- Henry Robinson Luce (April 3, 1898 – February 28, 1967) was an American magazine magnate who was called "the most influential private citizen in the America of his day". He launched and closely supervised a stable of magazines that transformed journalism and the reading habits of upscale Americans. Time summarized and interpreted the week's news; Life was a picture magazine of politics, culture, and society that dominated American visual perceptions in the era before television; Fortune explored in depth the economy and the world business; and Sports Illustrated explored the motivations and strategies of sports teams and key players. Counting his radio projects and newsreels, Luce created the first multimedia corporation. He envisaged that the United States would achieve world hegemony, and, in 1941, he declared the 20th century would be the "American Century".Luce was born in Tengchow (now Penglai), Shandong, China, on April 3, 1898, the son of Elizabeth Root Luce and Henry Winters Luce, who was a Presbyterian missionary. He received his education in various Chinese and English boarding schools, including the China Inland Mission Chefoo School.
- historian
- Philip A. Kuhn (孔飛力 or 孔復禮; pinyin: Kǒng Fēilì; September 9, 1933 – February 11, 2016) was an American historian of China[1] and the Francis Lee Higginson Professor of History and of East Asian Languages and Civilizations at Harvard University.[2] Frederic Wakeman in a review of Kuhn's Soulstealers in The New York Review of Books described Kuhn as "one of the West's premier China historians."[3] Stanford University historian Harold L. Kahn added that “Every twenty years, like clockwork, Philip Kuhn produces a book that we are required to read. What he says sticks to the ribs and gives much pleasure.” [4]
- 一九九四年更獲時任總統克林頓委任為駐大洋洲國家密克羅尼西亞的大使。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20171224/00180_018.html
- 當時政府設施內的廁所,尿兜免費任用,但廁格卻要投幣開門。余江月桂痛批這是歧視女性,成功推動立法禁止州內公共設施洗手間收費,更上演過「街頭砸馬桶」,一舉成名。她終在州務卿選舉中刷新加州民選官員高得票紀錄。余江月桂有一子一女,其中曾任加州財長的養子鄺傑靈,於2011年因癌病離世。https://hk.news.appledaily.com/international/daily/article/20171224/20254074
- apart from english, has a polish wikipedia version
- 在二戰期間率領美國飛虎隊參與中國抗日戰爭的陳納德將軍,其遺孀陳香梅上周五在華盛頓家中逝世,享年九十四歲。陳香梅是首位在白宮工作的華人,亦傳她是一九四九年後唯一女性兩岸密使。陳香梅過去兩年其身體狀況轉差,行動不便。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180405/00180_018.html, see also singtao 5apr18 a18, wenwei a14, takung a10
- 1984年王光英以全國政協副主席身份,出席代表資本主義生活方式的香港大富豪夜總會開幕儀式,曾轟動一時。大富豪是香港名媛女富豪陳香桃主理,陳乃抗戰援華的美國飛虎隊將軍唐納德遺孀陳香梅的姊妹。香港回歸前王光英和時任新華社香港分社副社長李儲文面對港人對共產政權質疑時,一句「夜總會是香港繁榮的標誌」、「馬照跑,舞照跳」,成為一時經典。https://hk.news.appledaily.com/international/daily/article/20181031/20534702
- 貝聿銘為蘇州望族之後(滿族人),出生於民初中國廣東省廣州市,父親貝祖貽曾任中華民國中央銀行總裁,也是中國銀行創始人之一,生母姓莊,清廷國子監祭酒之後,於貝氏13歲時罹癌過世,繼母蔣士雲,為中華民國駐外使節蔣履福[2]之女。貝氏有一個姐姐,兩個弟弟、兩個妹妹,妻子盧淑華(Eileen Loo)為中國留美學生,他們育有3儿1女(貝定中/貝建中/貝禮中),其中貝建中(Chien Chung (Didi/弟弟) Pei)與貝禮中(Li Chung (L.C.) (Sandi/三弟) Pei)皆是美國著名建築師。
- 已故國際著名建築師貝聿銘與妻子盧淑華的私人珍藏藝術品將於佳士得紐約、香港及巴黎今屆秋拍亮相,香港預展現正於中環佳士得拍賣行及文華東方酒店大堂舉辦,展至本月六日。藏品共約五十九件,包括油畫、繪畫、紙本作品和雕塑,估價超過2500萬美元,匯聚東西藝術家的佳作。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20191004/PDF/b1_screen.pdf
- http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/financeestate/art/20170214/19927793今年67歲嘅貝禮中喺美國成長,1976年喺哈佛大學取得建築學碩士學位後,即到貝老嘅建築師樓工作,及後同兄長創辦貝氏建築事務所,現時定居美國紐約,作品遍佈世界各地。貝祖詒當年逃難到香港,及後成為中國銀行香港分行經理,1946年更成為中國銀行行長,及後國民黨戰敗後,貝祖詒逃到美國,兒子貝老因緣際會成為新中銀大樓設計者,而貝禮中復修舊中銀大樓,亦係貝氏三代與中銀緣份嘅體現。
- hket 4oct19 a14
- 貝祖詒是近代著名銀行家,曾任民國政府中央銀行總裁,與宋子民(宋美齡兄長、歷任財政部長及政府要職)是莫逆之交,貝的續弦夫人江南名媛蔣士雲,與發動西安事變的「少帥」張學良亦曾譜戀曲。原任中行廣東分行經理的貝祖詒,1918年為逃避政爭風眼,從廣州捬同年僅1歲的貝聿銘來港,翌年2月香港分號升格分行,貝出掌首任經理,到1928年才由鄭鐵如接替。http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/financeestate/art/20170925/20163438
- *******https://www.economist.com/united-states/2019/09/12/a-small-indiana-town-boosts-its-big-architectural-legacy Some argue that America’s best city for architecture is Chicago. Others favour Miami’s Art Deco legacy, the dilapidated elegance of New Orleans or the jumbled cosiness of San Francisco. But to see the greatest collection of Modernist masterpieces in the smallest space, fly to Indianapolis and drive south-east for about an hour to Columbus, the Hoosier State’s 21st-largest city and birthplace of America’s vice-president, Mike Pence.
