Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Railway diplomacy

- ft 22mar2021 canadian pacific to pay $29bn for us rail operator kansas city southern
  • ft23mar2021 rail deal builds on canada, us and mexico ties - these new franchise will essentially tie the auto belts of ontario, upper midwest and mexico
elevated railway
- us
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  • chicago
    • all elevated trains in chicago stop at the chicago rock island and pacific railway station
- thailand

兩洋鐵路或在APEC落實細節http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2014/11/08/a08-1108.pdf 秘魯總統烏馬拉在APEC

- http://www.scmp.com/business/china-business/article/1660256/worlds-longest-rail-route-boost-china-spain-trade The first freight train to link China directly to Spain arrived in Madrid on Tuesday after covering more than 13,000km in a test run of a planned regular service. The train left Yiwu, a major wholesale centre for small consumer goods, in eastern China on November 18 and passed through Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus, Poland, Germany, and France during its 21-day trip. It is the longest railway route in the world, longer still than Russia's famous Trans-Siberian railway linking Moscow to Vladivostok. The journey time was more than 10 days shorter than if the goods transported by the train had been shipped by sea, Spain's public works ministry said. The train's 40 shipping containers transported goods made in Zhejiang province, including spinning tops for children and cutting tools. The train will return to China with wine, olive oil and cured ham.
http://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-britain-china-train-idUKKBN17C0PQ The first freight train to run from Britain to China was due to depart on Monday, carrying vitamins, baby products and other goods as Britain seeks to burnish its global trading credentials for when it leaves the European Union. The 7,500-mile journey from eastern England to eastern China will take three weeks, around half the time needed for the equivalent journey by boat. The first freight train from China arrived in Britain in January. The train will leave a depot at Stanford-Le-Hope in Essex for Barking in east London, before passing through the Channel Tunnel into France and on to Belgium, Germany, Poland, Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan.

http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2014/12/17/a07-1217.pdf 中國國務院總理李克強於當地時間 15 日晚上抵達塞爾維亞首都貝爾格萊德,出席第三次中國—中東歐國家領導人會晤並對塞爾維亞進行正式訪問。據媒體報道,李克強總理在塞期間將與塞爾維亞總理、匈牙利總理舉行會談,討論在貝爾格萊德和布達佩斯之間修建高鐵計劃,該計劃預計在 2017 年前完工,總耗資預計 20 億歐元(約 194 億港元)。有分析指出,塞爾維亞希望借此計劃能成為中國通往巴爾幹半島、進而通往歐洲的大門,中國與歐洲之間的貿易將更加便利。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20141217/PDF/12_screen.pdf, http://usa.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2014-12/18/content_19111605.htm

http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2015/02/06/a21-0206.pdf 中國鐵路技術裝備 「走出去」在 2014 年邁出堅實步 伐。中國商務部外貿司副司長支陸遜昨日 在北京指出,2001年以來,中國鐵路設備出口年 均增速34.7%。2014年機車車輛出口達37.4億美元,增 長19.3%,是同期內地外貿出口增速的三倍,鐵路設備已經成為 外貿出口新的增長點。中國鐵路設備以質量、造價、工期等多方 面綜合優勢,已經實現從亞非到歐美六大洲市場的全覆蓋。

http://www.china.org.cn/business/2015-02/12/content_34803780.htm Chinese high-speed train companies are eyeing more contracts in overseas markets. "The US will be the next strategic focus for us, after successfully winning the Boston contract," Yu Weiping, vice-president of China CNR Corp, told China Daily on Wednesday. http://www.scmp.com/business/china-business/article/1710183/china-talks-28-countries-rail-projects China is in talks with 28 countries including Russia, about high-speed rail projects

- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20150520/PDF/a5_screen.pdf 據法制晚報十九日消 息:據外交部介紹,李克強此次出訪將 簽署 「兩洋鐵路」的可行性研究合作文 件。 「兩洋鐵路」總長約5000公里,其 中2000公里鐵路線基本是既有線路,需 要新建大約3000公里鐵路,並且需要經 過安第斯山脈。據初步估算,這一項目 的預算可能高達600億美元,超過去年全 年的鐵路大單金額。 「兩洋鐵路」的概念是2014年7月習 近平主席訪問拉美時首次提出的。2014 年7月,習近平訪問巴西,中國、巴西、 秘魯三國就開展連接大西洋和太平洋的 兩洋鐵路合作共同發表聲明,中巴雙方 簽署加強鐵路合作備忘錄。四個月後, 2014年11月,秘魯總統塔索來華出席亞 太經合組織領導人非正式會議並對中國 進行工作訪問。中秘簽署了一項關於對 「兩洋鐵路」項目進行可行性研究的備 忘錄。隨後,習近平與巴西總統羅塞夫 在二十國集團峰會期間舉行雙邊會談時 強調, 「我們要再接再厲,推動合作取 得更多成果,促進貿易便利化自由化, 推動巴方貨運鐵路、高鐵、 『兩洋鐵路 』建設盡早取得實質進展。」http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2015-05/20/content_20767136.htm China, Brazil and Peru signed an agreement on Tuesday for feasibility research on a railwaylinking Brazil's Atlantic coast to Peru's Pacific coast. Analysts said the project will greatly boost development in Latin America, and that China wouldbe an ideal partner in such an expansive and costly plan. Premier Li Keqiang and Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff witnessed the signing of thedocument after an official meeting.
http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20160604/PDF/a7_screen.pdf 正在浙江寧波舉行的“亞太經合組織城鎮化高層論壇2016”上,中國高鐵再次成為熱門話題。參加論壇的祕魯利馬市大區主席尼爾森.崔説,他是帶茪什瞗B巴西、祕魯三方籌建的從巴西經祕魯直達太平洋沿岸的高鐵設計圖紙來參會的。 尼爾森.崔説,祕魯近年來在高速公路建設方面有長足的發展,但在高速鐵路建設方面有待加強。如果能建一條巴西直達祕魯的高速鐵路,那麼對各方都是有利的。 對此,中國國家發展和改革委員會副秘書長馬欣回應説,這條鐵路是兩洋鐵路,目前三國已就開展連接大西洋和太平洋的兩洋鐵路合作共同發表聲明。國家發改委也已同中國中車、中國中鐵等企業開始前期研究。

