Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Papua New Guinea

布干維爾島Bougainville Island is the main island of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville of Papua New Guinea. This region is also known as Bougainville Province or the North Solomons. 
The first European contact with Bougainville was in 1768, when the French explorer Louis de Bougainville arrived and named the main island for himself.[citation needed]British and American whaling ships visited the island for provisions, water and wood in the 19th century. The first on record was the Roscoe in 1822, and the last was Palmetto in 1881.Germany laid claim to Bougainville in 1899, annexing it into German New Guinea. Christian missionaries arrived on the island in 1902.During World War I, Australia occupied German New Guinea, including Bougainville. It became part of the Australian Territory of New Guinea under a League of Nations mandatein 1920.[citation needed]In 1942, during World War II, Japan invaded the island, but allied forces launched the Bougainville campaign to regain control of the island in 1943.[2][3] Despite heavy bombardments, the Japanese garrisons remained on the island until 1945. Following the war, the Territory of New Guinea, including Bougainville, returned to Australian control.In 1949, the Territory of New Guinea, including Bougainville, merged with the Australian Territory of Papua, forming the Territory of Papua and New Guinea, a United Nations Trust Territory under Australian administration.[citation needed]On 9 September 1975, the Parliament of Australia passed the Papua New Guinea Independence Act 1975. The Act set 16 September 1975 as date of independence and terminated all remaining sovereign and legislative powers of Australia over the territory. Bougainville was to become part of an independent Papua New Guinea. However, on 11 September 1975, in a failed bid for self-determination, Bougainville declared itself the Republic of the North Solomons. The republic failed to achieve any international recognition, and a settlement was reached in August 1976. Bougainville was then absorbed politically into Papua New Guinea with increased self-governance powers.[citation needed]Between 1988 and 1998, the Bougainville Civil War claimed over 15,000 lives. Peace talks brokered by New Zealand began in 1997 and led to autonomy. A multinational Peace Monitoring Group (PMG) under Australian leadership was deployed. In 2001, a peace agreement was signed including promise of a referendum on independence from Papua New Guinea, which will be held in 2019.
- The referendum is non-binding and a vote for independence would need to be negotiated by leaders from Bougainville and Papua New Guinea. The final say would go to legislators in the Papua New Guinea parliament.https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/australasia/bougainville-independence-referendum-papua-new-guinea-new-nation-a9214796.html
- costume
  • The upe (or upi) is a traditional headdress worn by men in parts of Bougainville (an autonomous region of Papua New Guinea) to symbolise their transition to adulthood. The term is also used to refer to the process of undergoing the transition and to the initiates themselves. The upe is the central figure of the flag of Bougainville and forms the crest of the emblem of Bougainville.[1] It is made of tightly wound straw.

吉米縣  Jimi District is a district of the Jiwaka Province of Papua New Guinea. Its capital is Tabibuga
- [太平洋島嶼的智慧

