Friday, March 15, 2019


Dushanbe (TajikДушанбе, Duşanbe) — is the capital and largest city of Tajikistan. Dushanbe meansMonday in the Tajik language.[2][3] It was so named because it grew from a village that originally had a popular market on Mondays (as Dushanbe means Monday in Persian language). Until 1929, the city was known in Russian as Dyushambe (RussianДюшамбе, Djušambe), and from 1929 to 1961 asStalinabad (TajikСталинобод, Stalinobod). 
By 1826, the town was called Dushanbe Qurghan (Tajik: Душанбе Қурғон, Dushanbe Qurghon, with the suffix qurƣon from Turkic qurğan, meaning "fortress") Russified as Dyushambe (Дюшамбе). The first map showing Dyushambe was drafted in 1875. At that time, the town was a fortress on a steep bank on the left bank of theVarzob River with 10,000 residents. In 1920, the last Emir of Bukhara briefly took refuge in Dyushambe after being overthrown by the Bolshevik revolution. He fled to Afghanistan after the Red Army conquered the area the next year.[citation needed] At the beginning of 1922, the town was taken by Basmachi troops led Enver Pasha, but on 14 July 1922 again came under the power of the Bolsheviks and was proclaimed the capital of the Tajik Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic as a part of the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic in 1924.
Palace of Nations (Tajik:Kohi Millat) also known as the White House[3] is the official residence of thePresident of Tajikistan, The president receives foreign dignitaries at the palace and often holds events at the Presidential palace. It was built in 2002 .In the middle of the dome is the Dushanbe Flagpole which is the second largest flagpole on earth.[4] The flagpole is 50 meters above the ground level.

  • called 納烏魯茲宮 in media's obor visit

Hisor (TajikҲисорPersianحصار‎‎) is a city in western Tajikistan, about 15 km west of Dushanbe. It is the capital of Hisor District, one of the Districts of Republican Subordination. It lies at an altitude of 799–824 m, surrounded by high mountains (Gissar Range to the north, Babatag and Aktau ranges to the south).[2] The Khanaka River, a tributary to the Kofarnihon River, flows through the town. As of 2002, it had a population of 22,961, composed 81.6% ofTajiks, 12.3% Uzbeks, 3.6% Russians, and 2.5% others. It was once an independent Khanate, and then the winter residence of the governor of East Bukhara. The large fort is said to date back to Cyrus the Great and to have been captured twenty one times. Hisor was made a city on June 26, 1993.
In prähistorischer Zeit bis um etwa 2000 v. Chr. war die Gegend um Hissor von Trägern der Hissar-Kultur bewohnt, einer spätneolithischen Kulturgruppe, die vor allem in den Flusstälern des Kofarnihon und des Wachsch im Südwesten Tadschikistans verbreitet war. Im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert gehörte die Ortschaft zum Einflussbereich des Emirats Buchara (Ost-Buchara), deren Herrscher hier eine große Festung erbauen ließen. Diese wurde dann im Jahr 1921 von der Roten Armee erobert. Im Jahre 1929 wurde Hissor an die Eisenbahnstrecke Duschanbe–Termiz angeschlossen. Der entsprechende Bahnhof erhielt den Namen "Chanaka". Erst am 26. Juni 1991 nach der Unabhängigkeit des Landes Tadschikistan erhielt Hissor das Stadtrecht und wurde zum Zentrum des gleichnamigen Rajons. Im Jahr 2005 wurde der Ort als stadtartige Siedlung (шахрак) neustrukturiert.

- bank

  • Tojiksodirotbank
  • Mr Tojidin pirzoda, chairman was one of the speakers of silk road strategy conference organised by polyu on 9apr2015

 The standard form of native tongue is Persian (Farsi).

- financial

  • Tajikistan is seeking to tap the international bond market for the first time, kicking off what bankers anticipate will be a blitz of emerging market bond issuance.

- agriculture
  • 中亞的塔吉克是一個窮國、小國,物資生產不甚豐富,農業資源更比不上俄羅斯南部及烏克蘭的黑土帶。可是,在這裏吃到的蔬菜水果很新鮮,帶着蔬菜水果的甜美,我不用擔心農藥、基因改造等種種人工干擾自然的危害。

Oil and gas
- Total SA and China National Petroleum Corp. agreed to join Tethys Petroleum Ltd., an explorer focusing on Central Asia, to search for oil and gas in Tajikistan. Tethys shares jumped. Total and China National Oil and Gas Exploration and Development Corp., a unit of CNPC, will each hold a third of the Bokhtar project, Tethys said today in a statement. The new partners will pay about $60 million to Tethys to refund about two-thirds of historical costs and will carry some of its future spending. Tethys shares jumped 31 percent to 34.50 pence in London, the biggest gain since October 2011.

