Saturday, March 30, 2019


蘭学(らんがく)は、江戸時代オランダを通じて日本に入ってきたヨーロッパの学術・文化・技術の総称。幕末開国以後は世界各国と外交関係を築き、オランダ一国に留まらなくなったため、「洋学」(ようがく)の名称が一般的になった。初期は蛮学(「南蛮学」の意)、中期を「蘭学」、後期を「洋学」と名称が変わっていった経緯がある先駆者としては、肥前国長崎生まれの西川如見がおり、長崎で見聞したアジアなどの海外事情を通商関係の観点から記述した『華夷通商考』を著した。彼はまた、天文・暦算を林吉右衛門門下の小林義信に学んでおり、その学説は中国の天文学説を主としながらもヨーロッパ天文学説についても深い理解を寄せていた。当時の天文学者、渋川春海は平安時代以来の宣明暦を改めて貞享暦を作成している。蘭学興隆に伴い、幕府は高橋景保の建議を容れ、1811年に天文方に蛮書和解御用を設けて洋書翻訳をさせたが、これは未完に終わった。文政年間の1823年にはシーボルトが日本を訪れ、長崎の郊外に鳴滝塾を開いて高野長英小関三英などの門下生を教えた。また1825年には薬剤師ハインリッヒ・ビュルガーが来日し、シーボルトの下で働いた。ビュルガーは1827年、日本ではじめて外科手術を行った。やがて外国からの開国要求を警戒した江戸幕府により、政治・思想面では抑圧が加わり、シーボルト事件蛮社の獄などの弾圧事件が起こり、続いて蘭書翻訳取締令が出された。幕末には日本も開国を余儀なくされて英語による英学フランス語による仏学ドイツ語による獨逸学などの新たな学問が流入するようになったために、オランダ以外の欧米諸国から到来した学術をまとめて洋学(ようがく)と呼ぶようになるのが一般的となる。高島秋帆の西洋砲術、江川英龍(太郎左衛門)の韮山反射炉、佐久間象山の大砲鋳造、永井尚志木村芥舟長崎海軍伝習所勝海舟神戸海軍操練所など、幕府洋学は軍事的実学性の強いものであった。蛮書和解御用は、外交文書の翻訳にも当たるようになり、洋学所、1858年設置の蕃書調所と改編される。洋学研究・教育機関としての蕃書調所は、1862年文久2年)には対象言語をオランダ語から、英語などに拡大した。1863年に開成所と改称、幕府瓦解により明治新政府に受け継がれ、のちの東京大学等につながる。嘉永から幕末にかけて更に多岐に渡って発展した蘭学は語学・医学・天文学・物理学・測地学・化学の分野で、のちに『蘭学事始』を刊行し、英学にも理解を寄せる福澤諭吉長与専斎大鳥圭介佐野常民などの系譜に受け継がれる。種痘所(種痘館)を開設した伊東玄朴山脇東洋が1754年記した『蔵志』などはのちの医学に多大な影響を与えた。またオランダ正月と呼ばれる新年の祝い行事、司馬江漢らが長崎を通じてもたらされた西洋の油絵銅版画を模写しながら遠近法陰影法を独習し、日本の洋風画の先駆的な存在となるなど、多岐に渡って発展した。Rangaku (Kyūjitai: 蘭學/Shinjitai: 蘭学, literally "Dutch learning", and by extension "Western learning") is a body of knowledge developed by Japan through its contacts with the Dutch enclave of Dejima, which allowed Japan to keep abreast of Western technology and medicine in the period when the country was closed to foreigners, 1641–1853, because of the Tokugawa shogunate's policy of national isolation (sakoku).Through Rangaku, some people in Japan learned many aspects of the scientific and technological revolution occurring in Europe at that time, helping the country build up the beginnings of a theoretical and technological scientific base, which helps to explain Japan's success in its radical and speedy modernization following the forced American opening of the country to foreign trade in 1854.
Account of Foreign Countries (増補華夷通商考Zōho Kaitsū Shōkō)Nishikawa Joken, 1708. Tokyo National Museum