  • 美國人類學家戴維會攜其妻子吉里松及六歲的女兒薩曼莎在巴布亞新幾內亞的吉米人居住地做過人類學考察。他們在那裡親眼目睹過叫作「塔索爾·朱韋」(Tasor Juwi)ceremony - meaning adopting children of other families 
  • 男女对立 conflicts between men and women very serious
New Britain (Tok PisinNiu Briten) is the largest island in the Bismarck Archipelago of Papua New Guinea. It is separated from the island of New Guinea by the Dampier and Vitiaz Straits and from New Ireland by St. George's Channel. The main towns of New Britain are Rabaul/Kokopo and Kimbe. The island is roughly the size of Taiwan. While the island was part of German New Guinea, it was named Neupommern ("New Pomerania").
William Dampier became the first known British man to visit New Britain on 27 February 1700: he dubbed the island with the Latin name Nova Britannia, (Eng: New Britain). In November 1884, Germany proclaimed its protectorate over the New Britain Archipelago; the German colonial administration gave New Britain and New Ireland the names of Neupommern (or Neu-Pommern; "New Pomerania") and Neumecklenburg (or Neu-Mecklenburg; "New Mecklenburg") respectively, and the whole island group was renamed the Bismarck Archipelago. New Britain became part of German New Guinea.
On 11 September 1914, New Britain became the site of one of the earliest battles of World War I when the Australian Naval and Military Expeditionary Force landed on the island. They quickly overwhelmed the German forces and occupied the island for the duration of the war.
After World War I the Treaty of Versailles was signed in June 1919, where Germany was stripped on all its possessions outside Europe. In 1920 the League of Nationsincluded New Britain along with the former German colony on New Guinea in the Territory of New Guinea, a mandated territory of Australia.
During World War II the Japanese attacked New Britain soon after the outbreak of hostilities in the Pacific Ocean. Strategic bases at Rabaul and Kavieng (New Ireland) were defended by a small Australian detachment, Lark Force. During January 1942, the Japanese heavily bombed Rabaul. On 23 January, Japanese marines landed by the thousands, starting the Battle of Rabaul. The Japanese used Rabaul as a key base until 1944; it served as the key point for the failed invasion of Port Moresby (May to November, 1942). New Britain was invaded by the U.S. 1st Marine Division in the Cape Gloucester area of the very western end of the island, and also by U.S. Army soldiers at some other coastal points. As for Cape Gloucester, with its swamps and mosquitos, the marines said that it was "worse than Guadalcanal". They captured an airfield but accomplished little toward reducing the Japanese base at Rabaul. The Allied plan involved bypassing Rabaul by surrounding it with air and naval bases on surrounding islands and on New Britain itself. The adjacent island of New Irelandwas bypassed altogether. Much of the story from the Japanese side, especially the two suicide charges by the Baalen group, are retold in Shigeru Mizuki's Onward Towards Our Noble Deaths. The factual telemovie Sisters of War recounts experiences of Australian army nurses and Catholic nuns during the conflict.
- 荷蘭人早 在十七世紀初發現此島, 但由於位置偏遠,直到十 九世紀末,德國才在此建 城,以俾斯麥海命名了附 近的海洋。一戰後,英屬 澳洲當局接管。二戰時又被日軍佔領 ,作為進攻南太平洋的樞紐,駐軍曾 多達十幾萬人,修築了密密麻麻的碉 堡、地洞、隧道。 一九四三年四月十八日,山本五 十六正是自拉包爾起飛前往布干維爾 島途中,被美軍定點清除,報了珍珠 港之仇。瓜島、塞班、沖繩等奪島戰 役之慘烈,令心有餘悸的美軍對重兵 防守的拉包爾畏而遠之。除了遭遇轟 炸,並未在此決戰。日本投降後,小 城復歸澳洲,直至一九七五年巴新獨 立。 如今,還有許多軍艦、戰機殘骸 沉睡在海底與珊瑚礁為伴。當地主要 的遊客就是來此的日本人。二戰時, 日本海軍曾創作了《拉包爾小調》, 戰後又拍過電影《再見了,拉包爾最 後的戰鬥機》。 按理說,經歷眾多列強管治,本 該是個發達的袖珍城市。但未被戰火 吞沒的拉包爾,卻被火山吞沒。多次 噴發的活火山,最終在一九九四年摧 毀了大部分市政設施,拉包爾淪落成 一個破敗不堪的小鎮。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20191211/PDF/b7_screen.pdf
- indigenous people

  •  [wisdom of pacific islanders] toberran dance
New Ireland (Tok PisinNiu Ailan) or Latangai, is a large island in Papua New Guinea, approximately 7,404 km2 (2,859 sq mi) in area with ca. 120,000 people.[2] It is the largest island of New Ireland Province, lying northeast of the island of New Britain. Both islands are part of the Bismarck Archipelago, named after Otto von Bismarck, and they are separated by Saint George's Channel. The administrative centre of the island and of New Ireland province is the town of Kavieng located at the northern end of the island. While the island was part of German New Guinea, it was named Neumecklenburg ("New Mecklenburg").The first inhabitants of the Bismarck Archipelago arrived around 33,000 years ago after sailing from what is now Papua New Guinea. Later arrivals included the Lapita people approximately 3,000 years ago. Three distinct cultural practices are characteristic of the native people of New Ireland: KabaiMalagan and Tumbuan.
Des contacts avec les Chinois et d'autres populations du Sud-Est asiatique semblent avoir existé de longue date mais les preuves restent minces.