The Pan-American Highway (French(Auto)route panaméricaine/transaméricainePortugueseRodovia/Auto-estrada Pan-americanaSpanishAutopista/Carretera/Ruta Panamericana) is a network of roads stretching across the American continents and measuring about 30,000 kilometres (19,000 mi)[1] in total length. Except for a rainforest break of approximately 106 km (70 mi) in northwest Colombia, called the Darién Gap, the roads link almost all of the Pacific coastal countries of the Americas in a connected highway system. According to Guinness World Records, the Pan-American Highway is the world's longest "motorable road". However, because of the Darién Gap, it is not possible to cross between South America and Central America with conventional highway vehicles. Without an all-terrain vehicle, the only way to safely navigate this terrestrial stretch is by sea.
  • The concept of an overland route from one tip of the Americas to the other was originally proposed as a railroad at the First Pan-American Conference in 1889; however, this proposal was never realized. The concept of building a highway emerged at the Fifth International Conference of American States in 1923, after the automobile and other vehicles had begun to replace railroads for both passenger and goods transportation. The first conference regarding construction of the highway occurred on October 5, 1925. Finally, on July 29, 1937, in the latter years of the Great Depression, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Canada, and the United States signed the Convention on the Pan-American Highway, whereby they agreed to achieve speedy construction, by all adequate means.[2] In 1950, Mexico became the first Latin American country to complete its portion of the highway.In practice, the concept of the Pan-American Highway is more publicly embraced in Latin American countries than in North America. Much of the road system in Latin America is explicitly marked as Pan-American (commonly Vía Panam or Vía Panamericana).
John Lloyd Stephens (November 28, 1805 – October 13, 1852) was an American explorer, writer, and diplomat. Stephens was a pivotal figure in the rediscovery of Maya civilization throughout Middle America and in the planning of the Panama railroadJohn Lloyd Stephens was born November 28, 1805, in the township of Shrewsbury, New Jersey. He was the second son of Benjamin Stephens, a successful New Jersey merchant, and Clemence Lloyd, daughter of an eminent local judge.
[sedgewick] Railway line from veracruz to mexico city called the english road in tribute to the 40 million and battalion of british engineers who built it over the course of 16 years.

- Peruvian President Martin Vizcarra said on Friday that China could partner with Bolivia and Peru on a massive intercontinental railway project that Peru once dismissed as too costly when pitched by China more than two years ago. China first proposed a railway to link Brazil’s Atlantic coast with Peru’s Pacific coast several years ago to help it reduce costs of importing commodities from resource-rich South America.But in 2016 Peru balked at the $60 billion price tag China estimated to build it, including $35 billion for the Peru leg. Since then, landlocked Bolivia has taken the lead on reviving talks on alternate routes that would pass through its territory, which would help reduce its reliance on historic foe Chile to ship its exports. In December, Peru’s government put the cost of the Peruvian portion of the revised project at about $7.5 billion. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-peru-vizcarra/perus-vizcarra-says-china-might-partner-on-mega-south-american-railway-project-idUSKCN1SN2Q8


