Friday, February 1, 2019


name of country
- note its name in other languages!!!!!!

阿克雷里   Akureyri Nicknamed the Capital of North Iceland, Akureyri is an important port and fishing centre. The area where Akureyri is located was settled in the 9th century but did not receive a municipal charter until 1786.[1] The town was the site of Allied units during World War II. Further growth occurred after the war as the Icelandic population increasingly moved to urban areas. The area has a relatively mild climate because of geographical factors, and the town's ice-free harbour has played a significant role in its history.
The Eyrarland Statue is a bronze statue of a seated figure (6.7 cm[1][2]) from about AD 1000 that was recovered at the Eyrarland farm in the area of Akureyri, Iceland. The object is a featured item at the National Museum of Iceland. The statue may depict the Norse god Thor and/or may be a gaming-piece.

Surtsey ("Surtr's island" in Icelandic, pronounced /ˈsʏr̥tsei/) is a volcanic island located in the Vestmannaeyjar archipelago off the southern coast of Iceland. The new island was named after Surtr, a fire jötunn or giant from Norse mythology. It was intensively studied by volcanologists during its eruption, and afterwards by botanists and other biologists as life forms gradually colonised the originally barren island. The undersea vents that produced Surtsey are part of the Vestmannaeyjar submarine volcanic system, part of the fissure of the sea floor called the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Vestmannaeyjar also produced the famous eruption of Eldfell on the island of Heimaey in 1973. The eruption that created Surtsey also created a few other small islands along this volcanic chain, such as Jólnir and unnamed other peaks.

- Baguar Group, former Chairman

capital control
- Iceland announced its return to financial normality almost nine years after its devastating banking crash by declaring it would on Tuesday lift capital controls.
- poetry

Leif Erikson or Leif Ericson (Old Norse: Leifr Eiríksson; Icelandic: Leifur Eiríksson; Norwegian: Leiv Eiriksson c. 970 – c. 1020) was a Norse explorer fromIceland and the first known European to have discovered continental North America (excluding Greenland), before Christopher Columbus. According to theSagas of Icelanders, he established a Norse settlement at Vinland, tentatively identified with the Norse L'Anse aux Meadows on the northern tip of Newfoundlandin modern-day Canada. Later archaeological evidence suggests that Vinland may have been the areas around the Gulf of St. Lawrence and that the L'Anse aux Meadows site was a ship repair station. Leif was the son of Erik the Red, the founder of the first Norse settlement inGreenland and of Thjodhild (Þjóðhildur), both of Norwegian origin. His place of birth is not certainly known,[10] but he is assumed to have been born in Iceland, which had recently been colonized by Norsemen mainly from Norway. He grew up in the family estate Brattahlíð in the Eastern Settlement in Greenland. Leif had two known sons: Thorgils, born to noblewoman Thorgunna in the Hebrides; and Thorkell, who succeeded him as chieftain of the Greenland settlement.

icelandic (language)
- Currently spoken by the 355,000 inhabitants of the North Atlantic island, Icelandic has repeatedly come under threat through the ages - following migrations, invasions by Norway and Denmark from the 16th to the early 20th centuries, and the Industrial Revolution. But it has always survived, with the written language little changed since the 11th century.