The Trobriand Islands are a 450-square-kilometre (174-square-mile) archipelago of coral atolls off the east coast of New Guinea. They are part of the nation of Papua New Guinea and are in Milne Bay Province. Most of the population of 12,000 indigenous inhabitants live on the main island of Kiriwina, which is also the location of the government station, Losuia.
The people of the area are mostly subsistence horticulturalists who live in traditional settlements. The social structure is based on matrilineal clans that control land and resources. People participate in the regional circuit of exchange of shells called kula, sailing to visit trade partners on seagoing canoes. In the late twentieth century, anti-colonial and cultural autonomy movements gained followers from the Trobriand societies. When inter-group warfare was forbidden by colonial rulers, the islanders developed a unique, aggressive form of cricket.
- [wisdom of pacific islanders] has an elaborate set of rules to prevent marriages among close relatives
- Kiriwina is the largest of the Trobriand Islands, with an area of 290.5 km².[1] It is part of the Milne Bay Province of Papua New Guinea. Most of the 12,000 people who live in the Trobriands live on Kiriwina. The Kilivila language, also known as Kiriwina, is spoken on the island. The main town is Losuia.

  • 卡图马族,是太平洋里一个狭小的热带群岛“基里维纳”上的土著居民,该岛上盛行“甘薯节”,卡图马族妇女可在光天化日之下,集体劫持男性,甚至于众目睽睽之下“强暴”他们。其实,“卡图马族”妇女的地位非常低下。在这些群岛上,男人说了算,女人无非是伺候他们饮食起居的仆从。按照惯例,似乎女人都是“户主”,每个家庭的财产、名位皆为母亲承袭;但是,这种体面的表象并未给女性带来多少好处,往往还是“男人决定一切”。尽管家产由女人们继承了,实际上,拿钱的多为女人的舅舅、兄弟、儿子,她自己只算个“过路财神”罢了。
- mythology

  •  [wisdom of pacific islanders] Baloma is the spirit of the dead in Trobriand society, as studied by Bronislaw Malinowski, 1922. It plays a key role in conception ideologies and explains and maintains the matrilineal descent system by substituting the role of male sperm ("fathers") with that of a spirit. The baloma is that spirit of a deceased lineage member which impregnates the women while bathing in the sea, perpetuating the matrilineage intragenerationally. The role of sexual intercourse is only indirectly related to conception within Trobriand mentality and seen as a way of opening the path for the baloma to enter the woman's womb.

- festival

  • Milamala 
  • [wisdom of pacific islanders]  welcome return of sousl of ancestors
  • celebrates a bountiful crop of yams, harvested between June and August. Festivities culminate in a week of canoe racing, cricket matches, ribald dancing and free love. Before you get excited, note that visitors with boiling loins usually have to make their own entertainment because, while yams are considered objects of great beauty, dim dims(white people) are not. Ever since Malinowski published his provocatively titled The Sexual Life of Savages in Northwestern Melanesia (1929), the West has been fascinated with the thought of sex-starved, bare-breasted maidens in a tropical paradise, but the reality is different. The crop yield (along with the chief’s whim and, increasingly, monetary incentives from the government) dictate whether or not there will even be a Milamala, and dates are notoriously difficult to pin down.https://www.lonelyplanet.com/papua-new-guinea/events/milamala-festival/a/poi-fes/1416190/362825
  •  http://trobriandsindepth.com/Milamala.html