The Penn Central Transportation Company, commonly abbreviated to Penn Central, was an American Class I railroad headquartered in PhiladelphiaPennsylvania, that operated from 1968 until 1976. It was created by the 1968 merger of the Pennsylvania and New York Centralrailroads. The New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad was added to the merger in 1969; by 1970, the company had filed for what was, at that time, the largest bankruptcy in U.S. history.  The Penn Central was created as a response to challenges faced by all three railroads in the late 1960s. The Northeast United States is the most densely populated region of the U.S. While railroads elsewhere in North America drew a sizable percentage of revenues from the long-distance shipment of commodities such as coal, lumber, paper and iron ore, northeastern railroads traditionally depended on a more heterogeneous mix of services, including:
These labor-intensive, short-haul services were vulnerable to competition from automobiles, buses, and trucks, particularly where facilitated by four-lane highways. In 1956, the U.S. Congresspassed the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956. This law authorized construction of the Interstate Highway System, which provided an economic boost to the trucking industry.
The Southern Pacific (reporting mark SP) (or Espee from the railroad initials- SP) was an American Class I railroad network that existed from 1865 to 1998 that operated in the Western United States. The system was operated by various companies under the names Southern Pacific RailroadSouthern Pacific Company and Southern Pacific Transportation CompanyThe original Southern Pacific began in 1865 as a land holding company. The last incarnation of the Southern Pacific, the Southern Pacific Transportation Company, was founded in 1969 and assumed control of the Southern Pacific system. The Southern Pacific Transportation Company was acquired by the Union Pacific Corporation and merged with their Union Pacific Railroad. The Southern Pacific Transportation Company was the surviving railroad as it absorbed the Union Pacific Railroad and changed its name to "Union Pacific Railroad". The Southern Pacific Transportation Company is now the current incarnation of the Union Pacific Railroad.The Southern Pacific legacy founded hospitals in San Francisco, Tucson, Arizona, and elsewhere[where?]. In the 1970s, it also founded a telecommunications network with a state-of-the-art microwave and fiber optic backbone. This telecommunications network became part of Sprint, a company whose name came from the acronym for Southern Pacific Railroad Internal Networking Telephony.

  • Amasa Leland Stanford (March 9, 1824 – June 21, 1893) was an American tycoonindustrialistpolitician, and the founder (with his wife, Jane) of Stanford University. Migrating to California from New York at the time of the Gold Rush, he became a successful merchant and wholesaler, and continued to build his business empire. He spent one two-year term as Governor of California after his election in 1861, and later eight years as a senator from the state. As president of Southern Pacific Railroad and, beginning in 1861, Central Pacific, he had tremendous power in the region and a lasting impact on California. He is widely considered a robber baron.
  • The gold strike in California had brought a large influx of newcomers into the territory, including Chinese immigrants. These new immigrants faced persecution. Anti-Chinese sentiment became a political issue over time.Stanford was initially acclaimed for his frank statements, but later lost support when it was revealed that his Stanford's Central Pacific Railroad was also importing Chinese workers to construct the railroad.
  •  china daily 8sep18 "trek fown the tracks"
- Gold was discovered in the vicinity of Virginia City in 1850, and a modest mining community developed, but the discovery of silver in 1859 at the Comstock Lode led to a mining rush, and thousands of emigrants left their homes, bound for the West, hoping to find a fortune.To provide the necessary connection between Virginia City and the California Trail, Charles W. Fuller built a log toll bridge across the Truckee River in 1859. A small community that would service travelers soon grew near the bridge. After two years, Fuller sold the bridge to Myron C. Lake, who continued to develop the community by adding a grist mill, kiln, and livery stable to the hotel and eating house. He renamed it "Lake's Crossing". Most of what is present-day western Nevada was formed as the Nevada Territory from part of Utah Territory in 1861. By January 1863, the Central Pacific Railroad (CPRR) had begun laying tracks east from Sacramento, California, eventually connecting with the Union Pacific Railroad at Promontory, Utah, to form the First Transcontinental Railroad. Lake deeded land to the CPRR in exchange for its promise to build a depot at Lake's Crossing. In 1864, Washoe County was consolidated with Roop County, and Lake's Crossing became the county's largest town. Lake had earned himself the title "founder of Reno".[7] Once the railroad station was established, the town of Reno officially came into being on May 9, 1868.[8] CPRR construction superintendent Charles Crocker named the community after Major General Jesse Lee Reno, a Union officer killed in the American Civil War at the Battle of South Mountain.In 1871, Reno became the county seat of the newly expanded Washoe County, replacing the county seat in Washoe City. However, political power in Nevada remained with the mining communities, first Virginia City and later Tonopah and Goldfield.The extension of the Virginia and Truckee Railroad to Reno in 1872 provided a boost to the new city's economy. In the following decades, Reno continued to grow and prosper as a business and agricultural center and became the principal settlement on the transcontinental railroad between Sacramento and Salt Lake City.[10] As the mining boom waned early in the 20th century, Nevada's centers of political and business activity shifted to the non-mining communities, especially Reno and Las Vegas, and today the former mining metropolises stand as little more than ghost towns. Despite this, Nevada is still the third-largest gold producer in the world, after South Africa and Australia; the state yielded 6.9 percent of the world's supply in 2005 world gold production.The "Reno Arch" was erected on Virginia Street in 1926 to promote the upcoming Transcontinental Highways Exposition of 1927. The arch included the words "Nevada's Transcontinental Highways Exposition" and the dates of the exposition. After the exposition, the Reno City Council decided to keep the arch as a permanent downtown gateway, and Mayor E.E. Roberts asked the citizens of Reno to suggest a slogan for the arch. No acceptable slogan was received until a $100 prize was offered, and G.A. Burns of Sacramento was declared the winner on March 14, 1929, with "Reno, The Biggest Little City in the World".Reno took a leap when the state of Nevada legalized open-gambling on March 19, 1931, along with the passage of even more liberal divorce laws than places like Hot Springs, Arkansas, offered. No other state offered what Nevada had in the 1930s, and casinos like the Bank Club and Palace were popular.[citation needed] The new Nevada divorce laws, passed circa 1927, allowed people to divorce after six weeks of residency instead of six months. People wishing to divorce stayed in hotels, houses, and/or dude ranches. Most divorcees left Nevada when their divorces were finalized, while some stayed.Within a few years, the Bank Club, owned by George Wingfield, Bill Graham, and Jim McKay, was the state's largest employer and the largest casino in the world. Wingfield owned most of the buildings in town that housed gaming and took a percentage of the profits, along with his rent.
-Asa Packer (December 29, 1805 – May 17, 1879) was an American businessman who pioneered railroad construction, Packer was born in Mystic, Connecticut in 1805. Packer urged the Lehigh Coal & Navigation Company to adopt a steam railway as a coal carrier, but the project was not then considered feasible.[3] In 1851, he became the major stockholder of the Delaware, Lehigh, Schuylkill & Susquehanna Railroad Company, which became the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company in January 1853, and they built a railway line from Mauch Chunk to Easton between November 1852 and September 1855.[4] Construction commenced on the Mauch Chunk-Easton line just as Packer's five year charter was to expire.[3] He built railways connecting the main line with coal mines in Luzerneand Schuylkill counties, and he planned and built the extension of the line into the Susquehanna Valley and thence into New York state to connect at Waverly with the Erie Railroad.Asa Packer was rather laconic and reticent, so when word spread that Packer was to found a university, or aid one, there were various speculations.[5] The final spot chosen, on South Mountain in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, could not have been much happier: as it nestled in with a preexisting religious community, the Moravians, and additionally was the future home of benefactor, and collaborator, Bethlehem Steel Co. So then, in 1865, he gave $500,000 and 60 acres (243,000 m²), later increased to 115 acres (465,000 m²) in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, as a technical school for the engineering professions, designed to help the growth and development of the Lehigh ValleyLehigh University was chartered, and instruction began, in 1866.
  • https://edition.cnn.com/2021/01/08/politics/trump-honorary-degree-rescinded-trnd/index.html

