation. Academic interest continues as cinchona alkaloids show promise in treating falciparum malaria which has evolved resistance to synthetic drugs.

    • The national tree of Peru is in the genus Cinchona.
    • Spanish Jesuit missionary Padre Bernabé Cobo played a part in the early history of quinine by his description of cinchona bark; he brought some to Europe on a visit in 1632.
    • In herbalism, cinchona bark was used as an adulterant in Jesuit's bark or Peruvian bark which originally is thought to have referred to Myroxylon peruiferum, another fever remedy. The bark of cinchona can be harvested in a number of ways. One approach was to cut the tree but this and girdling are equally destructive and unsustainable so small strips were cut and various techniques such as "mossing", the application of moss to the cut areas, were used to allow the tree to heal. Other approaches involved coppicing and chopping of side branches which were then stripped of bark. The bark was dried into what were called quills and then powdered for medicinal uses. The bark contains alkaloids, including quinine and quinidine.[citation needed] Cinchona is the only economically practical source of quinine, a drug that is still recommended for the treatment of falciparum malaria.
    • economist 8jun19 "guns and tonic" - world's largest forest of quinine producing trees stretches across eastern congo, cinchona was introduced by belgians
    •  Lillet (French pronunciation: French pronunciation: ​[li.lɛ]), classed as an aromatised wine within EU law, is a French wine-based aperitif from Podensac.In the original Kina Lillet formulation (so named with respect to its status as a quinquina), quinine liqueur made of cinchona bark from Peru was included among its ingredients. Its manufacturers removed the quinine-containing cinchona bark from their recipe in 1985, drastically altering what was the core bitter element in an effort to keep pace with changing preferences. It seems that this has since changed: quoting the back label of the bottle, "Each bottle contains only the finest, carefully-selected wines, which are blended with macerated fruits and QUINQUINA, all from a secret award-winning recipe that has been passed down through generations."
    • Kina Lillet (1887–1986): A liqueur made with white wine mixed with fruit liqueurs and flavored with quinine. The "Kina" in its name is derived from quinine's main ingredient: the bark of the kina-kina (or cinchona) tree). In the first Ian Fleming James Bond novel Casino Royale, James Bond invents and orders a Kina Lillet martini, which he named the "Vesper" after his love interest in the story: "A dry martini," he said. "One. In a deep champagne goblet." "Oui, Monsieur." "Just a moment. Three measures of Gordon’s, one of vodka, half a measure of Kina Lillet. Shake it very well until it’s ice-cold, then add a large thin slice of lemon-peel. Got it?" "Certainly, monsieur." The barman seems pleased with the idea." The Vesper dry martini appears in the Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace films.

    • mentioned in one of the stories of the saudi arabia short stories book

    Aloysia citrodora is a species of flowering plant in the verbena family Verbenaceae, native to South America. Common names include lemon verbena and lemon beebrush. It was brought to Europe by the Spanish and the Portuguese in the 17th century and cultivated for its oil.Lemon verbena leaves are used to add a lemon flavor to fish and poultry dishes, vegetable marinadessalad dressings, jams, puddings, Greek yogurt, and beverages.[citation needed] The leaves are also used in potpourri. Lemon verbena is used to make herbal teas and as a liqueur flavoring.[7] It is used in traditional medicine in Latin-American countries. The oil was historically steam-distilled from the leaves for use in the perfume industry, but it has skin-sensitising and phototoxic properties.
    雞冠刺桐,又稱賽波樹(Ceibo)Erythrina crista-galli, often known as the cockspur coral tree, is a flowering tree in the family Fabaceae, native to ArgentinaUruguay, southern Brazil and Paraguay. It is widely planted as a street or garden tree in other countries, notably in California. It is known by several common names within South America: ceiboseíbo (Spanish), corticeira (Portuguese) and the more ambiguous bucaré, to name a few. Its specific epithet crista-galli means "cock's comb" in Latin. The ceibo is the national tree of Argentina, and its flower the national flower of Argentina and Uruguay.  
    the city of quanzhou in song dynasty was grown with a lot of those flowers
    - accident in aug2008 killing a hku student in stanley

