Sunday, March 10, 2019

Japan Industry

- 四面環海的日本要依賴外國入口三文魚,當地有魚類養殖專家正革新陸上養殖三文魚的技術,希望達致自給自足,還可以把這種陸上養殖三文魚技術銷售到外地,取代挪威現時主宰三文魚供應的領導地位。

- Kaizen crisis Two more illustrious Japanese firms admit to falsifying quality data

- More than two years after ending its ban on arms exports, Japan has yet to win a single big order as Shinzo Abe’s dream crashes into the tortuous realities of the global defence industry.

- moon

  • 日本豐田汽車公司將與日本宇宙航空開發機構(JAXA)合作,開發能讓人類在不穿太空衣的情況下、可月球表面乘坐的電池車。該輛車可行駛一萬公里以上,團隊力爭在二○二九年用美國的火箭把該電池車送上太空。

- rocket

  • 日本宇宙航空開發機構(JAXA)上周六在鹿兒島縣成功發射號稱全球最小的微型運載火箭「SS-520」五號機。火箭在約七分半鐘後,把搭載的迷你衞星送入預定軌道。今次成功有助民間企業開發火箭。
  • 日本北海道民營航天企業「星際科技」獨資製造的低成本觀測火箭MOMO-3,昨日清晨五時四十五分發射升空,成功到達地球一百公里上空,成為日本民企首例。該火箭全長十米、重約一噸,以液態燃料推動,載有重廿公斤的科學探測儀器。星際科技此前曾兩度試射失敗,今次再接再厲終於成功。

- satellite
  • Japan launched a rocket carrying a satellite with a local version of the U.S. global positioning system (GPS) on Thursday, which is expected to increase the precision of location information used in smartphones and car navigation system. Japan launched an H-2A rocket which carries the satellite called "Michibiki No.2" from a space center in Tanegashima, southern Japan. The nation launched the first Michibiki satellite into space in 2010 on a trial basis and it plans to send two more satellites later this year, according to the Cabinet Office. Once the four satellites are in orbit, at least one satellite will be flying over Japan for eight hours per day.

- 日本宇宙航空開發機構(JAXA)在上周六證實,探測器「隼鳥二號」向距離地球二點八億公里、直徑只得一公里的小行星「龍宮」投下兩個小型探測器,成功創造歷史。

  • 日本宇宙航空開發機構(JAXA)周五(22日)表示,無人探測器「隼鳥二號」成功降落在距離地球三億四千萬公里的小行星「龍宮」。

- A Japanese probe launched a new observation robot towards an asteroid on Wednesday as it pursues a mission to shed light on the origins of the solar system. The Hayabusa2 probe launched the French-German Mobile Asteroid Surface Scout, or MASCOT, towards the Ryugu asteroid's surface, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) said.

- 內部需求呆滯,營商賺錢近乎無路可 行,日本大型銀行被迫 「走出去」 ,目的 地是海外併購融資市場。全球大型企業併 購融資活動,日本銀行業現已扮演重要角 色,促成幾宗去年重大併購交易融資,其 中 包 括 百 威 英 博 逾 千 億 美 元 天 價 收 購 SABMiller交易。日本的銀行於全球併購交 易之中,起碼提供逾4000億美元融資。不 過,投資者擔心日本的銀行海外擴張過度 ,拖累大型銀行的股價持續下沉,隨着全 球金融和經濟形勢出現變化,日本銀行業 今年面對的風險將大幅攀升。
- merger of regional banks

  • Japan’s Fair Trade Commission (FTC) said on Friday it had approved the merger of two small regional banks after a lengthy review that had sparked a battle between the antitrust watchdog and financial regulators. Fukuoka Financial Group Inc had announced plans in 2016 to buy Eighteenth Bank Ltd and combine it with Shinwa Bank, one of its units. The FTC blocked the deal over concerns the newly-created bank would control about 70 percent of the lending market in the southern prefecture of Nagasaki. However, the Financial Services Agency (FSA) had been promoting consolidation among regional banks to help them survive a shrinking population, particularly in rural areas.

    - digital currency

    • Japanese banks plan to introduce a digital currency ready for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics as they respond to the threat from China’s Alibaba, which recently launched its mobile-phone payments service in the country. A consortium of banks, led by Mizuho Financial Group and Japan Post Bank, has won support from the country’s central bank and financial regulator to launch the J Coin, an electronic currency to pay for goods and transfer money using smartphones. The J Coin would be convertible into yen on a one-to-one basis, operating via a smartphone app and using QR codes to be scanned in stores. In return for providing the service for free, the banks would benefit by collecting more data on consumer spending patterns.