- for japanese names

Gikun (義訓) and jukujikun (熟字訓) are readings of kanji combinations that have no direct correspondence to the characters' individual on'yomi or kun'yomi,. From the point of view of the character, rather than the word, this is known as a nankun (難訓, difficult reading), and these are listed in kanji dictionaries under the entry for the character. Gikun are when non-standard kanji are used, generally for effect, such as using  with reading fuyu ("winter"), rather than the standard character Jukujikun are when the standard kanji for a word are related to the meaning, but not the sound. The word is pronounced as a whole, not corresponding to sounds of individual kanji. For example, 今朝 ("this morning") is jukujikun, and read neither as *ima'asa, the kun'yomi of the characters, nor konchō, the on'yomi of the characters, nor any combination thereof. Instead it is read as kesa, a native bisyllabic Japanese word that may be seen as a single morpheme, or as a fusion of kyō (previously kefu), "today", and asa, "morning". Likewise, 明日 ("tomorrow") is jukujikun, and read neither as akari(no)hi, the kun'yomi of the characters, nor meinichi, the on'yomi of the characters, nor any combination thereof. Instead it is read as ashita, a native bisyllabic Japanese word that may be seen as a single morphemeJukujikun are primarily used for some native Japanese words, such as Yamato (大和 or 倭, the name of a Japanese province as well as ancient name for Japan), and for some old borrowings, such as shishamo (柳葉魚, willow leaf fish) from Ainu, tabako (煙草, smoke grass) from Portuguese, or bīru (麦酒, wheat alcohol) from Dutch. Words whose kanji are jukujikun are often usually written as hiragana (if native), or katakana (if borrowed); some old borrowed words are also written as hiragana, especially Portuguese loanwords such as karuta (かるた) from Portuguese "carta" (Eng: card), tempura (てんぷら) from Portuguese "tempora" (Eng: time), and pan (ぱん) from Spanish "pan" (Eng: bread), as well as tabako (たばこ).
Sometimes, jukujikun can even have more kanji than there syllables, examples being kera (啄木鳥, woodpecker) and gumi (胡頽子, silver berry/oleaster). Jukujikun are quite varied. Often the kanji compound for jukujikun is idiosyncratic and created for the word, with the corresponding Chinese word not existing; in other cases a kanji compound for an existing Chinese word is reused, where the Chinese word and on'yomi may or may not be used in Japanese; for example, (馴鹿, reindeer) is jukujikun for tonakai, from Ainu, but the on'yomi reading of junroku is also used. In some cases Japanese coinages have subsequently been borrowed back into Chinese, such as ankō (鮟鱇, monkfish)The underlying word for jukujikun is a native Japanese word or foreign borrowing, which either does not have an existing kanji spelling (either kun'yomi or ateji) or for which a new kanji spelling is produced. Most often the word is a noun, which may be a simple noun (not a compound or derived from a verb), or may be a verb form or a fusional pronunciation; for example sumō (相撲sumo) is originally from the verb suma-u (争う, to vie), while kyō (今日, today) is fusional. In rare cases jukujikun is also applied to inflectional words (verbs and adjectives), in which case there is frequently a corresponding Chinese word. Examples of jukujikun for inflectional words follow. The most common example of a jukujikun adjective is kawai-i (可愛い, cute), originally kawayu-i; the word (可愛) is used in Chinese, but the corresponding on'yomi is not used in Japanese. By contrast, "appropriate" can be either fusawa-shii (相応しい, in jukujikun) or sōō (相応, in on'yomi) are both used; the -shii ending is because these were formerly a different class of adjectives. A common example of a verb with jukujikun is haya-ru (流行る, to spread, to be in vogue), corresponding to on'yomi ryūkō (流行). A sample jukujikun deverbal (noun derived from a verb form) is yusuri(強請, extortion), from yusu-ru (強請る, to extort), spelling from kyōsei (強請, extortion). See 義訓 and 熟字訓 for many more examples. Note that there are also compound verbs and, less commonly, compound adjectives, and while these may have multiple kanji without intervening characters, they are read using usual kun'yomi; examples include omo-shiro-i (面白い, interesting) face-whitening and zuru-gashiko-i (狡賢い, sly).
v sound
- ******In 1860, Fukuzawa Yukichi  published English-Japanese Dictionary ("Zōtei Kaei Tsūgo"). It was his first publication. He bought English-Chinese Dictionary ("Kaei Tsūgo") in San Francisco in 1860. He translated it to Japanese and he added the Japanese translations to the original textbook. In his book, he invented the new Japanese characters VU () to represent the pronunciation of VU, and VA () to represent the pronunciation of VA. For example, the name Beethoven is written as ベートーェン in modern Japanese.
- 據《朝日新聞》報道:由 於日文的發音缺少 「v」音,29日,日本外 務省宣布將所有外國國名裏的 「v」音都譯 作 「b」,這將導致一系列國家的譯名發生 改變。 過去日本將國名中帶 「v」的國家皆用 「u」音譯出。29日,日本參議院通過了新 修訂的關於譯名的法案,決定將所有 「v」 音都以 「b」音開頭的濁音 「バ」(ba)行 進行音譯。 因此,從4月1日起,加勒比海國家聖基 茨和尼維斯(St. Kitts and Nevis)中的 「尼 維斯」將被譯作類似 「尼比斯」的發音,而 非洲西部島國佛得角(Cape Verde)聽起來 就像是 「比得角」。而名字內帶 「v」的城 市 名 , 如 威 尼 斯 (Venice) , 維 也 納 ( Vienna)等將會如何翻譯則並未提及。 日本外相河野太郎解釋稱,將 「v」的 發音用日文的 「b」音翻譯,比使用 「u」翻 譯更為貼切與合適,更便於人們理解和發音 。並且在此之前,大多數的日本人已經直接 用 「b」來替代 「v」。