- [manuscript hunter] tehuantepec railway in 1850s by louisiana tehuantepec railroad company.  The Mclane-ocampo treaty was signed between us and mexico in 1859 (negotiated by robert mclane, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to mexico).  As part of this transit treaty, US paid a sum for rights to create and control routes, including one along the isthmus fo tehuantepec.  
  • company represented by william sidell, the chief engineer; mr rieken, his secretary; and other high-ranking employees.  The treaty signed with juarez's government meant that the company was exempt from paying custom fees on any imports related to its work, food, or clothing but was responsible for feeding all its workers and employees.  All supplies were brought in from united states and the depot in suchil was the main storage facility. This provided a cover for smuggling in large quantities of merchandise onto the isthmus
The Tren Maya (sometimes also Mayan Train or Maya Train) is a proposed 1,525-kilometre (948 mi) intercity railway in Mexico that would traverse the Yucatán Peninsula. The railroad would begin in Palenque[1] in Chiapas and travel northeast towards Cancún in Quintana Roo via two routes that encircle the peninsula. The project aims to connect tourist destinations in the Yucatán, including historic Mayan sites from which it derives its name.The Mayan Train project was announced in September 2018 by Mexican president-elect Andrés Manuel López Obrador, following earlier proposals to build a shorter 900-kilometre (560 mi) line. Previous presidential administrations had also proposed their own high-speed rail projects, but were unsuccessful in attaining funding.[2][4] It would use abandoned right of way from Ferrosur as well as new tracks constructed through the jungle.[5][6] The Zapatista Army of National Liberation, announced that it would oppose the project.[7] The project was also derided as a political stunt for López Obrador, who had also cancelled a major airport project in Mexico City favored by his predecessor.[8] A public referendum on approving the project in November 2018 was passed by 89 percent of voters with a turnout of approximately one percent.
  • Funding for the project will come primarily from a tourism tax levied in the region, as well as funds diverted from other programs, including the Mexican Grand Prix.The project, led by the National Fund for Tourism Development (Fonatur), in December 2018 was estimated to cost 150 billion pesos (US$7.4 billion) and attract 8,000 daily riders.[10] An alternative study by a public policy think tank in 2019 estimated the cost of the project would be 480 billion pesos (US$25.3 billion), supported by the 90 percent cost overrun on the Toluca–Mexico City railway project.[8] In October 2020 the estimated total cost of the project not including electrification was about 321 billion pesos.The Secretariat of Tourism will receive a 647.1% increase in its budget for 2021 (MXN $38,613.4 million), of which 94% is destined for the Mayan Train.In December 2020 president López Obrador announced that the armed forces would operate three sections of the route, and that profits would be used to strengthen finances for pensioners and retirees of the armed forces.[13] In March 2021 Fonatur general director Rogelio Jiménez Pons said that the military would own the entire route, not just the three sections, and would receive all of the profits.