    - Starting in October, Sompo Japan Nipponkoa Himawari Life Insurance will provide insurance policies for those diagnosed with early signs of dementia. If insured people develop the disease, they could receive benefits of up to 250,000 yen (US$2,300) from the company. Its parent company, Sompo Holdings, will meanwhile provide information to policyholders about delaying the development of dementia on its website.Also in October, Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance will start selling policies with a coverage of an annual limit of 1 million yen. The policy will shoulder transport and other costs to search for wandering dementia patients. “Patients going missing is what makes their family members most anxious,” said a spokesman for the Tokyo-based insurer. The insurance is available for a premium of 1,300 yen per month and can cover damages of up to 100 million yen in such cases where people with dementia wander onto railway lines and stop train operations.Several other Japanese insurers such as MetLife and Asahi Mutual Life Insurance have been offering their own dementia insurance packages. Taiyo Life Insurance has offered dementia insurance since March 2016, in which policyholders can receive a lump sum payout of up to 3 million yen once diagnosed with dementia. About 380,000 of the policies have been sold. Nippon Life Insurance is providing a service via the Amazon Echo smart speaker in which users can answer a set of quizzes as part of brain-training exercises to prevent the risk of developing dementia.


    discount retailers

    • Despite rising wages, a surging stock market and three years of growth-boosting reforms under Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Japan’s men are embracing their inner cheapskate. From red wine in plastic bottles and lunchtime sushi to trendy manbags and adjustable wrenches, Japanese males appear mesmerised by the price tag of Y100 ($0.80) offered on an array of goods at booming discount retailers. A once widespread sense of mild embarrassment at entering a Y100 shop, the Japanese equivalent of a dollar store, is evaporating, say shop owners — even as the economy moves up a gear and take-home pay is on the rise. The attraction of that particular round price has also pushed the nation’s coffee consumption to an all-time high, towards per capita levels similar to those in the US.
    Convenience stores
    - 日本便利店近年現收購整合潮,透過削減成本和改善供應鏈效益以提升盈利。FamilyMart於去年九月收購Uny,組合成為FamilyMart Uny,取代Lawson成為日本第二大便利店集團,Uny早於一二年收購便利店Circle K Sunkus。至於Lawson去年則獲日本最大貿易公司三菱商事斥資1,440億日圓增持,股權由原本33.4%升至50%。因競爭激烈,且市場近乎飽和,同店銷售趨下滑,日本便利店集團亦開始大規模進軍海外市場。Seven & I繼去年收購美國CST Brands及加拿大Imperial Oil 79,以及500家油站商店和便利店後,今年四月再斥33億美元購美國石油公司Sunoco的1,108家油站商店和便利店。orientaldaily 18sep17

    - fizzy lemon-flavored alcoholic drink that goes on sale in Japan on Monday will mark Coca-Cola Co.’s first fling at selling alcohol in its 132-year history. 可口可樂雖然在1977年至1983年間曾擁 有酒品事業,但自1886年以來,從未直接販 售過酒精飲料。由於三得利、麒麟、朝日等 對手早已主宰超市和便利商店的氣泡酒貨架 ,可口可樂面臨高度區隔和競爭激烈的市場。


    • protectionist measures stalk tpp negotiations and harm the industry due to high selling price
    •  Japan: End of the rice age  Japan's rice crisis starts with its older, smaller stomachs. As the populationages, appetites are shrinking. 

    - Japan has again demonstrated its prowess in high-speed rail travel with its state-of-the-art maglev train setting a world record of just over 600km/h (373mph), just days after it broke its previous 12-year-old record. The seven-car maglev – short for “magnetic levitation” – reached a top speed of 603km/h on Tuesday during what officials described as a “comfortable” zip along a test track near Mount Fuji.
    - JR東日本鐵路公司周四公布最新型的新幹線列車型號阿爾法——X(Alfa-X),時速可達每小時三百六十公里;並宣布連接東京和新潟的上越新幹線,將在二○二三年春天前,全面更換為「E7系」新列車,從現時時速二百四十公里提高至二百七十五公里。
    - 東日本鐵路公司(JR東日本)日前宣布,將利用氫燃料電池(Fuel Cell)混合可充電鋰電池開發出混合動力型的列車,打算二○二二年三月前完成開發,最高時速可達一百公里。

      • Japan rolls out 'long-held dream' with first commercial jet in 50 years

      SoftBank Group, backing Chinese ride-hailing monolith Didi Chuxing's entry into Japan, aims to press the country forward on such services as Japanese get more chances to taste the modern convenience of on-demand rides. Didi will soon launch an app-based taxi service here with technological support from taxi provider Daiichi Koutsu Sangyo. SoftBank holds a stake in Didi, and its ties to Daiichi Koutsu run deep. Japan generally bans car-hailing services that privately owned autos, which it views as unlicensed taxis, so companies like Didi or Uber Technologies of the U.S. have a limited scope to operate here. But the taxi industry may be approaching a turning point.