Japanese names
- surname

  • 長洲 Nagasu
  • 真央 Mao
  • 山本氏(やまもとし)は、日本氏族紀伊国国人山本氏日本氏族,是日本第七大姓氏。發祥於三河國傳說山本氏的遠祖起源於平安時代中期武將(鎮守府將軍)源満政。源於三河國山本氏。其先祖在江戸幕府時,擔任直參旗本的職務。源自於中國本姓移民。東漢末期,中國大陸的戰亂,導致大量民眾遷移向倭奴國,在彼地生息繁衍,成為現今的日本民族之一。現今日本國中的本氏已經夷化為本砥氏、山本氏、瀬本氏本間氏等。其源流衍化為:東漢靈帝劉宏→東漢獻帝劉協→石秋王→阿智王(阿知使主)→阿多倍(高尊王)→山本直→高市大領→檜前領主→家主→泉→橫佩→岩三→村主→本砥氏、山本氏、瀬本氏、本間氏。
  • Kitagawa (written: 北川 or 喜多川) 
  • 荻野  Ogino is a Japanese surname. Notable people with the surname include:
  • Ogino Dokuon (1819–1895), Rinzai roshi remembered for his daring resistance to religious oppression directed toward Buddhists during the late Tokugawa period and Meiji period of Japan
  • Ogino Ginko (1851–1913), the first licensed and practicing woman physician of western medicine in Japan
  •  Tadahiro Ogino (born 1982), Nippon Professional Baseball for the Chiba Lotte Marines in Japan's Pacific League

- 公元4世紀至9世紀,朝鮮半島的移民-渡來人把東亞文化傳至日本,乃至後來日本的遣隋使和遣唐使把中國的語言文字、文化宗教、禮儀風俗、建築、服飾等帶往日本。日本文化受中華文化影響頗深,日文使用的「假名」,即跟漢字有很大關聯,今時今日,從日本人的名字中,仍可一些端倪。日本男性人名中,常帶有一個「郎」字或「夫」字。好像當代著名存在主義作家大江健三郎、小說家三島由紀夫。日本女性名字則常見有「子」字,如日本首相安倍晉三的母親名叫安倍洋子。有學者認為,日本人名中的「郎」、「夫」、「子」等用字,都跟古中國文化息息相關。「郎」字在中國古代社會有三種主要用法︰秦漢時起,常用於官名,如「議郎」、「中郎」、「侍郎」、「尚書郎」、「郎中」等,《漢書.霍光傳》︰「時年十餘歲,任光為郎。」二是對年輕男子的美稱,如大家熟悉的三國故事中,東吳周瑜常被稱作「周郎」,楊家將故事中,也有「楊二郎」、「楊四郎」等。三是婦女對丈夫或情人的稱呼,如諺語云︰「郎有情,妹有意」。又如民歌《西洲曲》有詞︰「憶郎郎不至,仰首望飛鴻。」漢唐時期,中日文化交流達到頂峰,這些日本人都仰慕中原文化,且樂於接受新事物,他們借鑒中國漢字,創造出自己的文字,而中國語言中一些詞彙也被吸收進日本語言中,「郎」被日本化進了本國的語言,並成為日本男性名字的專用字。「夫」字,在中國古代使用時多表達「高深的學問」之意,唐時朝廷設有「諫議大夫」、「通議大夫」等,這些官員常為治學的文官,一些老學者還自稱「老夫」。「夫」字在中國古代社會是一個帶有尊敬含義的稱謂。有時,在泛稱成年男子甚或一般人時,也會用「夫」,如「匹夫」、「征夫」、「農夫」。中國語言文化流入日本後,這個字也成為日文常用字,並逐漸見於日本人名中。「子」字在古漢語中,除可通稱一般人,如「男子」、「小女子」,也常用來稱呼老師,或有學問、道德、地位的人,如孔丘的學生稱他為「夫子」,又如老子、孟子、韓非子、墨子、朱子等。中國古時的「子」多用於稱呼男子,然而化到日文中使用時,卻用以稱呼上層社會之女子。明治維新以後,「子」字更開始普遍在普通女性名字中見到。

  • note - 日本政府上周六表示,決定起用曾擔任外務省北美局長、已故名作家三島由紀夫的女婿富田浩司(圖),擔任新駐韓大使,已提請南韓政府同意。六十一歲的富田浩司通曉美國局勢,在今年的二十國集團(G20)峰會擔起協調重任,又曾任駐韓公使、駐以色列大使等職務,現為金融市場和世界經濟峰會擔當大使。
  • ****富田浩司被視為日本外務省內「美國 通」之一,歷任外務省綜合外交政策局 局長,駐韓、駐英、駐美公使、北美局 局長和駐以色列大使等職務。此外,在 韓國前總統盧武鉉執政時期,富田浩司 也曾擔任日本駐韓大使館參事和公使, 對韓日關係的主要問題有較深了解。 富田浩司更為人所知的是,他的妻子 就是三島由紀夫(原名平岡公威)長女平岡 紀子。1970年 11月 25日,三島由紀夫 帶領民兵隊「盾會」4名成員進入位於 東京市谷的陸上自衛隊駐地,並在發表 兵變演說後自殺。

