Monday, March 18, 2019


Vanuatu (English: /ˌvɑːnuˈɑːtu/ vah-noo-AH-too or /vænˈwɑːtu/ van-WAH-tooBislama, French IPA: [vanuatu]), officially the Republic of Vanuatu (French: République de VanuatuBislamaRipablik blong Vanuatu). Vanuatu was first inhabited by Melanesian people. The first Europeans to visit the islands were a Spanish expedition led by Portuguese navigator Fernandes de Queirós, who arrived on the largest island in 1606. Since the Portuguese and Spanish monarchies had been unified under the king of Spain in 1580 (following the vacancy of the Portuguese throne, which lasted for sixty years, until 1640, when the Portuguese monarchy was restored), Queirós claimed the archipelago for Spain, as part of the colonial Spanish East Indies, and named it La Austrialia del Espíritu Santo. In the 1880s, France and the United Kingdom claimed parts of the archipelago, and in 1906, they agreed on a framework for jointly managing the archipelago as the New Hebrides through an Anglo–French condominium. An independence movement arose in the 1970s, and the Republic of Vanuatu was founded in 1980.
- hkej 20oct17 shum article

 埃法特島,亦稱瓦特島桑威奇島Efate is an island in the Pacific Ocean which is part of the Shefa Province in Vanuatu. It is also known as Île Vate.Captain James Cook named it Sandwich Island "in honour of my noble patron, the Earl of Sandwich" on his 1774 voyage on HMS Resolution.During World War II, Efate served an important role as a United States military base.
-******Efate became an independent commune in 1889 when residents declared the region as Franceville. However, by 1890 the commune was broken up.

Hiw is the largest island in the Torres Islands in Torba Province. It is situated east of the Torres Trench, south of Vanikoroin the Solomon IslandsHiw has a population of about 270 inhabitants.[1]

They are distributed in three villages, all located on the east coast: Yogwye [ˈjɔɰwjə]Yaqane [jaˈkʷanə]; and the main village Yögevigemëne [ˌjɵɣəˌβiɣəˈmenə], whose name is sometimes shortened to Yugemëne [ˌjʉɣəˈmenə].The language spoken on the island is also called Hiw.

- 太平洋島國瓦努阿圖執法人員上月19日首次發現中國漁船在領海內非法捕撈,在北部海域希烏島(Hiu Island)附近扣留兩艘涉事漁船東剛星(Dong Gang Xing,暫譯)13號及16號,以及14名中國船員,他們完成檢疫隔離後將接受問話。

Inyeung island


- (utility)
- vanuatu bijouterie
  • exhibited at 2017 tdc jewelry fr
New Hebrides, officially the New Hebrides Condominium (French: Condominium des Nouvelles-Hébrides, lit. "Condominium of the New Hebrides") and named for the Hebrides Scottish archipelago, was the colonial name for the island group in the South Pacific Ocean that is now Vanuatu. Native people had inhabited the islands for three thousand years before the first Europeans arrived in 1606 from a Spanish expedition led by Portuguese navigator Pedro Fernandes de Queirós. The islands were colonised by both the British and French in the 18th century, shortly after Captain James Cook visited. The two countries eventually signed an agreement making the islands an Anglo-French condominium that divided the New Hebrides into two separate communities: one Anglophone and one Francophone. This divide continues even after independence, with schools teaching in either one language or the other, and with different political parties. The condominium lasted from 1906 until 1980, when the New Hebrides gained their independence as the Republic of Vanuatu.
  • The New Hebrides was a rare form of colonial territory in which sovereignty was shared by two powers, Britain and France, instead of just one. Under the Condominium there were three separate governments – one French, one British, and one joint administration that was partially elected after 1975. The French and British governments were called residencies, each headed by a resident appointed by the metropolitan government. The residency structure greatly emphasised dualism, with both consisting of an equal number of French and British representatives, bureaucrats and administrators. Every member of one residency always had an exact mirror opposite number on the other side who they could consult. The symmetry between the two residencies was almost exact. The joint government consisted of both local and European officials. It had jurisdiction over the postal service, public radio station, public works, infrastructure, and censuses, among other things. The two main cities of Luganville and Port Vila also had city councils, but these did not have a great deal of authority.[clarification neededWhile initial settlers were predominantly British living in Australia, the late 19th century saw an influx of French. Within a few decades, there were twice as many French on the islands as there were British, prompting a multitude of petitions to cede power to either the French or the British. Despite this, the two nations came together to form a condominium, a specialised form of government where both nations would have all of their own administrations and jointly rule the islands. The only place they came together was in the Joint Court. As Mander describes, "The Joint Court was the key to the situation and much was to depend upon it….Three judges–one British, one French, and the third nominated by the King of Spain–were to comprise the court."[1] This meant convictions in court were chosen based on either British or French law, depending on the circumstances.
  • societal structure
  • [wisdom of pacific islanders] nimangi system of 南巴人 (elingl is fourth highest rank)

- Australia promised on Monday to bolster the cyber security capability of Vanuatu as it agreed to begin negotiating a security treaty with its Pacific neighbor, ramping up diplomacy in the region to combat China’s rising influence.
During a visit to Canberra by Vanuatu Prime Minister Charlot Salwai, Australia offered up to A$19.5 million ($14 million) in education aid and said it would spend A$400,000 to help develop Vanuatu’s cyber policy and security. Maritime surveillance, police and defense cooperation would underpin the security treaty, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said in a statement, but gave no date to begin talks.