Manus Island is part of Manus Province in northern Papua New Guinea and is the largest of the Admiralty Islands. It is the fifth-largest island in Papua New Guinea with an area of 2,100 km2 (810 sq mi) measuring around 100 km × 30 km (60 mi × 20 mi). According to the 2000 census, the whole Manus Province had a population of 43,387, rising to 50,321 as of 2011 Census. Lorengau, the capital of Manus Province, is located on the island. Momote Airport, the terminal for Manus Province, is located on nearby Los Negros Island. A bridge connects Los Negros Island to Manus Island and the province capital of Lorengau. In addition to its resident population, asylum seekers have been relocated here from Australia between 2001–2004 and since 2012.
The first recorded sighting of Manus Island by Europeans was by Spanish explorer Álvaro de Saavedra on board of the carrack Florida on 15 August 1528, when trying to return to New Spain from the Maluku Islands. Saavedra circled Manus Island and landed possibly in the Murai islet in its south west. Murai was found inhabited and some natives came out in canoes attacking with arrows. Three of these men were captured by the Spaniards and were returned by Saavedra to the same island on his second attempt to return to North America the following year. Manus Island was charted as Urays la Grande or Big Urays, which is probably a projection of Murai to signify the big Murai. In World War II Manus Island was the site of an observation post manned by No. 4 Section, 'B' Platoon, 1st Independent Company, Australian Imperial Force,[5]who also provided medical treatment to the inhabitants. Manus was first bombed by the Japanese on 25 January 1942, the radio mast being the main target. On 8 April 1942 an Imperial Japanese force consisting of the light cruiser Tatsuta, destroyer Mutsuki and a troop transport ship Mishima Maru entered Lorengau harbour and several hundred Japanese soldiers of the 8th Special Base Force swarmed ashore onto the Australian-mandated island. The vastly outnumbered Australians withdrew into the jungle. Later in 1942, Japan established a military base on Manus Island. This was attacked by United States forces in the Admiralty Islands campaign of February–March 1944.[7] An Allied naval base was established at Seeadler Harbor on the island and it later supported the British Pacific Fleet.

Peter Charles Paire O'Neill, CMG (born February 13, 1964) is a Papua New Guinean politician and the Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea since 2011. Peter O'Neill was born in LalagamPangiaSouthern Highlands Province. O'Neill's father, Brian O'Neill, was an Australian-born magistrate. His mother, Awambo Yari, a Papua New Guinean, came from the Southern Highlands. His father moved to Papua New Guinea in 1949 as an Australian government field officer, known in Tok Pisin as a kiap, later serving as a magistrate in Goroka until his death in 1982. Peter O’Neill spent his first years of his youth in his mother’s village and entered his father’s urban household after going to secondary school. O'Neill was educated at the Pangia Primary School , Ialibu High School and Goroka High School . After leaving school he obtained a Bachelor’s in Commerce at the University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG) . This was followed by an honors degree in accountancy from UPNG. He obtained a professional qualification and became a Certified Practicing Accountant in 1989. A year later he became President of the PNG Institute of Certified Practicing Accountants. Peter O’Neill became a partner in Pratley and O’Neil’s accounting firm. He combined this with a substantial number of directorships, often as Executive chairman. The most important of these is the PNG Banking Corporation when it was government owned.

  • 巴布亞新畿內亞總理奧尼爾被多名部長背棄,周日在首都莫爾茲比港宣布辭職;前總理兼現任國會議員、原籍中國廣東的陳仲民接管政府。奧尼爾年初與法國及美國公司簽署價值數以十億美元的液化天然氣計劃,被官員及國會指摘計劃未惠及國內企業及民眾。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190527/00180_019.html
- chinese, from china, china linked