- *** (日语:しば Shiba */?),日语中原为草地的意思,是东京都港区南部地名與町名,曾经是东京都的一个区,昭和22年(1947年)合并入港区。2013年(平成25年)7月1日為止的人口有13,007人。狹義的芝是指現今的芝一丁目至五丁目,廣義範圍指舊芝區。芝的范围大致是从是沿新桥滨松町田町,到品川南北方向的狭长地带,地势西高东低。芝在江户时代大名藩主)在江户居所的聚集地,有众多的历史古蹟,其中有德川幕府的家庙增上寺,其正对东方的门称为大门或芝大门,为主讨仇的赤穗浪人切腹自杀大石良雄等47人的墓地泉岳寺東京鐵塔也在此处,其下的公园称为芝公园,靠东京湾的东面部分称为芝浦日本著名的电器公司东芝的本社就在此处,是东芝商标的由来。废藩置县大名领地逐渐回收,很多被改为外国驻日本的使领馆,是东京外国使领馆最为密集的地区之一。地名「芝」最早可追溯到15世紀後半的文獻。地名由來眾說紛紜。有一說是來自海苔的柴枝,或說是源自於守護職「斯波」(しば),也有人認為是來自芝草,近年則出現代表河口三角洲地形的看法1662年寛文2年)には豊島郡柴村が町奉行支配となり本芝7か町が成立する(本芝一-四丁目・本芝入横町・本芝下タ町・本芝材木町)。また同時に隣接する荏原郡金杉村・荏原郡上高輪村も町奉行支配となり金杉11か町(芝金杉通一-四丁目など)及び芝田町などが成立する。
- kiv place names

  • grand hyatt restaurant 鹿悦
  • The character for koshi () is used to represent the old Koshi Province, which stretched from present-day Fukui to YamagataKoshihikari  コシヒカリ  can be translated as "the light of Koshi".
  • Kawachi Province (河内国Kawachi no kuni) It was also known as Kashū (河州).Kawachi was divided into three counties (地区chiku): northern (北河内Kita Kawachi), central(中河内Naka Kawachi), and southern (南河内Minami Kawachi).
  • The Usui Pass (碓氷峠Usui-tōge) is a mountain pass that lies between Nagano and Gunma Prefectures in Japan. It has served as one of the major transportation routes in central Japan since at least the eighth century.古代表記為碓冰坂宇須比坂碓日坂等,中世表記為臼井峠臼居峠近世以降統一表記為碓冰峠。中文常以「嶺」或「卡」代替較難發音與輸入的和製漢字「峠」。中世,碓冰峠付近的主要道路通過現在的大字峠,峠上有熊野皇大神社(碓冰峠熊野神社)。
  • Hanshin (阪神, “Ōsaka-Kōbe”), derived from the second kanji from Osaka (大阪) and the first kanji from Kobe (神戸) (but in on-reading instead of kun-reading), refers generally to the area between Osaka and Kobe in the Kansai region of Japan. In the context of a region of Hyōgo Prefecture, the term is used to refer to the 8 small municipalities (AmagasakiAshiyaInagawaItamiKawanishiNishinomiyaSanda and Takarazuka) located close to the northern coast of Osaka Bay between the two large cities of Kobe and Osaka. In some contexts, the eastern wards of Kobe (Higashinada and Nada) and Nishiyodagawa Ward of Osaka are also included.
    • note that it is also name for different companies, institutions, places
  • 普天間飛行場Marine Corps Air Station Futenma, okinawa
- kiv surnames, names
  • abe 
  •  阿倍仲麻呂,漢名晁衡,生於奈良,原 是日本遣唐留學生,在唐五十餘年,歷仕玄 宗、肅宗、代宗三朝,頗受寵信。他在離唐 時所作三笠山之詩,於日本婦孺皆知;作此 詩的背景故事,《土佐日記》、《今昔物語 集》、《江談抄》、《古本說話集》等日本 古籍皆有記載。所以我一說三笠山,那位日 本朋友就明白了。 唐玄宗天寶十二年(七五三),在唐已 近四十年的阿倍仲麻呂終於獲准回日本。他 來唐朝求學時年方弱冠,離開時已過知天命 之年。告別唐土前,他作和歌一首:あをう なばら ふりさけみれば 春日なる三笠の山 にいでし月かも。大意為:遙望遼闊碧波, 眼前之月,彷彿就是(故鄉奈良)春日(神 社邊的)三笠山上曾經見過的月亮啊。春日 神社,是日本遣唐使出發前必去的祈禱平安 之處。據井上靖的歷史小說《天平之甍》, 阿倍仲麻呂於黃泗浦(位於今江蘇張家港) 登船後,見陰曆十五的圓月而作此和歌。而 記敘此事最詳的《土佐日記》云,阿倍歸國 前,唐朝的友人於登船之地(《今昔物語集 》說在明州,在今寧波,與日本學者荻谷朴 的考證相同)為他餞行,席間作詩惜別,依 依不捨,直到陰曆二十夜月升自海上,阿倍 遂作和歌答謝。