  • ft 24mar2021 illustration pic of maya train project

Rail Baltica (in Estonia also known as Rail Baltic and the Baltic part referred to as the Rail Baltica Global Project) is a greenfield railway infrastructure project to link Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland with a European standard gauge rail line, providing passenger and freight service between the countries and improving rail connections between Central and Northern Europe as well as acting as a catalyst for building the economic corridor in the Northeastern Europe. It envisages a continuous rail link from Tallinn(Estonia), to Warsaw (Poland), via Riga (Latvia) and Kaunas (Lithuania) with the link to Vilnius (Lithuania). Rail Baltica is one of the priority projects of the European Union: Trans-European Transport Networks (TEN-T). Rail Baltica will be fully electrified, therefore any local emissions will be avoided. The newest technologies and materials are going to be utilized in its construction. The line is planned avoiding the Natura 2000 protected areas as far as possible and without making a significant impact on other environmentally sensitive protected areas, and existing 1520mm gauge railway networking areas. Wherever necessary, noise protection barriers will be installed. Special animal passages will be built through the embankment[3]In the Baltics, Rail Baltica will enable both intermodality and multimodality. Plan includes three key multimodal freight terminals – in Muuga (Estonia), Salaspils (Latvia) and Kaunas (Lithuania) – building synergies with existing 1520 mm railway system infrastructure, seven international passenger stations (in Tallinn, Pärnu, Riga, Riga Airport, Panevežys, Kaunas, Vilnius) with potential regional stations and connections to airports and seaports[3]

-https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3108438542590102 neues deutschland
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2015/05/29/a21-0529.pdf 德國本土供應商西門子將迎來強勁對 手——中國高鐵。據中國國家商務部網站援引《法蘭克福匯報》 網站 26 日報道,德國鐵路公司董事哈納加特(Hanagarth)透 露,該公司將於今秋在北京設立採購辦公室,加強與中國高鐵供 應商合作。今後 3到 5年內,中國將在德國鐵路的機車及零部件採 購領域佔有重要地位。哈納加特表示,中國政府大力推動鐵路工 業出口,在高鐵列車出口方面可以提供貸款支持,而且產品質量 今非昔比。預計中國高鐵將很快獲得德國鐵路部門的進口許可。德鐵估計,南車和北車的合併將使中國高鐵供應商具備在西方工業國家中 標的實力,其產能將滿足全球機車市場一半的需求。目前,德國鐵路公 司的主要產品供應商是西門子公司,進口中國列車及配件無疑將對其構成挑 戰。據悉,德國鐵路公司每年向西門子採購的火車輪軸達 35,000組,自 2017 年開始,其中一部分輪軸的供應商將來自中國。西門子已表示,將積極應對新 的國際競爭對手。據悉,當前德國鐵路從波鴻交通技術公司購買的火車輪軸每 組價格為 2,000歐元到 3,000歐元,中國競爭對手的產品則便宜三分一。德國 鐵路想降低成本實屬正常。 事實上,德國鐵路集團環境與技術部董事海爾珂.汗娜蓋爾特和採購部總 監烏韋.格雲特等於 5月 18日至 21日來華,先後拜訪了南車、北車、華為和 太原重工,幫助德鐵高層與中國鐵路行業中的供應商建立聯繫,擴大供應商網 絡。

Destroyed first by the Nazis and then by government cuts, Italy's very own "Trans-Siberian" railway has reopened thanks to the work of hobbyists, taking travellers back in time through the snowy Abruzzo mountains.The Sulmona-Roccaraso section, reaching an altitude of 1,269 metres (4,163 feet) at its highest point, was opened in 1897 and is a feat of engineering, winding its way up the steep, rocky mountainside in a series of long, elegant loops.https://www.thelocal.it/20190320/all-aboard-italys-trans-siberian-railway, china daily 26mar19

- In August 1847, ch's first ever railway line, built exclusively on Swiss ground, was opened between Zurich & Baden. Fun fact: It's nickname is "Spanisch-Brötli-Bahn" (Spanish bun railway), a Baden pastry speciality. https://www.facebook.com/SwissConsulateHongkong/photos/a.260968560920128/954201304930180/


http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20160620/PDF/b6_screen.pdf zhou enlai and 坦贊鐵路

  • building of railway to luderitz led to discovery of diamonds around there in 1908, resulting boom encouraged an influx of prospectors and german opportunists. By the time the mine at tsumeb was already thriving, and moving its copper produce south on the newly built railway.
  • Usakos used to be centre of country's railway industry

middle east
哈拉曼高速鐵路The Haramain high-speed railway (Haramain referring to Mecca and Medina, the two Islamicholy cities linked by it), also known as the Western railway or Mecca–Medina high-speed railway, is a 453-kilometre-long (281 mi) high-speed rail line in Saudi Arabia.[3] It links the Muslim holy cities of Medina and Mecca via King Abdullah Economic City, using 449.2 kilometres (279.1 mi) of main line and a 3.75-kilometre (2.33 mi) branch connection to King Abdulaziz International Airport (KAIA), in Jeddah.Construction on the project began in March 2009, was officially inaugurated on 25 September 2018,[5] and opened to the public on 11 October 2018.[6] The railway is expected to carry 60 million passengers a year, including around 3-4 million Hajjand Umrah pilgrims, helping to relieve traffic congestion on the roads.這也是中國企業在海外參建的世界首條穿越沙漠地帶高鐵。