Authorities in Tajikistan have officially banned patronymics and surnames with “Russian” endings, such as “-ov,” “-ev,” “-ovich” and “-ovna,” the RBC news website reported Friday.
In an interview aired on Tajikistan's Radio Svoboda service, deputy head of the state registry office Dzhaloliddin Rakhimov said the law was signed by President Emomali Rahmon in March. Rakhimov said that many citizens want to keep the Russian versions of their children's names. However, he said the authorities are making an effort to explain to the public that the main goal of the new law to is to make sure that all surnames in the country are written in Tajik in order to avoid having children “separate in two groups, one of which will be proud of their Tajik names while the other will have to carry foreign ones.”

- diplomatic history

  • 塔吉克斯坦駐華大使拉希德·阿利莫夫昨日在《塔吉克斯坦與中國 戰略合作共同發展》新書發佈會上表示,中塔關係源遠流長,積極發展中塔所有領域的合作關係,將對本地區的和平與穩定帶來益處。他稱,在該書中能清晰看到中塔關係如何在21年間從一張「白紙」提升到戰略夥伴關係。
- trade ties
  • 60pc bilateral trade volume pass thru kulma karasunborder checkpoint (source: polyu silk road seminar on 29oct15)
- leaders visit

  • China and Tajikistan signed 13 documents to enhance cooperation in such areas as agriculture, energy, finance and infrastructure on Thursday. The agreements and memorandums of understanding were signed at the Great Hall of the People. Present were President Xi Jinping and his Tajikistani counterpart, Emomali Rahmon, who is on a seven-day visit to China that started on Wednesday. The two leaders also signed a joint declaration to upgrade their ties to a comprehensive strategic partnership.

- border outposts
  • China plans to finance and build several outposts and other facilities to beef up Tajikistan's defense capabilities along its border with Afghanistan, the Tajik government said on Monday.The Central Asian nation's 1,345-km border with its southern neighbor is leaky and Dushanbe routinely reports clashes between border guards and armed drug smugglers there.
    The increased activity of Afghan Taliban in the northern Kunduz province is another source of concern.

- Tajikistan looks to China as Russian remittances dry up
- 中亞-中國天然氣管道D線昨動工 習近平拉赫蒙見證 中塔訂未來五年合作規劃,,,
- railway
  • 由中國鐵建在塔吉克斯坦建設的「瓦赫達特-亞萬」鐵路(簡稱瓦亞鐵路)24日舉行通車儀式,這是中國鐵路施工企業在中亞建設的首條鐵路。包括塔吉克斯坦總統拉赫蒙在內的多名塔政府官員出席當天的通車儀式,另有大約3,000名當地民眾和中塔兩國建設者參加這一典禮。數百名當地民眾在典禮上着盛裝,載歌載舞。
- aluminium

  • 中亞國家塔吉克,據報將獲中國投資十六億美元(約一百廿四億港元),雙方合建一座新鋁廠,選址在塔吉克的西部城市Tursunzoda;年產量可達五十萬噸,成為中亞國家主要的鋁礦冶煉廠之一。

- agriculture

  • 不少企業欲進軍「一帶一路」沿線國家卻苦於缺乏資金,為此,中國農業銀行近年為多間投資塔吉克斯坦的中資農企提供相對低息的融資服務,息口參照中國央行基準利率,毋須「硬食」塔國動輒高逾20厘的利息。在低息貸款支持下,部分農企已漸見成效,為立足中亞打好基礎。在塔國生產棉花的利華棉業,為近年向農行進行相關融資的農企之一。該公司代表表示,當地近年政局穩定,大型基建陸續落成,政府亦為公司提供土地、水電、稅收等優惠及投資保護,加上該國與俄羅斯、土耳其、中亞等周邊國家有良好貿易關係,故決定進軍塔國。他又形容,塔吉克斯坦農業資源豐富,水資源充沛,惟技術發展落後,添置設備耗資龐大,故來自國營銀行的融資正好支持公司業務擴張。2013年,新疆利華棉業在塔吉克斯坦成立金谷農業聯合體有限公司,註冊資金1,000萬索莫尼(約合886萬港元),其中利華棉業持股70%,塔方持股30%。該項目總投資1億美元,在塔吉克斯坦建成集棉花種植、收購、加工、食用油加工、銷售為一體的棉花產業基地。2015年8月和2016年3月,農行新疆兵團分行為金谷農業兩個項目各發放1億元人民幣貸款,用於支持金谷農業在塔建設棉花產業基地。此外,2015年10月新疆中泰集團與中新建國際農業合作有限公司合作,共同成立新疆中泰新建新絲路農業投資有限公司(簡稱中泰新建新絲路公司),股權比例為各佔50%,並以此公司在塔吉克斯坦投資設立中泰(哈特隆)新絲路農業產業有限公司、中泰(丹加拉)新絲路紡織產業有限公司分別進行農業和紡織項目建設。當中,中泰(哈特隆)新絲路農業產業的註冊資金為2,000萬美元(中方佔70%、外方佔30%),外方股東為塔吉克斯坦伊斯勞伊了有限公司,負責20萬畝棉花種植及3條軋花廠的項目建設,總投資額8,479.76萬美元。另外中泰(丹加拉)新絲路紡織產業有限公司已在農行新疆兵團分行營業部開立NRA賬戶,並辦理跨境匯款948萬美元。
  • plan to list in 2020 hkej 10jul17
  •  经充分考察论证,河南天邦农产品开发有限公司决定与河南省经研海种业有限公司合作,在塔吉克发展大棚有机蔬菜种植。2013年1月,双方签订了《塔吉克亚湾区种植土地承包经营合同》,其中天邦公司承包土地2500亩,开始基础设施建设。通过一年多的努力,如今,天邦在塔吉克的蔬菜基地建有大棚300座,房屋20间,铺设生产路3000米,已开始了番茄、黄瓜、辣椒、芹菜等10多种蔬菜的生产。