  •  Abe no Seimei (安倍 晴明, February 21, 921 A.D. – October 31, 1005 A.D.) was an onmyōji, a leading specialist of onmyōdō during the middle of the Heian period in Japan. In addition to his prominence in history, he is a legendary figure in Japanese folklore and has been portrayed in a number of stories and films. Seimei worked as onmyōji for emperors and the Heian government, making calendars and advising on the spiritually correct way to deal with issues. He prayed for the well-being of emperors and the government as well as advising on various issues. He was also an astrologer and predicted astrological events. He enjoyed an extremely long life, free from any major illness, which contributed to the popular belief that he had mystical powers. The Seimei Shrine, located in Kyoto, is a popular shrine dedicated to him. The Abeno train station and district, in Osaka, are sometimes said to be named after him, as it is one of the locations where legends place his birth.Abe no Seimei is credited with the writing of the Senji Ryakketsu, an onmyōdo primer.鎌倉時代から明治時代初めまで陰陽寮を統括した安倍氏土御門家)の祖。官位は従四位下播磨守
  • 晴明紋 is a star
  • junichi and chitose abe 阿部 千登勢 (fashion field)

  • 阿部 寛
  • 感謝狀issued by taiwan rep office in japan, in 2018, by 謝長廷
  •  Abe Isoo (安部 磯雄, 4 February 1865 – 10 February 1949) was a Japanese Christian socialist, parliamentarian and pacifist.
  •  karori abe's book "chinese middlemen in hk colonial economy 1830-1890" (published by routledge)
  •  Japan’s Hiroaki Abe was ahead of the game when he launched the world’s first virtual airline in December 2016.
  •  日本設計師安倍健二(Kenji Abe,音譯)有見及此,便推出外形如雪花般的分子式包裝物料CY-BO(圖),以求減少使用這些消耗材料。
  • ********* abe can be shortform of abraham - as in the case of abraham pomerantz in supermoney (page 164)
  • ono
  • yoko ono, wife of john lennon
  • lisa ono, japanese brazilian singer 
  • 梅田 穣(うめだ ゆたか、1947年昭和22年〉6月26日 - )は、日本政治家山都町(1期)。「梅田穣」を音読みで欧米表記にすると、2020年アメリカ合衆国大統領選挙に出馬したジョー・バイデンと同じ「じょう・ばいでん」と読めることから「ジョー・バイデンと同じ氏名の町長がいる」とインターネット上で話題となり、バイデンの当選確実の報を受け、梅田に祝福の声が続々と寄せられた。このことについて梅田は家族から教えるまで気が付かず、突然のことに驚いた様子で「遠からぬ縁を感じたが、降って湧いたような話で困惑している」と山都町役場の総務課を通じてコメントした一方で[6][7]、「親近感がある。当選確実と聞いて自分事のようにうれしく思う」とバイデンの勝利を祝福し、「米国大統領と『九州のへそ』山都町の町長と、立場の違いはあるが心意気は同じ。住民の心穣(豊)な幸せのために職責を果たす」「米国という超大国の大統領と山都町の町長。規模が全く違うが、山都町を知ってもらうためのPRを考えていきたい」などとコメントした
    • 73歲的梅田穰起初沒有留意自己的名字發音,與拜登姓氏及名字對調後一樣,待家人告知才恍然大悟。
    • scmp 11nov2020 yutaka (commonly pronunced as jo) umeda (ume is plum (pronunced as mai) and da is rice field(pronunced as den)) kanji chinese characters have several phonetic readings
terms and phrases
Nishiki is the Japanese word for "brocade錦 日本地名瑞祥地名であることが多い
The most common Kanji name for "Nao" is 奈緒. It's girl's first name. Though many people may not know the origin of 奈(な)”na,” it means wild apple. 緒(お)”o” means the edge of thread.
- suki 好き (すき) - like, love

  • also moon? Suki/tsuki

噓も方便 uso mo hoben "circumstances may justify a lie"
一期一会 ichi-go-ichi-e: This proverb to come from tea ceremony.It means "This time meeting you in this way is the only once that never comes round. 
-  rōnin (浪人 Rōnin?, "drifter" or "wanderer", i.e. "he who drifts/wanders") was a samurai without lord or master during the feudal period (1185–1868) of Japan. A samurai became masterless from the death or fall of his master, or after the loss of his master's favor or privilege. In modern Japanese usage, the term also describes a salaryman who is unemployed or a secondary school graduate who has not yet been admitted to university.
- omiyage - 手信
- mendokusai

- 現代用語の 基礎知識 (Gendai Yōgo no Kiso Chishiki)