- gary locke
- The Cleo Rogers Memorial Library, also known as the Main Library, is the flagship library of the Bartholomew County Public Library system. It includes a branch in Hope, Indiana, and a bookmobile that serves the county. The building was designed by I. M. Pei & Partners and constructed by Dunlap & Company, completed in 1969, and dedicated in 1971. It is notable for its design of red brick with concrete details and its Library Plaza, an urban space punctuated by the sculpture, "Large Arch" by Henry Moore. It is named for Cleo Rogers (1905-1964) who was the county librarian for 28 years and assistant librarian for nine years.
- Singtao 5may17 a30 divorce with wife 李蒙
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- Terry Branstad was born in Leland, Iowa, to Rita L. (Garland) and Edward Arnold Branstad, a farmer.[8][9] His mother was Jewish, while his father was from a Norwegian American Lutheran family; Branstad himself was raised Lutheran, and later converted to Catholicism.
- 孙启诚是美国国宝银行的总裁及创办人,是美国国宝保险公司和国宝证券公司总裁,也是美国中国贸易中心总裁
- http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20161205/00178_002.html 布蘭斯塔德與習近平的外交關係可追溯至卅一年前,時任河北省正定縣縣委書記的習近平於一九八五年,帶領粟米加工考察團到艾奧瓦州參觀考察,當時接待的正是布蘭斯塔德。布蘭斯塔德於二○一一年再度當選州長後,曾應邀拜訪北京,據報受到時任國家副主席的習近平招待。隔年習近平再度訪問艾奧瓦州,參加世界糧食中心中美農業研討會開幕式,也是由布蘭斯塔德接待,兩人第三度握手。今年十一月十一日,布蘭斯塔德再度率團訪華,外界認為此行暗示他或被任命為下任駐華大使。
- 第90屆奧斯卡塵埃落定 ,其中一部獲得最佳紀錄片提名的影片引起華人關注。這部叫《國寶銀行:小到 該 入 獄》 (Abacus:Small Enough To Jail)的片子聚焦華裔銀行家孫啟誠 ,講述他反擊美國司法誣陷、維護自身清白的故事。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20180306/PDF/a24_screen.pdf
- Lisa See is an American writer and novelist. Her books include On Gold Mountain: The One-Hundred-Year Odyssey of My Chinese-American Family (1995), a detailed account of See's family history, and the novels Flower Net (1997), The Interior (1999), Dragon Bones(2003), Snow Flower and the Secret Fan (2005), Peony in Love (2007) and Shanghai Girls (2009), which made it to the 2010 New York Times bestseller list. Both Shanghai Girls and Snow Flower and the Secret Fan received honorable mentions from the Asian/Pacific American Awards for Literature.Writing under the pen name Monica Highland, See, her mother Carolyn See, and John Espey,[3] published three novels: Lotus Land(1983), 110 Shanghai Road (1986), and Greetings from Southern California (1988). She has written a personal essay ("The Funeral Banquet") for Half and Half. See has donated her personal papers (1973–2001) to UCLA.[5] During the 2012 Golden Dragon Chinese New Year Parade in Los Angeles Chinatown, See served as the Grand Marshal.Lisa See was born in Paris February 18, 1955,[6] but has spent many years in Los Angeles, especially Los Angeles Chinatown.[7] Her mother, Carolyn See, was also a writer and novelist.Her paternal great-grandfather was Chinese which has had a great impact on her life and work. She has written for and led in many cultural events emphasizing the importance of Los Angeles and Chinatown. Among her awards and recognitions are the Organization of Chinese Americans Women's 2001 award as National Woman of the Year and the 2003 History Makers Award presented by the Chinese American Museum. See serves as a Los Angeles City Commissioner.
chinese expert
- elaine la roche
- https://www.ft.com/content/1b9043c4-ca4b-11e9-af46-b09e8bfe60c0 La Roche was born in 1949 and brought up in New Jersey by parents who had immigrated from Haiti and France. She studied at Georgetown and received her MBA from American University. She would become one of the most senior women on Wall Street, working closely with Mr Mack as his chief of staff. Though little known outside the firm, she was feared within it. In August of 1995, the birth of the first US-China joint venture investment bank, CICC, was celebrated at a banquet at the Daioyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing. It was seen as a celebration of the partnership between China and the west, as the mainland moved to a more markets-oriented financial system. The principal shareholders were Morgan Stanley and China Construction Bank. Two years later, Elaine La Roche was brought in by Morgan Stanley to run CICC. The choice was an unlikely one. “But I knew she would succeed,” said John Mack, who was then Morgan Stanley’s chief operating officer. “She could multitask. She brought focus and passion to the job.” As the first woman to head what became the Bond Market Association in 1996, she warned presciently of the impact technology would have on the way Wall Street conducts its business. “In the early nineties, the industry was going through difficult times and Morgan Stanley worldwide was under pressure to cut costs,” recalled Jack Wadsworth, then chairman of the company in Asia. “Reliably, every morning at 8am, I would get these calls from Elaine in New York, ordering me to reduce the payroll by eliminating people I didn’t even know we had. But she was so smart and detail-oriented that you couldn’t argue with her.” La Roche had played a critical role in appointing her predecessor, Austin Koenen, to CICC and when he suffered a fatal heart attack, Mr Wadsworth approached her. “I didn’t have the guts to ask her to take the job, I just asked her for help but since she was close to Austin she offered to take it,” Mr Wadsworth said. She ran CICC from 1997 to 2001. Morgan Stanley eventually exited CICC, selling its stake to private equity firms KKR and TPG, when the Chinese government wouldn’t let it buy out the Chinese side and take control. But La Roche never severed her ties with the company, becoming chief executive of its American unit. And she retained her blunt style, as she tried to mediate between two worlds that, instead of converging, seemed to be on increasingly separate trajectories as time went on. La Roche, who has died aged 70 at her Connecticut home, came to personify a period of hope in the industry — both about the future of reform on the mainland and the shared stake of the US and China in seeing those reforms succeed. That Levin Zhu, son of Chinese premier Zhu Rongji, was made CICC’s chairman in 1998 was emblematic of the importance the government attached to the experiment.
