Tuesday, March 12, 2019

bronze age

- indus valley civilisation

  •  Cycladic culture (also known as Cycladic civilisation or, chronologically, as Cycladic chronology) was a Bronze Age culture (c.3200–c.1050 BC) found throughout the islands of the Cyclades in the Aegean Sea. In chronological terms, it is a relative dating system for artefacts which broadly complements Helladic chronology (mainland Greece) and Minoan chronology (Crete) during the same period of time. The significant Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age Cycladic culture is best known for its schematic flat female idols carved out of the islands' pure white marble centuries before the great Middle Bronze Age ("Minoan") culture arose in Crete, to the south. These figures have been stolen from burials to satisfy the Cycladic antiquities market since the early 20th century.[citation needed] Only about 40% of the 1,400 figurines found are of known origin, since looters destroyed evidence of the rest. A distinctive Neolithic culture amalgamating Anatolian and mainland Greek elements arose in the western Aegean before 4000 BC, based on emmer wheat and wild-type barley, sheep and goats, pigs, and tuna that were apparently speared from small boats (Rutter).
  • The Indus Valley Civilization (IVC) was a Bronze Age civilisation (3300–1300 BCE; mature period 2600–1900 BCE, pre-Harappan cultures starting c.7500 BCE) mainly in northwest Indian subcontinent (including present day Pakistan, northwest India) and also in some regions in northeast Afghanistan. Along with Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, it was one of three early civilisations of the Old World, and the most widespread among them, covering an area of 1.25 million km2.[8] It flourished in the basins of the Indus River, one of the major rivers of Asia, and the now dried up Sarasvati River,[9][10] which once coursed through northwest India and eastern Pakistan [6] together with its tributaries flowed along a channel, presently identified as that of the Ghaggar-Hakra River on the basis of various scientific studies. Due to the spread of the civilization along both the river valleys, some scholars use the term Indus-Sarasvati Civilisation.
  • http://www.dailyo.in/variety/harappan-civilisation-hinduism-vedic-age-dharma-aryans-hindu-supremacists-marxists/story/1/14564.html
  • The Indus script (also known as the Harappan script) is a corpus of symbols produced by the Indus Valley Civilization during the Kot Diji andMature Harappan periods between 3500 and 1900 BC. Most inscriptions are extremely short. It is not clear if these symbols constitute a scriptused to record a language, and the subject of whether the Indus symbols were a writing system is controversial. In spite of many attempts, it remains undecipherable, and no underlying language has been identified. There is no known bilingual inscription, and the script does not show any significant changes over time.
  • https://www.quora.com/What-was-the-first-nation-that-surpassed-the-Romans-on-being-the-most-advanced-civilization They created a system of writing (as yet undeciphered), trademarks and seals, weights and measures in use all around the Indian Ocean, the Persian Gulf, the Tigris Euphrates basin, overland as far north as Afghanistan and the Zagros massif, and the Red Sea as far as Ugarit. They had marine docks, warehouses, irrigation systems and sea-going business at Mohenjo Daro and Lothal of great sophistication. Their goods and merchandise were found throughout Mesopotamia, the Arabian Peninsula, the Levant, and the trade networks of the (Arabian) Dilmun Empire. They are probably the first people to have developed printed cotton fabric.
The Nuragic civilization was a civilization of Sardinia, lasting from the Bronze Age (18th century BC) to the 2nd century AD. The name derives from its most characteristic monuments, the nuraghes. They consist of tower-fortresses that were built starting from about 1800 BC. Today some 7,000 nuraghes dot the Sardinian landscape. No written records of this civilization have been discovered. The only written information that we have comes from classical literature of the Greeks and Romans, and may be considered more mythological than historical.