- industrial park zone in tajikistan

  • started onstruction in 2014 (source: polyu silk road seminar on 29oct15)
  • 2014, to answer the call of the Belt and Road Initiative and Go Out policy, China's Zhongtai Group and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, with strong support from the Tajik government, jointly started the construction of the Zhongtai New Silk Road Agriculture and Textile Industrial Park in Tajikistan's Dangara Basin. After just over three years, the industrial park has transformed from blueprint to reality. Three Chinese agricultural and textile companies have entered the park, bringing total investment of 1.1 billion RMB ($160 million) and a whole industry chain of cotton plantation, processing and selling. The park has enabled the two sides to complement each other. Tajikistan's Dangara Basin enjoys a big temperature difference between day and night, thus local cotton boasts a high quality of thin fiber, high strength and low sugar levels.However, due to backward plantation technologies and aging agricultural machinery, local cotton growing largely relies on nature which leads to very low production. Chinese companies, on the other hand, possess advanced cotton growing technologies, delicate textile processing skills and rich capital.

- investors from china

  • Zte, zijin, cnmc, china global, huaxin cement (since 2011), kaisun energy (since 2011) (source: polyu sem on silk road - tajikistan)
  • 新疆星凯城位于新疆巴州库尔勒经济技术开发区北部组团核心区,是一座以家居行业及家居周边衍生产品为主的商业综合体项目。该项目一期占地16万平方米,共分4座楼体及一条特色大道,创建了“Streetmall”与“Boxshopping”的情景化主题商业模式;项目二期则以大型商场、酒店、写字楼、商业步行街及住宅区为内容的60多万平方米建筑群。“新疆是商业的蓝海。”在2014观点商业年会现场,新疆星凯房地产开发有限责任公司雒银对观点地产新媒体表示,红星美凯龙经过调研以后,发现新疆尤其是巴州库尔勒市是非常好的还没有被开发过的商业蓝海,所以红星就选择了那里。在雒银看来,新疆尤其是库尔勒特殊的地理位置决定了其重要性,新疆是陆上丝绸之路的唯一必经通道,是中亚、南亚、西亚、俄罗斯、欧盟与中国中部、东部联通的通道。雒银认为,作为石油、农业等资源丰富的南疆门户,库尔勒市是新疆到喀什乃至到中亚、南亚的一个陆地必经通道,其战略地位非常重要。
  • One if the speakers of polyu sem on silk road - tajikistan on 29oct15

  • 2014年,中泰集團成立的新絲路農業投資有限公司、中 國農業銀行與塔吉克斯坦「索蒙尊4341」生產合作社三方 合作,總投資13億元人民幣,在塔吉克斯坦分期建設20萬 畝棉花種植、11萬錠棉紡、1.5億米織布項目。
  • 在塔吉克斯坦生活多年的華人領袖胡先生形容,華商在當地經商,法制不健全是最大風險。他舉例,去年一家浙江民企和塔國人合資建了一家水泥廠,投資額達2.2億元人民幣,其間雙方發生糾紛,塔方通過特殊關係將所有中方員工的護照都蓋上了黑印,令中方員工無法進入塔國,投資化為烏有。http://pdf