  •  陳仲民  Sir Julius Chan GCL GCMG KBE PC (born 29 August 1939) served as Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea from 1980 to 1982 and from 1994 to 1997. He is Member of Parliament for New Ireland Province, having won the seat in the 2007 national election. He is also the current Governor of New Ireland Province, since 2007. On 26 May 2019, it has been reported that Prime Minister Peter O'Neill had resigned, making way for Chan to return as Prime Minister.Chan was born on the Tanga Islands in the Territory of New Guinea, in what is now New Ireland Province, the son of Chin Pak  陳柏 , a trader from TaishanChina. He was educated at Marist College Ashgrove in BrisbaneQueenslandAustraliaHe first became prime minister on 11 March 1980, succeeding the country's first prime minister, Michael Somare. He served as prime minister until 2 August 1982, when Somare regained the position. He succeeded Prime Minister Paias Wingti in August 1994 and took office on the dual platform of national security and appropriate economic management. In 1997, the Chan government's multimillion-dollar contract with Sandline International, a mercenary organization, to counter separatist guerrilla warfare on Bougainville caused the Sandline affair, with immense public protests and a 10-day mutiny by the underpaid national army. On 25 March 1997, during an inquiry that started on 21 March that caused five ministers to resign, the Parliament defeated a motion calling on Chan to resign (59-38). However, the next day, Chan and two ministers chose to step down, and John Giheno, a member of Chan’s party, became acting prime minister a day later. He regained the position on 2 June 1997, shortly before the national elections. Chan was defeated in the national election in June 1997 and was succeeded as prime minister by Bill Skate on 22 July 1997. He remained out of Parliament until winning the New Ireland Provincial seat in the June–July 2007 election.Chan married Stella, Lady Chan in 1966 and has four children: Vanessa Andrea, Byron James, Mark Gavin, and Toea Julius.[citation needed] His son Byron Chan was Member of Parliament for Namatanai Open electorate, covering the south of New Ireland from 2002 until 2017.

Kiaps, known formally as district officers and patrol officers, were travelling representatives of the British and Australian governments with wide-ranging authority, in pre-independence Papua New Guinea'Kiap' is a Papua New Guinean creole (Tok Pisin) word derived from the German word Kapitän (Captain).The role of the kiap changed as Papua New Guinea changed. The more primitive the conditions the more wide-ranging were the duties, and the more decision making power was granted. "The kiap, for example, is district administrator, commissioned policeman, magistrate, gaoler: if he is in a remote area he may well be engineer, surveyor, medical officer, dentist, lawyer, and agricultural adviser. The kiap system grew out of necessity and the demands made by poor communications in impossible country: the man on the spot had to have power to make the decision." Under Australian administration the kiap was a one-man representative of the government, taking on political education, policing and judicial roles as well as more mundane tasks such as completing censuses. The kiaps were commissioned as officers of the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary and as such, members of the overseas serving police. They were appointed as district magistrates. During the 1960s, some kiaps became more like a magistrate, moving away from law enforcement. Whilst others specialised in setting up local and provincial governments.

https://www.ft.com/content/a270c348-7677-11e7-90c0-90a9d1bc9691 Big US and Asian companies have halted sales of exotic wood products from Papua New Guinea and are reviewing their supply chains amid concerns about illegal logging and deforestation. Home Legend, a supplier to US hardware group Home Depot, and Nature Flooring Industries, a US subsidiary of China’s Nature Home, have suspended sales of taun flooring, which is made from wood from the impoverished South Pacific nation. Japan’s Sojitz Corporation has also suspended wood purchases. However, many timber manufacturers and smaller retailers are continuing to source wood from PNG, which may be contributing to land theft from indigenous peoples and widespread deforestation, according to a three-year investigation published on Tuesday by Global Witness.

The Lihir Gold mine in Papua New Guinea is a potent symbol of the excess of the mining investment boom that ended with the resources industry drowning in debt. Bought for A$9.5bn in 2010 by Newcrest, the Australian mining group was within four years forced to halve the mine’s value, and shed hundreds of staff to address spiralling costs.A year after Newcrest bought Lihir, Rio Tinto spent $3.7bn on coal assets in Mozambique, which it sold three years later for $50m. Also in 2011 BHP Billiton ploughed almost $20bn into shale oil assets in the US, that are now valued at a little over half that sum. Since then the mining industry has conducted a big cost-cutting exercise, slashing capital expenditure, selling off non-core assets to raise $33bn and losing almost 200,000 jobs while boosting productivity. The results have been dramatic and, when combined with higher-than-expected commodity prices over the past 12 months, have turned the big diversified miners into cash-generating machines. BHP, Anglo, Rio and Glencore made combined profits of almost $15bn in 2016, a dramatic turnround from losses of almost $20bn a year earlier.

