Saturday, January 19, 2019

Republic of Equatorial Guinea

Equatorial Guinea (SpanishGuinea Ecuatorial;[a] FrenchGuinée équatoriale; Portuguese: Guiné Equatorial), officially the Republic of Equatorial Guinea (Spanish: República de Guinea Ecuatorial, French: République de Guinée équatoriale, Portuguese: República da Guiné Equatorial),[b] is a country located in Central Africa, with an area of 28,000 square kilometres (11,000 sq mi). Formerly the colony of Spanish Guinea, its post-independence name evokes its location near both the Equator and the Gulf of Guinea. Equatorial Guinea is the only sovereign African state in which Spanish is an official language. Pygmies probably once lived in the continental region that is now Equatorial Guinea, but are today found only in isolated pockets in southern Río Muni. Bantu migrations started probably around 4,000 BP from between south-east Nigeria and north-west Cameroon (the Grassfields)[18]. They must have settled continental Equatorial Guinea around 2,500 BP at the latest [19][20]. The earliest settlements on Bioko Island are dated to 1480 BP[21]. The Annobónpopulation, originally native to Angola, was introduced by the Portuguese via São Tomé island.

Bata (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈbata]) is a port city in the Litoral province of Equatorial Guinea.巴塔(西班牙語:Bata)是位於赤道幾內亞幾內亞灣沿岸的一座城市,屬於濱海省After the anti-Spanish riots of 1969, the European population declined in Bata, and severe economic stagnation affected Bata in the 1970s and early 1980s.[2] The recent oil boom of the country in the late 1980s and 1990s has boosted the development of the city.
Etimológicamente procede de la palabra ndowé “Baàtá”, que quiere decir “posado sobre o encima de”. En la actualidad, tras conocer un crecimiento demográfico a raíz de los contingentes migratorios a lo largo de los siglos XIX y XX de las poblaciones del interior continental del país, el pueblo fang o "Pangwe", así como la afluencia de grupos de inmigrantes de otros países africanos como MaliSenegalTogoBenínBurkina Faso o Nigeria junto con países de la franja colindante de la CEMAC como Camerún, se han ampliado los márgenes de sus extensiones, convirtiéndose en la ciudad más poblada del país. Su estructura económica le confiere la reputación de “ciudad económica”.
Zwischen 2009 und 2019 wurde er von dem chinesischen Unternehmen China Road and Bridge Corporation auf 324.000 m² erweitert, mit einer Mole von 20.000 DTW sowie einer weiteren Mole von 50.000 DTW für insgesamt 11 Anliegeplätze. Die neu errichteten Gebäude umfassen eine Fläche von 22.000 m². Die Kosten beliefen sich auf eine Milliarde CFA-Franc und wurden vom Staat getragen. Er wurde am 30. Juli 2019 eingeweiht.
On trouve des traces de présence humaine dès l'antiquité dans la région du Rio Muni : en attestent des fragments de céramiques et des objets de la vie quotidienne retrouvés au cours de fouilles archéologiques. Divers peuples s'installent ensuite sur ce territoire, les derniers en date étant les Fangs.En 1900, les Français s'installent à Bata, qui est alors un petit comptoir commercial2. L'année suivante, le Traité de Paris cède la région aux Espagnols. Ceux-ci y installent une base militaire, développant également le commerce des bois précieux (ébène, acajou, okoumé).La découverte du pétrole dans les années 1980 a favorisé le développement économique de la ville 
- kiv name of tree in coat of arms