The Yamna or Yamnaya culture, also called Pit Grave Culture and Ochre Grave Culture, was a late Copper Age/earlyBronze Age culture of the Southern Bug/Dniester/Ural region (the Pontic steppe), dating to 3,500 – 2,300 BCE. The Yamna culture is identified with the lateProto-Indo-Europeans, and is the strongest candidate for the Urheimat (homeland) of the Proto-Indo-European languageThe names "Yamna culture" and "Yamnaya culture" are borrowed from Ukrainian:Ямна культура and Russian: Ямная культура respectively, both meaning "pit-grave culture", from Russian/Ukrainian яма meaning "pit". The Yamnaya-people were the likely result of admixture between eastern European hunter-gatherers (via whom they also descend from the Mal'ta-Buret' culture or other, closely relatedpeople) and Near eastern people, namely hunter-gatherers from the Caucasus c.q. Iran Chalcolithic related people which were related to Caucasian hunter-gatherers. Their culture is materially very similar to that of the people of theAfanasevo culture, their contemporaries in the Altai Mountains; furthermore, genetic tests have confirmed that the two groups are genetically indistinguishable.[3] The Yamnaya are also closely connected to later, Bronze Age cultures which spread throughout Europe and Central Asia, especially the Corded Ware people, but also the Bell Beakers as well as the peoples of the Andronovo, Sintashta, and Srubna cultures. In these groups, there are present several aspects of the Yamna culture (e.g., horse-riding, burial styles, and to some extent the pastoralist economy). Studies have also established that these populations derived large parts of their ancestry from the steppes.颜那亚文化俄語:Ямная культура)或亚姆纳文化 ヤムナ文化(ヤムナぶんか、もしくはヤームナヤ文化竪穴墓文化黄土墓文化とも)
- 颜那亚亚姆纳分别音译自俄语和乌克兰语,意为“坑”,指其特有的埋葬传统:有一个墓室的库尔干
- http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-34832781 Research shows Europeans are a mixture of three major ancestral populations - indigenous hunters, Middle Eastern farmers and a population that arrived from the east in the Bronze Age. DNA from ancient remains in the Caucasus has now revealed a fourth population that fed into the mix.About 5,000 years ago, herders called the Yamnaya entered Europe from the eastern Steppe region - in present day Ukraine and Russia. These horse riding metal workers may have brought Indo-European languages with them; today this language family comprises most of the tongues spoken in Europe. The discovery of plague DNA in Yamnaya burials and a population decline in Europe around the same time has led some researchers to wonder if their passage west was facilitated by the spread of disease. The Yamnaya transformed the gene pools of northern and central Europe, such that some populations, like Norwegians, owe around 50% of their ancestry to these Steppe pastoralists.
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20160806/00180_042.html 過往學者相信,亞洲中部或中國是首個使用大麻的地區。德國近日有學者就大麻的歷史發表文章,指於四千至五千年前的青銅時代,歐洲文明奠基者之一的亞姆納亞人(Yamnaya)靠其先進的騎旅技術,將大麻帶到其他地區,顛覆了傳統理論。
- https://www.quora.com/How-much-Indo-European-ancestry-do-modern-Indo-Europeans-have
- https://www.quora.com/Why-did-so-many-languages-originate-from-Proto-Indo-European The Indo-Europeans — or rather the Yamnaya people — had several strengths historically
- Between 3300 to 2600 BC, the Yamnaya invaded & settled in Europe, Anatolia, Iran, Tarim basin China & India. These countries speak the Indo-European language family. With the exception of Anatolia & Tarim Basin. The Celtic language branch originated in Switzerland & Austria. Around 500 BC, they expanded in a triangle from Britannia to Iberia to Anatolia. Celtic languages are closest in resemblance to Italic languages which included Latin. Branches that also share similarities are Baltic & Slavic then Indo-Iranian languages.https://www.quora.com/Where-did-the-Celtic-people-originally-come-from
- https://www.quora.com/Why-are-the-Yamnaya-are-considered-1-Proto-Indo-Europeans-if-the-50-Yamnaya-Finnish-are-not-Indo-European-and-2-dark-haired-if-the-peoples-having-the-most-Yamnaya-ancestry-also-have-the-highest-frequencies-of-light
nordic bronze age
- The King's Grave near Kivik (Kungagraven i Kivik, Kiviksgraven) in the southeastern portion of the Swedish province of Skåne is what remains of an unusually grand Nordic Bronze Age double burial c. 1400 BC.
  •  [time travel]discovered in 1748; motifs of sun, horses and ships; procession figures- inclination of body curves smmoth and somewhat snake like (snakes important in bronze age eschatology and cyclic renewal imagery)
Sharing southern Scandinavia uneasily with the Funnelbeaker farmers were the maritime hunters and fishermen known as the Pitted Ware culture, expanding from eastern Sweden. They were Scandinavian Hunter-Gatherer, themselves a unique blend of Western and Eastern Hunter-Gatherers who had adapted to life in the chilly north. When the Funnelbeaker population collapsed (probably because of the first Plague in the area) the Pitted Ware people started expanding into Funnelbeaker territory. Then when the Yamna people from the steppes overran the area, the Pitted Ware culture gradually merged with the newcomers, now called the Corded Ware culture. The eastern parts of the Corded Ware area gave rise to the Baltic and Slavic peoples, while the western part merged with the Pitted Ware and became the ancestors of the Germanic peoples.Between the arrival of the Indo-Europeans and the spread of the Germanic tribes was a long golden age known as the Nordic Bronze Age. For about 1200 years, this culture in southern Scandinavia and northern Germany traded with the inner Mediterranean and assembled remarkable riches, despite the relatively low population. There were never any cities in this area, and as far as we know there was no writing until centuries later. But the hoards of gold and bronze found in the royal graves shows that this culture traded as far as Egypt and also had its own artists and craftsmen. The climate in the area was milder back then than in modern times, which not only was good for agriculture but also allowed for some pretty nice clothes:This attire was based on the grave of the Egtved Girl, a Bronze Age woman who died all too young in Denmark, seemingly from natural causes. The photo is of course of a modern woman from the same area. As you can see, the Proto-Germanic people weren’t exactly cavemen.After the end of the Bronze Age, the climate grew chillier, and many Germanic people sought southward, where they eventually ran into Romans and Greeks again and enter our written history.https://www.quora.com/Who-are-the-Germanic-tribes-descended-from