- 美國、日本、新西蘭和澳洲宣布於二○三○年或以前,會為巴布亞新畿內亞供應百分之七十的所需電力,被視為抗衡中國在南太平洋的影響力。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20181119/00178_004.html
safety as a place to live
- most dangerous place in the world? hkej 5oct18 shum article

Rotokas is a language isolate spoken by about 4,320 people on the island of Bougainville, an island located to the east of New Guinea which is part of Papua New Guinea. According to Allen and Hurd (1963), there are three identified dialects: Central Rotokas ("Rotokas Proper"), Aita Rotokas, and Pipipaia; with a further dialect spoken in Atsilima (Atsinima) village with an unclear status[4]Central Rotokas is most notable for its extremely small phonemic inventory and for having perhaps the smallest modern alphabet.The alphabet is perhaps the smallest in use, with only 12 letters of ISO basic Latin alphabet without any diacritics and ligatures. The letters are A E G I K O P R S T U VT and Sboth represent the phoneme /t/, written with S before an I and in the name 'Rotokas', and with T elsewhere. The V is sometimes written B.

The Goroka Show is a well-known tribal gathering and cultural event in Papua New Guinea. It is a Sing-sing held every year close to the country's Independence Day (16 September) in the town of Goroka, the capital of the Eastern Highlands Province. About 100 tribes arrive to show their music, dance and culture. The festival started in the mid-1950s as an initiative of Australian Kiaps. In recent years it has become a major attraction for both national and international tourists and remains the largest cultural event in Papua New Guinea despite similar shows now being organised in Mount Hagen and other cities around the country.

  • hkej 5oct18 shum article
indigenous people
The term "Mudmen" of Papua New Guinea's Asaro tribe, also known as the Holosa, refers to a tradition of a costume centered around masks made of mud. They live nearby the village of Goroka in the Eastern Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea.
The Iatmul are a large ethnic group of about 10,000 people inhabiting some two-dozen politically autonomous villages along the middle Sepik River in Papua New Guinea. The communities are roughly grouped according to dialect of the Iatmül language as well as sociocultural affinities. The Iatmul are best known for their art, men's houses, male initiation, elaborate totemic systems, and a famous ritual called naven, first studied by Gregory Bateson in the 1930s. More recently, the Iatmul are known as a location for tourists and adventure travelers, and a prominent role in the 1988 documentary film Cannibal Tours.
- [太平洋島嶼的智慧] 托萊人

  • currency called tambu (made of shells)

Les Ekari ou Ekagi, qui se nomment eux-mêmes Mee, sont une population de Nouvelle-Guinée occidentale, dans la province indonésienne de Papouasie. Au nombre de 100 000 en 1985, ils sont agriculteurs et habitent les hautes terres centrales, à environ 1 500 mètres d'altitude, dans le kabupaten de Paniai. Ils parlent l'ekari, une langue du rameau des langues Wissel Lakes de la branche occidentale de la famille des langues de Trans-Nouvelle Guinée, tout comme le moni et le wolani.The Mee are a people in the Wissel Lakes area of Papua provinceWest PapuaIndonesia.[2] They speak the Ekagi language. Also called Mee / Bunani Mee / Ekagi / Kapauku.

  • [太平洋島嶼的智慧] 瑪瑙貝as currency

- 美國及澳洲等盟友聯手,與中國爭奪對太平洋島國的影響力。美國官員證實,正與澳洲及日本合作,向巴布亞新畿內亞提供通訊網絡建設計劃,稱要讓該國在中國華為以外「有多一個選擇」。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180929/00178_003.html

- https://www.gov.uk/government/news/uk-and-pacific-islands-sign-trade-continuity-agreement A trade continuity agreement will see British businesses and consumers benefitting from continued trading arrangements with Fiji and Papua New Guinea after the UK leaves the EU. International Trade Secretary Dr Liam Fox signed the UK-Pacific agreement in London today (Thursday 14 March) with the Papua New Guinea and Fiji High Commissioners.