Bioko (also spelled Bioco, in Europe traditionally called Fernando Pó) [fɨɾˈnɐ̃du ˈpɔ] from the period of Portuguese colonization) is an island 32 km (20 mi) off the west coast of Africa, and the northernmost part of Equatorial Guinea. Its population was 334,463 at the 2015 census[2] (preliminary results) and it covers an area of 2,017 km2 (779 sq mi). The island is located off Cameroon, in the Bight of Bonny portion of the Gulf of Guinea. Its geology is volcanic; its highest peak is Pico Basile at 3,012 m (9,882 ft).Bioko's native name is Etulá in the Bube language.[citation needed] Between 1973 and 1979 the island was named Macías Nguema Biyogo after the then president of Equatorial Guinea; the current name, Bioko, dates from 1979 and is in honour of politician Cristino Seriche Bioko.15世纪末,当葡萄牙殖民主义者踏上这座岛的时候,为当地绮丽的热带风光所陶醉,便称之为“福摩萨岛”,意即“美丽岛”。“美丽岛”在西班牙殖民统治期间改称为“斐尔南多波岛”,这是最早到达岛上的一位葡萄牙人的名字。赤道几内亚独立后,该岛以第一任总统的名字命名为“马西埃岛”。1979年8月,马西埃被推翻后,岛名改为比奥科。比奥科是布比族国王莫卡和马拉博的顾问和副官,在赤道几内亚历史上以反对西班牙殖民主义者而著称。
90年代初,以美国WATER INTERNATIONAL公司为首的跨国公司自纷纷投资赤几石油产业,已在比奥科岛北部海域发现大型油田,至今已累计投资达20多亿美元。现共有 MOBIL、NOMECO、TRITON等5家公司在赤几进行石油勘探和开采。石油出口已成为赤几最主要的收入来源。80年代,林业曾是赤几经济支柱产业。但近年来,随着石油的大规模开采,林业已退居次席。近两年来,政府还多次调整林业政策,投资环境日趋恶化。1999年赤几木材生产约74万立方米,出口约66万立方米。主要树种是加蓬榄,其次是红木紫檀红铁木等。主要出口国是中国法国西班牙日本朝鲜葡萄牙摩洛哥等。赤几现有木材公司共21家,其中马来西亚长青公司(SHIMMER)实力最为雄厚,产量和出口量约占总数的一半,我国吉兴公司和华科洋公司产量不大,共计约5万立方米。
瘧疾在西 非的比奧科 島上比較常 見。

馬拉博Malabo (/məˈlɑːb/ mə-LAH-bohSpanish pronunciation: [maˈlaβo]; formerly Santa Isabel) is the capital of Equatorial Guinea and the province of Bioko Norte.Spanish is the official language of the city and of the country as well, but Equatorial Guinean Pidgin is used as a language of wider communication across Bioko island, including Malabo.Malabo is the oldest city in Equatorial Guinea. Ciudad de la Paz is a planned city under construction in mainland Equatorial Guinea which was designed to replace Malabo as the capital. The institutions of governance of Equatorial Guinea began the process of locating to Ciudad de la Paz in February 2017.In 1472, in an attempt to find a new route to India, the Portuguese navigator Fernão do Pó, encountered the island of Bioko, which he called Formosa.[5] Later, the island was named after its discoverer, Fernando Pó. At the beginning of the 16th century, specifically in 1507, the Portuguese Ramos de Esquivel made a first attempt at colonization on the island of Fernando Pó. He established a factory in Concepción (now Riaba) and developed plantations of sugarcane.
In 1821, the British captain Nelly approached the island of Fernando Pó. He found it abandoned and founded the establishments of Melville Bay (now Riaba) and San Carlos (now Luba). Some years later, another British captain, William Fitzwilliam Owen, decided to colonize the island and in the north of it — on the site of the present capital — erected a base for British ships hunting slave traders. Thus, on 25 December 1827, Port Clarence was founded on the ruins of a previous Portuguese settlement.[6]The name was chosen in honor of the Duke of Clarence, who later became King William IV. The Bubis indigenous to the island called it Ripotó (place of the foreigners). The population of the capital was increased by the arrival of slaves freed by the British. These freedmen were settled in Port Clarence before the establishment of Sierra Leone as a colony for freed slaves. The descendants of these freed slaves remained on the island. They joined other migrants who arrived as free workers from Liberia, Sierra Leone, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Benin, Nigeria and Cameroon, and became the population group called Creole or fernandinos, whose language was Pichinglis, a Bantu-English Creole with some Spanish elements.
Through the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation for Development (AECID), are made several development projects at both regional and national level. Headquartered in the Technical Cooperation Office in Malabo (created in 1984), carried out actions for the development of the culture, health, education and institutional strengthening. Stressing the Cultural Center of Spain in Malabo (CCEM), founded in 2003, where young people are encouraged to feel a cultural space where they can unleash their creative freedom. It also has three geographical axes, in order to capture the largest number of people in the region and contribute to its development. Activities include the training, art, film, theater, music and games, with the two main festivals: Traveling Film Festival of Equatorial Guinea (FECIGE) and the International Festival of Hip Hop in Malabo.Another important center is the Hispano-Guinean Cultural Center, from 2012 Equatorial Guinean Cultural Center began as headquarters of Institute Cardinal Cisneros, and then archive, museum and library. It was built in the 1950s.