- John Stanley Pottinger (born February 13, 1940) is an American novelist, lawyer, banker, and former politician.In 1962, Pottinger graduated from Harvard University. In 1965, Pottinger graduated with a JD from Harvard Law School.Pottinger held significant roles as a bureaucratic appointee in the Nixon, Ford and Carter Administrations. From 1970 to 1973, he held the position of the Director of the Office of Civil Rights at the Department of Health, Education and Welfare from 1970–73 and from 1973–77 served as Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights in the United States Department of Justice.
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- edward e rice, then us cg to hk and macau https://adst.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Rice-Mary-Kellogg.pdf
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- Stephen Clark Bullock (born April 11, 1966) is an American politician, attorney and former professor serving as the 24th and current Governor of Montana since 2013. He is a member of the Democratic Party.Bullock was born in Missoula, Montana, and raised in Helena, the state capital. He is the son of Penny Clark, a school board trustee, and Mike Bullock, a teacher and administrator.[7] He graduated from Helena High School in 1984.[8] His parents divorced when he was in grade school.[9] Bullock received his BA degree in Politics, Philosophy, and Economics from Claremont McKenna College and his JD degree with honors from Columbia Law School in New York.Governor Bullock and his lieutenant governor, John Walsh, were sworn in on January 7, 2013.[33] Bullock later appointed Walsh to become the new Senator from Montana to replace Max Baucus, who had been appointed Ambassador to China.
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- 美國退伍軍人事務部周二舉行儀式,首次向五名華裔退伍軍人頒發「國會金章」,表揚他們當年在二次世界大戰英勇作戰,其中一名獲表揚的女人瑞曾在香港接受護士培訓。軍階最高的授勳者陳貞潔(Elsie Seetoo),是唯一一名獲頒國會金章的女性,她年輕時曾在香港接受護士培訓,畢業後從香港徒步往桂陽,加入紅十字醫療救援隊。她於一九四四年加入美國陸軍護士團,軍階為中尉,在中國各地服役。陳貞潔去年九月剛迎來百歲生日。其他受勳者包括隸屬陸軍的鍾百富(Harry Jung)、李其深(Robert Lee)、Henry Lee及James Eng。逾二萬名華裔美軍參與二戰,美國國會去年十二月通過法案,向他們頒發國會金章。交通部長趙小蘭致詞時表示:「在這裏講述的是我們華人的故事,這也是美國主流媒體不太提到的故事。」http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190201/00180_026.html
- 楊安澤出生於紐約市,父母都是上世紀六十年代由台灣移民到美國。楊曾在知名科技企業擔任高階主管,而讓他最初被公眾認知的,是其創立非營利機構「為美國創業」(Venture For America),協助中西部貧困年輕人創業,二○一五年,時任美國總統奧巴馬任命楊為全球創業大使。這位政壇菜鳥目前已籌集超過一百萬美元,捐款人已超過民主黨全國委員會規定的六萬五千人,意味着楊已取得全國參選人辯論的入場券。事實上,亞裔競選美國總統,楊安澤並非第一人,已故共和黨參議員、祖籍廣東的鄺友良曾於一九六四年和六八年參選。儘管楊安澤能否超越先輩的成就尚有待時間驗證,但他受益於互聯網發達的優勢,卻非先輩們可比。楊現時的民調支持率不足百分之一,但其網絡聲勢卻不容小覷,大批鐵粉又是作歌又是拍片,被外界稱為「楊幫」(Yang gang)。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190416/00192_001.html
- 這位44歲的前科技公司高官對自己的華人背景相當驕傲,積極擁抱所有與亞裔有關的刻板印象,聲稱美國需要一位和特朗普正好相反的總統,即「愛數學的亞裔」。但無論如何宣揚自己「理智」,或表示當了總統發言都要用PPT,參選最重要的還是要有靠譜政綱。楊生的政綱亮點:給18歲及以上國民每月發一千美元。記者問錢從哪來?楊生答「徵消費稅」。提到外交,楊生就更糊塗了,只能含糊地說「會聽團隊給的意見再做理性選擇」。另外,當被問及上電視辯論有何策略時,楊生說,「就站在拜登旁邊吧,這樣觀眾就會去搜我是誰。」看來,楊生偏科嚴重,數學好但政治經濟都要補課。楊生代表亞裔入白宮,2020指日不可待。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20190612/PDF/a22_screen.pdf
- 提出向全國人民派發「自由紅利」的該黨台灣第二代候選人楊安澤,上周六在社交網發表意見時,一度遭政治評論員奚落。不過,美國著名科技富豪馬斯克公開表態支持,楊安澤隨即轉發馬斯克的貼文感謝。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190812/00180_006.html
- 美國民主黨十名總統候選人,周四晚出席第三輪黨內初選電視辯論。其中台裔候選人楊安澤表現矚目,宣布將隨機抽出十個家庭,在未來一年透過選舉基金,向他們提供每月一千美元(約七千八百港元)的「自由紅利」。此做法料會吸引潛在支持者,惟有指法律禁止「任何個人」使用競選經費。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20190914/00180_006.html
- 華裔參選人楊安澤的妻子盧艾玲受訪披露,於二○一二年懷孕時曾在診所遭婦科醫生性侵犯。她指最初很怕告訴任何人,後來發現有其他女性受害,於是向涉事醫生提告。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200118/00180_004.html
business interests in china
- Edwin Griswold Nourse (May 20, 1883 – April 7, 1974) was an American economist. He served as the first chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors between 1946 and 1949.Born in Lockport, New York, Nourse moved to a western suburb of Chicago at the age of four months, and considered himself a Midwesterner. His father worked in the city as a supervisor of public school music. His sister, Alice Tisdale Hobart, went on to become a bestselling novelist. In high school Nourse enjoyed English and history, and after spending a year at the Louis Institute, went on to Cornell University with an interest in civil engineering. In 1903 he was caught in a wave of typhoid fever that hit campus; upon his return he decided to simply get his A.B., but also took several classes at the College of Agriculture. Following college, Nourse taught for two years in high school, spent a year on graduate studies, and then came to teach at the Wharton School, where he conceived of agricultural economics. From there he transited through the University of South Dakota, the University of Arkansas, Iowa State College, and on to the University of Chicago, where he received his Ph.D in 1915 for the dissertation "The Chicago Produce Market: A Study of Market Mechanism as a Factor in Price Determination". He continued to study and write about agricultural cooperation. Nourse was a friend of Harold Moulton, the first president of the Brookings Institution, and in 1923 he convinced Nourse to come work on the agriculture side of the Institute of Economics. He remained there until 1946, moving from the head of the agriculture division to director of Institute of Economics in 1929 and then vice president in 1942.