  • from ‘faboru’ to ‘sanoru,’ words define what people said, read and bought in 2015
  • Going places or staying put with particles ‘ni’ and ‘de’
  • Since we’ve come this far, it’s time for ‘kara ni wa’
- family

  • 日文中,「爸爸」一詞也有很多種不同叫法,較常見的有「父の日」中的「父(Chichi)」,會在向別人提及自己爸爸時用到,「お父さん(Otousan)」是用來直接稱呼自己的爸爸,「お父様(Otousama)」用作禮貌稱呼別人的父親。另外,小朋友會稱呼爸爸做「パパ(Papa)」,而「親父(Oyaji)」則較常在男性口中聽到,也是稱呼自己爸爸的方法。
- friends
  • 「仲間」(なかま Nakama),正確意思是「同伴」。「友達」(ともだち Tomodachi)與「仲間」的分別 - 「友達」一般指朋友、友人、知己等;「仲間」還包括一群夥伴抱有相同願望,並朝著目標攜手合作及前行。
- places
  • (まち)は、市街地やその区画。小規模な都市や、あるいは都市の一部の狭い区画についていうことが比較的多い。また、日本の基礎自治体の一種。「町」の読みは一般には「まち」だが、複合語や、個別の町については「ちょう」と読むものも多い。漢字「」は、本来は、農地などの境界を意味する漢字であり、市街の意味の「まち」は国訓である。和語である「まち」は、古語としては宮中邸宅などの区画を意味した。源氏物語などに用例が見られる。 区画の意味から、市街地の中の道路で囲まれた区画、つまり街区・ブロックを意味する。 あるいは漠然と、市街地やその一画を意味する。この意味では「」と書くことが多い。町場(まちば)ともいう。
  • Pekan in indonesian (bahasa)
  • 神奈川県 Kanagawa-ken
  • 静岡県 Shizuoka-ken
  • 山梨県 Yamanashi-ken
  • 長野県 Nagano-ken
  • 新潟市 Niigata-shi
  • 群馬県 Gunma-ken
  • 栃木市 Tochigi-shi
  • 埼玉県 Saitama-ken
  • 茨城県, Ibaraki-ken
  • 千葉県 Chiba-ken
  • 宮崎県 Miyazaki ken
  • 兵庫県 ひょうごけん Hyōgo-ken
  • The Isuzu River (五十鈴川Isuzu-gawa) is a river that has both its source and its mouth in the city of IseMie Prefecture, Japan. It flows through Ise Grand Shrine and Uji Bridge serves as the entrance to Ise Grand Shrine, and crosses the Isuzu River.Isuzu Motors company is named after the river.

  • 伊豆半島(日语:伊豆半島いずはんとう Izu hantō */?

    • note that izu can be 律
    - nationality
    • hafu (half) - mixed-race people in japan [economist 24jul2021 "the changing face of japan"]
    - orientation, direction

    • 上

    - colors
    • Note blue is aii-ro
    • economist 8may2021 "tongue twisters" ao traditionally refers to both green and blue. Some green items are covered by a different word, midi, but ao applies to some vegetables and green traffic lights (which, to make matters more confusing, are slightly blueish in japan). 
    - homeware