    Hong kong
    - cg in hk

    • interview

    - investors from hk
    • 香港凱順能源集團(8203)正與塔吉克斯坦對外經濟銀行聯手洽購杜尚別證券交易所,務求將香港經驗及模式引進中亞。香港在「一帶一路」中的「超級聯繫人」角色不言而喻。由香港新聞工作者聯會主席、香港大公文匯傳媒集團董事長姜在忠率領的香港新聞界「一帶一路」(中亞)採訪團,7月7日到訪凱順能源位於塔吉克斯坦首都杜尚別的公司。凱順能源項目主管Vasireddy Nagaeshwara透露,集團正與塔吉克斯坦對外經濟銀行聯手洽購杜尚別證券交易所。他說,早年英國的煤礦公司在中亞投資,因缺乏資金而邀請凱順聯手合作,到近年煤礦產量已佔全國50%以上。現時塔國經濟好轉,相信前景會越來越好。杜尚別證交所董事Usmon Rakhmanov介紹,2015年與凱順能源雙方簽訂合作備忘錄,以合作發展杜尚別股票交易市場。「現時股票市場非常原始落後,需資金投資及經驗,盼藉凱順能源在港交所的人脈和資源,有更大發展。」他又坦言,股票市場發展難一蹴而就,相信一兩年內未必能見成果,引用中國諺語「千里之行,始於足下」,冀在港企的幫助下邁出一小步。凱順能源集團早於2011年進駐塔吉克斯坦,為本港少數立足中亞的企業之一,公司業務包括物流網絡、供應鏈管理以及位處新疆和山東的機械製造業等資源。2012年起,集團開展「一帶一路」供應鏈管理服務,憑藉對地方市場的了解及人脈發揮「超級聯繫人」作用,最近集團與全球最大的日本鋯製品製造商Daiichi Kigenso Kagaku Kogyo Co. Ltd.簽訂有關供應及採購協議。2016年,凱順能源與塔吉克斯坦合作夥伴開始租賃業務,並且希望未來擴展到整個中亞地區及獨聯體國家。同時,集團亦在「一帶一路」沿線國家展開多元化投資。
    - event
    • 國家「一帶一路」戰略為內地和香港都帶來大量商機,也愈來愈受中亞國家的重視。昨日本港舉辦「絲綢之路戰略系列研討會」,財政司司長曾俊華致辭,塔吉克斯坦駐華大使、候任上海合作組織秘書長阿利莫夫表示,該國希望與香港建立特殊合作關係,在多個領域展開交流,尤其希望加強金融方面的合作,期待未來有更多香港公司到當地投資。阿利莫夫致辭時表示,該國需要學習如何做好生意,如何完善相關法律和建立優良的市場機制,這些方面都應該「以香港為榜樣」。尤其是在金融行業,「我們需要學習如何做好國際金融的生意,這是目前最重要的議題」,其他領域還包括基建、IT產業等,都希望與香港業界進行更多交流。他又多次呼籲港企到當地投資,稱這不僅能促進當地經濟發展,也能更好地利用各種金融工具,令兩地公司獲得更多機遇。談及該國的發展現狀時,阿利莫夫做了詳盡介紹,稱當地有豐富的水資源、礦產資源和各種能源。據他介紹,該國有超過1,000條河流,水資源約佔全球總量的4%,因此水電能源和其他可再生能源都發展迅速,已成為中亞地區電力出口的主要國家。十年前,內地與塔吉克斯坦的貿易總額僅有8,400萬美元,現在已經達到25億美元,相信在「一帶一路」戰略下,兩國的雙邊貿易會進一步快速增長。阿利莫夫又稱,塔吉克斯坦是「黃金之國」,北部與西部的黃金儲量是中亞之最。中塔兩國已經組成了合資公司,在當地建設了工業園,生產黃金、鋅、鉛、銅等多種產品,目前每年出產約3噸黃金,這僅僅只是個開始,預計在7年後,產量會達到每年10噸黃金和40噸白銀。另外,來自內地的投資者也在煤炭生產、磷、鐵、錫、銻和稀土等領域,與當地業界展開廣泛合作,取得了良好效果。基建板塊也有諸多合作機會。阿利莫夫透露,過去十年兩國總共聯手修建了2,000千米公路。雙方今後重點將尋找最佳的鐵路建設路線,相信未來的鐵路建設商機會愈來愈多,「不僅是塔吉克斯坦,所有的中亞國家都有興趣與中國合作修建鐵路」。
    - to kiv

    • 尹樹廣article 阿利莫夫不愧為職業外交家,香港行的功課做得很足,專門繞道迪拜捎來三箱水果和乾果。見重要客人前,贈送一小袋果品,這個小手信既避開「利益輸送」之嫌,也給塔國做了廣告。我將獲贈的一份與同事分享,大家直呼:「葡萄乾、杏仁怎麼這麼大?這麼甜?是不是用蜂蜜泡過?桑椹為什麼是白的?」害得我不停地解釋,中亞水果本來就個頭大,不上化肥農藥,純天然,前蘇聯的水果都是這裡供應的。塔國所在的中亞被稱為前蘇聯「水果籃」,我相信,一旦塔國瓜果打入香港市場,憑藉質優價廉和生態優勢,大可挑動起香港人挑剔的味蕾。

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