- 曼徹斯特都會大學考古學家愛德華茲(Ben Edwards)教授領導考古團隊,在過去五年一直在安格爾西(Anglesey)島嶼挖掘青銅時代重要遺址之一、石隧墓「Bryn Celli Ddu」。適逢女兒貝拉近日因停課要在家完成Minecraft功課,愛德華茲靈機一動,邀請她為重建虛擬石隧墓遺址做「技術支援」。要在遊戲中重建石隧墓並非易事,愛德華茲與中央蘭開夏大學及威爾斯歷史環境服務中心研究人員合作,利用實際地理地圖數據重建古墓本身、山丘河流及周遭的墓塚景觀,連旁邊一間或能追溯至新石器時代的房屋亦未能遺漏。「Bryn Celli Ddu」約公元前三千年曾是埋葬地點,遺址周圍景觀顯示具人類活動超過一萬年。石隧墓入口因夏至時會與日出時的晨光成一直線而成著名景點
- 英國蘇格蘭考古學團隊在偏遠島嶼聖科達群島發現屬於鐵器及青銅時代的陶器,相信這人迹罕至島嶼可能於2,000年前曾有人聚居,推論蘇格蘭西部島嶼以前可能有更廣闊群居領域。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20210214/00180_035.html
- 來自牛津郡的業餘考古學家芬頓(Hamish Fenton),早前到訪基爾馬丁幽谷的青銅器時代歷史地標Dunchraigaig Cairn,偶然看到石堆下內藏一個石室,於是拿着電筒進去,就發現兩隻成年馬鹿和數隻幼鹿的圖案,清晰地刻畫在石壁上。他再往周邊一照,看到更多動物雕刻,令他喜出望外。HES的專家其後到石室,以3D掃描及數碼模擬等技術重塑石刻,推測這些雕刻大概成於新石器時代及青銅時代初期間。局方首席研究員巴尼特(Tertia Barnett)稱,專家一向認為,英國的史前石刻都是以幾何形狀及非圖像形式呈現,而本次稀有發現完全推翻過往的認知。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20210602/00180_081.html

- 英媒周日報道,斯蒂平(Mariusz Stepien)今年六月與友人在皮布爾斯尋寶時,以金屬探測器發現一些埋在半米地下的銅器。專家指這些銅器是稀世的青銅時代鞍具,估計已有三千多年歷史。鞍具除了銅扣外,連皮帶和木材都在土壤中保存得相當完好。鞍上還帶有一個響鈴吊飾,屬蘇格蘭首次出土,在全英此前也只出土過兩件。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200812/00180_033.html