    • Zabuton (座布団)
    •  futon (布団)
    - clothes
    • kimono
      • The juni hitoe (12-layered kimono) was introduced in Japan during the Heian Period (794-1185) as a garment worn by ladies-in-waiting. Particularly complicated to put on, but also luxurious and elegant, it can be seen in illustrations of Murasaki Shikibu’s 11-century novel “The Tale of Genji” as well as worn by characters in the 2013 Studio Ghibli animation “The Tale of the Princess Kaguya.” Emondo Miyabi Yuki, a nonprofit organization that specializes in preserving the culture of kimono, offers visitors to Kyoto the opportunity to try on a juni hitoe. Based at the organization’s shop, the service includes dressing experts who will transform you into a Heian Period aristocrat. For men, there will also be a number of traditional Japanese noblemen’s outfits.
    •  A yukata (浴衣) is a Japanese garment, a casual summer kimono usually made of cotton or synthetic fabric, and unlined.浴衣(ゆかた)とは和服の一種である。通常の和服とは違い、長襦袢を着用せず、素肌の上に着る略装である。平安時代湯帷子(ゆかたびら)がその原型とされる。湯帷子は平安中期に成立した倭名類聚抄(わみょうるいじゅしょう)によると、内衣布で沐浴するための衣とされている。この時代、複数の人と入浴する機会があったため汗取りと裸を隠す目的で使用されたものと思われる。素材は、水に強く水切れの良いが使われていたという説がある。安土桃山時代頃から湯上りに着て肌の水分を吸い取らせる目的で広く用いられるようになり、これが江戸時代に入って庶民の愛好する衣類の一種となった「ゆかた」の名は「ゆかたびら」の略である。
    • “hare-gi”. Many women wear a gorgeous kimono like this to celebrate the New Years in Japan. People go to shrines or temples to pray for happiness in the year to come, and receive good luck charms.
    • jinbei (甚平), alternately jinbē (甚兵衛) or hippari (ひっぱり), is a kind of traditional Japanese clothing worn by men, women, boys, girls, and even babies during the summer. Women's jinbei have started to become popular in recent years.Jinbei are usually worn as a form of nightwear or house wear. Normally, men wear jinbei only in their own homes or when close to home (usually to collect the mail, go on a local errand, or while shopping or dining at a local restaurant). Sometimes jinbei are used as substitute for yukata during a summer festival, typically by men and boys but also frequently by young women. Ladies' jinbei tend to be more brightly coloured and often feature prints of popular culture characters and motifs. The whale shark is also known as jinbei-zame (ジンベイザメ(甚平鮫), "jinbei shark") or jinbē-zame (ジンベエザメ 《甚兵衛鮫》, "jinbee shark")in Japanese due to its skin patterns resembling those of jinbei.甚平は「甚兵衛羽織」の略で「甚兵衛という名の人が着ていたことから」という起源説もあるが、江戸末期に庶民が着た「袖無し羽織(そでなしばおり)」が、「武家の用いた陣羽織(陣中で鎧・具足の上に着た上着)に形が似ていたことから」という説のほうが強いとされる。古老によれば、筒袖となって普及したのは大正時代。大阪であったという。木綿あるいは製で、単衣仕立て。脇の両裾に馬乗り(うまのり/スリット)がある。短い半袖や七分袖の筒袖・平袖で、袖口が広め。衿は「棒衿」で(おくみ)はないのがふつう。付け紐で結ぶので帯を必要としない。袖も身頃も全体的にゆったりして、風通しが良い作りなので、夏のホームウエアとして涼しく着られる。甚平に似た和服に作務衣がある。
    • Samue (作務衣) is the work clothing of Japanese Zen Buddhist monks, worn when engaged in samu.Made from cotton or linen and traditionally dyed brown or indigo to distinguish them from formal vestments, samue are worn by monks of most Japanese Buddhist traditions performing labour duty such as temple maintenance and field work. In modern times they have become popular as general casual or work wear. Shakuhachi players today, because of the instrument's historical association with Zen Buddhism, sometimes wear samue.現在のような形の作務衣があらわれた時期ははっきりしないが古くとも明治以前にさかのぼるものではなく、一説には昭和40年代に永平寺で用いられたものが最初であるとされる。原形は着物の上に着た上っ張りもんぺで、実際に当初のものは着物の袖を納めるために現在よりも上衣の袖が太かった。「長作務衣」と呼ばれる上衣の裾が長いものもあり、曹洞宗の僧侶が外出時などに着用する。袖口と足首の部分は埃やゴミが入らないよう、ゴム紐などで絞ってあるものが多い。

    - otoshi daik wa ikuradesuka? - how much is appetiser?
    - culture

    • suki - refined taste
    • wabi - refined simplicity

    - architecture, dwelling

    •  ryokan (旅館?) is a type of traditional Japanese inn that originated in the Edo period (1603–1868), when such inns served travelers along Japan'shighways. They typically feature tatami-matted rooms, communal baths, and other public areas where visitors may wear yukata and talk with the owner.
    • Minshuku (民宿?) are a budget version of ryokan, roughly equivalent to a British boarding house or a bed and breakfast
    •  駐車場(ちゅうしゃじょう、英: parking lot)

    一時停止(いちじていし)とは、主に道路交通において abeyant
    - animal

    - baka ばか - eternally stupid 
    Senpai (先輩, "earlier colleague") and kōhai (後輩, "later colleague") are terms from the Japanese language describing an informal hierarchical interpersonal relationship found in organizations, associations, clubs, businesses, and schools in Japan. The concept is based in Japanese philosophy and has permeated Japanese society.The senpai–kōhai system has existed since the beginning of Japanese history. Three elements have had a significant impact on its development: Confucianism, the traditional Japanese family system, and the Civil Code of 1898. Confucianism arrived from China between the 6th and 9th centuries, but the derived line of thought that brought about deep social changes in Japan was Neo-Confucianism, which became the official doctrine of the Tokugawa shogunate (1603–1867). The precepts of loyalty and filial piety as tribute (朝貢 chōkō) dominated the Japanese at the time, as respect for elders and ancestor worship that Chinese Confucianism taught were well accepted by the Japanese, and these influences have spread throughout daily life. Like other Chinese influences, the Japanese adopted these ideas selectively and in their own manner, so that the "loyalty" in Confucianism was taken as loyalty to a feudal lord or the Emperor. The Japanese family system ( ie) was also regulated by Confucian codes of conduct and had an influence on the establishment of the senpai–kōhai relation.
    Japan’s health ministry defines hikikomori as people who have remained isolated at home for at least six consecutive months, not going to school or work and not interacting with people outside their family. According to government studies, there are an estimated 1 million or more hikikomori in Japan.
    - dual meaning
    • 鳥取縣鳴石之濱旁的海邊向日葵花海-海岸滿布橢圓形的岩石,隨著潮汐進退而互相碰撞而「發出聲響」,(日文よく鳴る,跟「事情好轉(良くなる)」發音相同)