- 澳洲上周六宣布,將向巴布亞新畿內亞提供三億澳元(約十五億九千萬港元)貸款,以助該國進行經濟改革及政府融資。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191125/00178_017.html
detention centre was built on Manus Island in 2001 as part of Australia's Pacific Solution.With the election of the Rudd Labor Government in 2007, the Manus Regional Processing Centre was formally closed in early 2008, fulfilling an election promise by Rudd to end the offshore processing system. In November 2012, the Manus Regional Processing Centre was re-opened, due to the large volume of irregular maritime arrivals. The British services company G4S was responsible for its operation. In March 2014, the contract with G4S expired, and the Australian government entered into a 20-month contract worth AUD $1.22 billion with Broadspectrum (which operates the facility in Nauru) for facilities management including building maintenance and catering, with security provided by Wilson Security. On 24 August 2014, 24 year old Iranian asylum seeker Hamid Kehazaei sought medical treatment at the detention centre's clinic for an infected wound. Kehazaei's condition worsened and he could not be treated on the island. Medical staff sought his immediate evacuation, but permission was not granted until 26 August. Kehazaei was declared brain dead in a Brisbane hospital on 2 September 2016. With his family's permission, his life-support was switched off on 5 September 2016. An inquest into Kehazaei's death began in the Coroner's Court in Brisbane on 28 November 2016. Late on 27 April 2016, Papua New Guinea Prime Minister Peter O'Neill announced that the processing centre would be closed. 
- Australia is working on plans with Papua New Guinea to develop a joint naval base on Manus Island, edging out Chinese interest in the strategically vital port with a new facility that would be capable of hosting Australian and US ­warships.https://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/foreign-affairs/move-to-head-off-china-with-australian-base-in-png/news-story/fa4d3f407ffa73dd8240071e03ba7828
- lng

  • 澳洲與鄰國巴布亞新畿內亞天然氣計劃爭議不斷。澳洲石油公司Oil Search周二指摘,巴布亞新畿內亞背棄一項新建液化天然氣項目協議,並將和解期限定於下周六。該協議於四月簽署,由Oil Search、法國公司Total及美國公司ExxonMobil合作開發,價值一百三十億美元(約一千零二十億港元),預料能為巴布亞新畿內亞增加約一倍燃料出口。Oil Search表示,該國政府原本支持協議,但其後又希望重商已定條款。該公司強調協議具法律效力及公平,會尋求期限前解決問題。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190821/00180_024.html
  • https://www.reuters.com/article/oil-search-lng-papua/australias-oil-search-says-spot-lng-prices-have-no-impact-on-png-lng-contract-arbitration-idUSM0N1TD004 Australia’s Oil Search Ltd said on Tuesday that current weak spot liquefied natural gas (LNG) prices would have no impact on any arbitration over a long-term contract between Japan’s Osaka Gas and the Papua New Guinea PNG LNG project, operated by Exxon Mobil Corp. “The current market has no impact on the discussions,” said Ian Munro, Oil Search’s executive vice president for gas marketing told analysts at am earnings briefing on Tuesday. He was asked to comment on what terms Osaka Gas was seeking to change in its long-term sale and purchase agreement (SPA) with PNG LNG, in which Oil Search is a partner.

- https://hk.news.appledaily.com/international/daily/article/20181115/20546332 巴布亞新幾內亞駐港名譽領事詹劍崙表示,當地大約有1萬多華人,近年有不少福建人介入當地基建,亦有華人從事海參貿易。據了解,當地治安極差,首都莫爾比斯港一直被評等為全球最危險城市之一,曾有中國人被殺,其中一人被砍頭,三人被肢解。
-  站在莫爾茲比港花園山(GARDERN HILLS)自己開發的公寓樓頂層,曾折戟巴新商界、如今重整旗鼓的李澤鵬說。李澤鵬的叔公是香港著名建築師李鴻仁,其首創的複式建築最早在深圳試驗,之後風靡全球。繼承了叔公的闖勁兒,李澤鵬十年前大學畢業時毅然跨越赤道來到巴新。當時西方世界淹沒在金融海嘯中,巴新經濟卻得益於液化天然氣開發而超高速增長。望着沒有幾幢現代建築的首都,李澤鵬帶着九套圖紙,與當地合作夥伴一口氣簽了一萬套裝配房合同。然而,他卻被巴新社情絆倒了,合同最終只執行了43幢。折戟巴新的李澤鵬返回深圳創業,但仍惦記着處處是機會的「金山」。三年前,他又重新歸來。這一次他的目光放在了巴新方興未艾的地產業,自己做起了開發商。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20181116/PDF/a7_screen.pdf