- Alice Tisdale Hobart (January 28, 1882 – March 14, 1967) born Alice Nourse in Lockport, New York, was an American novelist. Her most famous book, Oil for the Lamps of China, which was also made into a film, drew heavily on her experiences as the wife of an American oil executive in China amid the turmoil of the overthrow of the Manchu Dynasty in 1912. She attended the University of Chicago, but never graduated, opting instead to take a job. She first traveled to China in 1908 to visit her sister Mary, who taught at a girls' school in Hangchow, and returned two years later to take up a post at the same establishment. After marrying Earle Tisdale Hobart, a Standard Oil Company executive, in Tientsin in 1914, she traveled to Manchuria and in 1916 published an article on her experiences at the hands of Manchurian bandits in The Atlantic Monthly. It led to a series of pieces entitled Leaves From a Manchurian Diary and formed the basis for her first book, Pioneering Where the World is Old in 1917. Her life in Changsha formed the backdrop for her second book, By the City of the Long Sandin 1926, while an assault on Nanking by Nationalist soldiers and her escape over the city wall to the safety of the waiting American gunboats was recounted in Within the Walls of Nankingin 1928. This book started as a piece in Harper's Magazine.[2] Her fictional account of her experiences in China, not surprisingly, focused on the role played by Western businessmen, especially those engaged in importing and selling petroleum products. Pidgin Cargo, set among traders on the Yangtze River, appeared in 1929 and Oil for the Lamps of China in 1933. After making her home in California in the 1940s, her subject matter expanded to encompass contemporary Mexico in The Peacock Sheds His Tail (1945) and Californian agrarian life in The Cup and the Sword (1942) and The Cleft Rock (1948). In 1959 she published her memoir, Gusty's Child.
- erik prince
- https://www.ft.com/content/e6942960-19e9-11e7-bcac-6d03d067f81f The former Navy Seal and founder of the now defunct Blackwater Security, which became synonymous with Bush-era military adventures, late last year announced a push to sell logistics and security to support Beijing’s “Silk Road” strategy, which is seen as an effort to promote Chinese political influence across the Eurasian land mass using roughly $900bn of foreign investment. But, speaking to the Financial Times, Mr Prince rejected the idea that he and his company, Frontier Services Group — listed in Hong Kong and partly owned by China’s Citic conglomerate — are advancing Chinese foreign policy or will be providing military services. “We’re not serving Chinese foreign policy goals, we’re helping increase trade,” Mr Prince said in the interview in Hong Kong last month.
been to china
- https://www.ft.com/content/452253d2-7b8b-11e7-9108-edda0bcbc928
Erik Prince, the world’s most infamous military contractor, wants his private military forces to give Afghanistan the same treatment he gave Iraq. In a document dated August 2017, parts of which have been seen by the Financial Times, he proposes a two-year plan for fewer than 5,000 global guns for hire and under 100 aircraft, bringing the total cost of the US effort to turn round a failing war to less than $10bn a year. “We’re spending too much in Afghanistan and it’s making the insurgency worse, through corruption and leakage to the Taliban,” the former Navy Seal told the FT. On current spending, he said, the Afghan campaign would cost the US $45bn this year and $50bn next. “I then heard about a big troop surge [proposal] and I thought that was a dumb idea . . . I’m going to contract everything; I’m going to get down to some spending sanity.” US President Donald Trump has repeatedly rejected Pentagon-backed proposals to send more troops to Afghanistan, delaying a new US strategy to address America’s longest-running war. Central Intelligence Agency director Mike Pompeo visited Afghanistan last week to assess US strategy and in part to consider how Mr Prince’s proposal might fit into it, according to two people familiar with the matter. The CIA declined to comment.
- Jon Meade Huntsman Jr. (born March 26, 1960) is an American businessman, diplomat, politician, and the current Ambassador of the United States to Russia, serving from October 2017 to October 3, 2019.[1] Huntsman was the U.S. Ambassador to Singapore from 1992 to 1993, the 16th Governor of Utah from 2005 to 2009 and the U.S. Ambassador to China from 2009 until 2011. He has served in the administrations of five Presidents and was a candidate for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination.[2] On August 6, 2019 John Huntsman submitted his resignation letter to President Donald Trump as Ambassador of the United States to Russia, effective October 3, 2019. Huntsman was born March 26, 1960, in Redwood City, California.[7] His mother is Karen (née Haight) Huntsman, daughter of LDS Church apostle David B. Haight,[8] and his father was billionaire businessman and philanthropist Jon Huntsman Sr. of the Huntsman Corporation.[9] Through his father, Huntsman Jr. is the great-great-great-grandson of early LDS Church leader Parley P. Pratt.