    The Iroha (いろは) is a Japanese poem, probably written in the Heian era (794–1179). Originally the poem was attributed to the founder of the Shingon Esoteric sect of Buddhism in Japan, Kūkai, but more modern research has found the date of composition to be later in the Heian Period. The first record of its existence dates from 1079. It is famous because it is a perfect pangram, containing each character of the Japanese syllabary exactly once. Because of this, it is also used as an ordering for the syllabary, in the same way as the ABCD... sequence of the Latin alphabet.いろは歌(いろはうた)とは、すべての仮名を重複させずに使って作られた誦文(ずもん)のこと。七五調の形式となっている。のちに習字手習い[1]の手本として広く受容され、近代にいたるまで用いられた。また、その仮名の配列は字母表の「いろは順」として中世から近世辞書類や番号付け等に広く利用された。ここから「いろは」は初歩の初歩として、あるいは仮名を重複させないもの、すなわち仮名尽しの代名詞としての意味も持つ。

    - and


    teaching/course materials

    culture info

    Basic conversation


    terms related to food
    Umami /ˈmɑːmi/, a savory taste, is one of the five basic tastes (together with sweet, sour, bitter and salty). A loanword from the Japanese (うま味?), umami can be translated as "pleasant savory taste". This particular writing was chosen by ProfessorKikunae Ikeda from umai (うまい) "delicious" and mi (味) "taste". The kanji 旨味 are used for a more general sense of a food as delicious.
    Wagyu (和牛)
    Ebizukushi (Rice cracker made from shrimps)
    Amaebi - spot prawns
    Tamagoyaki 卵焼き (literally 'grilled egg', also called tamago or dashimaki) is a type of Japanese omelette, which is made by rolling together several layers of cooked egg. 
    - sengyo 鲜鱼
    - katsugyo 活魚
    -  Dorayaki (どら焼き, どらやき, 銅鑼焼き, ドラ焼き) is a type of Japanese confection, a red-bean pancake which consists of two small pancake-like patties made from castella wrapped around a filling of sweet Azuki red bean paste. Dorayaki are similar to imagawayaki, but the latter are cooked with the batter completely surrounding the bean paste filling and are often served hot.
    The original Dorayaki consisted of only one layer. Its current shape was invented in 1914 by Usagiya in the Ueno district of Tokyo.In Japanese, dora means "gong", and because of the similarity of the shapes, this is probably the origin of the name of the sweet. Legend has it that the first Dorayaki were made when a samurai named Benkei forgot his gong (dora) upon leaving a farmer’s home where he was hiding and the farmer subsequently used the gong to fry the pancakes, thus the name Dorayaki. In Kansai area, such as Osaka or Nara, this sweet is often called mikasa (三笠). The word originally means triple straw hat, but also an alternative name of Mount Wakakusa, a low hill with gentle slope located in Nara. Many local people picture the shape of this hill while eating a mikasa. In Nara, a larger mikasa of about 30 cm in diameter is famous.

    Sexist terms


    - In 1978 Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry established the encoding that would later be known as JIS X 0208, which still serves as an important reference for all Japanese encodings. However, after the JIS standard was released people noticed something strange - several of the added characters had no obvious sources, and nobody could tell what they meant or how they should be pronounced. Nobody was sure where they came from. These are what came to be known as the ghost characters (幽霊文字).


    - Japanese had a significant Chinese influence in its vocabulary and it did adopt Chinese characters (Kanji) for writing - it has other two, hiragana and katakana.
    But Japanese is beyond that, not connected to Chinese. Its development went from Old Japanese, Early Middle Japanese, Late Middle Japanese, Early Modern Japanese and Modern Japanese of today. The closest languages to Japanese (from the Japonic family) are the Ryukyuan languages.
    comparison with other languages
    - english
    • ******* There is a sound directly between fu and hu. Say a short “foo” with very lazy, loose lips. The word for dragon is “ryū.” It’s not “riyu.” The word for travel is “ryokō.” The Japanese sounds rya, ryu and ryo involve distorting the mouth and using the tongue in a way that is very alien for non-Japanese speakers. It’s quite hard to say it right. And finally, the sound しゃ is often written as “sha.” For example, in the word shaberu, which means “to talk.” But that’s not really correct. It’s sometimes written as “sya” which is far closer to how the actual sound is. You can get away with saying “sha,” for a while, but to level-up you will have to modify it towards “sya.”

    portuguese influence
    - temperar 季節 - 天婦羅
    - caramelo 焦糖
    - pao bread
    - alcool aurokuru 酒精
    - vidro bidoro glass
    - Butao botan button
    - capa de chuva kappa raincoat
    - sabao shabon soap

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