- ties

  • 日前,巴布亚新几内亚总理彼得.奥尼尔接受人民日报海外版採访时表示,中国对包括巴布亚新几内亚在内的太平洋岛国经济社会发展作出重要贡献。2013年,习近平主席出访中亚和东南亚时,向其他国家发出了“一带一路”倡议。2013年11月,第二届中国─太平洋岛国经济发展合作论坛在中国广州举行,中国宣布给予岛国中最不发达国家95%的出口商品零关税待遇,鼓励和支持岛国搭乘中国经济发展的快车。2014年习主席访问澳洲、新西兰和斐济三国,访斐期间,习主席与包括巴布亚新几内亚总理奥尼尔、斐济总理纳图曼、汤加首相图伊瓦卡诺等8位与中国建有外交关系的岛国领导人举行集体会晤。习主席访问南太三国后,中国与太平洋岛国的双边关系得到更快发展。2017年,斐济正式加入中国主导创立的亚洲基础设施投资银行,成为中国在南太地区推进“一带一路”建设重要伙伴。2014年11月,奥尼尔总理来华参加第22次亚太经合组织领导人非正式会议。2015年9月,奥尼尔总理又来华出席中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年纪念活动。习主席两次会见奥尼尔总理。巴布亚新几内亚非常欢迎“一带一路”倡议延伸到南太国家,已同中国签署参与“一带一路”建设协议。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20180605/PDF/a9_screen.pdf
  •  https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2018-06-17/china-s-pacific-islands-push-has-the-u-s-worried The nation of 8 million people is the latest frontier in Beijing’s bid for global influence that’s included building artificial reefs in the South China Sea, a military base in Africa and an ambitious trade-and-infrastructure plan spanning three continents.
  • hkej 2, 3 and 4oct18 shum article

- 據路透社報道,巴布亞新幾內亞財長 Patrick Pruaitch昨日表示,中國已同意斥資近 40億美元在巴布 亞新幾內亞叢林地區建立巨大的工業園區。 Patrick Pruaitch 稱,來自深圳的投資者已簽署諒解備忘 錄,將在West Sepia省的兩個工業園區建立一系列加工廠和 製造廠。該省位於一片茂密的叢林區,距離印尼邊界 30公里 (20英里)。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2016/12/14/a06-1214.pdf
- mining
  • porgera gold mine owned and operated by zijin china daily 15oct18
- metal

  • 巴布亞新畿內亞一間中國國企旗下的鎳金屬精煉廠,涉嫌排出可能有毒的紅泥入海,周一遭下令無限期關閉。當局在此前的調查中發現工廠連串問題,包括差劣的防止洩漏系統、維修不足和操作人員失職等,而工廠未能充分地解決。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20191025/00180_026.html

- health

  • 今年 1月份,一群中國人登上了靠東邊的基里維納島。和生活在高地 地區的土著第一次見到白人時驚恐的反應不同,這群打算用青 蒿智慧消除瘧疾的中國人受到當地社群的極大歡迎,留下了人 類學意義上中國與卡圖馬族「第一次接觸」值得記錄的珍貴畫 面。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2018/11/12/a17-1112.pdf

- 大陸外交部近日在微信公眾號表示,巴布亞新畿內亞政府勒令將「中華民國駐巴布亞新畿內亞商務代表團」改為「台北駐巴布亞新畿內亞經濟文化辦公室」,並沒收外交車牌。台灣的外交部昨晚表示深感不滿及遺憾,稱已對此提出抗議,由駐處繼續爭取有關權益,並指陸方此舉引起反感。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180213/00178_017.html

hong kong
- 前卓妮喺博愛醫院嘅慶功宴上見到副主席李柏成(Jim),佢話最近忙到氹氹轉,事關佢同生意拍檔正在落實喺巴布亞新畿內亞嘅投資項目,打算同當地政府合作開發一個小島,由發展旅遊、起碼頭到成立漁船隊等,聽落真係好大投資。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/news/20180325/00176_068.html
- China daily feature supplement 29jul15

- honorary consul

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