- While visiting the White House in 1971 during his father's service as special assistant to the president, Henry Kissinger confided in the 11-year-old Huntsman that he was secretly traveling to China.[14] He worked as a White House staff assistant in President Ronald Reagan's administration in 1983. From 1987 to 1988, Huntsman and his family lived and worked in Taipei, Taiwan. During the 1988 presidential election, he was a state delegate at the 1988 Republican National Convention.
- Monica Samille Lewinsky (born July 23, 1973) is an American activist, television personality, fashion designer, and former White House intern. Monica Samille Lewinsky was born in San Francisco, California, and grew up in an affluent family in Southern California in the Westside Brentwood area of Los Angeles and in Beverly Hills. Her father is Bernard Lewinsky, an oncologist, who is the son of German Jews who escaped from Nazi Germany and moved to El Salvador and then to the United States when he was 14. Her mother, born Marcia Kay Vilensky, is an author who uses the name Marcia Lewis. In 1996, she wrote her only book, the gossip biography, The Private Lives of the Three Tenors. During the Lewinsky scandal, the press compared Lewis' unproven "hints" that she had an affair with opera star Plácido Domingo to her daughter's sexual relationship with Clinton. Monica's maternal grandfather, Samuel M. Vilensky, was a Lithuanian Jew, and Monica's maternal grandmother, Bronia Poleshuk, was born in the British Concession of Tianjin, China, to a Russian Jewish family. Monica's parents' acrimonious separation and divorce during 1987 and 1988 had a significant effect on her. Her father later married his current wife, Barbara; her mother later married R. Peter Straus, a media executive and former director of the Voice of America under President Jimmy Carter.
shirley young, Chair of the US-China Cultural Institute, Cultural Associate of the Committee of 100
- http://usccii.com/about-shirley-young-chair.html Ms. Young is Governor and former founding-Chairman of the Committee of 100, a national Chinese-American leadership resource, and is Chairman of the US-China Cultural Institute, cultural associate of the Committee of 100. She served on the worldwide Board of Directors of The Nature Conservancy and currently serves on its Asia-Pacific Council. Currently she serves on the Board of the New York Philharmonic, the National Dance Institute and the Lang Lang Foundation.She has served and remains involved as a trustee of Wellesley College and Interlochen Center for the Arts, Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts and on the Board of Directors of the Associates of the Harvard Business School.Ms Young is a graduate of Wellesley College, Phi Beta Kappa. She divides her time between Shanghai and New York.
- http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/education-community/article/1993785/sino-us-friction-result-china-rising-too-rapidly
- Scmp 14aug16 obitruary
- Michael Pillsbury (Chinese: 白邦瑞; pinyin: Bái Bāngruì; born February 8, 1945) is an American defense policy adviser, former government official and author of books and reports on China.
- reported to be related to occupy central movement singtao 24oct16
- Pearl Sydenstricker Buck (June 26, 1892 – March 6, 1973; also known by her Chinese name Sai Zhenzhu; Chinese: 賽珍珠) was an American writer and novelist. As the daughter of missionaries, Buck spent most of her life before 1934 in Zhenjiang, China. Her novel The Good Earth was the best-selling fiction book in the United States in 1931 and 1932 and won the Pulitzer Prizein 1932. In 1938, she was awarded theNobel Prize in Literature "for her rich and truly epic descriptions of peasant life in China and for her biographical masterpieces".
- 有紐約華人會計師認為,中低階層華人家庭是稅改後最受惠的一群,而小本經營的華人商戶亦可獲益,有利社區發展。會計師鮑愛奇表示,稅改後個人薪俸稅免稅額增加一倍至約九萬四千港元;而每名十七歲以下受撫養兒童的免稅額亦增一倍至約一萬五千六百港元。每年收入低於約十八萬港元的中低階層華人家庭,每一名兒童更可獲得七千八百港元的津貼。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20180128/00180_019.html- 在纽约主流社会圈里,时常能看到一位满头银髮、温文儒雅、风度翩翩的华裔男子,他就是美中公共事务协会执行会长滕绍骏(Fred Teng)。相对于他的中文名字,英文名字Fred的知名度更高,无论老外还是老中,都叫他Fred。近年,他在纽约经常组织各种活动,经常来往于美国、 中国内地与香港三地之间,不遗馀力地推动中美两国民间交流和往来。 同时说着一口字正腔圆的普通话、地道的广东话和纯正流利的英语,近年来,滕绍骏不仅成为纽约知名度最高的华人之一,在其他族群里也广受欢迎。他在纽约华 人与其他族裔间,特别是犹太人社区,牵起了一条又一条连结着不同族裔人民感情的纽带。他热心公益事业,关心华裔族群整体利益,积极推动中美关系发展。 他的名字,总是跟一系列的中美交流或香港与美国之间的交流有关:他早在1986年就加入了美中关系全国委员会,是中美交流基金会驻美国资深代表,东西方 研究所顾问委员,美国外交政策协会荣誉学者,纽约经济俱乐部资深会员。他还担任过纽约香港协会主席、全美香港商会主席。2015年,创立了美中公共事务协 会。他说,自己的目标是改善中美关系,并要提高美国华人在中美关系中的作用。http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20170620/PDF/a24_screen.pdf