      • Japan aims to turn robotics into profit
      • hotel uses robots at check-indesk Greying farmers, a rural exodus and low food self-sufficiency have thrust Japan’s biggest agricultural machinery giants into a national race to build a driverless tractor. The quest to perfect the “robo-tractor”, which has been encouraged by the cabinet office and is viewed as a way to stem the demise of Japanese agriculture, is expected to see the first generation of machines go on sale next year.
      - 日本一家連鎖旅館早年以AI機械人職員為招徠,惟隨着科技的發展,機械人不及更新而無法妥善處理工作,旅館只好把二百四十三名機械人職員「炒魷魚」,接近全集團的半數,重新聘回人類。 people
      •  Masahiro Mori (森 政弘 Mori Masahiro, born 1927) is a Japanese roboticist noted for his pioneering work in the fields of robotics and automation, his research achievements in humans' emotional responses to non-human entities, as well as for his views on religion. The ASIMO robot was designed by one of Masahiro's students. In 1970, Mori published "Bukimi No Tani" (不気味の谷 The Uncanny Valley) in Energy. The article forwarded the hypothesis that as robots become more humanlike, they appear more familiar until a point is reached at which subtle imperfections of appearance make them look eerie. The observation led Mori to the belief that robot builders should not attempt to make their creations overly lifelike in appearance and motion. In 1974, Mori published The Buddha in the Robot: a Robot Engineer's Thoughts on Science and Religion in which he discussed the metaphysical implications of robotics. In the book, he wrote "I believe robots have the buddha-nature within them--that is, the potential for attaining buddhahood."In 1988, Mori founded the first nationwide robot-building competition in Japan and has widely promoted robot competitions in the years since then.[3] Of Robocon, Mori has said, "When we lose ourselves in an activity, we become creative, friendly and funny. Think of how children are when they are playing. They are completely absorbed in the game; their eyes shine and they are all smiles. They're into the game, not themselves. That's the message of Robocon, too: To not be self-centered, but to love others and share the joy of creating wonderful things."[1] Mori is currently president of the Mukta Research Institute, which he founded in Tokyo in order to promote his views on religion and robots. The institute also provides consultation on the use of automation and robotics in industry.
      • hkej 3dec18 shum article

      - Ultra-Small Water Power Generator

      • Japan’s gamble with casino licences sets pulses racing,,
      • The athletes village for the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo will be a futuristic "hydrogen town" where electricity and hot water are generated from the abundant element, a local newspaper reported on Monday. Planners at the Tokyo metropolitan government want to use the opportunity of hosting the summer sporting festival as a boost to so-called "clean" energy, the Yomiuri Shimbun said. The city aims to build hydrogen stations and pipelines that will send the gas to accommodation units, athletic facilities and restaurants, the mass-circulation daily said.
      - 隨愈來愈多外國遊客到訪日本,但期間因受傷或生病前往醫院求診,之後「走數」未有支付醫療費的問題亦頻生,更有可能影響醫院的經營。有見及此,厚生勞動省決定於今年秋季調查這現象。orientaldaily 18jul17

      - Since April 2017, BEAJ has been operating the website “JAPAN Program Catalog” (JPC), the only official showcase of Japanese TV content. Japanese major broadcasters and regional TV stations have joined forces to introduce their own shows to international buyers. As of March 2019, JPC features over 800 titles from more than 35 broadcasters.

      - days of five big studios - toho, toei, shochiku, daiei, nikkatsu

      real estate
      - 日本情況剛好相反,有屋無人住的情況愈趨普遍,近年更出現一些網站,專門將被遺棄房屋出售,甚至可以免費送贈。

      golf club

      - 《日本經濟新聞》上周四報道,由於中國以人工作業為各種塑料分類,塑料經過高溫熔解後,用作製造雜貨和日用品。於塑料再造過程中,產生水和空氣污染,中國因此禁止廢膠入口。報道指,位於福岡縣嘉麻市的榮盛公司已在今年三月申請破產,公司訊息部負責人形容,國內廢膠出口商將陸續出現破產或停業情況。有日本公司則努力在國內尋找再生資源公司接收廢膠。現時連中國境內的公司也受影響,上海有加工廠無法運轉,年內即將關閉。

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