- 印度亟欲發展高鐵取代老舊的火車系統,惟遇上農民阻力,收地進度緩慢,或未能如期在二○二三年完工。印媒更指,日方已暫緩批出第二期貸款。不過日方及印度國家高鐵集團有限公司均否認報道。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20181018/00180_011.html

- The Ghan is an Australian experiential tourism passenger train that travels between the cities of Adelaide, Alice Springs and Darwin in the Adelaide–Darwin rail corridor. Operated by Journey Beyond Rail Expeditions, it takes 54 hours to travel the 2,979 kilometres (1,851 mi) with a four-hour stopover in Alice Springs.The service's name is an abbreviated version of its previous nickname, The Afghan Express. The nickname is reputed to have been bestowed in 1923 by one of its crews.[3] Some suggest the train's name honours Afghan camel drivers who arrived in Australia in the late 19th century to help the British colonisers find a way to reach the country's interior.A contrary view is that the name was a veiled insult. In 1891, the railway from Quorn reached remote Oodnadatta where an itinerant population of around 150 cameleers were based, generically called "Afghans". "The Ghan Express" name originated with train crews in the 1890s as a taunt to officialdom because, when an expensive sleeping car was put on from Quorn to Oodnadatta, "on the first return journey the only passenger was an Afghan", mocking its commercial viability.By as early as 1924, because of the notorious unreliability of this fortnightly steam train, European pastoralists commonly called it "in ribald fashion The Afghan Express"
  • The Pichi Richi Railway Preservation Society (PRRPS) is a non-profit railway preservation society and operating museum formed in 1973. The society, managed and staffed by volunteer members, operates heritage steam and diesel trains on the restored 39 kilometre section of track between Quorn and Port Augusta in South Australia.The line was built in 1878 as part of the South Australian Railways' Port Augusta & Government Gums Railway, once formed a part of the Commonwealth Railways Central Australia Railway and east–west Transcontinental line, and is the oldest remaining section of track of the former narrow gauge Ghan. It is now the only operational section of the Central Australia Railway.

- 「鉄道唱歌」(てつどうしょうか)は、明治時代に作詞された唱歌。全5集・334番(1962年に発見された「北海道唱歌」や大和田建樹の郷里を歌った「伊予鉄道唱歌」を本編に含め、全6集・374番、または、全7集・399番とする説もある)。第1集東海道編第1番の歌詞である、「汽笛一声新橋を はや我汽車は離れたり……」は広く知られている。大阪の出版社「昇文館」を主宰する市田元蔵が企画し、大和田建樹に作詞を、多梅稚上眞行(うえ・さねみち)に作曲を依頼したことから「鉄道唱歌」は誕生した。しかし、昇文館の経営状態はすでに悪化していた。1900年5月10日に第1集東海道篇を発売したものの、印刷部数はわずか3,000部であり、宣伝資金もなかったために、ほとんど売れないまま、昇文館は倒産した。この「鉄道唱歌」の版権を市田から買収したのが、大阪で楽器店(現在の三木楽器) を営んでいた三木佐助である。第1集東海道篇は三木によって再度出版され、楽団を乗せた列車を走らせるなどの奇抜な広告戦略の効果もあって大流行した。さ らに、この年の年末までに第5集までが発表された。詞はいずれも大和田建樹によるもので、曲は第1集・第2集が多梅稚と上眞行、第3集が多梅稚と田村虎蔵、第4集が納所辨次郎吉田信太、 第5集は多梅稚が2種といったように、各曲に2つずつつけられた。これは「鉄道唱歌」が書籍の形式で販売されたので、「読者に好きな方を歌ってもらおう」 という、最初の企画者・市田元蔵のアイディアだったといわれている。だが第1集から第3集、そして第5集の曲の1つであった多梅稚のそれが、抒情的な上眞 行の曲よりも、ヨナ抜き音階ピョンコ節で メロディーが覚えやすく、余りにもテンポがよく旅情がそそられるといった事情のためか広く歌われるようになって、他の方の曲はほとんど歌われなくなってし まった。現在知られているのはもちろん多梅稚の曲である。ちなみにテンポ良く聞こえるのは歌詞が7音、5音、7音、5音、7音、5音、7音、5音となって いるのも要因の一つである。
  • http://www.tanken.com/tetudosyoka.html
- reunification express
  •  Vietnam is long – extending 1,650km north to south – but only 50km across at its narrowest point. It includes stunning natural and architectural beauty that is best appreciated from the windows of the Reunification Express train – from the mountains of the north, to the endless miles of golden beaches in the middle, to the flat lushness of the Mekong Delta in the south.
    The country’s railway network covers much of the journey, and the train running between the capital,Hanoi, in the north and Ho Chi Minh City – formerly Saigon – the economic powerhouse in the south, has been dubbed the Reunification Express because it links the two halves of the country that were at war with each other until 1975. While “express” is something of a misnomer – a non-stop journey between the two cities takes 31 hours – the train journey is a great way to understand Vietnam’s size, ever changing landscape and cultural diversity; thankfully, the trip can be split into shorter, more manageable shorter segments.https://www.scmp.com/lifestyle/travel-leisure/article/3018820/vietnam-train-see-ever-changing-country-reunification