- Fred Teng is President of the America China Public Affairs Institute (ACPAI).Before ACPAI, Mr. Teng was the CEO of China Newsweek Corporation, the publisher of NewsChina magazine. He also served as Senior Vice President of Corporate Development for Multicultural Radio Broadcasting, Inc. and General Manager of Sino Television, Inc. Prior Mr. Teng was President of DVS New York, LLC. From 1999 to 2003, Mr. Teng was Founder and President of Noble Communications Group, Inc., From 1993 to 1999, Mr. Teng was Director of Marketing Communications in charge of the U.S. Asian Markets at AT&T. Mr. Teng spent over a decade in the financial industry, first with Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith, and then with Oppenheimer & Co., where he spearheaded the expanding of Oppenheimer’s financial services into Asia. He is currently the Chairman of the Hong Kong Association of New York, Vice President of the National U.S. Hong Kong Business Associations, the Special U.S. Representative of the China-United States Exchange Foundation, a member of EastWest Institute’s President’s Advisory Group, a member of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations, and the Chairman of DIAGEO’s Multicultural Marketing Advisory Group.https://www.eastwest.ngo/profile/fred-teng
- 深圳學者賀建奎進行基因編輯使嬰兒對愛滋病免疫,成為國內外輿論焦點,賀的成長經歷、家庭背景亦逐漸曝光。賀生於湖南的貧困家庭,自小鍾情科學,以「學霸」的姿態考上美國大學的研究所。賀在美國認識了妻子曾艷,畢業後藉着女方的人脈背景,回國發展基因事業,成為多間生物公司的掌舵人。美媒報道,賀建奎中學時考上湖南新化縣最好的中學,高考成績超過入讀北大的門檻,但他選擇了中國科學技術大學。他畢業後,轉到美國的萊斯大學深造,認識了同樣來自湖南的曾艷。賀的舊同學透露,賀求學時曾用名字「賀劍奎」,他有才華、愛出風頭,口才出眾。二○一○年十二月,賀、曾兩人在萊斯大學的教堂舉行婚禮。曾艷是交通研究專家,曾在加州政府的交通部工作,亦是國內多家公司的股東。賀建奎夫妻於一二年回國發展。曾艷擔任參股法人的兩間深圳公司,與賀的基因公司有關聯。http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20181202/00178_007.html
- 費翔母親畢麗娜是北京人,生於哈爾濱,費翔的外祖母籍貫是山東煙臺萊州,因此有人把費翔的籍貫定為山東煙臺。國共內戰末期,費翔母親隨夫(後離異)到臺灣做電臺播音[6]。畢麗娜和前夫的女兒(後來成為美國音樂人Anya Phillips)在1955年出生。畢麗娜後來與費翔的父親 Wade Phillips結婚,他是來自美國匹茲堡的軍人,後任美國駐台武官。
- https://m.laonanren.com/news/2017-02/151251.htm
- 本屆奧斯卡另一名華人得獎者是美籍華裔導演金國威,他憑着與港匈混血妻子Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi合作執導的《Free Solo》(《赤手登峰》),共同奪得最佳紀錄片獎。45歲的金國威在美國出生,父母分別來自中國溫州和哈爾濱;Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi同樣有華人淵源,父親是匈牙利人、母親是香港人,她曾在訪問中,透露自小懂說中文。http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/02/26/a23-0226.pdf
- Celina Horan (born 10 June 1985), professionally known as Celina Jade, is an American-Hong Kong actress, singer-songwriter, model and martial artist. Internationally she is best known for her role as Shado (and Mei) in the 2010s CW series Arrow. Celina Jade was born in Hong Kong to American Kung Fu star Roy Horan and Chinese mother Christina Hui.[2][3] She was educated in a local Chinese school from kindergarten through high school, and is fluent in Cantonese, Mandarin and English. She learned archery, shooting and Taekwondo from her father growing up. At 14, she left Hong Kong for New Jersey,[4] but returned to Hong Kong shortly after, and attended Island School. She later attended the London School of Economics.
- economist 4may19 a chinese-american film star explains why blandly globalised fare flops in china
- https://www.scmp.com/lifestyle/fashion-beauty/article/3079645/im-vault-entertainment-news-publisher-celebrities-can Jared Eng, founder of one of the most popular entertainment news websites, posts celebrity news on his site – justjared.com – around the clock. No one could have ever imagined his current pop culture profession, though. Growing up in Queens, New York, Eng never watched movies or television, and didn’t listen to pop music. “I grew up in the church culture, very religious and conservative,” says Eng, 38, whose grandparents emigrated to the US from Guangdong province in China.
- george chann
- 1913年: 陈荫罴(George Chann;亦名Chan Yum Bae),广东省中山县人,1月1日生。父亲陈典经开设中药店,亦是中医师。1925年: 12岁,在中国完成中学学业后,随父亲赴美。母亲与两位弟弟则留在中国。根据画家1981年回忆自述:早年为了开源节流,他曾经在基督教的「中华公理教会」(Chinese Congregational Church)教中文,并寄宿教会。稍后,租赁公寓时,为了节省租金以及作画不受干扰,曾经选择住在黑人区。1934年: 进入洛杉矶「奥蒂斯艺术学院」(Otis Art Institute,为洛杉矶郡立美术馆之附属学院),师事布鲁克(Alexander Brook)、维色卡(Edouard Vysekal)。1947-49年 返回中国,前后达3年之久。期间,主要居住香港。在中国期间,与赵少昂、黄君璧交游。1947年 赴上海访友,住岭南大学上海江湾分校宿舍。经该校校长介绍,认识后来成为妻子的陈景容。
- 美國古琴家唐世璋(John Thompson)年輕時 深受中華文化吸引,上世紀七十年代隻身走到香港 與台灣學習中文及絲弦古琴http://pdf.wenweipo.com/2019/10/11/a27-1011.pdf
-http://www.ic.shss.ust.hk/2012/eng/files/print/20120415_SCMP_Feature_10.PDF Sheng Zongliang is a classical composer, conductor and pianist. For the two-week symposium (a “partnership”, as he prefers to call it), which kicks off on April 23, Sheng has gathered two established American composer-performers (violinist Mark O’Connor and pianist Joan Tower), six aspiring young composers from Portugal, Hong Kong, Britain and the US, plus a performers’ roster comprising local cellist Trey Lee, mainland-born pianist Zhang Haochen and members of Camerata Pacifica, a US collective of chamber musicians. http://www.scmp.com/week-asia/personalities/article/2055311/deconstructed-profiteroles-4-hour-days-and-cycling-work