- scmp 30sep2020 "jakarta slams vanuatu's meddling" row highlights how pacific nations are speaking out on allegations of human right abuses in papua

-  土地註冊處資料顯示,緹山第2座7樓 A室天台特色戶買家以廣吉有限公司作登記,即買家需付樓價 30%買家印 花稅及雙倍印花稅,涉及稅款高達 9,210 萬 元 , 公 司 董 事 為 WANG SHUIMING,登記地址為福建省廈門市,該名董 事的護照簽發國家為瓦努阿圖。

- leaders visit

  • Premier Li Keqiang urged better alignment between the Belt and Road Initiative and the development strategies of Vanuatu as well as greater mutual political trust between the two countries during a meeting with Prime Minister Charlot Salwai on Monday. Li and Salwai also witnessed the signing of several bilateral cooperative agreements, including a cooperative plan on joint building of the BRI and feasibility research into building a small port and road on Pentecost Island, an island of the South Pacific nation.China and Vanuatu should deepen cooperation in areas including infrastructure construction, business, trade, fishing and tourism, Li said in the meeting with his Vanuatu counterpart at the Great Hall of the People. China will encourage its businesses to invest in Vanuatu, and will expand imports from the Pacific island country, he said.

- military base

  • 澳洲媒體周二報道,中國曾經接觸南太平洋島國瓦努阿圖,尋求在該國建立永久軍事基地。報道指一旦成事,中國軍力部署將伸延至澳洲。中國及瓦努阿圖均否認有關報道內容。
- 該國國會議員Francois Chani近日表示,有在該國註冊的中資企業向當地議員捐贈六十部手提電腦,懷疑相關企業藉此籠絡賄賂。Chani表示,他已決定將相關電腦退還予相關企業。
- 在剛過去的亞太經合組織(APEC)峰會上,中國官員宣布與多個太平洋島國簽署新的協議,但未有公布內容。澳洲廣播公司(ABC)及瓦努阿圖《每日郵報》日前取得中方在會前與瓦努阿圖簽訂的七份文件,當中包括提供六千萬美元(約四億六千八百萬港元)予瓦努阿圖作神秘項目,但暫未有任何有關的資訊。
- The Chinese police officers touched down at Vanuatu’s main gateway, Bauerfield International Airport in the capital Port Vila, on a Wednesday afternoon. A little over a week later, on July 6, the law enforcement officers, dressed in plain clothes and accompanied by Vanuatu police, marched a half-dozen Chinese nationals onto a chartered jet bound for China. The five men and one woman, reportedly accused by Chinese authorities of running an internet scam, were charged with no crime in Vanuatu, a collection of about 80 islands scattered across more than 1,000km of the South Pacific. Their deportation has earned criticism from Vanuatu’s legal experts and human rights activists, who say it is an erosion of democratic rights done at China’s bidding.

Hong Kong
- 瓦努阿圖總理納圖曼訪港 瓦努阿圖總理納圖 曼和夫人克雷西,及國家政府官員一 行,本周初專程來到香港作友好訪問 ,並參加了在香格里拉大酒店舉行的 瓦努阿圖國家投資移民全球獨家總代 理的委任典禮。日前,國家主席習近 平在南京會見瓦努阿圖共和國總理納 圖曼,對他前來出席南京青奧會表示 熱烈歡迎。在8月19日當天典禮中,納圖曼頒發授權 信函給明基國際集團主席黃健明,瓦努阿圖國 家金管局主席Bill Bani頒發外交部授權確認證 書和內政事務部授權證書等6份授權證書,給 瓦努阿圖國家投資移民公司董事長林東。
- 瓦努 阿圖國家投資移民全球總代理發布會日前在廣 東舉行。瓦努阿圖國家投資移民有限公司 (VNIIL)亞太區總裁姚小燕表示,未來希望將 瓦努阿圖塑造成下一個馬爾代夫,除了發展旅 遊之外,還將陸續開發房地產等綜合產業,為 投資移民者建設一個南太平洋最具規模的國際 旅遊度假中心。瓦努阿圖國家投資移民有限公 司屬港明基國際集團旗下公司。

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