- 西班牙巴塞隆拿自治大學的考古團隊昨日公布,透過研究早年在西班牙東南部建築群遺址出土的遺物,發現女性很大機會於4,000年前青銅時代的阿爾加爾(El Argar)社區中,掌管該地區的政治權力,推翻了人們對早期社會文明觀念的傳統認知。考古學家2014年首次發現位於拉阿爾蒙洛亞(La Almoloya)歷史遺址內的一個王子陵墓「墓穴 38」,並出土了兩具一男一女的骸骨,男性估計年齡約35至40歲,女性則為25至30歲。考古學家在墓穴內發現大約30件具價值的物品,當中大部分由銀製成,包括手鐲、項鏈、耳環等珠寶及銀製皇冠,猜測是屬於該名女性的陪葬品。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20210312/00180_038.html

- 法國史前學會公報(the Bulletin of the French Prehistoric Society)一頂研究指出,2014年於當地古城一個地窖發現的石板畫,可能是歐洲最古老的3D地圖,可追溯到4,000年前的青銅時代早期,上面刻畫的地理區域準確度高達八成。

- the necropolis and tools of the bronze age settlement were found in the sava river valley

En Esur (Hebrew: עין אֵסוּר‎; [ʕen ʔsuʁ] eh-N eh-s-oor) or Ein Asawir (Arabic: عين الأساور‎, lit. 'Spring of the Braceletes') is an ancient site located in the northern Sharon Plain in the Israeli Coastal Plain. The site includes an archaeological mound (tell), called Tel Esur or Tell el-Asawir, another unnamed mound, and two springs, one of which gives the site its name. During the Early Bronze Age, around 3000 BCE, a massive fortified proto-city with an estimated population of 5,000 to 6,000 inhabitants existed there. It was the largest city in the region, larger than other significant sites such as Tel Megiddo and Tel Jericho, but smaller than other distant sites. The city was discovered in 1977 during a salvage excavation in the site of a future water reservoir, but its massive extent was realized only during excavations in 1993. A major excavation was conducted between 2017 and 2019 ahead of the construction of a new highway interchange for the new town of Harish exposed the city's houses, streets and public structures, as well as countless pottery, tools and artifacts. An even earlier settlement with a 7,000 year-old temple was discovered below the ruins of the Bronze Age city. Archaeologists Itai Elad and Yitzhak Paz announced the discovery of the city in 2019, calling it the "New York City of the early Bronze Age".
  • https://www.quora.com/How-important-is-the-archaeological-discovery-of-Ein-Asur-in-Israel
- 大連市文物管理委員會、旅順博物館、吉林大學考古系等單 位於1987年和1992年先後對大嘴子遺址進行了發掘,收穫甚豐, 兩次發掘總面積達3505平方米,共發現房址51座,灰坑11個,石 牆4道,出土各類遺物約1600餘件。這也是當地發現的內涵最豐 富的一處青銅時代遺址。其中,第三期文化距今3300至3100年, 遺跡遺物絕大多數出自該期。 大嘴子遺址所出石器不僅數量多,而且形制多樣,有斧、 錛、鑿、鏟、刀、磨盤、磨棒、砥石、網墜、紡輪、戈、矛、 劍、鏃等。出土的陶器以罐的數量居多,其他為壺、豆、碗、簋 等,其器表多以素面為主。出土的青銅器共兩件,一為戈形器, 一為鏃,分別出土於下、上兩個文化層。所發現的糧食雖已炭 化,但籽粒飽滿清晰,經有關部門鑒定,認為是粳稻和高粱,這 個發現無疑為中國北方農業考古研究以及中國栽培稻的東傳路 線,提供了實物依據。而罐裝魚類的發現,則有助於考古研究者 進一步了解青銅時代的經濟和漁業生產。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20210317/PDF/b10_screen.pdf

arts and crafts
- https://www.quora.com/What-are-some-mysterious-things-that-can-not-be-explained conical gold hats

- https://www.quora.com/What-is-an-amazing-fact-about-the-bronze-age-that-most-people-dont-know

- https://www.quora.com/Who-were-the-Sea-People-and-how-did-they-destroy-almost-every-Bronze-Age-civilization
- https://www.quora.com/Were-humans-almost-completely-wiped-out-in-1177-BC The early 12th century BC was a bad time for the Mediterranean. In what’s called the Bronze Age collapse, societies fell across the region and into Mesopotamia. Beyond that, however, things were OK for the rest of humanity. Northern Europe and southern Africa don’t appear to have suffered, India was untouched, China continued to develop, and nothing of any note along those lines happened in the Americas or Oceania. This was a regional problem, not a global one.

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