    northern south america
    Mansoa alliacea, or garlic vine, is a species of tropical liana in the family Bignoniaceae. It is native to Northern South America,[3] and has spread to Central America and Brasil.[4] Among the mestizos of the Amazon rainforest it is known as ajo sacha, a Spanish-Quechua name that means "forest garlic" or "wild garlic".Mansoa alliacea has been exported overseas, and grows in the favourable climates of (for example) Puerto Rico, Southern Africa, Thailand and India. It is cultivated in the West Indies.
    • 荃灣區議會與關注樹木學者合作研究,在荃灣區找出共617個空置但具潛力的地點,如平台、屋頂等,建議種植開花植物,增添觀賞性和綠化環境,將荃灣變成「花園城市」,將來推廣至全港18區。團隊根據可供綠化地點的位置、尺寸、光暗、物料等,構思可種植的植物,如沙咀道的馬路欄杆設有多個離地花盆,建議可種植會開紫色花的蒜香藤;青山公路附近的一個行人天橋蓋頂,可種植會開淡粉紅色花的首冠藤

    - *********軟枝黃蟬,別稱黃鶯小黃蟬重瓣黃蟬瀉黃蟬軟枝花蟬Allamanda cathartica est un arbuste grimpant de la famille des Apocynaceae, originaire d'Amérique du Sud tropicale et largement cultivé pour l'ornement dans les zones tropicales.Aux Antilles françaises, il est connu sous le nom d'allamanda jaune ou de liane à lait. A La Réunion, outre le terme allamanda, coupe-trompette d'or et monettesont aussi employés.llamada jazmín de Cuba1​, trompeta amarilla o flor de mantequilla
    • 莖具有毒性,尤其乳液,誤食會引致嘴唇紅腫、口舌乾燥、發高燒、腹瀉和嘔吐,皮膚觸及可造成紅腫現象。 皮膚濕疹、疥癬、瘡瘍腫毒等患者,卻可使用乳汁外敷患處,但使用之前須先確認患者皮膚對其不會過敏Tiene un crecimiento vigoroso que puede alcanzar varios metros. Se utiliza para formar setos espectaculares y coloridas y hermosas flores de color amarillo brillante. El olor que desprende es afrutado y delicado. La planta no tolera la sombra, heladas, o suelo sucio o alcalino. Aparte de estas restricciones, es una planta resistente que crecerá rápidamente en las condiciones adecuadas. Al cortarla, toma aún más fuerza. Se ha extendido en todas las zonas tropicales del mundo. Se ve a menudo junto a los caminos o se utiliza para cubrir superficies de tierra o paredes. En algunas zonas se considera incluso planta invasora y plaga (por ejemplo, en el estado de Queensland, Australia). Entrevista: Un montón de riego ligero y frecuente (2 a 3 veces por semana) en agua blanda. Posiblemente rociar el follaje durante la temporada de calor y proporcionar fertilizante cada 15 días. En las zonas templadas, invierno, protección contra heladas, reducir la frecuencia de riego y la poda antes del regreso de la estación cálida.En Colombia, el látex se utiliza como vomitivo y vermífugo. En Cuba, la infusión de hoja se ha utilizado como emético y purganteToda la planta causa irritación de la piel y es cáustico para los ojos. La ingestión causa náuseas, vómitos y sequedad. El extracto de raíces y las hojas provoca hipotensión. El extracto acuoso facilita la cicatrización de la herida.
    Ormosia arborea é uma árvore de copa frondosa e densifoliada endêmica do Brasil. O nome do gênero "Ormosia" vem do grego, ὅρμος/όrmos, e significa colar, fazendo referência a um dos usos de suas sementes coloridas, já o epíteto "arborea" tem a ver com suas dimensões por se tratar da espécie de maior porte do gênero. Ela é conhecida por suas sementes bicolores, chamativas e ornamentais que se assemelham aos olhos de caprinos e por isso a árvore é conhecida popularmente como olho-de-cabra.[5] Outros nomes populares mais comuns da árvore são tentopau-ripaangelimarvoeiroassacu-mirimcoroa-de-fradecoronheiracorunheiramacanaíbapau-de-santo-ináciopau-ripatento-grande e tento-macanaíba variando de acordo com a região do país.

