Wednesday, March 27, 2019


- Bahrain’s royal family has built up vast private wealth, including a $900m portfolio of UK real estate, after embarking on development projects on disputed land in the Gulf kingdom.  The revelations, based on company records, give a rare insight into the closely guarded wealth and investment strategies of the Bahraini royal family at a time when it is under scrutiny because of its crackdown on protests.

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- bahrain association of banks

 Al Fadhel Business Group
- bahrain bourse
-  Arab Banking Corporation (also called Bank ABC) is an international bank headquartered in Bahrain, and incorporated as a joint stock company in 1980 through a special decree by the Amir of Bahrain. It obtained an offshore banking unit licence from the Bahrain Monetary Agency on 7 April 1980, and began operations in the same month. It is headquartered in the Diplomatic Area of Bahrain.
By April 1981, US$750 million had been fully paid by Bank ABC’s original three shareholders: the Ministry of Finance of Kuwait (whose shares have since been transferred to the Kuwait Investment Authority), the Libyan Secretariat of Treasury (whose shares were later transferred to the Central Bank of Libya) and the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority. At the end of 1989, ABC’s authorised share capital was increased to US$1.50 Billion and in June 1990, paid-up capital was raised to US$1.00 Billion through an international share offering. In June 2015 Arab Banking Corporation revamped its corporate identity and changed its brand name to Bank ABC. The bank’s new identity launch coincides with the commemoration of its 35th anniversary.
- Investcorp

Shia vs sunni Bahrain has stripped the nationality of the Gulf state’s most senior Shia cleric as the Sunni monarchy deepens a crackdown on dissent. The official news agency, quoting the interior ministry, on Monday said Sheikh Isa Qassim’s nationality had been revoked for encouraging sectarianism and violence. It said the cleric had exploited “the religious pulpit for political purposes [and] to serve foreign interests”. Hundreds of chanting demonstrators gathered at his home in the village of Duraz, with some of the protesters wearing white coffin shrouds, signifying their willingness to die. A court in Bahrain has ordered the Sunni Muslim-ruled country's leading Shia opposition group dissolved and its assets seized, reports say. The ruling follows last month's move by the government to suspend all activities of the Wefaq National Islamic Society. Funds will be transferred to Bahrain's government, al-Arabiya TV said.
Wefaq has helped lead pro-democracy protests in the country since 2011.

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  • 繼歐盟拒絕跟隨美國禁用華為設備後,華府的中東盟友巴林亦無意封殺華為。該國擬於本年六月推出5G網絡,並部分採用華為技術,電訊部長穆罕默德(Kamal bin Ahmed Mohammed)更指發展5G是巴林的重要里程碑。

- 在國際上素有 「中東香港」 稱號的巴林 ,成為本屆廈門國際投資貿易洽談會上,首 個以主賓國身份參會的海灣國家。該國商工 部 部 長 扎 耶 德 . 阿 爾 扎 亞 尼 (Zayed R. Alzayani)接受大公報記者專訪時指出,巴 林正積極融入中國 「一帶一路」 的戰略,並 計劃於年底建成大型中國商品市場 「巴林龍 城」 。 「巴林願意成為中國企業進軍海灣地 區的跳板!」巴林的 「龍城」脫胎於2004年在迪拜開業的大型中 國商品市場 「迪拜龍城」(Dragon Mart),目前該市 場每天人流量達6.5萬,年營業額超過100億美元。據阿 爾扎亞尼部長介紹,雖然巴林龍城的規模還不能與迪拜 龍城相提並論,只有後者的四分之一左右、商舖700多 個,但其象徵意義和示範作用是顯而易見的。 巴林打算吸引中國投資的想法遠不止於此。阿爾扎 亞尼部長表示,巴林政府近期宣布了一項200億美元的 基礎設施投資計劃,包括擴建機場、建設新會展中心等 ,巴林希望中國企業不僅進行工程外包,還可以參與這 些基礎設施的融資。 數據顯示,目前海灣市場交易額已達到1.6萬億美 元,預計到2020年這一數字將達到2萬億美元。阿爾扎 亞尼部長指出,一些中國企業已經把巴林作為其海灣地 區的運營中心,其中包括華為、Chinamex、中國銀行 等,而且還在不斷擴大投資規模。華為已經決定在寬帶 通信項目上再投資8000萬美元。
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Hong kong
- Oil-rich kingdom Bahrain — one of the Middle East countries along the China-led Belt and Road Initiative — has launched its economic development office in Hong Kong as part of efforts to lure SAR and Chinese mainland investors seeking access to the fast growing $1.6-trillion Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) market. The SAR office aims to facilitate bilateral links between Hong Kong and Bahrain and seek cooperation opportunities in key industries like tourism and leisure, financial services, information communications and technology and manufacturing. It will help investors explore opportunities and guide them through the process of establishing companies in Bahrain. The value of trade between Hong Kong and Bahrain surged 22.8 percent to $139.43 million in 2015, according to government data.
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