- Thidrandi whom the goddesses slew, Authun and the bear

  • Histories of heroic figures of mythic past and first settlers of iceland

- document
  • The Flatey Book, (IcelandicFlateyjarbók; lit. "Flat-island book") is an important medieval Icelandic manuscript. It is also known as GkS 1005 fol. and by the Latin name Codex Flateyensis.  The Flatey Book is the largest medieval Icelandic manuscript, comprising 225 written and illustrated vellum leaves. It contains mostly sagas of the Norse kings as found in theHeimskringla, specifically the sagas about Olaf Tryggvason, St. Olaf, Sverre, Hakon the Old,Magnus the Good, and Harald Hardrada. But they appear here expanded with additional material[1] not found elsewhere (some of it being very old) along with other unique differences. Most—but not all—of the additional material is placed within the royal sagas, sometimes interlaced. Additionally, the manuscript contains the only copy of the eddic poemHyndluljóð, a unique set of annals from creation to 1394, and many short tales not otherwise preserved such as Nornagests þáttr ("the Story of Norna Gest"). Especially important is the Grœnlendinga saga ("History of the Greenlanders"), giving an account of the Vinland colony with some differences from the account contained in Eiríks saga rauða ("History of Eirík the Red"). Here also are preserved the only Icelandic versions of the Orkneyinga saga ("History of the Orkney Islanders") and Færeyinga saga ("History of the Faroe Islanders"). The Flatey Book contains a short story called Völsa þáttr, which offers an account of a pagan ritual in which two men lift the lady of the household over a door frame to help her look into the otherworld; this ritual is also recorded by a 10th-century Arab Muslim writer namedAhmad ibn Fadlan, who witnessed this ritual firsthand during a Norse funeral.
  • Codex Regius (LatinCōdex Rēgius, "(The) Royal Book";IcelandicKonungsbók) or GKS 2365 4º is an Icelandiccodex in which many Old Norse poems are preserved. It is made up of 45 vellum leaves, thought to have been written in the 1270s. It originally contained a further 8 leaves, which are now missing. It is the sole source for most of the poems it contains. In scholarly texts, this manuscript is commonly abbreviated as [R] for Codex Regius, or as [K] for Konungsbók. Nothing was known of its whereabouts until 1643 when it came into the possession of Brynjólfur Sveinsson, then Bishop of Skálholt, who sent it as a present to KingFrederick III of Denmark in 1662, hence the name. It was then kept in the Royal Library in Copenhagen until April 21, 1971, when it was brought back to Reykjavík and is now kept in the Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies. Since air travel was not to be entirely trusted at the time with such precious cargo, it was transported by ship, accompanied by a military escort.

- diplomatic history and ties

  • china daily 6sep18 iceland FM article

  • Hopes rise for enhanced trade as China-Iceland FTAcomes into force
- 駐冰島大使
  • 駐冰島大使涉諜 外交部不證不否
- agricultural land

  • 2012年,北京中坤投資集團董事長黃怒波與北歐冰島一業主談妥,擬投資10億冰島克朗(約880萬美元)購入該業主位於冰島東北部一幅土地,建設生態旅遊度假村,不料方案最後被冰島政府以國家安全理由否決。

- investors from iceland
  • Geely Holding Group, which owns Volvo Car Corp, plans to expand its methanol vehicle operation after its decision to invest $45.5 million in Iceland's Carbon Recycling International Inc. The company operates the world's first methanol plant in Iceland. Geely's deal consists of an initial payment with additional purchases of CRI equity over a three-year period. The Chinese car manufacturer will then become a major CRI shareholder and join the company's board of directors, according to a CRI statement. Li Shufu, chairman of Zhejiang-based Geely, said the investment will build on its existing methanol technology. This will help speed up the development of methanol-powered vehicles in China, the statement revealed. "It will also allow us to promote advanced methanol technology in Europe, since the company is strong in renewable methanol," Li said. "This is an important symbol of our global commitment to sustainability." Founded in 2006, CRI produces renewable methanol fuel from recycled carbon dioxide emissions and clean energy. It also focuses on electricity for energy storage, fuel applications and efficiency enhancement.

- cg in hk

  • press interview hkej 3jul18 c3

- icelandic people in hk

  • 記者瀏覽冰島領事館的簡約網址,竟載有手提電話,接聽的正是名譽領事Hulda。冰島領事館原來藏身於蘭桂坊旁一間隱蔽的樓上婦科診所,領事Hulda身兼代產士與冰島駐港名譽領事。冰島領事館不過是診所內的百呎不到的小房間,她笑說︰在港的冰島人亦不過廿人。
- football

  • 香港足球總會欣然宣佈,將與冰島足球總會攜手合作,推動「足球發展伙伴計劃」,本計劃主要目的是加強雙方足球領域上合作,為足球發展以及教練培訓等範疇提供相互學習之平台,並給予年青足球員文化交流的寶貴機會,以達致雙方均有所裨益。計劃喜獲We Like HK及中駿集團控股有限公司贊助港幣100萬元,讓是次計劃得以順利進行。為隆重其事,特於今天 (8月2日)舉行新聞發佈會公佈有關詳情及進行支票移交儀式。,

- music
  • Some of Hong Kong’s top classical music artists are entering the world of contemporary art to reflect on colonialism at a festival in Iceland ahead of the centenary of the end of rule by Denmark.Ten artists and associates of the Hong Kong New Music Ensemble will make their debut at the Cycle Music and Art Festival this week with three works by Hong Kong composers performed back to back with a German group.

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