    黃花風鈴木粵拼wong4 faa1 fung1 ling4 muk6 (學名:Tabebuia chrysotricha),又叫黃鐘木wong4 zung1 muk6)或毛風鈴
    Handroanthus chrysotrichussynonym Tabebuia chrysotricha, commonly known as the golden trumpet tree, is a semi-evergreen/semi-deciduous (shedding foliage for a short period in late spring)[1] tree from Brazil. It is very similar to and often confused with Tabebuia ochracea. In Portuguese it is called ipê amarelo and its flower is considered the national flower of Brazil.
    青秀山nanning guangxi hket 25feb2021 c5

    The avocado (Persea americana), a tree with probable origin in South Central Mexico, is classified as a member of the flowering plant family Lauraceae. The fruit of the plant, also called an avocado (or avocado pear or alligator pear), is botanically a large berrycontaining a single large seed.In other Central American and Caribbean Spanish-speaking countries, it is known by the Mexican name, while South American Spanish-speaking countries use a Quechua-derived word, palta. In Portuguese, it is abacate. The fruit is sometimes called an avocado pear or alligator pear (due to its shape and the rough green skin of some cultivars).[2]The Nahuatl āhuacatl can be compounded with other words, as in ahuacamolli, meaning avocado soup or sauce, from which the Spanish word guacamole derives.In the United Kingdom, the term avocado pear is still sometimes misused as applied when avocados first became commonly available in the 1960s. Originating as a diminutive in Australian English, a clipped form, avo, has since become a common colloquialism in South Africa and the United Kingdom. In south-eastern Nigeria, the Igbo natives refer to it as "Ube" (Pear) or "Ube Bekee" (which literally means the 'white men's Pear'), in order to distinguish it from Dacryodes edulis which is natively known as "Ube Igbo" (Igbo pear or African Pear). It is known as "butter fruit" in parts of India and goes by the name  [ɓɘː] in Vietnamese, which is the same word that is used for butter.[29] In eastern China, it is known as è lí(鳄梨; 鱷梨; 'alligator pear') or niú yóu guǒ (牛油果; 'butter fruit'). In Taiwan, it is known as luò lí (酪梨, "cheese pear").鳄梨的英语單词「avocado」来自于西班牙语的「aguacate」,该词源自纳瓦特尔语單詞「āhuacatl”」[aːˈwakat͡ɬ][5],該單詞有時也解作睾丸這一男性性器官,可能就是因為兩者外形相似而得名。鳄梨,又称牛油果油梨樟梨酪梨,是一種生長於熱帶的樟科树的果實,這種樹也被稱為鱷梨。長期以來它的原產地都被定爲墨西哥中南部地區[2],但後來有考古發現稱秘魯在8,000—15,000年前就已經有鱷梨存在了[3]鳄梨原產於中美洲墨西哥;被引進中國南方地區譬如广东福建云南等地栽培。許多素食者以鳄梨代替肉。台灣則於1918年輸入。
    The Hass avocado is a cultivar of avocado with dark green–colored, bumpy skin.[1] It was first grown and sold by Southern California mail carrier and amateur horticulturist Rudolph Hass, who also gave it his name.

    Crotalaria longirostrata, the chipilín, is a perennial legume that is native to Mexico and Central America.[1] Other common names include chepilchepilin, chipilin and longbeak rattlebox.Chipilín leaves are a common leafy vegetable in the local cuisines of southern Mexico, including ChiapasOaxaca, and Tabasco, and Central America, especially El Salvador and Guatemala. The leaves are high in ironcalciummagnesium, and beta carotene. They can be boiled and served green, dried and used as an herb, or added to tamale doughs for color and flavor.
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    燈籠果,又稱秘魯苦蘵Physalis peruviana, is a South American plant in the nightshade family (Solanaceae) commonly known as Cape gooseberrygoldenberry, and poha, in addition to numerous indigenous and regional names. The history of P. peruviana cultivation in South America can be traced to the Inca.[5][6] It has been cultivated in England since the late 18th century, and in South Africa in the Cape of Good Hope since at least the start of the 19th century.[2]Widely introduced in the 20th century, P. peruviana is cultivated or grows wild across the world in temperate and tropical Peru it is known as aguaymanto in Spanish, or topotopo in Quechua.[10] In neighboring Colombia, it is known as uchuva.酸浆果,异称红菇娘、挂金灯、东北菇娘等,为茄科多年生草本植物。现有野生和人工栽培两种,可做水果生食或煮熟食用。

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