- https://www.scmp.com/magazines/post-magazine/books/article/3024641/chinese-american-writer-ht-tsiangs-novel-hanging Hsi Tseng Tsiang was born in 1899 in Jiangsu province. His 1937 novel And China Has Hands gives the precise location as “a small hut at Chi-An Village”. Orphaned by the age of 13, Tsiang won sought-after scholarships to Jiangsu Tongzhou Teachers’ School and Southeastern University, in Nanjing, where in addition to studying political economy he learned to read and write English. His student days at Nanjing sparked Tsiang’s political activism. While his vociferous protests against Japan’s Twenty-One Demands were safe enough, Tsiang’s criticism of President Yuan Shikai’s underwhelming response landed him in prison, and not for the last time. revolutionary leader Sun Yat-sen more congenial to his evolving communist ideology. He even worked as an aide to Sun’s personal assistant, Wang Ching-wei. After Sun’s death, in 1925, Tsiang fell out of political favour again as Chiang Kai-shek began his purges against China’s Communist Party.In 1926, Tsiang fled China in justifiable fear for his life, setting sail on the SS Korea Maru for America, whose legal prohibition on Chinese immigrants did not make it the safest of harbours. Landing in San Francisco on July 3, Tsiang claimed asylum by enrolling as a student at Stanford University. Although his ostensible subjects were economics, history and literature, his real studies seem to have been in political subversion. American communists did not welcome Tsiang’s criticisms of Chiang Kai-shek any more than their counterparts in China, although Tsiang’s mercurial, and some might say untrustworthy personality, might have contributed. Having been sacked from left-wing newspaper Young China, Tsiang was promptly expelled from Stanford, which compelled him to look east to New York – or Montclair, New Jersey, to be precise, where he lived above a friend’s Chinese restaurant. Supporting himself by working in restaurants and nightclubs, Tsiang enrolled at Columbia University and began a writing career that stubbornly refused to take off, despite a lively, if somewhat sceptical profile in a July 1935 edition of The New Yorker. The author, Rion Bercovici, was fascinated not only by Tsiang’s biography, but also his ingenious self-promotion, which doubtless included collaring Bercovici himself.
- Iris Shun-Ru Chang (March 28, 1968 – November 9, 2004) was an American journalist, author of historical books and political activist. She is best known for her best-selling 1997 account of the Nanking Massacre, The Rape of Nanking. Chang is the subject of the 2007 biography, Finding Iris Chang,[1] and the 2007 documentary film Iris Chang: The Rape of Nanking.Iris Chang was the daughter of two university professors, Ying-Ying Chang and Dr. Shau-Jin Chang, who emigrated from Taiwan to the United States. Chang was born in Princeton, New Jersey and raised in Champaign-Urbana, Illinois.
- Chang wrote three books documenting the experiences of Chinese and Chinese Americans in history. Her first, Thread of the Silkworm (Basic Books, 1995)[6] tells the life story of the Chinese professor, Hsue-Shen Tsien (or Qian Xuesen) during the Red Scare in the 1950s. Although Tsien was one of the founders of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), and for many years helped the military of the United States debrief scientists from Nazi Germany, he was suddenly accused of being a spy and a member of the Communist Party USA, and was placed under house arrest from 1950 to 1955. Tsien left for the People's Republic of China in September 1955. Upon his return to China, Tsien developed the Dongfeng missile program, and later the Silkworm missile, which was used by the Iraqi military during its war on Iran and against the United States-led coalitions during Gulf Wars One and Two.Her second book, The Rape of Nanking: The Forgotten Holocaust of World War II (1997),[7] was published on the 60th anniversary of the Nanking Massacre and was motivated in part by her own grandparents' stories about their escape from the massacre. It documents atrocities committed against Chinese by forces of the Imperial Japanese Army during the Second Sino-Japanese War, and includes interviews with victims. The Rape of Nanking remained on the New York Times Bestseller list for 10 weeks. Based on the book, an American documentary film, Nanking, was released in 2007.The book attracted both praises for exposing the details of the atrocity and criticisms because of alleged inaccuracies.[citation needed] After publication of the book, Chang campaigned to persuade the Japanese government to apologize for its troops' wartime conduct and to pay compensation.Her third book, The Chinese in America (2003),[9] is a history of Chinese Americans, that argues their treatment as perpetual outsiders by American society. Chang suffered a nervous breakdown in August 2004, which her family, friends, and doctors attributed in part to constant sleep deprivation, dozens of herbal supplements,[14] and heavy doses of psychologically damaging prescription medication. At the time, she was several months into research for her fourth book, about the Bataan Death March.
- In tribute to Chang, the survivors held a service at the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall, around the same time as her funeral, held at the Gate of Heaven Cemetery in Cupertino, California on November 12, 2004. The Memorial Hall, which collects documents, photos, and human remains from the massacre, added both a wing and a bronze statue dedicated to Chang in 2005. In 2017, the Iris Chang Memorial Hall was built in Huai'an, China.