首都马拉博坐落在比奥科岛北端。这座城市建于1827年,英国人称呼它为“克拉伦斯”。1843年西班牙占领该岛后,用当时西班牙女王伊萨贝尔二世的名字取代了原有英国名字。赤道几内亚人民独立后抛弃了这个地名,改为马拉博,以纪念20世纪初领导当地人民英勇抗击殖民主义侵略的布比族领袖马拉博。1471年,葡萄牙人费尔南多波航海抵达比奥科岛,宣布对它实行占领,但未设立殖民机构。1778年,根据西班牙与葡萄牙签订的帕尔多条约,西班牙用巴西南面的两个西属殖民地,向葡萄牙换取了比奥科岛和帕加卢岛,并取得从奥果韦河到尼日尔河之间沿海地区的控制权。比奥科岛遂成为西班牙向南美殖民地输送黑奴的转运站。1858年,西班牙向比奥科岛派驻总督,并把它变成流放政治犯和安置古巴获释黑奴的地方。1900年西班牙和法国签订巴黎条约,西班牙在几内亚湾陆地的属地限定在今赤道几内亚的木尼河地区。西班牙政府于1904年 7月11日颁布法令,将木尼河区、比奥科和其他岛屿组成几内亚湾西班牙属地。西班牙殖民者在比奥科岛发展咖啡和可可种植园,劳动力主要是来自尼日利亚的契约劳工。1959年7月,西班牙将赤道几内亚与本土合并,并把它分为两个海外省。赤道几内亚人民为反抗殖民统治和争取独立曾多次举行了武装暴动。第二次世界大战以后建立了一批民族主义组织,其中较有影响的是恩东戈领导的赤道几内亚民族解放运动和马西埃领导的赤道几内亚人民思想运动。1963年12月,西班牙在赤道几内亚举行公民投票,通过了内部自治法案。次年 1月,赤道几内亚成立自治政府,由新组建的民族解放联盟运动领导人翁多·埃杜任政府委员会主席,马西埃任副主席。1968年10月12日,赤道几内亚宣布独立,马西埃当选为总统。马西埃执政期间,过快地推行国有化政策,驱赶了全部西班牙庄园主和尼日利亚农业工人,不少咖啡和可可种植园荒芜,外汇收入下降,经济严重恶化,社会矛盾尖锐,人民大量外逃。1979年 8月,以国家革命人民武装力量部副部长奥比昂中校为首的最高军事委员会发动政变,推翻了马西埃政权,公审并处决了马西埃。军政府纠正了前政府不适当的政策,宣布恢复民主,保障自由,实行经济自由化政策,争取外援,以恢复和发展经济,在领导层中照顾各个部族的利益。在对外关系上,继续奉行不结盟政策,强调发展同非洲国家的合作,并恢复了与西班牙的外交关系。1982年 8月,举行公民投票通过了新宪法,奥比昂任总统。1970年10月15日赤道几内亚与中国建交。

china President of Equatorial Guinea Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo on Thursday met with Yang Jiechi, President Xi Jinping's special representative, in Malabo, with both sides pledging to strengthen bilateral cooperation.

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