- In 1881, a 9.7-km railway line from Tangshan to Xugezhuang opened for coal transport. Designed by English engineer Claude W. Kinder, it is the first line with a global standard track gauge of 1,435 mm in China.As the conservative imperial family of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) believed noisy moving locomotives with steam and smoke were inauspicious and would disturb the resting souls at the imperial tombs not far away, carriages on the line were only approved to be dragged by horses and mules.Earlier, local coal had to be carried out on horseback to the sea port before it was loaded on ships to the Beiyang navy fleet in Shandong Province for use, said Liu Fuzeng, deputy Party chief of Tangshan locomotive operation and maintenance section of the Beijing Railway Bureau. The bureau manages railway operations in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei.The line was later extended to Mukden, now called Shenyang in Liaoning Province, transporting both cargo and passengers.During the extension project, Zhan Tianyou, a Yale graduate and designer of a railway bridge along the line -- Luanhe Bridge, drew attention of the government, according to Liu.Zhan was later appointed as chief designer of the Beijing-Zhangjiakou line, the first railway designed and built by China in the early 20th century, which is still in use.https://www.chinastory.cn/ywdbk/english/v1/detail/20190627/1012700000042741561602961813212566_1.html
- [barnett] construction of railway started soon after the russo-japanese war, when yuan shih-kai fostered the idea to promote commerce and closer ties between china proper and mongolia. The initial section from peiping to kalgan was completed in 1909 (first railway in china to be built entirely with chinese resources and by chinese engineers), it was gradually extended until in early 1920s, reaching its present terminus at paotow
-  在中非合作論壇北京峰會召開前夕,首批尼日利亞公派留學生29日在陝西西安迎來開學「第一課」。在西安北站,他們體驗動車乘車環境,操作火車自助售票機,了解中國高鐵檢修、維護、運營情況,在感受中國高鐵發展速度的同時,亦對中國便捷的自助出行有了全新的認識。很多第一次零距離接觸中國高鐵的非洲留學生,對於這裡的一切都感到頗為新奇。在西北最大的動車維修基地裡,留學生們參觀了高鐵仿真培訓室,親身體驗動車組仿真實訓系統,模擬操作動車組在線路上行駛。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/08/31/a14-0831.pdf
- reunite taiwan
  • 祖國大陸距離台灣島最近的鐵路--福(州)平(潭)鐵路正式開通運營。當日,中國首座公鐵兩用跨海大橋--平潭海峽公鐵大橋同步投入使用,福州至平潭間最快35分鐘可達。多名在平潭投資創業的台胞體驗首發列車,見證這一時刻。他們表示,福平鐵路通車的「磁吸效應」將吸引越來越多台胞「登陸」發展,兩岸共同家園建設迎來「加速度」。全長88公里的福平鐵路連接福建省會福州與全國第五大島平潭,為國鐵I級雙線客貨共線鐵路,共設福州、福州南、長樂、長樂東、長樂南、平潭6座客運車站,最高運營時速200公里。平潭是祖國大陸離台灣島最近的地方,與台灣新竹相距僅68海里。2009年,國家在平潭設立綜合實驗區,探索建設「兩岸同胞共同家園」,目前實驗區已註冊台資企業上千家。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/12/27/a13-1227.pdf
- Transit, re-export
  • 搭載有來自日本的移動垃圾箱、手推貨運車、振動測試記錄儀等貨物的X8015/6次列車12日上午從湖北武漢吳家山站開出,駛往德國杜伊斯堡。這些貨物從日本名古屋港經海運、長江水運直達武漢陽邏港,轉乘中歐班列前往歐洲。「這是日本貨物首次搭乘中歐班列(武漢)前往歐洲,武漢由此開闢出一條海鐵聯運國際中轉新通道,為日本等地貨物出口歐洲提供了一條新路徑。」中國鐵路武漢局集團有限公司漢西車務段吳家山站貨運負責人郭佩說。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/12/13/a07-1213.pdf
  • 據深圳新聞網14日報道,「灣區號」中歐班列將從阿拉山口出境,預計歷時16天到達匈牙利布達佩斯,將跨境電商包裹送達歐洲中部。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2020/12/15/a13-1215.pdf

- 6月20日,隨着最後一方混凝土澆 築,拉薩至林芝鐵路 「藏木雅魯藏布 江雙線特大橋」 主樑成功合龍,標誌 着拉林鐵路全線120座橋樑主體結構均 已完工。大橋位於西藏山南市加查縣 境內,全長525.1米,大橋主拱跨徑 430米。拉林鐵路是全長435公里,設 計時速160公里,是西藏首條電氣化 鐵路,預計明年通車。6 月 20 日 ,中鐵廣州工程局工人在 工地進行合龍作業 位於西藏自治區加查縣的藏木特大橋http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200622/PDF/a15_screen.pdf

Xinjiang and inner Mongolia
- http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2015/01/15/a32-0115.pdf 中西部鐵路建設重點工程,連接新疆哈密至內蒙古額濟納旗的額哈鐵路,日前正式鋪軌。額哈鐵路建成後,向東可抵達天津港,形成以天津港為橋頭堡的第二亞歐大陸橋新便捷輔助通道;向西延伸可通往中亞乃至歐洲;向北與策克口岸鐵路相通。

http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2016-08/05/content_26350823.htm A Himalayan train ride at more than 100 kilometers per hour at the foot of the world's highest snow-capped mountains and oldest glaciers is no longer just a dream, Chinese railway experts say. With more than 19,000 km of high-speed — up to 350 km per hour — railways, China has accumulated the technology and experience to build a rail link between the Tibet antonymous region and the South Asian subcontinent, they say.

- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20161104/00178_011.html中國的鐵路外交最早可以追溯到上世紀七○年代。一九七○年,中國援建總長一千八百六十公里、東非的交通動脈坦贊鐵路,一九七六年七月全部建成移交,成為中國與非洲友誼的標誌。

-  Thomas Brassey (7 November 1805 – 8 December 1870) was an English civil engineering contractor and manufacturer of building materials who was responsible for building much of the world's railways in the 19th century. By 1847, he had built about one-third of the railways in Britain, and by time of his death in 1870 he had built one in every twenty miles of railway in the world. This included three-quarters of the lines in France, major lines in many other European countries and in Canada, Australia, South America and India. He also built the structures associated with those railways, including docks, bridges, viaducts, stations, tunnels and drainage works. As well as railway engineering, Brassey was active in the development of steamships, mines, locomotive factories, marine telegraphy, and water supply and sewage systems. He built part of the London sewerage system, still in operation today, and was a major shareholder in Brunel's The Great Eastern, the only ship large enough at the time to lay the first transatlantic telegraph cable across the North Atlantic, in 1864.
  •  The Brassey family traced themselves back to a Norman ancestor from the town of Brécey in Lower Normandy who crossed to England with William the Conqueror in 1066.[1] Initially their home was at Bulkeley, near Malpas in Cheshire, where they lived for nearly 600 years. At some time, and certainly by 1663, the family moved to Manor Farm in Buerton, a small settlement in the parish of Aldford, 6 miles (10 km) south of Chester.[2] Thomas Brassey was the eldest son of John Brassey, a prosperous farmer, and his wife Elizabeth.
  • *********少年时代就读于香港凯铭小学。
- 賈利民原名賈文浩,自小與鐵路結下不解之緣,念大學時改了現時這個名字,是希望把中國鐵路修建好,便「利」於人「民」的生活。面對日本及歐洲高速鐵路發展領先幾十年,他憑着個人熱忱與智慧,推動國內高鐵不斷創新,建成世上首屈一指的系統http://www1.hkej.com/dailynews/article/id/1393365/
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20161108/PDF/b8_screen.pdf 在中國鐵路歷史上 ,盛光祖是承前啟後的人物。2011年2月,時任中國鐵道部部長的劉志軍因涉嫌嚴重違紀,被免去鐵道部黨組書記和鐵道部部長職務,盛光祖從海關總署署長調任鐵道部部長。而由於 2013年3月10日,有着64年歷史的中國鐵道部被撤銷,拆分為中國鐵路總公司與中國國家鐵路局,盛光祖亦是鐵道部最後一任部長。盛光祖任內,中國高鐵「走出去」實現多點突破,在俄羅斯莫斯科─喀山高鐵、印尼雅萬高鐵等項目上取得豐碩成果。

-作為一位美國的非虛構寫作者,保羅.索魯(Paul Theroux)要比曾擔任《紐約客》駐京記者的何偉(Peter Hessler)來中國更早。早在一九八○年代,索魯已經在中國記錄下了當時社會熱火朝天的景象──他在上海人民公園英語角和苦練英語的青年聊天,在北京夜校教書鼓勵滿懷希望的年輕人,在昆明翠湖公園看人們唱《梁祝》,稱讚他們是全中國最快樂的人。  《在中國大地上》(英文原版《Riding the Iron Rooster》)這本書記錄了保羅.索魯一九八六年在中國的火車旅行見聞,於一九八九年獲得英國「托馬斯.庫克旅行文學獎」,是他最具代表性的作品之一。在索魯為期一年的中國行裏,他搭乘了近四十趟列車,書中記錄的是其中二十二條線路。他跟隨旅行團從倫敦出發,先後取道西伯利亞大鐵路和蒙古縱貫鐵路,自蒙古入境華北,而後便開始沿着縱橫交錯的鐵路網漫遊中國大地。每條線路自成一個章節,每章又自寫景起筆,兼及人物,繼而搭訕對話。「刻薄」的索魯當然少不了各種吐槽抱怨,而敏銳如他,又極擅長從瑣碎交談中體察社會日常。  此書繁體中文譯本二○一六年在台灣出版,書名譯作《騎乘鐵公雞:搭火車橫越中國》。後浪出版公司將其引進,近日簡體中文譯本《在中國大地上:搭火車旅行記》出版。http://www.takungpao.com.hk/culture/237143/2021/0208/550495.html

- https://www.ft.com/content/9a4aab54-624d-11e7-8814-0ac7eb84e5f1 a Financial Times investigation has found that China’s high-speed rail ambitions are running off the tracks. Far from blazing a trail for One Belt, One Road, several of the projects have been abandoned or postponed. Such failed schemes, and some that are under way, have stoked suspicion, public animosity and mountains of debt in countries that Beijing had hoped to woo.

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