- 著名美籍華裔建築師黃振捷上周五在加州住所逝世,享年九十四歲。他生前為洛杉磯設計多項地標建築,包括洛杉磯國家藝術博物館及洛杉磯國際機場,其作品被指打造了洛杉磯於過去半個世紀的市貌。orientaldaily 9sep17
- [the good life published by modern media] tony chi 季裕棠from new york - project rosewood hotel, holborn, london
martial arts
- http://paper.takungpao.com/resfile/PDF/20200804/PDF/b4_screen.pdf 世界六通拳總會何琼
- Citing disagreements with board leaders over whether Planned Parenthood should focus on health care or abortion advocacy, the organization’s president is stepping down. Dr. Leana Wen took the reins at Planned Parenthood eight months ago. On Tuesday, she announced that she was resigning. Wen’s statements about her departure suggested internal turbulence within the organization.Wen was appointed head of Planned Parenthood in September 2018, following the 12-year presidency of Cecile Richards.Wen moved to the United States from China at age eight. Before taking on her role with Planned Parenthood, she worked as an emergency room doctor and as the health commissioner of Baltimore. She was the first physician to lead Planned Parenthood in five decades.Planned Parenthood is the largest provider of abortions in the United States.https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/amid-internal-dispute-over-mission-planned-parenthood-president-resigns-88711
- Hosea Ballou Morse (18 July 1855 – 13 February 1934) was a Canadian-born American British customs official and historian of China. He served in the Chinese Imperial Maritime Custom Service from 1874 to 1908, but is best known for his scholarly publications after his retirement, most prominently The International Relations of the Chinese Empire, a three volume chronicle of the relations of the Qing dynasty with Western countries, and The Chronicles of the East India Company Trading to China, 1635–1834. Morse descended from New England stock although for five generations his family lived in Nova Scotia, where he was born. The family returned to Medford, Massachusetts when Morse was young. He attended Boston Latin School and graduated from Harvard College in 1874, where he was a member of Phi Beta Kappa. He married Annie Josephine Welsford in London on February 8, 1881. The couple had no children of their own. After Morse's retirement, they lived in Surrey, England, and during World War I he became a British citizen. He was granted an honorary LL.D. from Western Reserve University in 1913 and an Honorary LL.D. from Harvard in his Fiftieth Reunion year, 1924. He died in on February 13, 1934 in Surrey, EnglandIn his senior year of college, Morse and three of his Harvard classmates were recruited to join the Imperial Maritime Custom Service under Sir Robert Hart, who had headed the Service since 1860. Morse was at first stationed in Shanghai, where he studied the northern dialect, Mandarin, for an hour each day before breakfast, and then served in Peking. His spoken Chinese became good enough for interpreting day-to-day business, but he could not read well enough to handle a wide variety of texts. He was posted to Tientsin in 1877, doing extra duty for the Northern Chinese Famine of that winter and the following summer. When posted to the London office of the Customs Service, he met Annie Josephine Welsford – "Nan" – who had been born in Brooklyn to British parents. They were married in 1881. While in London, Morse also joined the Royal Asiatic Society and met a number of the leading Orientalists of the time. On the couple's subsequent posting to Tientsin, Nan took an almost instant dislike to China and the Chinese, though it is not clear how this affected her husband's attitudes. Morse was involved under Li Hongzhang's direction, in the diplomacy surrounding the Sino-French War of 1885 for which he received the Order of the Double Dragon, third division, second class.[1]
- In the following years Morse helped to audit and supervise the China Merchants' Steam Navigation Company, a joint venture between Chinese officials and merchants. He worked with Sheng Xuanhuai, but ran into trouble negotiating the political currents. Upon his resignation from the company in 1877, he was reassigned to Shanghai, where he supervised the Statistical Department. In the North China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, he found himself one of some two hundred and fifty members, most of whom worked for the Customs Service, and soon became one of the most productive. He and Nan were sent to Pakhoi (Mandarin: Beihai), on the north coast of the Gulf of Tonkin, in 1889, and then on a two-year leave in the United States. Their next posting was to Tamsui in Taiwan, where he was an important witness to the Japanese invasion of Taiwan in 1895. He then served in Pakhoi once more, Youzhou, Hunan, and Hankow. Poor health forced him to take leave from 1900–1903, but he returned to the Customs Service to head the Statistical Service from 1904 to 1908. He retired from the Customs Service in 1908.Upon his retirement in 1908, rather than return to New England, which his wife disliked almost as much as China, the couple took up residence in Surrey, England. In 1909 he turned down feelers from the American government to become Ambassador to China. During the First World War, he became a British citizen (as he had been born in a British colony). He traveled frequently to the United States, and kept up relations with his Harvard classmates, including Charles Franklin Thwing, president of Western Reserve University. A long-time smoker, he died of pneumonia in February, 1934.
robert hoo obitruary scmp 19sep17 c2
- 向美獻計制裁中國的美籍華人、美國國務卿辦公室中國政策規劃首席顧問余茂春,近日有消息傳出,被安徽故鄉余氏家族痛斥為「漢奸」,將其逐出族譜。繼早前余茂春的母校重慶永川中學,將其高考狀元的名字從石碑鑿除後,網上再流傳一段約一分鐘的影片,顯示在一間會議室內,牆上掛着「憤怒聲討漢奸余茂春 開除余茂春族籍 驅逐出族譜」的標語,多名老人聚集討論。其中一人表示,余氏宗族聲討「漢奸」余茂春。公開資料顯示,現年五十八歲的余男出生於安徽,成長於重慶,自一九七九年參加高考獲得重慶市永川中學文科狀元,一九八五年到美國留學。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200915/00180_003.html
- 向美獻計制裁中國的美籍華人、美國國務卿辦公室中國政策規劃首席顧問余茂春,近日有消息傳出,被安徽故鄉余氏家族痛斥為「漢奸」,將其逐出族譜。繼早前余茂春的母校重慶永川中學,將其高考狀元的名字從石碑鑿除後,網上再流傳一段約一分鐘的影片,顯示在一間會議室內,牆上掛着「憤怒聲討漢奸余茂春 開除余茂春族籍 驅逐出族譜」的標語,多名老人聚集討論。其中一人表示,余氏宗族聲討「漢奸」余茂春。公開資料顯示,現年五十八歲的余男出生於安徽,成長於重慶,自一九七九年參加高考獲得重慶市永川中學文科狀元,一九八五年到美國留學。https://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/china_world/20200915/00180_003.html
- sharon hom
- nyu law professor, among hk delegation to us congress hearing of hk human rights and democracy act hket 19sep19 tsang chi wah article
- appledaily 26sep19 chinese name 谭競嫦, originally from hk tai tang, moved to us when very small